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Fantasy DreamRP Mk.2

Please Be Sure To Read The Overview Tab As It Has Rules And A Task For You To Complete <3

In this place called "Dream" you are an element that inspires the progress of the story. The story is based off of your decisions and those decisions will have both consequence... and reward.


The setting is some time in the future, or is it the past? Who knows as of right now there are merely cells of creation resting upon an otherwise, undeveloped land. You may see aliens, you may see animals, maybe there's humans?

Who knows? Your imagination is the forge of this story, just beware... unkempt powers can and will impact the universe in a very significant way. The fabric of reality in this realm is very fragile, one wrong move and you could find yourself floating in oblivion.

Elements Have Begun To Develop

West Wind- Carries pollen from the east to the west

Death- Causes death on contact
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...The first being ever to exist inside this universe was non other than a child...


...This child was special. No gender, no opinions, and an infinite of knowledge. This child's name was Z-O, the only thing this child had was an entire void, limitless power, and the curiosity and drive to create. Z-O kneeled down in this oblivion making it so by imagining it. Z-O began to let their mind wander until they had created a blackness that engulfed the entire void. Then pretty little lights, more pretty lights, and rocks, round shaped rocks that were lifeless. But that wasn't very fun so they decided to add some color into the planets, now that was fun. They went on staring at the universe that they had just made and laughed cheerfully at the prettiness of it all. Soon though they became very lonely and so they stood up and painted a circle around themselves, creating a massive rock in comparison to the others. They also touched bits and pieces of this rock with their hands feeling that it had no texture it became bumpy and smooth in some places, then wet and dry in others. They left pieces of themselves behind on this rock that cultivated into creatures that evolved and began having consciences of their own. Z-O planned to live on this rock, though their appearance would surely change, though their gender would form, and though their mind would empty of all their previous knowledge, they would live on this rock to experience the fun of it all. With that thought alone Z-O was instantly teleported onto the rock forgetting all that they had just done. But bits of Z-O's essence was left behind in space for others to come and create elements of their own. Rather it be species, powers, or adventures...
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Aria, also known as the west wind, was watching it all happen and thought "Maybe I could form a being, and assist this child on her journeys" So she strained and tried as hard as she could and was able to form a pale, transparent being. She ran over to the child, and sat down beside her.

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Musicomar4 said:
Aria, also known as the west wind, was watching it all happen and thought "Maybe I could form a being, and assist this child on her journeys" So she strained and tried as hard as she could and was able to form a pale, transparent being. She ran over to the child, and sat down beside her.
...Z-O looked at the strange creature she had never seen before. It was all a little much to take in. Her senses had developed and she was feeling a little overwhelmed. She tried to muster a response but only managed to let out "MLUH!" as a response. She took a deep breath and calmed herself then looked at the creature again...


...She wondered if that was the right response, she didn't quite know how she thought of it...

Now that she was on the ground it was harder to speak but she tried. "Hello" It came out as merely a puff of air, barely recognisable but she saw that the child understood by the look in its eyes


Musicomar4 said:
Now that she was on the ground it was harder to speak but she tried. "Hello" It came out as merely a puff of air, barely recognisable but she saw that the child understood by the look in its eyes
...Z-O smiled and giggled then she began to pet the girl's hair...

What are you?

...She smiled even bigger fascinated by her...

Within a clearing of a forest, there stood a tree that seemed placed there by man, or some type of other sentient being. This particualar tree had cuts, gashes, burns, and other types of damage that didn't seem normal or possible. Rest under the leaves of the tree was what seemed human... except it's skin was covered in black fur, and the creature had very big and long fox tails; three of them, as well as fox ears. The strange black anthro fox seemed to of been resting peacefully, yet a sword was lying next to him. The sword was slim, long, and seemingly flimsy. A nice design, but it didn't look to be able to cut through butter without issues, let alone tree bark. The wind picked up some, causing the leaves of that tree and other surrounding trees to stir and blow with the wind. The fox creature woke up to the sudden noise, but he didn't open his eyes just yet, Maybe if he lied there a moment longer, he could fall back asleep. As he continued to lie there, his ears twitched and his eyes shot open.

The fox creature snatched up his sword, got onto his feet, and got into a defensive position. Something was out there, something highly unnatural. He slowly moved into the forest, and soon disappeared into the thickness of the trees. Continuing onward, he soon found himself in another clearing with two young females sitting next to one another; talking. The fox creature sighed softly as he put away the sword into it's sheath. 'Seems I worried about nothing... unless...' The fox creature thought to himself as he kept his distance, waiting to see what will happen, if anything. If this became nothing that would interest him, then he would move on.
... Z-O sensed the presence of someone or something else and stopped smiling to take a look. Z-O's head tilted curiously as they stared at the creature off in the distance. Z-O blinked a couple of times before smiling and turning their attention back to the girl who had come and sat next to Z-O...

