Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
Light said:
( ! ) "Nope not doing it." Ashlyn naturally separates herself from reality, not going through anymore love spells after Cupid Grimm. Suddenly Morpheus's secondary circulatory system was being drained of its power and mana. Half of Ashlyn's body was floating through the ground as if she were a ghost. In a second she was as undeniable as a reaper. Morpheus's jaw was actually punched off with a right hook powerful enough to send several shockwaves outward and leave most of the area decimated due to the force. Ashlyn was so physically strong she had to exit reality and laws so that she would only have to touch Morpheus willingly. If she ran, flew, or jumped the force of her power would end up unnecessarily destroying everything around them. Ashlyn flies upward and allows herself to affect gravity and air molecules around her. She spins as she rapidly flies upwards, splitting atoms with her speed and telekinesis, triggering explosions as she flew upwards. Ashlyn stops and contains the explosion in one orb using telekinesis. Ashlyn flies back down until she creates a mach cone, stopping immediately afterwards. She has the mach cone fly down to Morpheus and fires the explosion from the orb in a beams pushing the mach cone forward.
Their eyes continue to drift throughout the cup, sinking to the bottom.

"As him, the next door won't open without you finishing the trial." Christina points to the guard behind them.

Carnage looks at Julius and laughs, walking off. The reaper leaves Crimson and Jackson alone as well. "I was just messing with them, what a bunch of dick nibbling bitches." Carnage begins to mumble to Julius as he walks off. He would be content with killing the servants of the house. Julius shrugs his shoulders and allows Morgan to take over.

The being looks at its dead human companion who died of starvation. "Rouroooouuurururururoooouu."

( I'm sorry but the sound it's making is making me laugh at its tears. )
The clone she punched took the punch, letting its jaw dangle. It stood there, motionless while she continued her assault, allowing itself to be destroyed

When she punched the clone, bits of it atomically broke off and soaked into her pores, binding atomically to the atoms of her body and spreading through her existence secretly, careful not to mess anything up and accidentally mutate her. It connected to every fiber of her existence itself, outside of Reality and all. It did this while she continued doing everything she did thinking she were attacking Morpheus

Once it connected to her completely, finishing the same time she obliterated its old host,
the two had become one existence. The clone and Ashlyn were the same being. It fizzled and in a poof she popped back in the kindergartener's field.

( ! ) The clone turned into the Carnage-Reparations modification and started eating her existence, destroying what it ate from Existence, unable to be healed or repared. It held her, forcing her to stay in Reality and Laws while it was bound to her, eating her away. It started with her magical organ, then went out from there

Ryan looked into the cups and shook his head. I am so bad with kids... This is terrible.. "Red... Blue.... Please stop crying. I'm afraid you'll die"

Death did as she said. "What Is my trial?"
LokiofSP said:
Fola grabs the staff and stares at Collin, "Stop it. Just don't. You're not special, you're not unique, everybody in this damn guild had fucked up at least once. I was responsible for the death of a mother and a child on my first damn day, and I don't care anymore, want to know why? Because it doesn't matter! We don't matter! All we can do it try our best and hope to god we don't fuck somebody else's life up because of it! Get it through your head! It's worthless! We work for the guild, keep our heads low, deal with our problems, and maybe, just MAYBE, we can die in as little pain as possible. And that's just if we're lucky..."

He let go and stepped back, "So what are you going to do? Fight Death and get ripped apart cell by cell? Or will you listen to me and do your damn job?"

Colin undid everything that he did to himself and leaned up against the wall before sliding down it into a sitting position while he dragged his knees up to his chest "She was my only friend. The only person who cared about me. Everyone else I met in the guild just threatened to kill me. But she was nice to me. And I promised that I'd always heal her no matter what. But I failed, I wasn't there to help her and now she's dead and It's my fault" Colin lowered his head as he began crying once again, tears slowly rolling down his face "A-all I've ever w-wanted to do was help p-people a-and make them h-happy.... B-but no matter what I-I do, I a-always managed to m-mess things up somehow... I just want Anna back...She didn't deserve to die. I already thought I lost her once and now I really have lost her for good. I-I just don't know what to do..."

