Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
GingerBread said:
Colin dropped to his knee's as tears rolled down his face "S-sh-she's d-d-dead? M-my only f-friend is d-dead?" Colin stood up, his eyes burning with rage as he tears rolled down his face. "I said I had nothing left to lose and now I definitely don't. You're either going to bring Anna back. Or I will fight you until I can't fight anymore" Colin tapped himself with his staff, shapeshifting into superman as he made his skin as hard as steel and morphed one of his arms into a blade looking thing. Colin created a clone of himself using a chunk of his own skin which he then healed from the man inside his staff "Now are you going to bring her back. Or do I have to kill you. AND DON'T YOU DARE TELL ME YOU CAN'T BRING HER BACK"

@DizjayDeathPride @LokiofSP @Light
(But she's a cookie now if she's brought back that won't change. Stop stealing my cookies!)
Despite Collin transforming, despite Collin looking more powerful than Fola, the drunk still decided to slap the back of the boy's head. His posture was still relaxed and his breathing was still even, but there was a twinge of annoyance in his eyes, "Calm the fuck down please. Isn't it clear she won't do jack shit despite what you say? Give up, that friend of yours didn't matter any more than you or I. We're foot soldiers in a guild, we fight what we're told to and hope we can get into a bed and drink our sorrows away before midnight. We're not the highest ranking people who determine everything, we're just the pawns who charge forward and hope we don't die. You chose this life, I chose this life, and your friend, even if she didn't understand, she chose this life to!"

"We lost this round, so now it's time to be good little pawns, and regroup so we can reorganize and fight again LATER. Get over yourself! Stop being a winy little bitch and do your job dammit!

@GingerBread @DizjayDeathPride
Tazmodo said:
(But she's a cookie now if she's brought back that won't change. Stop stealing my cookies!)
(He only knows she died, not how (I think) and even if he did, he's a grieving kid, let him grieve darn it!)
LokiofSP said:
(He only knows she died, not how (I think) and even if he did, he's a grieving kid, let him grieve darn it!)
(I'll save the head for him then........ wow I feel like a bad person)
Inaro and Cole walked around for awhile, until the girl sensed something was wrong with the guild. They nod towards each other knowing they he had the same idea. Save guild Now and Christina later. The two teleports towards the guild. As they arrive they look at Clair with disgust. @DaManofWar @Tazmodo

Crimson appeared in front of Emily grabbing her and picking her up. Oh no you don't child. If you stay with me and Jackson, I'll get you some strawberries. @Light @Tazmodo
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LokiofSP said:
Despite Collin transforming, despite Collin looking more powerful than Fola, the drunk still decided to slap the back of the boy's head. His posture was still relaxed and his breathing was still even, but there was a twinge of annoyance in his eyes, "Calm the fuck down please. Isn't it clear she won't do jack shit despite what you say? Give up, that friend of yours didn't matter any more than you or I. We're foot soldiers in a guild, we fight what we're told to and hope we can get into a bed and drink our sorrows away before midnight. We're not the highest ranking people who determine everything, we're just the pawns who charge forward and hope we don't die. You chose this life, I chose this life, and your friend, even if she didn't understand, she chose this life to!"

"We lost this round, so now it's time to be good little pawns, and regroup so we can reorganize and fight again LATER. Get over yourself! Stop being a whiny little bitch and do your job dammit!

@GingerBread @DizjayDeathPride
Colin turned around to face Fola, all his rage now directed at him "My job is to be a medic, to heal everyone that gets hurt. And look how good I was at that" Colin lowered his head and gripped his staff tighter "I-I promised A-Anna th-that I'd always h-heal her, n-no mater wh-what. And I f-failed" Colin took a deep breath "S-so I'm going to stop death, and at least try to d-do something good. And if you Try to stop me I won't kill you, I'll just take away your arms and legs" Colin turned back to Death "Now. Can you bring Anna back or not? Because if you can't I suggest you throw the first punch Because that's the only hit you be able to get" Colin stood ready to fight, still shaking but no longer with fear but with untamed rage.

