Dreams of the Third Age

WarDragon: Technically none of the people mentioned serve me. We just work together on a ship that I happen to own, giving me at most veto power over whatever plans we might make. And I don't mind that you're an infernal so long as you aren't doing anything crazyfaced evil ;)

Sherwood: I remembered, but it seemed impolite to include that as your "role" on the ship when that's more of an inter-party role. :)
Crazyfaced Evil!

No, Syrenica is not remotely CFE. She's lovable and contrary. And likes to hug people. *Nod nod* ^^
Eating babies, mass genocide for fun and profit, casually mindwarping cities and towns to do your bidding. You know, typical supervillan stuff.
Well, I suppose I could make an exception for pranks and such. Like convincing the people of Meru that wearing your underwear on your head is a sign of strength and virility ;)
Yay, Pranks and such. Syrenica loves you sooooooooo~ much. You may not want that though. ^^

I should get sheet up... nod nod
Mmmm if I do go with an Abyssal, we need to find a common ground to avoid hostilities, because I would be a Mass murderer psycho that just happens to be working with the good guys.
Lord-Leafar Hey, keep that Daiklave pointed at the CoD (excluding the cool Infernals) and I'm not going to complain about the bodycount. Heck, if you're a member of my crew, I might even give you a raise depending on the number of Fairfolk bodies I find. ;)

We westerners hate fairfolk.
Can't see being part of your crew honestly, he would already be forced to work under the supervision of a Sidereal, he ain't answering to anyone else about anything.
Lord-Leafar: You wouldn't be serving me. None of my crew serve me. Plus, if you still have that plot going with Kaji-Oni, you might find yourself onboard my ship sooner than you think. ;)
JayTee said:
Lord-Leafar Hey, keep that Daiklave pointed at the CoD (excluding the cool Infernals) and I'm not going to complain about the bodycount. Heck, if you're a member of my crew, I might even give you a raise depending on the number of Fairfolk bodies I find. ;)
We westerners hate fairfolk.
Yeah we do. Renna spent years as a prisoner of the Fae in the far North, and does not have any happy thoughts for them.
Being in the ship would not be a problem for him, but he ain't no crew, to him you would be just a driver he isn't paying. Think of him like a powerful beast that is obscenely dangerous while his very presence twists and defiles the relics of your faith. He is as close as you get as having a Deathlord onboard.
Here is my sheet

  • You may not believe it, but Renna was a very lucky girl. Being born blind in another family, she may have been left out in the wilderness for nature to finish off. But, her family was one of the North’s more powerful merchant houses, and they had the money to hire the nurses needed to care for the poor girl. Despite her handicap, Renna quickly grew into a lovely young woman. With her keen hearing and exceptional sense of balance, she was able to maneuver around her home with ease, and with the aid of her teachers, she became quite the skilled dancer, using her exceptional grace to amaze the people that had the pleasure of seeing her perform. Under the watchful eyes of her guides, Renna was frequently seen out and about the icy streets of Icehome, and overall, was quite content with her lot in life.

    One spring day, Renna took the opportunity to go and visit family located far south in the city of Whitewall. Traveling with a group of trusted companions, her easy going life was rudely interrupted by a raiding party of Fae, out looking for easy prey. The guards of the little caravan fought for their lives with vigor, but were soon overwhelmed by the ferocity of the Fae. Renna was soon rounded up with her mother, her sister, and the three ladies in waiting that were traveling with the family. The six women huddled together, crying, wondering what was to happen to them. Finally, an idea came to Renna, a wildly crazy idea that, if it worked, might just be the ticket to freedom for her and her family.

    Still under the watchful eyes of the guards, Renna made the comment, “I thought that the Cataphractoi were supposed to be graceful warriors, not a bunch of clumsy, elephant footed louts!” Her reward was a hand across the face. She spits out a mouthful of blood and laughs. “I guess that the truth hurts, huh?” She doesn’t wince as she hears the arm being pulled back for another blow, but the goblin’s had is stopped by his master. With a voice of smooth silken dreams, he asks her, “What would you know of graceful, little blind girl?” “I know enough to say that you sound more like a wounded yeddim loping around in circles instead of a skilled dancer. Hell, I bet that even I can dance better than you can!” A dangerous silence greeted the shocking challenge. The warrior-prince reached out with his mailed hand and softly stroked her face. “A bold statement from a little blind girl. You speak of bets? What could you possibly offer me that I don’t already have in my hand?” Renna smiles. “I know of your kind. You ravage those that you take. What is better for you? A captive, or a willing servant? I make you this deal. I bet that I can out dance you, right here right now, in front of all your followers. If I do, you release my family. If I don’t, I will be yours, freely given to be used as you see fit.” Renna’s mother cries out in dismay, but she is not to be swayed from her path. “So who would be the judge of this contest? You and yours, little blind girl?” “No need. Can your followers be trusted to speak the truth of what they see? Who can know true beauty better than the Fae?” Renna holds her breath in anticipation. Finally, the Cataphractoi nods in acceptance. “Very well. I agree! If nothing else, you will provide some much needed diversion for my weary men.”

