Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
DaManofWar said:
Scar froze when her tail brushed by him. "Show me what you want."
She looked at him with confusion. "What do you mean?" She moved her tail back and sat up.
Alexei scrambled after the broom after receiving no help from Colin. "Dammit! Get back here, you damn spirit!" He waved his mop angrily, wishing that Ivan's spirits didn't hate him this much. Of course, the spirit decided to take the long route through the guild, really testing the rookie's endurance as is swished and swerved. Suddenly, the spirit bursted out of a window, and Alexei, none the wiser, followed him out the window, only to find himself suddenly falling. "What the fuuuuu-!" Before he hit the ground, the mischievous spirit caught him, depositing him unceremoniously in a random room. As he recovered, he heard a small commotion in a nearby room, watching four people huddled around one woman (Cassandra). Scared out of his wits, he quickly painted himself over with magical paint before returning to spy on them.

@Tazmodo @DizjayDeathPride

Meanwhile, Ivan was having his own problems. All of a sudden, multiple spirits detected unmakred beings entering the guild, causing him to panic and check each and ever one of them. One was with Anna and Colin, one was with Viktor, one with Scar, and four with Cassandra. He noticed Alexei was already with the four around Cassandra, and the man trusted Viktor to take care of whoever it was. He picked up the walkie-talkie, dialing Boris. "Privet, Boris. I need you to be of helping to Scar. He is big man, and he has company." With that, he set down the walkie-talkie with a click, before grabbing his rifle. Muttering something about stupid Americans, the Hawk headed down to check on the commotion around Colin and Anna.

@GingerBread @DizjayDeathPride

Boris was already in his workshop, taking the detour after Ivan's quick message. He took a seat in a chair, letting his nanobots dissolve and start to create something. While he waited, he typed a directive onto a data chip, then pulled it out. Seconds later, the nanobots finished making a small Spider Bot, which Boris implanted the directive in. With a few clicks and whirrs, the bot scuttled off to check on Scar and Clair.

@DaManofWar @Tazmodo

As his compatriots panicked at this intrusion, Viktor remained calm, cracking his neck slightly. "Da, okay," he muttered, before heading to the back of the room. In one of the spare cabinets, he pulled out an AK-47, courtesy of Boris's nanobots. "Try hardest," he rumbled. "Back hold not." With that, he suddenly yelled, opening fire on the girl.

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[QUOTE="Romulus Deathbringer]As Hanson was sitting in his lair practising his Shapeshifting, his mind goes back to the time when he was younger, about 12'ish, when he was normal, and not a freak. He thought to himself in a dark matter "I will get revenge on the people who despise me, I will cause havoc amongst this world, I will destroy."
Shortly after, he went over to the cabinet and looked at his guns, picking out the best choices; a few minutes later, he chose his guns and picked the Tommy gun, a MP7 and his homemade RPG-7. "A new day, 5 new kills." he thought to himself, then drifted off to sleep.

A man in a mask appeared before him. "Hey you awake? I need to talk to you I have a proposition for you." The man stood upside down on the ceiling looking down at him.
Arwyn almost looked surprised for a moment before she banished it away and her normal serious look returned. "Forgive me for not recognizing you sooner, I was not aware the god of life and death took such... forms." The dragon knight said carefully while her gaze followed Grimm as he floated around. Although this one's personality was odd, to say the least, there was no denying that Grimm had astounding power.

"Perhaps you should apologize for attacking him earlier..." Syrax rumbled in amusement.

"I had no idea he was a god!" Arwyn replied defensively to the wyvern. "I'll make it up to him..."

Dawn's Heart disappeared in mid-flight, causing Arwyn's eyes to flash gold for a brief moment as it did. Finally she spoke. "Alright Grimm, lets go on this adventure of your's. It is the least we can do considering all you have done for Syrax and I."

