Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
DaManofWar said:
"Killing is an ugly word," said Ling Po. He was now sitting directly in the middle of the room, in full view of both Vance and Cassandra. "Use the correct term of vanquish. That is how one combats evil. You vanquish it." Though it didn't look like it, Ling Po was moderately tired from getting here. Using the Buddha statue for teleportation always had that affect on him. Ling Po closed his eyes and began chanting again, an old Tibetan chant to ward off evil.
What the hell is with people and my room? Always my room they can't appear you know outside of it can they" Vance muttered bitterly to himself before shooting a harsh glare in Ling Po's direction "I'm not combatting evil, I'm killing people as in, My dagger is going to go through their windpipe and I'm going to watch them slowly choke on their own blood as the life fades from their eyes. That is killing someone" Vance looked at Cassandra "Anyway Cass. Do you know him or can I kill him? Cause, well he look's religious. I don't like religious people, I can tolerate them. But when they appear in my room and then say some preachy bullcrap. I stop tolerating them"

@DizjayDeathPride @DaManofWar
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GingerBread said:
What the hell is with people and my room? Always my room they can't appear you know outside of it can they" Vance muttered bitterly to himself before shooting a harsh glare in Ling Po's direction "I'm not combatting evil, I'm killing people as in, My dagger is going to go through their windpipe and I'm going to watch them slowly choke on their own blood as the life fades from their eyes. That is killing someone" Vance looked at Cassandra "Anyway Cass. Do you know him or can I kill him? Cause, well he look's religious. I don't like religious people, I can tolerate them. But when they appear in my room and then say some preachy bullcrap. I stop tolerating them"

@DizjayDeathPride @DaManofWar
Ling Po opened an eye. "To be fair, I sensed strange energy coming from this room. That is why I am here. I see it is emitting from you." Ling Po continued his speech. "I only seek to vanquish evil. You are not the evil that must be vanquished." Ling then stood up, and bent his back, resulting in some popping noises. "I will help you in defeating those who are of the darkness in heart and spirit. You probably haven't heard of me. My name is Ling Po, the Golden Monk."
DaManofWar said:
Ling Po opened an eye. "To be fair, I sensed strange energy coming from this room. That is why I am here. I see it is emitting from you." Ling Po continued his speech. "I only seek to vanquish evil. You are not the evil that must be vanquished." Ling then stood up, and bent his back, resulting in some popping noises. "I will help you in defeating those who are of the darkness in heart and spirit. You probably haven't heard of me. My name is Ling Po, the Golden Monk."
"Well here I am. I'm not really sure how I'm not evil considering I'm a contract killer or assassin if you will. Who kills people for money and takes pride in what he does. And enjoys it" Vance shrugged and continued glaring at him "Anyway. I really couldn't give less of a shit about who you are. I'm pretty sure I've already stated I don't like religion. I'm an atheist. Which is kinda weird now that I think about it. Considering I've met Lucy the fallen Cherub or was it angel. Ehh he seemed like a baby anyway so probably a cherub" Vance shrugged again "Anyway. Back on topic. I don't know you. I don't care who you are. And I don't like you. So I'd suggest leaving or dying. I don't mind which one you pick"

@DizjayDeathPride @DaManofWar
Clair coughed. "Dude I've known you for an hour or two tops. Sure you're cute and I like you you but don't you think love is a little of a strong word?" She didn't care about the hologram or whatever it was. She backed up from him. "Like all we did was sleep together and then had an argument."
DizjayDeathPride said:
Cassandra leaned closer, putting her face in his. "I see you breathing Vance. So you're not dead. Did I give you a concussion? Crack your delicate skull?" She moved and stepped over him, going back to his bed. "Whenever you're ready to stop faking, I'll be up here"

Morpheus poked his chest and the TDR symbol branded itself on his right breast. As well, he could feel the guild symbol flow through him and brand itself wherever he so chose

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(You are yellow)

Morpheus clapped and the two appeared in the guild hall. "The guild symbol allows you to teleport wherever you so choose across his lovely planet and connect telepathically to the other members. We have a nifty ranking up system that will make you big and strong! We get paid in sooooolid gooooold briiiicks when we finish missions. And your symbol will lead you to your personalized room! How cool is that? Now I actually do have something I need to do. World domination and all that. So I will see you around Kay? And remember: Morpheus is always watching. Always." He smiled at Julius then turned around, morphing down to a brown squirrel and scurrying away

Morpheus' consciousness quickly left the body and went to a clone growing out of the tree. The clone sucked back in while everything was being destroyed

