Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
DizjayDeathPride said:
Death sighed as Anna's lip quivered and she charged after Colin, slamming into him and wrapping her arms around him, holding him closely and falling to the ground. "Please don't leave me.." She whispered out, too trying not to cry
Death groaned to herself, knowing she was going to regret this decision later. "I don't care for their lives. I never said I didn't care when they die. Like it or not, I am the domain of both death AND life. Though Id rather not keep the latter title. That means that every single time someone dies, I feel it. I feel their pain. I am there when their life starts. I am there when they grow up. I am there during their first steps. I am there when they first cry and when they first laugh. I am connect to the life of every single living being. And when so many of them die at once, so many innocent people are killed because of these girls?" Death flicked her finger and the door swung open. She pushed her hand out and pushed Anna and Colin through, shutting the door. "I will do whatever it takes to uphold my laws. With, or without."

Anna, happy to be back home, refused to let go of Colin. Her whole body was clenched and wrapped around his, refusing to let go. But not tight enough to restrict his breathing
Colin tensed up when Anna tackled him, fearing the worst but he relaxed when he realized that Anna wasn't trying to hurt him. Anna asking him not to leave her caused all his tears that he had been holding back to burst like a dam. Colin started crying into Anna's shoulder and hardly noticed that they were no longer in death's office "I-I'm S-sorry" Colin stuttered out between muffled sobs that were wracking his whole body. Colin didn't like being constricted but didn't care at the moment as he was just happy that he was with Anna right now.

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Tazmodo said:
Jackson takes a deep breathe and walks out of the the cooler he turns to the purple Morpheus. "Thank you all of you. I really appreciate this and wish you the best if luck." He walked out and took his bird form and flew to the castle. (I changed the appearance of the bird he still has the symbol though) @DizjayDeathPride
( ! ) Jackson was immediately blasted out of the sky by two reapers. He was also nailed down to the ground by his wings with they weapons. The double doors to the castle open but this time they reveal an eternal tunnel towards the realm of torture. This vortex was sucking Jackson in painfully since he was still nailed down.

DizjayDeathPride said:
The kitten looked up to her and meowed in such a way that it sounded almost like "you". It hopped and landed on the fabric of her chest, its claws climbing up as it pounced off her shoulder to her head, curling back up
Lotusy said:
Viktor groaned inwardly, not quite used to conforting people. He'd lost that skill lokg before. Instead, he walked over to he girl, placing a firm hand on her shoulder. "Look, girl. No person find no use." He strained to think of something inspiring to say. "Hear now. Have friend, he useless piece of shit. All he do paint, paint, clean toilet. He not have strong." The Russian pasued for a bit, after saying probably the longest thing I've ever typed for him. "But he help Dragon's Roar in own way. Now he have strong, but not strong, da?" Viktor knew if Alexei ever heard him say he was strong, the rookie would be bouncing off the walls with happiness. "And you be strong too. Train now, da?"
The girl sighs now that the kitten was in her head again. "Alright then.... I'll try but don't blame me if I fail." She smiles to herself and thinks about the man she met 3 years ago in a forest. He had silver hair and turquoise eyes, a delicate balance yet he looked like a hardened traveler. He encouraged her to keep pushing forward and that's all he said before he left. 'I've done it....'

DizjayDeathPride said:

Ryan froze a moment, remembering his last encounter with reapers. Who knows what would happen this time. His shoulders hunched and he sighed. "My life.."

Embaga Elder][I] [/I][I][COLOR=#b30000]Crimson raised an eyebrow when she mentioned reapers. [/COLOR][/I][I][COLOR=#b30000][B]Please inform me. What are these reapers you're talking about? [/B][/COLOR][/I][I][COLOR=#b30000] He asked as he drunk whiskey from a sports bottle. [/COLOR][/I][URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/10734-light/ said:

@Tazmodo )

Morgan senses Jackson and finally summons him to the room before the vortex pulls him in. "A reaper is a being that exists on many planes. They can't be sensed or seen at all unless they want you to. They reap your soul once you die and torture those whom break laws. Their main job is to help people pass on and such. They're basically invincible and can kill you through a simple touch. They also have a death field which kills all things around them. Reapers have many other powers and they all work under Grimm. The reapers in this castle are supposed to kill all non Van Fen'rir who come near or enter without permission. Technically neither you or Ryan have permission to be here so it's best that you hide from them inside this room. They can just appear here or phase through the wall if they wanted but they respect my privacy so they don't."

