Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
Light said:
Once Christina, one of the five split personalities surrendered a pang of soul crushing pain hit Ashlyn, Alice, Morgan, and Alexandria. Due to this Ashlyn was snapped out of the love spell but lost control of herself as black electricity ruthlessly rampages along her body. It was so untamed it made her drop to her hands and knees as the black electricity courses throughout her body. The same phenomenon occurs with the other split personalities. With this they became more... agitated, paranoid, and lost a shred of their self control. All other guild members go through pain that they could feel feel in their souls only but it wasn't as bad. They all drop down to a weakened state, weaker than they were before they joined the guild. A twelve year old rookie mage could potentially best them at this point but they rise back up to the states they were at after a few seconds. They were all sent mental images of Christina being taken away when Cole was supposed to guard her. Images showed guild members the locations of the remaining split personalities. Alexandria in a field with Typhon and Jasmine, Alice and Morgan inside the Van Fen'rir castle with Jackson and Crimson, Ashlyn in the deity realm with Jericho and Fola, and five orb on an altar in different locations. Each orb had its own unique color consisting of red, white, purple, gold, and black. Each orb was locked away in sacred areas that couldn't be accessed without certain conditions. The temple the black orb was hidden in hard rocks similar to those in Greenland. "Protect them all, please."

Colin lifted his head off of Anna's lap and sat up after he saw all the visions
"I guess that's my call to go and help" Colin didn't sound like he want to leave but stood up and grabbed his staff before realizing he had no clue where any of the places he was shown were or how to get to them. Feeling slightly useless Colin sat back down on the couch, still holding onto his staff. Colin was slightly happy that this meant he wouldn't have to leave Anna but also felt kinda bad that he wasn't out there helping.


DizjayDeathPride said:
Cassie got out of bed, throwing the blanket on him. She walked over to her dresser, grabbing a change of clothes. She ignored him and went into the shower, closing the door behind her. The sound of the water ran but Cassandra just sat on the toilet seat, clutching her knees to her chest
Vance threw the blanket off of himself and watched Cassandra walk into the shower "Just ignore me then why don't you" Vance stood up and walked over to the door. Vance thought for a moment, waighing out the pro's and cons of what he was about to do before reaching a decision. Vance muffled himself and went invisible in a nearby shadow before using the shadow to teleport into the shower room.

Vance saw that Cassandra was sitting on the toilet
"Wasting water are you? The environment looks down on you Cassie" Vance chided as he stepped out of the small shadow he was hiding in "Now you can't tell me there's not a problem when you're sitting down with your knees pulled up to you chest while faking taking a shower. Now what's the problem?"

DaManofWar said:
Scar felt himself tense up. He had no idea what to do. He felt....warm. Yes, that was the word for it. Warm. Scar relaxed, and wrapped his own arms around Clair, return the kiss.
Hans Frankenstein drank from his glass. The smooth red wine slid down his throat, and emptied into his stomach. "Wonderful," he declared. He next started cutting up his dinner. A fine veal and pork pie. Ah, what fine cooking. As he continued eating, he pondered mysteries. Such as where his creation was.

And Dragon's Roar. He had heard rumors of it. That was enough for him. He would locate this guild, and learn it's secrets.

Clair kissed him with more passion. She pushed him onto the bed and crawled on tip of him.
After Cole recovered from the effects of losing Christina looked up at the sky as he realizes he failed. I've failed. Cole flicks his hand as his claws came out. He places it on his chest preparing to kill himself. He pulls his hand back and sends it towards towards his chest, but it was stopped by a female hand. Cole looked at the hand then followed it up seeing the face of his master as a spirit.
Natalia?? A tear fell down his face. It's you. She smiles and nods her head. Yes it's me Cole. I gotta keep this short. I'm aware of what type of predicament you're in, and I have to say I'm disappointed. You was too distracted with the girl Elizabeth that you failed to protect Christina, and now the balance has shifted. I'm pardoning you from your death sentence since you didn't keep your promise. But listen, I want you to get her back, she's captured not dead. She turns her back. Don't fail me Cole Ravenwood. She fades away. Cole tears fall down his face. You got it Natalia. He said weakly.

Inaro after recovering from the effects of losing Christina he gets up, and teleports to Cole. He places his arm around his neck in a brotherly love way and they both just start walking. It's okay bro.

The pain and images only made Crimson angrier, his aura flowed off of him, but he had to get it under control, which he dead. He leaned from the chair and looks at Alice. Are you okay? He asks as his aura fades away. @Light

GingerBread said:
Colin lifted his head off of Anna's lap and sat up after he saw all the visions "I guess that's my call to go and help" Colin didn't sound like he want to leave but stood up and grabbed his staff before realizing he had no clue where any of the places he was shown were or how to get to them. Feeling slightly useless Colin sat back down on the couch, still holding onto his staff. Colin was slightly happy that this meant he wouldn't have to leave Anna but also felt kinda bad that he wasn't out there helping.