Fola shook his head and sat down next to Collin, allowing the boy to weep for awhile as he simply stared out into the distance. He eventually spoke in a monotone voice, "I get how you feel. Really, I do, and I get what I'm saying is harsh, but it's the truth... Mostly. Look, while we can't change the past, I do firmly believe we can change the future. So, you can sit here and cry, or we can pick ourselves up and work. We work to make sure NOBODY else dies, because dying is so damn overrated... We do that today, then when we get back to the guild we hold a funeral, then we grieve, after it's all taken care of we can cry all we want over a bottle of scotch. But right now we need to keep going, so come on...." He stood up and extended a hand, "Let's go do what we need to do..."

Lotusy said:
Viktor groaned inwardly as the girl dropped the bar, breaking a couple of ribs. With a heavy sigh, he lifted the five-pound bar off her chest, then grabbed the kitten and spressed it onto her head like some kind of healing sponge. When he was satisfied with his handiwork, he placed he cat back where it belonged, then sat down on a nearvy chair. "Alright. That work not well." He took out a pen and notepad, looking at her inquisiteively. "Tell me what strong point in possesion. You wind? Fire?"

As Alexei was dropped in the Creativity realm, his eyes grew wide, and he started squealing with a fangirlish scream. "Oh my god. Ohmygod!" A bunch of thoughts were racing through his mind, turning into physical words as they expanded in his thought bubble. He dipped his finger in the paint and dragged it along the wall, watching as it animated. Happy with his new realm, the rookie drew an orge, not really know what he was dealing with...

(Mind botting the ogre for me?)
The grey kitten hissed and blasted Vikor back through a wall, curling happily on the girl's head

The orge wiggled and popped into formation. It roared and slammed it's club on the ground, causing the realm to shake violently and a crack going under Alexei, starting to split open
LokiofSP said:
Fola shook his head and sat down next to Colin, allowing the boy to weep for awhile as he simply stared out into the distance. He eventually spoke in a monotone voice, "I get how you feel. Really, I do, and I get what I'm saying is harsh, but it's the truth... Mostly. Look, while we can't change the past, I do firmly believe we can change the future. So, you can sit here and cry, or we can pick ourselves up and work. We work to make sure NOBODY else dies, because dying is so damn overrated... We do that today, then when we get back to the guild we hold a funeral, then we grieve, after it's all taken care of we can cry all we want over a bottle of scotch. But right now we need to keep going, so come on...." He stood up and extended a hand, "Let's go do what we need to do..."

Colin shook his head "No I'm g-good. I don't think I'm cut out for all this guild stuff anyway. I think I'll just go h-home and try to forget about all of this, convince myself that it was a dream" Colin used his staff to push himself up "B-but before I go I can make you stronger or something. Not by much though, I'm not that powerful yet, But every little helps doesn't it...." Colin stared off into the distance before snapping back to reality "Anyway, you want me to do that before I go?"

LokiofSP said:
Fola grabs the staff and stares at Collin, "Stop it. Just don't. You're not special, you're not unique, everybody in this damn guild had fucked up at least once. I was responsible for the death of a mother and a child on my first damn day, and I don't care anymore, want to know why? Because it doesn't matter! We don't matter! All we can do it try our best and hope to god we don't fuck somebody else's life up because of it! Get it through your head! It's worthless! We work for the guild, keep our heads low, deal with our problems, and maybe, just MAYBE, we can die in as little pain as possible. And that's just if we're lucky..."

He let go and stepped back, "So what are you going to do? Fight Death and get ripped apart cell by cell? Or will you listen to me and do your damn job?"

