Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
The both smile and Inaro begins floating and he crosses his legs said he's meditating, while Cole sits down and a Void chair appears catching him. So how many of y'all are attending this ass whooping? Inaro asked with a smile. @Tazmodo
DizjayDeathPride said:
"Come on Vance you fucking punk this isn't funny." She hopped out of the bed and crutched over his body. "Seriously pervert are you okay? You fell pretty hard"
I warned you, tough luck bitch Vance thought bitterly as he kept his eyes shut and continued sleeping, not making any effort to move or even acknowledge Cassandra.

@DizjayDeathPride (This will probably be the last post of me ignoring her, cause it's hard to think of things :P )
DizjayDeathPride said:
"Oh but I did. Like I said, if only I knew what I could do. My name is Morpheus! I am the leader of The Dragon's Rawriors aaaaaand second n charge of the legendary Dragon's Roar." He started to flex, looking at his arm braggingly. "You might have heard of us. Saved the world a couple of times. No biggie."
He stopped flaunting and looked quickly back yo Julius. "Hey! Would you like to join us? It'll be fuuuun. You'll make many friends, gain all new power, and if you play your cards right probably be a famous hero like yours truly" He gestured over himself and smirked. "Sooo what do you say?"

"Come on Vance you fucking punk this isn't funny." She hopped out of the bed and crutched over his body. "Seriously pervert are you okay? You fell pretty hard"
Julius gave him a blank stare. "Um sure why not." He didn't care about the minor details or him flexing. "So Mr. Morpheus what do we do now?"
DizjayDeathPride said:
The Morpheus Juices separated itself from her and ate itself, disappearing. Three Morpheus' appeared before her, melded with the ground. They all shook with the cartoon world, wiggling their arms. "ASHLYN THIS IS CRAZY! YOU'RE GOING TO BREAK EVERYTHING!" Another fell from the sky and landed, slamming his fist into the land and shocking it as well, the seismic waves mixing with Ashlyn's and causing the land to relax.
Morpheus stood and stretched, cracking his knuckles. The other three sucked back into the land and disappeared. He extended his arms, his skin glittering.

( ! ) He popped his lips and before the sound even traveled he used the speed of Twilight, he rushed to her, his hand going for her left lung. Another Morpheus was already behind her and flashed, his hand going for her right lung, piercing through her body.
( ! ) Ashlyn emits a wave of obliteration through telekinesis and pushes them back. The wave of subatomic obliteration spreads outwards and doesn't stop. Ashlyn makes sure to have it come out it countless ripples from her body. Her body begins to heal as she punches the ground once more, this time it was for the waves to move even faster. Ashlyn has storm clouds form above the area and drop countless lightning bolts and veils of light, specifically targeting anything that survived obliteration. The lightning bolts and light veils were used for smiting and would target even a fractured atom if it survived the obliteration.

GingerBread said:
(I thought there was like a little cave before the actual temple, But idk )
"O-okay" Colin nervously walked closer to the Guardian "I don't really know, I just wanted to stop her from getting it. I-I don't really want it, S-so I'm fine if you d-don't let u-us through" Colin kept his gaze glued to the floor as he spoke to the guardian.

@LokiofSP @Light @DizjayDeathPride
( No but now that you've said it the next temple will. )

LokiofSP said:
Fola went back once more to playing with his hood's draw strings, grumbling as he did so, "Come on Ashyln, aren't you busy sparring with Morpheus or something? Hugging me can't be the best use of your time and energy..." He then blinked at the Guardian's question, "What does it matter to you Just know the kid needs it and leave us be..."

@GingerBread @Light
DizjayDeathPride said:
Death looked over to Colin and Fola and back to the guardian "Well now isn't that lovely." The mortals can't follow simple instructions yet they think they're capable of wielding the power of gods. Or moreover, stopping me from doing it. Death blinked slowly and shook her head. "I'm surrounded by idiots"
"You both lack the conviction to even come near the orb of negativity. It shall consume you just by looking at it. Why are you here for the Black Orb? Only honest opinions and intentions shall let you pass."

Fola could still feel Ashlyn hugging him.