@DizjayDeathPride[/URL] @Light
DizjayDeathPride said:
Sylvester gasped for air, stumbling back and disappearing in light.
He appeared in front of Death, falling to the ground. The light was healing him but nonetheless the pain was surreal. He crashed there and spazzed violently, bleeding on her floor while the wound closed

A pink kitten sat a top the Ferris wheel, flicking its tail back and forth. It meowed quietly, just sitting and staring at Inaro

The girl gasped and her tails multiplied to eight. She let the guardian cut her and took an ink form, splashing ink and oils on it.

( ! ) She clicked her teeth together, growing a ninth tail, and sparked the ink and guardian setting him ablaze in black eternal flames.


( ! ) Her tails all flicked to a point and shot her off like a bullet, a ball of sprialinh wind in her hand. She slammed it into Christina's chest and blasted her back in a rapidly twisting motion, burning her and ripping her shirt and skin
Christina's apparition blocked off the attack and swatted her away. "Now!" Christina and the apparition pull on threads of ectoplasm they set up around the room. The enemy was moving around so much which helped with the process of tangling her. Christina doesn't stop pulling until the threads Alice through and shred the enemies soul apart.
Light said:
( ! ) Jackson was immediately blasted out of the sky by two reapers. He was also nailed down to the ground by his wings with they weapons. The double doors to the castle open but this time they reveal an eternal tunnel towards the realm of torture. This vortex was sucking Jackson in painfully since he was still nailed down.
The girl sighs now that the kitten was in her head again. "Alright then.... I'll try but don't blame me if I fail." She smiles to herself and thinks about the man she met 3 years ago in a forest. He had silver hair and turquoise eyes, a delicate balance yet he looked like a hardened traveler. He encouraged her to keep pushing forward and that's all he said before he left. 'I've done it....'

@Tazmodo )

Morgan senses Jackson and finally summons him to the room before the vortex pulls him in. "A reaper is a being that exists on many planes. They can't be sensed or seen at all unless they want you to. They reap your soul once you die and torture those whom break laws. Their main job is to help people pass on and such. They're basically invincible and can kill you through a simple touch. They also have a death field which kills all things around them. Reapers have many other powers and they all work under Grimm. The reapers in this castle are supposed to kill all non Van Fen'rir who come near or enter without permission. Technically neither you or Ryan have permission to be here so it's best that you hide from them inside this room. They can just appear here or phase through the wall if they wanted but they respect my privacy so they don't."

Christina's apparition blocked off the attack and swatted her away. "Now!" Christina and the apparition pull on threads of ectoplasm they set up around the room. The enemy was moving around so much which helped with the process of tangling her. Christina doesn't stop pulling until the threads Alice through and shred the enemies soul apart.
Elizabeth screamed in horror and another crack appeared. A woman with misty blue aura radiating off of her looked inside and back out. "Really? I have to? Fine."

She hopped in and the ectoplasm was sucked into her and blasted out, healing Elizabeth.

She looked to Christina and while speaking to Elizabeth. "You're so useless. Deal with the boy I've got the girl"
GingerBread said:
Colin tensed up when Anna tackled him, fearing the worst but he relaxed when he realized that Anna wasn't trying to hurt him. Anna asking him not to leave her caused all his tears that he had been holding back to burst like a dam. Colin started crying into Anna's shoulder and hardly noticed that they were no longer in death's office "I-I'm S-sorry" Colin stuttered out between muffled sobs that were wracking his whole body. Colin didn't like being constricted but didn't care at the moment as he was just happy that he was with Anna right now.
Analyse refused to let him go, holding him closer to his body while he cried. "Shhh.. don't be sad. Don't cry. It'll be okay. I promise okay?" Flowers poked out of the ground around them and she picked them, putting them in his hair. Her eyes were glossy but she still smiled her cheerful self, giving him a nice Daisy crosn
DizjayDeathPride said:
Analyse refused to let him go, holding him closer to his body while he cried. "Shhh.. don't be sad. Don't cry. It'll be okay. I promise okay?" Flowers poked out of the ground around them and she picked them, putting them in his hair. Her eyes were glossy but she still smiled her cheerful self, giving him a nice Daisy crown
Colin did his best to smile at Anna as she started putting flowers in his hair but he couldn't hold the smile for long. "B-but y-you are in that g-group and th-that means w-we can't b-be f-friends any-anymore" Colin stutted out as he began crying into Anna once again.

