Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
DizjayDeathPride said:
Ryan chuckled and held her closer. "Of course not. How could I want to be away from you?"
Morgan's body was softer than it looked. "So you'll stay with me? Only me? I take priority over everything else?"

Tazmodo said:
Jackson smiled. "That's awesome it's a shame you didn't get to see me in the bird form. Although it has other colors as well." He made a mental note to ensure he wouldn't forget.
Alice finishes eating and checks the time, they should leave in about 16 minutes. "Finish up guys."

Emily tilts her head when Jackson mentions his bird form. "Bird form? What's that? Are you a pigeon?"

Lotusy said:
(Lol ok, that was fast!)
As soon as the girl was struck by about three bullets and crumpled to the ground, Viktor sighed with a frustrated air. "Hold on," he grumbled, grabbing his walkie-talkie. "Alexei. Boris. In room. NOW!" He barked angrily, running over to the girl's rapidly bleeding body. "Heroes," he spat bitterly, running over to get some wrapping for her wound. "Too brave. Make dead." At that point, Alexei and Boris both ran into the room, their faces flushed from exhaustion. Viktor turned to the two of them with a sharp glare. "Boris. Make remove of bullet. Alexei. Make of clean. I wrap." Boris nodded and Alexei groaned, but the two got to work cleaning her wound and removing the bullets with nanobots. After they finished, Viktor strode over, wrapping bandages around the puncture wounds. "Rest now. Not die," he muttered. As the other two watched Viktor put such care into helping the girl, Alexei leaned over to Boris. "Do you think he's going soft?" This comment was met with a sharp punch from Viktor, sending the rookie flying across the room while Boris shrugged apathetically.

(!) Ivan shook his head. "I will not of making shoot if you of answer question. Is duty as protector," he said in mangled English. "What was girl? Where she disappear? What is in file?" He fingered the trigger. "I do not feel killing mood today. But security is big reason."
( @DizjayDeathPride )

The girl was still injured and needed a healer but this was good enough for now. Though she wouldn't last as much as others would due to the fact that she's frail. "What's...going on?"
Light said:
Morgan's body was softer than it looked. "So you'll stay with me? Only me? I take priority over everything else?"
Alice finishes eating and checks the time, they should leave in about 16 minutes. "Finish up guys."

Emily tilts her head when Jackson mentions his bird form. "Bird form? What's that? Are you a pigeon?"

( @DizjayDeathPride )

The girl was still injured and needed a healer but this was good enough for now. Though she wouldn't last as much as others would due to the fact that she's frail. "What's...going on?"
The snall grey kitten curled on her head, hissing at anyone who came near. It was healing the injuries fully, purring on her scalp. Its tail swung down behind her head rhythmically

Ryan didn't say anything for a moment. He thought about the gravity of her question for a moment, fully thinking it over. After a moment of silent he inhaled deeply and shook his head. "I don't think I can go so far as to say that. You are by far one of my most important priorities. But if it came down to the thinnest of hairs between you and my team... My.. family? How could I ever just toss them aside?"
Lotusy said:
Ivan rolled his eyes as Anna decided to wrap him up in roots. "Look here, you. I am making of apologies. It not of my fault for making boy cry, is security. But if you do not of know girl, I must see of file!"

Anna squinted at him, no longer crushing him. "Why? Whats so important about that file?"

A branch grew from the mass and pushed the file, grabbing a hold of it and twisting down to her. She took it and looked between him and it, gently letting him down. "You and I both want to know what's inside. So why don't we work together instead of against each other? I can promise I'm not an enemy you want" She smiled cheerfully at Ivan, standing behind Colin and wresting her arms on his shoulders.
Light said:
Morgan's body was softer than it looked. "So you'll stay with me? Only me? I take priority over everything else?"
Alice finishes eating and checks the time, they should leave in about 16 minutes. "Finish up guys."

Emily tilts her head when Jackson mentions his bird form. "Bird form? What's that? Are you a pigeon?"

( @DizjayDeathPride )

The girl was still injured and needed a healer but this was good enough for now. Though she wouldn't last as much as others would due to the fact that she's frail. "What's...going on?"
Jackson laughed. "Did i not tell you? I'm a Phoenix-Ziz hybrid. I'll show you when we get to the castle I promise." He finished his food.

