Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
Light said:
Isabel nods her head to Lucifer. "Thank you...thank you both." Isabel reaches out for the the three weapons but they seem to slam into her against her will. The seals and her special ability was causing the three death scythes to be absorbed into her body. She was evolving once more. All three of the scythes enter her body and begin to take affect on her. She falls down on to Lucifer as her life begins to end. Isabel was panicking, not having any control over what's happening to her. "Lu-...help....help m-." Isabel's heart stops but a seal breaks at this moment and her evolution was complete. Isabel's heart begins to beat once more and she stands up on her own. She was on seal #3 and it felt amazing. "I feel so...different...I'll be right back." Isabel decides to test out her powers and teleport to Grimm's vault. She absorbs every relic she could find in there including Grimm's birth scythe and the power of the vault itself. Isabel finishes it off by absorbing the pocket realm the vault was held in entirely. She ends up beside Lucifer once more, shuddering with power. "Where should we begin? I need more power." Isabel knew she turned into something....New and different due to her evolution but she didn't know what.
Lucifer followed closely just... Watching her. "I actually have an idea." He scratched down and a crack formed. He stuck his hands inside and ripped it open to face another Lucifer doing the exact same. Except there was no Isabel behind him. "This is a parallel universe. Except one where you don't exist. Meaning.... Another Grimm Vault for you to absorb. After you"
DizjayDeathPride said:
Lucifer followed closely just... Watching her. "I actually have an idea." He scratched down and a crack formed. He stuck his hands inside and ripped it open to face another Lucifer doing the exact same. Except there was no Isabel behind him. "This is a parallel universe. Except one where you don't exist. Meaning.... Another Grimm Vault for you to absorb. After you"
Isabel lightly bows and goes through the crack, repeating the same process.
Light said:
Isabel lightly bows and goes through the crack, repeating the same process.
And again, he followed. "How do you feel? I mean I can only go to a limited number of Parallel Universes before we might actually need help"
CelticSol said:
(@Daimao )
Jackie shrugs, but she seems completely confident in her thinking, "I know they won't attack me, because the person they're protecting knows who I am," Assuming that Alpha will simply tag along, she holds her hand out to Vance with a raised eyebrow, "Shall we?"
"We shall. But if there's any reapers I just use my usual strategy. should give you time to get away if they turn on all of us. but if they turn on me, well I've got nothing for that. I'll just have to hope I can talk my way out of it" Vance shrugged and chose to ignore Jackie's hand "I don't need an escort and we wouldn't want people to get the wrong Idea, now would we? Though if you're available...." Vance teleported to the front of the castle.

@Light @CelticSol @Daimao
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Fola watches Jackie and Vance get ready to go, turning to the others, he talks "Alright, so by now all of you are in*, here's what I want. Everybody under Delta, leave and go search, the next task is something I only want the best of the best to handle..."

Jayn begins to get ready for the search, draging Roman before Fola snaps at her, "Nu-uh, I'm gonna need your fuck buddy for this Jayn."

She raises a brow, "What? Why?!"

"Because for this to work, we need him. Now GO!"

She pouts and leaves...

(*For times sake, I'm assuming whatever satanic ritual has been done to make everyone in the room a guild member)

@GingerBread@OceanBunny @DizjayDeathPride @Light @Lotusy @Juju @Tazmodo@Embaga Elder @CelticSol @Daimao @Dreamtique @Nova King @The Otaku Diaries
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GingerBread said:
"We shall. But if there's any reapers I just use my usual strategy. should give you time to get away if they turn on all of us. but if they turn on me, well I've got nothing for that. I'll just have to hope I can talk my way out of it" Vance shrugged and chose to ignore Jackie's hand "I don't need an escort and we wouldn't want people to get the wrong Idea, now would we? Though if you're available...." Vance teleported to the front of the castle.
@Light @CelticSol
(@Light do you want to control a reaper reaction, or do you want us to go right to Siobhan?)