There's a funny animal over there!


Entropy gazed out at the group of creatures, having their interaction. It seemed... boring. To Entropy at least. She'd see if she couldn't spice things up a little.

Evine padded carefully through the forest, his hands in his pockets. A long white coat drifted about his feet, and his skin was pale, his hair white blonde, his eyes dark amber. He didn't really know anything, but at the same time, he knew everything. The world, brand new, seemed so neat and pristine. He didn't like it. Even less was his appreciation of the relationship of those women in front of him. Too nice, too polite, no chances taken. He supposed this was the first day of anything, but...

"Hey, people!"

He beamed at them, a glinting fang and two bulging eyes making the expression not at all welcoming or friendly.

"How's tricks?"
@Invisible monster[/URL]

...She jumped up excitedly and turned towards the creature. She had a big smile on her face she had no grasp of social customs, friendly or otherwise. She growled and then stopped suddenly shocked by the sound that came out of her mouth, then she growled again intensely but playfully at the creature...

Tricks!? TRICKS!? What's that!?

...She hunched over like a wolf and made her fingers curl like claws. She liked surprises they were fun...
The fox creature looked ahead at the new being that had approached the two girls. It didn't take long for the fox to figure out that this new creature intentions were not pure, and with a guess, these girls might be in trouble. This creature must of been who he was sensing earlier. The fox closed his eyes and took a deep breath; his fur seemed to begin expanding, slowly at first, then very quickly as if forming into a black hole. Just as fast as it happened, the black hole disappeared, and the fox was gone as well. There was a stillness in the air as the events unfolded; the little girl getting up and acting excited about the trick that the new creature mentioned. No time sooner, a shadow loomed over the male as what seemed like smoke or black fog rolled over his feet. "Now, now... these tricks of yours... they wouldn't cause anything unnessary harm, would they?" The fox asked, his tone cold and serious as he looked at the male that was in front of him. What had happened was a talent the fox knew; a talent he called portaling.

@Invisible monster


DUE TO: @XANXeto 's post

Just as fast as it happened, the black hole disappeared

...Everything suddenly became motionless, the trees, the grass, everything seemed to stop moving, breathing, froze in time. A quiet rumble that was massive in size slowly made it's way across the world increasing in audibility until it was almost unbearable. The universe itself seemed to speak. Suddenly a large tear in space that could be seen from the planet they were on opened up, although it was small the feeling of dread poured from this scar. As suddenly as it started, everything went back to normal as if nothing had happened, but the scar remained...

...Suddenly Z-O's belly didn't feel so good and she made a frown, grasping at her tummy she whined a little...

Oh... I don't feel so good...

...She looked up at the sky seeing the scar in space. Her eyes widened from what she now understood as fear. She stood there a moment before taking a breath and calming herself again, she looked at the creature with white hair, and saw the funny animal from before standing behind it. She smiled and waved...

Hello Mr.Animal!

...She giggled and thought to herself. "He's fluffy". She stopped for a moment once again shocked, she had her first internal thought and now many thoughts were flooding in...


@Invisible monster
"Wow, jeez, I meant, you know, things? How are you?"

Evine backed away for a second, then cocked his head to the side and smiled.

"Not that I'm not well acquainted with tricks. For whatever reason."

He gave an odd look to the weird fox-man.

"Aaw, course not. What do you take me for, some kinda-"



Evine stared up at the sky, where a gaping hole cut through the air.

"So do you guys have names yet? I think mine is..."

Evine hesitated. His name... were names important? Was a name something to protect, or did it not matter? Evine had received a name. From where, he could not comprehend, but it was there, and it belonged completely and utterly to him. It was him. That was all he knew about it.

"My name's Enive."

Evine mentally slapped himself on the head. Of all the stupid false name gimmicks he could have chosen. A reversed name? He may as well have named himself Imagood Man!
The fox looked up at the sky as well, seeing the damage his move had caused. He knew it wasn't perfected, and that the very element his powers were created from was trying to fight back and transform existance as it once was; the Void. He was going to have to keep this as a reminder to try and change how he portaled. Perhaps instead of traveling in and out of the void, perhaps he could work with what this world had to offer... but what? His train of thought quickly deminished as a voice caught his attention. He looked down once more towards the overly cheerful girl. In all honesty, he hadn't seen anyone or anything smile so much before, and he had been unfortunate enough to run across quiet a few different species; most deciding to hunt him down once they figured out what he was...

