Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
Tazmodo said:
The girl stared at him even with the choking. She gave him a wink and they both fell through a portal. She was now on top of him on his bed. She slowly pried off his hand and breathed. "Now isn't the time for that and you are much more then a tool. You are a warrior who's potential I see and I want you." She stared into his eyes. "You'd be perfect for the cause I've seen enough." She was sitting on top of him. "What do you say?"
Scar stared at her coldly. "Who are you, and how can I trust you?" He didn't like the fact that she said she wanted him. What did she mean by that? That she wanted to use him? Like every other human?
As Christina leans her head into his hand he felt some magical essence around her, he suspected himself too. He opens a portal pulling out a champagne bottle which was actually a magic potion that release people from charm spells. He also pulls out two glasses, with his other hand no longer touching Christina. Okay then when this ride is over we can leave. Let's make a toast to official it. He said as he poured the potion in each glass. The potion took the form of regular champagne.

Crimson grabbed one tray and a big plat plus a small plat. He walked toward the pastas and filled them both plate with pasta. He grabs a and fills two cups with water. Emily time for the best part...strawberries. he said with a smile. He looked where the fruits are, spotting them further down. He sticks his hand out towards it and Red aura flows off his hand stretching towards the strawberries. Using the Aura he grabs a scoop with a spoon and places it in a bowl. He drops the spoon and grabs the bowl bringing it back towards him where he places it on the tray. Alright Emily let's eat. He walks back towards their booth. @Light
Light said:
Christina closes her eyes and leans her head into his hand as the ride starts. "Cole... maybe we should leave all of this strife behind and run away together. I want you and only you so there should be no reason as to why we're concerned about anything else."
Emily nods her head swiftly to Crimson's suggestion which makes Alice smile. "Emily go with Crimson then. Blue, we're going to find you your food. Come with us Jackson." At this moment the love spell fades off of Alice. "What the.... I guess my Magic Immunity kicked in late."

Morgan pulls Ryan towards her and presses her soft yet slightly cold lips upon his. She closes her eyes and gently allows the rips of her fingers to graze his cheek as they slide down towards his jawline. She kept things at an extremely slow pace since she didn't want miss a single detail. She could only hope that her lips would be able to feel every microscopic section of his own. Morgan was internally expecting Ryan to kiss back and help the process of warming both her lips and her heart.

A girl ventures into this room inside the guild. "Um... hello. I want to join this guild but I don't think I'm good enough. Can you please test my strength out. I would greatly appreciate it."
Completely frozen from this abrupt change in their friendship, Ryan had no idea what to do besides kiss her back. After the first few seconds he relaxed completely, stopping over thinking everything. His hands gently held her face up, barely touching her. The pressure and movement between their lips was so delicate and passionate, he quickly forgot the rest of the world beyond Morgan. There was no hunger or burning desire within him. Only calm and cool.. happiness

GingerBread said:

Colin was confused by why this girl had appeared in front of him But waved back the best he could regardless "Hello" Colin hoped that the appearance of this girl didn't mean he'd have to move, he was comfortable resting his head on Anna's lap

Morpheus groaned and flipped Vance's chair. "You know nothing! NOTHIIIIING!!! N O T H I N G!" The kitten stood on his face, smacking him with its tail. "You hurt her feelings. Regardless of what you thought, you hurt her feelings. No buts, hush. Ah pa pa hush. You're a monster and a fiend. A FIEND! You need to heal her damaged soul young man. Read some books on woman or something"

Anna tilted her head and the young lady looked to Colin. "Would you mind coming with me really fast? I will bring you right back"
Ruby sat on top of a tree branch looking down upon the dark path that went through her forest.this very path had went through a very beautiful forest that she loved till the day that she died.

~flash back~

Ruby was skipping through the forest looking for flowers to make a potion when she heard the sound of an arrow fired, she turns just in time to see the flaming arrow go through her chest.she fell to her knees her body catching on fire.it had been a bows man from a near by village, the village wanted her, the witch, to leave their beloved forest.as she fell to the ground her head hitting the hard path she watched as the bows man turned and walk away a smug look on his face, as he left in my last breath I yelled,

"You think this forest will be yours now ha! I'll haunt it forever your town will be cursed and all that shall come through my forest will die or simply have bad luck till they die!" The man looked back in horror he watched as I died smiling.when I died my body disappeared, but where my body used to lay was black diseased it spread through the forest till nothing remaind exesept a dark haunted forest.