Jackie rolls her eyes, teleporting smoothly to Vance's side. She points her head, to where Alpha is sitting, "The little demonic chihuahua on my head, believe it or not, is my 6'8", Ruler-Of-Hell, guaranteed-can-kick-your-ass boyfriend. If you don't want to be eaten, I wouldn't try that shit with me, especially if he's in earshot," She rolls her eyes again, muttering something under her breath about fuck boys as she enters the castle.
CelticSol said:
(@Light do you want to control a reaper reaction, or do you want us to go right to Siobhan?)
Jackie rolls her eyes, teleporting smoothly to Vance's side. She points her head, to where Alpha is sitting, "The little demonic chihuahua on my head, believe it or not, is my 6'8", Ruler-Of-Hell, guaranteed-can-kick-your-ass boyfriend. If you don't want to be eaten, I wouldn't try that shit with me, especially if he's in earshot," She rolls her eyes again, muttering something under her breath about fuck boys as she enters the castle.
GingerBread said:
"We shall. But if there's any reapers I just use my usual strategy. should give you time to get away if they turn on all of us. but if they turn on me, well I've got nothing for that. I'll just have to hope I can talk my way out of it" Vance shrugged and chose to ignore Jackie's hand "I don't need an escort and we wouldn't want people to get the wrong Idea, now would we? Though if you're available...." Vance teleported to the front of the castle.
@Light @CelticSol @Daimao
At Jackie's mentioning of him, Alpha exhaled a cone of flame into the sky, before curling up on Jackie's head, always keeping one pair of eyes on Vance.
CelticSol said:
(@Light do you want to control a reaper reaction, or do you want us to go right to Siobhan?)
Jackie rolls her eyes, teleporting smoothly to Vance's side. She points her head, to where Alpha is sitting, "The little demonic chihuahua on my head, believe it or not, is my 6'8", Ruler-Of-Hell, guaranteed-can-kick-your-ass boyfriend. If you don't want to be eaten, I wouldn't try that shit with me, especially if he's in earshot," She rolls her eyes again, muttering something under her breath about fuck boys as she enters the castle.
LokiofSP said:
Fola watches Jackie and Vance get ready to go, turning to the others, he talks "Alright, so by now all of you are in*, here's what I want. Everybody under Delta, leave and go search, the next task is something I only want the best of the best to handle..."
Jayn begins to get ready for the search, draging Roman before Fola snaps at her, "Nu-uh, I'm gonna need your fuck buddy for this Jayn."

She raises a brow, "What? Why?!"

"Because for this to work, we need him. Now GO!"

She pouts and leaves...

(*For times sake, I'm assuming whatever satanic ritual has been done to make everyone in the room a guild member)

@GingerBread@OceanBunny @DizjayDeathPride @Light @Lotusy @Juju @Tazmodo@Embaga Elder @CelticSol @Daimao @Dreamtique @Nova King @The Otaku Diaries
GingerBread said:
"We shall. But if there's any reapers I just use my usual strategy. should give you time to get away if they turn on all of us. but if they turn on me, well I've got nothing for that. I'll just have to hope I can talk my way out of it" Vance shrugged and chose to ignore Jackie's hand "I don't need an escort and we wouldn't want people to get the wrong Idea, now would we? Though if you're available...." Vance teleported to the front of the castle.
@Light @CelticSol @Daimao
Daimao said:
At Jackie's mentioning of him, Alpha exhaled a cone of flame into the sky, before curling up on Jackie's head, always keeping one pair of eyes on Vance.
( ! ) The cathedral doors to the castle open, only to reveal a portal leading to the torture realm. Reapers were on the high alert and would kill even Grimm if he came within a 40 foot radius of Siobhan. All the reapers were agitated and paranoid. Reapers appear around the Dragon's Roar members in their physical form. At least 14 of them. "LEAVE NOW OR DIE!" The elites didn't even show up yet.
DizjayDeathPride said:
And again, he followed. "How do you feel? I mean I can only go to a limited number of Parallel Universes before we might actually need help"
"We might need a little more... Thank you though." Isabel waits for the next opening.
CelticSol said:
(@Light do you want to control a reaper reaction, or do you want us to go right to Siobhan?)
Jackie rolls her eyes, teleporting smoothly to Vance's side. She points her head, to where Alpha is sitting, "The little demonic chihuahua on my head, believe it or not, is my 6'8", Ruler-Of-Hell, guaranteed-can-kick-your-ass boyfriend. If you don't want to be eaten, I wouldn't try that shit with me, especially if he's in earshot," She rolls her eyes again, muttering something under her breath about fuck boys as she enters the castle.
Light said:
( ! ) The cathedral doors to the castle open, only to reveal a portal leading to the torture realm. Reapers were on the high alert and would kill even Grimm if he came within a 40 foot radius of Siobhan. All the reapers were agitated and paranoid. Reapers appear around the Dragon's Roar members in their physical form. At least 14 of them. "LEAVE NOW OR DIE!" The elites didn't even show up yet.
Vance follows after Jackie "So what I'm hearing is that I should go after him instead? Is he interested?" Vance smirked as the both of them "But neither of you are really my type, or maybe you are. I don't really know what my type is. But I digress. Bet the baby making must be weird between you two if he's that small. But he's probably hiding that 6'8 size somewhere isn't he?" Vance let out a light chuckle.

