Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
LokiofSP said:
Fola pointed at the temple ahead of them, "It's that one over there I think, unless there's an exact replica I don't know about..."

"D-do you want to lead the way, just in case anything a-attacks us" Colin suggested, giving Fola a weak smile as he did "I-I'll be here to heal you of course though. I-if you need me to..."

Fola rubbed his chin, "You know what? I want to see what you're made of whatever your name is. Consider it a training day, you take point, I'll jump in if you really need it..."

LokiofSP said:
Fola was going to go on a dramatic speel about power and responsibilty, but then he felt the familiar feeling of something on his back. He growled and played with his hood's strings a bit, "dammit Ashyln, what's with you ditching me just so you can pull some sentimental hugging bullshit later? It leaves me feeling confused about how you're feeling..." He shook his head and looked to Collin, "Wrong awnser, try again."

@GingerBread @Light
GingerBread said:
Colin looked at Fola confused "Wh-what do you mean wrong answer? You didn't ask a question.." Colin shook his head "B-but I think I will stay and help protect Ashlyn and her sisters. And all the orbs" Colin left out the real reason why he was going to help. as he felt guilty about doing it for kinda selfish reasons "But once they're safe I'll see about staying" Colin did his best to smile at Fola "B-but I'm not really that good at fighting, W-well I've never actually fought someone. S-so I'd need to train or something.
Un-unless you want to stick with me. I-I can heal you while you fight"

DizjayDeathPride said:
"I intend to seal it away in my vault so that is safe from misuse."
( I know you two are making posts about going to the temple but you're already in it. Colin already ran inside didn't her? He was also arguing with Death who was inside the temple. )

Fola could still feel the warm and soft hug growing tighter. It seemed like Ashlyn was happy because Fola was being as grumpy as he usually would be with her.

The guardian looks away from Death and asks Colin and Fola. "What are you true intentions with the Black Orb?" It seemed like he wouldn't open the door until they answered as well.

DizjayDeathPride said:
Ryan looked left and right and stepped back. "Please! Ill do anything! Just please don't cry anymore!"
Red and Blue continue to cry, they wouldn't stop without their mother singing them the song of awakening. It was their favourite song and it's just what they needed since Ryan was a lying child abductor.

Juju said:
"oh... I'm guessing that's your friend there, huh. I'm so sorry for your loss" Arwyn said with a frown as she looked at the remains of some adventurer. "You can tag along with me for now if you want." she offered to the crying beast.
She wondered what had caused the man's death and kept her grip on the hilt of her dagger.


While he waited for Arwyn, Syrax inspected the pillar further. On each face of the prism-like structure was a different scene carved into it with unintelligible symbols scrawled along the sides. With a gentle push the wyvern also discovered that the pillar could be rotated, and turned the scenes about until he heard a dull clicking sound from below. He stepped back and waited to see if anything would happen.

Both the being and the human's stomach lacked food and it was obvious. It seemed like the being was naturally able to go through famine longer than the human could. The being stops crying when she offers to be his new companion but he didn't want to leave his friend behind like this, not with everything they've been through.

The pillar ends up glowing completely with a light quake. The light begins to flutter off of the tower and pools into one large orb above it, moving to the designated platform. The orb of light floats above the platform and the pillar Syrax stands before sinks back underground.

Tazmodo said:
Jackson glared at Carnage. "So this was all some game. Also don't swear around Emily you know Alice doesn't like that. Besides what happened with Alice and Morgan? Why are you two here?"
Julius had already left and Morgan walked away.

Lotusy said:
(@DizjayDeathPride Viktor will have to get revenge, so please don't sic Morpheus on him :/ )
Viktor growled angrily. "Of what hell, cat!" He picked up the kitten by the scruff of its neck, making it so it couldn't get away. "Look at that. She faint, I not help because inside wall!" He brushed the flakes of paint from the wall off his shoulder, putting the kitten in his pocket. "Any more and you out." He walked over to the girl and the small hamster she summoned. "Well... is start." The large Russian bent down to look at the hamster. "Anything special about rat-friend?"

(Will get Alexei later)
[QUOTE="Veyd Sahvoz]Mortals. Thought Veyd, watching the little demonstration. (Sorry for the one liner but I gtg :( )

The hamster shakes its head in fear and disappears. It seemed like this was really all the girl could do.
Light said:
( I know you two are making posts about going to the temple but you're already in it. Colin already ran inside didn't her? He was also arguing with Death who was inside the temple. )
Fola could still feel the warm and soft hug growing tighter. It seemed like Ashlyn was happy because Fola was being as grumpy as he usually would be with her.

