Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
Tazmodo said:
Jackson didn't like this. He looked to Ryan then back to the girls. He heard them looking for Emily. "Shit" He ran after the girls full speed. "Emily don't do it! It isn't her!" Jackson shots beams of light at both of them hoping to get their attention. He had a little sign on his back that said "Van Fen'rir castle guest." Hoping that the reapers wouldn't attack.
@Tazmodo[/URL] @Light
Neither of them were stopped by Crimson's blast since they weren't angry, more excited than anything. Julius releases his own pulse of raw witch mana that begins to devour the pulse Crimson released. Carnage and Julius just devoured the beams of light once they grew close to them and smiled, these two children had a long way to go if they wanted to stop them. Carnage runs on the ceiling while Julius runs on the ground underneath him. They both turn around and release a blast of carnage magic and raw witch mana from their mouth that fills the enter hallway and combines into one beam. The beam potentially could wipe out the existence of life it touches since carnage magic devours anything it touches and raw witch mana will devour the soul, energy, power, and mana. While those two had to deal with the beam Carnage and Julius end up giving them the slip in the maze like castle.

The reapers didn't care about guests but they decided to wait until they saved the children before they make their move.
There was a moment of weird stuff going on with Ashyln, sure, but Fola hadn't acted just yet. He thought she had it under control. But when she left he found himself in a predicament, he was stuck where he was unless he thought off something... He COULD have gone back to the guild, but Ashyln did say something about one of her sisters being captured... Fola sighed and shook his head, focusing on guild leader herself, he needed to figure out what her deal was. Why she was so sad, and which one had been captured.

Light said:
( ! ) Once the clones make contact with her the force they carried and their bodies were stopped in place. She teleports out of this little cluster and leaves them stuck there. She stares at Morpheus and suddenly he's beings stretched apart on a subatomic level while telekinetic blasts occur on each individual cell on his body. The blasts make the cells and atoms spread apart more, almost making him taffy that would die in time. Ashlyn looks at the cluster of clones and they suddenly burst apart into blood, bone, and flesh to become a spear. Her eyes dart back at Morpheus and the spear flies towards him, the tip so sharp it touches only a single subatomic particle. The sharp point rapidly pulls all of the scattered Morpheus back together so fast it could only spark high energy and friction. Which she could make a deadly explosion with since Morpheus's body was becoming the explosion and it was being pulled into that one point. Making it extremely hard to escape himself of that particle was acting like a personal exploding black hole.
( @Embaga Elder @Tazmodo )

A smile develops on Alice's face as she slowly begins to stand up. Two wings made of carnage magic spring from her shoulder blades, four spots on each side of her back appear and erupt with carnage magic every few times like the sun and it's solar plumes. Vine like symbols were on her skin and wet pulsing with red, as if it were blood moving throughout the veins. Her eyes were completely black with the addition of foggy carnage magic flowing through them, as if her eyes were dark rooms with red fog. Her saliva was now liquid carnage magic and her blood carried the substance as well. "I am pretty hungry. Oh! Julius my old friend... how are you? It's been a long time y'know. Do you mind helping me with babysitting? I'll let you devour the children's souls, mana, and energy if you help me. I've never been the best at hide and go seek."

Morgan's hair turns white, a simple gesture to alert those around her that Julius has taken over. "I have no real reason to say no. Why not?" Both Carnage and Julius swiftly leave the room to hunt down the children.

"Little appetizers! Why don't you show your mommy where you are? Emily I can show you one of your favourite colors if you do. If you're a good girl and show yourself I'll get you something nice!" Carnage and Julius were swiftly running down halls since they knew where they were going. They ran on the side of walls or ceilings if they had to for the best traction to accelerate.

Emily heard her mother's voice and was heading towards it eagerly.