( ! ) Morpheus' cane grew out of the ground, its mouth already open with red crackling Destruction flowing inside of it. It sucked in everything. The bolts, the ground, the single tree. Everything. Every time something was destroyed, it sucked more in harder. It woukdnt stop until Ashlyn herself was sucked in and destroyed. Morpheus' voice rang through the cartoon place they were at. "This is my domain, Ashlyn. All of existence is my domain. I am sorry about this"

( ! ) Morpheus had remembered her little 'escape reality' tactics and was already waiting at that point as well. He stood in the exit of Reality, anticipating her escape. He twirled another cane and slammed it down, a pulse radiating. All of the outside fizzled, cloated with Morpheus Juices, ready to devour her the moment she left. He whistled to himself and made more clones for company

Death looked back over to the two and shrugged. "C'est la vie, right?" She turned her attention to the guardian and sighed. "What more truth do you want than that? Unless you're implying I'm the one with too much negativity. By all means, don't mistake my sarcastic remarks as 'lack of conviction.' Sorry guardian but I am Death. The Order and Balance. There is nothing more leveled than me. That isn't cocky boasting. Thats a simple fact"


The moment the clone entered the Realm of Twilight without permission, thousands of various sized spikes of Twilight pierced through him in all directions, coated in his Life-Force Absorption, draining him completely to nothing very quickly since it was just a clone of energy. A defense he had already pre-set up in case Carnage tried to break in for the kids.

Ryan looked over to the skewered man that quickly disappeared as the spikes sucked back into the realm. "Well that wasn't Alice. Crimson right? Okay. Taking that as good news" He went back over the children and smiled. "I have good news little ones! Your mother is back in control! So I'm taking you back. But your cups are too big to enter Morgan's room. So I'm going to have to shrink them down, okay?" He started to shrink the cups slowly, hoping the children would comply and wouldn't spill over the edge

He felt an uncomfortable burning on his TDR symbol.
Great. There goes Morpheus again adding people. I wonder what poor victim he grabbed this time

It was a lot of information for Julius to process but he made due. "Ok" He focused on the guild. He felt it radiating like a beacon on the other side of the planet. He teleported to the guild and went into his room. He put some things down and laid on the bed.
Light said:
( ! ) Ashlyn emits a wave of obliteration through telekinesis and pushes them back. The wave of subatomic obliteration spreads outwards and doesn't stop. Ashlyn makes sure to have it come out it countless ripples from her body. Her body begins to heal as she punches the ground once more, this time it was for the waves to move even faster. Ashlyn has storm clouds form above the area and drop countless lightning bolts and veils of light, specifically targeting anything that survived obliteration. The lightning bolts and light veils were used for smiting and would target even a fractured atom if it survived the obliteration.
( No but now that you've said it the next temple will. )

"You both lack the conviction to even come near the orb of negativity. It shall consume you just by looking at it. Why are you here for the Black Orb? Only honest opinions and intentions shall let you pass."

Fola could still feel Ashlyn hugging him.

( @Tazmodo )

Red and Blue couldn't really talk, they finally realize this and begin to panic with more years. It seemed like these two could potentially become endless fire and water. They wanted their mother and at this moment Alice had taken back over.

"Morgan! Where are my children?!" Alice crosses her arms and taps her foot swiftly. Her mother senses were tingling but she couldn't find her children at all.

Morgan shrugs her shoulder and points behind her. "I don't know, ask Ryan." Morgan notices that Ryan isn't behind her and sighs. "Oh well, he probably took them."

( Night! )

The creature seemed to brighten up at the mention of both the last rites and allowing it to pass on as well.

Once Syrax finishes with the other pillars, glowing orbs of light were floating above all platforms. They seemed to be waiting for a key.
Jackson sat down in the hallway. He thought about what had happened when he became chocolate and what he had told the Morpheus's. He didn't know what happened to them after but at this moment he was to pissed to care. He tried calming down and took a deep breath.
The creature appeared to be keen on the idea of passing on with its friend and Arwyn was not one to prevent such an admirable action. "So be it then." she said before walking over to the crumpled remains of the beast's companion. Dragonfire clung to her sword as Arwyn held it up above her head for a moment, chanting a couple of silent words before driving it down into the rocky ground inches from where the dead man lay. It bit into the ground as if the sedimentary rock was nothing more than butter and stood upright while burning tendrils snaked in an elaborate pattern along the newly made cut.

Arwyn gripped its hilt tightly and knelt down with her head bowed, as if in prayer, and muttered the words that she had said to so many of her friends as well as dead faces she would never come to know.

She ended it with the customary rites she had learned from her order. "Wayward souls, know the warmth of the sun. May it's illumination guide your path and guard your soul from all evil. May you be with the light from now on and for all time and may it be that your paths never lead into darkness."