GingerBread said:
Vance dropped the book and then let tendrils of darkness rip it to shreds "I don't have the time or effort to figure out why she's upset. It's not my fault in any way, She's the one who spent Six years looking for me after I disappeared without a trace. It's not my fault that she thought Anything would happen after that" Vance sat back down in his chair and closed his eyes, planning on going to sleep
@DizjayDeathPride (I've still got no real idea what Vance is meant to be apologising for, myself)

"N-no offence but I don't know you and I'd rather not go with you" Colin looked sheepishly towards the ground, not wanting to go with this girl In case she was someone else who was going to threaten to kill him or hurt him in any way.
Lotusy said:
Alexei scrambled after the broom after receiving no help from Colin. "Dammit! Get back here, you damn spirit!" He waved his mop angrily, wishing that Ivan's spirits didn't hate him this much. Of course, the spirit decided to take the long route through the guild, really testing the rookie's endurance as is swished and swerved. Suddenly, the spirit bursted out of a window, and Alexei, none the wiser, followed him out the window, only to find himself suddenly falling. "What the fuuuuu-!" Before he hit the ground, the mischievous spirit caught him, depositing him unceremoniously in a random room. As he recovered, he heard a small commotion in a nearby room, watching four people huddled around one woman (Cassandra). Scared out of his wits, he quickly painted himself over with magical paint before returning to spy on them.
@Tazmodo @DizjayDeathPride

Meanwhile, Ivan was having his own problems. All of a sudden, multiple spirits detected unmakred beings entering the guild, causing him to panic and check each and ever one of them. One was with Anna and Colin, one was with Viktor, one with Scar, and four with Cassandra. He noticed Alexei was already with the four around Cassandra, and the man trusted Viktor to take care of whoever it was. He picked up the walkie-talkie, dialing Boris. "Privet, Boris. I need you to be of helping to Scar. He is big man, and he has company." With that, he set down the walkie-talkie with a click, before grabbing his rifle. Muttering something about stupid Americans, the Hawk headed down to check on the commotion around Colin and Anna.

@GingerBread @DizjayDeathPride

Boris was already in his workshop, taking the detour after Ivan's quick message. He took a seat in a chair, letting his nanobots dissolve and start to create something. While he waited, he typed a directive onto a data chip, then pulled it out. Seconds later, the nanobots finished making a small Spider Bot, which Boris implanted the directive in. With a few clicks and whirrs, the bot scuttled off to check on Scar and Clair.

@DaManofWar @Tazmodo

As his compatriots panicked at this intrusion, Viktor remained calm, cracking his neck slightly. "Da, okay," he muttered, before heading to the back of the room. In one of the spare cabinets, he pulled out an AK-47, courtesy of Boris's nanobots. "Try hardest," he rumbled. "Back hold not." With that, he suddenly yelled, opening fire on the girl.

The young one sighed and shook her head. "Please come with me?" She wouldn't take no for an answer. Even if she had to kill his friend to get a yes. "What if the girl can come too?"

DizjayDeathPride said:
The young one sighed and shook her head. "Please come with me?" She wouldn't take no for an answer. Even if she had to kill his friend to get a yes. "What if the girl can come too?"
Colin lifted his head off of Anna's lap so that he was sitting up straight "I still don't want to go...." Colin looked towards the ground sheepishly "I'll go anyway though, you did ask nicely after all..." Colin stood up and grabbed his staff, hoping that it wasn't anything bad "C-can you tell me why you want me before we go?"

@Lotusy @DizjayDeathPride
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GingerBread said:
Colin lifted his head off of Anna's lap so that he was sitting up straight "I still don't want to go...." Colin looked towards the ground sheepishly "I'll go anyway though, you did ask nicely after all..." Colin stood up and grabbed his staff, hoping that it wasn't anything bad "C-can you tell me why you want me before we go?"
@Lotusy @DizjayDeathPride
The girl didnt anticipate him to ask that last question. Once he stood he and Anna and the girl were all gone, appearing in a dark but modernized room. There was a single light coming from the desk lamp. One single desk and chair. Filing cabinets all around. She pulled open a cabinet and searched for a file. "I need your help. We need to stop Dragon's Roar. They may give you the illusion that they help people but they really don't. The higher ups trick the lower workers into believing what they do is just. But look at how they treat the individuals. We've been watching. They let an entire city get destroyed. They let millions of innocent people be raped, tortured, killed by demons." He grabbed the file and threw it on the desk in front of Colin. "They even kidnapped your friend so you would just accept some staff. How can say you're happy working for those types of people. Tell me, have ANY of the higher ups even welcomed you to the guild? Either of you?" She crossed her arms and looked to Anna and Colin. Anna looked down and shrugged. "See my point? Help us get rid of them. Secretly. We don't want to cause a big commotion, okay?"
DizjayDeathPride said:
The girl didnt anticipate him to ask that last question. Once he stood he and Anna and the girl were all gone, appearing in a dark but modernized room. There was a single light coming from the desk lamp. One single desk and chair. Filing cabinets all around. She pulled open a cabinet and searched for a file. "I need your help. We need to stop Dragon's Roar. They may give you the illusion that they help people but they really don't. The higher ups trick the lower workers into believing what they do is just. But look at how they treat the individuals. We've been watching. They let an entire city get destroyed. They let millions of innocent people be raped, tortured, killed by demons." He grabbed the file and threw it on the desk in front of Colin. "They even kidnapped your friend so you would just accept some staff. How can say you're happy working for those types of people. Tell me, have ANY of the higher ups even welcomed you to the guild? Either of you?" She crossed her arms and looked to Anna and Colin. Anna looked down and shrugged. "See my point? Help us get rid of them. Secretly. We don't want to cause a big commotion, okay?"
Th-the guild doesn't seem that bad to me a-and everyone s-seems to try from what I've seen so far"Colin's grip on the staff tightened out of nervousness and fear "A-and what did the w-world p-powers do? d-did they help? B-because I remember seeing on the news that people sent powerful things to a-attack the guild. A-all while the demons were invading. S-so it makes sense th-that they wouldn't h-have been able to do m-much if they were being attacked" Colin avoided eye contact with the girl throughout all of this, choosing to look past her and doing his best to not focus on her in case it caused him to completely lose his nerve. Colin looked towards the ground while his voice became a nervous whisper "But D-did you do anything to s-stop any of that stuff that happened either?"