DizjayDeathPride said:
Death did as she said. "What Is my trial?"
GingerBread said:
Colin undid everything that he did to himself and leaned up against the wall before sliding down it into a sitting position while he dragged his knees up to his chest "She was my only friend. The only person who cared about me. Everyone else I met in the guild just threatened to kill me. But she was nice to me. And I promised that I'd always heal her no matter what. But I failed, I wasn't there to help her and now she's dead and It's my fault" Colin lowered his head as he began crying once again, tears slowly rolling down his face "A-all I've ever w-wanted to do was help p-people a-and make them h-happy.... B-but no matter what I-I do, I a-always managed to m-mess things up somehow... I just want Anna back...She didn't deserve to die. I already thought I lost her once and now I really have lost her for good. I-I just don't know what to do..."

( :( )

Inside Colin's mind Grimmavus appears and stands before him. In reality this moment took less than a second in Colin's head. "I find that insulting for you to say she's your only friend and the only one whom cares about you. I'll make this brief. You are to stop this organization fighting against your....guild from obtaining anymore orbs or captured anymore of my granddaughters. Fulfill this and then we can talk about you seeing Anna once more. That is all." The message ends and at this moment both Fola and Colin could feel hugs from Ashlyn even though she wasn't there, as if she were still looking out for them.

"Why are you here to collect the orb?" The guardian turns to the woman walking with Christina. "Only a true answer explaining your real intent is passable."

DizjayDeathPride said:
The clone she punched took the punch, letting its jaw dangle. It stood there, motionless while she continued her assault, allowing itself to be destroyed
When she punched the clone, bits of it atomically broke off and soaked into her pores, binding atomically to the atoms of her body and spreading through her existence secretly, careful not to mess anything up and accidentally mutate her. It connected to every fiber of her existence itself, outside of Reality and all. It did this while she continued doing everything she did thinking she were attacking Morpheus

Once it connected to her completely, finishing the same time she obliterated its old host,
the two had become one existence. The clone and Ashlyn were the same being. It fizzled and in a poof she popped back in the kindergartener's field.

( ! ) The clone turned into the Carnage-Reparations modification and started eating her existence, destroying what it ate from Existence, unable to be healed or repared. It held her, forcing her to stay in Reality and Laws while it was bound to her, eating her away. It started with her magical organ, then went out from there
( ! ) Under normal circumstances against any other adversary this attack would work, but with Ashlyn going for existence wouldn't do much to her since it would naturally fix itself since it's too perfect to alter or prevent from fixing itself. Ashlyn found this unfair, so she decides on fighting against her own body to stop it from repairing itself. Her second seal appears behind her, not shattering yet since it was trying to hang on. Ashlyn assumed there must be more done so Morpheus's challenge wasn't over just yet. Ashlyn punches the ground and causes it to split and crack. It was as if there were a cluster of plate boundaries colliding in one place at high speeds. Earthquakes, mountains, rifts, and sinkholes occur in the area.

Lotusy said:
Viktor groaned inwardly as the girl dropped the bar, breaking a couple of ribs. With a heavy sigh, he lifted the five-pound bar off her chest, then grabbed the kitten and spressed it onto her head like some kind of healing sponge. When he was satisfied with his handiwork, he placed he cat back where it belonged, then sat down on a nearvy chair. "Alright. That work not well." He took out a pen and notepad, looking at her inquisiteively. "Tell me what strong point in possesion. You wind? Fire?"
DizjayDeathPride said:
The grey kitten hissed and blasted Vikor back through a wall, curling happily on the girl's head
[QUOTE="Veyd Sahvoz]Veyd appeared at the guild from a Void Portal and shifted to a height of 6'8, walking around, looking for someone. He knew who he was looking for but trying to find them without arosing suspicion would be difficult.
@All of you at the guild

As Veyd walked through the guild he could see the girl demonstrating what she could do after Viktor was blasted into a wall. "I can make imaginary things... like imaginary friends!" She begins to focus, putting all her effort into one thought. Only to summon a small hamster that looked like it was so weak it could die at this moment. She ends up passing out due to overlooking herself making that hamster.