As soon as the last words escaped her lips a golden glow settled upon the corpse and quickly sparked into a flame of the same color. However the flames emitted no heat, as if they were not truly there, and seemed to cause the corpse to slowly fade away rather than shrivel and combust. Tiny particles of light soon began to collect above the man like a swarm of fireflies, formed from the fast disappearing body.

Arwyn allowed the cloud of embers to form into a thick cloud and approached the reptilian creature with her dagger, preparing to drive the blade between its ribs while it was distracted. It surprised Arwyn completely whenever the glowing lights moved towards the beast by their own will and began to circle around him, slowly at first and then speeding up steadily. With each turn the physical form of the reptile also began to slowly deteriorate into glittering orbs.

Dawn's Heart shimmered merrily as it levitated above the two, filling the dragon knight's head with a soft and sweet symphony similar to that of distant chiming.


"The only thing left must be a key." Syrax grumbled as he watched the orbs of light hover above their respective platforms. He swung his tail slowly back and forth as he tried to think of any other hints that were on the map. "It showed the seven pillars, which I activated, but not a key..." he thought.

(RIP lizard and dude :C

Ruby felt a disturbance in the forest.a crow cawed before swooping down and landing on a branch on her home, I stuck my head out through the tree.

"Reaper!Reaper!" It cawed before flying away. Ruby's heart would have been raising if she was alive, but since she wasn't she just went paler then a ghost.she flew as fast as she could out of her beloved forest.

DizjayDeathPride said:
The moment the clone entered the Realm of Twilight without permission, thousands of various sized spikes of Twilight pierced through him in all directions, coated in his Life-Force Absorption, draining him completely to nothing very quickly since it was just a clone of energy. A defense he had already pre-set up in case Carnage tried to break in for the kids.

Ryan looked over to the skewered man that quickly disappeared as the spikes sucked back into the realm. "Well that wasn't Alice. Crimson right? Okay. Taking that as good news" He went back over the children and smiled. "I have good news little ones! Your mother is back in control! So I'm taking you back. But your cups are too big to enter Morgan's room. So I'm going to have to shrink them down, okay?" He started to shrink the cups slowly, hoping the children would comply and wouldn't spill over the edge

He felt an uncomfortable burning on his TDR symbol.
Great. There goes Morpheus again adding people. I wonder what poor victim he grabbed this time
Red and Blue had no control over themselves and spilled out of the cups.

LokiofSP said:
The movement of the drawstrings on Fola's hood quickened, by this point disappointment turned to concern, "Alright, what are you trying to tell me here? What am I supposed to do?! Give me a clue here!" Attempting to push those thoughts from his head and keep a straight face, he attempted to make his posture look as relaxed as it once was, but he was still stiff as could be, "Want an honest opinion? Alright, here's one, I think whatever is in there is going to help us with our goal f saving an entire fucking family. A family you're killing the longer you keep us here! That an honest enough opinion?"

@Light @GingerBread
DizjayDeathPride said:
Death looked back over to the two and shrugged. "C'est la vie, right?" She turned her attention to the guardian and sighed. "What more truth do you want than that? Unless you're implying I'm the one with too much negativity. By all means, don't mistake my sarcastic remarks as 'lack of conviction.' Sorry guardian but I am Death. The Order and Balance. There is nothing more leveled than me. That isn't cocky boasting. Thats a simple fact"
GingerBread said:
"I-I just want to stop D-Death from getting it. I-I don't want t-to even see it myself, I just wanted to m-make sure it d-doesn't fall into the w-wrong hands.... B-but I can see you've got that c-covered" Colin nervously moved backwards a bit so that he was nearer to Fola and could hide behind him if anything happened.
"Nothing, I just offer hugs." Ashlyn responds to Fola mentally.

The guardian opens the gate, revealing a sandy shore and water. On the other side there was another gate and a shore. In the center of the this body of water there was another guardian.

DizjayDeathPride said:
Morpheus' consciousness quickly left the body and went to a clone growing out of the tree. The clone sucked back in while everything was being destroyed
( ! ) Morpheus' cane grew out of the ground, its mouth already open with red crackling Destruction flowing inside of it. It sucked in everything. The bolts, the ground, the single tree. Everything. Every time something was destroyed, it sucked more in harder. It woukdnt stop until Ashlyn herself was sucked in and destroyed. Morpheus' voice rang through the cartoon place they were at. "This is my domain, Ashlyn. All of existence is my domain. I am sorry about this"

( ! ) Morpheus had remembered her little 'escape reality' tactics and was already waiting at that point as well. He stood in the exit of Reality, anticipating her escape. He twirled another cane and slammed it down, a pulse radiating. All of the outside fizzled, cloated with Morpheus Juices, ready to devour her the moment she left. He whistled to himself and made more clones for company
Ashlyn waves her hand and the threat stops, having taken over the domain.

