Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
Light said:
The guard runs after Colin but it wasn't fast enough. The barrier was about to go up soon but if one more person was fast enough they could make it in as well. ( #Fola @LokiofSP )
LokiofSP said:
Fola opened his eyes and shook his head, he was caught up now, made sense. Didn't want to teleport to a girl in a cage or something, that would suck so much. He stood up from his spot and pocketed his flask and dusted off his clothes. He stuck out his tongue as he fished out a five dollar tip for the meal he didn't have. He then pondered for a moment, he felt the temple was a place that the 'vision' was telling him to go to, but there was the other part of Ashyln fighting Morpheus...He'd met the guy very briefly, but he seemed like a nice guy. But he might have snapped, after all, Fola had only had like a three minute talk with the guy...
He shook his head, 'They're probably sparring...I think. I don't fucking know I'm not a Fortune Teller. Fuck it, Ima go to the temple, that's what happens when you ditch me for the umteenth time in two days...'

So he telported to Collin.

@GingerBread @Light
DizjayDeathPride said:
Death followed closely behind, silent, ready to just get it over with. She could sense life forms coming near them and following. "Christina do hurry or I will kill the love of your life. If anyone gets your orb before me of course"
Colin kept running, until Fola appeared in front of him "H-hey... People...trying to..... kill ashlyn and... her sisters" Colin said between breaths I need to work out, I didn't even run that far Colin continued walking but stopped when he caught sight of death Someone else is here I could leave. But he might need to be healed in a minute... Colin continued walking towards death, gripping his staff as tightly as possible. Colin knew he could take more damage than anyone else right now but it didn't stop him fron nervously shaking, which got worse with ever step closer he took to Death.

@LokiofSP @DizjayDeathPride @Light

Lotusy said:
(Taz, find your chill. You need to give us some time to react.)
(I kmow I'm not gonna do it yet I was just getting a kick start for the plot because it's going so slow)
GingerBread said:
Colin kept running, until Fola appeared in front of him "H-hey... People...trying to..... kill ashlyn and... her sisters" Colin said between breaths I need to work out, I didn't even run that far Colin continued walking but stopped when he caught sight of death Someone else is here I could leave. But he might need to be healed in a minute... Colin continued walking towards death, gripping his staff as tightly as possible. Colin knew he could take more damage than anyone else right now but it didn't stop him fron nervously shaking, which got worse with ever step closer he took to Death.
@LokiofSP @DizjayDeathPride @Light

Death looked back to Colin and smiled. "Ahh it's you. Update actually. So long as everyone complies and I get this orbno one dies. Otherwise, I'm killing you, Anna, and Christina and her love. Okay? Thank you. If you want no one, and I mean no one, to die, leave us alone, Colin" Appearing above her, her scythe formed, showing just how serious she was
DizjayDeathPride said:
Death looked back to Colin and smiled. "Ahh it's you. Update actually. So long as everyone complies and I get this orbno one dies. Otherwise, I'm killing you, Anna, and Christina and her love. Okay? Thank you. If you want no one, and I mean no one, to die, leave us alone, Colin" Appearing above her, her scythe formed, showing just how serious she was
Colin stopped for a moment to catch his breath. when Colin heard death threatening Anna he got angry "I didn't think death was such a C-coward that she h-had to threaten other people" Colin's eyes widened as he realized what he just said, but he carried on as if he hadn't just called death a coward "W-why is th-this orb so important to you anyway?" Colin inched slightly closer to death, keeping an eye on the scythe.

