Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
Light said:
"I'm sorry...." Morgan backs away from Ryan and swiftly turns back to her books. "I've never had someone set me as their number one before other than Julius."
The girl takes the kitten and cradles it in her arms. "Well.... Okay." She wanted to join the guild but failed to do a thing. She sets the kitten down and gently pets it. "Thank you but it's my time to leave now." She gives the kitten a a sad smile and leaves the guild in shame.

Ashlyn looks at Jericho with eyes of desire. "Jericho.... Can you come over here?"

Grimmavus checks his ears and heals them, assuming something bad happened to them to explain why he heard things other than the information he wanted. Grimmavus stands up and approaches the poison deity. His hand instantly striking her across the face, releasing a highly audible sound. Grimmavus stares at her with a blank expression as a bruise begins to form on her left cheek. "Alright, I've asked once and you clearly couldn't deliver. So it seems like you either have no home training like a new pet, you're trying to piss me off, or you lack in areas you should be plentiful in." Grimmavus picks her up gently and holds the cheek he struck. "I'll show you the correct path and bring you to your full potential though. From now on you can no longer be farther that a 5 foot radius of me. You can no longer do a thing without my permission. You are not allowed to breathe, use the bathroom, eat, blink, think, or move without me allowing you too. If you violate any of these rules you shall be greeted with a random surprise. It could be rabies or being turned into a vegetable that can only think regularly and do nothing more inside their own body. You answer to no one else but I and you shall no longer communicate with anyone but I... with permission of course." Grimmavus frowns and heals her cheek. "I'm sorry I struck you in such a way though, I was just extremely angry." When he was 'angry' he had nothing more than a blank expression. Now Grimmavus is staring at her with genuinely apologetic eyes. "The more you obey theses rules between us the stronger you become and the sooner you are released from my grasp." The deity of poison could feel the same urges mortals feel now. Famine, sickness, drowsiness, and the urge to use the bathroom. For now she was full, wide awake, and isn't have to go. This vigor would run out over time though like any other person. "You have free will to speak, move, breathe, think, and ask questions. I promise I won't strike you like that again. I'd like to know what your name is and what conditions you'd like in this new... companionship we have. It's only fair and respectful that I follow personal conditions you may have as well... that is if they seem worth following." He removes his hand from her cheek since she probably didn't want it there in the first place.

Evil Grimm appears before them with a smile on his face. "Yes? What is it?"

Grimm appears before him with an eager expression. "Yyyeesss... what is it? Show me! I'm curious."

"That's because this golden city was only discovered a few seconds ago! We need to find the 7 in this canyon to find the X!" Grimm seemed excited for this and points at Syrax. "You'll be the leader of this adventure!"

The large castle doors to the Van Fen'rir castle open and literally suck all of them in. The castle doors close to reveal an extremely large interior entrance. "This is it... The family castle. Let's go find Morgan." Alice begins to walk with the kids throughout the seemingly endless castle.
Ryan smiled and scratched his head nervously. "Well now you have two. Go... team" He closed his eyes and continued to scratch his head nervously to her

The little grey kitten meowed and hopped after her, climbing up her back and resting on her head again, curling and going to sleep
DizjayDeathPride said:
"Just in case this is a trap and we die I want to be honest with you... You know the lady in black who wanted you to join us? Well...." She looked down, afraid to look in his eyes. "I work with her. I just wanted you to know that. In case anything went bad." She immediately perked up and smiled, closing her eyes "Alright let's go!"
She opened the door and it revealed the office they were in before. Same as before. With the girl in black sitting at her desk. She looked up to the two and smiled. "Well... I see you read the file. I take that as you wish to join us, Colin?"
Colin was shocked by what Annalyse had told him and just stood there with a blank look on his face, trying to comprehend what he was just told. "I. No. Maybe?. I don't. I don't know" Colin was conflicted on what to do, so far Annalyse had been the only person to be nice to him. but the girl in black seemed suspicious, saying that the guild was bad for not saving everyone's life, which Colin doubted was easy in the first place. and the guild had helped him become stronger.

@DizjayDeathPride (Why you do dis to me D: )
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djinnamon said:
" We want to show a new spell. " Sage said before he and Diana joined hands and began to chant.
Survey the Heavens, Open the Heavens...

All the stars, far and wide...

Show me thy appearance...

With such shine.

Oh Tetrabiblos...

I am the ruler of the stars...

Aspect become complete...

Open thy malevolent gate.

Oh 88 Stars of the heaven...


Urano Metria!