DizjayDeathPride said:
Richard, having finished up Reap business and sending Damian home, figured it was time to finally try to talk to Alexandria again. It had been awhile and as her friend he should check on her. He was alone on the top story. He closed the windows and leaned back on his desk. "Hey.. Alexandria. It's Richard. Are you free?"
"I I don't know.... I guess..." Alexandria's voice rings throughout his mind.

Juju said:
The creature appeared to be keen on the idea of passing on with its friend and Arwyn was not one to prevent such an admirable action. "So be it then." she said before walking over to the crumpled remains of the beast's companion. Dragonfire clung to her sword as Arwyn held it up above her head for a moment, chanting a couple of silent words before driving it down into the rocky ground inches from where the dead man lay. It bit into the ground as if the sedimentary rock was nothing more than butter and stood upright while burning tendrils snaked in an elaborate pattern along the newly made cut.
Arwyn gripped its hilt tightly and knelt down with her head bowed, as if in prayer, and muttered the words that she had said to so many of her friends as well as dead faces she would never come to know.

She ended it with the customary rites she had learned from her order. "Wayward souls, know the warmth of the sun. May it's illumination guide your path and guard your soul from all evil. May you be with the light from now on and for all time and may it be that your paths never lead into darkness."

As soon as the last words escaped her lips a golden glow settled upon the corpse and quickly sparked into a flame of the same color. However the flames emitted no heat, as if they were not truly there, and seemed to cause the corpse to slowly fade away rather than shrivel and combust. Tiny particles of light soon began to collect above the man like a swarm of fireflies, formed from the fast disappearing body.

Arwyn allowed the cloud of embers to form into a thick cloud and approached the reptilian creature with her dagger, preparing to drive the blade between its ribs while it was distracted. It surprised Arwyn completely whenever the glowing lights moved towards the beast by their own will and began to circle around him, slowly at first and then speeding up steadily. With each turn the physical form of the reptile also began to slowly deteriorate into glittering orbs.

Dawn's Heart shimmered merrily as it levitated above the two, filling the dragon knight's head with a soft and sweet symphony similar to that of distant chiming.


"The only thing left must be a key." Syrax grumbled as he watched the orbs of light hover above their respective platforms. He swung his tail slowly back and forth as he tried to think of any other hints that were on the map. "It showed the seven pillars, which I activated, but not a key..." he thought.

(RIP lizard and dude :C

Once Arwyn passed the test she began to glow in a golden aura, immediately being thrown back out towards Syrax. She floats into the center, being held up by lights similar to the orbs. The light soaks into Arwyn's skin and drops her, possibly answering Syrax's question.

Fluffykitty9000 said:
Ruby felt a disturbance in the forest.a crow cawed before swooping down and landing on a branch on her home, I stuck my head out through the tree.
"Reaper!Reaper!" It cawed before flying away. Ruby's heart would have been raising if she was alive, but since she wasn't she just went paler then a ghost.she flew as fast as she could out of her beloved forest.

The reaper begins to float after Ruby. "Just make this easier on the both of us."
Fola let out a confused sound, "That-Why-You know what? Nevermind. Do you have any advice for this place, anything we might be surprised about?" Fola looked at the next Guardian with a very disappointed look, "That's it? Gaurdception? Where's the giant bolder chase scene we go through right before we find this thing? Where's the tribe of insane natives trying to kill us? No massive temple or dungeon? Man, this place is a letdown."

@Light @GingerBread
Light said:
The guardian opens the gate, revealing a sandy shore and water. On the other side there was another gate and a shore. In the center of the this body of water there was another guardian.
LokiofSP said:
Fola let out a confused sound, "That-Why-You know what? Nevermind. Do you have any advice for this place, anything we might be surprised about?" Fola looked at the next Guardian with a very disappointed look, "That's it? Gaurdception? Where's the giant bolder chase scene we go through right before we find this thing? Where's the tribe of insane natives trying to kill us? No massive temple or dungeon? Man, this place is a letdown."

@Light @GingerBread
Colin looked at the next guardian nervously and stepped backwards so that he was behind Fola "Wh-what? Why would you want those things to happen? D-do you want to be in d-danger?" Colin was confused by Fola's odd request "B-but do you want to go ahead. Just in case s-something does try to attack us?"

@LokiofSP @DizjayDeathPride @Light
Light said:
Red and Blue had no control over themselves and spilled out of the cups.
"Nothing, I just offer hugs." Ashlyn responds to Fola mentally.

The guardian opens the gate, revealing a sandy shore and water. On the other side there was another gate and a shore. In the center of the this body of water there was another guardian.

Ashlyn waves her hand and the threat stops, having taken over the domain.

"I I don't know.... I guess..." Alexandria's voice rings throughout his mind.