Vance threw the blanket off of himself and watched Cassandra walk into the shower "Just ignore me then why don't you" Vance stood up and walked over to the door. Vance thought for a moment, waighing out the pro's and cons of what he was about to do before reaching a decision. Vance muffled himself and went invisible in a nearby shadow before using the shadow to teleport into the shower room.

Vance saw that Cassandra was sitting on the toilet
"Wasting water are you? The environment looks down on you Cassie" Vance chided as he stepped out of the small shadow he was hiding in "Now you can't tell me there's not a problem when you're sitting down with your knees pulled up to you chest while faking taking a shower. Now what's the problem?"

Anna watched Colin go and then inevitably come back. Her mind was elsewhere while she communicated with the organization. She opened her arms for him to rest but didn't speak

Cassie sighed and looked over to him. "Waiting for it to get hot. Obviously. Who just hops in a cold shower. Now, if you don't mind I'd like to get started"


Death walked over to Christina's chamber and stared into the glass at her sleeping body. Her initial emotion of disgust was quickly replaced with disdain. She tapped on the glass and woke the girl up. "Hello Christina. I hear there are some lovely little orbs I need to collect. Shall you lead me to yours?"
DizjayDeathPride said:
Anna watched Colin go and then inevitably come back. Her mind was elsewhere while she communicated with the organization. She opened her arms for him to rest but didn't speak
Colin leaned into Anna's arms and relaxed while he attempted to go back over what he saw as best as his memory would allow. He gave up on trying to work out where the girls where as he assumed they would already have people with them. Colin decided to focus on the orbs, Specifically the black one, it interested him slightly as if it was of importance. Colin noticed that the rocks around the Black orb looked similar to ones he had seen before. Where Have I seen them before? In a book? yeah.... I'm glad I spent so much time reading about various rocks now that I can't remember any of them. I think it was greenland, Yeah that sounds about right

Colin stood back up and looked towards Anna and was about to ask her to come along when he realized that she worked for people who were working against the guild Should I tell her? I doubt she'd do something that could get me hurt but this orb seems important Colin decided that it was probably for the best if she didn't come with him, no matter how much he wanted her to "I'll be right back Anna, I'm just going to the toilet" Colin lied as he walked out of the room hastily, a feeling of guilt building up inside of him for lying to Anna. Once he had gotten a decent distance away from Anna's room he used the guild symbol to teleport to greenland.


DizjayDeathPride said:
Cassie sighed and looked over to him. "Waiting for it to get hot. Obviously. Who just hops in a cold shower. Now, if you don't mind I'd like to get started"
"No I don't mind" Vance gestured to the shower with his hand "Go right ahead, I'll wait here for you to finish. I told you I'll follow you until I got a truthful answer and that doesn't seem to be happening anytime soon. So Go take your shower I'm sure I can find something to do while I watch. Maybe I'll read a book or something"

The tunnel ended abruptly, save for a vertical rend in the sedimentary rock. Sending Dawn's Heart into the gash first for illumination, Arwyn gripped the edges of the crack and peered in. A faint breeze was coming through, hinting that there was an exit somewhere in the depths of this place but the dragon knight was still uncertain if this would even lead her to one of the clues.

Dawn's Heart levitated above her shoulder as she crouched down and unfurled the treasure map and inspected the illustrations one more time. "Well, I have been going in the direction of this arrow." she mumbled while following the scratch on the paper with her eyes. "but it shows a depiction of an arc-like structure with a tree below it...which is unlikely for a cave." she pondered this with a furrowed brow.

With a sigh the dragon knight folded the parchment back into her pouch and looked to the hole in the rocks. She could probably squeeze through it if she shimmied along sideways... judging by what she could see with her limited vision it also appeared to widen within a few meters.

"I've got a bad feeling about this..." she said before tightening her shield on her back and shifting her sword and sheath to an angle. It was an uncomfortably tight squeeze and she could hear the rough scraping sound as the rock raked against her shield. No doubt the elegant sun painted on her shield would suffer from this, a pity; it had been done by one of her guild mates as a gift. She wondered if she could ever find someone to repair it.

Just as she had predicted, the tunnel widened enough for her to walk comfortably again after a couple of meters and she took the time to look at her shield. The sun was surprisingly in good condition but for a thicket of jagged slashes across its width, exposing the bright metal below as if it had been slashed by some sword or broken by a blow. After considering it for a moment she found the scar oddly befitting and decided to keep it. It reminded her that nothing was invincible; not her broken order, not the reign of those bloody kings, even Dragon's Roar would fall one day.