@DizjayDeathPride @LokiofSP @Light
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@DaManofWar[/URL] @Tazmodo
Crimson appeared in front of Emily grabbing her and picking her up. Oh no you don't child. If you stay with me and Jackson, I'll get you some strawberries. @Light @Tazmodo
(Clair isn't there Cecilia turned the girl into a cookie, also it isn't something you can just heal @GingerBread but it is reversible, also you can try to stop the choas guy if you want but there will be people stopping you)
Tazmodo said:
(Clair isn't there Cecilia turned the girl into a cookie, also it isn't something you can just heal @GingerBread but it is reversible, also you can try to stop the choas guy if you want but there will be people stopping you)
(Clair is trying to talk to Scar. Been a day, and they have had sex, and a first argument)
Tazmodo said:
(Clair isn't there Cecilia turned the girl into a cookie, also it isn't something you can just heal @GingerBread but it is reversible, also you can try to stop the choas guy if you want but there will be people stopping you)
(When did that happen? I thought she was still trying to blow up the guild)
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LokiofSP said:
Despite Collin transforming, despite Collin looking more powerful than Fola, the drunk still decided to slap the back of the boy's head. His posture was still relaxed and his breathing was still even, but there was a twinge of annoyance in his eyes, "Calm the fuck down please. Isn't it clear she won't do jack shit despite what you say? Give up, that friend of yours didn't matter any more than you or I. We're foot soldiers in a guild, we fight what we're told to and hope we can get into a bed and drink our sorrows away before midnight. We're not the highest ranking people who determine everything, we're just the pawns who charge forward and hope we don't die. You chose this life, I chose this life, and your friend, even if she didn't understand, she chose this life to!"
"We lost this round, so now it's time to be good little pawns, and regroup so we can reorganize and fight again LATER. Get over yourself! Stop being a winy little bitch and do your job dammit!

@GingerBread @DizjayDeathPride
GingerBread said:
Colin dropped to his knee's as tears rolled down his face "S-sh-she's d-d-dead? M-my only f-friend is d-dead?" Colin stood up, his eyes burning with rage as he tears rolled down his face. "I said I had nothing left to lose and now I definitely don't. You're either going to bring Anna back. Or I will fight you until I can't fight anymore" Colin tapped himself with his staff, shapeshifting into superman as he made his skin as hard as steel and morphed one of his arms into a blade looking thing. Colin created a clone of himself using a chunk of his own skin which he then healed from the man inside his staff "Now are you going to bring her back. Or do I have to kill you. AND DON'T YOU DARE TELL ME YOU CAN'T BRING HER BACK"

@DizjayDeathPride @LokiofSP @Light
Death continued to walk, speaking backwards to the two. "See, Colin. I'm not the only one who sees it. Even your fellow member sees it. I can't save her. Not because I don't want to but because I am not allowed to. Once someone has passed agents of the Laws and Balance can not break them. Not without consequences. I am sorry for your loss. Both of you'
[QUOTE="Embaga Elder](When did that happen? I thought she was still trying to blow up the guild)

(There's a whole crowd out there trying to I think it might be on the previous page. Be careful who you attack some are stronger then others)
DizjayDeathPride said:
Death continued to walk, speaking backwards to the two. "See, Colin. I'm not the only one who sees it. Even your fellow member sees it. I can't save her. Not because I don't want to but because I am not allowed to. Once someone has passed agents of the Laws and Balance can not break them. Not without consequences. I am sorry for your loss. Both of you'
(Well R.I.P colin I guess :P )

"I DON'T CARE ABOUT THE LAWS, BRING HER BACK NOW. YOU KNEW THIS WAS GOING TO HAPPEN DIDN'T YOU!? BUT YOU CHOSE NOT TO TELL ME. BRING HER BACK NOW! THIS IS YOUR LAST CHANCE" Colin raised his staff up, completely turning the man inside to mush before aiming it at Death, planning transferring the staff's injuries to death and turning her to mush.

@DizjayDeathPride @LokiofSP
Tazmodo said:
Jackson ran after her. "Emily no it's not safe I swear."
( @Embaga Elder )

"What's not safe?" Carnage had arrived with Julius. Emily was reaching for Carnage while he stares Jackson in the eyes with a content smile. "Watch out."