@DizjayDeathPride @Light @LokiofSP
GingerBread said:
Colin stopped for a moment to catch his breath. when Colin heard death threatening Anna he got angry "I didn't think death was such a C-coward that she h-had to threaten other people" Colin's eyes widened as he realized what he just said, but he carried on as if he hadn't just called death a coward "W-why is th-this orb so important to you anyway?" Colin inched slightly closer to death, keeping an eye on the scythe.
@DizjayDeathPride @Light @LokiofSP
"Oh Colin that wasn't a threat. It was a promise. And why does it matter? I wanted to kill them, you complain. I find a way to save them, you complain? Colin what do you want from me?'
Arwyn held her gauntlet up to her mouth and coughed when the stench of animal dropping hit her. "Should have guessed this was a beast-den." she muttered between coughs. Here in the cave it was too confined for the dragon knight to properly use her sword so her defenses were limited to a dagger. She could probably conjure up a ball of dragonfire if she needed to but she didn't want to rely on her magic; Syrax was far and it wouldn't be as powerful as she would like.

Farther up the tunnel was a reptilian creature squatting in the darkness of the dank cave. To be cautious Arwyn crouched down and slowly crept towards the beast in case it decided to turn around and savage her. When she got close enough she realized that it was crying, which was odd considering animals didn't express their sufferings in such a way.

"what the...?" she muttered to herself as she approached it slowly.


By now Syrax was aware that Arwyn had decided to explore the cave and left the wyvern with no choice but to continue on to the site without his companion. With a heavy thud he landed upon a cluster of smooth rock and perched upon it, observing the sun-scorched expanse with a slow sweeping gaze. From up high it was easy to spot the shimmer of metallic objects as they reflected the sun's radiance but down here everything looked the same dusty orange. If the map was to be trusted, he would be standing directly at the diagram of a pillar-like object but there was nothing in sight besides the rocks and shaggy shrubs.

"I knew that map was nothing more than a prank..." he thought, angry that he had even agreed to help in Grimm's silly adventures. He was just about to return to the skies when the wind shifted some of the sand below his claws to reveal a shiny surface beneath. "What is this?" he thought while turning his head to the side to get a better look.

Intrigued, he began to dust away the sand and dirt by stirring up the air with powerful beats of his wings. When he had finished there were 7 round platforms arranged in a circle surrounding the rock cluster he had once perched on, each having different symbols carved into the red-gold metal.

"Seven platforms... and seven sites to find." he pondered while sniffing at one of the platforms. "Is this an entrance to the city then?"

(@Light )
DizjayDeathPride said:
"Oh Colin that wasn't a threat. It was a promise. And why does it matter? I wanted to kill them, you complain. I find a way to save them, you complain? Colin what do you want from me?'
"R-right now we're in a place that was g-guarded. and had a b-barrier put up so no one could get in un-unless the guardian allowed it.

S-so this orb m-must be important or dangerous. S-so until I-I get an honest answer about wh-what it is and i-it does"
Colin lifted his staff up in a defensive stance, trying to look as dangerous as he could, though this whole effort was undermined by the fact that he was shaking with fear "Y-you can't have it. A-and you'll have to k-kill m-me before you k-kill anyone else"

GingerBread said:
"R-right now we're in a place that was g-guarded. and had a b-barrier put up so no one could get in un-unless the guardian allowed it.
S-so this orb m-must be important or dangerous. S-so until I-I get an honest answer about wh-what it is and i-it does"
Colin lifted his staff up in a defensive stance, trying to look as dangerous as he could, though this whole effort was undermined by the fact that he was shaking with fear "Y-you can't have it. A-and you'll have to k-kill m-me before you k-kill anyone else"

Death just stared at him, blinking. "Wow... Okay then if that's what you want" Death extended her and and a little leather black book appeared. She flipped a few pages then stopped. "Interesting... Colin you have more important things to worry about than my intentions." She closed the book and it disappeared. "Do what you want. You've heard my warning. Free will allows you to do as you wish"
DizjayDeathPride said:
Death just stared at him, blinking. "Wow... Okay then if that's what you want" Death extended her and and a little leather black book appeared. She flipped a few pages then stopped. "Interesting... Colin you have more important things to worry about than my intentions." She closed the book and it disappeared. "Do what you want. You've heard my warning. Free will allows you to do as you wish"
(Should I do it? Should I attack death?)