They healed the last part in unison as 88 constellation as spheres appeared around as they were engulfed by golden before he levelled their hands at a tree and large a beamed of pure golden light obliterated everything in its path including a large hill into nothingness. The golden magic circles that were in thief eyes faded as they turned to Grimm with twin smiles. " How was that Grimm? " Diana asked.

( You can't create new powers through training and do you really think obliterating life to nonexistence in front of Grimm is a smart idea? )

Evannia watched Cole and Sylvester's altercation through Sylvester's eyes. Behind her stood another girl, Elizabeth. "Got it. That's all I need. Yes I'm sure just distract him" She opened her palm and a nice black and purple orb floated. She clenched her hand and crushed it, swinging her arm to the side and cutting into this realm and Void Magic. She stuck her hand in and lifted the crack apart, smiling to Christina. "Hello again. I've missed you."

Elizabeth jumped through the crack, landing with Christina and Evannia let go, closing the rift she created.

Elizabeth had three swirling tails coming from her lower back. "Hi Chrisitna"


Decimus was hunched over, panting. His eyes were their vibrant Underworld purple. Above him, the giant Hands of Hades. He looked to his father, breathing heavily. His father stood facing him in his full Transcendent Demon form.

"I didn't say stop Decimus" He spoke out. His voice was so warped, so demonic. So powerful.

Decimus huffed and closed his eyes. Purple misty power spilled out of him, falling to the ground and extending out. He swung his arms down and screamed to the sky, purple light shooting from his eyes. The Chest of Hades ripped from his body and expanded out to be equal with the Hands. A faint purple steam burning away everything it touched. The 'flesh' of the ribs dripped down, freezing everything.

Decimus continued to roar as the ribs were coated with muscle, then skin. Just like the hands. He fell to his knees as a Spine connected the back of the Chest, growing up to a Skull that quickly too gained muscle then skin. The Head of Hades

Armor grew around the purple misty body and its eyes flashed, smirking to Dekimarus. It grew higher, a full Body starting to form. Decimus floated in the center of its Chest, barely huffing and conscious inside of his full Form of Hades


The purple demonic power was over 300 meters high, 100 yards wide, and 50 meters thick. Decimus extended his hand to forward and clenched as if he had grabbed his father. The actual Form of Hades moved at blinding speeds to account for real world distance

Dekimarus kicked off the ground, landing on the Arm and running up it, ignoring the freezing burning sensation from even being near the Form, let alone touching it. You're almost there son. Keep it up He charged the Chest and stabbed into it with his Demonic Arm. It burned away by the mist but he kept pushing through until nothing was left of his Demonic arm but its normal humanoid form. He pointed to Decimus and shot a beam through his heart, kicking off the Body as it was reflexively attacking to protect Decimus
Jackson laughed. "No they aren't my kids Alice is Ashlyn's sister and they're her kids and Crimson is the one in charge of protecting her. You can look into my mind if you need more information just please tell me Alice and the kids are safe."
Tazmodo said:
"I'm Spade and no I guess it's time to stop playing." She grabbed the two cards and threw them at her. "I'm sorry it has to be this way but that's just how it is." The cards explode on impact.
Jackson laughed. "No they aren't my kids Alice is Ashlyn's sister and they're her kids and Crimson is the one in charge of protecting her. You can look into my mind if you need more information just please tell me Alice and the kids are safe."
Pulling out a card from her pocket, it almost immediately created a shield after Ace sensed it was an attack. She then pulled out two offense cards, narrowing her eyes to warn that she would throw it.
Light said:
( You can't create new powers through training and do you really think obliterating life to nonexistence in front of Grimm is a smart idea? )
( Diana taught him that spell which she knew the whole time )
[QUOTE="The Otaku Diaries]Pulling out a card from her pocket, it almost immediately created a shield after Ace sensed it was an attack. She then pulled out two offense cards, narrowing her eyes to warn that she would throw it.

( ! )

Spade threw her entire deck into the air. The card spun like buzz saw blades. "I don't like the way you fight it's weird." All 58 cards came in from every angle ready to cut her into tiny pieces.
Tazmodo said:
( ! )
Spade threw her entire deck into the air. The card spun like buzz saw blades. "I don't like the way you fight it's weird." All 58 cards came in from every angle ready to cut her into tiny pieces.
"I'll take that as a compliment I suppose." Ace threw the cards to the ground, they exploded and smoke surrounded the area she was in. After a few seconds, the smoke all disappeared, revealing a disappeared katana from the table and herself gone. Ace was behind the female with a dragon and her full deck of cards floating in the air.
GingerBread said:
Colin was shocked by what Annalyse had told him and just stood there with a blank look on his face, trying to comprehend what he was just told. "I. No. Maybe?. I don't. I don't know" Colin was conflicted on what to do, so far Annalyse had been the only person to be nice to him. but the girl in black seemed suspicious, saying that the guild was bad for not saving everyone's life, which Colin doubted was easy in the first place. and the guild had helped him become stronger.
@DizjayDeathPride (Why you do dis to me D: )
(Join us!!!)