Vance looked the the reapers, not even
displaying a hint of fear "Yes hello. I know you said something. But I'm a little deaf in both ears." He cupped his hand over one his ears "Probably something to do with me almost getting killed all the time. But We respectfully request a word with. Who was it again Jackie?"

@CelticSol @Daimao @Light
GingerBread said:
Vance follows after Jackie "So what I'm hearing is that I should go after him instead? Is he interested?" Vance smirked as the both of them "But neither of you are really my type, or maybe you are. I don't really know what my type is. But I digress. Bet the baby making must be weird between you two if he's that small. But he's probably hiding that 6'8 size somewhere isn't he?" Vance let out a light chuckle.
Vance looked the the reapers, not even
displaying a hint of fear "Yes hello. I know you said something. But I'm a little deaf in both ears." He cupped his hand over one his ears "Probably something to do with me almost getting killed all the time. But We respectfully request a word with. Who was it again Jackie?"

@CelticSol @Daimao @Light
As the reapers make an aggressive appearance, so does Sanctum, his voice piping up mockingly, Good plan, Jackie. Walk into an area of hostile reapers and waltz right up to their protected charge like its no big deal. Fucking brilliant. What will she think of next?

Fuck off, She internally hisses, looking at the group of reapers with the most blank and expressionless face she can managing, hiding the building anticipation of a probable fight, "We're here to see-"

"Me, I'm guessing?" A voice says, sharp and clinically cold despite its evident youth. The crowd separates as a young girl, no older than 12, walks through it, her arms crossed and her expression twisted into a scowl. From the structure of her face, overlooking the rounded and soft, child-like cheeks, she is clearly a dead ringer for Grimm, only she has piercing red eyes that seem to be harshly examining the trio.

"Well?" She snaps, her eyes flicking through their faces with a judgemental furrow to her brow, analyzing them quietly, until they lock on Vance, looking for her answer through him, "What do you want?"
GingerBread said:
Vance follows after Jackie "So what I'm hearing is that I should go after him instead? Is he interested?" Vance smirked as the both of them "But neither of you are really my type, or maybe you are. I don't really know what my type is. But I digress. Bet the baby making must be weird between you two if he's that small. But he's probably hiding that 6'8 size somewhere isn't he?" Vance let out a light chuckle.
Vance looked the the reapers, not even
displaying a hint of fear "Yes hello. I know you said something. But I'm a little deaf in both ears." He cupped his hand over one his ears "Probably something to do with me almost getting killed all the time. But We respectfully request a word with. Who was it again Jackie?"

@CelticSol @Daimao @Light
CelticSol said:
As the reapers make an aggressive appearance, so does Sanctum, his voice piping up mockingly, Good plan, Jackie. Walk into an area of hostile reapers and waltz right up to their protected charge like its no big deal. Fucking brilliant. What will she think of next?
Fuck off, She internally hisses, looking at the group of reapers with the most blank and expressionless face she can managing, hiding the building anticipation of a probable fight, "We're here to see-"

"Me, I'm guessing?" A voice says, sharp and clinically cold despite its evident youth. The crowd separates as a young girl, no older than 12, walks through it, her arms crossed and her expression twisted into a scowl. From the structure of her face, overlooking the rounded and soft, child-like cheeks, she is clearly a dead ringer for Grimm, only she has piercing red eyes that seem to be harshly examining the trio.