(Pic of forest)


~end of flash back~

I had really given up on cursing the people that came in the forest but I sure played pranks on them that sent them running for the hills.i did a flip in the air befor flying through the bark of the biggest tree were inside lay a cosy little ghostly home for me.
DizjayDeathPride said:
Morpheus groaned and flipped Vance's chair. "You know nothing! NOTHIIIIING!!! N O T H I N G!" The kitten stood on his face, smacking him with its tail. "You hurt her feelings. Regardless of what you thought, you hurt her feelings. No buts, hush. Ah pa pa hush. You're a monster and a fiend. A FIEND! You need to heal her damaged soul young man. Read some books on woman or something"
Vance pushed the kitten off of his face and stood up "I've no idea what the problem is or how to fix it. Is it because I won't go out with her? Cause I could always kill her, that tends to solve most problems" Vance shrugged and created another chair that was rooted to the ground.

DizjayDeathPride said:

Anna tilted her head and the young lady looked to Colin. "Would you mind coming with me really fast? I will bring you right back"
Colin had a confused expression on his face as he pointed to himself "Me?" Colin then pointed up at Anna "Or did you want Anna. you probably do..."
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DaManofWar said:
Scar stared at her coldly. "Who are you, and how can I trust you?" He didn't like the fact that she said she wanted him. What did she mean by that? That she wanted to use him? Like every other human?
The girl smiled. "I'm Clair and you have no reason not to. I don't plan on killing you but if you refuse to join me then I guess I'll go. Unless you want to join." She got up off of him.

Spade sat down with a smile. "What game would you like to play. I like all card games."
Scar thought it over. Finally, he made up his mind. "I can't decide...unless you can show me more of what you have to offer. What is your cause, and how it can help me. And why in the world would you want me?" He couldn't shake the feeling she had been meaning more than what she let on. Anyone would want a Frankenstein, but part of him suspected something.

GingerBread said:
Vance pushed the kitten off of his face and stood up "I've no idea what the problem is or how to fix it. Is it because I won't go out with her? Cause I could always kill her, that tends to solve most problems" Vance shrugged and created another chair that was rooted to the ground.

Colin had a confused expression on his face as he pointed to himself "Me?" Colin then pointed up at Anna "Or did you want Anna. you probably do..."
Morpheus squinted at him. "Figure. It. Out. Here" He handed him Morpheus' Guide To Mysterious Women Named Luna "Just replace the Luna part with Cassandra and all will be peeeerfect. TOODLES!" He swirled in a gust of wind and disappeared, leaving Vance with a single blue skittle and the book

The girl shook her head and extended her hand "Nope. We want you. Let's go"
Arwyn nodded and put the coins back into her pouch. "Alright I will keep them for now. Thank you, I will pay you back as soon as I update my currency" Confusion briefly passed over her face as Grimm explained to her that he was going to lend her a favor. "Syrax and I can guard it..." she began, assuming that he had meant to convince her to allow Dragon's Roar or himself to protect it. However, she did not expect what he did next.

It was so sudden that even Syrax was taken off guard and jolted back up onto his feet as if someone had shoved a hot poker into the wyvern's face. In his haste his wing caught Arwyn in the back and caused her to fall onto her hands and knees, however it didn't much force to knock her down; the strength in her legs faded in the same time as her vision did. The world was a field of white only broken by the occasional flashing symbol that lingered long enough for her to notice yet so fleeting as to vanish whenever her eyes chased after them. She even swore she saw a figure with burning eyes towering above her but she was too disorientated to be sure.

Both Arwyn and Syrax were completely tense and looked as if they were fighting back against some invisible wind. The two even looked as if they were in pain from the golden light swirling around them, yet made no cries. Then as abruptly as it had occurred, it ended as the golden light twisted intricately above their heads before crashing down upon the two, disappearing on contact. Arwyn found herself looking up at Grimm whenever her vision returned and meekly listened to his explanation on her new connection to the artifact. She had expected herself to be weak from the incident but when she began to rise back to her feet she felt no fatigue. In fact she could feel a strange new energy just beyond her fingertips.