Anna shrugged and looked down. The girl in black sighed and stood up. "Fine. My name is Death. Or really it's a position. And I am its owner. You seem uncomfortable with me and my colleagues. So please, ask anything and I will answer

Tazmodo said:
"I'm Spade and no I guess it's time to stop playing." She grabbed the two cards and threw them at her. "I'm sorry it has to be this way but that's just how it is." The cards explode on impact.
Jackson laughed. "No they aren't my kids Alice is Ashlyn's sister and they're her kids and Crimson is the one in charge of protecting her. You can look into my mind if you need more information just please tell me Alice and the kids are safe."
Morpheus tilted his head curiously and poked Jackson again. "Who's Ashlyn?" He entered Jackson's mind and looked around. "Swanky... I like it in here.." He flipped through random memories of Jackson, completely forgetting what he had come here to do

DizjayDeathPride said:
Anna shrugged and looked down. The girl in black sighed and stood up. "Fine. My name is Death. Or really it's a position. And I am its owner. You seem uncomfortable with me and my colleagues. So please, ask anything and I will answer
Colin kept his gaze directed at the floor "W-why do you want me to join you? I-if you're death why do you need a medic? Surely you have control over who lives and who d-dies? And w-why do you seem to h-hate the guild? A-and why should I join y-you?" Colin braced himself in case the girl found the last question he asked disrespectful and attempted to hurt or kill him.

@DizjayDeathPride (I'll be going to sleep soon. So I might not reply for a while)
[QUOTE="The Otaku Diaries]"I'll take that as a compliment I suppose." Ace threw the cards to the ground, they exploded and smoke surrounded the area she was in. After a few seconds, the smoke all disappeared, revealing a disappeared katana from the table and herself gone. Ace was behind the female with a dragon and her full deck of cards floating in the air.

( ! )

The cards followed her all closing in growing faster and faster. Spade doesn't need to be watching. She pulls out her other deck. These cards were different. She turned anD held up a red card with a flame on it. A massive ball of fire bursts from a seal summoned by the cards.

DizjayDeathPride said:
(Join us!!!)
Anna shrugged and looked down. The girl in black sighed and stood up. "Fine. My name is Death. Or really it's a position. And I am its owner. You seem uncomfortable with me and my colleagues. So please, ask anything and I will answer

Morpheus tilted his head curiously and poked Jackson again. "Who's Ashlyn?" He entered Jackson's mind and looked around. "Swanky... I like it in here.." He flipped through random memories of Jackson, completely forgetting what he had come here to do

Jackson regretted this. "You aren't the real Morphues are you? Look into the memories and leave I don't want you to learn something you shouldn't. Please." His life force started to grow weaker.
djinnamon said:
( Diana taught him that spell which she knew the whole time )
( I'm still saying no because if I let you do it then others will. Taz is already threatening to use all holy elements through training just because you did it. )
Light said:
( I'm still saying no because if I let you do it then others will. Taz is already threatening to use all holy elements through training just because you did it. )
(Wow I never said that. I was gonna expand on his powers and that was a joke)
GingerBread said:
Colin kept his gaze directed at the floor "W-why do you want me to join you? I-if you're death why do you need a medic? Surely you have control over who lives and who d-dies? And w-why do you seem to h-hate the guild? A-and why should I join y-you?" Colin braced himself in case the girl found the last question he asked disrespectful and attempted to hurt or kill him.

@DizjayDeathPride (I'll be going to sleep soon. So I might not reply for a while)
(Sleep well)

Death chuckled and shook her head. "I dont care about your powers Colin. I care about YOU. You are far much more than your power. Yes, I domain who lives and who dies. But I don't control free will. And under such, Annalyse here has taken you as her own. I want you to join me because she has. And if I'm not trying to kill her friend. If you join me it'll be easier for everyone, wouldn't you agree?"

Tazmodo said:

The cards followed her all closing in growing faster and faster. Spade doesn't need to be watching. She pulls out her other deck. These cards were different. She turned anD held up a red card with a flame on it. A massive ball of fire bursts from a seal summoned by the cards.

Jackson regretted this. "You aren't the real Morphues are you? Look into the memories and leave I don't want you to learn something you shouldn't. Please." His life force started to grow weaker.