Colin stared at Death as she summoned a little black book
"Wh-what do you mean more important things? right now I-I'm choosing to make this the most important thing to me. B-because y-your death. why d-do you need an orb. a-and you said you would k-kill Ashlyn and all her sisters and n-now you're s-saying you're going to let them live. Y-your story doesn't add up. are y-you even the real death or just an im-imposter? B-because I wouldn't be surprised if y-you lied about th-that as well" Colin started turning the legs of the figure in his staff into mush, planning on transferring the damage to 'Death' if she didn't give up and start telling the truth
GingerBread said:
(Should I do it? Should I attack death?)
Colin stared at Death as she summoned a little black book
"Wh-what do you mean more important things? right now I-I'm choosing to make this the most important thing to me. B-because y-your death. why d-do you need an orb. a-and you said you would k-kill Ashlyn and all her sisters and n-now you're s-saying you're going to let them live. Y-your story doesn't add up. are y-you even the real death or just an im-imposter? B-because I wouldn't be surprised if y-you lied about th-that as well" Colin started turning the legs of the figure in his staff into mush, planning on transferring the damage to 'Death' if she didn't give up and start telling the truth
(I wouldn't advise I like Colin)

Death nodded. "You're right. I did. That was before I knew there were these orbs. I was going to drain them of their powerful completely and probably kill them. But if I have the orb, I don't need to do that now do I? I told you, Colin. There was an update. Want proof?" She looked to the little man in the staff and it decayed, dying. All of its cells turning to nothing but black. "Does that prove my point? I don't understand why you want to pontlessly throw yourself to doom. I get it. You want to protect and help. It's admirable. But how do you expect to protect and help anyone if you're dead? You've helped NO ONE since you've joined that killed. And you think attacking me, your imminent demise, will prove your sanctimonious life choice? Colin. Seriously"
DizjayDeathPride said:
(I wouldn't advise I like Colin)
Death nodded. "You're right. I did. That was before I knew there were these orbs. I was going to drain them of their powerful completely and probably kill them. But if I have the orb, I don't need to do that now do I? I told you, Colin. There was an update. Want proof?" She looked to the little man in the staff and it decayed, dying. All of its cells turning to nothing but black. "Does that prove my point? I don't understand why you want to pointlessly throw yourself to doom. I get it. You want to protect and help. It's admirable. But how do you expect to protect and help anyone if you're dead? You've helped NO ONE since you've joined that killed. And you think attacking me, your imminent demise, will prove your sanctimonious life choice? Colin. Seriously"
"I c-can't just stand by and l-let you do th-this" Colin paused for a moment as he looked at the man in the staff and healed his cells so that he was no longer dying. "H-how about we duel. If I win you stop trying to do th-this. If you w-win th-then I'll let you decide what h-happens" Colin offered, knowing that if it was to the death He wouldn't win as he doesn't want to ever kill anyone. But he figured that if he didn't have to kill 'Death' he might stand a chance, even if it was slimmer than a piece of paper.
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GingerBread said:
"I c-can't just stand by and l-let you do th-this" Colin paused for a moment as he looked at the man in the staff and healed hs cells so that he was no longer dying. "H-how about we duel. If I win you stop trying to do th-this. If you w-win th-then I'll let you decide what h-happens" Colin offered, knowing that if it was to the death He wouldn't win as he doesn't want to ever kill anyone. But he figured that if he didn't have to kill 'Death' he might stand a chance, even if it was slimmer than a piece of paper.
The girl sighed and shook her head "Colin I'm not sparring you. You'll die. When I spar it is until the other surrenders or one of us dies. Colin are you suicidal? Depressed? Do you want to die? Life gets better Colin. I promise" She turned and pushed Christina forward. "Ill see you later"

DizjayDeathPride said:
The girl sighed and shook her head "Colin I'm not sparring you. You'll die. When I spar it is until the other surrenders or one of us dies. Colin are you suicidal? Depressed? Do you want to die? Life gets better Colin. I promise" She turned and pushed Christina forward. "Ill see you later"
"S-so are you scared I'll win? Is that it? W-was I right about y-you being a C-coward? Is th-the mighty death all bark a-and no b-bite?" Colin walked behind death before jogging slightly so that he was in front of her "A-and i-if you do kill me, th-then I'll die knowing I at least t-tried to do the right thing. M-my only friend is apart of your little group an-anyway. So tell me, wh-what have I really got to l-lose? Apart from m-my l-life...." Colin attempted to make eye contact with 'Death' but ended up looking at the ground, still unable to get his body to stop shaking from fear.