"Hello there, young one." The fox said to the girl as his voice was now a more soothing tone. As he looked at the girl; his crimson eyes locked with hers, creating an internal bond that would help him track and find her if the need arised. He could tell this one held no ill will to anything. Wither it be because she was kind in nature or didn't know better, he didn't know. When the male asked for names, the fox responded soon after the male, now known by as Enive, said his. "My name is Hrou Deloro." Hrou said, continuing the soft voice. Once Enive said he wasn't going to harm anything, Hrou had finally relaxed some.

@Invisible monster

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Lucius Wandered through this new aspect of life he had never seen, curios to what the purpose of what this world was.

He remembered existing before this just couldn't picture only knew that he had been something. He gazed over a valley to see no present forms of life.

He then gazed up but couldn't picture what was above him, part of his sight was non existent as he looked up. A jolt burst through his neuron complex causing his body to freeze up then crash to the ground. He curled up in a ball clawing the skin on his head until the feeling passed. He got up and turned around then subconsciously walked away. Over the other side of the mountain he stood upon he perceived at least 1 form of life he approached the position it was located at.

@Invisible monster


"Worm...holes?" Hrou began to think on said word. It had a bit of a ring to it, but sadly it didn't seem to fit in his mind to call his ability as such. "I'm sorry, but I don't think... wait... what do you mean they 'already exist'?" Hrou began to ask, raising an eyebrow at her. Just who exactly was this girl? What did she know that he didn't? Was he the only one who didn't know? Questions; question he didn't have answers for were questions he didn't like to think about. Pushing it aside for now, he tried chaning the subject. "What is a name? Have you never thought about giving yourself some way of identifying yourself to others?" He asked the girl as he focused on his senses. He could tell there was yet another female not that far. She had been there as long as Enive, but Hrou had not called her out. He was waiting to see what she was going to do, if anything.
slytheringduck said:
Lucius Wandered through this new aspect of life he had never seen, curios to what the purpose of what this world was.
He remembered existing before this just couldn't picture only knew that he had been something. He gazed over a valley to see no present forms of life.

He then gazed up but couldn't picture what was above him, part of his sight was non existent as he looked up. A jolt burst through his neuron complex causing his body to freeze up then crash to the ground. He curled up in a ball clawing the skin on his head until the feeling passed. He got up and turned around then subconsciously walked away. Over the other side of the mountain he stood upon he perceived at least 1 form of life he approached the position it was located at.

@Invisible monster


...Z-O felt yet another presence and looked around, she thought she could make something out in the distance but was unsure if it was just a tree, an animal, or a person. Either way she knew they were there. She took a step back and looked at Hrou as he accusingly asked the first question she smiled, but his second question distracted her too much to answer. Instead she started thinking about the word Identify, she understood that word at least...

Hm... Hum... Him... Hem...

...She enjoyed these sounds coming from her mouth a little too much and her toes fiddled against the blades of grass that were covering the entire terrain of their immediate vicinity and expanded for about 3-4 miles...

I guess I can identify myself with... Z-O

...She thought on it for a moment and nodded, she liked that name. It felt familiar and safe. She was excited to have so many new friends by her...

@slytheringduck @XANXeto
As He approached he tried to recall if he had ever seen other life before - he could only remember one.

It was a woman very important to him but he didn't know anything else so he decided to think about the life he was approaching instead.

As he reached the bottom of the Goliath hill he saw three figures with humanoid bodies but all with their individual quirks.

One looked like a big wolf The other two much more humanoid than him but one seemed to be wearing a toga.

He kept strolling into he was roughly 4 meters away from the group, His face as blank as paper he stood there still.


slytheringduck said:
As He approached he tried to recall if he had ever seen other life before - he could only remember one.
It was a woman very important to him but he didn't know anything else so he decided to think about the life he was approaching instead.

As he reached the bottom of the Goliath hill he saw three figures with humanoid bodies but all with their individual quirks.

One looked like a big wolf The other two much more humanoid than him but one seemed to be wearing a toga.

He kept strolling into he was roughly 4 meters away from the group, His face as blank as paper he stood there still.


...Shortly after completing her sentence she noticed the figure she had originally thought was a tree was an actual being. She gasped in amazement...


...She stared at the new figure bug eyed, and excitedly. She wanted to do something fun since there were so many creatures all gathered together in one place. She knelt down and began fiddling with the blades of grass below them...

What to make... what to... make...

