Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
"You really expect me to get involved? I tried remember? I even stopped you from entering the castle. What exactly have you done so far apart from talk shit about me? Yeah I may not ever want to get involved and when I do it might be for the wrong reasons. But at least I get shit done. I don't talk shit and then do fuck all. I actually do stuff. So you can be the one to go out and get killed, because most of the time it feels like I'm carrying this guild. I know I'm not the most powerful, but when I go to get shit done, I get shit done" Vance's expression was deadly serious as he glared at Fola "I couldn't care less about the world or the guild anymore. Cause if I die, you ain't got much hope Fola. Brute force and stupid, blind naivety only goes so far. You need plans and a strategy. And if there's one thing I've learnt, not everything has to involve violence. You can talk to her and get her to a point where she trusts you and then kill her. Or you could talk her out of it. But I have more faith in the first option"

@LokiofSP @Light
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He took in a deep breath and looked down, "I know we need a plan...I never go without some sort of plan...I just don't know what to do now...I fucked up so bad...What do I do?...I just want to be of use..."

LokiofSP said:

He took in a deep breath and looked down, "I know we need a plan...I never go without some sort of plan...I just don't know what to do now...I fucked up so bad...What do I do?...I just want to be of use..."

"I never said you didn't help do stuff. But how many of those things have you actually played a big part in and helped succeed? Because I'd say five percent of it. But when I go to do stuff, I do it. Like when those 5 creatures were trying to destroy the guild. I killed and stopped them. When Lucy's knights of hell attacked, I could've helped if I didn't have to stay with you because you wanted to protect a little girl. Who ended up dying because of you, didn't she? So no matter how much you try, you're useless in the long run. You're nothing compared to me and I'm fucking shit in comparison to everyone else in the guild. So where does that put you Fola? Your rank means nothing if you're not worthy to hold it"

Vance smirked arrogantly "If you want my advice. I say we don't even bother trying to save it. Things happen in the world for a reason and everything will eventually balance out. If the whole of reality has to be destroyed to do it, so be it." Vance sighed and took on a more sympathetic expression, which for him was a blank expression, no glaring or scowling. "But if you want to stop it, go and talk to the girl, whatever her name was. Try to befriend her. Convince her that there's at least one reason to not destroy the world. Sage was the only reason I didn't leave and turn against the guild before, because that meant I would've had to go against him, or hurt him. So I didn't I stayed 'loyal' to the guild. Because that's the only way to truly get someone to stop. Give them something to care about in that situation" Vance shrugged "But what do I know? I'm just a failed abortion and inbred according to you. So you can take my advice or leave it. I don't really care"

@LokiofSP @Light
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metalcity said:
Ethan followed Roman and Jayn around, tip toeing around and hiding behind multiple surfaces. When he heard Roman say he would break rules for her Ethan started thinking "so if we kill the girl he won't break the rules, that's a great plan. If only I could kill things, and interfere." Ethan sighed and pulled out a fax machine from his pocket, he started to type up what he said and he sent it over to the boss guy.
@Light @LokiofSP
Ethan could feel himself grow stronger as a reward for his services. A fax was returned to Ethan. It described the importance of him finding Isabel and peacefully convincing her to come to Grimm.

GingerBread said:
"I never said you didn't help do stuff. But how many of those things have you actually played a big part in and helped succeed? Because I'd say five percent of it. But when I go to do stuff, I do it. Like when those 5 creatures were trying to destroy the guild. I killed and stopped them. When Lucy's knights of hell attacked, I could've helped if I didn't have to stay with you because you wanted to protect a little girl. Who ended up dying because of you, didn't she? So no matter how much you try, you're useless in the long run. You're nothing compared to me and I'm fucking shit in comparison to everyone else in the guild. So where does that put you Fola? Your rank means nothing if you're not worthy to hold it"