The guardian allows her to pass after Christina. Christina was sliding her hands along a wall, inspecting the area.
Morpheus' eyes shot wide has was leaving the body. His mind jumped to one of the closer clones to Ashlyn she held in place, leaving the other body. The body he harboured melded the land up and he left its consciousness to that when she went to destroy the cluster

Morpheus stood a few feet behind her and tilted her head, plucking out a strand of his hair. "Well now Ashlyn... Very well"

( ! ) Morpheus tossed the strand and as it floated, a line of him appeared next to each other. They all looked at her, sending a telepathic pulse wave of
psychic energy, bombarding her mind and forcing her brain's blood vessels to explode. The clones never stayed in place, swirling around her so rapidly that they made solid blue ring with a 10ft radius all around her. They continued to emit this pulse, bursting her brain

( ! ) On the first blood vessel, one of the Morpheus' emitted a different pulse, throwing her into an illusion. Various psychic animals charged at her, clawing at her. Cutting her and making her flesh boil and burst with every touch. Outside of the illusion, her skin burst open from where it was touched within the illusion
Light said:
( ! ) Once the clones make contact with her the force they carried and their bodies were stopped in place. She teleports out of this little cluster and leaves them stuck there. She stares at Morpheus and suddenly he's beings stretched apart on a subatomic level while telekinetic blasts occur on each individual cell on his body. The blasts make the cells and atoms spread apart more, almost making him taffy that would die in time. Ashlyn looks at the cluster of clones and they suddenly burst apart into blood, bone, and flesh to become a spear. Her eyes dart back at Morpheus and the spear flies towards him, the tip so sharp it touches only a single subatomic particle. The sharp point rapidly pulls all of the scattered Morpheus back together so fast it could only spark high energy and friction. Which she could make a deadly explosion with since Morpheus's body was becoming the explosion and it was being pulled into that one point. Making it extremely hard to escape himself of that particle was acting like a personal exploding black hole.
( @Embaga Elder @Tazmodo )

A smile develops on Alice's face as she slowly begins to stand up. Two wings made of carnage magic spring from her shoulder blades, four spots on each side of her back appear and erupt with carnage magic every few times like the sun and it's solar plumes. Vine like symbols were on her skin and wet pulsing with red, as if it were blood moving throughout the veins. Her eyes were completely black with the addition of foggy carnage magic flowing through them, as if her eyes were dark rooms with red fog. Her saliva was now liquid carnage magic and her blood carried the substance as well. "I am pretty hungry. Oh! Julius my old friend... how are you? It's been a long time y'know. Do you mind helping me with babysitting? I'll let you devour the children's souls, mana, and energy if you help me. I've never been the best at hide and go seek."

Morgan's hair turns white, a simple gesture to alert those around her that Julius has taken over. "I have no real reason to say no. Why not?" Both Carnage and Julius swiftly leave the room to hunt down the children.

"Little appetizers! Why don't you show your mommy where you are? Emily I can show you one of your favourite colors if you do. If you're a good girl and show yourself I'll get you something nice!" Carnage and Julius were swiftly running down halls since they knew where they were going. They ran on the side of walls or ceilings if they had to for the best traction to accelerate.

Emily heard her mother's voice and was heading towards it eagerly.

The guardian allows her to pass after Christina. Christina was sliding her hands along a wall, inspecting the area.
(Imma assume Red and Blue are together. If not, I'll go Red first)

Ryan blinked and activated his Nephalem energy perception eyes. He scanned the castle until he found the little red and blue whispy energies he was looking for. Red and blue. He appeared in front of them in a dim flash of light, careful not to hurt their little eyes. He crouched down to them and smiled kindly, his eyes closed. "Hi. My name is Ryan. I'm a friend of Morgan, your aunt. I was in the room with your mother earlier, remember? Before you scurried off. Your mother is worried sick and looking all over for you. Would you mind coming with me? Ill take you to her. She's sent out a search party. Like... Hide and seek? And whoever gets back to her first wins!" He extended his hands for them to hop on and his smile got less wide and bright and more calm and gentle

