Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
Considering there was little else to do in the pitch black walk, Arwyn found herself listening to the demon's tale. It was nothing new to hear of a god messing with mortals and turning them into ravenous monsters, the Greek variety had been notorious for that, yet she felt an unusual anger flare in her heart.

"It is not right for immortal beings to do such things." she growled aloud, although not particularly aimed towards the demon in front of her. "What gives them the right to meddle with our fates?"

The peculiar golden gleam returned into the dragon knight's eyes as she stopped in her tracks and glared determinedly at the demon. "I will help you to be rid of this curse. I swear it." said she. "And if we must battle the gods so be it."

Syrax noticed the subtle change in his companion and tilted his head, concern emanating in his gaze. "You are being brash, Arwyn."

She held out a mailed hand in the air. "No." she said. "It is long past the time mortals stood up for themselves against the gods and their cruel whims." Dawn's Heart levitated above her shoulder and flashed vividly, which struck the wyvern as also being odd.

"This curse was more than likely done by a necromancer or a shadow-binder..." Syrax began but was cut short when a searing pain caused the two of them to grimace.

The very walls of the shadowy hallway began to quiver by some unseen force and almost seemed to cause the air to shift as well. After a brief period the strange occurrence ended and the walls and floors became still once more. "A great change has occurred." the dragon said while gazing past the dark walls of this realm. "Just what it is I cannot say..."

Arwyn was deeply troubled by this as well and looked to the relic floating near her face. "... could it be similar to what disrupted the relic's power during our slumber?" she murmured. In the back of her mind the faint music continued to play, as always, but something was different this time yet she couldn't quite place it. Suddenly she realized that beneath the haunting symphony was a series of whispers too hushed to understand yet enough for her to notice its presence.

Her eyes shifted to the masked demon in front of her. "We should leave this place." she said.


A vision came suddenly after that. Or was she really there? The dragon knight could not say yet the occurrence felt queer nonetheless. She had seen Grimm (or at least she thought it was Grimm, yet more serious and well...grim.) but also other beings as well. She did not recognize most but some of the faces were familiar, such as the three males she had seen that one time on the mountain as well as the man named Earl she had encountered while questioning the strange witch lady.

She thought about the deity's words after the 'vision' had faded. "So the fate of everything lies in the hands of a powerful being." she thought in distaste.

"I suppose she must be stopped... or convinced otherwise." Syrax commented.

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  • Luci walked along with her without resistance and sat down patiently. "Alright now that the distractions are gone, why oh why do you need to fall and the power of the petty scum? Is your... What was it? Dont tell me.... Deity of.. chaos? Transcendent Nephalem, Transcendent... Witch? Transcendent Dragon? And... Fuck what was Christina? Transcendent.... Ghost? Whatever. All of that isn't enough you want to fall as well? And you also want me to give you the very and only artifacts that can send me away? Oh no you're going to have to elaborate. Whyyyyy should I?"

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'Where am I?' Kyoko thought, looking around at the people. 'I'm still on the beach with him though.. this is weird.' Listening to Grimm speak she realized these people must be part of Dragon's Roar. Her ears twitched as she concentrated on what the people around her were saying.
Fola growled and turned to Vance as soon as they were in the forest with the rest of the guild, "Listen here Vance, for my wish what you're going to do is shut the fuck up and listen to me as if I were Ashyln until this is over! And don't pull that, 'I won't do it' BULLSHIT, because you told me it would be WHATEVER was in your realm of possibility, got it?!"

Turning away from Vance, Fola snapped his fingers and yelled,
"HEY! EVERYONE LISTEN TO ME! Okay...My name is Fola Keyrn, Beta of Dragon's Roar at your service. Now I have no idea who half the people in this room are, so I think what we should do first, is attempt to get a grip on everybody who's actually IN the guild and go from there...So to begin, here's what I suggest, we have one group of people stand if they aren't officially part of the guild, have another group of people with everybody below Delta, and another group of Delta and above. Can we start with that please?"

@GingerBread @OceanBunny @djinnamon @DizjayDeathPride @Light @Lotusy @Juju @Tazmodo @metalcity @Embaga Elder @CelticSol @Daimao @Dreamtique @Nova King @The Otaku Diaries @Sh3w0lfSp1r1t
LokiofSP said:
Fola growled and turned to Vance as soon as they were in the forest with the rest of the guild, "Listen here Vance, for my wish what you're going to do is shut the fuck up and listen to me as if I were Ashyln until this is over! And don't pull that, 'I won't do it' BULLSHIT, because you told me it would be WHATEVER was in your realm of possibility, got it?!"