After thanking Grimm, Arwyn took the map and flattened out the parchment so that she could look at it. She tilted the page so that Syrax could see it as well. "Okay so there is a rough sketch here of a building of sorts..." she said while pointing to it with her finger. "and there is an arrow here pointing to the Northeast, opposite of the sketch."

Syrax shifted his wings and studied the map. "I'll see if I can spot anything from the air." he grumbled, still displeased with the turn of events. The map almost blew out of Arwyn's hands as he ascended into the sky in a cloud of dust and dry wind. Once the dust cloud had settled she began walking up a ridge in the general direction of the second site.

She had made it to the top and was scanning the horizon when Syrax contacted her about a shimmer of gold he had spotted. "Alright I will meet you there." she responded through their bond and began making her way back down the ridge. On her way down, however, she spotted an oddly shaped cave carved into the side of a cliff face. It wasn't on the map Grimm had given her

Intrigued, Arwyn climbed up to the cave's entrance and ventured into the darkness of the tunnel. For light, she summoned Dawn's Heart and allowed its golden glow to illuminate her surroundings. The cave retreated into the darkness beyond the Heart's light, snaking deeper into the earth in lazy twists and turns.

(time for some Tomb Raider action!

Do you have any particular plans for the seven clues/sites/markers @Light or do you want me to just make em up? Im perfectly fine with either, just thought I would check. Im also assuming the seven sites she has to find will give her clues to where the city is. Sort of like pieces to a map)
GingerBread said:
Colin did his best to smile at Anna as she started putting flowers in his hair but he couldn't hold the smile for long. "B-but y-you are in that g-group and th-that means w-we can't b-be f-friends any-anymore" Colin stutted out as he began crying into Anna once again.

Anna gently put a flower between his lips and shushed him. "Don't be preposterous. We just wont be involved in this whole political war. That way we don't have to pick sides!"
(!) A bottle of beer in his head. He flicked the top off and begins drinking. I don't know where you went and I don't care. Tick...tick...boom. he snaps his finger and the atomic energy in Sylvester's body explodes releasing a big and powerful atomic explosion. (!)

Crimson sat down in a chair. Great, we have multiple grim reapers wondering around, killing anyone that's not welcomed here. He takes a sip from the sports bottle field with whiskey. I hope I don't die again. Hell wasn't fun.

Cole looked at Elizabeth as her friend arrived. The fire resistant Guardian walked over behind Cole and stood there still on fire. So if we're going to fight let's leave this area. He claps his hands together and a burst of Light purple void energy spreads throughout the room. The white room fades away and we're all at the peaceful field from before. Now we can play.

@Light @DizjayDeathPride
DizjayDeathPride said:
Anna gently put a flower between his lips and shushed him. "Don't be preposterous. We just wont be involved in this whole political war. That way we don't have to pick sides!"
(So on a side note. what's cassandra doing right now?)

"I-I can't just stand by and let people d-die. Even if I don't fight your group, I'll have to be there to heal the other guild members and I'll probably have to defend myself if I do that" Colin wanted to ask Anna why she couldn't just leave her group so they wouldn't have to fight but he realized that would be hypocritical of him. "B-but we could go back to watching TV for now" Colin smiled at Anna "I don't think anyone is in danger right now. And I don't have to go and help until they are, and I-I'd have to be told that something was happening to know about it..." Colin felt slightly bad for just ignoring everything unless he was told about it as most of the guild members probably didn't even know about him, so they couldn't ask him for help if they needed it. Colin put these thoughts at the back of his mind, not wanting to worry about it while he was spending however much time he could with Anna.