"Well?" She snaps, her eyes flicking through their faces with a judgemental furrow to her brow, analyzing them quietly, until they lock on Vance, looking for her answer through him, "What do you want?"
Roman kneels before the young girl, as well as the other reapers. A reaper decides to speak up. "Why are you outside? We are to protect you at all costs! They must die!"
CelticSol said:
As the reapers make an aggressive appearance, so does Sanctum, his voice piping up mockingly, Good plan, Jackie. Walk into an area of hostile reapers and waltz right up to their protected charge like its no big deal. Fucking brilliant. What will she think of next?
Fuck off, She internally hisses, looking at the group of reapers with the most blank and expressionless face she can managing, hiding the building anticipation of a probable fight, "We're here to see-"

"Me, I'm guessing?" A voice says, sharp and clinically cold despite its evident youth. The crowd separates as a young girl, no older than 12, walks through it, her arms crossed and her expression twisted into a scowl. From the structure of her face, overlooking the rounded and soft, child-like cheeks, she is clearly a dead ringer for Grimm, only she has piercing red eyes that seem to be harshly examining the trio.

"Well?" She snaps, her eyes flicking through their faces with a judgemental furrow to her brow, analyzing them quietly, until they lock on Vance, looking for her answer through him, "What do you want?"
"What does any self respecting person like my- Okay that act is getting on my nerves. I would like some information regarding" Vance paused for a second as he tried to think of the name "Isabel's grandmother. We'd like as much information as you can give us about her. we're currently going on a search for her. So any information you can spare would be appreciated. Though I have the suspicion that you'd want something in return, do you?"

@CelticSol @Daimao @Light
GingerBread said:
"What does any self respecting person like my- Okay that act is getting on my nerves. I would like some information regarding" Vance paused for a second as he tried to think of the name "Isabel's grandmother. We'd like as much information as you can give us about her. we're currently going on a search for her. So any information you can spare would be appreciated. Though I have the suspicion that you'd want something in return, do you?"

@CelticSol @Daimao @Light
A reaper stands up and appears before Vance, putting up his death field so Vance's soul would slowly deteriorate. "WHO ARE YOU TO TALK TO OUR PRINCESS IN SUCH A WAY?!"
Light said:
A reaper stands up and appears before Vance, putting up his death field so Vance's soul would slowly deteriorate. "WHO ARE YOU TO TALK TO OUR PRINCESS IN SUCH A WAY?!"
"I'm Vance and I'm talking to your 'princess' in a manner that implies I respect her, would you prefer me to disrespect her? Cause I don't really want to, she seems nice." Vance shrugged, trying to ignore the feeling of his soul slowly dying.

@CelticSol @Daimao @Light
GingerBread said:
"What does any self respecting person like my- Okay that act is getting on my nerves. I would like some information regarding" Vance paused for a second as he tried to think of the name "Isabel's grandmother. We'd like as much information as you can give us about her. we're currently going on a search for her. So any information you can spare would be appreciated. Though I have the suspicion that you'd want something in return, do you?"

@CelticSol @Daimao @Light
Light said:
A reaper stands up and appears before Vance, putting up his death field so Vance's soul would slowly deteriorate. "WHO ARE YOU TO TALK TO OUR PRINCESS IN SUCH A WAY?!"
Siobhan spins on her heel, her gaze locking on the reaper. With a sharp flick of her wrist, Judgement forces the reaper to its knees. Her voice is like ice when she speaks, sharper than a knife, "Be silent," she commands, her words and her tone leaving no room for argument.

Jackie whistles in appraisal, "I forgot how feisty you are, Siobhan. Didn't know you had started taking that out on servants, though."