Vance smirked arrogantly "If you want my advice. I say we don't even bother trying to save it. Things happen in the world for a reason and everything will eventually balance out. If the whole of reality has to be destroyed to do it, so be it." Vance sighed and took on a more sympathetic expression "But if you want to stop it, go and talk to the girl, whatever her name was. Try to befriend her. Convince her that there's at least one reason to not destroy the world. Sage was the only reason I didn't leave and turn against the guild before, because that meant I would've had to go against him, or hurt him. So I didn't I stayed 'loyal' to the guild. Because that's the only way to truly get someone to stop. Give them something to care about in that situation" Vance shrugged "But what do I know? I'm just a failed abortion and inbred according to you. So you can take my advice or leave it. I don't really care"

@LokiofSP @Light
LokiofSP said:

He took in a deep breath and looked down, "I know we need a plan...I never go without some sort of plan...I just don't know what to do now...I fucked up so bad...What do I do?...I just want to be of use..."

DizjayDeathPride said:
Ryan shrugged. "Going to the source of everything we've sensed"
"The fun way right?" Morpheus' voice rang to them before he appeared in front of them. "Let's go the fun way. What's the fun way? Well I'm glad you asked! The fun way is simple. We turn facing one direction. And we extend our hands like so"


"And we appear in front of the source! With absolutely no warning"

Morpheus tilted his hat and walked up to Isabel. "Why hello ma'am. Might I say you look positively radiant. Don't tell me. Isabella Van Fen'rir, correct? My name is Morpheus Galizur." He tipped his hat and bowed to her. "These lovely 5 people behind me are my The Dragon's Rawriors. Which reminds me. You 4. Deal with the guild. Damian get a mass press release. Im going to speak to the nation. Richard... Stay out of everything. You need to gain control over the reaper realm. I'm sure an entire country's death had to have some negative effect." He looked back to Isabel and chuckled, shrugging. "C'est la vie et cela ne change rien, je suis droit?" He looked back to Decimus and pointed. "You and Ryan go handle the guild itself. Break!" As he clapped, the four left him and Theo

He smiled to Isabel and bowed once more. "I apologize for the interruption. Are you preoccupied?"
Tazmodo said:
Theodore teleported to him. "Well I only know you two. I haven't really met Richard and Damian. So what are we doing then?" He was still bothered by the Grimm but decided to worry about it later.
The woman waves back, she was slowly growing annoyed with the all people in her family castle. She had to go talk with her older brother, Grimm, so she didn't have much time for things. She simply sends Inaro, Crimson, Cole, Fola, Vance, Roman, and Jayn directly in front of Isabel with Morpheus and Theodore.

( ! ) Isabel nods her head to the question Morpheus has asked her and raises her hand after bowing back. "I'd like for you all to leave me alone now." Her palm was facing them all. "I'm uncomfortable....with you all here but I don't exactly want to fight or harm you. Leave me be or I'll strike."
Light said:
Ethan could feel himself grow stronger as a reward for his services. A fax was returned to Ethan. It described the importance of him finding Isabel and peacefully convincing her to come to Grimm.
The woman waves back, she was slowly growing annoyed with the all people in her family castle. She had to go talk with her older brother, Grimm, so she didn't have much time for things. She simply sends Inaro, Crimson, Cole, Fola, Vance, Roman, and Jayn directly in front of Isabel with Morpheus and Theodore.