Tazmodo said:
A man in a mask appeared before him. "Hey you awake? I need to talk to you I have a proposition for you." The man stood upside down on the ceiling looking down at him.
"Hmmm, assassination or torture? What do you need? We will discuss the price after." Hanson said with a glare, putting his silencer on his pistol. "Just remember, you double cross me, I kill you in the worst way." pointing to the man hanging from the ceiling with his ribs ripped out of his body and arms pushed in.
DizjayDeathPride said:
Elizabeth screamed in horror and another crack appeared. A woman with misty blue aura radiating off of her looked inside and back out. "Really? I have to? Fine."
She hopped in and the ectoplasm was sucked into her and blasted out, healing Elizabeth.

She looked to Christina and while speaking to Elizabeth. "You're so useless. Deal with the boy I've got the girl"
( ! ) Suddenly Elizabeth switches to no tails at all and stands still as Christina's apparition wields its blade and stabs her through the stomach. It was getting ready to decapitate her now that it had her in its grasp. "Surrender now or she dies." Elizabeth wasn't protesting against Christina.

@Light[/URL] or do you want me to just make em up? Im perfectly fine with either, just thought I would check. Im also assuming the seven sites she has to find will give her clues to where the city is. Sort of like pieces to a map)
( Yes you can. I'll just throw in challenges along the way. )

Grimm ended up dying due to the poisonous plants. He was nibbling on the leaves. Both Arwyn and Syrax were on their own.
(I like inaro even more now)

Sylvester gagged and screamed out in pain exploding in all directions. Since he was Light itself, he couldn't just allow himself to die. Otherwise, all light would be gone forever. After his demise, the essence of Light had to find a new host, blessing the next strongest Light user to be the Embodiment of Light

Death tilted her head and watched as her associate died before her eyes. "Well... One down. I'm 0 for 1 now. Fantastic. I wonder who the next will be" She took a seat, the room cleaning up the mess itself

Ryan shrugged and took a seat at his desk. "Well it should be that bi-... bi-... big..." He felt light headed, the world around him spinning. His skin was glowing and he held his head, disappearing in a flash of light


Raychel looked back to Cole and smiled. "Thank you actually." She could care less about her partner. She turned back to Christina and the two were flashed away into the Light Realm

Elizabeth weakly looked down to her stomach, shakily looking up to Cole, then back down. She tried to push off and away from the aparation to no avail. Then, it disappeared

She fell to her knees as eight of her tails ripped out and she started healing. She looked up to Cole and weakly, smiling. "Alright... Me and you"

GingerBread said:
(So on a side note. what's cassandra doing right now?)
"I-I can't just stand by and let people d-die. Even if I don't fight your group, I'll have to be there to heal the other guild members and I'll probably have to defend myself if I do that" Colin wanted to ask Anna why she couldn't just leave her group so they wouldn't have to fight but he realized that would be hypocritical of him. "B-but we could go back to watching TV for now" Colin smiled at Anna "I don't think anyone is in danger right now. And I don't have to go and help until they are, and I-I'd have to be told that something was happening to know about it..." Colin felt slightly bad for just ignoring everything unless he was told about it as most of the guild members probably didn't even know about him, so they couldn't ask him for help if they needed it. Colin put these thoughts at the back of his mind, not wanting to worry about it while he was spending however much time he could with Anna.
GingerBread said:

(Sleeping. Tots forgot about her)

She ran her hand through his hair, careful not to bother the flowers. She didn't speak for a moment after him, scared to ask. Then finally mustered the courage to say, "why don't we just leave? Save different people on our travels? Does that work? I.. I mean.. Never mind actually" Her voice had gotten shaky but ended in her normal cheerful self. She kissed his head and finally let go, getting up and sitting back on the couch. "I'm sure someone will eventually ask for help. And when they do, we'll go"


Raychel extended her arms in the Absolute Light and Christina's powers were shredded down to nothing, erased completely, the Light cleansing her. She smiled and looked to Christina. "Easy way or hard way?"
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DizjayDeathPride said:
(Sleeping. Tots forgot about her)
She ran her hand through his hair, careful not to bother the flowers. She didn't speak for a moment after him, scared to ask. Then finally mustered the courage to say, "why don't we just leave? Save different people on our travels? Does that work? I.. I mean.. Never mind actually" Her voice had gotten shaky but ended in her normal cheerful self. She kissed his head and finally let go, getting up and sitting back on the couch. "I'm sure someone will eventually ask for help. And when they do, we'll go"
(I'll have Vance just teleport to her while she's sleeping then. I'm sure that will go nothing but well xD )

Colin followed Anna to the couch and gingerly laid down and rested his head in her lap like before, assuming she wouldn't mind. "I wish I met you before I joined the guild, Maybe things would've gone differently if I had" Colin mused as he tried to relax, but the voice in the back of his head kept reminding him that this wouldn't last long and when it ended Him and Anna might not be able to do this sort of thing again.