Turning away from Vance, Fola snapped his fingers and yelled,
"HEY! EVERYONE LISTEN TO ME! Okay...My name is Fola Keyrn, Beta of Dragon's Roar at your service. Now I have no idea who half the people in this room are, so I think what we should do first, is attempt to get a grip on everybody who's actually IN the guild and go from there...So to begin, here's what I suggest, we have one group of people stand if they aren't officially part of the guild, have another group of people with everybody below Delta, and another group of Delta and above. Can we start with that please?"

@GingerBread @OceanBunny @djinnamon @DizjayDeathPride @Light @Lotusy @Juju @Tazmodo @metalcity @Embaga Elder @CelticSol @Daimao @Dreamtique @Nova King @The Otaku Diaries @Sh3w0lfSp1r1t
"No. Not happening. You don't just get respect like that. and what made you think I listened to Ashlyn anymore than I do to others? Also I said One request, I'm going to assume the second one was more important to you. So I'll go with that." Vance created and sat down on a chair made of darkness "Please continue your speech. I'm on the edge of my seat in anticipation of what you're going to say next. How you're going to get everyone to listen to you when I'm sure each and everyone is stronger than you"

Ethan stroked his chin as if he had a beard "Interesting, I was told to find this person." A cloud came out of Ethan's head showing what he thinks happened. It showed the fax machine with paper coming out that said "Become bff's with this person called Isabella" The thought bubble left "Yep, exactly how it happened." Ethan shook his head as if he know what he was doing.

@LokiofSP @Embaga Elder @CelticSol[COLOR=rgb(86,86,86)]@Daimao[/COLOR] @Dreamtique @Nova King @The Otaku Diaries @Sh3w0lfSp1r1t
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Fola turned around to Vance, "DAMMIT VANCE! YOU GAVE ME ONE REQUEST AND I TOLD YOU WHAT IT WAS! NOW DO IT!" He ran a hand through his hair and took a breath, before speaking to the crowd as a whole once more, catching Alpha's comment he sighed, "Okay, so this is clearly not turning out well Look, maybe, my last request was a tad vague-"

"Ya think?"

"SHUT UP JAYN! *Sigh* Anyways, non-guild members go over there, below Delta go over there, and above Delta go over there..." He pointed to three separate trees

@GingerBread @djinnamon @LokiofSP @DizjayDeathPride @Light @Lotusy @Juju @Tazmodo @metalcity @Embaga Elder@CelticSol @Daimao @Dreamtique @Nova King @The Otaku Diaries @Sh3w0lfSp1r1t
Julius looked at the crowd. "Fuck all of yell nine of you give a Fuck about the strongest one leaving. All a bunch of idiots or assholes. Because none of you can just say. Morpheus no come back you're our leader we need you. This guild is starting to fall apart what with Goldy lockes and the bear (sage and vance. He's a bear because his grumpy) and the only one's who have a right to decide are those who are alpha. Everybody else shut up and think of a plan." He made sure Morpheus could hear him. @GingerBread @djinnamon @LokiofSP @DizjayDeathPride @Light @Lotusy @Juju @Tazmodo @metalcity @Embaga Elder@CelticSol @Daimao @Dreamtique @Nova King @The Otaku Diaries @Sh3w0lfSp1r1t@LokiofSP@DizjayDeathPride @Light @Lotusy@Juju @Tazmodo @metalcity @Embaga Elder @CelticSol @Daimao @Dreamtique @OceanBunny @The Otaku Diaries @Sh3w0lfSp1r1t
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GingerBread said:
"No. Not happening. You don't just get respect like that. and what made you think I listened to Ashlyn anymore than I do to others? Also I said One request, I'm going to assume the second one was more important to you. So I'll go with that." Vance created and sat down on a chair made of darkness "Please continue your speech. I'm on the edge of my seat in anticipation of what you're going to say next. How you're going to get everyone to listen to you when I'm sure each and everyone is stronger than you"
Jackie pipes up, her hand covering her eyes in complete exasperation, "Vance, for fuck's sakes. If you don't shut your fucking mouth and listen, I'm going to use my fancy Alpha powers to strip you of rank. No one cares about you or values your shitty opinion, and no one here likes you enough to put up with your piss poor attitude."
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Nova King]Julius looked at the crowd. "Fuck all of yell nine of you give a Fuck about the strongest one leaving. All a bunch of idiots or assholes. Because none of you can just say. Morpheus no come back you're our leader we need you. This guild is starting to fall apart what with Goldy lockes and the bear (sage and vance. He's a bear because his grumpy) and the only one's who have a right to decide are those who are alpha. Everybody else shut up and think of a plan." He made sure Morpheus could hear him. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/22497-gingerbread/ said:
"I haven't said a fucking word to any of you. All I've done so far is clarify mine and Fola's agreement. I wanted to go to sleep. I couldn't give less of a toss if the universe dies. I hate all of you. You're all arseholes. None of you have a shred of human intelligence. You all seem to love violence when it involves you but if it doesn't you hate it. I say you all get your priorities in orders. So. What's going to happen is you're all going to do what Fola says, if I hear one smartarse comment, I'll take away all of your guys ability to speak" Vance gestured to Fola "Take it away Child killer. I've got places to be. We don't need people's rank, it doesn't equate to fighting ability. So just say what you need to say"