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GingerBread said:
Th-the guild doesn't seem that bad to me a-and everyone s-seems to try from what I've seen so far"Colin's grip on the staff tightened out of nervousness and fear "A-and what did the w-world p-powers do? d-did they help? B-because I remember seeing on the news that people sent powerful things to a-attack the guild. A-all while the demons were invading. S-so it makes sense th-that they wouldn't h-have been able to do m-much if they were being attacked" Colin avoided eye contact with the girl throughout all of this, choosing to look past her and doing his best to not focus on her in case it caused him to completely lose his nerve. Colin looked towards the ground while his voice became a nervous whisper "But D-did you do anything to s-stop any of that stuff that happened either?"

"The world powers attacked the guild for having an involvement in the unleashing of hell. And no, we didn't. We were not around at the time. Why would we stay around watching in case of danger when someone else claims they'll protect the world? Just think it over." She walked over and put the file under Colin's arm, making him and Anna go back to where they were
Tazmodo said:
Jackson wasn't convinced but decided to believe Alice. When he sat back down he wanted to talk with Emily but didn't know what to say. She was a sweet girl and quite adorable but he always felt like he was walking on egg shells when he was around her. He wanted to talk to her but didn't quite have the world's to say. "Hey Emily I have a birds brain do you mind telling me what you favorite color is I want to say red but my memory has betrayed me in the past." He hoped he was right and watched Red eating the napkin. He remembered when they tried to attack him when he first saw them. He looked back to Emily.
"Yeah... I'm fine I just feel a bit off. Hopefully we can get off this ride as soon as possible." Christina looks around at the scenery around them. It was quite nice but love was the last thing she wanted to think about at the moment.

DizjayDeathPride said:
Ryan didn't know what to say. His arms were wrapped loosely around her waist and his eyes were focused on hers. "I... I do too"
Morgan smiles at this while rubbing her face in his chest. She felt comfortable in his arms and he did smell quite nice. "So do you still wish to leave my room?"

Lotusy said:
As his compatriots panicked at this intrusion, Viktor remained calm, cracking his neck slightly. "Da, okay," he muttered, before heading to the back of the room. In one of the spare cabinets, he pulled out an AK-47, courtesy of Boris's nanobots. "Try hardest," he rumbled. "Back hold not." With that, he suddenly yelled, opening fire on the girl.

( ( ! ) For herself. ) The girl had no supernatural physical abilities to speak of. She was extremely frail and had an illness which restricts too much strenuous activities. Which is exactly why she couldn't dodge and was hit by each bullet he fired accurately. She drops to the floor, bleeding out rapidly with disbelief and tears in her eyes. She couldn't believe it... She came to a guild to help others and attempt to grow stronger only to be killed on the spot. She knew she was useless and now that she was slowly dying it was proof enough to the universe.

( Please save her.... )

Juju said:
Arwyn almost looked surprised for a moment before she banished it away and her normal serious look returned. "Forgive me for not recognizing you sooner, I was not aware the god of life and death took such... forms." The dragon knight said carefully while her gaze followed Grimm as he floated around. Although this one's personality was odd, to say the least, there was no denying that Grimm had astounding power.
"Perhaps you should apologize for attacking him earlier..." Syrax rumbled in amusement.