The guardian looks away from Death and asks Colin and Fola. "What are you true intentions with the Black Orb?" It seemed like he wouldn't open the door until they answered as well.
(I thought there was like a little cave before the actual temple, But idk )

"O-okay" Colin nervously walked closer to the Guardian "I don't really know, I just wanted to stop her from getting it. I-I don't really want it, S-so I'm fine if you d-don't let u-us through" Colin kept his gaze glued to the floor as he spoke to the guardian.

@LokiofSP @Light @DizjayDeathPride
Fola went back once more to playing with his hood's draw strings, grumbling as he did so, "Come on Ashyln, aren't you busy sparring with Morpheus or something? Hugging me can't be the best use of your time and energy..." He then blinked at the Guardian's question, "What does it matter to you Just know the kid needs it and leave us be..."

@GingerBread @Light
GingerBread said:
Vance watched the boats go past What the hell was the point of me coming here? Maybe I went to the wrong river? Nah I never get anything wrong Vance continued looking around until he notice that there was still one of the light thingys on whereas all the others were off. Upon closer inspection Vance noticed a singular boat that wasn't moving and was just floating there Now either the people on that boat were killed by crocodiles or that's another clue Vance created tendrils of darkness to create a makeshift bridge closer to the boat It seems to be pointing in that direction, I've got nothing to lose by following it, Maybe this is just an elaborate prank by Cass, well if it is I'll kick her teeth in, probably. Vance turned the tendrils so that they were going the way the boat was pointing and carried on walking in that direction.

"Sure, do you know where the temple is? Is it a different one to this one" Colin absentmindedly tapped his fingers on his staff I'm doing this to get Anna back, but is that the right reason for doing all this? Should I not just be doing this to help people? Well I am helping people and I'll get Anna back if I do. So it's okay right? Colin still felt slightly guilty for his motivation for doing all of this and was trying to justify it to himself

(Thinking of good clues on the fly is oddly harder than I predicted...)

The boat's point led him up the stream, farther away from the crowds of people. Once everyone was far behind him Vance could see a small hut on the edge of the river bed. It was worn with planks of the roof missing.

Light said:
( I know you two are making posts about going to the temple but you're already in it. Colin already ran inside didn't her? He was also arguing with Death who was inside the temple. )
Fola could still feel the warm and soft hug growing tighter. It seemed like Ashlyn was happy because Fola was being as grumpy as he usually would be with her.

The guardian looks away from Death and asks Colin and Fola. "What are you true intentions with the Black Orb?" It seemed like he wouldn't open the door until they answered as well.

Red and Blue continue to cry, they wouldn't stop without their mother singing them the song of awakening. It was their favourite song and it's just what they needed since Ryan was a lying child abductor.

Both the being and the human's stomach lacked food and it was obvious. It seemed like the being was naturally able to go through famine longer than the human could. The being stops crying when she offers to be his new companion but he didn't want to leave his friend behind like this, not with everything they've been through.

The pillar ends up glowing completely with a light quake. The light begins to flutter off of the tower and pools into one large orb above it, moving to the designated platform. The orb of light floats above the platform and the pillar Syrax stands before sinks back underground.

Julius had already left and Morgan walked away.

The hamster shakes its head in fear and disappears. It seemed like this was really all the girl could do.
Ryan groaned and the cups grew larger to contain the two being so they didn't accidentally touch each other. Ryan scratched his head violently and frustrated while he paced and thought it over. Why me why me why me?! Dear god they're probably not even a few years old yet! Then his eyes popped open and he smacked his forehead. I'm a fucking idiot. THEYRE CHILDREN! He walked back over to Red and Blue "Little ones. I know just the thing to cheer you up. I'll sing you a lullaby. Do you have any requests?"

Death looked over to Colin and Fola and back to the guardian "Well now isn't that lovely." The mortals can't follow simple instructions yet they think they're capable of wielding the power of gods. Or moreover, stopping me from doing it. Death blinked slowly and shook her head. "I'm surrounded by idiots"
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DizjayDeathPride said:
The boat's point led him up the stream, farther away from the crowds of people. Once everyone was far behind him Vance could see a small hut on the edge of the river bed. It was worn with planks of the roof missing.
Really a goddamn broken shit shack. alright, someone is fucking with me Vance walked into the hut and created a chair of darkness to sit down on "Alright then Cass. I know you're fucking with me at this point. So either show yourself or I'm going back home. And if you ever try to contact me after that, I'll completely ignore you and pretend you don't exist. You've got 5 minutes"