Death gave a slight bow and followed in after Christina, quickly appearing next to her. "Sorry about that. Lead the way"
Crimson teleports to the other end of the blast appearing at its starting point. This is gonna piss me off. I already know it. Crimson sighs, then sniffs the air getting the scents of the kids. Emily her I come. Crimson disappears in dim flicker of red light to only appear in front of Emily the same way. Hey little one. He said with a smile. @Light
Light said:
There seemed to be a guardian in front of the temple staring at Colin. "Who are you?" It seemed peaceful.
Light said:
Christina passes by Death and walks into the entrance of the temple, the barrier drops momentarily when she does. The guardian stops Death and holds out a paper. "Licence, Address, phone number, email address and the works before you can enter."
Colin watched as death entered the temple Maybe I should go.... but this place might be really important Colin was conflicted on what to do but turned to the guardian, deciding that if he was told he couldn't he wouldn't push it and he'd just go and see if he could tell someone stronger in the guild. "I-I'm Colin. C-can I enter p-please?" Colin was really wishing Anna was here with him, just in case anything bad happened or just so he had some comfort and someone to reassure him that it was going to be okay.

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LokiofSP said:
There was a moment of weird stuff going on with Ashyln, sure, but Fola hadn't acted just yet. He thought she had it under control. But when she left he found himself in a predicament, he was stuck where he was unless he thought off something... He COULD have gone back to the guild, but Ashyln did say something about one of her sisters being captured... Fola sighed and shook his head, focusing on guild leader herself, he needed to figure out what her deal was. Why she was so sad, and which one had been captured.
( Are you trying to teleport to her? You want me to send visions? )

DizjayDeathPride said:
Morpheus' eyes shot wide has was leaving the body. His mind jumped to one of the closer clones to Ashlyn she held in place, leaving the other body. The body he harboured melded the land up and he left its consciousness to that when she went to destroy the cluster
Morpheus stood a few feet behind her and tilted her head, plucking out a strand of his hair. "Well now Ashlyn... Very well"

( ! ) Morpheus tossed the strand and as it floated, a line of him appeared next to each other. They all looked at her, sending a telepathic pulse wave of
psychic energy, bombarding her mind and forcing her brain's blood vessels to explode. The clones never stayed in place, swirling around her so rapidly that they made solid blue ring with a 10ft radius all around her. They continued to emit this pulse, bursting her brain

( ! ) On the first blood vessel, one of the Morpheus' emitted a different pulse, throwing her into an illusion. Various psychic animals charged at her, clawing at her. Cutting her and making her flesh boil and burst with every touch. Outside of the illusion, her skin burst open from where it was touched within the illusion
Ashlyn casts her Absolute Defense field to push away all of the clones, the illusions, and attacks. It was like a time of peace on the field. Ashlyn floats and heals, thinking about when she'd most likely put her field down.

DizjayDeathPride said:
(Imma assume Red and Blue are together. If not, I'll go Red first)
Ryan blinked and activated his Nephalem energy perception eyes. He scanned the castle until he found the little red and blue whispy energies he was looking for. Red and blue. He appeared in front of them in a dim flash of light, careful not to hurt their little eyes. He crouched down to them and smiled kindly, his eyes closed. "Hi. My name is Ryan. I'm a friend of Morgan, your aunt. I was in the room with your mother earlier, remember? Before you scurried off. Your mother is worried sick and looking all over for you. Would you mind coming with me? Ill take you to her. She's sent out a search party. Like... Hide and seek? And whoever gets back to her first wins!" He extended his hands for them to hop on and his smile got less wide and bright and more calm and gentle

Death gave a slight bow and followed in after Christina, quickly appearing next to her. "Sorry about that. Lead the way"
Red and Blue look at each other and then scurry into Ryan's palm.

Christina was already walking, it seemed like the trails shut down for her once she was passing through. She walks into a magic elevator, basically a tube of light then pushes you up or pulls you down. The magic elevator pulls Christina deeper into the temple.

"Emily has to look for mommy!" Emily seemed excited and tried to run around Crimson.