( ! ) Isabel nods her head to the question Morpheus has asked her and raises her hand after bowing back. "I'd like for you all to leave me alone now." Her palm was facing them all. "I'm uncomfortable....with you all here but I don't exactly want to fight or harm you. Leave me be or I'll strike."
Morpheus put his hands up in immediate surrender. "Please don't hurt me! I just want to help you. Please let me help you"
Light said:
The woman waves back, she was slowly growing annoyed with the all people in her family castle. She had to go talk with her older brother, Grimm, so she didn't have much time for things. She simply sends Inaro, Crimson, Cole, Fola, Vance, Roman, and Jayn directly in front of Isabel with Morpheus and Theodore.
( ! ) Isabel nods her head to the question Morpheus has asked her and raises her hand after bowing back. "I'd like for you all to leave me alone now." Her palm was facing them all. "I'm uncomfortable....with you all here but I don't exactly want to fight or harm you. Leave me be or I'll strike."
"Then you'll strike me first and you'll leave the rest of them alone." Vance walked in front of all of them, facing Isabel "I don't know who you are. And I can't say I care. I can't say I don't want to stick a knife in your throat. But these people" Vance gestured behind him "Most likely don't want to. I'd suggest you just talk to them for a bit. I mean you've probably got a couple of minutes to spare. So tell me what have you got to lose? You don't look like you want to fight and talking for a couple of minutes is the best way to avoid that. Cause I'll be the first to attack. Probably the first to go down as well" Vance started laughing before taking a deep breath "Look at me. The voice of reason. I personally love to kill you, I'm not going to lie there. I'm a terrible person. But I'm not going to harm you unless I have to. I sort of owe a friend. So, five minutes of talking, you do that and I'll make sure they leave you alone if you still want them to. Does that sound like a good deal?"

@Light @LokiofSP @Tazmodo @DizjayDeathPride @Embaga Elder
Ethan pondered for a second "Who and where?" He sent that back through the fex machine as he wasn't sure in the slightest who or why he would have to find the person.

Light said:
Ethan could feel himself grow stronger as a reward for his services. A fax was returned to Ethan. It described the importance of him finding Isabel and peacefully convincing her to come to Grimm.
The woman waves back, she was slowly growing annoyed with the all people in her family castle. She had to go talk with her older brother, Grimm, so she didn't have much time for things. She simply sends Inaro, Crimson, Cole, Fola, Vance, Roman, and Jayn directly in front of Isabel with Morpheus and Theodore.

( ! ) Isabel nods her head to the question Morpheus has asked her and raises her hand after bowing back. "I'd like for you all to leave me alone now." Her palm was facing them all. "I'm uncomfortable....with you all here but I don't exactly want to fight or harm you. Leave me be or I'll strike."
Theodore looked into her eyes his welling with tears. He missed Ashlyn and her nice sweet personality. The one who gave hugs and wouldn't hurt a fly. That's all that he wanted at the moment. Just one hug was all he needed. He shook his head and wiped away the tears. "Please don't hurt us." He said in a choked tone.
The trio looked around at the other members as things began to get worst. Inaro looked at his brothers. Leave this to me he said to them via telepathy link. Crimson and Cole nods and slowly vanishes away. Inaro looks at Vance and places his hands on his shoulder. Relaxes, she's just uncomfortable around us. It's so many people, she doesn't know how to deal with us being here. I say the higher ranks stay and anyone below beta leaves. plain and simply. @Light @Tazmodo @GingerBread @LokiofSP @DizjayDeathPride
DizjayDeathPride said:
Morpheus put his hands up in immediate surrender. "Please don't hurt me! I just want to help you. Please let me help you"
GingerBread said:
"Then you'll strike me first and you'll leave the rest of them alone." Vance walked in front of all of them, facing Isabel "I don't know who you are. And I can't say I care. I can't say I don't want to stick a knife in your throat. But these people" Vance gestured behind him "Most likely don't want to. I'd suggest you just talk to them for a bit. I mean you've probably got a couple of minutes to spare. So tell me what have you got to lose? You don't look like you want to fight and talking for a couple of minutes is the best way to avoid that. Cause I'll be the first to attack. Probably the first to go down as well" Vance started laughing before taking a deep breath "Look at me. The voice of reason. I personally love to kill you, I'm not going to lie there. I'm a terrible person. But I'm not going to harm you unless I have to. I sort of owe a friend. So, five minutes of talking, you do that and I'll make sure they leave you alone if you still want them to. Does that sound like a good deal?"
@Light @LokiofSP @Tazmodo @DizjayDeathPride @Embaga Elder
Tazmodo said:
Theodore looked into her eyes his welling with tears. He missed Ashlyn and her nice sweet personality. The one who gave hugs and wouldn't hurt a fly. That's all that he wanted at the moment. Just one hug was all he needed. He shook his head and wiped away the tears. "Please don't hurt us." He said in a choked tone.
( @LokiofSP )

