Dreams of the Third Age

Lord-Leafar, just tell me when you know if you are still interested. I won't be upset if you change your mind.
[QUOTE="Kaji-Oni]Lord-Leafar, just tell me when you know if you are still interested. I won't be upset if you change your mind.

Actually, I think I've solidified my decision to go with an Abyssal to your Integra, so it's all cool.
[QUOTE="Seeker of the End]*whistles* Dat beastform.
On the other hand... I am sorely tempted to learn VB and get master's hand envisioned anew to get shields as form weapons, if not solely for vitriol starmetal PKB

Don't even bother, trust me. The moment you swap out 9 Infernal Charms for the VBoS (10 actually, given you'll want to get Master's Hand Envisioned Anew) suite you're going to see an immediate drop in your character's power. Yes, VBoS offers some neat tricks. Is it worth the extra 6 ability dots in MA? What about the extra 4 background dots (5 BP) for the PKB? Those dots have to come from somewhere. IMO, it's not worth the shuffling for you. MA is really only useful when really invest into it, and given the options you already have available to you, doing so is sub-par to simply going with native Charm trees and/or your DT tree and making more custom Charms for both.

You have a solid character as it is. If I were to change anything I might swap a few regular Infernal Charms out for DT charms that feel more thematically fitting, but that's it.

PS: Artifacts might be too broad of a specialty for Melee - I know the last guy who did that in my tabletop group got a kindly-worded-yet-stern calling out by our ST. Luckily he was new to the game at the time, but if any of us more experienced players tried it we'd get the book thrown at us. Why not use something like "Sword and Shield" instead to play it safe? That's the combat style Xentair will be using anyways, right?

[QUOTE="Lord-Leafar]Actually, I think I've solidified my decision to go with an Abyssal to your Integra, so it's all cool.

Now you're putting the pressure on me to take CMoS for a Walter-esque Sid. Not cool man, I have too many choices already as it is :P .
[QUOTE="MaHaSuchi's700]Now you're putting the pressure on me to take CMoS for a Walter-esque Sid. Not cool man, I have too many choices already as it is :P .

You know you want to.... Badass Butler Martial Artist Assassin.
[QUOTE="MaHaSuchi's700]But but but

Hey Maha, get in the chat room, I need some input and advice on a custom Hearthstone.
[QUOTE="Seeker of the End]Question, should I get Malfeas' pd or adorjan's pd?

Depends on your style. Both cost the same against the same caliber of opponent, which is where it really matters.

I say that justice never evades danger, though. It's immovable and inexorable. *wink wink*
Screw it, I'll make my own and purchase that. I need adorjan's pd for her shintai anyway. What do you think of the charms I sent you?
Or you could get Malfeas's because its manlier and awesome. But sure, take the other route. :(

Need to look closer, been busy. Let me get back to you. Some of them I can say are absolutely awesome, though - particularly the truth-discerning one and a few of the earliest Charms that build off of it.
Man if we are going full Hellsing does someone have the background dots to get Seras as an ally? Lord-Leafar I am taking Wanting and Fearing Prayer so did you want us to be magically bound or just bound in our backstories?
What exactly does the bound entail? I'm intrigued, and I would not mind enforcing the alliance magically.

Join us in the chat if you can.
Sherwood said:
Here is my sheet
That's pretty cool... my one comment is that you seem to be using the pre-Errata version of Hybrid Body Rearrangement. It's not limited to six points anymore. ;)
?!?! I must have missed that in the errata. I'll check it, but all I really wanted to be able to do is to make the wings manifest. Probably will add the claws, though.
Well, you still can. Now, you don't even have to pick mutations for it. You can manifest any mutation that's thematically in line with your totem or anything in your HB library, and the motes aren't even committed. It's probably the single coolest thing canon Lunars have, honestly.
I have a rules question for our ST. Some games that I have been in have not allowed me to use the spell 'Unbreakable Bones of Stone' with a Lunar, stating that only a Knack can make changes like that to a Lunar, while other games have allowed it. What is your ruling on this? Can I get the spell for Renna?
Wait... Other games were letting you ignore the rules for Tattoos blocking beneficial form-changing magic? You're going to have to let me know who those STs are, I want to be in their games :P .
Unbreakable Bones on Lunar, going to have to say no on that one. The wide variety of possible lunar forms would make that spell a tad too strong.
Syrenica - The Ebon Serpent Dancer

Infernal DT Vibora

Motivation/Urge: To birth a nation of her own kind, watch it grow, and protect it.