'Suns and stars die.' she thought as she continued down the tunnel. Then a thought crossed her mind 'Do gods ever die? Can they be slain?' she realized what wicked thoughts she was thinking and tried to banish them from her head but she couldn't. 'If death was a god, and gods could be slain... would that mean that death could die?'

Mortals lived their whole lives fearing the wrath of their gods and their death, she wondered if gods could ever feel that same helplessness known as fate. Were mortals merely pawns to them , living a life that was never truly their own?

As if in response, Dawn's Heart flickered softly as it lead her on through the darkness.

(@Light )
GingerBread said:
Colin leaned into Anna's arms and relaxed while he attempted to go back over what he saw as best as his memory would allow. He gave up on trying to work out where the girls where as he assumed they would already have people with them. Colin decided to focus on the orbs, Specifically the black one, it interested him slightly as if it was of importance. Colin noticed that the rocks around the Black orb looked similar to ones he had seen before. Where Have I seen them before? In a book? yeah.... I'm glad I spent so much time reading about various rocks now that I can't remember any of them. I think it was greenland, Yeah that sounds about right
Colin stood back up and looked towards Anna and was about to ask her to come along when he realized that she worked for people who were working against the guild Should I tell her? I doubt she'd do something that could get me hurt but this orb seems important Colin decided that it was probably for the best if she didn't come with him, no matter how much he wanted her to "I'll be right back Anna, I'm just going to the toilet" Colin lied as he walked out of the room hastily, a feeling of guilt building up inside of him for lying to Anna. Once he had gotten a decent distance away from Anna's room he used the guild symbol to teleport to greenland.


"No I don't mind" Vance gestured to the shower with his hand "Go right ahead, I'll wait here for you to finish. I told you I'll follow you until I got a truthful answer and that doesn't seem to be happening anytime soon. So Go take your shower I'm sure I can find something to do while I watch. Maybe I'll read a book or something"

Cassandra looked Vance in the eye and stood up, barely below his height. "You either care or you don't. You haven't have it both ways. And you've made it clear what your position in" She manipulated the metal of the handle to turn, turning off the water. Vance could a faint click as she turned off her mind from the symbol, cutting herself off from everyone. She poked his chest, still glaring at him. "Its your turn to look for me now. Or dont. I. Don't. Care"

She blinked, and disappeared

DizjayDeathPride said:
Cassandra looked Vance in the eye and stood up, barely below his height. "You either care or you don't. You haven't have it both ways. And you've made it clear what your position in" She manipulated the metal of the handle to turn, turning off the water. Vance could a faint click as she turned off her mind from the symbol, cutting herself off from everyone. She poked his chest, still glaring at him. "Its your turn to look for me now. Or dont. I. Don't. Care"
She blinked, and disappeared
Vance pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed "Right then, where the hell am I meant to look? I know nothing about her and she knows pretty much everything about me" Vance tried to think about where Cassandra might go "I guess I'll check all the bars, That's where I would go and It wouldn't hurt to have a drink along the way and If I can't find her in any of the bars I'll check hotels, If that fails I guess I'll hang around people who are probably going to be assassinated. Right sounds like a plan" Vance shrugged and teleported to a bar in England and grabbed a beer before seeing Cassandra wasn't there and going to the next bar on his mental list.

Light said:
"Alright.... I can do this!" The girl positions herself underneath the seat and prepares to lift, that was until she felt the pain and saw all of the visions.
Viktor exhaled angrily as the girl suddenly stopped moving, catching the bar before it fell on her. She didn't seem to be moving, as was stuck in some kind of living trance. He peeled back one of her eyelids. "Make wake up. Training to do."

Meanwhile, Boris was busy watching Scar and Clair through the nanobots. They had discussed betraying the guild, Scar reaching his full potential, and love, all of which made the old Russian man extremely worried. He called the spider bot back, having seen enough. Instead, he stood up, limping over to Ivan to warn him about Scar's possible betrayal.

Meanwhile, Alexei finally finished clearing out the fiftieth toilet in the guild, heading back to the main office. Unexpectedly, Ivan was nowhere to be found, so the rookie quietly pushed his cart into the corner before deciding to take a closer look at his desk. On the top of all the paperwork and old plastic cups was a new, fresh-looking file. Interested, the bright eyed rookie slowly opened the file...

(@DizjayDeathPride Do your magic...?)
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GingerBread said:
Vance pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed "Right then, where the hell am I meant to look? I know nothing about her and she knows pretty much everything about me" Vance tried to think about where Cassandra might go "I guess I'll check all the bars, That's where I would go and It wouldn't hurt to have a drink along the way and If I can't find her in any of the bars I'll check hotels, If that fails I guess I'll hang around people who are probably going to be assassinated. Right sounds like a plan" Vance shrugged and teleported to a bar in England and grabbed a beer before seeing Cassandra wasn't there and going to the next bar on his mental list.
(Awww he's actually trying <3 I expected him to say fuck it wow)

Lotusy said:
Viktor exhaled angrily as the girl suddenly stopped moving, catching the bar before it fell on her. She didn't seem to be moving, as was stuck in some kind of living trance. He peeled back one of her eyelids. "Make wake up. Training to do."
Meanwhile, Boris was busy watching Scar and Clair through the nanobots. They had discussed betraying the guild, Scar reaching his full potential, and love, all of which made the old Russian man extremely worried. He called the spider bot back, having seen enough. Instead, he stood up, limping over to Ivan to warn him about Scar's possible betrayal.