DizjayDeathPride said:
Ryan groaned and the cups grew larger to contain the two being so they didn't accidentally touch each other. Ryan scratched his head violently and frustrated while he paced and thought it over. Why me why me why me?! Dear god they're probably not even a few years old yet! Then his eyes popped open and he smacked his forehead. I'm a fucking idiot. THEYRE CHILDREN! He walked back over to Red and Blue "Little ones. I know just the thing to cheer you up. I'll sing you a lullaby. Do you have any requests?"
@Tazmodo[/URL] )

Red and Blue couldn't really talk, they finally realize this and begin to panic with more years. It seemed like these two could potentially become endless fire and water. They wanted their mother and at this moment Alice had taken back over.

"Morgan! Where are my children?!" Alice crosses her arms and taps her foot swiftly. Her mother senses were tingling but she couldn't find her children at all.

Morgan shrugs her shoulder and points behind her. "I don't know, ask Ryan." Morgan notices that Ryan isn't behind her and sighs. "Oh well, he probably took them."

Juju said:
Now that the creature had stopped crying and she had gotten closer Arwyn could now make out its ribs as its flesh stretched thinly over them. Even the corpse was unusually thin, which the dragon knight assumed to have been his cause of death.
"You two must have been lost down here for quite some time." She observed "You are very loyal to stay with him even after his passing."

Her face softened as she looked at the reptilian creature with sympathy. "Trust me, I know what it's like to outlive those you care about. It's a sort of pain you can't shake off easily." Arwyn wasn't sure if the lizard could even understand a word she was saying or if she was speaking more to herself than anything but she continued on regardless.

"I can perform his last rites if you wish, I did the same to some of my comrades who shared a similar fate. It's not much but it might grant you some peace."

She paused before adding something else. "If you wish to follow him into the afterlife I can grant you that. I know if Syrax and I did not share a life bond between us he would do the same. Though I encourage you to value the worth of your own life. A wise man once told me that a bloody sky can be a dawn or a sunset, it only matters which one you choose it to be." She looked at the creature and waited for a its reaction.


Syrax's molten eyes shimmered brightly as the beam of light reflected off of them. The brilliant radiance seemed to ball up and drift over to one of the platforms in the distance before melding into the ground.

Now that he knew what to do the wyvern arose back into the skies and began to repeat the process with the remaining pillars.

(@Light going to bed now. Farewell.)
( Night! )

The creature seemed to brighten up at the mention of both the last rites and allowing it to pass on as well.

Once Syrax finishes with the other pillars, glowing orbs of light were floating above all platforms. They seemed to be waiting for a key.
Light said:
( @Tazmodo @Lotusy @GingerBread @DizjayDeathPride @CelticSol @LokiofSP @DaManofWar )
Grimmavus summons Cthulu and minimizes its size to that of a pomeranian. "From now on you shall accompany my friend Oshalia and I. You lack order, mercy, and balance. I will make you experience the hell you are foretold to inflict upon others. Once I deem you ready to interact with the world around you I shall set you free. Though until then everything you do is dependant upon my decisions. The more you present yourself as if you're learning something the sooner you get to leave and I'll allow you to stay amongst others. Each time you stray more than 10 feet of me or if you attempt to make any form of contact with Oshalia, your leash will forcefully extract your soul. Think of it as a leash made of soul chains that show you exactly what it feels like to be the victim of your own power..." Grimmavus kneels down to Cthulu and opens his hands. "This is for your own future well-being. I don't want to fight you over something that can be resolved now. I'm going to protect you from the rest of the world, this is not a cage it's a barricade. They say you can't be controlled but I can assure you I will. Are there any conditions if your own that you'd like to add to the new companionship we temporarily have?"