Suddenly Jackson could feel a sharp blade positioned at his neck. It was the scythe of a reaper who made itself visible.

"You know those reapers really don't appreciate you picking up a Van Fen'rir like that. She only likes being fed strawberries, she doesn't eat them herself. She only likes it from Alice anyways. Give me the child and I'll call the reapers off." Alice didn't seem to be resisting Carnage and neither was Morgan with Julius. "I wouldn't pick her up for too long either. Not a good idea."

DizjayDeathPride said:
(This is a lot so imma break it up for you)
Morpheus stood in the field, tipping his hat. "Im actually intrigued. I missed a step." Morpheus sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Alright milady. Lesson learned."

Many clones of him appeared all over, raising the cane straight and pointed the head of the snake to Ashlyn. He turned it to 1'O'clock, two, three, so on until it was back to 12. He moved his lips, barely speaking

( ! ) "Break her mind and hold her still. Freeze her heart and age times nine. Blood to acid. Spine of jelly" The cane at this point was upside down.

( ! ) He twisted and turned the head to himself. "Pain times twenty. Drain her soul until she dies and drop the world upon her head. Fill her lungs until they burst and while you're at it, place the curse."

( ! ) He turned the cane back to 12 O'clock and pointed the head of the snake back to her and look at her sadly. "My words are law and must be carried out"

(!) They all slammed the cane down and the eyes of the snake head glew bright blue. The existence of Absolute Defense was eaten away and instantly by his specialized version of Carnage-Reparations. His ability of Law Manipulation kicked in and all 12 effects happened at once. Once the eyes flashed, Ashlyn's mind was ripped open and vulnerable to his attack. Kinetic Energy held her still. Her heart turned into a brick of ice and her skin started to rot away from the accelerated age. Her blood turned into hydrochloric acid and her spine turned into pure jelly. Her pain was magnified and her energy was rapidly draining. A giant chunk of landmass had been gathering above her, compressing into a thick dense orb and came cracrashing down on her with the sane force as if an actual planet had hit her, crashing her into the earth. Her lungs rapidly filled with water and exploded, and all of her powers were cursed to backfire on her.

The clones and Morpheus all stared at her scanning her mind for the slightest neurological impulse of movement to know exactly when and where she would move almost faster than she did, ready to strike if she tried

Ryan teleported to the Twilight Realm and placed them on little bean bag chair constructs of twilight sized just for them. He scratched his head and looked down. He didn't want the kids to hate him for lying but he didn't want them to run away and die. He rather risk telling them the truth and have them hate him than risk their lives.

"Red... Blue.... I have to be honest... Do you know the strange red magic that your mother harbors? She calls it... Carnage. He's taken over your mother and is trying to... Well.. eat you. You will be safe here. I promise. I won't let anything happen to you two, okay? Please don't be upset I just had to get you away from him, okay?"

Death followed closely behind, silent, ready to just get it over with. She could sense life forms coming near them and following. "Christina do hurry or I will kill the love of your life. If anyone gets your orb before me of course"
( ! ) Ashlyn's first seal breaks as she escapes all laws and reality to heal, returning afterwards. The seal appeared behind her and literally shattered. A new power radiates off of Ashlyn as she watches Morpheus.

Red and Blue begin to cry. In time Blue ends up crying so much she was shrinking, a puddle forming underneath her. The same affect was occuring with red. In a few minutes Red and Blue had cried so much Blue was simply a puddle of water with two shaking wobbling eyes in there drifting around in the water. Red was a puddle of liquid flames and his eyes were drifting around in them as well.

Juju said:
Arwyn held her gauntlet up to her mouth and coughed when the stench of animal dropping hit her. "Should have guessed this was a beast-den." she muttered between coughs. Here in the cave it was too confined for the dragon knight to properly use her sword so her defenses were limited to a dagger. She could probably conjure up a ball of dragonfire if she needed to but she didn't want to rely on her magic; Syrax was far and it wouldn't be as powerful as she would like.
Farther up the tunnel was a reptilian creature squatting in the darkness of the dank cave. To be cautious Arwyn crouched down and slowly crept towards the beast in case it decided to turn around and savage her. When she got close enough she realized that it was crying, which was odd considering animals didn't express their sufferings in such a way.