GingerBread said:
Colin watched as death entered the temple Maybe I should go.... but this place might be really important Colin was conflicted on what to do but turned to the guardian, deciding that if he was told he couldn't he wouldn't push it and he'd just go and see if he could tell someone stronger in the guild. "I-I'm Colin. C-can I enter p-please?" Colin was really wishing Anna was here with him, just in case anything bad happened or just so he had some comfort and someone to reassure him that it was going to be okay.
"No you may not!" Colin was closer to the entrance than the sitting guardian. The barrier was still down.
Light said:
( Are you trying to teleport to her? You want me to send visions? )
Ashlyn casts her Absolute Defense field to push away all of the clones, the illusions, and attacks. It was like a time of peace on the field. Ashlyn floats and heals, thinking about when she'd most likely put her field down.

Red and Blue look at each other and then scurry into Ryan's palm.

Christina was already walking, it seemed like the trails shut down for her once she was passing through. She walks into a magic elevator, basically a tube of light then pushes you up or pulls you down. The magic elevator pulls Christina deeper into the temple.

"Emily has to look for mommy!" Emily seemed excited and tried to run around Crimson.

"No you may not!" Colin was closer to the entrance than the sitting guardian. The barrier was still down.
Jackson was inches from the beam when he teleported to Crimson and saw Emily. "Emily don't please. It's not her. I promise. You have to trust me it's not her. If you go and anything happens she will be heart broke. Just please trust me." He did his best to persuade her.


Hans Frankenstein gazed outside from his balcony. Earth was what he saw. A book was right next to him. An old book. A dark book. One written by a mad Arab centuries ago. One that should never be opened. Only Hans had opened it, and learned it's secrets. The book was known as the Necronomicon.
Scar was resting comfortably on his bed. He had his arms wrapped around Clair, holding her gently. He stroked her back, sighing contently. "You're amazing," he whispered to her.

Light said:
"No you may not!" Colin was closer to the entrance than the sitting guardian. The barrier was still down.
Colin flinched when the guardian shouted at him "O-okay. I'll g-go" Colin noticed that he was closer the entrance and could still probably get in Is it worth it? I don't want to get hurt though.... But this orb seems important and death wants to kill ashlyn and her sisters whoever they are Colin looked between the guardian and the entrance before tapping his legs with his staff slightly and increasing their speed a bit before making a mad dash towards the entrance.

DaManofWar said:
Scar was resting comfortably on his bed. He had his arms wrapped around Clair, holding her gently. He stroked her back, sighing contently. "You're amazing," he whispered to her.
Clair was nuzzled on his chest. She was moving her finger up and down his chest. "You were too." She got up and sat on him. She bent down and kissed him then put her clothes on. "Anyways the attack starts soon." She opened a portal and went through it. It was still open if he wanted to follow her. She was outside the guild about twenty feet away. She opened several more portals. The squad of four came out along with a boy with swords and a girl with Pink stockings. An angel with black wings, a Cyborg girl with guns, a boy with white hair and a man in a cloak. The girl had two revolvers drawn.
LokiofSP said:
There was a moment of weird stuff going on with Ashyln, sure, but Fola hadn't acted just yet. He thought she had it under control. But when she left he found himself in a predicament, he was stuck where he was unless he thought off something... He COULD have gone back to the guild, but Ashyln did say something about one of her sisters being captured... Fola sighed and shook his head, focusing on guild leader herself, he needed to figure out what her deal was. Why she was so sad, and which one had been captured.
Fola was shown visions of the temple in Greenland that Colin was currently walking into. Christina was the girl whom got captured and Fola could see Ashlyn fighting Morpheus.

Tazmodo said:
Jackson was inches from the beam when he teleported to Crimson and saw Emily. "Emily don't please. It's not her. I promise. You have to trust me it's not her. If you go and anything happens she will be heart broke. Just please trust me." He did his best to persuade her.
"Oh! Is it Carnage?" Emily still seemed excited to meet him too.