Meanwhile, Alexei finally finished clearing out the fiftieth toilet in the guild, heading back to the main office. Unexpectedly, Ivan was nowhere to be found, so the rookie quietly pushed his cart into the corner before deciding to take a closer look at his desk. On the top of all the paperwork and old plastic cups was a new, fresh-looking file. Interested, the bright eyed rookie slowly opened the file...

(@DizjayDeathPride Do your magic...?)
(Oh.. it only really existed for Colin to meet Death but... okay c: )

The file sucked Alexei in, painting his face on a blank page. He appeared in a realm of completely empty white. Everything he said wrote along the 'walks' in different fonts. Each word created a separate action. Thoughts come to life and art is real. He was in the Creativity Realm.
DizjayDeathPride said:
All of TDR fell to their knees, screaming in agony
Morpheus stood up in the hidden Morpheus Realm, the other Morpheus looking at him, curious to why he randomly started screaming. Without answer, Morpheus tapped his temple and forced his way into Ashlyn's mind with the symbol. "Hey Ashlyn. Morpheus here. You know your favorite Alpha eeeeever. The cutiest of all of them. Quick questions.... WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?! And everyone seems to have been assigned. I want to be assigned too." He teleported to her mind, making a clone in front of her and transfering his consciousness into the clone, making it real. Though this would be a lovely time to analyze the Deity Realm, he had more important things. The pain he felt was just too excruciating. He kneeled in front of her respectfully bowing his head. "Allow me to become your right hand."
( @CelticSol @LokiofSP )

Ashlyn slowly stands up, ripples of black electricity reveal themselves every once and a while. "One of my....sisters was captured. That seems to be what will happen each time one is captured." Ashlyn knew that the orb of negativity would be taken. "Alright... I have a plan anyways." Ashlyn disappears with Morpheus to a an open field. She was still being electrocuted but was working on healing herself. "You must break two of my seals to pass and rank up to a classified rank, Meta. My seals break through my life being in danger. Will you fight me with or without limits?"

DizjayDeathPride said:
Ryan, having JUST been blessed the Embodiment, screaming in true agony, falling forward. Quickly, he regained himself and only stumbled, appearing in front of Morgan and Alice and Crimson in a flash. His one goal, never let Morgan experience that again
Alice and Morgan were still being harmed by the electricity but it wasn't as severe anymore. "What the hell?! Why can't any of you do your job correctly? How hard is it to guard someone?" Surprisingly this comment came out of Morgan's mouth due to the agitation and the minimized self control. Julius takes the form of a snake with raw witch mana and coils around Morgan, hissing at all the others prospectively. She was still hurting on the ground, trying to catch her breath even after making that comment.

Alice seemed to be growling in a beast like manner, gripping the ground with angry intent. Carnage was beginning to posses her and he was hungry. Symbols begin to appear on her skin in the design of vines and slowly glow red.

DizjayDeathPride said:
Death walked over to Christina's chamber and stared into the glass at her sleeping body. Her initial emotion of disgust was quickly replaced with disdain. She tapped on the glass and woke the girl up. "Hello Christina. I hear there are some lovely little orbs I need to collect. Shall you lead me to yours?"
"Its not like I can say no at this point... my orb is in a temple in Greenland." Christina completely threw everyone else under the bus to save her own skin.

GingerBread said:
Colin leaned into Anna's arms and relaxed while he attempted to go back over what he saw as best as his memory would allow. He gave up on trying to work out where the girls where as he assumed they would already have people with them. Colin decided to focus on the orbs, Specifically the black one, it interested him slightly as if it was of importance. Colin noticed that the rocks around the Black orb looked similar to ones he had seen before. Where Have I seen them before? In a book? yeah.... I'm glad I spent so much time reading about various rocks now that I can't remember any of them. I think it was greenland, Yeah that sounds about right
Colin stood back up and looked towards Anna and was about to ask her to come along when he realized that she worked for people who were working against the guild Should I tell her? I doubt she'd do something that could get me hurt but this orb seems important Colin decided that it was probably for the best if she didn't come with him, no matter how much he wanted her to "I'll be right back Anna, I'm just going to the toilet" Colin lied as he walked out of the room hastily, a feeling of guilt building up inside of him for lying to Anna. Once he had gotten a decent distance away from Anna's room he used the guild symbol to teleport to greenland.