@DizjayDeathPride @LokiofSP @Light
GingerBread said:
"S-so are you scared I'll win? Is that it? W-was I right about y-you being a C-coward? Is th-the mighty death all bark a-and no b-bite?" Colin walked behind death before jogging slightly so that he was in front of her "A-and i-if you do kill me, th-then I'll die knowing I at least t-tried to do the right thing. M-my only friend is apart of your little group an-anyway. So tell me, wh-what have I really got to l-lose? Apart from m-my l-life...." Colin attempted to make eye contact with 'Death' but ended up looking at the ground, still unable to get his body to stop shaking from fear.

@DizjayDeathPride @LokiofSP @Light
Death stopped and smiled, shaking her head. She extended her arm and ruffled his hair, smiling gently to him. "You got me. I'm actually quite terrified you'll win. Id rather run than lose." Her smile slowly turned sad and pained. "Please don't throw your life away. There is no glory in death. Only the end. And so what if she works with us? We aren't killing anyone anymore. What's the problem? If you care for someone, especially as much as you say you do, then you should be able to look past her life choices and still value her life. Did you ever consider asking her WHY she works with us? Or do you just assume anyone who works with us is evil? And under that notion, isn't it fair to assume you Dragon's Roar are evil under the same purpose? Who are you, mortal, to decide what is 'just' and what s 'right'? Who gave you the authority to decide if stopping Ashlyn and her sisters is amoral or not? The universe is much larger than your personal comprehension, Colin. Far much greater. Your humanistic morals different greatly from the morals of other species. Are you to say that they are wrong and your view is correct simply because you think it is?" She tapped his cheek and sighed. "If only you knew how valuable your life really was. It isn't something you should just throw away so callously"
Already. Just one second in and already there was an idiot trying to get himself killed, it was beginning to feel as if every time Fola arrived somewhere some kind of drama was going on. He shook his head and got between the two who he had no knowledge of. He was just a guy coasting by on what little knowledge he had of events, what he had picked up though was that the idiot (Collin) was trying to fight someone WAY more powerful than him for the life of one of the girls. Admirable, but all wrong.

He made a time out sign with his hands, "Time out, stop, slow your role. You want our guild leader and her sisters or something right?" He pointed at Death, "You want to fight her, right?" He pointed at Collin, "How about this? An alternate route is, you have a battle of wits instead of a duel. The idiot wins, he gets the girl back, the idiot loses, you get the girl and...I don't know, you want my life? Trying to think of what you could gain that would be beneficial for you..."

@DizjayDeathPride @GingerBread
DizjayDeathPride said:
Death stopped and smiled, shaking her head. She extended her arm and ruffled his hair, smiling gently to him. "You got me. I'm actually quite terrified you'll win. Id rather run than lose." Her smile slowly turned sad and pained. "Please don't throw your life away. There is no glory in death. Only the end. And so what if she works with us? We aren't killing anyone anymore. What's the problem? If you care for someone, especially as much as you say you do, then you should be able to look past her life choices and still value her life. Did you ever consider asking her WHY she works with us? Or do you just assume anyone who works with us is evil? And under that notion, isn't it fair to assume you Dragon's Roar are evil under the same purpose? Who are you, mortal, to decide what is 'just' and what s 'right'? Who gave you the authority to decide if stopping Ashlyn and her sisters is amoral or not? The universe is much larger than your personal comprehension, Colin. Far much greater. Your humanistic morals different greatly from the morals of other species. Are you to say that they are wrong and your view is correct simply because you think it is?" She tapped his cheek and sighed. "If only you knew how valuable your life really was. It isn't something you should just throw away so callously"
Colin stepped back, away from death slightly "I-I don't think A-Anna is evil. I don't think y-you're evil e-either. B-but I do think you've