Intimacies: The Yozi (Wary Concern), Infernals (Fear), Devil Tigers (Distant Familial Loyalty), Following Rules/Laws (Boring), Sticks in the Mud (Annoyance), Unnecessary Cruelty (Hate), Betrayal (Incomprehensible Pain), (possibly a few more)

  • Syrenica is a dark colored young Lamia-like woman, her scales are black with red marks, her skin is a light mocha in color, and her slightly wavy hair is jet black with red streaks and highlights that fall to her waist. Her eyes are a gleaming emerald green with a soft red and gold eye shadow, her lips are generally dark red in color, while slightly pointed ears poke out from her hair. Her upper body is shapely and well endowed, a red tattoo marks her right arm, the design strange and arcane in nature. Her only clothes is a soft blue silken loin cloth and a soft blue bra-like top, both gleam with golden designs in them. She stands normally up to seven feet, while her tail extends another 20 feet from there. She prides herself on her appearance and will spend hours upon her appearance at the start of a normal day.

Ara'Desirae, Demonic Familiar Sukari

Motivation: To ensure Syrenica grows to appropriately protect the Sukari demons.

Intimacies: (Intimacies)

  • Ara'Desirae and a Sister Ali'Sylini


Goddamnbatman said:
Unbreakable Bones on Lunar, going to have to say no on that one. The wide variety of possible lunar forms would make that spell a tad too strong.
No problem. If you never ask, the answer is always 'no'.
Sherwood said:
No problem. If you never ask, the answer is always 'no'.
Only if you're a nice guy ;) Some people assume a 'yes.' Or prefer the ol' "it's easier to get forgiveness than permission."
I hope it's no too late

Here is sketch of my fully realised DT

Verlan of Dust and Jade

Concept: politician/power behind throne/compulsive plotter/spymaster (those aren't unrelated concepts think Talleyrand, Fouche)

Goals: Restore glory of the first Age

He was born as heir to rich and quite independent minded satrapy north of Ateng called Tyranny of Corr. Two generations(Verlan's father and grandfather) of cunning rulers made satrapy rich and created steady increase in pressure get more and more tribute form satrapy. Sill Verlans father and grandfather managed to stop realm's efforts ( creating family connections to ambitious but piss poor DB of relevant Great House helped a lot). All of this ended when during late reign of Verlan's father he lost in four his oldest sons (combination of 2 accidents one duel with Partician, and one illness) left Verlan as heir (there were other sons but father choose him). If Verlan's father had time properly educate and train him in ruling his Tyranny (effectively he was populist dictator) all would end well. But he died months latter (there was a lot of talk about poison but Verlan's father was old man). Everyone felt blood in the water, five DB cousins to Verlan from marriages of his father and grandfather's daughters along with whole regiment Patricians (some real cousins most with faked/adjusted history) quickly descended on Corr. Thanks to help of Corr's satrap, all that family managed to sideline and then depose father's advisor near Verlan, his young age (16) made him easy prey. He quickly discovered taste for finest things in lief form food through sex to strangest drugs that were relatively safe to use, his new advisors indulged him and in meantime looted sizable treasury and then population. Ironically Satrap initially was helping that wave cousins to get hold of power, quickly realized that there was no limits to their greed (they all looked for quick gain) and that this will end in uprising tried to put end to this but it was year after Empress disappearance so all of this ended in power struggle over Satrapy between house Cathak (satrap's house) and Nellen's (Great House of Verlan's DB 'cousins'). That struggle lasted 2 years and in the end Cathatk House won by allowing uprising to happen and putting all blame on Nellen's DB and patricians but Imperial intervention (routing badly organized rebels thane executing anyone showing sign of defiance) lasted another year.

Meanwhile first year of Verlan's ruleship was like epicurean dream, he had everything he could ream, even his DB cousins were wiling to educate him in arts lovemaking. Rude awakening happened in second year when he was unnecessary and all power lied in hands of his DB cousins and Satrap (now locked in political struggle) – he became liability, local population rightly blamed him for increased taxes, and abuses of new advisors and other imperial newcomer having unseen privileges at their expense. Satrap striped Verlan of power thanks to his Imperial mandate(at this point Verlan was just one man without any backing), organized trial to appease populace and shipped him to small Immaculate temple 500 km from Corr's border.