( @DaManofWar You can pilot him. )
Cthulhu went right back to R'lyeh, to sleep for another thousand years, not wishing to be disturbed by some retarded little Grimm shit. Seriously, the planets haven't even aligned, Cthulhu cannot come out yet.
They both chuckle

Inaro points to Scott smile and laughing while looking at Cole. I like this guy he's funny. Inaro turns his head back with a straight face. Ready when you are. @Tazmodo

Crimson shakes his head and creates a clone from rage energy. The clone disappears in a crimson light to only appear in next to Ryan. The Clone kicks Ryan just to get his attention. Idiot they want their mom plain and simple. If the conditions were like they can't before I'll say put in earplugs, but since Carnage and Julius was only joking, and gave control back to Morgan and Alice you should bring them back now. @Light @DizjayDeathPride
The movement of the drawstrings on Fola's hood quickened, by this point disappointment turned to concern, "Alright, what are you trying to tell me here? What am I supposed to do?! Give me a clue here!" Attempting to push those thoughts from his head and keep a straight face, he attempted to make his posture look as relaxed as it once was, but he was still stiff as could be, "Want an honest opinion? Alright, here's one, I think whatever is in there is going to help us with our goal f saving an entire fucking family. A family you're killing the longer you keep us here! That an honest enough opinion?"

@Light @GingerBread
GingerBread said:
I warned you, tough luck bitch Vance thought bitterly as he kept his eyes shut and continued sleeping, not making any effort to move or even acknowledge Cassandra.

@DizjayDeathPride (This will probably be the last post of me ignoring her, cause it's hard to think of things :P )
Cassandra leaned closer, putting her face in his. "I see you breathing Vance. So you're not dead. Did I give you a concussion? Crack your delicate skull?" She moved and stepped over him, going back to his bed. "Whenever you're ready to stop faking, I'll be up here"

@Tazmodo[/URL] )

Red and Blue couldn't really talk, they finally realize this and begin to panic with more years. It seemed like these two could potentially become endless fire and water. They wanted their mother and at this moment Alice had taken back over.

"Morgan! Where are my children?!" Alice crosses her arms and taps her foot swiftly. Her mother senses were tingling but she couldn't find her children at all.

Morgan shrugs her shoulder and points behind her. "I don't know, ask Ryan." Morgan notices that Ryan isn't behind her and sighs. "Oh well, he probably took them."

( Night! )

The creature seemed to brighten up at the mention of both the last rites and allowing it to pass on as well.

Once Syrax finishes with the other pillars, glowing orbs of light were floating above all platforms. They seemed to be waiting for a key.

Morpheus' consciousness quickly left the body and went to a clone growing out of the tree. The clone sucked back in while everything was being destroyed

( ! ) Morpheus' cane grew out of the ground, its mouth already open with red crackling Destruction flowing inside of it. It sucked in everything. The bolts, the ground, the single tree. Everything. Every time something was destroyed, it sucked more in harder. It woukdnt stop until Ashlyn herself was sucked in and destroyed. Morpheus' voice rang through the cartoon place they were at. "This is my domain, Ashlyn. All of existence is my domain. I am sorry about this"

( ! ) Morpheus had remembered her little 'escape reality' tactics and was already waiting at that point as well. He stood in the exit of Reality, anticipating her escape. He twirled another cane and slammed it down, a pulse radiating. All of the outside fizzled, cloated with Morpheus Juices, ready to devour her the moment she left. He whistled to himself and made more clones for company

Death looked back over to the two and shrugged. "C'est la vie, right?" She turned her attention to the guardian and sighed. "What more truth do you want than that? Unless you're implying I'm the one with too much negativity. By all means, don't mistake my sarcastic remarks as 'lack of conviction.' Sorry guardian but I am Death. The Order and Balance. There is nothing more leveled than me. That isn't cocky boasting. Thats a simple fact"


The moment the clone entered the Realm of Twilight without permission, thousands of various sized spikes of Twilight pierced through him in all directions, coated in his Life-Force Absorption, draining him completely to nothing very quickly since it was just a clone of energy. A defense he had already pre-set up in case Carnage tried to break in for the kids.