d-deluded yourself and o-others into thinking you're doing the right th-thing. B-before you said that you w-were doing th-this because ashlyn and her s-sisters were causing d-death and chaos. B-but now y-you're saying that you don't w-want to kill them a-and you w-want the orbs s-so you c-can get power. S-so a-am I meant to th-think that's wh-what a good person would d-do?"

Colin stopped and looked at Fola quickly, having forgot he was there. Colin let Fola say what he was saying and then waited for 'Death's' response.

@LokiofSP @Light @DizjayDeathPride
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GingerBread said:
Colin stepped back, away from death slightly "I-I don't think A-Anna is evil. I don't think y-you're evil e-either. B-but I do think you've
d-deluded yourself and o-others into thinking you're doing the right th-thing. B-before you said that you w-were doing th-this because ashlyn and her s-sisters were causing d-death and chaos. B-but now y-you're saying that you don't w-want to kill them a-and you w-want the orbs s-so you c-can get power. S-so a-am I meant to th-think that's wh-what a good person would d-do?"

Colin stopped and looked at Fola quickly, having forgot he was there. Colin let Fola say what he was saying.

@LokiofSP @Light @DizjayDeathPride
LokiofSP said:
Already. Just one second in and already there was an idiot trying to get himself killed, it was beginning to feel as if every time Fola arrived somewhere some kind of drama was going on. He shook his head and got between the two who he had no knowledge of. He was just a guy coasting by on what little knowledge he had of events, what he had picked up though was that the idiot (Collin) was trying to fight someone WAY more powerful than him for the life of one of the girls. Admirable, but all wrong.
He made a time out sign with his hands, "Time out, stop, slow your role. You want our guild leader and her sisters or something right?" He pointed at Death, "You want to fight her, right?" He pointed at Collin, "How about this? An alternate route is, you have a battle of wits instead of a duel. The idiot wins, he gets the girl back, the idiot loses, you get the girl and...I don't know, you want my life? Trying to think of what you could gain that would be beneficial for you..."

@DizjayDeathPride @GingerBread
She ignored Fola for a minute and just sighed to Collin. "I'm not saying what I am doing is right nor wrong. Only that it needs to be done. I was going to take their power from them. And the process might have killed them. But if I have their orbs, I can control their power like that. Meaning, Colin, I can decide HOW they use their power. Thus, devastation and killing avoided and the girls get to live merry happy lives."

She turned now to Fola. "I am as old as time itself and then some. You really think he has the capacity to match me in a game of wits either? I'm sorrry I must have gotten off on the wrong foot but this isn't a negotiation. I am taking the orb and I will kill anyone who stands in my way. That isn't a threat. That isn't a request. It is a simple statement. Don't believe me, test me. Otherwise, please take Colin out of here"
Meeeeeanwhile, Anna had stayed sitting in the same spot she was in before. It had taken Colin way too long to use the restroom. At some point, she assumed he went to get snacks. But time dragged on still and he hadn't returned. She figured maybe he is having a crisis in the kitchen. She made excuse after excuse for why he just lied and left her until she finally just accepted he didn't want to be with her anymore. And was scared to tell her himself.

Anna looked down at the ground sadly but sternly. Of course he hated her. How could he not? She had lied to him too. It's only fair he did it back. She didn't deserve to have him anyways. She had always been alone so she might as well stay alone.