Once Arwyn passed the test she began to glow in a golden aura, immediately being thrown back out towards Syrax. She floats into the center, being held up by lights similar to the orbs. The light soaks into Arwyn's skin and drops her, possibly answering Syrax's question.

The reaper begins to float after Ruby. "Just make this easier on the both of us."
Ryan panicked and just expanded the cups to four times their size so that they wouldn't just overflow immediately again. He left the Realm and appeared outside of Morgan's castle with the two cups behind him. He yelled inside to Alice and Morgan, "MISS ALICE! I HAVE RED AND BLUE! I KEPT THEM SAFE FROM CARNAGE IN MY TWILIGHT REALM SO NOTHING WOULD HAPPEN TO THEM BUT THEY MISS YOU AND KEEP CRYING! PLEASE COME HELP THEM I DON'T KNOW WHAT I'M DOING I'M TERRIBLE WITH KIDS HOW DO I HELP THEM REFORM THEY'RE SO LARGE THESE CUPS ARE ALMOST FILLED AGAIN OH MY GOD I CAN'T BE A PARENT I'M SO SORRY LITTLE ONES PLEASE!"

( ! ) The cane sucked back into the domain and released Carnage-Reparations all throughout, devouring everything rapidly. Without Morpheus' control over the domain, it began to break apart rapidly, having nothing to stop Carnage-Reparations from going wild and fully eating Ashlyn

Morpheus continued to stay out of existence and waited for her, curious.
Well now wasn't that a nice trick. Very well Ashlyn. Very well

"Would you mind seeing me? I mean only if you want to. As your friend I just wanted to check up on you"

Death continued forward, on to the next guardian, ready to start the next trial
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Fola began to walk forward, he shook his head, "No, I don't WANT to get attacked, it's just...I'm looking for something fun, something adventurous and fulfilling, the guild so far has just been allot of sadness..."

@GingerBread @Light
LokiofSP said:
Fola began to walk forward, he shook his head, "No, I don't WANT to get attacked, it's just...I'm looking for something fun, something adventurous and fulfilling, the guild so far has just been allot of sadness..."

@GingerBread @Light
"H-how is getting attacked fun? getting attacked can bring sadness, L-like with A-Anna..." Colin went silent as he gingerly followed behind Fola "B-but I-I'd rather you didn't get attacked. N-not just because I'd have to heal you but because y-you seem nice. I-if a little abrasive"

@LokiofSP @Light
"It's the kind of attacked it is, ya know? When I was a kid I used to love swashbuckling adventure books, the one where the main hero is cocky and dashing, where the adventure is life threatening, but fun... Used to want to live in one of those books, but when I tried to it wasn't the life for me... Still though, it was a good bit of fun for what it was worth, and if I'm working in life threatening environment I'd want it to be that one..." Fola shrugged, "You never dream about that life as a kid? Ever play Pirates with your friends? It was that kind of just pure adventure I want..."

LokiofSP said:
Fola let out a confused sound, "That-Why-You know what? Nevermind. Do you have any advice for this place, anything we might be surprised about?" Fola looked at the next Guardian with a very disappointed look, "That's it? Gaurdception? Where's the giant bolder chase scene we go through right before we find this thing? Where's the tribe of insane natives trying to kill us? No massive temple or dungeon? Man, this place is a letdown."

@Light @GingerBread
GingerBread said:
Colin looked at the next guardian nervously and stepped backwards so that he was behind Fola "Wh-what? Why would you want those things to happen? D-do you want to be in d-danger?" Colin was confused by Fola's odd request "B-but do you want to go ahead. Just in case s-something does try to attack us?"
@LokiofSP @DizjayDeathPride @Light
( @DizjayDeathPride )

Once they walk into the next room, the ceiling begins to crumble upon them and the water begins to boil. Three bridges appear for them to cross the water with, each having their own purpose.

DizjayDeathPride said:
Ryan panicked and just expanded the cups to four times their size so that they wouldn't just overflow immediately again. He left the Realm and appeared outside of Morgan's castle with the two cups behind him. He yelled inside to Alice and Morgan, "MISS ALICE! I HAVE RED AND BLUE! I KEPT THEM SAFE FROM CARNAGE IN MY TWILIGHT REALM SO NOTHING WOULD HAPPEN TO THEM BUT THEY MISS YOU AND KEEP CRYING! PLEASE COME HELP THEM I DON'T KNOW WHAT I'M DOING I'M TERRIBLE WITH KIDS HOW DO I HELP THEM REFORM THEY'RE SO LARGE THESE CUPS ARE ALMOST FILLED AGAIN OH MY GOD I CAN'T BE A PARENT I'M SO SORRY LITTLE ONES PLEASE!"
( ! ) The cane sucked back into the domain and released Carnage-Reparations all throughout, devouring everything rapidly. Without Morpheus' control over the domain, it began to break apart rapidly, having nothing to stop Carnage-Reparations from going wild and fully eating Ashlyn

Morpheus continued to stay out of existence and waited for her, curious.
Well now wasn't that a nice trick. Very well Ashlyn. Very well

"Would you mind seeing me? I mean only if you want to. As your friend I just wanted to check up on
Alice groans and rubs her temples. "Alright, where are they?"