When she reached for her neck where Dawn's Heart had been her hand found only empty air. This might have caused the dragon knight to have a mini heart attack if it hadn't have materialized in her hand as soon as she began to worry.

The relic orbited slowly around her as she looked at Grimm in disbelief. "How did you... what are you?" she said.


(this will defiantly help these two out!)
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Tazmodo said:
The girl smiled. "I'm Clair and you have no reason not to. I don't plan on killing you but if you refuse to join me then I guess I'll go. Unless you want to join." She got up off of him.
Spade sat down with a smile. "What game would you like to play. I like all card games."
"Hm.... I like all card games too. You may choose." Ace sat down, resting her blade aside.
DaManofWar said:
Scar thought it over. Finally, he made up his mind. "I can't decide...unless you can show me more of what you have to offer. What is your cause, and how it can help me. And why in the world would you want me?" He couldn't shake the feeling she had been meaning more than what she let on. Anyone would want a Frankenstein, but part of him suspected something.
Clair sat down and crossed her legs. "Well our cause wants to see the destruction of this guild. This guild says it help people but look around. Humanity was almost wiped out. Lucifer attacked. The sins were killed. All because of this guild. If it were gone things wouldn't have turned out like this but that's just a minor detail if the big men's men's mind. I don't know all the details but that's what I know. I am a soldier carrying out my duty. I want to recruit you to help us and in turn we can give you something. Respect, loyalty, people who like you for you and not just some object of destruction. When I joined I could only make tiny portals but now I do much more. All you have to do is fight for the cause. Plus I've grown a certain fondness for you. So are you convinced yet?" She was trying to bring him to his side and didn't include all the details. "You should see this poor young fellow we found walking out into no where. No direction no path. We found him and all he wanted was to know who he is. So we gave him the info. All of it. We keep our promises." She waited for his final answer.
[QUOTE="The Otaku Diaries]"Hm.... I like all card games too. You may choose." Ace sat down, resting her blade aside.

Spade smiled. "Then let's make a wager. If I win you have to tell me a secret and if you win I have to tell you a secret of my own. Unless if you have something more interesting." She pulled out her deck of card and shuffled them.
Tazmodo said:
Clair sat down and crossed her legs. "Well our cause wants to see the destruction of this guild. This guild says it help people but look around. Humanity was almost wiped out. Lucifer attacked. The sins were killed. All because of this guild. If it were gone things wouldn't have turned out like this but that's just a minor detail if the big men's men's mind. I don't know all the details but that's what I know. I am a soldier carrying out my duty. I want to recruit you to help us and in turn we can give you something. Respect, loyalty, people who like you for you and not just some object of destruction. When I joined I could only make tiny portals but now I do much more. All you have to do is fight for the cause. Plus I've grown a certain fondness for you. So are you convinced yet?" She was trying to bring him to his side and didn't include all the details. "You should see this poor young fellow we found walking out into no where. No direction no path. We found him and all he wanted was to know who he is. So we gave him the info. All of it. We keep our promises." She waited for his final answer.
Scar sat there nervously. Finally, he sighed. "Fine. But consider it a test run. I just want to see for myself how your cause is." He was also embarrassed to admit he had taken a liking to the girl. A human. Of all things. He got off the bed, and sat down in front of Clair. "So, what happens now?" he asked her.
Tazmodo said:
Jackson followed her. "I don't think Emily likes me and neither do Red and Blue. I don't know how to approach her and get her to like me. I'm not good with kids." He said in a hushed tone knowing she could hear him. He turned to her. "What magic?"
The two people stood up and went to get food. "You can't only eat candy." The boy said. The girl sighed and got some fruit. "Happy?" The boy nodded. "Yeah."
"You're fine. They like you." Alice shrugs her shoulders after she fills her plate with fruits, vegetables, and meats. She smiles at Crimson once he brings back Emily with food on a her plate. "Thank you Crimson." Alice begins to feed Emily her strawberries when she notices that her kids have been taking a liking to Crimson more than Jackson. That might have been what he was talking about. Blue jumps into a cup of water while Red eats napkins.