Anna wiped the few tears pooling from her eyes and sat back on the couch. She figured maybe he'd change his mind and come back for her
DizjayDeathPride said:
Meeeeeanwhile, Anna had stayed sitting in the same spot she was in before. It had taken Colin way too long to use the restroom. At some point, she assumed he went to get snacks. But time dragged on still and he hadn't returned. She figured maybe he is having a crisis in the kitchen. She made excuse after excuse for why he just lied and left her until she finally just accepted he didn't want to be with her anymore. And was scared to tell her himself.
Anna looked down at the ground sadly but sternly. Of course he hated her. How could he not? She had lied to him too. It's only fair he did it back. She didn't deserve to have him anyways. She had always been alone so she might as well stay alone.

Anna wiped the few tears pooling from her eyes and sat back on the couch. She figured maybe he'd change his mind and come back for her
(Yoooooou dick xD why you do dis to me ;_; )
DizjayDeathPride said:
Meeeeeanwhile, Anna had stayed sitting in the same spot she was in before. It had taken Colin way too long to use the restroom. At some point, she assumed he went to get snacks. But time dragged on still and he hadn't returned. She figured maybe he is having a crisis in the kitchen. She made excuse after excuse for why he just lied and left her until she finally just accepted he didn't want to be with her anymore. And was scared to tell her himself.
Anna looked down at the ground sadly but sternly. Of course he hated her. How could he not? She had lied to him too. It's only fair he did it back. She didn't deserve to have him anyways. She had always been alone so she might as well stay alone.

Anna wiped the few tears pooling from her eyes and sat back on the couch. She figured maybe he'd change his mind and come back for her
( ! )

Cecilia walked up to her. "Poor girl are you heart broken. Don't worry I'm here for you. I'm Cecilia I'll be your friend." She hugged the girl then made a sinister smile. She pointed her finger and the canter of the girls spine and turned her into candy. "I'll make you a cookie." She said after liking her face and laughing maniacally. After she turned into a giant sugar cookie the girl broke off a few fingers and ate them. "Ooh salty I like it." A portal opened next to them and she walked through with her new cookie and a smile on her face. "It's a shame she was cute too." She broke off another finger and ate it.

DaManofWar said:
Scar gasped as he was hit by the wind. He stumbled backwards, then felt his heartbeat quicken. He slammed his foot down hard, creating a tremor. "So, did you really care about me Clair? DID YOU?!?" Scar felt his anger. His eye became bloodshot. Scar raised both hand above his head, and slammed them into the ground, launching a massive shockwave, designed to throw everyone off balance. He glared at Clair. Did you really care about me?
Clair rolled her eyes and opened a portal under him before he hit the ground. She went through one as well. She was looking at him with sadness in her eyes. "Baby of course I care. That's why I'm sparing you. Sure what we're doing isn't morally correct but it's for the good of humanity. We are the good guys here. Just wait until it's done I promise that you can live." She didn't want to lose him but her voice was extremely calm.

The of energy only grew bigger. If no one attempted to stop it the guild would be destroyed. (I'll post again in a few hours ^-^ )

@Tazmodo @Dreamtique @Embaga Elder @djinnamon @Juju @Lotusy @Austria @GingerBread @DizjayDeathPride @CelticSol @LokiofSP @TheMADQ @The Otaku Diaries @DaManofWar @Veyd Sahvoz @Sh3w0lfSp1r1t @Daimao
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Scar sneered at Clair. "I don't give any. Clair, listen to me. Do you have any idea what I have gone through in life? I kept putting up with someone who said what he did was for the good of humanity. That man made me. And he just wanted to use me." Scar walked directly over until he was right in front of Clair. "You need to stop before you go too far Clair. Otherwise, I may have to stop you myself. And if it comes-"

"And if it comes to that, what then?" A new voice said. Scar's eyes widened. He turned around to see him. The man who made him. Or rather, a clear projection of him. He was smiling. "Please, Clair, was it? Explain some more what you plan on doing."