Morpheus shook his head, continuing to look around. "No, I'm not. My name is Morpheus. But I'm not THE Morpheus. Just... one of them. He usually calls us by color and it really hurts my feelings.. Our... feelings. I would be 'Purple' Morpheus. But I've never understood why our colors matter. We're all Morpheus in the end. I wish he would view us as equals.." Morpheus' voice was becoming more and more sad and emotional, causing Jackson's mind to show him the most painful of emotional memories. Shocking, Alice came up first. Morpheus watched the scene sadly, weeping inside for Jackson. "I wish I could help you but... that's cheating and.. and cheating is bad"

Tazmodo said:
(Wow I never said that. I was gonna expand on his powers and that was a joke)
djinnamon said:
( Why are you lying @Light )
( I love how you denied it and then contradict yourself by admitting that it was a joke. <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/IMG_20160131_200540.jpg.49513368dc19346ed7db7574783c2748.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="103122" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/IMG_20160131_200540.jpg.49513368dc19346ed7db7574783c2748.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

So who's lying? I want you to say that one more time to me djinn. I implore you to do so. )



  • IMG_20160131_200540.jpg
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DizjayDeathPride said:
Death chuckled and shook her head. "I dont care about your powers Colin. I care about YOU. You are far much more than your power. Yes, I domain who lives and who dies. But I don't control free will. And under such, Annalyse here has taken you as her own. I want you to join me because she has. And if I'm not trying to kill her friend. If you join me it'll be easier for everyone, wouldn't you agree?"
"Y-you didn't answer my question about the guild. Why don't you like them? I-I never really th-thought death would care if people d-died" Colin still hadn't lifted his gaze from the ground "A-and the guild has helped me become stronger than I was before. And w-well, you dragged me into a r-realm where I would've been trapped if not for Annalyse. So The Guild h-has done better things for me so far. Y-yeah the people in there aren't great, b-but I-I've only met a few of them so far. A-and you still haven't told me w-what it is you do. S-so I have more reason to stay with the guild right n-now"

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( Even though you said in pm I can do it but oh well you are the ruler in our kingdom so I rather not get my head chased off (get kicked out of RP ) @Light
djinnamon said:
( Even though you said in pm I can do it but oh well you are the ruler in our kingdom so I rather not get my head chased off (get kicked out of RP ) @Light
( I know I didn't say that and if I said something similar and you misinterpreted it, my bad. But I wouldn't be complaining about it if I gave you the green light for it would I? )
Light said:
( I know I didn't say that and if I said something similar and you misinterpreted it, my bad. But I wouldn't be complaining about it if I gave you the green light for it would I? )
( True , so what did you mean by it? )
Tazmodo said:
( ! )
The cards followed her all closing in growing faster and faster. Spade doesn't need to be watching. She pulls out her other deck. These cards were different. She turned anD held up a red card with a flame on it. A massive ball of fire bursts from a seal summoned by the cards.

Jackson regretted this. "You aren't the real Morphues are you? Look into the memories and leave I don't want you to learn something you shouldn't. Please." His life force started to grow weaker.
One of the cards turned into many pieces of glass shards. All of them had sharp edges like blades. It had enough for all the cards so the glass shards flew towards each card. Ace hoped that the glass shards would be sharp enough to pierce the cards. Then straight after that, another card turned into a water tornado. The water tornado went towards the massive fireball.
GingerBread said:
"Y-you didn't answer my question about the guild. Why don't you like them? I-I never really th-thought death would care if people d-died" Colin still hadn't lifted his gaze from the ground "A-and the guild has helped me become stronger than I was before. And w-well, you dragged me into a r-realm where I would've been trapped if not for Annalyse. So The Guild h-has done better things for me so far. Y-yeah the people in there aren't great, b-but I-I've only met a few of them so far. A-and you still haven't told me w-what it is you do. S-so I have more reason to stay with the guild right n-now"

"My apologies. One, I don't hate the guild. I hate Ashlyn and her sisters. Two, I can help you become even stroke. Give you your apex power without the complicated fighting hassle. Three, I didn't drag you here. I gave you a file that would bring you here. It was opened upon your own free will. I provided the gun, you took the shot. Four, would you like me to give you a brief history of the people within the guild? And finally, there is not 'what it is we do.' We dont DO anything. This group has been created with the sole purpose of obtaining Ashlyn and her sisters. And to answer, I don't care when people die. Quite frankly, I could care less about any living being's life. Living or dying I will exist on. But I do have respect. And some people I respect. Them and their... life choices"


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