"what the...?" she muttered to herself as she approached it slowly.


By now Syrax was aware that Arwyn had decided to explore the cave and left the wyvern with no choice but to continue on to the site without his companion. With a heavy thud he landed upon a cluster of smooth rock and perched upon it, observing the sun-scorched expanse with a slow sweeping gaze. From up high it was easy to spot the shimmer of metallic objects as they reflected the sun's radiance but down here everything looked the same dusty orange. If the map was to be trusted, he would be standing directly at the diagram of a pillar-like object but there was nothing in sight besides the rocks and shaggy shrubs.

"I knew that map was nothing more than a prank..." he thought, angry that he had even agreed to help in Grimm's silly adventures. He was just about to return to the skies when the wind shifted some of the sand below his claws to reveal a shiny surface beneath. "What is this?" he thought while turning his head to the side to get a better look.

Intrigued, he began to dust away the sand and dirt by stirring up the air with powerful beats of his wings. When he had finished there were 7 round platforms arranged in a circle surrounding the rock cluster he had once perched on, each having different symbols carved into the red-gold metal.

"Seven platforms... and seven sites to find." he pondered while sniffing at one of the platforms. "Is this an entrance to the city then?"

(@Light )
Once Arwyn grew closer she could hear the animals low and terrible sobs. "Rroourouruuururuuroouu." It seemed to be crying fire, which wouldn't be a good combination with the methane in the air. It was probably best if it stopped crying. "Rrooouroourouururururouurourouu. Ekak-ekak-ekak." The last bit seemed to be coughs.

Once Syrax touches a platform all seven glow. The grand canyon quakes as 7 ancient pillars rise from the ground in different areas.

( @DizjayDeathPride @LokiofSP @GingerBread )

Christina begins to walk away from them as they continue to talk. She walks up to a temple guard whom clears their throat. "What flies, dies, and smells like fi-"

"Shut the fuck up." Christina completely cuts the guard off and continues walking. "Ask them, you're supposed to anyways."

The guard awaits the other three to give them their own specific trials.
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Light said:
( @Embaga Elder )
"What's not safe?" Carnage had arrived with Julius. Emily was reaching for Carnage while he stares Jackson in the eyes with a content smile. "Watch out."

Suddenly Jackson could feel a sharp blade positioned at his neck. It was the scythe of a reaper who made itself visible.

"You know those reapers really don't appreciate you picking up a Van Fen'rir like that. She only likes being fed strawberries, she doesn't eat them herself. She only likes it from Alice anyways. Give me the child and I'll call the reapers off." Alice didn't seem to be resisting Carnage and neither was Morgan with Julius. "I wouldn't pick her up for too long either. Not a good idea."

( ! ) Ashlyn's first seal breaks as she escapes all laws and reality to heal, returning afterwards. The seal appeared behind her and literally shattered. A new power radiates off of Ashlyn as she watches Morpheus.

Red and Blue begin to cry. In time Blue ends up crying so much she was shrinking, a puddle forming underneath her. The same affect was occuring with red. In a few minutes Red and Blue had cried so much Blue was simply a puddle of water with two shaking wobbling eyes in there drifting around in the water. Red was a puddle of liquid flames and his eyes were drifting around in them as well.

Once Arwyn grew closer she could hear the animals low and terrible sobs. "Rroourouruuururuuroouu." It seemed to be crying fire, which wouldn't be a good combination with the methane in the air. It was probably best if it stopped crying. "Rrooouroourouururururouurourouu. Ekak-ekak-ekak." The last bit seemed to be coughs.

Once Syrax touches a platform all seven glow. The grand canyon quakes as 7 ancient pillars rise from the ground in different areas.

( @DizjayDeathPride @LokiofSP @GingerBread )

Christina begins to walk away from them as they continue to talk. She walks up to a temple guard whom clears their throat. "What flies, dies, and smells like fi-"

"Shut the fuck up." Christina completely cuts the guard off and continues walking. "Ask them, you're supposed to anyways."