Isabel looks at Theodore with a high sense of pity. He was a child two years older than the age she was at when she died. An innocent child trapped in a tainted world, it sickened her. She approaches Theodore and hugs him. "Everything will be okay. Nothing will hurt you anymore." She uses ectoplasm to relieve his soul from his body, allowing him to pass on. With the sacrifice of a child's life on her hands for the greater good, her first seal appears behind her and shatters. She has ectoplasm hold Theodore's body up as if he were laying down on a bed. "I will talk, for only five minutes."

metalcity said:
Ethan pondered for a second "Who and where?" He sent that back through the fex machine as he wasn't sure in the slightest who or why he would have to find the person.
Another fax came in describing the location of Isabel. An amusement park. "Her name is Isabel."

( @Daimao )

Grimm appears with Alpha on a yacht in the middle of a sea storm. "We need you to grow stronger. Getting rid of weaknesses is a start." Grimm throws Alpha into the sea storm and the boat speeds away to leave an 80 foot distance between them. Grimm uses his enhanced voice to yell over. "Swim over here or get left behind!" Reapers were in bathing suits and such, cheering Alpha on. "ALPHA! ALPHA! ALPHA! ALPHA!"
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Light said:
( @LokiofSP )
Isabel looks at Theodore with a high sense of pity. He was a child two years older than the age she was at when she died. An innocent child trapped in a tainted world, it sickened her. She approaches Theodore and hugs him. "Everything will be okay. Nothing will hurt you anymore." She uses ectoplasm to relieve his soul from his body, allowing him to pass on. With the sacrifice of a child's life on her hands for the greater good, her first seal appears behind her and shatters. She has ectoplasm hold Theodore's body up as if he were laying down on a bed. "I will talk, for only five minutes."

Another fax came in describing the location of Isabel. An amusement park. "Her name is Isabel."

( @Daimao )

Grimm appears with Alpha on a yacht in the middle of a sea storm. "We need you to grow stronger. Getting rid of weaknesses is a start." Grimm throws Alpha into the sea storm and the boat speeds away to leave an 80 foot distance between them. Grimm uses his enhanced voice to yell over. "Swim over here or get left behind!" Reapers were in bathing suits and such, cheering Alpha on. "ALPHA! ALPHA! ALPHA! ALPHA!"
Morpheus raided his hand and replied telepathically as well. And that leaves three of us. "Miss Isabel. Against the better judgement of others, I simply wish to befriend and help you with your affairs here. And help you become accustomed to the new world. You have the support of my clan fully behind you."
(@LokiofSP @DizjayDeathPride )