Vance got bored of messing around with his powers
I wonder if Cass would want to spar again.... Oh yeah, she told me not to speak to her until I got my priorities straight, whatever that means. What about Sage... No he hates my guts right now. I can't go out and kill someone as everyone knows my face and who I am, It makes assassinating people kinda difficult Vance stood up and began pacing, trying to figure out something to do I could go and talk to Cass and find out what her problem is. Yeah, I'll do that. And if it somehow goes wrong at least there might be a fight and something to do Vance left his darkness realm and then used the guild Symbol to teleport to Cassandra "Cass! I think I need to talk to you, some talking kitten told me that I upset you, so what's the problem"

Light said:
The girl sighs now that the kitten was in her head again. "Alright then.... I'll try but don't blame me if I fail." She smiles to herself and thinks about the man she met 3 years ago in a forest. He had silver hair and turquoise eyes, a delicate balance yet he looked like a hardened traveler. He encouraged her to keep pushing forward and that's all he said before he left. 'I've done it....'
"Blame you if fail is only excuse. And shitty excuse. Now we train, da." The girl seemed to be daydreaming, so Viktor snapped his fingers to try and rouse her. "Make of chop-chop. Day is wasting." He led her back into the traing room, the gingerly lifted the kitten off her head and setting him down at a nearby stand. "Stay, cat. She may make of drop bar." He ran over to the bar rack, placing two 2.5 kilogram weights on the edge of each side, adding up to a measly 5 pounds. He then gestured to the seat under it, motioning for her to lift it. "Make of liftings. Make stronger."
(!) Cole looked at the girls as she was healing. He smirked and started walking around her creating void clones. The clones all inhaled deeply and roared releasing the void breath attack.


If the attack hits the collide together creating a dome of void energy. Any and everything within the dome is destroyed by void energy the ground under it would be nothing but a crater. (!)

Inaro looks around and fades away appearing at the guild. Yo Ashlyn I'm back!! He Yelled.

Crimson shrugs as Ryan disappeared. He didn't care much. Zedd came up to him and Crimson starts to pet his Bestfriend.

@Light @DizjayDeathPride
GingerBread said:
(I'll have Vance just teleport to her while she's sleeping then. I'm sure that will go nothing but well xD )
Colin followed Anna to the couch and gingerly laid down and rested his head in her lap like before, assuming she wouldn't mind. "I wish I met you before I joined the guild, Maybe things would've gone differently if I had" Colin mused as he tried to relax, but the voice in the back of his head kept reminding him that this wouldn't last long and when it ended Him and Anna might not be able to do this sort of thing again.


Vance got bored of messing around with his powers
I wonder if Cass would want to spar again.... Oh yeah, she told me not to speak to her until I got my priorities straight, whatever that means. What about Sage... No he hates my guts right now. I can't go out and kill someone as everyone knows my face and who I am, It makes assassinating people kinda difficult Vance stood up and began pacing, trying to figure out something to do I could go and talk to Cass and find out what her problem is. Yeah, I'll do that. And if it somehow goes wrong at least there might be a fight and something to do Vance left his darkness realm and then used the guild Symbol to teleport to Cassandra "Cass! I think I need to talk to you, some talking kitten told me that I upset you, so what's the problem"


GingerBread said:
(I'll have Vance just teleport to her while she's sleeping then. I'm sure that will go nothing but well xD )
Colin followed Anna to the couch and gingerly laid down and rested his head in her lap like before, assuming she wouldn't mind. "I wish I met you before I joined the guild, Maybe things would've gone differently if I had" Colin mused as he tried to relax, but the voice in the back of his head kept reminding him that this wouldn't last long and when it ended Him and Anna might not be able to do this sort of thing again.