GingerBread said:
Colin flinched when the guardian shouted at him "O-okay. I'll g-go" Colin noticed that he was closer the entrance and could still probably get in Is it worth it? I don't want to get hurt though.... But this orb seems important and death wants to kill ashlyn and her sisters whoever they are Colin looked between the guardian and the entrance before tapping his legs with his staff slightly and increasing their speed a bit before making a mad dash towards the entrance.

The guard runs after Colin but it wasn't fast enough. The barrier was about to go up soon but if one more person was fast enough they could make it in as well. ( #Fola @LokiofSP )
Light said:
Fola was shown visions of the temple in Greenland that Colin was currently walking into. Christina was the girl whom got captured and Fola could see Ashlyn fighting Morpheus.
"Oh! Is it Carnage?" Emily still seemed excited to meet him too.

The guard runs after Colin but it wasn't fast enough. The barrier was about to go up soon but if one more person was fast enough they could make it in as well. ( #Fola @LokiofSP )
Jackson took a serious tone. "Emily carnage isn't your friend. He isn't anyone's friend but bad people who want to hurt you. I was nearly killed a moment ago. We need to keep you hidden until Alice can take control again. Now do you understand how important it is that you stay hidden. Carnage will kill you right after killing me and Crimson so please stay hidden until Alice comes back. Your safety mean everything to me and Alice."
Tazmodo said:
Clair was nuzzled on his chest. She was moving her finger up and down his chest. "You were too." She got up and sat on him. She bent down and kissed him then put her clothes on. "Anyways the attack starts soon." She opened a portal and went through it. It was still open if he wanted to follow her. She was outside the guild about twenty feet away. She opened several more portals. The squad of four came out along with a boy with swords and a girl with Pink stockings. An angel with black wings, a Cyborg girl with guns, a boy with white hair and a man in a cloak. The girl had two revolvers drawn.
Scar thought for a second, then made up his mind. He got dressed, and followed after Clair. He looked over the squad. "So, this the rest of your group?" he asked Clair.

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Tazmodo said:
Jackson took a serious tone. "Emily carnage isn't your friend. He isn't anyone's friend but bad people who want to hurt you. I was nearly killed a moment ago. We need to keep you hidden until Alice can take control again. Now do you understand how important it is that you stay hidden. Carnage will kill you right after killing me and Crimson so please stay hidden until Alice comes back. Your safety mean everything to me and Alice."
"That's because carnage doesn't like you, he likes Emily! Carnage said he won't eat me right now, only when mommy is no longer being hunted! Carnage likes Emily! Carnage likes Emily!" Emily runs around Jackson in the direction of carnage.
Light said:
"That's because carnage doesn't like you, he likes Emily! Carnage said he won't eat me right now, only when mommy is no longer being hunted! Carnage likes Emily! Carnage likes Emily!" Emily runs around Jackson in the direction of carnage.
Jackson ran after her. "Emily no it's not safe I swear."

DaManofWar said:
Scar thought for a second, then made up his mind. He got dressed, and followed after Clair. He looked over the squad. "So, this the rest of your group?" he asked Clair.
Clair turned to him. "Some of them but there are more." She nodded to the fallen angel and a thunderstorm appeared. The boy with white hairs eyes started to glow. Tornadoes and hurricanes formed throughout the country. The white hair boy smiled as a ball of Choatic energy started to form. Volcanoes formed and exploded. Electrify started going out throught the country as well. The ball grew bigger.
Light said:
( Are you trying to teleport to her? You want me to send visions? )
Ashlyn casts her Absolute Defense field to push away all of the clones, the illusions, and attacks. It was like a time of peace on the field. Ashlyn floats and heals, thinking about when she'd most likely put her field down.

Red and Blue look at each other and then scurry into Ryan's palm.

Christina was already walking, it seemed like the trails shut down for her once she was passing through. She walks into a magic elevator, basically a tube of light then pushes you up or pulls you down. The magic elevator pulls Christina deeper into the temple.