Light said:
Isabel looks at Theodore with a high sense of pity. He was a child two years older than the age she was at when she died. An innocent child trapped in a tainted world, it sickened her. She approaches Theodore and hugs him. "Everything will be okay. Nothing will hurt you anymore." She uses ectoplasm to relieve his soul from his body, allowing him to pass on. With the sacrifice of a child's life on her hands for the greater good, her first seal appears behind her and shatters. She has ectoplasm hold Theodore's body up as if he were laying down on a bed. "I will talk, for only five minutes."
Vance turned and glared at Inaro "I'm not leaving, I'm staying. I said I'd get rid of you lot for this lady if you cause too much trouble" He turned back around to face Isabel "Thank you. seriously, thanks." Vance created a chair made of darkness and sat down "Right Fola, you're probably the best person here to talk to her. I put my trust in you most of all. So you've got five minutes, use it wisely. I'd suggest everyone else shuts up unless it's important or I'll take away your ability to talk myself. I don't like rude people" Vance crossed him arms and sat back in his chair, ready to mute anyone who spoke out of line or tried to cause an argument
DizjayDeathPride said:
Morpheus raided his hand and replied telepathically as well. And that leaves three of us. "Miss Isabel. Against the better judgement of others, I simply wish to befriend and help you with your affairs here. And help you become accustomed to the new world. You have the support of my clan fully behind you."
GingerBread said:
(@LokiofSP @DizjayDeathPride )
Vance turned and glared at Inaro "I'm not leaving, I'm staying. I said I'd get rid of you lot for this lady if you cause too much trouble" He turned back around to face Isabel "Thank you. seriously, thanks." Vance created a chair made of darkness and sat down "Right Fola, you're probably the best person here to talk to her. I put my trust in you most of all. So you've got five minutes, use it wisely. I'd suggest everyone else shuts up unless it's important or I'll take away your ability to talk myself. I don't like rude people" Vance crossed him arms and sat back in his chair, ready to mute anyone who spoke out of line or tried to cause an argument
Isabel turns to Morpheus and decides on obliging to only bits and pieces of his suggestion. "Get me three death and or birth scythes. I would kindly appreciate it if you were to aid me in this endeavor." Isabel lightly bows once more and turns to Vance, lightly nodding her head in an you're welcome fashion. She turns her head to Fola and slightly outstretches her left hand. Her palm facing upwards in a, please speak gesture.
Light said:
Isabel turns to Morpheus and decides on obliging to only bits and pieces of his suggestion. "Get me three death and or birth scythes. I would kindly appreciate it if you were to aid me in this endeavor." Isabel lightly bows once more and turns to Vance, lightly nodding her head in an you're welcome fashion. She turns her head to Fola and slightly outstretches her left hand. Her palm facing upwards in a, please speak gesture.
Morpheus bowed to her. "Ill be right on that. Would you mind if I mark you with my clan's symbol so that I can locate you across universes?"
DizjayDeathPride said:
Morpheus bowed to her. "Ill be right on that. Would you mind if I mark you with my clan's symbol so that I can locate you across universes?"
"Yes I would mind. You've found me quite easily before so you wouldn't need to. I don't want that so I'd appreciate it if you kept it away from me."
Light said:
"Yes I would mind. You've found me quite easily before so you wouldn't need to. I don't want that so I'd appreciate it if you kept it away from me."
Morpheus chuckled and tipped his hat, disappearing to his mission
Fola stopped and looked down to the floor. In front of him stood a woman who probably dispised him, he had told her she didn't matter once upon a time, that this life wasn't hers to live. Wether he thought that mattered or not didn't matter anymore, instead he knew he had a choice to make, the choice of life or death, and had this been a mere few hours ago would have been death, but now? He had no idea... But she was looking at him, so he had to speak. He couldn't meet her eyes, so in his shame he kept his eyes to the ground, "I'm sorry... So sorry... For the longest time I thought you didn't deserve to be here...Didn't think you deserved to live...But now I think you deserve it more than everybody here..."

LokiofSP said:
Fola stopped and looked down to the floor. In front of him stood a woman who probably dispised him, he had told her she didn't matter once upon a time, that this life wasn't hers to live. Wether he thought that mattered or not didn't matter anymore, instead he knew he had a choice to make, the choice of life or death, and had this been a mere few hours ago would have been death, but now? He had no idea... But she was looking at him, so he had to speak. He couldn't meet her eyes, so in his shame he kept his eyes to the ground, "I'm sorry... So sorry... For the longest time I thought you didn't deserve to be here...Didn't think you deserved to live...But now I think you deserve it more than everybody here..."

"Is that all? You have 3 and a half minutes left. If that's all that must be said I must get going."