DizjayDeathPride said:
Ryan looked into the cups and shook his head. I am so bad with kids... This is terrible.. "Red... Blue.... Please stop crying. I'm afraid you'll die"
Red and Blue cry so much they start to overflow in the cup. They were creating an ocean of water and liquid flame.
Fola was going to go on a dramatic speel about power and responsibilty, but then he felt the familiar feeling of something on his back. He growled and played with his hood's strings a bit, "dammit Ashyln, what's with you ditching me just so you can pull some sentimental hugging bullshit later? It leaves me feeling confused about how you're feeling..." He shook his head and looked to Collin, "Wrong awnser, try again."

@GingerBread @Light
Light said:
( :( )
Inside Colin's mind Grimmavus appears and stands before him. In reality this moment took less than a second in Colin's head. "I find that insulting for you to say she's your only friend and the only one whom cares about you. I'll make this brief. You are to stop this organization fighting against your....guild from obtaining anymore orbs or captured anymore of my granddaughters. Fulfill this and then we can talk about you seeing Anna once more. That is all." The message ends and at this moment both Fola and Colin could feel hugs from Ashlyn even though she wasn't there, as if she were still looking out for them.

"Why are you here to collect the orb?" The guardian turns to the woman walking with Christina. "Only a true answer explaining your real intent is passable."

( ! ) Under normal circumstances against any other adversary this attack would work, but with Ashlyn going for existence wouldn't do much to her since it would naturally fix itself since it's too perfect to alter or prevent from fixing itself. Ashlyn found this unfair, so she decides on fighting against her own body to stop it from repairing itself. Her second seal appears behind her, not shattering yet since it was trying to hang on. Ashlyn assumed there must be more done so Morpheus's challenge wasn't over just yet. Ashlyn punches the ground and causes it to split and crack. It was as if there were a cluster of plate boundaries colliding in one place at high speeds. Earthquakes, mountains, rifts, and sinkholes occur in the area.

As Veyd walked through the guild he could see the girl demonstrating what she could do after Viktor was blasted into a wall. "I can make imaginary things... like imaginary friends!" She begins to focus, putting all her effort into one thought. Only to summon a small hamster that looked like it was so weak it could die at this moment. She ends up passing out due to overlooking herself making that hamster.

Red and Blue cry so much they start to overflow in the cup. They were creating an ocean of water and liquid flame.
"I intend to seal it away in my vault so that is safe from misuse."

The Morpheus Juices separated itself from her and ate itself, disappearing. Three Morpheus' appeared before her, melded with the ground. They all shook with the cartoon world, wiggling their arms. "ASHLYN THIS IS CRAZY! YOU'RE GOING TO BREAK EVERYTHING!" Another fell from the sky and landed, slamming his fist into the land and shocking it as well, the seismic waves mixing with Ashlyn's and causing the land to relax.

Morpheus stood and stretched, cracking his knuckles. The other three sucked back into the land and disappeared. He extended his arms, his skin glittering.

( ! ) He popped his lips and before the sound even traveled he used the speed of Twilight, he rushed to her, his hand going for her left lung. Another Morpheus was already behind her and flashed, his hand going for her right lung, piercing through her body

Ryan looked left and right and stepped back. "Please! Ill do anything! Just please don't cry anymore!"
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Light said:
Inside Colin's mind Grimmavus appears and stands before him. In reality this moment took less than a second in Colin's head. "I find that insulting for you to say she's your only friend and the only one whom cares about you. I'll make this brief. You are to stop this organization fighting against your....guild from obtaining anymore orbs or captured anymore of my granddaughters. Fulfill this and then we can talk about you seeing Anna once more. That is all." The message ends and at this moment both Fola and Colin could feel hugs from Ashlyn even though she wasn't there, as if she were still looking out for them.
LokiofSP said:
Fola was going to go on a dramatic speel about power and responsibility, but then he felt the familiar feeling of something on his back. He growled and played with his hood's strings a bit, "dammit Ashlyn, what's with you ditching me just so you can pull some sentimental hugging bullshit later? It leaves me feeling confused about how you're feeling..." He shook his head and looked to Collin, "Wrong answer, try again."