There seemed to be a guardian in front of the temple staring at Colin. "Who are you?" It seemed peaceful.

Lotusy said:
Viktor exhaled angrily as the girl suddenly stopped moving, catching the bar before it fell on her. She didn't seem to be moving, as was stuck in some kind of living trance. He peeled back one of her eyelids. "Make wake up. Training to do."
( You need to start really small with her. Please be gentle. )

The girl was trying to push it up but couldn't hold it. The bar falls heavily on her chest, breaking ribs.

Juju said:
The tunnel ended abruptly, save for a vertical rend in the sedimentary rock. Sending Dawn's Heart into the gash first for illumination, Arwyn gripped the edges of the crack and peered in. A faint breeze was coming through, hinting that there was an exit somewhere in the depths of this place but the dragon knight was still uncertain if this would even lead her to one of the clues.
Dawn's Heart levitated above her shoulder as she crouched down and unfurled the treasure map and inspected the illustrations one more time. "Well, I have been going in the direction of this arrow." she mumbled while following the scratch on the paper with her eyes. "but it shows a depiction of an arc-like structure with a tree below it...which is unlikely for a cave." she pondered this with a furrowed brow.

With a sigh the dragon knight folded the parchment back into her pouch and looked to the hole in the rocks. She could probably squeeze through it if she shimmied along sideways... judging by what she could see with her limited vision it also appeared to widen within a few meters.

"I've got a bad feeling about this..." she said before tightening her shield on her back and shifting her sword and sheath to an angle. It was an uncomfortably tight squeeze and she could hear the rough scraping sound as the rock raked against her shield. No doubt the elegant sun painted on her shield would suffer from this, a pity; it had been done by one of her guild mates as a gift. She wondered if she could ever find someone to repair it.

Just as she had predicted, the tunnel widened enough for her to walk comfortably again after a couple of meters and she took the time to look at her shield. The sun was surprisingly in good condition but for a thicket of jagged slashes across its width, exposing the bright metal below as if it had been slashed by some sword or broken by a blow. After considering it for a moment she found the scar oddly befitting and decided to keep it. It reminded her that nothing was invincible; not her broken order, not the reign of those bloody kings, even Dragon's Roar would fall one day.

'Suns and stars die.' she thought as she continued down the tunnel. Then a thought crossed her mind 'Do gods ever die? Can they be slain?' she realized what wicked thoughts she was thinking and tried to banish them from her head but she couldn't. 'If death was a god, and gods could be slain... would that mean that death could die?'

Mortals lived their whole lives fearing the wrath of their gods and their death, she wondered if gods could ever feel that same helplessness known as fate. Were mortals merely pawns to them , living a life that was never truly their own?

As if in response, Dawn's Heart flickered softly as it lead her on through the darkness.

(@Light )
Arwyn could smell the stench of old animal droppings. There was a crying little fire lizard in the cave as well.
Light said:
( @CelticSol @LokiofSP )
Ashlyn slowly stands up, ripples of black electricity reveal themselves every once and a while. "One of my....sisters was captured. That seems to be what will happen each time one is captured." Ashlyn knew that the orb of negativity would be taken. "Alright... I have a plan anyways." Ashlyn disappears with Morpheus to a an open field. She was still being electrocuted but was working on healing herself. "You must break two of my seals to pass and rank up to a classified rank, Meta. My seals break through my life being in danger. Will you fight me with or without limits?"

Alice and Morgan were still being harmed by the electricity but it wasn't as severe anymore. "What the hell?! Why can't any of you do your job correctly? How hard is it to guard someone?" Surprisingly this comment came out of Morgan's mouth due to the agitation and the minimized self control. Julius takes the form of a snake with raw witch mana and coils around Morgan, hissing at all the others prospectively. She was still hurting on the ground, trying to catch her breath even after making that comment.

Alice seemed to be growling in a beast like manner, gripping the ground with angry intent. Carnage was beginning to posses her and he was hungry. Symbols begin to appear on her skin in the design of vines and slowly glow red.

"Its not like I can say no at this point... my orb is in a temple in Greenland." Christina completely threw everyone else under the bus to save her own skin.

There seemed to be a guardian in front of the temple staring at Colin. "Who are you?" It seemed peaceful.

( You need to start really small with her. Please be gentle. )

The girl was trying to push it up but couldn't hold it. The bar falls heavily on her chest, breaking ribs.

Arwyn could smell the stench of old animal droppings. There was a crying little fire lizard in the cave as well.
Morpheus looked to her and smiled. He had waited for this. "Limits please"

Ryan rushed over to Morgan's side, extending his hand gently and smiling his innocent way. "Morgan how can I help?"