  • "Alright Morpheus I've gotten your press release." In front of various different media outlets, Morpheus appeared and took a seat

    "Hellooooo Media! My name is Morpheus. Due to... Extenuating circumstances I have become the head of Dragon's Roar. Some of you civilians may know me as the leader of The Dragon's Rawriors. A spliter group. I give you my full honesty that we, both groups, will protect the world from any foreign evil. As we have and as we always will. The situation in Germany has a small amount to do with my new gained title as Leader. The details I am a bit spotty on but do not fear we are all working day and night to find the culprit and bring the world to peace. Any questions can be dealt with by Damian Harrison." Morpheus stood and the various media groups threw questions out in a fury. He whuspered in Damian's ear and disappeared

    Ryan appeared in the guild with Decimus and the two immediately worked on fortifying the building, setting up a vast amount of defenses. Refusing to let this one be destroyed as well

Light said:
Isabel forgot to ask Morpheus to bring her the four horsemen rings as well. She was checking the time, he was taking a while. "Lucifer, I need you."
( @DizjayDeathPride )
Black fire swirled in a circle behind her, growing up in the form of a man that stepped out "You lasted a total of 10 minutes before you called. I expect 15. I'm surprised. What's going on gumdrop"
Fola stood up, "NO DAMMIT! I HAVE MORE TO SAY..."

Fola looked down at himself in surprise. Never, had he EVER put that much raw emotion in anything...It felt right...Like, everything in his life felt like it had been leading to this moment, he felt purpose, like what he was doing was right. He couldn't fuck it up...Not this time...

As he spoke, his own life flashed before his mind, unfurling like a blanket,
"I get what you feel...The anger, the rage, the unhappiness...You feel as if the world is dirty, like it cheated you and spit in your face...Now? You just want to take it out on something..."

The city of Toronto was dusty, light snowfall fell down on the ground. A small little boy with a floppy eared hat came from his small house and smiled, spinning around in the white precipitation and just laughing, enjoying his time and feeling true childlike bliss. He grew dizzy and fell into a snow bank. He sat there, unmoving as he blinked a few times, but soon began to laugh at his own clumsiness and at just how stupid he could have been to fall...The a shadow fell over him, a boy that stood a good three inches taller than him picked him up and began to beat on him, kicking, punching, and savagely beating the boy before pushing him back down, spitting on him and walking away. The boy sat there in a ball, crying and sniffling as his eyes narrowed, feeling contempt and cheated...

"You feel left out...Like everyone just stopped caring about you suddenly...Like you truly have nobody to turn to..."

The boy bounced up and down as he ran down the streets to his home, paper in one hand and a stick in the other. He put the stick to the fence and allowed it to run down it and feel the vibrations. He smiled and burst through his door, shouting for his parents as he threw down his bag and began to take off his little shoes. He stood up and called again, growing confused as he searched the house, unable to find anybody. He went to the kitchen, confused, still dragging his paper behind him, he sat at the table and let out a sigh. Looking over a letter on the table he balled it up and threw it down, putting down the paper with a big red A+ on it, he went to the counter, where a cake with the words, 'Happy Birthday Fola!' sat...Yet he was alone to his thought, his parents gone for the night...

"Because of that you want to do bad things, you feel as if you should do something to the world to get back at it! Like something terrible must happen to fill the void you're feeling!"

The boy, now a man walked briskly through the Russian streets, tailing a tall woman late at night. As she neared an alleyway he pulled down a black ski mask and began to ran, pulling the woman in the ally he took out a knife from his pocket, putting it to the woman's neck and putting a hand to her mouth as she attempted to scream. His breathing began to grow heavy as he attempted to pull of the woman's thick jacket...

"You do it because...Well you're scared...You feel alone and the only option you see is to cause pain and suffering to others...Even though you'll be the one who loses in the end..."

The man sat in a room now, looking lost into a bottle as he attempted to sort out the thoughts of pure loneliness he felt...

Fola looked down on himself, but steeled his nerves and spoke again,
"I know because...I've felt the same exact way. But I can tell you now that despite all of that! There's hope for you! Even if your pushed down, somebody will pick you back up!"

The boy shook in the snow bank as his contempt grew. But soon felt another shadow over him. He looked up to see a girl with black hair done up in pigtails looking at him with bright, happy red eyes. She smiled and extended a hand that the boy took after some hesitation, she pulled him up to his feet and began to carry him back home...