    She danced. But it was so much more. Renna was able to reach levels of skill that she had never known before. Moving to the beat of the drum, she flowed from one position to another, reaching deep inside her for inspiration. Finally, Renna collapses on the ground, completely spent, gasping for breath in the cold. Over the sound of her beating heart, she can hear the sounds of the goblin horde roaring their approval. She couldn’t believe her ears! She had won against impossible odds. Her family would be safe.

    The leader of the band claps his hands together and the crowd fall silent. “Well done! I have never seen the like, even from our best performers! You will make a fine addition to the court of the Ice Queen!” Renna looks up from where she has fallen. “I won, and you agreed to let us go!” “No, I agreed to let your family go, not you. You, little blind girl, are mine. Take her, and leave the rest. It is time to go.”

    The next several years were ones of humiliation and sorrow. Renna was kept prisoner, in the same way a parakeet was kept in a gilded cage, forced to perform for the court that held her captive. But she never gave up in her efforts to escape. Time and time again, she was tracked down and hauled back to the Fae court for her punishment. Finally, Renna’s deliverance was at hand. As she lay in bed, broken and bleeding, her room was filled with a silver light that even the blind Renna could sense. Out of the light, a beautiful woman approached her, and sat down on the bed next to her. Brushing her hair out of her tear streaked face, the woman spoke. “I have watched you, young one. From the very first steps you took to the day you challenged a Fae noble to a dance duel and won, I have watched you. Every escape attempt, every beating for insubordination, my hand was holding yours. Now, I am here with you to grant you the gift of Exaltation. Rise, my child, and show them that my Chosen are not to be trifled with.” A sudden infusion of power lifted Renna from the bed, and her already impressive senses were increased to superhuman levels. Even with her eyes still denied the light, she could see the room around her. With her wounds now closed, Renna proceeds to fight her way out, past the various guards that were tasked with watching over her.

    Free for the first time in years, Renna takes to the sky and flies.

*whistles* Dat beastform.

On the other hand... I am sorely tempted to learn VB and get master's hand envisioned anew to get shields as form weapons, if not solely for vitriol starmetal PKB
Goddamnbatman said:
Oh mutations, using the regular one. I'm ready to start working on the forums.
Okay, the ST forum should be visible for you to go ahead and make your submission.

Captain Hesperus

  • Name: Kyros, Hound of the Sky.

    Caste: Zenith


    Kyros was born in the west, and if life had not gotten in the way, he would have lived and died in the West. He was born and raised on a pirate vessel known as the Seacutter. Captained by a Water Aspect Dragon-Blooded who served as both captain and father to his crew. His time of Exaltation came when the ship was beset by Fairfolk from beyond the Elemental Pole. Attacking the ship, they slew his caption and enslaved the crew, and would have taken him well. Unwilling to go down without a fight, Kyros fought back, and was given the gift of Exaltation for his efforts.

    Afterwards, he pulled together a crew of his own and conducted several raids against both fairfolk holds and Realm outposts (mortal harbors were simply too easy to make much sport with.) Eventually however, The Realm's navy took exception to an anathema sailing about unchallenged, and launched a counter attack of their own against him. The battle was fierce, and he lost more than half his crew in the fighting. In the end however, he was the last one standing.

    Deciding to take revenge upon the Realm for taking the lives of his crew and friends, Kyros plotted a course towards the heart of the Realm's Naval power, intent on causing as much trouble as he could before escaping. The chaos was quite the show to those in a position to appreciate it. Moving from ship to ship, alternately crashing them in to or opening fire on other Realm ships, Kyros single-handedly sunk over a quarter of all the vessels docked at harbor that day.

    The ultimate coup de grace however, was the discovery of a new warship the Realm had been building. Recognizing it for what it was, he had a handful of crewmen who had flocked to his cause mid-fight commandeered the vessel, naming it the Blind Radiance. After the theft, the admiral Dragon-Blooded in charge of trying to organize a defense against the rampaging Solar was sacked so hard his descent through the ranks created a new whirlpool according to legend.

    Since then, Kyros has been alternating between raiding The Realm and exploring Creation in his newfound Skyship. He's collected a motley crew of Exalts and more than a few Enlightened Mortals. Only time will tell what happens next.


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