Ryan looked over to the skewered man that quickly disappeared as the spikes sucked back into the realm. "Well that wasn't Alice. Crimson right? Okay. Taking that as good news" He went back over the children and smiled. "I have good news little ones! Your mother is back in control! So I'm taking you back. But your cups are too big to enter Morgan's room. So I'm going to have to shrink them down, okay?" He started to shrink the cups slowly, hoping the children would comply and wouldn't spill over the edge

He felt an uncomfortable burning on his TDR symbol.
Great. There goes Morpheus again adding people. I wonder what poor victim he grabbed this time



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Ling Po, the Golden Monk, sat listening to the sounds of the wind. He was on an island. How he got there was his doing. Nobody else needed to know of it.

He was sitting on a beach, mediating. He had a habit of doing that. The energy of the universe flowed through into him, and he let it out. He was chanting an old song from his homeland. He felt a disturbance in the energy of the island. The wind had picked up. A storm had begun. And there was chaos. Ling Po could feel chaos.

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DaManofWar said:
Cthulhu went right back to R'lyeh, to sleep for another thousand years, not wishing to be disturbed by some retarded little Grimm shit. Seriously, the planets haven't even aligned, Cthulhu cannot come out yet.
( Alright cool. Killing Cthulhu you can no longer summon him. Hammy Frankenstein lost his little deity. )

The moment Cthulhu leaves Grimm's side, his soul was removed and his existence was deleted.
LokiofSP said:
The movement of the drawstrings on Fola's hood quickened, by this point disappointment turned to concern, "Alright, what are you trying to tell me here? What am I supposed to do?! Give me a clue here!" Attempting to push those thoughts from his head and keep a straight face, he attempted to make his posture look as relaxed as it once was, but he was still stiff as could be, "Want an honest opinion? Alright, here's one, I think whatever is in there is going to help us with our goal f saving an entire fucking family. A family you're killing the longer you keep us here! That an honest enough opinion?"
Light said:
"You both lack the conviction to even come near the orb of negativity. It shall consume you just by looking at it. Why are you here for the Black Orb? Only honest opinions and intentions shall let you pass."
Fola could still feel Ashlyn hugging him.
"I-I just want to stop D-Death from getting it. I-I don't want t-to even see it myself, I just wanted to m-make sure it d-doesn't fall into the w-wrong hands.... B-but I can see you've got that c-covered" Colin nervously moved backwards a bit so that he was nearer to Fola and could hide behind him if anything happened.

DizjayDeathPride said:
Cassandra leaned closer, putting her face in his. "I see you breathing Vance. So you're not dead. Did I give you a concussion? Crack your delicate skull?" She moved and stepped over him, going back to his bed. "Whenever you're ready to stop faking, I'll be up here"
Vance stood up and glared at Cassandra "No. You can leave. I warned you that if you didn't show up within 5 minutes I would pretend you didn't exist. Because I didn't really enjoy being sent on a scavenger hunt by some bitch with self confidence issues that got even more upset just because I asked her what was wrong and how I could help. So I'll give you one last chance. You either tell me what's wrong or you can fuck off for good" Vance crossed his arms and continued glaring at Cassandra, waiting to see what she would do.
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GingerBread said:
"I-I just want to stop D-Death from getting it. I-I don't want t-to even see it myself, I just wanted to m-make sure it d-doesn't fall into the w-wrong hands.... B-but I can see you've got that c-covered" Colin nervously moved backwards a bit so that he was nearer to Fola and could hide behind him if anything happened.
Vance stood up and glared at Cassandra "No. You can leave. I warned you that if you didn't show up within 5 minutes I would pretend you didn't exist. Because I didn't really enjoy being sent on a scavenger hunt by some bitch with self confidence issues that got even more upset just because I asked her what was wrong and how I could help. So I'll give you one last chance. You either tell me what's wrong or you can fuck off for good" Vance crossed his arms and continued glaring at Cassandra, waiting to see what she would do.
Cassie glared at him for a moment then slowly started to smile. "You actually looked for me?" Her smile got wider and she poked his stomach. "You caaaare!" She got up and hugged Vance "You really care! Awwwww" She hopped off and sat on the edge of his bed, patting next to her. "I was upset because you didn't care. You just burn me. So I wanted to see if you'd actually try for me. I'm sorry I didn't hear your warning. I went here to see if you'd just give up immediately or try"
DizjayDeathPride said:
Cassie glared at him for a moment then slowly started to smile. "You actually looked for me?" Her smile got wider and she poked his stomach. "You caaaare!" She got up and hugged Vance "You really care! Awwwww" She hopped off and sat on the edge of his bed, patting next to her. "I was upset because you didn't care. You just burn me. So I wanted to see if you'd actually try for me. I'm sorry I didn't hear your warning. I went here to see if you'd just give up immediately or try"
"So that was the entire problem? That you thought I didn't care? So you thought the best way to test that would be to send me on a scavenger hunt?" Vance sighed and sat down next to Cassandra "I really hate you, you know that?" Vance shook his head "But why were you sleeping in my bed anyway?"