"The part of you that thinks nobody cares is wrong! Even if you don't know it, somebody will always be there for you!"

The boy sat silently, tears dripping down his face as he slowly consumed the cake on his plate. He went to go get up from his spot on his kitchens chair, but soon felt arms wrap around him. He blinked in surprise, but turned to see his mother, in a rare gesture of love, hug him and hold him tight. She spoke only three words, 'Happy birthday son...'

"The terrible things you do will only make you feel sick in the end! It won't work!"

The man stopped for a moment and looked at the woman's eyes, the pure fear and panic made him feel sick. He took his knife from her neck and dropped it to the floor, stumbling back and running away in disgust from his actions...

"And the only reason I get that now is because YOU showed me! Even if you don't remember, even if you don't understand how, YOU helped me! Every single personality was a part of you, meaning you would have done the same if given the chance! I'm only the man I am standing before you BECAUSE of you..."

He felt a blonde woman with red eyes hug him from behind, then he was with a odd woman, staring up at the earth as it cracked, simply talking about the beauty of the sight. Then in his last memory, he sat on his bed, looking in the bottle once more, as words filled his head. After some doing, he threw the bottle away...

"So now it's time for me to return the favor..." He extended his hand, "I know what you're feeling, and you just need somebody to be there for you...So please...Isabel, just let me be that person..."

DizjayDeathPride said:
Black fire swirled in a circle behind her, growing up in the form of a man that stepped out "You lasted a total of 10 minutes before you called. I expect 15. I'm surprised. What's going on gumdrop"
LokiofSP said:
Fola stood up, "NO DAMMIT! I HAVE MORE TO SAY..."

Fola looked down at himself in surprise. Never, had he EVER put that much raw emotion in anything...It felt right...Like, everything in his life felt like it had been leading to this moment, he felt purpose, like what he was doing was right. He couldn't fuck it up...Not this time...

As he spoke, his own life flashed before his mind, unfurling like a blanket,
"I get what you feel...The anger, the rage, the unhappiness...You feel as if the world is dirty, like it cheated you and spit in your face...Now? You just want to take it out on something..."

The city of Toronto was dusty, light snowfall fell down on the ground. A small little boy with a floppy eared hat came from his small house and smiled, spinning around in the white precipitation and just laughing, enjoying his time and feeling true childlike bliss. He grew dizzy and fell into a snow bank. He sat there, unmoving as he blinked a few times, but soon began to laugh at his own clumsiness and at just how stupid he could have been to fall...The a shadow fell over him, a boy that stood a good three inches taller than him picked him up and began to beat on him, kicking, punching, and savagely beating the boy before pushing him back down, spitting on him and walking away. The boy sat there in a ball, crying and sniffling as his eyes narrowed, feeling contempt and cheated...

"You feel left out...Like everyone just stopped caring about you suddenly...Like you truly have nobody to turn to..."

The boy bounced up and down as he ran down the streets to his home, paper in one hand and a stick in the other. He put the stick to the fence and allowed it to run down it and feel the vibrations. He smiled and burst through his door, shouting for his parents as he threw down his bag and began to take off his little shoes. He stood up and called again, growing confused as he searched the house, unable to find anybody. He went to the kitchen, confused, still dragging his paper behind him, he sat at the table and let out a sigh. Looking over a letter on the table he balled it up and threw it down, putting down the paper with a big red A+ on it, he went to the counter, where a cake with the words, 'Happy Birthday Fola!' sat...Yet he was alone to his thought, his parents gone for the night...

"Because of that you want to do bad things, you feel as if you should do something to the world to get back at it! Like something terrible must happen to fill the void you're feeling!"

The boy, now a man walked briskly through the Russian streets, tailing a tall woman late at night. As she neared an alleyway he pulled down a black ski mask and began to ran, pulling the woman in the ally he took out a knife from his pocket, putting it to the woman's neck and putting a hand to her mouth as she attempted to scream. His breathing began to grow heavy as he attempted to pull of the woman's thick jacket...