Ashlyn keeps her body from using the certain elements that's it possesses to counter such an attack since under normal circumstances it work. Due to this and the conditions her second seal breaks. After this she allows her body to go through her natural process, which assures her seals that she's safe, making the second seal reform. "There.. you've passed."

Alexandria appears not too far away from Richard behind him. "A-alright." She hides herself behind her wing.
Light said:
Once they walk into the next room, the ceiling begins to crumble upon them and the water begins to boil. Three bridges appear for them to cross the water with, each having their own purpose.
Colin watched the three bridges appear, not noticing the ceiling start to crumble and the water boil. "D-does this mean we have to s-split up? I-I don't want to be by myself... I wish Anna was here..." Colin gripped his staff tightly in an attempt to get his hands to stop shaking.

Light said:
( @DizjayDeathPride )
Once they walk into the next room, the ceiling begins to crumble upon them and the water begins to boil. Three bridges appear for them to cross the water with, each having their own purpose.

Alice groans and rubs her temples. "Alright, where are they?"

Ashlyn keeps her body from using the certain elements that's it possesses to counter such an attack since under normal circumstances it work. Due to this and the conditions her second seal breaks. After this she allows her body to go through her natural process, which assures her seals that she's safe, making the second seal reform. "There.. you've passed."

Alexandria appears not too far away from Richard behind him. "A-alright." She hides herself behind her wing.
A man in red armor appears and punches Ryan into the wall of the castle knocking him out. He takes to vial and takes red and blue. He makes sure that the eyes are in the vial. Their power to expand Luke they did in the cups were negated. "Alice I only want you. Your kids are safe. But you on the other hand are a different story. Surrender yourself and I will let them go." He had the vials in his hand. Jackson rushes out of the castle with a hammer of fire and light ready to hit the guy. The man swats him like a fly. "I also got your little birdie here." He broke Jackson's arm just for fun. @DizjayDeathPride
Light said:
( @DizjayDeathPride )
Once they walk into the next room, the ceiling begins to crumble upon them and the water begins to boil. Three bridges appear for them to cross the water with, each having their own purpose.

Alice groans and rubs her temples. "Alright, where are they?"

Ashlyn keeps her body from using the certain elements that's it possesses to counter such an attack since under normal circumstances it work. Due to this and the conditions her second seal breaks. After this she allows her body to go through her natural process, which assures her seals that she's safe, making the second seal reform. "There.. you've passed."

Alexandria appears not too far away from Richard behind him. "A-alright." She hides herself behind her wing.
Ryan continued to expand the cups along with the kids inside. "See these giant ass Twilight things? They're in there. I'm so sorry I broke your children I just wanted to protect them" Ryan didn't expect to be attacked and flew through the wall, passing out on impact. The Twilight disappeared without his consciousness and the kids spilled

Death ignored it all and walked down the center path. She just wanted to end this already

Richard turned and gave her a light bow. "Thank you for coming. If you would allow me to be so forward, I felt the pain from Christina. And her orb. Is it safe to assume you have one as well? Would you like me to guard it for you so that the evil people do not obtain it? I have a close trusted friend of mine I want you to meet. I am not actually from this realm. So I can't be the one to protect it. But I know for a fact that my friend would guard it with his life for you. Will you allow him to do that?"