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GingerBread said:
"So that was the entire problem? That you thought I didn't care? So you thought the best way to test that would be to send me on a scavenger hunt?" Vance sighed and sat down next to Cassandra "I really hate you, you know that?"

Cassie smirked evily and poked his nose. "No you don't. You searched for me." The corners of her mouth poked up widely and her eyes squinted. "You like Cassie don't you Vancey?"

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/Screenshot_2016-02-03-09-48-51.png.977eda93960e007c7479d97b68c0ced7.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="103636" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/Screenshot_2016-02-03-09-48-51.png.977eda93960e007c7479d97b68c0ced7.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

She started poking his stomach, singing as she did so. "Vancey likes Cassie. Vancey likes Cassie. Vancey likes Caaaaasie"



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DizjayDeathPride said:
Cassie smirked evily and poked his nose. "No you don't. You searched for me." The corners of her mouth poked up widely and her eyes squinted. "You like Cassie don't you Vancey?"
View attachment 231166

She started poking his stomach, singing as she did so. "Vancey likes Cassie. Vancey likes Cassie. Vancey likes Caaaaasie"
Vance grabbed Cassandra's hand and stopped her from poking him "Yes, I cared about you. But that was before you sent me on a stupid fucking scavenger hunt to test that" Vance sighed as he let go of Cassandra's hand "But what pissed me off more is that you didn't even have a real problem, you just thought I didn't care. which I did I just don't show it often. Which after getting amnesia and then cutting yourself off from people for six years, will happen. And why the hell are you calling me 'Vancey'. My name is Vance, there is no Y on the end"

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GingerBread said:
Vance grabbed Cassandra's hand and stopped her from poking him "Yes, I cared about you. But that was before you sent me on a stupid fucking scavenger hunt to test that" Vance sighed as he let go of Cassandra's hand "But what pissed me off more is that you didn't even have a real problem, you just though I didn't care. which I did I just don't show it often. Which after getting amnesia and then cutting yourself off from people for six years, will happen. And why the hell are you calling me 'Vancey'. My name is Vance, there is no Y on the end"

Cassie looked at him, to the right, back to him, then to the right again. Then back to him. She tilted her head, confused. "I.. it's... It's a nickname.... It's a term of endearment.. I...... Wow.. Okay. So in relationships, the parties involved will come up with cute pet names to call the other. For example, Vancey. It sounds cuter than Vance. Thus, it's your pet name from me. Oh let me clarify, a relationship is a bond between two individuals, positive and negative. Our relationship would be friendly. Vancey"
DizjayDeathPride said:
Cassie looked at him, to the right, back to him, then to the right again. Then back to him. She tilted her head, confused. "I.. it's... It's a nickname.... It's a term of endearment.. I...... Wow.. Okay. So in relationships, the parties involved will come up with cute pet names to call the other. For example, Vancey. It sounds cuter than Vance. Thus, it's your pet name from me. Oh let me clarify, a relationship is a bond between two individuals, positive and negative. Our relationship would be friendly. Vancey"
Vance took a deep breath before sighing "No. Who told you our relationship was positive? It may have been if you didn't just send me on a stupid scavenger hunt for no real reason" Vance sighed and dragged his hands down his face "So, moving on from all that stupid crap. I'm pretty sure something is happening with Ashlyn and her sisters. But I wasn't paying any attention because I was following your stupid clues. So do you have any idea what's going on? Cause I'd love to kill someone right now"