"You do it because...Well you're scared...You feel alone and the only option you see is to cause pain and suffering to others...Even though you'll be the one who loses in the end..."

The man sat in a room now, looking lost into a bottle as he attempted to sort out the thoughts of pure loneliness he felt...

Fola looked down on himself, but steeled his nerves and spoke again,
"I know because...I've felt the same exact way. But I can tell you now that despite all of that! There's hope for you! Even if your pushed down, somebody will pick you back up!"

The boy shook in the snow bank as his contempt grew. But soon felt another shadow over him. He looked up to see a girl with black hair done up in pigtails looking at him with bright, happy red eyes. She smiled and extended a hand that the boy took after some hesitation, she pulled him up to his feet and began to carry him back home...

"The part of you that thinks nobody cares is wrong! Even if you don't know it, somebody will always be there for you!"

The boy sat silently, tears dripping down his face as he slowly consumed the cake on his plate. He went to go get up from his spot on his kitchens chair, but soon felt arms wrap around him. He blinked in surprise, but turned to see his mother, in a rare gesture of love, hug him and hold him tight. She spoke only three words, 'Happy birthday son...'

"The terrible things you do will only make you feel sick in the end! It won't work!"

The man stopped for a moment and looked at the woman's eyes, the pure fear and panic made him feel sick. He took his knife from her neck and dropped it to the floor, stumbling back and running away in disgust from his actions...

"And the only reason I get that now is because YOU showed me! Even if you don't remember, even if you don't understand how, YOU helped me! Every single personality was a part of you, meaning you would have done the same if given the chance! I'm only the man I am standing before you BECAUSE of you..."

He felt a blonde woman with red eyes hug him from behind, then he was with a odd woman, staring up at the earth as it cracked, simply talking about the beauty of the sight. Then in his last memory, he sat on his bed, looking in the bottle once more, as words filled his head. After some doing, he threw the bottle away...

"So now it's time for me to return the favor..." He extended his hand, "I know what you're feeling, and you just need somebody to be there for you...So please...Isabel, just let me be that person..."

Isabel bows with a high sense of courtesy. "I have several things to say and ask for. Firstly I'd like for you to make me a fallen angel. I'd also like the four horsemen rings." Isabel closes her only visible right eye and inhales. After five seconds she exhaled and opens her eyes. "I would like to say that I forgive you. These tasks will help me greatly and if I can depending on the goal I could help you in return." Isabel holds out her hand, palm facing downward with her hand tilted downward as well so Lucifer could gently grasp it with his own. She's rather show Lucifer the conditions in which she'd like the power to be transferred to her instead of leaving it up to his own decision. She assumed he would do it the usual way and would most likely hit her in the chest, which wouldn't be very good. Isabel heard Fola speak and refused to face him, slight anger was developing in her eyes. She began to think to herself instead of expressing her feelings on the matter, she was still afraid of them all and what they would do to her so she didn't have the courage to stand up to them. 'Yes it's extremely easy to say this.....many people have suffered but I haven't suffered in their way. I'm not saying that my suffering drowns out their own, I'm simply saying mine is alien in comparison. Fate itself doesn't even want me around, I was supposed to be a miscarriage. I was saved through magic.....I was supposed to be free....I was captured. I should have broken free...though I died. My fragments should have gotten together...but my damned family themselves whom swore they loved me did everything in their power to make sure I wouldn't return under the assumption of me wanting to destroy. They had no faith and trust in me just as I have no faith and trust in the world. He expects me to be evil and so does the rest of the world....I can be good but for fate's delight I must be scorned by the shackles of false love. Realities sick game of balance is hosted by a thread too thin for I to ease through. I damn the sin upon Atlas's shoulders to a place worse than the holier, hell in which my blood was engrossed within. No one shall care, no further evil shall rot what was once pure, and I lack the digestive system to nourish my body with fattening empathy." Isabel clears her throat after her mental rant, finally responding to Fola in her regular tone. "I cannot trust anything anymore. I'd kindly like to say no."
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