Death nodded and her and Christina were in front of the temple, the Light still holding her tightly. "Lead the way. Get me the orb and I will let you go free, completely unharmed. Lead the way"
DizjayDeathPride said:
Morpheus looked to her and smiled. He had waited for this. "Limits please"
Ryan rushed over to Morgan's side, extending his hand gently and smiling his innocent way. "Morgan how can I help?"

Death nodded and her and Christina were in front of the temple, the Light still holding her tightly. "Lead the way. Get me the orb and I will let you go free, completely unharmed. Lead the way"
Morpheus goes back to the limits he had at the rank of Omega. Ashlyn waves her arm and sends Morpheus flying.

Once Ryan gets close Julius bites him and injects his witch venom. It eats away at the secondary circulatory system and makes it deteriorate.

( @GingerBread )

Christina passes by Death and walks into the entrance of the temple, the barrier drops momentarily when she does. The guardian stops Death and holds out a paper. "Licence, Address, phone number, email address and the works before you can enter."
Light said:
Morpheus goes back to the limits he had at the rank of Omega. Ashlyn waves her arm and sends Morpheus flying.
Once Ryan gets close Julius bites him and injects his witch venom. It eats away at the secondary circulatory system and makes it deteriorate.

( @GingerBread )

Christina passes by Death and walks into the entrance of the temple, the barrier drops momentarily when she does. The guardian stops Death and holds out a paper. "Licence, Address, phone number, email address and the works before you can enter."
Morpheus crashed and tumbled back, his head throbbing from the massive decrease in voices. He stabbed his cane into the ground and drags him back. He sighed and placed his hand on his TDR symbol, closing his eyes. The colors of the other members glowed brightly, power exploding through his body that was sealed and copied inside of the symbol. He looked up to Ashlyn from the distance he was apologetically.

( ! ) "Formation One." Thousands of clones of Morpheus appeared around her in a circle, some with Twilight arrows, some with Life-Force Absorption arrows. They all fired at once, raining the barrage of attacks to her, exploding on contact and either damaging her body or draining her energy

Ryan winced and pulled back, coughing. "Julius! Why?!" He stumbled a bit, going over to his desk and fumbling for his new Anti-Magic Disease. Good a time as any.. He though as he looked at the vial hesitantly, drinking it. The venom was washed away, quickly after his own magical powers were starting to be eaten away. He dropped the vial and clutched his chest. Bad idea... totally bad idea..... Weakly, he looked over to the angry love of his life and coughed out a strained "Mor...gan.. please.."

Death sighed and took the papers. She wrote N/A for licence, Creativity Realm for address, 702-443-1227 (totally made that up) for the number, deathlyfigure@gmail.com for the email and handed the papers back. "Is that all?"
DizjayDeathPride said:
Morpheus crashed and tumbled back, his head throbbing from the massive decrease in voices. He stabbed his cane into the ground and drags him back. He sighed and placed his hand on his TDR symbol, closing his eyes. The colors of the other members glowed brightly, power exploding through his body that was sealed and copied inside of the symbol. He looked up to Ashlyn from the distance he was apologetically.
( ! ) "Formation One." Thousands of clones of Morpheus appeared around her in a circle, some with Twilight arrows, some with Life-Force Absorption arrows. They all fired at once, raining the barrage of attacks to her, exploding on contact and either damaging her body or draining her energy

Ryan winced and pulled back, coughing. "Julius! Why?!" He stumbled a bit, going over to his desk and fumbling for his new Anti-Magic Disease. Good a time as any.. He though as he looked at the vial hesitantly, drinking it. The venom was washed away, quickly after his own magical powers were starting to be eaten away. He dropped the vial and clutched his chest. Bad idea... totally bad idea..... Weakly, he looked over to the angry love of his life and coughed out a strained "Mor...gan.. please.."

Death sighed and took the papers. She wrote N/A for licence, Creativity Realm for address, 702-443-1227 (totally made that up) for the number, deathlyfigure@gmail.com for the email and handed the papers back. "Is that all?"
Ashlyn always kept a telekinetic layer on her skin, making it burst outwards this time to push away all of the arrows. Each arrow collides with one another above them, creating an explosion of power. She manipulates the force and explosion into concentrated crescents which slice through the clones. Ashlyn started to add pressure upon Morpheus's ears and body by adding air pressure through the manipulation of subatomic particles and air molecules. It was her own form of gravity manipulation.

Julius responds instead of Morgan and sprays Ryan with witch venom. The spray covers the anti magic this time and devours it, leaving everything else alone. Julius gently coils around Morgan and bares his fangs at Ryan. After he threatens Ryan again he lightly flicks his tongue out on Morgan's cheek to tickle her and make her feel better.