The girl with the pink stocking fired a little pink beam at Jackson. It hit his elbow and it turned to chocolate all the way do his hand and started spreading up. Jackson almost screamed in the pain. He stumbled off the booth. "God this hurts. Emily hide." He cut off the little remaining normal part of his arm and grew another. "Alice take the kids and run. Colin you too. Protect Alice. Don't let any of them get hurt." He turned to see where the beam came from but no one was there. Another beam hit his rib cage and this time he couldn't stop it. He turned into a piece of candy. He wasn't dead just candy his life force was faintly there and his soul intact. The little girl giggled and the boy took her and ran out. @Embaga Elder
Light said:
The girl was still injured and needed a healer but this was good enough for now. Though she wouldn't last as much as others would due to the fact that she's frail. "What's...going on?"

"You make of great bullet shield,"
Viktor replied coldly. Now that she was awake, the older Russian felt no need to tend to her wounds anymore. He turned to Boris and Alexei, who was rubbing his swelling nose. "Work of find to do. I seek help." With that, he scooped up the girl and walked into the hallways, seeking Colin. (I'll have him wait until the thing before is finished before Colin helps). Boris limped back to his workshop to check on the spider bot's progress, and Alexei just stood there awkwardly for a few seconds. "Guess I better get going, too," he muttered, picking up his broom and looking for another cart.

Half an hour later, the Rookie had found himself a new cart, and was busy pushing it along to bathroom. "Goddamn Viktor and his punches. What the hell did I do to deserve it?" He wondered aloud as he plunged his mop back into the cart. "Too much."

DizjayDeathPride said:
Anna squinted at him, no longer crushing him. "Why? Whats so important about that file?"

A branch grew from the mass and pushed the file, grabbing a hold of it and twisting down to her. She took it and looked between him and it, gently letting him down. "You and I both want to know what's inside. So why don't we work together instead of against each other? I can promise I'm not an enemy you want" She smiled cheerfully at Ivan, standing behind Colin and wresting her arms on his shoulders.
Ivan shrugged, raising his hands. "I cannot make of knowing. But when you and girl disappear, I gain suspicion. And when Colin come back with file and no girl is of even more suspicion." He rubbed his arms gingerly, frowning as he picked his rifle back up. "And I never said you are into enemy. I do it for security. Is of guild's best interest." As he finished talking, the Hawk slung his rifle back onto his shoulder. "Can you make of reading the file? Is probably in English."
@Light @Embaga Elder

At the amusment park, Cole and Christina could hear a faint whistling. The park was powering down and the whistling got louder. It was some unique tone. Soon, a man, glowing, walked around and looked to them, pointing his sword.
Lotusy said:
"You make of great bullet shield," Viktor replied coldly. Now that she was awake, the older Russian felt no need to tend to her wounds anymore. He turned to Boris and Alexei, who was rubbing his swelling nose. "Work of find to do. I seek help." With that, he scooped up the girl and walked into the hallways, seeking Colin. (I'll have him wait until the thing before is finished before Colin helps). Boris limped back to his workshop to check on the spider bot's progress, and Alexei just stood there awkwardly for a few seconds. "Guess I better get going, too," he muttered, picking up his broom and looking for another cart.

Half an hour later, the Rookie had found himself a new cart, and was busy pushing it along to bathroom. "Goddamn Viktor and his punches. What the hell did I do to deserve it?" He wondered aloud as he plunged his mop back into the cart. "Too much."

Ivan shrugged, raising his hands. "I cannot make of knowing. But when you and girl disappear, I gain suspicion. And when Colin come back with file and no girl is of even more suspicion." He rubbed his arms gingerly, frowning as he picked his rifle back up. "And I never said you are into enemy. I do it for security. Is of guild's best interest." As he finished talking, the Hawk slung his rifle back onto his shoulder. "Can you make of reading the file? Is probably in English."

Anna twisted her lips to the side and nodded. "I see.... Colin is a spy.. interesting." She kissed his cheek and opened the file in front of the two. It sucked them in and their pictures were drawn on each a separate blank sheet of paper, Anna's eyes wide with fear
(You mean crimson)

Being released from the spell crimson continued eating acting like nothing happened. He finished just before Jackson got shot. Without hesitation Crimson grabbed the kids in his arms and cared them out, ahead of Alice, while Zedd followed behind her in his 5ft form. While holding the kids Crimson's aura covered them and himself like a field. He continued to run without looking back.