GingerBread said:
Really a goddamn broken shit shack. alright, someone is fucking with me Vance walked into the hut and created a chair of darkness to sit down on "Alright then Cass. I know you're fucking with me at this point. So either show yourself or I'm going back home. And if you ever try to contact me after that, I'll completely ignore you and pretend you don't exist. You've got 5 minutes"

Cassie was laying in his bed, fast asleep. She waited to see if he'd just give up on her and accidentally crashed in that process
Crimson placed Emily down as his aura began spreading throughout the castle signifying his rage storage slowly opening. The storage is like a jar he places his rage do stay in control. Once that jar is open he goes on an uncontrollable rampage, destroying any and everything. Zedd peaks out Crimson's pocket and barks at him. Crimson looks down at Zedd, and sighs. He starts doing breathing sequences and the jar closes and the aura slowly fades away. Crimson walks off without a word.

Inaro looks at the group and pops open a new bottle of beer. Cole lower the numbers a bit. He said before taking a sip from his beer.

As Inaro opened a new bottle of beer, Cole pulled out a cigarette. He lights the cigarette and snaps his fingers causing a void to open up under the crowd sucking them in and dropping them off in space where the die. The void leaves only Brock and Scott. There we go, Now that just leaves us. @Tazmodo @Light
Julius was in the forest a few miles from town training with his weapons. He cut through trees like a hot knife through butter. He swung his Axe around recklessly cutting down random trees. Sweat was pouring from all his work. The more he swung the more tired and hard it became to cut the trees. After a few hours he hand laid down and was relaxing.
[QUOTE="Nova King]Julius was in the forest a few miles from town training with his weapons. He cut through trees like a hot knife through butter. He swung his Axe around recklessly cutting down random trees. Sweat was pouring from all his work. The more he swung the more tired and hard it became to cut the trees. After a few hours he hand laid down and was relaxing.

Grimm walks up from behind Julius with a smile on his face and a chess piece in his hands. "Why hello."
[QUOTE="Nova King]Julius was in the forest a few miles from town training with his weapons. He cut through trees like a hot knife through butter. He swung his Axe around recklessly cutting down random trees. Sweat was pouring from all his work. The more he swung the more tired and hard it became to cut the trees. After a few hours he hand laid down and was relaxing.

Light said:
Grimm walks up from behind Julius with a smile on his face and a chess piece in his hands. "Why hello."
A brown squirrel crawled out of the trees and looked down to this fellow. He was cutting at his home and the squirrel didn't much appreciate it. He hopped down and landed on the stranger's head, crawling around and down his body then back up and on his shoulder. It was going to make a clone to speak but a Grimm appeared. It decided to watch for now
Light said:
Grimm walks up from behind Julius with a smile on his face and a chess piece in his hands. "Why hello."
DizjayDeathPride said:
A brown squirrel crawled out of the trees and looked down to this fellow. He was cutting at his home and the squirrel didn't much appreciate it. He hopped down and landed on the stranger's head, crawling around and down his body then back up and on his shoulder. It was going to make a clone to speak but a Grimm appeared. It decided to watch for now
Julius looked at him with sweat beading from his head. He stood up and looked at him. "Um hi." He was interrupted by the squirrel. He did his best to get rid of the creature. "What the hell sense when are squirrels blue?!" He tried to get rid of the squirrel.
Nova King]Julius looked at him with sweat beading from his head. He stood up and looked at him. "Um hi." He was interrupted by the squirrel. He did his best to get rid of the creature. "What the hell sense when are squirrels blue?!" He tried to get rid of the squirrel. [/QUOTE] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/10734-light/ said:

The little creature squealed and scampered off, hiding in the bushes. It every so often peaked its head out but ducked back in and hid. Nearby, a Morpheus came out of the woods dressed in a camp survival outfit. "Helloooo strangers! What's going on here, might I ask? I haven't seen another human face in so long.."
Now that the creature had stopped crying and she had gotten closer Arwyn could now make out its ribs as its flesh stretched thinly over them. Even the corpse was unusually thin, which the dragon knight assumed to have been his cause of death.

"You two must have been lost down here for quite some time." She observed "You are very loyal to stay with him even after his passing."

Her face softened as she looked at the reptilian creature with sympathy. "Trust me, I know what it's like to outlive those you care about. It's a sort of pain you can't shake off easily." Arwyn wasn't sure if the lizard could even understand a word she was saying or if she was speaking more to herself than anything but she continued on regardless.

"I can perform his last rites if you wish, I did the same to some of my comrades who shared a similar fate. It's not much but it might grant you some peace."