@GingerBread @Light
Colin looked at Fola confused "Wh-what do you mean wrong answer? You didn't ask a question.." Colin shook his head "B-but I think I will stay and help protect Ashlyn and her sisters. And all the orbs" Colin left out the real reason why he was going to help. as he felt guilty about doing it for kinda selfish reasons "But once they're safe I'll see about staying" Colin did his best to smile at Fola "B-but I'm not really that good at fighting, W-well I've never actually fought someone. S-so I'd need to train or something.

Un-unless you want to stick with me. I-I can heal you while you fight"

"oh... I'm guessing that's your friend there, huh. I'm so sorry for your loss" Arwyn said with a frown as she looked at the remains of some adventurer. "You can tag along with me for now if you want." she offered to the crying beast.

She wondered what had caused the man's death and kept her grip on the hilt of her dagger.


While he waited for Arwyn, Syrax inspected the pillar further. On each face of the prism-like structure was a different scene carved into it with unintelligible symbols scrawled along the sides. With a gentle push the wyvern also discovered that the pillar could be rotated, and turned the scenes about until he heard a dull clicking sound from below. He stepped back and waited to see if anything would happen.

"First off, the quivering of the voice, the hell is that? Do you have a fucking speaking problem? Second, I feel I don't really have a choice but to help so...Okay I guess. Just duck if a fight arises okay?"

@GingerBread (Might be my last post I have to study)
LokiofSP said:
"First off, the quivering of the voice, the hell is that? Do you have a fucking speaking problem? Second, I feel I don't really have a choice but to help so...Okay I guess. Just duck if a fight arises okay?"

@GingerBread (Might be my last post I have to study)
Colin winced at Fola's tone "S-sorry I have a slight s-stutter. It's normally not too bad but It get's worse when I'm nervous or upset and th-things like that. Sorry again" Colin smiled apologetically at Fola I've already managed to annoy him, maybe I should just slip away quietly..... That's what caused Anna to get hurt and.... I won't let that happen again. Even if people hate me, I'll Do everything I can to help save them Colin thought determinedly as stood up straight and looked towards Fola "So what do we do now?"

DaManofWar said:
Scar put his arms around Clair. "It's okay." He whispered into her ear. "I'm sorry, but I can't just let you kill people. Please, Clair, I'm begging you, think about what your doing. I've seen what they're capable of. You could die, dammit!" Scar held her tightly.
"And with strange aeons, even death itself may die," Hans Frankenstein declared proudly. He observed the affection between his creation and the Clair woman. He found it amusing. He was in full view of them, projected by his formidable magic power. He took out a watch. "I'll let him have another minute," he mused.

Clair pulled away from Scar. "No you aren't getting it this has to be done. And if I have to kill you as well then I guess I have no choice. She looked at the projection. "Dude I don't care your god guy is the least of my problems right now just go back to where you came and I'll deal with it later." She turned her attention back to Scar. "Anyways this has to be done."