( @GingerBread )

"Yes. Have you every been pulled over? Arrested? Lied? Cheated? Marriage? Participated in ...adult videos? Own a business? Favourite music? Do you love Sir Grimm? Are you Republican or Democratic? Are you religious? Are you here to take the orb? Is this young man with you?" The guard points at Colin.
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Light said:
Ashlyn always kept a telekinetic layer on her skin, making it burst outwards this time to push away all of the arrows. Each arrow collides with one another above them, creating an explosion of power. She manipulates the force and explosion into concentrated crescents which slice through the clones. Ashlyn started to add pressure upon Morpheus's ears and body by adding air pressure through the manipulation of subatomic particles and air molecules. It was her own form of gravity manipulation.
Julius responds instead of Morgan and sprays Ryan with witch venom. The spray covers the anti magic this time and devours it, leaving everything else alone. Julius gently coils around Morgan and bares his fangs at Ryan. After he threatens Ryan again he lightly flicks his tongue out on Morgan's cheek to tickle her and make her feel better.

( @GingerBread )

"Yes. Have you every been pulled over? Arrested? Lied? Cheated? Marriage? Participated in ...adult videos? Own a business? Favourite music? Do you love Sir Grimm? Are you Republican or Democratic? Are you religious? Are you here to take the orb? Is this young man with you?" The guard points at Colin.
Morpheus puckered his lips and split from this body, shedding it like lizard skin. While he did so, from his perspective a clone formed inches above her, his heel slamming into the back of her neck with 10 Ton-Force. Another formed inches from under her chin, heel up and hands to the ground, bicycle kicking her up with the same force. A third formed next to her and side kicked her with the same amount of force. All of which happened in a matter of moments while Morpheus pushed out of and shredded his injured self.

The clones continued their barrage one every blow

Ryan sighed and leaned against his desk, looking up at the ceiling. "Yeah I should have known better. Alice are you okay?"

"No, no, no, no, no, no, yes, classical, sure, neither, yes, yes" She looked over to Colin on the final question then back to the guardian "no"
DizjayDeathPride said:
Morpheus puckered his lips and split from this body, shedding it like lizard skin. While he did so, from his perspective a clone formed inches above her, his heel slamming into the back of her neck with 10 Ton-Force. Another formed inches from under her chin, heel up and hands to the ground, bicycle kicking her up with the same force. A third formed next to her and side kicked her with the same amount of force. All of which happened in a matter of moments while Morpheus pushed out of and shredded his injured self.
The clones continued their barrage one every blow

Ryan sighed and leaned against his desk, looking up at the ceiling. "Yeah I should have known better. Alice are you okay?"

"No, no, no, no, no, no, yes, classical, sure, neither, yes, yes" She looked over to Colin on the final question then back to the guardian "no"
( ! ) Once the clones make contact with her the force they carried and their bodies were stopped in place. She teleports out of this little cluster and leaves them stuck there. She stares at Morpheus and suddenly he's beings stretched apart on a subatomic level while telekinetic blasts occur on each individual cell on his body. The blasts make the cells and atoms spread apart more, almost making him taffy that would die in time. Ashlyn looks at the cluster of clones and they suddenly burst apart into blood, bone, and flesh to become a spear. Her eyes dart back at Morpheus and the spear flies towards him, the tip so sharp it touches only a single subatomic particle. The sharp point rapidly pulls all of the scattered Morpheus back together so fast it could only spark high energy and friction. Which she could make a deadly explosion with since Morpheus's body was becoming the explosion and it was being pulled into that one point. Making it extremely hard to escape himself of that particle was acting like a personal exploding black hole.

( @Embaga Elder @Tazmodo )

A smile develops on Alice's face as she slowly begins to stand up. Two wings made of carnage magic spring from her shoulder blades, four spots on each side of her back appear and erupt with carnage magic every few times like the sun and it's solar plumes. Vine like symbols were on her skin and wet pulsing with red, as if it were blood moving throughout the veins. Her eyes were completely black with the addition of foggy carnage magic flowing through them, as if her eyes were dark rooms with red fog. Her saliva was now liquid carnage magic and her blood carried the substance as well. "I am pretty hungry. Oh! Julius my old friend... how are you? It's been a long time y'know. Do you mind helping me with babysitting? I'll let you devour the children's souls, mana, and energy if you help me. I've never been the best at hide and go seek."

Morgan's hair turns white, a simple gesture to alert those around her that Julius has taken over. "I have no real reason to say no. Why not?" Both Carnage and Julius swiftly leave the room to hunt down the children.

"Little appetizers! Why don't you show your mommy where you are? Emily I can show you one of your favourite colors if you do. If you're a good girl and show yourself I'll get you something nice!" Carnage and Julius were swiftly running down halls since they knew where they were going. They ran on the side of walls or ceilings if they had to for the best traction to accelerate.

Emily heard her mother's voice and was heading towards it eagerly.