Vance got bored of messing around with his powers
I wonder if Cass would want to spar again.... Oh yeah, she told me not to speak to her until I got my priorities straight, whatever that means. What about Sage... No he hates my guts right now. I can't go out and kill someone as everyone knows my face and who I am, It makes assassinating people kinda difficult Vance stood up and began pacing, trying to figure out something to do I could go and talk to Cass and find out what her problem is. Yeah, I'll do that. And if it somehow goes wrong at least there might be a fight and something to do Vance left his darkness realm and then used the guild Symbol to teleport to Cassandra "Cass! I think I need to talk to you, some talking kitten told me that I upset you, so what's the problem"

Cassie groaned and rolled over in her bed, pulling her blanket up and mumbling under her breath. "Go away"

Embaga Elder] [COLOR=#ff0080](!) Cole looked at the girls as she was healing. He smirked and started walking around her creating void clones. The clones all inhaled deeply and roared releasing the void breath attack. [/COLOR][COLOR=#ff0080] [/COLOR] [CENTER] [IMG]https://www.rpnation.com/proxy.php?image=http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/fairytailfanon/images/c/c4/Dante-Dim4.gif/revision/latest/thumbnail-down/width/340/height/340?cb=20140223192357&hash=c15340aef04abc41f48fb378e7b2433e[/IMG][COLOR=#ff0080] [/COLOR] [/CENTER] [COLOR=#ff0080] [/COLOR][COLOR=#ff0080]If the attack hits the collide together creating a dome of void energy. Any and everything within the dome is destroyed by void energy the ground under it would be nothing but a crater. (!)[/COLOR] [COLOR=#ff0080] [/COLOR] [COLOR=#ff0080] [/COLOR][COLOR=#ff0080]Inaro looks around and fades away appearing at the guild. [/COLOR][COLOR=#ff0080][B]Yo Ashlyn I'm back!! [/B][/COLOR][COLOR=#ff0080] He Yelled. [/COLOR] [COLOR=#ff0080] [/COLOR] [COLOR=#ff0080] [/COLOR][COLOR=#ff0080]Crimson shrugs as Ryan disappeared. He didn't care much. Zedd came up to him and Crimson starts to pet his Bestfriend.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#ff0080] [/COLOR][URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/10734-light/ said:

Elizabeth looked around to the clones and panicked, seven tails ripping out her wings growing. She quickly took the sky and flew high up from the beam. She looked down to the dome of devastation and shook her head. She fluttered her wings and flew away, knowing she was no match for him

DizjayDeathPride said:
Cassie groaned and rolled over in her bed, pulling her blanket up and mumbling under her breath. "Go away"
Vance sat on the end of Cassandra's bed "Nope. not going away till you explain why a talking kitten is telling me that you're upset and angry at me. Cause I might just be going insane, So if you do actually have a problem that means I'm not going insane"

Cole looked up at the girl as she flew away. Don't you run from me. Cole sticks his hands through a portal, pulling out his bow sword.
(!)He puts his sword into is bow form and releases countless shots of void arrows the flew straight towards Elizabeth. The void guardian followed her on foot using blazing fire to propel itself forward. When he was under Elizabeth the Guardian breaks a piece of its horn off and throws it at Elizabeth going through her right wing. (!) The clones disappear and after his attack Cole walks into a portal. @DizjayDeathPride
GingerBread said:
Vance sat on the end of Cassandra's bed "Nope. not going away till you explain why a talking kitten is telling me that you're upset and angry at me. Cause I might just be going insane, So if you do actually have a problem that means I'm not going insane"
Cassie groaned and smacked him with the pillow, turning over from him. "I'm not mad. Happy? Now will you leave? Please? Thanks. And close the door"


Elizabeth shrieked from the wing and just detached it, shooting it to the guardian as a blade, another replacing it. She coated herself with her wings and spiraled to protect herself from the void

( ! ) Two more tails grew out and she flicked them all together to a single spot, zooming off and ripping through the sound barrier, flying away at Mach 2, the ripped sound barrier collapsing together and the sound and gush of wind blasting Cole back as she glided away rapidly.