Yeah Cole simply said agreeing with Cristina. The swan exited the tunnel where they was greeted by a man who was whistling and held his sword out towards them. So you finally decide to show up? Cole exits the swan and send Cristina in a portal which lead to a white room with no exit. The room had a bed, a TV, DVDs, a mini-fridge, books, and games. As Cole exits the he keeps a good eye on the guy in front of him. Who are you? @Light @Tazmodo @DizjayDeathPride
DizjayDeathPride said:
Anna twisted her lips to the side and nodded. "I see.... Colin is a spy.. interesting." She kissed his cheek and opened the file in front of the two. It sucked them in and their pictures were drawn on each a separate blank sheet of paper, Anna's eyes wide with fear
Colin was shocked when he was pulled into the book, his surprise quickly turned to fear as he found himself in a an unknown location "Wh-where am I? Wh-who did this? A-Anna?"

( @DizjayDeathPride )

Morpheus Wrangling Grimm follows Morpheus throughout space. Smelling the M&M trail he's left behind. "Yeah... I've found myself a wild Morpheus." Morpheus Wrangling Grimm gets back on his chariot and begins to whip the countless little Morpheus kittens he's captured to pull it towards Morpheus.
The man twirled his blade and rested it on his shoulder. He started talking but it wasn't to Cole. "Well now wasn't that interesting. This the one?" A pause then he shrugged "Alright if you say so boss"

He twirled the other made in his left hand. "Sorry about that. Sylvester's the name. Christina's the aim. And you?"
(Oh shit I'm sorry)

More beams fired at Zedd and Crimson. The girl stood alone in the street. "If you don't be careful you'll end up like pigeon boy did." She had a piece of candy in her mouth.
GingerBread said:
Colin was shocked when he was pulled into the book, his surprise quickly turned to fear as he found himself in a an unknown location "Wh-where am I? Wh-who did this? A-Anna?"

"I.. I don't know" All around them was blank white. Like paper. Their words were being written out in many different fonts. Anna looked around and at these "Colin, dear. I want you to do me a favor okay? Don't move."

She reached up and had a wild hunch, grabbing the word, Move.

The ground under them moved them forward like a platform. To their vision, it looked like the words were leaving them but really, they were leaving the words.

"This... Is interesting.." she grabbed Colin's hand and smiled. Fascinated

Light said:
( @DizjayDeathPride )
Morpheus Wrangling Grimm follows Morpheus throughout space. Smelling the M&M trail he's left behind. "Yeah... I've found myself a wild Morpheus." Morpheus Wrangling Grimm gets back on his chariot and begins to whip the countless little Morpheus kittens he's captured to pull it towards Morpheus.
The little kittens cried in opposition, begging to be freed in their own kitten language. Every so often a kitten would die and poof away in smoke. The kittens had lost control and taken it upon themselves to escape.

One kitten had a single strand of hair hidden in the its mass of fur turn grey. It stopped cooperating and meowed, exploding in a mass of purple seeds. The other kittens all started to mimic this one, proofing into purple seeds

Diana and Sage and were extremely excited , Sage had just learned star magic so he decided to call out for grim. " Grim ! We want to show you something. " They both called like child wanted to show their father something they thought was cool.

Cole pulled out a cig, put it in his mouth, and lit it. He spoke with it still inside. Cole, and you don't need to worry about Christina anymore, she's not here. So if you don't mind run along. He said speaking with a perfect British accent.

Crimson and Zedd continued run he had to get the kids and Alice out of here, no matter what. Crimson teleported to the castle using the guild symbol, and Zedd tackled Alice and teleported in a crimson light. Crimson, the kids, Alice, and Zedd all appeared at the castle. Crimson's aura protected the kids from some of the effects of transportation. @Tazmodo @Light @DizjayDeathPride
DizjayDeathPride said:
"I.. I don't know" All around them was blank white. Like paper. Their words were being written out in many different fonts. Anna looked around and at these "Colin, dear. I want you to do me a favor okay? Don't move."
She reached up and had a wild hunch, grabbing the word, Move.

The ground under them moved them forward like a platform. To their vision, it looked like the words were leaving them but really, they were leaving the words.

"This... Is interesting.." she grabbed Colin's hand and smiled. Fascinated
Colin looked around the blank world, a scared expression on his face as he clung to Anna "H-how do we get out of here?" Colin went silent and a horrified expression appeared on his face as a realisation dawned on him "C-can we get out of here?"