The land around digitally fell down like the Matrix and the two were back in the field. Morpheus could feel the power flowing through him as he finally ascended to the final step. He appeared in front of her and went to one knee, resting his left elbow on his left knee, the fist in the shoulder blade of his right arm that was pointed straight down, fist on the ground and the right knee touching the ground. He held his head low to her and barely spoke. "Thank you Milady. I am sorry if I hurt you" The existence of Absolute Defense was created once more but he didn't raise his head yet. "I apologize for how needy I am but I have one last request. Will you allow me to guard your orb? I fear the organization is getting close to their goal. I can feel everything. They're close to one now."
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Embaga Elder]They both chuckle [COLOR=#000000]Inaro points to Scott smile and laughing while looking at Cole.[/COLOR][COLOR=#808080] [/COLOR] [COLOR=#808080]I like this guy he's funny. [/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]Inaro turns his head back with a straight face.[/COLOR][COLOR=#808080] Ready when you are.[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000] He said with a grin. Cole looked at the two men and continued to smoke.[/COLOR][URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/17275-tazmodo/ said:
Tazmodo said:
A man in red armor appears and punches Ryan into the wall of the castle knocking him out. He takes to vial and takes red and blue. He makes sure that the eyes are in the vial. Their power to expand Luke they did in the cups were negated. "Alice I only want you. Your kids are safe. But you on the other hand are a different story. Surrender yourself and I will let them go." He had the vials in his hand. Jackson rushes out of the castle with a hammer of fire and light ready to hit the guy. The man swats him like a fly. "I also got your little birdie here." He broke Jackson's arm just for fun. @DizjayDeathPride
Within Luke's hands a Crimson light flashes and the vials were gone and NOW in Alice's hands as Crimson walks around the corner looking at Luke. His aura flowing off of him in a calm relaxed way. One question. Do like the feeling of death? He asked coldly. @Tazmodo @DizjayDeathPride @Light
Tazmodo said:
Clair coughed. "Dude I've known you for an hour or two tops. Sure you're cute and I like you you but don't you think love is a little of a strong word?" She didn't care about the hologram or whatever it was. She backed up from him. "Like all we did was sleep together and then had an argument."
Scar was confused. He thought that was what love is..."But..." his eyes became cold. "Fine. You can just get yourself killed for all I care. If I'm in your way, you can kill me, too. Why should it matter to me?"Scar then back handed Clair across the face. He followed up by grabbing her by the throat with both hands. "But I won't go down without a fight!"

Hans smiled. He tapped a finger against his cheek. "Perfect...." he murmured.


GingerBread said:
"Well here I am. I'm not really sure how I'm not evil considering I'm a contract killer or assassin if you will. Who kills people for money and takes pride in what he does. And enjoys it" Vance shrugged and continued glaring at him "Anyway. I really couldn't give less of a shit about who you are. I'm pretty sure I've already stated I don't like religion. I'm an atheist. Which is kinda weird now that I think about it. Considering I've met Lucy the fallen Cherub or was it angel. Ehh he seemed like a baby anyway so probably a cherub" Vance shrugged again "Anyway. Back on topic. I don't know you. I don't care who you are. And I don't like you. So I'd suggest leaving or dying. I don't mind which one you pick"
@DizjayDeathPride @DaManofWar
Ling Po was calm and cool in the face of danger. "I shall thus take my leave." Before he left, however, he gave the girl a small wink. "You make a good couple," he told them both. With that, his eyes glowed gold, and he vanished.

When he reappeared, he coughed, and stretched his back. "Oh, that really is a pain," he said softly. He sat down to mediate again, searching for the chaotic energy that plagued this island's balance.
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DizjayDeathPride said:
"Oh yeah. The organization I work for is trying to capture Ashlyn and her sister and/or ki them. Quite frankly I don't care I joined as an excuse to find you. I found you. I'm satisfied. If they harm the girls thats not my problem. I'm sure they're attacking the guild or something right now. Killing. Hunting. Etc. Not my life, not my problem"
"I am sorry, but this has to be done." Earl and two shadow knight appeared in front of the girl out of nowhere. The two shadow knights pulled their sword near the girl's neck. While grabbing both of her arms.

"Do you mind to tell us more about the organisation?"

He was hiding in the illusion while spying on her, he was lucky enough to sense her malicious intention and overheard their conversation, he was pretty sure that she may have the answer to what was happening now and may hold the key to explaining what the mental message he received might mean.
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Dreamtique said:
"I am sorry, but this has to be done." Earl and two shadow knight appeared in front of the girl out of nowhere. The two shadow knights pulled their sword near the girl's neck. While grabbing both of her arms.
"Do you mind to tell us more about the organisation?"

He was hiding in the illusion while spying on her, he was lucky enough to sense her malicious intention and overheard their conversation, he was pretty sure that she may have the answer to what was happening now and may hold the key to explaining what the mental message he received might mean.
( ! ) "Actually I think I'll pass. But I admire the ambition" Her form turned into pure electricity, electrocuting them the longer they held her

GingerBread said:
Colin watched the three bridges appear, not noticing the ceiling start to crumble and the water boil. "D-does this mean we have to s-split up? I-I don't want to be by myself... I wish Anna was here..." Colin gripped his staff tightly in an attempt to get his hands to stop shaking.
DizjayDeathPride said:
Death ignored it all and walked down the center path. She just wanted to end this already
( @LokiofSP )

Once Death stepped on to a bridge, it broke apart and left her standing on one broken platform of it.