"I had no idea he was a god!" Arwyn replied defensively to the wyvern. "I'll make it up to him..."

Dawn's Heart disappeared in mid-flight, causing Arwyn's eyes to flash gold for a brief moment as it did. Finally she spoke. "Alright Grimm, lets go on this adventure of your's. It is the least we can do considering all you have done for Syrax and I."

Grimm pokes both Syrax and Arwyn, teleporting all three of them to the grand canyon. "We must follow this treasure map to the ancient golden city!" Grimm shows them both the map with a large grin on his face. "Adventtuuurree!"
DizjayDeathPride said:
"The world powers attacked the guild for having an involvement in the unleashing of hell. And no, we didn't. We were not around at the time. Why would we stay around watching in case of danger when someone else claims they'll protect the world? Just think it over." She walked over and put the file under Colin's arm, making him and Anna go back to where they were
Ivan ran up to the group of three just in time to watch the boy and girls disappear into thin air. Wary, he raised his rifle, waiting for something to come back. When Colin and Anna were spat back into the realm, he cocked his rile, holding it up towards the two. The unknown girl was nowhere to be found, but the file under Colin's arm didn't escape the Hawk's searching eyes. "Hold up, Colin. What has been happening?"

Tazmodo said:
She looked at him with confusion. "What do you mean?" She moved her tail back and sat up.
Scar sighed. "I saw the way you looked at me. You want something from me, don't you?" Now, he was very suspicious of her. But, he was still interested in her ideals. And he was interested in her in a different way. He...had begun to care for her.
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( @CelticSol )

The Real Grimm was sitting on a small chair across from another empty chair. These chairs were located in a small hut hes recently build upon a mountain in some distant realm. The deity of poison appears in the chair across from him, with Grimm staring directly into her eyes. "I'll ask you once. Where is Sovereign and where is my wife? Tell me what I want to know and I may let you live after I punish Sovereign and all those involved with him."
DizjayDeathPride said:
"The world powers attacked the guild for having an involvement in the unleashing of hell. And no, we didn't. We were not around at the time. Why would we stay around watching in case of danger when someone else claims they'll protect the world? Just think it over." She walked over and put the file under Colin's arm, making him and Anna go back to where they were
Lotusy said:
Ivan ran up to the group of three just in time to watch the boy and girls disappear into thin air. Wary, he raised his rifle, waiting for something to come back. When Colin and Anna were spat back into the realm, he cocked his rile, holding it up towards the two. The unknown girl was nowhere to be found, but the file under Colin's arm didn't escape the Hawk's searching eyes. "Hold up, Colin. What has been happening?"
Colin took the file out from under his arm "I don't think the guild is-" Colin's musings were interrupted when he heard someone talking to him. Looking around he saw someone was pointing a gun at him. Colin immediately raised his arms in the air along with his staff and the file "Don't shoot us!" Colin went deathly silent "Please"

@Lotusy @DizjayDeathPride
Light said:
Alice made sure Emily, Red, Blue were done eating before she began to feed herself.
Emily looks at Jackson and blinks. "Red... and Blue!"

"Yeah... I'm fine I just feel a bit off. Hopefully we can get off this ride as soon as possible." Christina looks around at the scenery around them. It was quite nice but love was the last thing she wanted to think about at the moment.

Morgan smiles at this while rubbing her face in his chest. She felt comfortable in his arms and he did smell quite nice. "So do you still wish to leave my room?"


( ( ! ) For herself. ) The girl had no supernatural physical abilities to speak of. She was extremely frail and had an illness which restricts too much strenuous activities. Which is exactly why she couldn't dodge and was hit by each bullet he fired accurately. She drops to the floor, bleeding out rapidly with disbelief and tears in her eyes. She couldn't believe it... She came to a guild to help others and attempt to grow stronger only to be killed on the spot. She knew she was useless and now that she was slowly dying it was proof enough to the universe.

( Please save her.... )

Grimm pokes both Syrax and Arwyn, teleporting all three of them to the grand canyon. "We must follow this treasure map to the ancient golden city!" Grimm shows them both the map with a large grin on his face. "Adventtuuurree!"
Ryan chuckled and held her closer. "Of course not. How could I want to be away from you?"