Siobhan scowls at Jackie, not appreciating the comment, nor the attempt at humour. Judgement remains like a 20 tonne weight on the reaper, keeping it kneeling to her on the ground as Siobhan turns to Vance with a blank expression. "There's nothing to know. She's been missing for years, no one knows where she went. She's likely dead," Each word is spoken in a completely factual manner, so empty of emotion that Siobhan sounds almost robotic.
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CelticSol said:
Siobhan spins on her heel, her gaze locking on the reaper. With a sharp flick of her wrist, Judgement forcing the reaper to its knees. Her voice is like ice when she speaks, sharper than a knife, "Be silent," she commands, her words and her tone leaving no room for argument.
Jackie whistles in appraisal, "I forgot how feisty you are, Siobhan. Didn't know you had started taking that out on servants, though."

Siobhan scowls at Jackie, not appreciating the comment, nor the attempt at humour. Judgement remains like a 20 tonne weight on the reaper, keeping it kneeling to her on the ground as Siobhan turns to Vance with a blank expression. "There's nothing to know. She's been missing for years, no one knows where she went. She's likely dead," Each word is spoken in a completely factual manner, so empty of emotion that Siobhan sounds almost robotic.
"I understand that you think that. But I'm an assassin. I don't believe anyone is dead unless I see a body. And anything that goes missing will turn up eventually, so I ask that you assist us to help find any clues that might tell us her whereabouts. I'm no sherlock holmes but I'm sure if she is still alive, I can find her. And you can't hold my life to that if you wish" Vance shrugged, knowing he was probably going to die if he couldn't find her anyway. "But I'll need information. About when, where and how she disappeared. Anything you've got really. It's sort of urgent. So if you could help that would be great. If not then well, I'll have to find another method of getting the information. But the problem with that is I'm on a time limit, so I longer I take convincing you, The less time I have. So I ask respectfully, if you could assist us in finding information"

@CelticSol @Light @Daimao
GingerBread said:
"I understand that you think that. But I'm an assassin. I don't believe anyone is dead unless I see a body. And anything that goes missing will turn up eventually, so I ask that you assist us to help find any clues that might tell us her whereabouts. I'm no sherlock holmes but I'm sure if she is still alive, I can find her. And you can't hold my life to that if you wish" Vance shrugged, knowing he was probably going to die if he couldn't find her anyway. "But I'll need information. About when, where and how she disappeared. Anything you've got really. It's sort of urgent. So if you could help that would be great. If not then well, I'll have to find another method of getting the information. But the problem with that is I'm on a time limit, so I longer I take convincing you, The less time I have. So I ask respectfully, if you could assist us in finding information"
@CelticSol @Light @Daimao
Siobhan purses her lips, mulling his words over in her mind. With a small, she starts speaking much more softly and more gently than she had before, "There was nothing out of the ordinary that day. **Mamaí and I had the house to ourselves, because papa was out with work... Since it was raining, we couldn't go outside, so Mamaí suggested we play hide-and-go seek. The first rounds went as they should - I found her, she found me, so on and so forth - until the fourth. I was hiding, she was seeking."

Siobhan voice grows thick, and she coughs to clear the sudden lump in her throat, which doesn't work to rid herself of it, "I was hiding in one of the cabinets in the dining room - I was small, I could fit easily and without issue. It was quiet, and I could hear Mamaí trying to taunt me into giggling and giving up my spot from where she was upstairs. She..." Siobhan rubs under her eye with the heel of her hand, stopping a tear in its track, "I heard her stop teasing, but she was still talking. She was speaking to someone upstairs quietly, and I was afraid because Mamaí never really talked to the reapers if we were playing, so that meant someone else was in the house. Someone with a voice I didn't recognize started to speak with her. A man.

"I stayed in my spot, not coming out as Mamaí had taught me to do if there was someone there that wasn't supposed to be. They spoke very quietly, so I couldn't make out what they were saying, but by his tone, he was desperately asking her - no, begging her - for something. She was refusing. And... He was getting angry at his rejection, and Mamaí sounded like she was growing nervous."

A tear slips through Siobhan's composure, sniffing as she callously wipes the tear with the back of her hand, which is simply replaced by one that follows right after it, "I heard a crash, and Mamaí shouted at whoever was with her to stop... Something. I heard the sound of her fighting him, and him fighting her, furniture crashing and book falling. Mamaí screamed in pain, and I-I could hear her crying out, begging him to stop. S-She stopped making any noise abruptly, like someone had covered her mouth. After that, there was another smash, then footsteps, and whoever attacked my Mamaí and took her was gone."