"Emily has to look for mommy!" Emily seemed excited and tried to run around Crimson.

"No you may not!" Colin was closer to the entrance than the sitting guardian. The barrier was still down.
(This is a lot so imma break it up for you)

Morpheus stood in the field, tipping his hat. "Im actually intrigued. I missed a step." Morpheus sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Alright milady. Lesson learned."

Many clones of him appeared all over, raising the cane straight and pointed the head of the snake to Ashlyn. He turned it to 1'O'clock, two, three, so on until it was back to 12. He moved his lips, barely speaking

( ! ) "Break her mind and hold her still. Freeze her heart and age times nine. Blood to acid. Spine of jelly" The cane at this point was upside down.

( ! ) He twisted and turned the head to himself. "Pain times twenty. Drain her soul until she dies and drop the world upon her head. Fill her lungs until they burst and while you're at it, place the curse."

( ! ) He turned the cane back to 12 O'clock and pointed the head of the snake back to her and look at her sadly. "My words are law and must be carried out"

(!) They all slammed the cane down and the eyes of the snake head glew bright blue. The existence of Absolute Defense was eaten away and instantly by his specialized version of Carnage-Reparations. His ability of Law Manipulation kicked in and all 12 effects happened at once. Once the eyes flashed, Ashlyn's mind was ripped open and vulnerable to his attack. Kinetic Energy held her still. Her heart turned into a brick of ice and her skin started to rot away from the accelerated age. Her blood turned into hydrochloric acid and her spine turned into pure jelly. Her pain was magnified and her energy was rapidly draining. A giant chunk of landmass had been gathering above her, compressing into a thick dense orb and came cracrashing down on her with the sane force as if an actual planet had hit her, crashing her into the earth. Her lungs rapidly filled with water and exploded, and all of her powers were cursed to backfire on her.

The clones and Morpheus all stared at her scanning her mind for the slightest neurological impulse of movement to know exactly when and where she would move almost faster than she did, ready to strike if she tried

Ryan teleported to the Twilight Realm and placed them on little bean bag chair constructs of twilight sized just for them. He scratched his head and looked down. He didn't want the kids to hate him for lying but he didn't want them to run away and die. He rather risk telling them the truth and have them hate him than risk their lives.

"Red... Blue.... I have to be honest... Do you know the strange red magic that your mother harbors? She calls it... Carnage. He's taken over your mother and is trying to... Well.. eat you. You will be safe here. I promise. I won't let anything happen to you two, okay? Please don't be upset I just had to get you away from him, okay?"

Death followed closely behind, silent, ready to just get it over with. She could sense life forms coming near them and following. "Christina do hurry or I will kill the love of your life. If anyone gets your orb before me of course"
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Scar watched in wonder. "Clair, this...this is..." Scar was impressed by this display of power. However, he was also beginning to have second doubts. For one, he knew there was a child on the island, Theodore. He didn't exactly like the idea of killing children. Secondly, he didn't like the feel of energy coming from that ball. "May I ask if I can help in anyway?" Scar asked Clair. He wanted to do something at least.

Fola opened his eyes and shook his head, he was caught up now, made sense. Didn't want to teleport to a girl in a cage or something, that would suck so much. He stood up from his spot and pocketed his flask and dusted off his clothes. He stuck out his tongue as he fished out a five dollar tip for the meal he didn't have. He then pondered for a moment, he felt the temple was a place that the 'vision' was telling him to go to, but there was the other part of Ashyln fighting Morpheus...He'd met the guy very briefly, but he seemed like a nice guy. But he might have snapped, after all, Fola had only had like a three minute talk with the guy...

He shook his head, 'They're probably sparring...I think. I don't fucking know I'm not a Fortune Teller. Fuck it, Ima go to the temple, that's what happens when you ditch me for the umteenth time in two days...'

So he telported to Collin.