Here he spend nearly 2 years, it was bad time for Verlan since for monks was no one. Fact that he was spared full regime was small solace (Verlan was requited only to keep up with meditations, feasting and vegetarian diet). Only luxury was ability to read : usually immaculate texts but there were other books. He could not bear that life and escaped (well just left no one was forcing him to stay), out of curiosity and desire meet rest of his family since he had no money on his own, just some money borrowed from guild merchant on account of his rich relatives (merchant hoped to reach influential people thanks to Verlan ). As he returned Verlan saw Corr during it's worst time when imperial soldiers used most brutal methods to keep locals down, that shock him deeply - he tried to use what was left of his former authority to save at least few people, that with him hitting imperial officer helpless fury as the officer was in charge deciding of death or slavery for captured locals, he was quickly defeated, laughed off (humiliated really), Verlan accepted all of this (he was quickly falling into despair). He would be executed or sold as slave but his story reached Satrap who brought him to his pallace to yelled at Verlan and officially banish form Corr on pain of death and … send back to immaculate temple.

There Verlan made his greatest falling instead of trying to make up for his negligence as ruler, he tried easiest way out .. by committing suicide in nearby forest. His soon to be Coadjutor (he counted on long hunt being predatory Anhule) saved his life, proposed to give great power to 'make things right' . It took some time for poor Anhule to convince Verlan still he managed and after Chrysalis they went to Hell (poor Anhule as Coadjutor tried to convince him to commit 'small' atrocity in nearby temple but gain he had no luck).

Verlan needed little time to decide that Hell and Yozi service wasn't for him. Since he arrived in Malfeas month after calibration and his training took 3 months he never took part in thing infernal (just met few infernals) because after departure he never returned to Malfeas. He just took opposite direction and tried to make some good in cities near(1000km radius) Nexus, after he felt his first torment started working on how to manage his condition. This quickly put him on DT path.

For 5 years he trawled creation always quickly returning to South where he slowly established ties with main players (Paragon, Chiaroscuro) helped to coordinate their efforts/prepare for independence(well just increase autonomy) and to keep them form going to war with each other (weak realm could love this since it would put Great Houses in position of arbiter in such conflict with power decide outcome of war). He also spend great deal of effort in helping newly exalted Solars (maybe lunars) to stand on it's feet (he can spare money, advice or artifact if he has any) or help to escape Wyld Hunt. After assessing new exalt he gives them way to contact him (blind drop point or person they can send sorcerous Messages ) if he judges them good person (or just useful).Still he never revealed himself as Infernal all those person know him Solar (he have one identity used only to help other Exalts)

As the game begins Verlan just returned from Wyld where he spend year finishing his DT. transformation (he learned all those charms in a row), and reasserts his contacts after long absence form Creation.

Intimacies (subject to change of course)

-Unconquered Sun(disappointment) -> he falied in his duties

-Paragon, (great hopes) -> his ward

-Chiaroscuro (great hopes) -> his ward

-DT in the west (growing curiosity/hope)

-Abbysals (growing worry)


-Loyalist Infernal (afraid of)

-Lunars (desire to learn more about them)

-DB (distaste)

DT name: Warden of Nations

DT Themes: Spiders,crystals,order, duplication, guarding/tending humanity this also include theme of tempering it's wards by engineering suitable obstacles to struggle against (or putting one ward against another in order make both of them stronger/better in some way). Mystery as DT prefers to be unknown as much as possible next best thing are vague legends/rumors.

Think of DT as sort of gardener tending human societies in order to create perfect one

I think flaw of invulnerability(imperfection) will be: weakness to those who know his nature (name he identifies himself?)

DT Urge:

DT yearns to have territory or human cause to protect/help without it he is nothing.

Sample urges:

- reform scarlet empire by dropping satrapy system (it causes a lot of pain and injustice on people)

- protect Ateng form outside political/military influence allowing them to become truly independent

- encourage trade and peaceful relation in region (give region say 100 years of peace and prosperity)

- remove destabilizing elements in nation

- engineer trade war between Guild and Realm in oder to get rid of inefficiency in parts of their organizations

DT Torment: Overindulgence – infernal loses control over his desires, and all suppressed desires passion , dark fantasies comes out he must try it out. During torment infernal also have very liberal stance to his secrets, he also flaunts his own powers while trying to pursue his urge or one of intimacies – he can't just enjoy himself.