[COLOR=rgb(86,86,86)]@GingerBread[/COLOR] @OceanBunny @djinnamon @DizjayDeathPride @Light @Lotusy @Juju @Tazmodo @LokiofSP @Embaga Elder@CelticSol @Daimao @Dreamtique @Nova King @The Otaku Diaries @Sh3w0lfSp1r1t
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GingerBread said:
"I haven't said a fucking word to any of you. All I've done so far is clarify mine and Fola's agreement. I wanted to go to sleep. I couldn't give less of a toss if the universe dies. I hate all of you. You're all arseholes. None of you have a shred of human intelligence. You all seem to love violence when it involves you but if it doesn't you hate it. I say you all get your priorities in orders. So. What's going to happen is you're all going to do what Fola says, if I hear one smartarse comment, I'll take away all of your guys ability to speak" Vance gestured to Fola "Take it away Child killer. I've got places to be. We don't need people's rank, it doesn't equate to fighting ability. So just say what you need to say"

[COLOR=rgb(86,86,86)]@GingerBread[/COLOR] @OceanBunny @djinnamon @DizjayDeathPride @Light @Lotusy @Juju @Tazmodo @LokiofSP @Embaga Elder@CelticSol @Daimao @Dreamtique @Nova King @The Otaku Diaries @Sh3w0lfSp1r1t
Sage sighed a nodded as he looked at Julius. " Sorry about that. " He said with a bow before standing straight and pushing a lock of hair behind his ear. He looked at everyone before folding his arms. " Let's do as Fola said while we try to contact Morpheus as the boy over there suggested. " He said referring to Julius before he heard what Vance said. He gave the man a death glare as the area froze and killer intent filled the air like anything fog. Sage slowly turned to Jackie. " Can I het permission to murder a guild member. " He asked

@GingerBread @OceanBunny @LokiofSP @DizjayDeathPride @Light @Lotusy @Juju @Tazmodo @metalcity @Embaga Elder @CelticSol @Daimao @Dreamtique @Nova King @The Otaku Diaries @Sh3w0lfSp1r1t
djinnamon said:
Sage sighed a nodded as he looked at Julius. " Sorry about that. " He said with a bow before standing straight and pushing a lock of hair behind his ear. He looked at everyone before folding his arms. " Let's do as Fola said while we try to contact Morpheus as the boy over there suggested. " He said referring to Julius before he heard what Vance said. He gave the man a death glare as the area froze and killer intent filled the air like anything fog. Sage slowly turned to Jackie. " Can I het permission to murder a guild member. " He asked
@GingerBread @OceanBunny @LokiofSP @DizjayDeathPride @Light @Lotusy @Juju @Tazmodo @metalcity @Embaga Elder @CelticSol @Daimao @Dreamtique @Nova King @The Otaku Diaries @Sh3w0lfSp1r1t
"What did I say?" Vance snapped his fingers and everyone in the area even himself, was muted. If anyone tried to talk they'd find no sound would come out their mouths. The only person who wasn't muted was Fola. Vance once again gestured to Fola to begin talking.