Light said:
( ! ) "Nope not doing it." Ashlyn naturally separates herself from reality, not going through anymore love spells after Cupid Grimm. Suddenly Morpheus's secondary circulatory system was being drained of its power and mana. Half of Ashlyn's body was floating through the ground as if she were a ghost. In a second she was as undeniable as a reaper. Morpheus's jaw was actually punched off with a right hook powerful enough to send several shockwaves outward and leave most of the area decimated due to the force. Ashlyn was so physically strong she had to exit reality and laws so that she would only have to touch Morpheus willingly. If she ran, flew, or jumped the force of her power would end up unnecessarily destroying everything around them. Ashlyn flies upward and allows herself to affect gravity and air molecules around her. She spins as she rapidly flies upwards, splitting atoms with her speed and telekinesis, triggering explosions as she flew upwards. Ashlyn stops and contains the explosion in one orb using telekinesis. Ashlyn flies back down until she creates a mach cone, stopping immediately afterwards. She has the mach cone fly down to Morpheus and fires the explosion from the orb in a beams pushing the mach cone forward.
Their eyes continue to drift throughout the cup, sinking to the bottom.

"As him, the next door won't open without you finishing the trial." Christina points to the guard behind them.

Carnage looks at Julius and laughs, walking off. The reaper leaves Crimson and Jackson alone as well. "I was just messing with them, what a bunch of dick nibbling bitches." Carnage begins to mumble to Julius as he walks off. He would be content with killing the servants of the house. Julius shrugs his shoulders and allows Morgan to take over.

The being looks at its dead human companion who died of starvation. "Rouroooouuurururururoooouu."

( I'm sorry but the sound it's making is making me laugh at its tears. )
Jackson glared at Carnage. "So this was all some game. Also don't swear around Emily you know Alice doesn't like that. Besides what happened with Alice and Morgan? Why are you two here?"
Scar sighed heavily. "Listen to me Clair. I still care about you. And if this continues, you could die. This path you have chosen...Please, just get off it before you die, Clair," he pleaded with her. He took her hand, holding it tight. "Please Clair. I think I love you."

Hans clapped his hands three times. "Right, I've seen enough. Good talk. Now, if you will excuse me, I have work to attend to. Also, Clair dear, I am the god known as Hans Frankenstein. Do try to address me as such."

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Vance ignored the visions that he had received from the guild Symbol god that place falls apart without me doesn't it? I leave and everything starts going to shit. Maybe I should go back and help. Then again if I help every time they become dependent on me and I can't have that Vance thought as he took a sip of his lager and looked around the bar he was in Not here either, Go and fine me she says, I know everything about you and you know next to nothing about me but if you care you'll come find me. I hate people I think I've remembered why I always avoided them. Well apart from the trying to find and kill me Vance placed his half drunk pint back on the bar counter and teleported away without paying, to the last bar he knew about.

GingerBread said:
Vance ignored the visions that he had received from the guild Symbol god that place falls apart without me doesn't it? I leave and everything starts going to shit. Maybe I should go back and help. Then again if I help every time they become dependent on me and I can't have that Vance thought as he took a sip of his lager and looked around the bar he was in Not here either, Go and fine me she says, I know everything about you and you know next to nothing about me but if you care you'll come find me. I hate people I think I've remembered why I always avoided them. Well apart from the trying to find and kill me Vance placed his half drunk pint back on the bar counter and teleported away without paying, to the last bar he knew about.

The bartender of this joint had been informed to look around for a man who randomly pops in. And sure as shit stinks, here he was. The tender moved to Vance's part of the bar with a drink. The first drink Cassandra and Vance shared when she first revealed herself to him and took his glass. The tender's instructions were to just give him the half filled cracked glass and walk away. So that's what he did. The crack had a very... Detailed spread about it. Almost similar to a river. Cassie had assumed Vance knew geography and could tell it was the Mississippi River but who knows
( @Tazmodo @Lotusy @GingerBread @DizjayDeathPride @CelticSol @LokiofSP @DaManofWar )