She sucked in two tails and her wings grew back. Using the momentum she had given herself, she flapped and flew faster, escaping

Light said:
"No! I don't belong in this guild I don't want anything to do with it anymore. Thank you for the gesture though." She removes the kitten from her head and sets it down I. The bridge. "Don't you have an owner?" The girl made sure to remember the card... She would definitely use it soon.
"You know you have to die now that you've found out right?" He points his scythe at Veyd. It wasn't the real Grimm's scythe but this scythe still had the same affect. It could kill anything in or out of existence.

After a moment Jackson was freed and restored to full vigor. "Yes I promise. Thank you for accepting the deal."

Evil Grimm has a content smile, staring at his chess board full of guild members. The Sage and Jackson piece were both black.

Morgan was too busy concentrating to respond and Alice finally noticed she left the door open. "No!" She runs to the door and shuts it, knowing that it's already possibly to late. "I don't think the reapers got in."

( ! ) Christina gets knocked back into the wall behind her and grips her chest. "Alright. This is a warning, leave or die." She had an apparition materialize around her with specific instructions of defending her as well as carrying out her plan. Christina's hands were ready.
Veyd had a bad feeling about it, but he knew that he wouldn't be taken down so easily. That is if this 'Grimm' had a reason to kill him that is. "Who said I was going to tell anyone? I'm not on any side, so technically you have no reason to kill me because I have no reason to tell unless I must" explained Veyd, gripping his own scythe that very well had the ability to destroy.

Light said:
( ! ) Jackson was immediately blasted out of the sky by two reapers. He was also nailed down to the ground by his wings with they weapons. The double doors to the castle open but this time they reveal an eternal tunnel towards the realm of torture. This vortex was sucking Jackson in painfully since he was still nailed down.
The girl sighs now that the kitten was in her head again. "Alright then.... I'll try but don't blame me if I fail." She smiles to herself and thinks about the man she met 3 years ago in a forest. He had silver hair and turquoise eyes, a delicate balance yet he looked like a hardened traveler. He encouraged her to keep pushing forward and that's all he said before he left. 'I've done it....'

@Tazmodo )

Morgan senses Jackson and finally summons him to the room before the vortex pulls him in. "A reaper is a being that exists on many planes. They can't be sensed or seen at all unless they want you to. They reap your soul once you die and torture those whom break laws. Their main job is to help people pass on and such. They're basically invincible and can kill you through a simple touch. They also have a death field which kills all things around them. Reapers have many other powers and they all work under Grimm. The reapers in this castle are supposed to kill all non Van Fen'rir who come near or enter without permission. Technically neither you or Ryan have permission to be here so it's best that you hide from them inside this room. They can just appear here or phase through the wall if they wanted but they respect my privacy so they don't."

Christina's apparition blocked off the attack and swatted her away. "Now!" Christina and the apparition pull on threads of ectoplasm they set up around the room. The enemy was moving around so much which helped with the process of tangling her. Christina doesn't stop pulling until the threads Alice through and shred the enemies soul apart.
Jackson slowly stood and turned to his human form and was panting. "I made it back. Sorry for the scare." He started healing.

[QUOTE="Romulus Deathbringer]"Hmmm, assassination or torture? What do you need? We will discuss the price after." Hanson said with a glare, putting his silencer on his pistol. "Just remember, you double cross me, I kill you in the worst way." pointing to the man hanging from the ceiling with his ribs ripped out of his body and arms pushed in.

The man laughed. "Amusing but I need you to kill a few people for me. I can give you money, women, or power if that'd what you disire. Will you accept?"
DaManofWar said:
Scar was rather stunned by her answer.He swallowed hard, before telling her what he had started to care for. "You, I guess," he answered he, looking right back into her eyes.
Clair smiled and crawled forward. "I'm glad to hear that." She gave him a kiss and wrapped her arms around him.
DizjayDeathPride said:
Cassie groaned and smacked him with the pillow, turning over from him. "I'm not mad. Happy? Now will you leave? Please? Thanks. And close the door"
Vance laid back on the bed so he was laying right next to Cassandra "I think you're lying. And well the last couple of people who lied to me lost some fingers, though that was years ago. And I also want to know what you meant when you said I needed to get my priorities straight. I'm not leaving till I get an answer and you know I can follow you for the rest of my life"

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Tazmodo said:
Clair smiled and crawled forward. "I'm glad to hear that." She gave him a kiss and wrapped her arms around him.
Scar felt himself tense up. He had no idea what to do. He felt....warm. Yes, that was the word for it. Warm. Scar relaxed, and wrapped his own arms around Clair, return the kiss.