[COLOR=rgb(86,86,86)]@GingerBread[/COLOR] @OceanBunny @djinnamon @DizjayDeathPride @Light @Lotusy @Juju @Tazmodo @LokiofSP @Embaga Elder@CelticSol @Daimao @Dreamtique @Nova King @The Otaku Diaries @Sh3w0lfSp1r1t
The trio appeared together along with everyone else. Cole and crimson heard yelling and they looked at each other with a quizzical facial expression. The look towards Inaro who was drinking beer as everyone yelled. Inaro spots then and nods at Crimson, speaking via telepathy. Calm this Mob down. Crimson nods back and holds out his left hand. He began to absorb everyone's rage having it come together in his hands. It took longer than expected because lots of people was angry. Once Crimson finished he stored the rage energy inside his body. Everyone relax. Let's just think of a plan. I have to say Vance is right. Rank doesn't mean a think when it comes to fighting. Somebody could've been a Beta but half assed his way up there standing in someone's shadows. But let's hear what Fola has to say. Cole to everyone using the guild symbol.

@GingerBread @OceanBunny @djinnamon @DizjayDeathPride @Light @Lotusy @Juju @Tazmodo @LokiofSP @Embaga Elder @CelticSol @Daimao @Dreamtique @Nova King @The Otaku Diaries @Sh3w0lfSp1r1t
Fola opened his mouth, finally glad to be able to speak, but still upset about the situation to extent, "Alright, fuck the whole organization thing... I'll just say it, I don't think we should kill Isabel... For those of you who don't know, from what we've found out, the universe as we know is pretty fucked due to one Isabel Van Fen'rir, who, from what we gathered, is destined to either save the universe or destroy it. Now, a few reapers told us that she's already chosen her path, but I want us to try to keep her from that...Now, thoughts? I'm open to anything at all..."

He let out as sigh of relief as his rage was taken away, leaving him with pure hopefulness....

@GingerBread @djinnamon @LokiofSP @DizjayDeathPride @Light @Lotusy @Juju @Tazmodo @metalcity @Embaga Elder@CelticSol @Daimao @Dreamtique @Nova King @The Otaku Diaries @Sh3w0lfSp1r1t
LokiofSP said:
Fola opened his mouth, finally glad to be able to speak, but still upset about the situation to extent, "Alright, fuck the whole organization thing... I'll just say it, I don't think we should kill Isabel... For those of you who don't know, from what we've found out, the universe as we know is pretty fucked due to one Isabel Van Fen'rir, who, from what we gathered, is destined to either save the universe or destroy it. Now, a few reapers told us that she's already chosen her path, but I want us to try to keep her from that...Now, thoughts? I'm open to anything at all..."

He let out as sigh of relief as his rage was taken away, leaving him with pure hopefulness....

@GingerBread @djinnamon @LokiofSP @DizjayDeathPride @Light @Lotusy @Juju @Tazmodo @metalcity @Embaga Elder@CelticSol @Daimao @Dreamtique @Nova King @The Otaku Diaries @Sh3w0lfSp1r1t
(@GingerBread )