The girl sighed and went to go get a piece of her winnings. The chocolate Jackson still there unable to move. The girl brakes off on of his fingers. Jackson feels every but of pain from it. The guild could hear his screams of pain through the symbol. The girl eats the chocolate and walks away. Jackson was put in the cooler so he wouldn't melt. @Embaga Elder @Light
Tazmodo said:
The girl sighed and went to go get a piece of her winnings. The chocolate Jackson still there unable to move. The girl brakes off on of his fingers. Jackson feels every but of pain from it. The guild could hear his screams of pain through the symbol. The girl eats the chocolate and walks away. Jackson was put in the cooler so he wouldn't melt. @Embaga Elder @Light
A tiny pink kitten appeared on Jackson, worried about the screams. It sniffed him and meowed in his face. When he didn't respond it licked him, biting at his cheek, eating him. It started to get a stomach ache since kittens shouldn't eat chocolate and started to vomit. It curled sadly on his face, nibbling so often on his forehead

GingerBread said:

Anna thought about that and reached for the word Out. But with her luck, the definition just wrote itself. "Figures... Colin I have an idea." A thought bubble forming above her head, writing her actual thoughts out How the hell do we get out of here?

She didn't know it was above her head and spoke out loud. "I think we have to manipulate these words around us to work for us... Somehow. Do you know how?" She tilted her head and smiled to him

A pencil started to erase the the words in her thought bubble then write,

Anna looked up to these weird eraser shavings falling on er and saw the bubble. "Is that.. a thought bubble?" She poked it and it popped, splattering light blue paint on the area under it, including her and Colin. "I hate this place. So much."
DizjayDeathPride said:
A tiny pink kitten appeared on Jackson, worried about the screams. It sniffed him and meowed in his face. When he didn't respond it licked him, biting at his cheek, eating him. It started to get a stomach ache since kittens shouldn't eat chocolate and started to vomit. It curled sadly on his face, nibbling so often on his forehead

Anna thought about that and reached for the word Out. But with her luck, the definition just wrote itself. "Figures... Colin I have an idea." A thought bubble forming above her head, writing her actual thoughts out How the hell do we get out of here?

She didn't know it was above her head and spoke out loud. "I think we have to manipulate these words around us to work for us... Somehow. Do you know how?" She tilted her head and smiled to him

A pencil started to erase the the words in her thought bubble then write,

Anna looked up to these weird eraser shavings falling on er and saw the bubble. "Is that.. a thought bubble?" She poked it and it popped, splattering light blue paint on the area under it, including her and Colin. "I hate this place. So much."
It hurt like hell. "God damn it Morphues stop it. That hurts." He said using the guild telepathy. "Please don't eat me it really hurts. This chocolate makes me feel human senses and I hate it."
DizjayDeathPride said:
Anna twisted her lips to the side and nodded. "I see.... Colin is a spy.. interesting." She kissed his cheek and opened the file in front of the two. It sucked them in and their pictures were drawn on each a separate blank sheet of paper, Anna's eyes wide with fear
As the two suddenly disappeared into the file, Ivan grumbled something about selfish Americans before stuffing the file into the side of his coat. With an irritated sigh, he headed back to the control room before picking up the microphone. "Privet, Hallo? Grimm, I have file that needs attention." With that, he hung up, summoning another few guardian spirits to tighten the security around the guild,
If we get out of here I'm just going to go back to my apartment and stay there for a week, Apart from Anna this whole situation is awful, I've almost been shot. I've been attacked by aliens and I've been threatened with death more times than I'd like Colin thought as he looked towards the ground trying to think of a way out of here, not noticing the thought bubble above his head "Maybe Exit would work?" Colin thought aloud before reaching up to touch the word, hoping it would create an exit door.

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Light said:
The Real Grimm was sitting on a small chair across from another empty chair. These chairs were located in a small hut hes recently build upon a mountain in some distant realm. The deity of poison appears in the chair across from him, with Grimm staring directly into her eyes. "I'll ask you once. Where is Sovereign and where is my wife? Tell me what I want to know and I may let you live after I punish Sovereign and all those involved with him."
Jericho looks around in complete confusion as the Deity of Poison vanished without a trace, everything having moved so fast that he couldn't even tell what was going on anymore. He looks dumbly at Ashlyn, What... Exactly just happened? I'm so lost.