Grimmavus summons Cthulu and minimizes its size to that of a pomeranian. "From now on you shall accompany my friend Oshalia and I. You lack order, mercy, and balance. I will make you experience the hell you are foretold to inflict upon others. Once I deem you ready to interact with the world around you I shall set you free. Though until then everything you do is dependant upon my decisions. The more you present yourself as if you're learning something the sooner you get to leave and I'll allow you to stay amongst others. Each time you stray more than 10 feet of me or if you attempt to make any form of contact with Oshalia, your leash will forcefully extract your soul. Think of it as a leash made of soul chains that show you exactly what it feels like to be the victim of your own power..." Grimmavus kneels down to Cthulu and opens his hands. "This is for your own future well-being. I don't want to fight you over something that can be resolved now. I'm going to protect you from the rest of the world, this is not a cage it's a barricade. They say you can't be controlled but I can assure you I will. Are there any conditions if your own that you'd like to add to the new companionship we temporarily have?"

( @DaManofWar You can pilot him. )
Light said:
( :( )
As Veyd walked through the guild he could see the girl demonstrating what she could do after Viktor was blasted into a wall. "I can make imaginary things... like imaginary friends!" She begins to focus, putting all her effort into one thought. Only to summon a small hamster that looked like it was so weak it could die at this moment. She ends up passing out due to overlooking herself making that hamster.
(@DizjayDeathPride Viktor will have to get revenge, so please don't sic Morpheus on him :/ )

Viktor growled angrily. "Of what hell, cat!" He picked up the kitten by the scruff of its neck, making it so it couldn't get away. "Look at that. She faint, I not help because inside wall!" He brushed the flakes of paint from the wall off his shoulder, putting the kitten in his pocket. "Any more and you out." He walked over to the girl and the small hamster she summoned. "Well... is start." The large Russian bent down to look at the hamster. "Anything special about rat-friend?"

(Will get Alexei later)
Lotusy said:
(@DizjayDeathPride Viktor will have to get revenge, so please don't sic Morpheus on him :/ )
Viktor growled angrily. "Of what hell, cat!" He picked up the kitten by the scruff of its neck, making it so it couldn't get away. "Look at that. She faint, I not help because inside wall!" He brushed the flakes of paint from the wall off his shoulder, putting the kitten in his pocket. "Any more and you out." He walked over to the girl and the small hamster she summoned. "Well... is start." The large Russian bent down to look at the hamster. "Anything special about rat-friend?"

(Will get Alexei later)
(Dont worry Nega-Morpheus could care less about anyone or what anyone does to him his main objective is making sure the girl is okay and thats it xD like you could snap his neck and he'll just heal it like it didn't happen and move on. Tug the girl's hair and he will rip each strand out one by one from your nipples. He has claimed her as his home)

The grey kitten hissed at Viktor and scratched his pocket, hopping out and gliding in the air, landing on his home's head. It curled back up and tried to sleep again. Which didn't take all too long
DizjayDeathPride said:
The bartender of this joint had been informed to look around for a man who randomly pops in. And sure as shit stinks, here he was. The tender moved to Vance's part of the bar with a drink. The first drink Cassandra and Vance shared when she first revealed herself to him and took his glass. The tender's instructions were to just give him the half filled cracked glass and walk away. So that's what he did. The crack had a very... Detailed spread about it. Almost similar to a river. Cassie had assumed Vance knew geography and could tell it was the Mississippi River but who knows
Vance was pleasantly surprised when the bartender just came over and gave him a free drink I might as well enjoy and finish this one, this is the last bar after all and it's only half a drink It can't hurt Vance started drinking the drink, already slightly drunk. Drinking half a pint from well over 200 hundred bars will do that to you. Vance had drunk half the drink when he noticed it had a crack Guess this is why it was free, I swear service in these places are getting worse and worse. I would file a complaint but i can't be arsed Vance downed the rest of the glass and noticed the crack seemed to look like it wasn't just an accident Did that prick purposely crack a glass before giving it to me? I should kill him for that, though I don't think that would be the best idea after all the alcohol I've consumed. Vance stared at the crack out of boredom Huh it kinda looks like a river... Maybe it's a hint from cassie? Fucking cryptic messages. Vance picked the glass and took it with him as he walked out of the bar, Leaving a twenty in it's place.