Jackie raises her hand, looking directly at Vance and pointing and her throat, silently asking for him to remove the mute on her.
DizjayDeathPride said:
Luci walked along with her without resistance and sat down patiently. "Alright now that the distractions are gone, why oh why do you need to fall and the power of the petty scum? Is your... What was it? Dont tell me.... Deity of.. chaos? Transcendent Nephalem, Transcendent... Witch? Transcendent Dragon? And... Fuck what was Christina? Transcendent.... Ghost? Whatever. All of that isn't enough you want to fall as well? And you also want me to give you the very and only artifacts that can send me away? Oh no you're going to have to elaborate. Whyyyyy should I?"
Isabel looks down at her hands that were folded one over the other on her lap. She didn't know what to say, she didn't know all too much about anything at the moment. "I don't know much about my own powers at the moment. I don't even know about the world around me. I have a destiny but a choice that comes with it. I have a big goal that comes along with that destiny but I don't think I have the power for it. I'd like your guidance and help since I can't turn to anyone but you and that Morpheus fellow..." Isabel bows down as much as she can while sitting and stretching her hand. She was blinking furiously to hold back tears, she couldn't cry right now. "No one else came for me. They locked me away under the assumption that I would destroy and never gave it another thought for 12 years. 12 years of missing your own life...at the decision of the same people whom swore they loved you and made sure there wasn't even the thought of a monster under your bed each night!" Tears of anger? Sadness? Regret? She didn't know why but tears she refused to present were freed from their prison, hitting the floor of the car as it slowly reached the top. Isabel was relieved that her head was bowed due to the shame of crying before her grandfather, her savior, for power that she oh so needs. "They refused to acknowledge my presence after the fact as if I ceased to exist but I am real I am here. The fact that fate itself chooses to reject me means that every decision I make is my own, I am me! I am extremely grateful to you for going to such lengths to bring me back for no more than kind intent. Simply to apologize for something you've done years ago, not to get me to do anything for you, just something so damned kind it hurts to know that the devil himself is the only one whom can make things feel okay. I've returned and where is my father? Where is my sister? Nowhere...which is why I've come to the decision of ending it all. I'm destroying everything but you, anyone whom sides with us, and I. My destiny has been chosen. If anyone is to have those rings it should be me, I should be the one to guard one of your weaknesses with my life. I believe it is something that I deserve and something I owe you. I know no other loyalty. Please.....if you can help me...nothing can stop us....I'll fight God if I must...No...I will." Isabel keeps her shaking hand outstretched for Lucifer to take as they finally make it to the top of the Ferris Wheel. She made sure to continue looking at the ground even though it was obvious she was crying by the pool on the ground and her shaking shoulders. She was determined and would do anything to get this assistance. "Please Grandfather."
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LokiofSP said:
Fola opened his mouth, finally glad to be able to speak, but still upset about the situation to extent, "Alright, fuck the whole organization thing... I'll just say it, I don't think we should kill Isabel... For those of you who don't know, from what we've found out, the universe as we know is pretty fucked due to one Isabel Van Fen'rir, who, from what we gathered, is destined to either save the universe or destroy it. Now, a few reapers told us that she's already chosen her path, but I want us to try to keep her from that...Now, thoughts? I'm open to anything at all..."

He let out as sigh of relief as his rage was taken away, leaving him with pure hopefulness....

@GingerBread @djinnamon @LokiofSP @DizjayDeathPride @Light @Lotusy @Juju @Tazmodo @metalcity @Embaga Elder@CelticSol @Daimao @Dreamtique @Nova King @The Otaku Diaries @Sh3w0lfSp1r1t
Vance unmuted himself but kept everyone else muted "Right first of all, don't fuck with my emotions, you try to drain or change them, that ain't going to make me happy. Second I'm still pissed. But I agree with Child killer over here. we shouldn't kill her. I'll be honest I don't think she has it in her to destroy the universe. She seems too nice." Vance shrugged and unmuted Jackie "Thank you for asking politely, you may speak. You may not Sage"

[COLOR=rgb(86,86,86)]@GingerBread[/COLOR] @OceanBunny @djinnamon @DizjayDeathPride @Light @Lotusy @Juju @Tazmodo @LokiofSP @Embaga Elder@CelticSol @Daimao @Dreamtique @Nova King @The Otaku Diaries @Sh3w0lfSp1r1t
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Yeah I agree with you, but I also think that everyone shouldn't bombard her about stopping what she's destined to do. That only push her more. You saw it happen yourself, when you and Vance tried talking to her. Hence why I didn't say anything. Inaro looks at Crimson and he speaks. She's not used to being in this realm, she's been gone ever since she was ten right?? Her splits have been roaming around since then enjoying life and growing older. One of them even made a family. Crimson looks at Cole So what if we somehow remind her of all the good things her splits witnessed in this realm. To help better her judgment. The trio spoke to everyone via telepathy using the guild symbol since they can't speak.

@GingerBread @OceanBunny @LokiofSP @DizjayDeathPride @Light@Lotusy @Juju @Tazmodo @metalcity @Embaga Elder @CelticSol @Daimao @Dreamtique @Nova King @The Otaku Diaries @Sh3w0lfSp1r1t
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Not caring much about the muting, Alpha simply shifted into his Cerberus form, at about the size of a teacup chihuahua, and hopped onto Jackie, taking a seat on top of her head, his three heads watching everybody.

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