Meanwhile, in Grimm's hut, the Poison Deity makes herself comfortable, crossing her legs and resting her intertwined fingers on her knees. "It's like a jinx to mention her at all, isn't it? Make reference to her, and Death while come knocking at your door. Or he brings you to his door..." She hums thoughtfully, bouncing one of her legs as her eyes crease in an almost invisible smile, "I did mention in the conversation - eavesdropping is very rude, let me remind you -that I didn't know where Sovereign or Layla were. I had only heard rumors they were involved again."
Meanwhile in the other Universe, both Morpheus' looked to the sky and said, "I feel a disturbance in the kitten force..." They looked to each other and shook their heads sadly. "Purple... There's only one solution"

The two disappeared to the Morpheus Realm. A blue fertile plane where there were many different sized, colored, and shaped Morpheus'. Primarily blue. With the real Morpheus here, the entire Realm stayed completely hidden and moving. Anytime an intruder was within so much as a galaxy of distance, it moved somewhere else. And with two real Morpheus' the movement just worked squared

The two turned into blue sheep and pranced merrily, one with the Morpheus people

But without the Real Morpheus to control one of the Morpheus Realms, a rift opened in Morpheus' room in the guild, splitting open to make an entrance of the realm. Countless various colored and sized Morpheus' all looked to the portal. Then they all disappeared, the realm closing and sealing itself off now that it was empty.

Tazmodo said:
It hurt like hell. "God damn it Morphues stop it. That hurts." He said using the guild telepathy. "Please don't eat me it really hurts. This chocolate makes me feel human senses and I hate it."
The pink kitten vomited again, crying tears of restoration on Jackson from its pain, healing the part the tears touched and making it normal again. The kitten ignored Jackson and tried to eat him again, biting off his ear

GingerBread said:

When Colin touched exit, the 'ground' under him swung down like a trap door and he fell endlessly. It didn't look like such since everything was white in all directions. The only way he could actually tell he was falling was his hair floating from inertia and his screams being written into words

Anna looked down the hole and sighed, jumping in after him. "This is just too much." She had an idea that hit her like a bag of bricks. She took the paint on her and drew a quick line on the white 'wall.' It wiggled then popped into existence. She grabbed it and cheered, yelling down to Colin, hoping he wasn't too far away to hear. "HEY COLIN!!! JUST DRAW SOMETHING! THAT WORKS BETTER!!!" She herself had no artistic skills so that wouldn't help her all too much
DizjayDeathPride said:
Meanwhile in the other Universe, both Morpheus' looked to the sky and said, "I feel a disturbance in the kitten force..." They looked to each other and shook their heads sadly. "Purple... There's only one solution"
The two disappeared to the Morpheus Realm. A blue fertile plane where there were many different sized, colored, and shaped Morpheus'. Primarily blue. With the real Morpheus here, the entire Realm stayed completely hidden and moving. Anytime an intruder was within so much as a galaxy of distance, it moved somewhere else. And with two real Morpheus' the movement just worked squared

The two turned into blue sheep and pranced merrily, one with the Morpheus people

But without the Real Morpheus to control one of the Morpheus Realms, a rift opened in Morpheus' room in the guild, splitting open to make an entrance of the realm. Countless various colored and sized Morpheus' all looked to the portal. Then they all disappeared, the realm closing and sealing itself off now that it was empty.

The pink kitten vomited again, crying tears of restoration on Jackson from its pain, healing the part the tears touched and making it normal again. The kitten ignored Jackson and tried to eat him again, biting off his ear

When Colin touched exit, the 'ground' under him swung down like a trap door and he fell endlessly. It didn't look like such since everything was white in all directions. The only way he could actually tell he was falling was his hair floating from inertia and his screams being written into words

Anna looked down the hole and sighed, jumping in after him. "This is just too much." She had an idea that hit her like a bag of bricks. She took the paint on her and drew a quick line on the white 'wall.' It wiggled then popped into existence. She grabbed it and cheered, yelling down to Colin, hoping he wasn't too far away to hear. "HEY COLIN!!! JUST DRAW SOMETHING! THAT WORKS BETTER!!!" She herself had no artistic skills so that wouldn't help her all too much
Jackson was in even more pain. "Can't you do that without eating me? It's rather painful."

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