Overindulgence(as per Solar virtue flaw) effect is contagious anyone near DT with MDV lower than Temperance+Essence of Infernal is affected .

I know that usually torment is along lines of reinforcing themes of DT/Yozi. Here I'm making it everything PC don't want to become.

Precipitous Fiat:

Anytime infernal channels conscience to help subjects of his intimacies. He rolls temperance to reduce Limit (1 per success)

Excellency: In efforts to better lot of humanity, protect it. It never helps in selfish acts or if infernal supress conscience in order to carry out act.

DT caste power after alteration:

- usual oath , suppressing oaths

instead of charm share and claims of hospitality – ability to mute anima as scourge while activating non obvious charms without surcharge (obvious charms are resolves as are with any nonscourge caste)

General DT notes: Influences of Hell/Yozi in DT essence and powers are wery muted. His Celedyne Shintai is now customized instead of being made of sand, he is made of tiny crystalline spiders


1.Temperance as defined in the core as self-control/impulse control with is ok, but then it says PC must fail roll to be dishonest or show bias in matters of importance. Is any way to make PC with high impulse control (ascetic even) but capable of duplicity. In case of my PC selfless goals he pursues, I want to stress out I don't have in mind self gratification or self empowerment through shady/threatherous means.

2.I'm thinking of this as my base DT charm but it seem too good (basically it's heavily modified splintered gale shintai), I'm curious if this charm ok in your mind.

Queen of bee shitai

Cost: 10m,1wp, 1 lethal HL ; Mins: Essence 2 or 4 ; Type: Permanent

Keywords: Sorcerous

Duration: Permanent

Prerequisite Charms: ? 4+ charms at least .. just need to develop them :(

Infernal spends required motes and willpower with transforms part of himself(thus 1 HL of damage in charm cost) into tiny spiders that upon touching human(enlightened or not) in next action invade his body. And as Shaping effect cause pregnancy(human need to be capable to bear children) and then birth of seemingly normal human baby. But it's not true in fact it's drone like extension of Infernal. This drone grows at peace essence weeks per hour(at essence 4 interval is months , at 5+ is years). Up to end accelerated growth whole process is sorcereous but then effect stops, drone from now on ages as normal human.

Drone looks as would look normal child of union between infernal and given human.

Still for all esoteric purposes Drone is arcane link to infernal, it has no mind of his own – infernal experience world though his senses as his own, while acting and experiencing his own body simultaneously. Infernal acting from drone body can only use magic to influence(or protect) his own mind, can't gain or loose essence in actions performed by drone, uses his own abilities.

Infernal abilities in drone body are the same as are social and mental attributes. His physical attributes follow rules of normal human development(or just make it that at charm activation it costs +1 WP to give +3 dots of physical attributes above average). Drone uses Infernal's Willpower, WP pints, virtues, virtue channels and have own health track and normal human healing capabilities. And register as normal numan on magical senses. Drone also counts as creature of darkness of course.

For all purposes Infernal mind is spread over all his drone bodies + his own, still he can be killed by killing his own body, death of drone inflicts only +1 limit (infernal can't tune out form dying body, he has to experience whole process of dying) per scene.

If infernal and his drones are in the same location they are treated as one social unit.

Any warding(as different realms of existence) separates drone from main body and makes one operated he as copy infernal mind (but it can's spend WP points and channels).

Infernal may control up to magnitude of his essence/2 such drones

3. I would like charm bellow to be my entry DT charm, is this ok?

Embrace of new home

Cost: ; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Permanent

Keywords: none

Duration: Permanent

Prerequisite Charms: None

Infernal choses given social group (be it as city, nation, organization, military unit) as his ward, usually it means strong positive intimacy (there is no room for casual relationship there)

Charms grants essence success to any investigation dealing with his ward, grants essence dice in social interactions with warded group(or any part of it).

As drawback Infernal can't terminate this relationship on his own(it's unacceptable order), loses 1 WP when warded group gains limit. He also gains 1 limit if warded group ceased to exist due to violent reasons.

Infernal may have declared up to compassion wards.

4. To other players (if I get accepted to the game), I assume we should at least know each other.

I can be known to any of you as young Solar, trying be apprentice to one of Solar PC(TED's LSD+ESM) in group. My real motive would be to get to know group and determine it's usefulness in my plans(just need to make them ;) ). Still I don't think I would be all the time with group would need extensive timeouts to tend to my secret matters.

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