The guardian allows her to pass after Christina. Christina was sliding her hands along a wall, inspecting the area.
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Tazmodo said:
Jackson slowly stood and turned to his human form and was panting. "I made it back. Sorry for the scare." He started healing.
The man laughed. "Amusing but I need you to kill a few people for me. I can give you money, women, or power if that'd what you disire. Will you accept?"
"Sure. I will do that for you. Power will be our payment. Depending on the people, we will decide after I kill them." Hanson whispered, grinning.
Light said:
( ! ) Once the clones make contact with her the force they carried and their bodies were stopped in place. She teleports out of this little cluster and leaves them stuck there. She stares at Morpheus and suddenly he's beings stretched apart on a subatomic level while telekinetic blasts occur on each individual cell on his body. The blasts make the cells and atoms spread apart more, almost making him taffy that would die in time. Ashlyn looks at the cluster of clones and they suddenly burst apart into blood, bone, and flesh to become a spear. Her eyes dart back at Morpheus and the spear flies towards him, the tip so sharp it touches only a single subatomic particle. The sharp point rapidly pulls all of the scattered Morpheus back together so fast it could only spark high energy and friction. Which she could make a deadly explosion with since Morpheus's body was becoming the explosion and it was being pulled into that one point. Making it extremely hard to escape himself of that particle was acting like a personal exploding black hole.
( @Embaga Elder @Tazmodo )

A smile develops on Alice's face as she slowly begins to stand up. Two wings made of carnage magic spring from her shoulder blades, four spots on each side of her back appear and erupt with carnage magic every few times like the sun and it's solar plumes. Vine like symbols were on her skin and wet pulsing with red, as if it were blood moving throughout the veins. Her eyes were completely black with the addition of foggy carnage magic flowing through them, as if her eyes were dark rooms with red fog. Her saliva was now liquid carnage magic and her blood carried the substance as well. "I am pretty hungry. Oh! Julius my old friend... how are you? It's been a long time y'know. Do you mind helping me with babysitting? I'll let you devour the children's souls, mana, and energy if you help me. I've never been the best at hide and go seek."

Morgan's hair turns white, a simple gesture to alert those around her that Julius has taken over. "I have no real reason to say no. Why not?" Both Carnage and Julius swiftly leave the room to hunt down the children.

"Little appetizers! Why don't you show your mommy where you are? Emily I can show you one of your favourite colors if you do. If you're a good girl and show yourself I'll get you something nice!" Carnage and Julius were swiftly running down halls since they knew where they were going. They ran on the side of walls or ceilings if they had to for the best traction to accelerate.

Emily heard her mother's voice and was heading towards it eagerly.

The guardian allows her to pass after Christina. Christina was sliding her hands along a wall, inspecting the area.
Jackson didn't like this. He looked to Ryan then back to the girls. He heard them looking for Emily. "Shit" He ran after the girls full speed. "Emily don't do it! It isn't her!" Jackson shots beams of light at both of them hoping to get their attention. He had a little sign on his back that said "Van Fen'rir castle guest." Hoping that the reapers wouldn't attack.

[QUOTE="Romulus Deathbringer]"Sure. I will do that for you. Power will be our payment. Depending on the people, we will decide after I kill them." Hanson whispered, grinning.

The man laughs. "Good your target is the members of Dragon's Roar. Infiltrate the guild, become a member, and kill them from the inside." With that the man was gone.
Tazmodo said:
Clair kissed him with more passion. She pushed him onto the bed and crawled on tip of him.
Scar moaned as he felt Clair's passion. He returned it, and pressed his own body against hers, pulling her closer. His hands moved up and down her body. This was....this was...wonderful. Someone was here for him. To help him. Perfect.


Hans Frankenstein gazed outside from his balcony. Earth was what he saw. A book was right next to him. An old book. A dark book. One written by a mad Arab centuries ago. One that should never be opened. Only Hans had opened it, and learned it's secrets. The book was known as the Necronomicon.
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Tazmodo said:
Jackson didn't like this. He looked to Ryan then back to the girls. He heard them looking for Emily. "Shit" He ran after the girls full speed. "Emily don't do it! It isn't her!" Jackson shots beams of light at both of them hoping to get their attention. He had a little sign on his back that said "Van Fen'rir castle guest." Hoping that the reapers wouldn't attack.
The man laughs. "Good your target is the members of Dragon's Roar. Infiltrate the guild, become a member, and kill them from the inside." With that the man was gone.
"Deal. Price will be the land of Dragon's Roar." Hanson was getting his guild armour ready.
Crimson got up from his seat and chased after the girls. This is just turning out wonderful. He thought to himself as he ran down the hallway constantly accelerating. Zedd has shrunk down and jumped into Crimson's pocket. Crimson threw a sphere towards the ground he lands right behind them and releases a pulse, that takes away everyone's anger within the castle, except Crimson's. @Tazmodo @Light

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