@GingerBread @Light
DaManofWar said:
Scar watched in wonder. "Clair, this...this is..." Scar was impressed by this display of power. However, he was also beginning to have second doubts. For one, he knew there was a child on the island, Theodore. He didn't exactly like the idea of killing children. Secondly, he didn't like the feel of energy coming from that ball. "May I ask if I can help in anyway?" Scar asked Clair. He wanted to do something at least.
Clair turned to him. "Well after we destroy the guild we'll have to kill the members. Thats when you come in you get to fight with us and after if you join us officially we'll remove everything that sets you back and weakens you. Trust me this is for the best this guild is the root of all the problems that have been happening. This is for the greater good." The ball of energy had grown bigger by the second. "Any moment now and the guild hall is destroyed. Again."
Tazmodo said:
Clair turned to him. "Well after we destroy the guild we'll have to kill the members. Thats when you come in you get to fight with us and after if you join us officially we'll remove everything that sets you back and weakens you. Trust me this is for the best this guild is the root of all the problems that have been happening. This is for the greater good." The ball of energy had grown bigger by the second. "Any moment now and the guild hall is destroyed. Again."
@Light @Dreamtique @Embaga Elder @djinnamon @Juju @Lotusy @Austria @GingerBread @DizjayDeathPride @CelticSol @LokiofSP @TheMADQ @The Otaku Diaries @DaManofWar @Veyd Sahvoz @Sh3w0lfSp1r1t @Daimao (The guild hall is about to blow)
Tazmodo said:
Clair turned to him. "Well after we destroy the guild we'll have to kill the members. Thats when you come in you get to fight with us and after if you join us officially we'll remove everything that sets you back and weakens you. Trust me this is for the best this guild is the root of all the problems that have been happening. This is for the greater good." The ball of energy had grown bigger by the second. "Any moment now and the guild hall is destroyed. Again."
Scar's eyes widened. What? But...she can't just kill them! Scar was completely against the thought of just senselessly slaughtering so many people. It was against his better nature. He clenched his hand into a fist. Now I see...she may care about me, and I her, but if she is willing to go this far.....Scar walked up to the boy with energy ball. He debated with himself what to do. He wasn't sure he completely liked the guild, but just killing them was....

"I'm sorry Clair," he told her sorrowfully. He kicked the boy with energy ball clean in the back, trying to stop him. "I'm not the type to just kill people because they are part of a guild."
DaManofWar said:
Scar's eyes widened. What? But...she can't just kill them! Scar was completely against the thought of just senselessly slaughtering so many people. It was against his better nature. He clenched his hand into a fist. Now I see...she may care about me, and I her, but if she is willing to go this far.....Scar walked up to the boy with energy ball. He debated with himself what to do. He wasn't sure he completely liked the guild, but just killing them was....
"I'm sorry Clair," he told her sorrowfully. He kicked the boy with energy ball clean in the back, trying to stop him. "I'm not the type to just kill people because they are part of a guild."
Clair smirked. "I knew you wouldn't go along with it. It's a shame I actually liked you." The boy was unfazed due to the amount of choas throughout the area the ball only stopped for a moment until he got back up and focused. The guy with the swords drew a normal one and walked to Scar. "Time to die." He slashed at Scar and made the wind blow him off balance. He knew he was slow and that made it easy.
Tazmodo said:
Clair smirked. "I knew you wouldn't go along with it. It's a shame I actually liked you." The boy was unfazed due to the amount of choas throughout the area the ball only stopped for a moment until he got back up and focused. The guy with the swords drew a normal one and walked to Scar. "Time to die." He slashed at Scar and made the wind blow him off balance. He knew he was slow and that made it easy.
Scar gasped as he was hit by the wind. He stumbled backwards, then felt his heartbeat quicken. He slammed his foot down hard, creating a tremor. "So, did you really care about me Clair? DID YOU?!?" Scar felt his anger. His eye became bloodshot. Scar raised both hand above his head, and slammed them into the ground, launching a massive shockwave, designed to throw everyone off balance. He glared at Clair. Did you really care about me?

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