The guard awaits the other three to give them their own specific trails.
Morpheus wiped his brow and bowed lightly to her. "One more right? I'm really sorry..." The clones around all wobbled, blending and becoming one with Reality. Morpheus too did the same

The area around them wobbled violently, the entire scene changing. It became more cartoon like. The sky was a colored blue as if a kindergartener had colored it. Blotchy and all. The ground was all green, colored the same. There was a single tree. Brown with squiggly green top, leaves.

All around Morpheus' voice rang. "Once upon a time, there was a man and a woman"

A clone of Morpheus poofed onto the grass, the word POOF appearing above the white cloud he popped out of. Morpheus waved to her and blew her a kiss

( ! ) A pink giant heart floated to her slowly

The tiny beanbag chairs molded into cups for them. Ryan felt a bit sad for them. "Please don't cry little ones. It will be okay. Your mommy is strong. You know that. She'll get through this. But you have to be strong for her too. She need you to be strong little ones. Please"

Death appeared next to her in a black flame. "Whats the next step?"

Light said:
( @Embaga Elder )
"What's not safe?" Carnage had arrived with Julius. Emily was reaching for Carnage while he stares Jackson in the eyes with a content smile. "Watch out."

Suddenly Jackson could feel a sharp blade positioned at his neck. It was the scythe of a reaper who made itself visible.

"You know those reapers really don't appreciate you picking up a Van Fen'rir like that. She only likes being fed strawberries, she doesn't eat them herself. She only likes it from Alice anyways. Give me the child and I'll call the reapers off." Alice didn't seem to be resisting Carnage and neither was Morgan with Julius. "I wouldn't pick her up for too long either. Not a good idea."

( ! ) Ashlyn's first seal breaks as she escapes all laws and reality to heal, returning afterwards. The seal appeared behind her and literally shattered. A new power radiates off of Ashlyn as she watches Morpheus.

Red and Blue begin to cry. In time Blue ends up crying so much she was shrinking, a puddle forming underneath her. The same affect was occuring with red. In a few minutes Red and Blue had cried so much Blue was simply a puddle of water with two shaking wobbling eyes in there drifting around in the water. Red was a puddle of liquid flames and his eyes were drifting around in them as well.

Once Arwyn grew closer she could hear the animals low and terrible sobs. "Rroourouruuururuuroouu." It seemed to be crying fire, which wouldn't be a good combination with the methane in the air. It was probably best if it stopped crying. "Rrooouroourouururururouurourouu. Ekak-ekak-ekak." The last bit seemed to be coughs.

Once Syrax touches a platform all seven glow. The grand canyon quakes as 7 ancient pillars rise from the ground in different areas.

( @DizjayDeathPride @LokiofSP @GingerBread )

Christina begins to walk away from them as they continue to talk. She walks up to a temple guard whom clears their throat. "What flies, dies, and smells like fi-"

"Shut the fuck up." Christina completely cuts the guard off and continues walking. "Ask them, you're supposed to anyways."

The guard awaits the other three to give them their own specific trails.
Jackson shook his head. "If Alice won't come on to save her child. Then I will gladly die protecting her." He lifted his head. "Go ahead have the reaper kill me. Or you. If Alice is willing to let me and Emily die then do it. I've already proven that I will gladly die for either one of them and it's a shame Alice couldn't hear it. Heh I guess I don't have to pay that favor back to Grimm." He stared into Alice's eyes waiting for his death. "Crimson no matter what don't you dare give up Emily." @Embaga Elder
Crimson kept his eyes on Carnage and Julius as it spoke. He didn't like this situation one bit. He was in a deep predicament. He could be surrounded by Reapers right now as carnage speaks. He also wouldn't do much in a fight against two beings who abilities destroys things. His aura begins flowing off of him as he listening to Jackson and continues to protect Emily. You got it mate.