Tazmodo said:
( ! )
Cecilia walked up to her. "Poor girl are you heart broken. Don't worry I'm here for you. I'm Cecilia I'll be your friend." She hugged the girl then made a sinister smile. She pointed her finger and the canter of the girls spine and turned her into candy. "I'll make you a cookie." She said after liking her face and laughing maniacally. After she turned into a giant sugar cookie the girl broke off a few fingers and ate them. "Ooh salty I like it." A portal opened next to them and she walked through with her new cookie and a smile on her face. "It's a shame she was cute too." She broke off another finger and ate it.

Clair rolled her eyes and opened a portal under him before he hit the ground. She went through one as well. She was looking at him with sadness in her eyes. "Baby of course I care. That's why I'm sparing you. Sure what we're doing isn't morally correct but it's for the good of humanity. We are the good guys here. Just wait until it's done I promise that you can live." She didn't want to lose him but her voice was extremely calm.

The of energy only grew bigger. If no one attempted to stop it the guild would be destroyed. (I'll post again in a few hours ^-^ )

@Tazmodo @Dreamtique @Embaga Elder @djinnamon @Juju @Lotusy @Austria @GingerBread @DizjayDeathPride @CelticSol @LokiofSP @TheMADQ @The Otaku Diaries @DaManofWar @Veyd Sahvoz @Sh3w0lfSp1r1t @Daimao
@GingerBread @LokiofSP

Anna sniffled and wiped her eyes. "Oh no.. I'm just waiting for a friend.." She hugged the girl back and gasped in pain, unimaginable pain, as her body changed. She screamed in white hot agony, the force of her emotion radiating through the symbol. And finally... She died. Or so she thought. Then her fnger broke off. She screamed again, silently, the pain shooting through the symbol. Her life force was but a faint flicker.

Raychel appeared in blue mist next to Cecilia. "Hmm.. she's dying already. So weak" She waved her hand over and extinguished the faint flame of Annalyse

Death closed her eyes slowly, her face draining of emotion. "I said you had more important places to be. But you didn't want to listen. I'm sure you felt that through your guild symbol almost as much as I did." She opened her eyes, her black void eyes on white. "She probably stayed waiting for you didnt she? Since you two arent attached at the hip. She must have had no idea you're here. Otherwise she would have left." Death had nothing more to say to him anymore. She had nothing to say at all to either him not Fola. She just pushed Christina forward
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DizjayDeathPride said:
Anna sniffled and wiped her eyes. "Oh no.. I'm just waiting for a friend.." She hugged the girl back and gasped in pain, unimaginable pain, as her body changed. She screamed in white hot agony, the force of her emotion radiating through the symbol. And finally... She died. Or so she thought. Then her fnger broke off. She screamed again, silently, the pain shooting through the symbol. Her life force was but a faint flicker.

Raychel appeared in blue mist next to Cecilia. "Hmm.. she's dying already. So weak" She waved her hand over and extinguished the faint flame of Annalyse

Death closed her eyes slowly, her face draining of emotion. "I said you had more important places to be. But you didn't want to listen. I'm sure you felt that through your guild symbol almost as much as I did." She opened her eyes, her black void eyes on white. "She probably stayed waiting for you didnt she? Since you two arent attached at the hip. She must have had no idea you're here. Otherwise she would have left." Death had nothing more to say to him anymore. She had nothing to say at all to either him not Fola. She just pushed Christina forward
Colin dropped to his knee's as tears rolled down his face "S-sh-she's d-d-dead? M-my only f-friend is d-dead?" Colin stood up, his eyes burning with rage as he tears rolled down his face. "I said I had nothing left to lose and now I definitely don't. You're either going to bring Anna back. Or I will fight you until I can't fight anymore" Colin tapped himself with his staff, shapeshifting into superman as he made his skin as hard as steel and morphed one of his arms into a blade looking thing. Colin created a clone of himself using a chunk of his own skin which he then healed from the man inside his staff "Now are you going to bring her back. Or do I have to kill you. AND DON'T YOU DARE TELL ME YOU CAN'T BRING HER BACK"

@DizjayDeathPride @LokiofSP @Light

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