...She began tying the grass together here and there creating intricate patterns and threads with the grass. She was an architect of sorts, that was her ability. She understood the physical composition of everything in the world and knew how to interact with it on a physical level as to be the most efficient and create something that was not breaking any laws of physics. Not to say she couldn't she just didn't remember that she could...

@XANXeto @slytheringduck
He stepped back as the little girl struck a crazy gaze at him then straightened up again . She looked young but he reckoned she wasn't as he partially understood what she was doing and it takes experience to do it so quickly and neatly so he deducted that a child would not have the capability to do this in minimal years unless they had been bestowed some godly powers.

He then thought about the appearance of himself and pictured a boy looking around 4 years older than her with medium length blond hair which swooped down over one eye. He was wearing a cloak with the hood down, mainly black but with burgundy red stripes crossing the shoulders and stretching down the middle.

" My... name is Lucius nice to meet you " he muttered. He had got the impression from his slim memory that was his name and the woman had told him to always introduce himself to new people politely.


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slytheringduck said:
He stepped back as the little girl struck a crazy gaze at him then straightened up again . She looked young but he reckoned she wasn't as he partially understood what she was doing and it takes experience to do it so quickly and neatly so he deducted that a child would not have the capability to do this in minimal years unless they had been bestowed some godly powers.
He then thought about the appearance of himself and pictured image as a boy looking around 4 years older than her with medium length blond hair which swooped down over one eye. He was wearing a cloak with the hood down, mainly black but with burgundy red stripes crossing the shoulders and stretching down the middle.

" My... name is Lucius nice to meet you " he muttered. He had got the impression from his slim memory that was his name and the woman had told him to always introduce himself to new people politely.


...She continued to work on whatever it was she was making. She hummed a quiet tune one that had never been humed before but it was melodic and pleasant. She sat down now and became more involved with her project. She tilted her head every now and then and once the person had introduced themselves, she looked up for a brief moment...

Hello Mr.Luci!

...She went back to fiddling with the grass it was forming into some kind of apparel, at least that's what it seemed at first glance. She had no idea what she was making she just let her fingers do all the work...

"Mister Luci!? I'm not a pet or a baby so I'm pretty offended "

He moaned then sat on a stone closer to the girl and peered over at what she was doing.

Molecular construction and deconstruction are not the easiest of all things to do but was required in order to make life and reform matter. You could not birth matter out of nowhere with this skill so matter manifestation was an even harder skill to do .He doubted she could do this, in fact he doubted anyone could.

He sat there and waited for her to finish what ever she was constructing, he hoped it would be something interesting because despite this world appearing out of nowhere; it seemed like a familiar concept. What he thought was intriguing was how he got here but more importantly who the woman he couldn't identify ,yet holds so dear, was and where she was.
slytheringduck said:
"Mister Luci!? I'm not a pet or a baby so I'm pretty offended "
He moaned then sat on a stone closer to the girl and peered over at what she was doing.

Molecular construction and deconstruction are not the easiest of all things to do but was required in order to make life and reform matter. You could not birth matter out of nowhere with this skill so matter manifestation was an even harder skill to do .He doubted she could do this, in fact he doubted anyone could.

He sat there and waited for her to finish what ever she was constructing, he hoped it would be something interesting because despite this world appearing out of nowhere; it seemed like a familiar concept. What he thought was intriguing was how he got here but more importantly who the woman he couldn't identify ,yet holds so dear, was and where she was.
...She finally finished creating whatever it was her fingers had guided her to make. She didn't do anything except intertwine pieces of grass together that was already there. She picked the green mass up and it was almost as tall as she was, she put her head through a hole the grass made woven into a tight knit "O" shape. Once she was done fastening it, a long draping of grass laid limp behind her back, and a hood of sorts was also laying, but behind her shoulders just like Lucius's. She stared at him for a moment...

How come you wear this?

...She motioned to her grass cloak then pointed at his cloak...


(Also there is a point to all of this I'm just waiting to see who joins and also character developing)
"I.....Have no idea" he mumbled.

It made him flood with sorrow because he felt it was so important yet he didn't know why and he knew this would be happening a lot.

He wasn't sure if he had no more memories, if he had forgotten them or the most frightening yet angering of them all ; if someone had taken them from him.

The last idea of his made him shiver then look own at the floor because he knew if someone had taken his memory they could also take the memory of who they way and if they stole it meaning he could never had any lead if someone did.

He looked at the girl and asked " what's your name?"

as he wanted to get off the other topic so he didn't have to over think all of it and he didn't just want to be calling her 'girl'.

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