Cole and Inaro sensed the presence of many others the guild, they walk out and stare at them all with strong disgust. @Light @Tazmodo
'Okay, it cries fire.' Arwyn thought as she observed the creature. Then it dawned on her. 'IT'S CRYING FIRE WITH FLAMMABLE GAS AROUND!'. Urgently she rushed over to the distraught beast and stood above it wondering what to do. Of course she could kill it, but she wasn't sure if there were others around and they would swarm her or in the worst-case-scenario it would attack her with its dying breath and cause an unwanted explosion. She settled instead to crouch down by the creature and try and calm it down.

"Hey calm down, you are going to cause the tunnel to collapse." she said to it, trying her best to sound soothing. It might have occurred to her that it was odd to talk to an animal but desperate times call for desperate measures as one would say. She also reminded herself that this quest was started by Grimm so things would undoubtedly turn into nonsense. The thought didn't give her as much comfort as she had hoped, in fact she felt like it was doing the opposite.

"Is there, err, something I can do to help?" she asked uncertainly. Well I do believe I have officially gone crazy.


Syrax lifted his head as the sound of ancient gear grinding below him resulted in a series of distant rumbling far off in the canyon. Pleased with himself, the wyvern rose up into the desert sky and spotted seven scattered pillars slowly rise out of the barren earth. "Ha! It worked!" the wyvern couldn't contain his excitement and let out a triumphant roar.

Afterwards he looked from side to side to see if anyone had spotted such an outburst and shook his head sheepishly before heading towards the nearest pillar. He landed heavily beside the ancient structure and inspected the carvings etched into it. "Hmm, now what I wonder." he thought.

He decided to contact Arwyn about this discovery. "Im a little occupied at the moment." was her hasty response after he had told her about the pillars.

DaManofWar said:
Scar sneered at Clair. "I don't give any. Clair, listen to me. Do you have any idea what I have gone through in life? I kept putting up with someone who said what he did was for the good of humanity. That man made me. And he just wanted to use me." Scar walked directly over until he was right in front of Clair. "You need to stop before you go too far Clair. Otherwise, I may have to stop you myself. And if it comes-"
"And if it comes to that, what then?" A new voice said. Scar's eyes widened. He turned around to see him. The man who made him. Or rather, a clear projection of him. He was smiling. "Please, Clair, was it? Explain some more what you plan on doing."

Clair looked into his eyes. "You don't understand. This isn't something I can turn away from because of that guild humanity has died. My friends have died. My parents have died. My husband and kid died. All because of this Guild. So when I finally found another person in my life he wants to stop me. Then ok go ahead you can try." She said wiping away a tear.

The crowd of members didn't seem to care. The ball grew bigger. Scott stared at the two waiting for them to attack. Brock laughed and pulled out his two swords.
Tazmodo said:
Clair looked into his eyes. "You don't understand. This isn't something I can turn away from because of that guild humanity has died. My friends have died. My parents have died. My husband and kid died. All because of this Guild. So when I finally found another person in my life he wants to stop me. Then ok go ahead you can try." She said wiping away a tear.
Scar put his arms around Clair. "It's okay." He whispered into her ear. "I'm sorry, but I can't just let you kill people. Please, Clair, I'm begging you, think about what your doing. I've seen what they're capable of. You could die, dammit!" Scar held her tightly.

"And with strange aeons, even death itself may die," Hans Frankenstein declared proudly. He observed the affection between his creation and the Clair woman. He found it amusing. He was in full view of them, projected by his formidable magic power. He took out a watch. "I'll let him have another minute," he mused.

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DizjayDeathPride said:
Morpheus wiped his brow and bowed lightly to her. "One more right? I'm really sorry..." The clones around all wobbled, blending and becoming one with Reality. Morpheus too did the same
The area around them wobbled violently, the entire scene changing. It became more cartoon like. The sky was a colored blue as if a kindergartener had colored it. Blotchy and all. The ground was all green, colored the same. There was a single tree. Brown with squiggly green top, leaves.