GingerBread said:
Vance took a deep breath before sighing "No. Who told you our relationship was positive? It may have been if you didn't just send me on a stupid scavenger hunt for no real reason" Vance sighed and dragged his hands down his face "So, moving on from all that stupid crap. I'm pretty sure something is happening with Ashlyn and her sisters. But I wasn't paying any attention because I was following your stupid clues. So do you have any idea what's going on? Cause I'd love to kill someone right now"

"Oh yeah. The organization I work for is trying to capture Ashlyn and her sister and/or ki them. Quite frankly I don't care I joined as an excuse to find you. I found you. I'm satisfied. If they harm the girls thats not my problem. I'm sure they're attacking the guild or something right now. Killing. Hunting. Etc. Not my life, not my problem"


Richard, having finished up Reap business and sending Damian home, figured it was time to finally try to talk to Alexandria again. It had been awhile and as her friend he should check on her. He was alone on the top story. He closed the windows and leaned back on his desk. "Hey.. Alexandria. It's Richard. Are you free?"
DizjayDeathPride said:
"Oh yeah. The organization I work for is trying to capture Ashlyn and her sister and/or ki them. Quite frankly I don't care I joined as an excuse to find you. I found you. I'm satisfied. If they harm the girls thats not my problem. I'm sure they're attacking the guild or something right now. Killing. Hunting. Etc. Not my life, not my problem"
"Wow. And you only telling me this now why? Cause this could've been useful information. I mean I kinda have to protect Ashlyn. Not all of us have fucking amazing powers. Mine were kinda shit, but because of this guild and I'm assuming by proxy, Ashlyn they're not. and if Ashlyn is dead then I lose most of my stuff. So I can't let that happen" Vance stood up and grabbed a dagger from a drawer that was full of them "So I'm going to go kill some people who are probably way stronger than me. So I'll see you either later or in the afterlife"

GingerBread said:
"Wow. And you only telling me this now why? Cause this could've been useful information. I mean I kinda have to protect Ashlyn. Not all of us have fucking amazing powers. Mine were kinda shit, but because of this guild and I'm assuming by proxy, Ashlyn they're not. and if Ashlyn is dead then I lose most of my stuff. So I can't let that happen" Vance stood up and grabbed a dagger from a drawer that was full of them "So I'm going to go kill some people who are probably way stronger than me. So I'll see you either later or in the afterlife"

Cassie sighed and laid back. "Im sorry you feel that way Vancey. Ill hold down the fort here, okay? Try to come back to me in one piece. Otherwise I have to be evil and do anything it takes to bring you back. Probably trade my soul for yours. All that cliché movie romance gunk."
DizjayDeathPride said:
Cassie sighed and laid back. "Im sorry you feel that way Vancey. Ill hold down the fort here, okay? Try to come back to me in one piece. Otherwise I have to be evil and do anything it takes to bring you back. Probably trade my soul for yours. All that cliché movie romance gunk."
"If I die, you are not going to bring me back. Understand? I'm cool with dying. Don't have a problem with it at all. So don't waste your soul on me. You'll become a ginger. And no one likes gingers" Vance walked out the door before walking back in after a couple of seconds "Right. I have no idea where anyone is or where this crap is going down. So, Since you're a part of that little evil group. You mind telling me where to go to kill them?"

GingerBread said:
"If I die, you are not going to bring me back. Understand? I'm cool with dying. Don't have a problem with it at all. So don't waste your soul on me. You'll become a ginger. And no one likes gingers" Vance walked out the door before walking back in after a couple of seconds "Right. I have no idea where anyone is or where this crap is going down. So, Since you're a part of that little evil group. You mind telling me where to go to kill them?"
"Killing is an ugly word," said Ling Po. He was now sitting directly in the middle of the room, in full view of both Vance and Cassandra. "Use the correct term of vanquish. That is how one combats evil. You vanquish it." Though it didn't look like it, Ling Po was moderately tired from getting here. Using the Buddha statue for teleportation always had that affect on him. Ling Po closed his eyes and began chanting again, an old Tibetan chant to ward off evil.

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