Siobhan wipes her tears, cursing under her breath, "I'm sorry- I don't ever cry -" She shakes her head, rubbing her sleeve over her face to dry it, "I came out of hiding, and went up to where I had heard the fight happen, and saw Mamaí's study door was open. The door had never been left open, since she kept a lot of weapons in there, and she and papa didn't want me to wander in there and hurt myself. I called papa after I saw that, and he came home immediately, made sure I was alright and that I was hurt. He never let me see the actual crime scene, so if you want details on that, you'll have to ask him. That's all I remember."

Jackie absorbs this, her brow furrowed in concern. "Jesus," She whispers, mostly to herself.

(**Mamaí= Term of Endearment for a mother in Scottish Gaelic)
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CelticSol said:
Siobhan purses her lips, mulling his words over in her mind. With a small, she starts speaking much more softly and more gently than she had before, "There was nothing out of the ordinary that day. **Mamaí and I had the house to ourselves, because papa was out with work... Since it was raining, we couldn't go outside, so Mamaí suggested we play hide-and-go seek. The first rounds went as they should - I found her, she found me, so on and so forth - until the fourth. I was hiding, she was seeking."
Siobhan voice grows thick, and she coughs to clear the sudden lump in her throat, which doesn't work to rid herself of it, "I was hiding in one of the cabinets in the dining room - I was small, I could fit easily and without issue. It was quiet, and I could hear Mamaí trying to taunt me into giggling and giving up my spot from where she was upstairs. She..." Siobhan rubs under her eye with the heel of her hand, stopping a tear in its track, "I heard her stop teasing, but she was still talking. She was speaking to someone upstairs quietly, and I was afraid because Mamaí never really talked to the reapers if we were playing, so that meant someone else was in the house. Someone with a voice I didn't recognize started to speak with her. A man.

"I stayed in my spot, not coming out as Mamaí had taught me to do if there was someone there that wasn't supposed to be. They spoke very quietly, so I couldn't make out what they were saying, but by his tone, he was desperately asking her - no, begging her - for something. She was refusing. And... He was getting angry at his rejection, and Mamaí sounded like she was growing nervous."

A tear slips through Siobhan's composure, sniffing as she callously wipes the tear with the back of her hand, which is simply replaced by one that follows right after it, "I heard a crash, and Mamaí shouted at whoever was with her to stop... Something. I heard the sound of her fighting him, and him fighting her, furniture crashing and book falling. Mamaí screamed in pain, and I-I could hear her crying out, begging him to stop. S-She stopped making any noise abruptly, like someone had covered her mouth. After that, there was another smash, then footsteps, and whoever attacked my Mamaí and took her was gone."

Siobhan wipes her tears, cursing under her breath, "I'm sorry- I don't even cry -" She shakes her head, rubbing her sleeve over her face to dry it, "I came out of hiding, and went up to where I had heard the fight happen, and saw Mamaí's study door was open. The door had never been left open, since she kept a lot of weapons in there, and she and papa didn't want me to wander in there and hurt myself. I called papa after I saw that, and he came home immediately, made sure I was alright and that I was hurt. He never let me see the actual crime scene, so if you want details on that, you'll have to ask him. That's all I remember."

Jackie absorbs this, her brow furrowed in concern. "Jesus," She whispers, mostly to herself.
Vance was lost for words at first, he didn't want to say anything that would annoy the reapers enough to kill him. "That's...That's rough I guess. I don't mean to sound disrespectful, but I feel heartless is an accurate description of me. But moving on. from what you told me, it was a man, with some motive, sounding like he wanted something. The best I've got is an ex-lover, that's the best I can come up with. Because it would have to be someone who knows her well, well enough to ask her for something and kidnap her. It also sounded like she expected him to come to her. which might've been why she always told you to hide" Vance went silent as he began thinking.