Vance stumbled his way to a library and went inside and went to the geographical section and picked up a couple of books on rivers.
Maybe it's a rogue librarian that cracked the glass, trying to get more people to read. Cause reading is god damn stupid I can just kill people for information, works a lot better than reading Vance skimmed through the book, stopping on each page about a certain river and comparing it to the glass. God this could take forever, this had better be worth it cass Vance kept skimming through the pages and repeating his process until he got to the mississippi river Well it looks like a match Vance sighed as he teleported to the mississippi river, appearing on one of it's banks.

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GingerBread said:
Vance was pleasantly surprised when the bartender just came over and gave him a free drink I might as well enjoy and finish this one, this is the last bar after all and it's only half a drink It can't hurt Vance started drinking the drink, already slightly drunk. Drinking half a pint from well over 200 hundred bars will do that to you. Vance had drunk half the drink when he noticed it had a crack Guess this is why it was free, I swear service in these places are getting worse and worse. I would file a complaint but i can't be arsed Vance downed the rest of the glass and noticed the crack seemed to look like it wasn't just an accident Did that prick purposely crack a glass before giving it to me? I should kill him for that, though I don't think that would be the best idea after all the alcohol I've consumed. Vance stared at the crack out of boredom Huh it kinda looks like a river... Maybe it's a hint from cassie? Fucking cryptic messages. Vance picked the glass and took it with him as he walked out of the bar, Leaving a twenty in it's place.
Vance stumbled his way to a library and went inside and went to the geographical section and picked up a couple of books on rivers.
Maybe it's a rogue librarian that cracked the glass, trying to get more people to read. Cause reading is god damn stupid I can just kill people for information, works a lot better than reading Vance skimmed through the book, stopping on each page about a certain river and comparing it to the glass. God this could take forever, this had better be worth it cass Vance kept skimming through the pages and repeating his process until he got to the mississippi river Well it looks like a match Vance sighed as he teleported to the mississippi river, appearing on one of it's banks.

A boats and trade and civilians all went about their merry business, completely oblivious to Vance. All of the bogies (or whatever those weird floating lantern things are to let boats see where they're going at night are called) were turned off since the sun was up, except one. It's light was barely visible in comparison to the sunlight. As well, if Vance noticed, a single boat out in the water wasn't actually moving. It stayed, floating in a single spot, pointing North-East
DizjayDeathPride said:
A boats and trade and civilians all went about their merry business, completely oblivious to Vance. All of the bogies (or whatever those weird floating lantern things are to let boats see where they're going at night are called) were turned off since the sun was up, except one. It's light was barely visible in comparison to the sunlight. As well, if Vance noticed, a single boat out in the water wasn't actually moving. It stayed, floating in a single spot, pointing North-East
Vance watched the boats go past What the hell was the point of me coming here? Maybe I went to the wrong river? Nah I never get anything wrong Vance continued looking around until he notice that there was still one of the light thingys on whereas all the others were off. Upon closer inspection Vance noticed a singular boat that wasn't moving and was just floating there Now either the people on that boat were killed by crocodiles or that's another clue Vance created tendrils of darkness to create a makeshift bridge closer to the boat It seems to be pointing in that direction, I've got nothing to lose by following it, Maybe this is just an elaborate prank by Cass, well if it is I'll kick her teeth in, probably. Vance turned the tendrils so that they were going the way the boat was pointing and carried on walking in that direction.


LokiofSP said:

"Sure, do you know where the temple is? Is it a different one to this one" Colin absentmindedly tapped his fingers on his staff I'm doing this to get Anna back, but is that the right reason for doing all this? Should I not just be doing this to help people? Well I am helping people and I'll get Anna back if I do. So it's okay right? Colin still felt slightly guilty for his motivation for doing all of this and was trying to justify it to himself

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