A small grey kitten, no more than 5 inches tall, its head way too large for its body, came running around the corner at the shots. It stopped as this innocent girl he was going to sleep on fell, painfully. The grey kitten stood there, in shock. It was like it all happened in slow motion. It roared a meow and ran to the girl's side, rubbing against her face, trying to get any sign of life from her
GingerBread said:
Colin took the file out from under his arm "I don't think the guild is-" Colin's musings were interrupted when he heard someone talking to him. Looking around he saw someone was pointing a gun at him. Colin immediately raised his arms in the air along with his staff and the file "Don't shoot us!" Colin went deathly silent "Please"
@Lotusy @DizjayDeathPride
Lotusy said:
Ivan ran up to the group of three just in time to watch the boy and girls disappear into thin air. Wary, he raised his rifle, waiting for something to come back. When Colin and Anna were spat back into the realm, he cocked his rile, holding it up towards the two. The unknown girl was nowhere to be found, but the file under Colin's arm didn't escape the Hawk's searching eyes. "Hold up, Colin. What has been happening?"
Anna stood in front of Colin protectively, blocking him. She smiled at the man kindly but her voice sounded like it was one wrong step from murder. "Would you please lower the gun from my friend's face? Place?"
Light said:
Alice made sure Emily, Red, Blue were done eating before she began to feed herself.
Emily looks at Jackson and blinks. "Red... and Blue!"

"Yeah... I'm fine I just feel a bit off. Hopefully we can get off this ride as soon as possible." Christina looks around at the scenery around them. It was quite nice but love was the last thing she wanted to think about at the moment.

Morgan smiles at this while rubbing her face in his chest. She felt comfortable in his arms and he did smell quite nice. "So do you still wish to leave my room?"


( ( ! ) For herself. ) The girl had no supernatural physical abilities to speak of. She was extremely frail and had an illness which restricts too much strenuous activities. Which is exactly why she couldn't dodge and was hit by each bullet he fired accurately. She drops to the floor, bleeding out rapidly with disbelief and tears in her eyes. She couldn't believe it... She came to a guild to help others and attempt to grow stronger only to be killed on the spot. She knew she was useless and now that she was slowly dying it was proof enough to the universe.

( Please save her.... )

Grimm pokes both Syrax and Arwyn, teleporting all three of them to the grand canyon. "We must follow this treasure map to the ancient golden city!" Grimm shows them both the map with a large grin on his face. "Adventtuuurree!"
Jackson smiled. "That's awesome it's a shame you didn't get to see me in the bird form. Although it has other colors as well." He made a mental note to ensure he wouldn't forget.

DaManofWar said:
Scar sighed. "I saw the way you looked at me. You want something from me, don't you?" Now, he was very suspicious of her. But, he was still interested in her ideals.
Her ears drooped. "I don't know what your talking about. I came here to see if you would help our cause. It's not my fault you were cuter then I thought you would be." She curled up and wrapped herself with her tail. "It's ok I understand I'm used to people reacting this way towards me."
Light said:

( ( ! ) For herself. ) The girl had no supernatural physical abilities to speak of. She was extremely frail and had an illness which restricts too much strenuous activities. Which is exactly why she couldn't dodge and was hit by each bullet he fired accurately. She drops to the floor, bleeding out rapidly with disbelief and tears in her eyes. She couldn't believe it... She came to a guild to help others and attempt to grow stronger only to be killed on the spot. She knew she was useless and now that she was slowly dying it was proof enough to the universe.

( Please save her.... )
(Lol ok, that was fast!)

As soon as the girl was struck by about three bullets and crumpled to the ground, Viktor sighed with a frustrated air. "Hold on," he grumbled, grabbing his walkie-talkie. "Alexei. Boris. In room. NOW!" He barked angrily, running over to the girl's rapidly bleeding body. "Heroes," he spat bitterly, running over to get some wrapping for her wound. "Too brave. Make dead." At that point, Alexei and Boris both ran into the room, their faces flushed from exhaustion. Viktor turned to the two of them with a sharp glare. "Boris. Make remove of bullet. Alexei. Make of clean. I wrap." Boris nodded and Alexei groaned, but the two got to work cleaning her wound and removing the bullets with nanobots. After they finished, Viktor strode over, wrapping bandages around the puncture wounds. "Rest now. Not die," he muttered. As the other two watched Viktor put such care into helping the girl, Alexei leaned over to Boris. "Do you think he's going soft?" This comment was met with a sharp punch from Viktor, sending the rookie flying across the room while Boris shrugged apathetically.