Embaga Elder]Within Luke's hands a Crimson light flashes and the vials were gone and NOW in Alice's hands as Crimson walks around the corner looking at Luke. His aura flowing off of him in a calm relaxed way. [COLOR=#b30000]One question. Do like the feeling of death? [/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]He asked coldly. [/COLOR][URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/17275-tazmodo/ said:
Tazmodo said:
A man in red armor appears and punches Ryan into the wall of the castle knocking him out. He takes to vial and takes red and blue. He makes sure that the eyes are in the vial. Their power to expand Luke they did in the cups were negated. "Alice I only want you. Your kids are safe. But you on the other hand are a different story. Surrender yourself and I will let them go." He had the vials in his hand. Jackson rushes out of the castle with a hammer of fire and light ready to hit the guy. The man swats him like a fly. "I also got your little birdie here." He broke Jackson's arm just for fun. @DizjayDeathPride
DizjayDeathPride said:
Ryan continued to expand the cups along with the kids inside. "See these giant ass Twilight things? They're in there. I'm so sorry I broke your children I just wanted to protect them" Ryan didn't expect to be attacked and flew through the wall, passing out on impact. The Twilight disappeared without his consciousness and the kids spilled
Currently in Alice's eyes, Crimson was the best protector since he managed to save her kids. Alice releases them from the vials in their small forms and holds them to her tightly. "Shhh.. it's okay. You're in your element. You're in control... your existence is manipulated by no one but yourself. Listen to my voice and my voice alone... You are at peace. Emotions flow in your favor... turmoil will drift away. Imagine yourself in your birth realm." Red and Blue begin to calm down as Alice talks away to them.

DizjayDeathPride said:
Richard turned and gave her a light bow. "Thank you for coming. If you would allow me to be so forward, I felt the pain from Christina. And her orb. Is it safe to assume you have one as well? Would you like me to guard it for you so that the evil people do not obtain it? I have a close trusted friend of mine I want you to meet. I am not actually from this realm. So I can't be the one to protect it. But I know for a fact that my friend would guard it with his life for you. Will you allow him to do that?"
The land around digitally fell down like the Matrix and the two were back in the field. Morpheus could feel the power flowing through him as he finally ascended to the final step. He appeared in front of her and went to one knee, resting his left elbow on his left knee, the fist in the shoulder blade of his right arm that was pointed straight down, fist on the ground and the right knee touching the ground. He held his head low to her and barely spoke. "Thank you Milady. I am sorry if I hurt you" The existence of Absolute Defense was created once more but he didn't raise his head yet. "I apologize for how needy I am but I have one last request. Will you allow me to guard your orb? I fear the organization is getting close to their goal. I can feel everything. They're close to one now."
"O-oh well that's nice but I need someone to guard me...so the temple barrier doesn't go down in the first place. I'm a-afraid of the temple. If the barrier does go down then s-sure. Unless you want it now..."

Ashlyn sighs and shrugs her shoulders. "That would be the Black Orb. My orb is the Red Orb. If you insist then yes you may."
Light said:
( @LokiofSP )
Once Death stepped on to a bridge, it broke apart and left her standing on one broken platform of it.

Currently in Alice's eyes, Crimson was the best protector since he managed to save her kids. Alice releases them from the vials in their small forms and holds them to her tightly. "Shhh.. it's okay. You're in your element. You're in control... your existence is manipulated by no one but yourself. Listen to my voice and my voice alone... You are at peace. Emotions flow in your favor... turmoil will drift away. Imagine yourself in your birth realm." Red and Blue begin to calm down as Alice talks away to them.

"O-oh well that's nice but I need someone to guard me...so the temple barrier doesn't go down in the first place. I'm a-afraid of the temple. If the barrier does go down then s-sure. Unless you want it now..."

Ashlyn sighs and shrugs her shoulders. "That would be the Black Orb. My orb is the Red Orb. If you insist then yes you may."
Embaga Elder]Within Luke's hands a Crimson light flashes and the vials were gone and NOW in Alice's hands as Crimson walks around the corner looking at Luke. His aura flowing off of him in a calm relaxed way. [COLOR=#b30000]One question. Do like the feeling of death? [/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]He asked coldly. [/COLOR][URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/17275-tazmodo/ said:
The man didn't care. The vial were impossible to opened for anyone outside the organization. They were death's vials. So far things were going according to plans. He whistled and the man in the mask apoeared. He picked Jackson up by the hair and tapped his forehead and dropped him. "Have fun with that one." The man disappeared. Jackson's eyes glowed orange. The man in the armor merely watched. "Alice if you win I'll free your kids fair and square. But you know. That's if."

( ! )

Jackson's armed healed and glared at Crimson. In his mind he saw the red armored man. He made a massive hammer of fire and light. It extended and smashed down on Crimson make an explosion. For some reason Jackson was fighting differently and more recklessly.

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