(this will defiantly help these two out!)
( Yay! I finally made his cs though.)

"Your friendly neighborhood deity of Death, Life, Torture, Pain, Judgment, Punishment, Mercy, Spirits, Balance, and Law! Want to do some adventure stuff?!" Grimm begins to float around her.

Fluffykitty9000 said:
Ruby sat on top of a tree branch looking down upon the dark path that went through her forest.this very path had went through a very beautiful forest that she loved till the day that she died.
~flash back~

Ruby was skipping through the forest looking for flowers to make a potion when she heard the sound of an arrow fired, she turns just in time to see the flaming arrow go through her chest.she fell to her knees her body catching on fire.it had been a bows man from a near by village, the village wanted her, the witch, to leave their beloved forest.as she fell to the ground her head hitting the hard path she watched as the bows man turned and walk away a smug look on his face, as he left in my last breath I yelled,

"You think this forest will be yours now ha! I'll haunt it forever your town will be cursed and all that shall come through my forest will die or simply have bad luck till they die!" The man looked back in horror he watched as I died smiling.when I died my body disappeared, but where my body used to lay was black diseased it spread through the forest till nothing remaind exesept a dark haunted forest.

(Pic of forest)


~end of flash back~

I had really given up on cursing the people that came in the forest but I sure played pranks on them that sent them running for the hills.i did a flip in the air befor flying through the bark of the biggest tree were inside lay a cosy little ghostly home for me.
A reaper was following to reap her soul and bring her to the realm of souls. She hadn't played her ghost rent so she was eligible for soul reaping.
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DaManofWar said:
Scar sat there nervously. Finally, he sighed. "Fine. But consider it a test run. I just want to see for myself how your cause is." He was also embarrassed to admit he had taken a liking to the girl. A human. Of all things. He got off the bed, and sat down in front of Clair. "So, what happens now?" he asked her.
Clair dragged her finger up the boys neck and to his chin where she stopped and smiled. "We wait for the others to arrive. We're taking down the guild while Ashlyn is still gone." She poked his nose and fell through a portal and landed on his bed. "What we do while waiting is entirely up to you though. And don't worry I'm not human." She gave him a lustful stair.

The Otaku Diaries]Ace nodded as in saying yes. "What are the rules? Who has the higher cards win?" She crossed her legs. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/17275-tazmodo/ said:
Spade smiled. "Sure that seems fair. I'll let you go first." She made sure that the top card was a lower number.

Light said:
"You're fine. They like you." Alice shrugs her shoulders after she fills her plate with fruits, vegetables, and meats. She smiles at Crimson once he brings back Emily with food on a her plate. "Thank you Crimson." Alice begins to feed Emily her strawberries when she notices that her kids have been taking a liking to Crimson more than Jackson. That might have been what he was talking about. Blue jumps into a cup of water while Red eats napkins.
Christina nods her head and begins to drink, after a few seconds pass she snaps out of the love charm. Christina pulls away from Cole the moment she does.

Morgan gently places her hand on his chest and grips his shirt. She continues the peaceful pace they've had going on, this time standing up while doing so. She breaks away from the kiss and wraps her arms around Ryan, burying her face into his chest. "I have serious feelings for you Ryan."

( Yay! I finally made his cs though.)

"Your friendly neighborhood deity of Death, Life, Torture, Pain, Judgment, Punishment, Mercy, Spirits, Balance, and Law! Want to do some adventure stuff?!" Grimm begins to float around her.

A reaper was following to reap her soul and bring her to the realm of souls. She hadn't played her ghost rent so she was eligible for soul reaping.
Jackson wasn't convinced but decided to believe Alice. When he sat back down he wanted to talk with Emily but didn't know what to say. She was a sweet girl and quite adorable but he always felt like he was walking on egg shells when he was around her. He wanted to talk to her but didn't quite have the world's to say. "Hey Emily I have a birds brain do you mind telling me what you favorite color is I want to say red but my memory has betrayed me in the past." He hoped he was right and watched Red eating the napkin. He remembered when they tried to attack him when he first saw them. He looked back to Emily.
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Scar turned to Clair sharply. "If you aren't human, then what are you?" he asked her. He stood up, and turned to her. She smelled I wasn't human. She must have noticed my scent is a mix of several different human ones. What is she?" Scar walked over to Clair, and laid down on the bed next to her. He wasn't entirely sure what he wanted right now.