"Do you know if your mother ever got any letters from anyone? Actually better yet, would we be able to rifle around in her study? I understand that you might not want us too. But I'm pretty sure I've got a good idea of the motive. Even so, seeing the room would be an advantage. I would be able to narrow down who it might've been that way, based on exits and entrances, as well as shadows. But what've you've told me has been helpful. So I thank you for that."
Vance gave Siobhan a smile, trying to show his appreciation "But I feel more information is needed. So it would really help me if I got a look at this study of hers." Vance made a mental note to ask Jackie what she thought of all this.

@Daimao @Light @CelticSol (I get the feeling, I'm miles off of what it actually was. But I might be right I doubt it though :P )
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Light said:
A reaper stands up and appears before Vance, putting up his death field so Vance's soul would slowly deteriorate. "WHO ARE YOU TO TALK TO OUR PRINCESS IN SUCH A WAY?!"
Lucifer stood with his arms crossed and tapped his chins. "Now where do we go next? Actually. I have an idea. We're going to need the boy's help. He has the universe orbs that you so happily decided to absorb in this universe before I could even think of getting them. Time to go back" He stepped through the rift and looked at the Ferris wheel. I'm getting us killed I can feel it. "Morpheus. Come. And bring the universal orbs"

Beckoned, the man came with a small baggie of marbles. "Okay now I've got to ask. How did you know I got these? Know what doesn't matter. Isabel here. Each is a tiny universe inside of a marble. Crush it and you crush and entire universe" he pulled one out and looked it over, tossing to her. "Here"
DizjayDeathPride said:
Lucifer stood with his arms crossed and tapped his chins. "Now where do we go next? Actually. I have an idea. We're going to need the boy's help. He has the universe orbs that you so happily decided to absorb in this universe before I could even think of getting them. Time to go back" He stepped through the rift and looked at the Ferris wheel. I'm getting us killed I can feel it. "Morpheus. Come. And bring the universal orbs"

Beckoned, the man came with a small baggie of marbles. "Okay now I've got to ask. How did you know I got these? Know what doesn't matter. Isabel here. Each is a tiny universe inside of a marble. Crush it and you crush and entire universe" he pulled one out and looked it over, tossing to her. "Here"
Isabel lightly bows to Morpheus as he appears for a polite greeting. "Hello. I'd like to thank you once again for assisting me." Isabel catches the orb and gazes at it with anxiety building up within her. Once she's started....She couldn't turn back. "Alright....this is it." Isabel inspects the universe inside the marble and crushes it, absorbing it afterwards. After that entire universe being sacrificed, Seal #4 breaks and she evolves once more. She would no longer grow anxious from destroying universes due to this evolution and universe absorbing would be much easier. "May I have that bag?" Isabel gestures to the bag in Morpheus's hands. "Also....grandfather, is there something you'd like me to do? It's the least I can do in return. Also....do you mind....educating me? I've missed out on quite a lot."
Light said:
Isabel lightly bows to Morpheus as he appears for a polite greeting. "Hello. I'd like to thank you once again for assisting me." Isabel catches the orb and gazes at it with anxiety building up within her. Once she's started....She couldn't turn back. "Alright....this is it." Isabel inspects the universe inside the marble and crushes it, absorbing it afterwards. After that entire universe being sacrificed, Seal #4 breaks and she evolves once more. She would no longer grow anxious from destroying universes due to this evolution and universe absorbing would be much easier. "May I have that bag?" Isabel gestures to the bag in Morpheus's hands. "Also....grandfather, is there something you'd like me to do? It's the least I can do in return. Also....do you mind....educating me? I've missed out on quite a lot."
Light said:
Isabel lightly bows to Morpheus as he appears for a polite greeting. "Hello. I'd like to thank you once again for assisting me." Isabel catches the orb and gazes at it with anxiety building up within her. Once she's started....She couldn't turn back. "Alright....this is it." Isabel inspects the universe inside the marble and crushes it, absorbing it afterwards. After that entire universe being sacrificed, Seal #4 breaks and she evolves once more. She would no longer grow anxious from destroying universes due to this evolution and universe absorbing would be much easier. "May I have that bag?" Isabel gestures to the bag in Morpheus's hands. "Also....grandfather, is there something you'd like me to do? It's the least I can do in return. Also....do you mind....educating me? I've missed out on quite a lot."
Morpheus bowed and scratched his head. "Well.... I mean...... Sigh alright. Let me go through them and take out the very important universes so you don't kill us. Ill be back" He puffed his cheeks and popped like a bubble, disappearing

Lucifer chuckled and shook his head. "I've no qualms. No desires. I'm just helping you. And sure what would you like to learn?"