She paused before adding something else. "If you wish to follow him into the afterlife I can grant you that. I know if Syrax and I did not share a life bond between us he would do the same. Though I encourage you to value the worth of your own life. A wise man once told me that a bloody sky can be a dawn or a sunset, it only matters which one you choose it to be." She looked at the creature and waited for a its reaction.


Syrax's molten eyes shimmered brightly as the beam of light reflected off of them. The brilliant radiance seemed to ball up and drift over to one of the platforms in the distance before melding into the ground.

Now that he knew what to do the wyvern arose back into the skies and began to repeat the process with the remaining pillars.

(@Light going to bed now. Farewell.)
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DizjayDeathPride said:
The little creature squealed and scampered off, hiding in the bushes. It every so often peaked its head out but ducked back in and hid. Nearby, a Morpheus came out of the woods dressed in a camp survival outfit. "Helloooo strangers! What's going on here, might I ask? I haven't seen another human face in so long.."
Julius got mad and made his gun. He shot at the running squirrel. "I hate those things with a passion." He looked to the new guy. "Hi I'm just training. What do you mean by that?"
DizjayDeathPride said:
Cassie was laying in his bed, fast asleep. She waited to see if he'd just give up on her and accidentally crashed in that process
"1 Minute left cass" Vance leaned back in his chair, getting increasingly more annoyed I hate her, she should know that I don't give two shits about treasure hunts and shit like that Vance shook his head "Times up Cass" Vance shrugged and teleported back to his room in the guild hall.

Vance scowled when he saw Cass sleeping in his bed I said I'd pretend she didn't exist Vance climbed into his bed and laid down on top of Cass, Facing upwards towards the ceiling as he moved about trying to get comfortable on top of her before closing his eyes and attempting to go to sleep.

[QUOTE="Nova King]Julius got mad and made his gun. He shot at the running squirrel. "I hate those things with a passion." He looked to the new guy. "Hi I'm just training. What do you mean by that?"

Morpheus shook his head sadly as white smoke fizzed out of the bush "That poor creature... Well anyways, I mean I have been travelling for quite some time and I haven't seen another human face for even longer. Tell me, what's your name? That's a nifty gun you got there. Anything else you can do?"
GingerBread said:
"1 Minute left cass" Vance leaned back in his chair, getting increasingly more annoyed I hate her, she should know that I don't give two shits about treasure hunts and shit like that Vance shook his head "Times up Cass" Vance shrugged and teleported back to his room in the guild hall.
Vance scowled when he saw Cass sleeping in his bed I said I'd pretend she didn't exist Vance climbed into his bed and laid down on top of Cass, Facing upwards towards the ceiling as he moved about trying to get comfortable on top of her before closing his eyes and attempting to go to sleep.

Cassie groaned and pushed him off. "What the- oh.. Vance.... Jesus Christ how long did it take you?"
DizjayDeathPride said:
Morpheus shook his head sadly as white smoke fizzed out of the bush "That poor creature... Well anyways, I mean I have been travelling for quite some time and I haven't seen another human face for even longer. Tell me, what's your name? That's a nifty gun you got there. Anything else you can do?"
Julius put the gun away. "Yeah why?" He didn't trust this guy. "I'm Julius by the way what about you?"
DizjayDeathPride said:
Cassie groaned and pushed him off. "What the- oh.. Vance.... Jesus Christ how long did it take you?"
Vance kept his eyes closed and ignored Cassandra while he feigned being asleep Must've been the wind that pushed me over, strong wind in this guild some wind wizard or some crap like that must be training... Or attacking

@Tazmodo[/URL] @Light
Jessica brought everyone back and sent the two into the Shadow realm with Brock and Scott. It was just another place for them to fight. Scott looked at the two. "So you want to fight. Don't worry my companion won't seal off your power that's not how us prideful warriors like to fight. Anyways this way we can go ham and not kill anyone important. Any questions?" He looked at Brock who only nodded in response.
DizjayDeathPride said:
Cassie looked over and tilted her head. "Vance? Are you okay?" She reached down and poked his arm. "Hellooooo"
Vance continued ignoring her, not reacting in the slightest even when she poked him Oh so now she wants to give a shit. She runs off saying I don't care, has a go at me for god knows what and suddenly now she cares about my well being.

DizjayDeathPride said:
"Oh buddy if only I knew what I could do. So Julius... Like the Caesar... Impressive. You must be a warrior! How long have you been out in the woods?"

Cassie looked over and tilted her head. "Vance? Are you okay?" She reached down and poked his arm. "Hellooooo"
"You never answered my question. And sure a few days." He looked at the guy. He didn't seem all that strong. Kind if a pushover really. Julius sat back down. "So do you intend on telling me your name?"

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