Light said:
"You're fine. They like you." Alice shrugs her shoulders after she fills her plate with fruits, vegetables, and meats. She smiles at Crimson once he brings back Emily with food on a her plate. "Thank you Crimson." Alice begins to feed Emily her strawberries when she notices that her kids have been taking a liking to Crimson more than Jackson. That might have been what he was talking about. Blue jumps into a cup of water while Red eats napkins.
Christina nods her head and begins to drink, after a few seconds pass she snaps out of the love charm. Christina pulls away from Cole the moment she does.

Morgan gently places her hand on his chest and grips his shirt. She continues the peaceful pace they've had going on, this time standing up while doing so. She breaks away from the kiss and wraps her arms around Ryan, burying her face into his chest. "I have serious feelings for you Ryan."

( Yay! I finally made his cs though.)

"Your friendly neighborhood deity of Death, Life, Torture, Pain, Judgment, Punishment, Mercy, Spirits, Balance, and Law! Want to do some adventure stuff?!" Grimm begins to float around her.

A reaper was following to reap her soul and bring her to the realm of souls. She hadn't played her ghost rent so she was eligible for soul reaping.
Ryan didn't know what to say. His arms were wrapped loosely around her waist and his eyes were focused on hers. "I... I do too"
DaManofWar said:
Scar turned to Clair sharply. "If you aren't human, then what are you?" he asked her. He stood up, and turned to her. She smelled I wasn't human. She must have noticed my scent is a mix of several different human ones. What is she?" Scar walked over to Clair, and laid down on the bed next to her. He wasn't entirely sure what he wanted right now.
Clair looked at him. "I am a Bankeneko but the only visual difference is the ears and tail." She stroked him with the tail.
DizjayDeathPride said:
Morpheus squinted at him. "Figure. It. Out. Here" He handed him Morpheus' Guide To Mysterious Women Named Luna "Just replace the Luna part with Cassandra and all will be peeeerfect. TOODLES!" He swirled in a gust of wind and disappeared, leaving Vance with a single blue skittle and the book
Vance dropped the book and then let tendrils of darkness rip it to shreds "I don't have the time or effort to figure out why she's upset. It's not my fault in any way, She's the one who spent Six years looking for me after I disappeared without a trace. It's not my fault that she thought Anything would happen after that" Vance sat back down in his chair and closed his eyes, planning on going to sleep

@DizjayDeathPride (I've still got no real idea what Vance is meant to be apologising for, myself)

DizjayDeathPride said:
The girl shook her head and extended her hand "Nope. We want you. Let's go"
"N-no offence but I don't know you and I'd rather not go with you" Colin looked sheepishly towards the ground, not wanting to go with this girl In case she was someone else who was going to threaten to kill him or hurt him in any way.

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You're welcome. Crimson places the tray on the table, and sits down. A small purple portal appears next to him. Knowing what it means he puts his left hand inside it pulling out that same champagne. He drinks from the head and the potion takes effect. The love is wasted away leaving Crimson with his rage.

Cole opened a portal putting the champagne bottle inside it, as Christina backed away. I'll just send this to Crimson just in case. He thought as the portal closes and he turns to her. It's okay, we were under some type of spell. I'm guessing a love since we're in the tunnel of love. Are you okay? @Light
Tazmodo said:
Clair looked at him. "I am a Bankeneko but the only visual difference is the ears and tail." She stroked him with the tail.
Scar froze when her tail brushed by him. "Show me what you want."
As Hanson was sitting in his lair practising his Shapeshifting, his mind goes back to the time when he was younger, about 12'ish, when he was normal, and not a freak. He thought to himself in a dark matter "I will get revenge on the people who despise me, I will cause havoc amongst this world, I will destroy."

Shortly after, he went over to the cabinet and looked at his guns, picking out the best choices; a few minutes later, he chose his guns and picked the Tommy gun, a MP7 and his homemade RPG-7. "A new day, 5 new kills." he thought to himself, then drifted off to sleep.

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