Dreams of the Third Age

Goddamnbatman, also, I asked you earlier about the option of having DB hangarounds. I used the rules for it in Lords of Creation, where Retainers 4 gives me 5 starting Dragonblooded officers. Is that OK?
Sorry about the spamming, but I was wondering how you felt about this custom charm:

Speeding Falcon Action

Cost: 2m (3m); Mins: Awareness 2, Essence 2; Type: Reflexice

Keywords: None

Duration: Instant

Prerequisite Charms: Any Awareness Excellency

The Lawgiver need not think to act. After invoking this Charm, the Solar adds (Essence) automatic successes to his next Join Battle roll.

The Solar Exalted show their prowess in all arenas. A Lawgiver with Essence 3 or more may reflexively spend one additional mote to apply the benefit of this Charm to a Join War or Join Debate roll.
Ludek: the temperance concern shouldn't be an issue. The examples given are only when it goes strongly against your character principles.

Esbilon: Yeah it's fine for the DBs, I would say convert join battle dice into automatic successes instead of adding on top of it.

You would be starting in the East, toward the savage lands. The Goblin King Filial Wisdom is preparing a full on assault against Rakshi, Some Lunars elders are concerned about preserving Rakshi but her current conquest of the nearby tribes make many people wary of the upcoming bloodsheds.Of course it would be up to you how you deal with the situation whether by alliance or if you are feeling bold enough assassination.

As for what happened before, I'll combine and adjust background stories to make sure everything make sense at the end.
Goddamnbatman said:
Yeah it's fine for the DBs, I would say convert join battle dice into automatic successes instead of adding on top of it.
While it is of course your decision, I would like to draw your attention to Flashing Vengeance Draw, archery charm which on top of adding your Essence in automatic successes, makes the first attack automatically Unexpected if it is the first in the battle and lets you draw your weapon without an action. While it is one more charm further into a charm tree, your suggestion seems overly nerfing in comparison.
I had to go double check some information about the JB boosters charms and virtually all JB boosters charms have been changed to supplemental charms instead of Reflexive and are either combo-basic or combo-ok. I will be okay in adding it as automatic successes if the charm indeed becomes a supplemental charm with either combo-basic or combo-ok keywords, feel free to add the effect of drawing a weapon too.
How's this version?

Speeding Falcon Action

Cost: 2m (3m); Mins: Awareness 2, Essence 2; Type: Supplemental

Keywords: Combo-OK

Duration: Instant

Prerequisite Charms: Any Awareness Excellency

The Lawgiver need not think to act. After invoking this Charm, the Solar adds (Essence) automatic successes to his next Join Battle roll.

The Solar Exalted show their prowess in all arenas. A Lawgiver with Essence 3 or more may reflexively spend one additional mote to apply the benefit of this Charm to a Join War or Join Debate roll.

Also: Can a Bound Servitor Force (per the Manse power) perform Maintenance (as per the Manse Drawback) and if so, can the perform Maintenance that's worth more than they are? Game balance aside, it seems to me that they should be perfectly capable of performing any level of maintenance, but game balance would probably take issue with that.
Esbilon: the charm is fine. As for the maintenance issue for the bound servitor, I thought there was some kind of self repair powers for manse...or did I just imagine that?

Lord-Leafar: Inauspicious citadel are abyssal manse exclusive, so a bit confused about the question.
Goddamnbatman said:
Esbilon: the charm is fine. As for the maintenance issue for the bound servitor, I thought there was some kind of self repair powers for manse...or did I just imagine that?
There are special powers that repair the manse, sure, but that's not what I'm talking about. To get extra build points, it is possible to take the Maintenance Flaw (Oadenol's Codex page 64) which lists a number of tasks that must be done at certain intervals to keep the manse running.

Bound Servitor Force gives the manse a bunch of, well, bound servitors. So my question is whether these servants can perform the maintenance. Logically, I don't see any reason they shouldn't be able to, but mechanically, it seems unfair.
Let me rephrase my question, are you ok with me having a Manse with that feature? It gives a rather large potential number of Creation Points to play with.
Esbilon said:
but mechanically, it seems unfair.
Not really. You're spending points to get points. You're really not winning out on much there, and depending on your Maintenance requirements the Servants may not even be able to accomplish everything. Of course, it's all subject to ST ruling in the end.

[QUOTE="Lord-Leafar]Let me rephrase my question, are you ok with me having a Manse with that feature? It gives a rather large potential number of Creation Points to play with.

Yeah, but doesn't the ST control how those are spent? They could be as bad for you as they are for any intruders.
Not really that many, considering that all the extra creation points come from the neverborn (aka ST) it's subject to what the neverborn want to do with the extra points.

They could potentially repair but depending on the maintenance flaw and what kind of manse we are talking about, you might still need to obtain exotic materials and the likes.
Goddamnbatman said:
They could potentially repair but depending on the maintenance flaw and what kind of manse we are talking about, you might still need to obtain exotic materials and the likes.
It's regular maintenance, not repairs. The five dot examples are: "A palace where the servants tread out symbols of power as they go about their precisely timed, daily tasks. A tower that requires seven mortals singing at all times."
In that case, I'll be taking it. Let me know what features you want to add to it, and my other question was: Can I use the Dark Fate (Black Doom) rules from Shards for resonance? I'm ok with either way, but I think the extras and mortal followers some of my companions will have will very much appreciate the new rules.
Pretty much like seeker said. I suppose you could do the whole having servitors repairing thing but well, it's really time consuming.

Pretty sure that you are the only abyssal applying, so yeah sure. I don't think anybody else will complain about it.
You can give those traits to the Servants, they basically have stats equivalent to first-circle Demons or equivalent Gods, etc. Bound Guardian Force is even more scary, you get the same magnitude of bodies, save they're equivalent to second-circle Demons.
[QUOTE="MaHaSuchi's700]You can give those traits to the Servants, they basically have stats equivalent to first-circle Demons or equivalent Gods, etc. Bound Guardian Force is even more scary, you get the same magnitude of bodies, save they're equivalent to second-circle Demons.

Yes :D
...do we have to delve into the manse creation system if we don't want to? Can we leave our manses undefined, at least to start with?
WarDragon said:
...do we have to delve into the manse creation system if we don't want to? Can we leave our manses undefined, at least to start with?
You don't have to. Manse creation system is fun and all but frankly unless you plan to be spending a lot of time there, it ends up being mostly useful to get a heartstone.
Hmmm. A manse-palace would be nice... never actually used the system before, but maybe I'll take a whack at it once I get the rest of my character done.
Goddamnbatman said:
You don't have to. Manse creation system is fun and all but frankly unless you plan to be spending a lot of time there, it ends up being mostly useful to get a heartstone.
Truth, it just seems kind of cheesy considering the fluff that should exist behind them. Plus, the more developed you make them, the more the ST can turn into tools for advancing the plot!

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