Hans Frankenstein drank from his glass. The smooth red wine slid down his throat, and emptied into his stomach. "Wonderful," he declared. He next started cutting up his dinner. A fine veal and pork pie. Ah, what fine cooking. As he continued eating, he pondered mysteries. Such as where his creation was.

And Dragon's Roar. He had heard rumors of it. That was enough for him. He would locate this guild, and learn it's secrets.

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DizjayDeathPride said:
Raychel looked back to Cole and smiled. "Thank you actually." She could care less about her partner. She turned back to Christina and the two were flashed away into the Light Realm

Raychel extended her arms in the Absolute Light and Christina's powers were shredded down to nothing, erased completely, the Light cleansing her. She smiled and looked to Christina. "Easy way or hard way?"
( @Tazmodo @Dreamtique @Embaga Elder @djinnamon @Juju @Lotusy @Austria @GingerBread @DizjayDeathPride @CelticSol @LokiofSP @TheMADQ @The Otaku Diaries @DaManofWar @Veyd Sahvoz @Sh3w0lfSp1r1t @Daimao )

Christina sighs and shakes her head. "So helpful my guard is..." She says in a sarcastic tone. "I'll surrender the easy way."

Once Christina, one of the five split personalities surrendered a pang of soul crushing pain hit Ashlyn, Alice, Morgan, and Alexandria. Due to this Ashlyn was snapped out of the love spell but lost control of herself as black electricity ruthlessly rampages along her body. It was so untamed it made her drop to her hands and knees as the black electricity courses throughout her body. The same phenomenon occurs with the other split personalities. With this they became more... agitated, paranoid, and lost a shred of their self control. All other guild members go through pain that they could feel feel in their souls only but it wasn't as bad. They all drop down to a weakened state, weaker than they were before they joined the guild. A twelve year old rookie mage could potentially best them at this point but they rise back up to the states they were at after a few seconds. They were all sent mental images of Christina being taken away when Cole was supposed to guard her. Images showed guild members the locations of the remaining split personalities. Alexandria in a field with Typhon and Jasmine, Alice and Morgan inside the Van Fen'rir castle with Jackson and Crimson, Ashlyn in the deity realm with Jericho and Fola, and five orbs on an alter in different locations. Each orb had its own unique color consisting of red, white, purple, gold, and black. Each orb was locked away in sacred areas that couldn't be accessed without certain conditions. The temple the black orb was hidden in had rocks similar to those in Greenland. "Protect them all, please."

Grimmavus felt this shift in the balance as well and shifted into his balance aspect without a question. He floats and checks his left and right hands for the flames. The left flame was burning brighter than the weakened right flame, not a good sign. "Hm.... I fear for my future involvement and any future tips in the balance. I shall put my trust in my clones and assume they'll handle it before the last orb is born." Grimmavus shifts back to his regular form, slightly annoyed.

Reapers were now extremely agitated and the negative balance in realms were slowly overcoming the positive. Evil Grimm's confidence in his plan only grew stronger while other clones were slowly gaining knowledge about things Grimmavus held back from them, feeling betrayal and primal anger. "So it seems like there is more to this world than blood.." Evil Grimm smiles as he puts even more chess pieces in the board.

Lotusy said:
"Blame you if fail is only excuse. And shitty excuse. Now we train, da." The girl seemed to be daydreaming, so Viktor snapped his fingers to try and rouse her. "Make of chop-chop. Day is wasting." He led her back into the traing room, the gingerly lifted the kitten off her head and setting him down at a nearby stand. "Stay, cat. She may make of drop bar." He ran over to the bar rack, placing two 2.5 kilogram weights on the edge of each side, adding up to a measly 5 pounds. He then gestured to the seat under it, motioning for her to lift it. "Make of liftings. Make stronger."
"Alright.... I can do this!" The girl positions herself underneath the seat and prepares to lift, that was until she felt the pain and saw all of the visions.

Musical Grimm was also angered by the visions and covers his face as it begins to crack. It seemed like the clones of Grimm were attempting to separate themselves from him. "I no longer have time for this." With that, Musical Grimm disappears.
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