GingerBread said:
Colin took the file out from under his arm "I don't think the guild is-" Colin's musings were interrupted when he heard someone talking to him. Looking around he saw someone was pointing a gun at him. Colin immediately raised his arms in the air along with his staff and the file "Don't shoot us!" Colin went deathly silent "Please"
@Lotusy @DizjayDeathPride
DizjayDeathPride said:
Anna stood in front of Colin protectively, blocking him. She smiled at the man kindly but her voice sounded like it was one wrong step from murder. "Would you please lower the gun from my friend's face? Place?"
(!) Ivan shook his head. "I will not of making shoot if you of answer question. Is duty as protector," he said in mangled English. "What was girl? Where she disappear? What is in file?" He fingered the trigger. "I do not feel killing mood today. But security is big reason."
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Lotusy said:
(!) Ivan shook his head. "I will not of making shoot if you of answer question. Is duty as protector," he said in mangled English. "What was girl? Where she disappear? What is in file?" He fingered the trigger. "I do not feel killing mood today. But security is big reason."
"I don't know what or who she was, I don't know where she went. And you pointed a gun at me before I could even look in the file. So please don't shoot me. I'm just a healer. I-I, I" Colin stuttered, unable to finish his sentence as tears of fear began rolling down his face.

@DizjayDeathPride @Lotusy (Look what you've done you've made him cry :( )
Scar perked. "Really?" He said. He began to believe he had hurt her. He reached a hand out, stroking her ears. "Well, no one has ever been this nice to me really. I always have people saying they want to have me be a weapon or something. It is rather disheartening." He smiled though. "Calling me cute," he said, before taking off his shirt and jacket. His upper body was stitched together completely. Scar's covered him. "You really think this is cute?" He asked Clair.

GingerBread said:
"I don't know what or who she was, I don't know where she went. And you pointed a gun at me before I could even look in the file. So please don't shoot me. I'm just a healer. I-I, I" Colin stuttered, unable to finish his sentence as tears of fear began rolling down his face.

@DizjayDeathPride @Lotusy (Look what you've done you've made him cry :( )
(!) "I told you I will not of shoot if you answer!" Ivan barked angrily. Tears may have worked on him before, but Ivan was a cautious and bitter man now. He sighed inwardly as Colin cried. "Look, Englishman. Hand over file, I stop the shoot."
"O-ok-okay" Colin hid behind Anna and gently nudged her hand with the file. Colin was hoping she would give it to the man so he didn't have to go any closer to Ivan I don't wanna die I don't wanna die Colin kept repeating this in his mind over and over as if it would stop the bullets if the man decided to fire.

@Lotusy @DizjayDeathPride
DaManofWar said:
Scar perked. "Really?" He said. He began to believe he had hurt her. He reached a hand out, stroking her ears. "Well, no one has ever been this nice to me really. I always have people saying they want to have me be a weapon or something. It is rather disheartening." He smiled though. "Calling me cute," he said, before taking off his shirt and jacket. His upper body was stitched together completely. Scar's covered him. "You really think this is cute?" He asked Clair.
Clair looked up at him. "I see nothing wrong with you." She flicked her ears. "Don't you see. I don't care about your scars and stitches." She reached out and touched his chest. She slowly ran her finger her finger over the stitches.
Lotusy said:
(!) "I told you I will not of shoot if you answer!" Ivan barked angrily. Tears may have worked on him before, but Ivan was a cautious and bitter man now. He sighed inwardly as Colin cried. "Look, Englishman. Hand over file, I stop the shoot."

Anna turned around and held Colin to her chest. "Shhhh there there. Don't cry hun"

( ! ) Thick roots grabbed the man's body, holding him upside down in the air. She turned to the suspended man as hee roots were crushing him with each passing second. "Apologize."
GingerBread said:
"O-ok-okay" Colin hid behind Anna and gently nudged her hand with the file. Colin was hoping she would give it to the man so he didn't have to go any closer to Ivan I don't wanna die I don't wanna die Colin kept repeating this in his mind over and over as if it would stop the bullets if the man decided to fire.
@Lotusy @DizjayDeathPride
Ivan rolled his eyes as Anna decided to wrap him up in roots. "Look here, you. I am making of apologies. It not of my fault for making boy cry, is security. But if you do not of know girl, I must see of file!"
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