All around Morpheus' voice rang. "Once upon a time, there was a man and a woman"

A clone of Morpheus poofed onto the grass, the word POOF appearing above the white cloud he popped out of. Morpheus waved to her and blew her a kiss

( ! ) A pink giant heart floated to her slowly

The tiny beanbag chairs molded into cups for them. Ryan felt a bit sad for them. "Please don't cry little ones. It will be okay. Your mommy is strong. You know that. She'll get through this. But you have to be strong for her too. She need you to be strong little ones. Please"

Death appeared next to her in a black flame. "Whats the next step?"

( ! ) "Nope not doing it." Ashlyn naturally separates herself from reality, not going through anymore love spells after Cupid Grimm. Suddenly Morpheus's secondary circulatory system was being drained of its power and mana. Half of Ashlyn's body was floating through the ground as if she were a ghost. In a second she was as undeniable as a reaper. Morpheus's jaw was actually punched off with a right hook powerful enough to send several shockwaves outward and leave most of the area decimated due to the force. Ashlyn was so physically strong she had to exit reality and laws so that she would only have to touch Morpheus willingly. If she ran, flew, or jumped the force of her power would end up unnecessarily destroying everything around them. Ashlyn flies upward and allows herself to affect gravity and air molecules around her. She spins as she rapidly flies upwards, splitting atoms with her speed and telekinesis, triggering explosions as she flew upwards. Ashlyn stops and contains the explosion in one orb using telekinesis. Ashlyn flies back down until she creates a mach cone, stopping immediately afterwards. She has the mach cone fly down to Morpheus and fires the explosion from the orb in a beams pushing the mach cone forward.

Their eyes continue to drift throughout the cup, sinking to the bottom.

"As him, the next door won't open without you finishing the trial." Christina points to the guard behind them.

Tazmodo said:
Jackson shook his head. "If Alice won't come on to save her child. Then I will gladly die protecting her." He lifted his head. "Go ahead have the reaper kill me. Or you. If Alice is willing to let me and Emily die then do it. I've already proven that I will gladly die for either one of them and it's a shame Alice couldn't hear it. Heh I guess I don't have to pay that favor back to Grimm." He stared into Alice's eyes waiting for his death. "Crimson no matter what don't you dare give up Emily." @Embaga Elder
The being looks at its dead human companion who died of starvation. "Rouroooouuurururururoooouu."

( I'm sorry but the sound it's making is making me laugh at its tears. )
Fola grabs the staff and stares at Collin, "Stop it. Just don't. You're not special, you're not unique, everybody in this damn guild had fucked up at least once. I was responsible for the death of a mother and a child on my first damn day, and I don't care anymore, want to know why? Because it doesn't matter! We don't matter! All we can do it try our best and hope to god we don't fuck somebody else's life up because of it! Get it through your head! It's worthless! We work for the guild, keep our heads low, deal with our problems, and maybe, just MAYBE, we can die in as little pain as possible. And that's just if we're lucky..."

He let go and stepped back, "So what are you going to do? Fight Death and get ripped apart cell by cell? Or will you listen to me and do your damn job?"

Veyd appeared at the guild from a Void Portal and shifted to a height of 6'8, walking around, looking for someone. He knew who he was looking for but trying to find them without arosing suspicion would be difficult.

@All of you at the guild
Light said:
The girl was trying to push it up but couldn't hold it. The bar falls heavily on her chest, breaking ribs.
Viktor groaned inwardly as the girl dropped the bar, breaking a couple of ribs. With a heavy sigh, he lifted the five-pound bar off her chest, then grabbed the kitten and spressed it onto her head like some kind of healing sponge. When he was satisfied with his handiwork, he placed he cat back where it belonged, then sat down on a nearvy chair. "Alright. That work not well." He took out a pen and notepad, looking at her inquisiteively. "Tell me what strong point in possesion. You wind? Fire?"


As Alexei was dropped in the Creativity realm, his eyes grew wide, and he started squealing with a fangirlish scream. "Oh my god. Ohmygod!" A bunch of thoughts were racing through his mind, turning into physical words as they expanded in his thought bubble. He dipped his finger in the paint and dragged it along the wall, watching as it animated. Happy with his new realm, the rookie drew an orge, not really know what he was dealing with...

(Mind botting the ogre for me?)
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