Inaro left with the group that went to the families castle. Most of his time there he was drinking his beer and listening. He's on his 7th bottle. @Light @GingerBread @Daimao @CelticSol

Crimson & Cole

After the group went to go find information on Isabel's grandmother Crimson and Cole went back to the guild to wait to clean up after Isabel.
DizjayDeathPride said:
Morpheus bowed and scratched his head. "Well.... I mean...... Sigh alright. Let me go through them and take out the very important universes so you don't kill us. Ill be back" He puffed his cheeks and popped like a bubble, disappearing

Lucifer chuckled and shook his head. "I've no qualms. No desires. I'm just helping you. And sure what would you like to learn?"
"What a nice man." Isabel turns to Lucifer, blinking once after thinking for a moment. "I...wouldn't know. I don't know what I'm supposed to learn. You're my educator so...it's really up to you. While you decide on that, would you mind taking me to the deity realm? It would be greatly appreciated."
GingerBread said:
Vance was lost for words at first, he didn't want to say anything that would annoy the reapers enough to kill him. "That's...That's rough I guess. I don't mean to sound disrespectful, but I feel heartless is an accurate description of me. But moving on. from what you told me, it was a man, with some motive, sounding like he wanted something. The best I've got is an ex-lover, that's the best I can come up with. Because it would have to be someone who knows her well, well enough to ask her for something and kidnap her. It also sounded like she expected him to come to her. which might've been why she always told you to hide" Vance went silent as he began thinking.

"Do you know if your mother ever got any letters from anyone? Actually better yet, would we be able to rifle around in her study? I understand that you might not want us too. But I'm pretty sure I've got a good idea of the motive. Even so, seeing the room would be an advantage. I would be able to narrow down who it might've been that way, based on exits and entrances, as well as shadows. But what've you've told me has been helpful. So I thank you for that."
Vance gave Siobhan a smile, trying to show his appreciation "But I feel more information is needed. So it would really help me if I got a look at this study of hers." Vance made a mental note to ask Jackie what she thought of all this.

@Daimao @Light @CelticSol (I get the feeling, I'm miles off of what it actually was. But I might be right I doubt it though :P )
(If you're talking about what I think you're talking about; not quite. Close, though.

Just so you can get a good visual of the house, I'm going to be posting images of the house as we go along.)

Siobhan snaps at Vance, every bit of sadness once in her face lost to irritation, "Don't give me your pity. I don't need it," As Vance continues, Siobhan thinks a moment, her demeanor giving away how uncomfortable she was with the idea, "No one has been in Mamaí's study since she disappeared," She says, under her breath, before she slowly nods her head. It would help find her mother, and if these people though they had any chance to do so, then she wasn't going to stand in their way. She extends her hands to Vance and Jackie, placing one on each of there shoulders. In the span of a single breath, the castle melts away and is replaced by a manor. Rain pelts down on Jackie, Vance, Siobhan, and Alpha as Siobhan looks to the manor with sad eyes. The manor overlooks a a garden, which has overgrown from lack of care, and a sprawling green field leading up to a steep cliff leading into the ocean.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.2ba2cd7271f476793ec95a7f02df401a.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="106027" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.2ba2cd7271f476793ec95a7f02df401a.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Siobhan opens the servants' side door she had led them to, the door creaking harshly as the hinges grind together from years of disuse and accumulated rust. Inside is a large kitchen that had probably once been very nice, but now looks abandoned from the layers of dust and spiderwebs. Siobhan walks through without looking at anything, her feet kicking up small whirlwinds of dust as she crosses the room and up the stairs leading to the rest of the house, her hands clenched into tight fists at her sides, her expression schooled into a poker face of complete indifference. She gestures for Vance and Jackie to follow her into the rest of the house, which Jackie does immediately, heading further into the house. Siobhan raises an eyebrow expectantly, waving her hand impatiently, "Come on."




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