Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
DizjayDeathPride said:
(Sleep well)
Death chuckled and shook her head. "I dont care about your powers Colin. I care about YOU. You are far much more than your power. Yes, I domain who lives and who dies. But I don't control free will. And under such, Annalyse here has taken you as her own. I want you to join me because she has. And if I'm not trying to kill her friend. If you join me it'll be easier for everyone, wouldn't you agree?"

Morpheus shook his head, continuing to look around. "No, I'm not. My name is Morpheus. But I'm not THE Morpheus. Just... one of them. He usually calls us by color and it really hurts my feelings.. Our... feelings. I would be 'Purple' Morpheus. But I've never understood why our colors matter. We're all Morpheus in the end. I wish he would view us as equals.." Morpheus' voice was becoming more and more sad and emotional, causing Jackson's mind to show him the most painful of emotional memories. Shocking, Alice came up first. Morpheus watched the scene sadly, weeping inside for Jackson. "I wish I could help you but... that's cheating and.. and cheating is bad"

Jackson didn't know what to do. "Morpheus please. I don't want to expose myself like this. Don't make me relive these things. It hurts enough as it is." A memory played in his mind. It was when he confessed to her. All she did was stair at him for a little while then turned and left him there. He remembered the crushing feeling of regret as if he had just ruined any chance he ever had of her. The memory ended and Jackson was silent. After a minute passed he finally spoke. "Morpheus please if you can't help me then just get out of my head. That was the most painful thing I've ever been through. So please just do something I only want to know if she is safe." He sounded defeated and didn't want to go on. The only thing keeping him from quiting is the fact that he doesn't know.
[QUOTE="The Otaku Diaries]One of the cards turned into many pieces of glass shards. All of them had sharp edges like blades. It had enough for all the cards so the glass shards flew towards each card. Ace hoped that the glass shards would be sharp enough to pierce the cards. Then straight after that, another card turned into a water tornado. The water tornado went towards the massive fireball.

The cards cut through the glass. "Don't you know how to make your cards strong. I thought you were a card user." Although they cut through it do slow them down. The tornadoes blows through the fire ball and gets Spade. She made a shield around her form with a silver card and protect her.
Tazmodo said:
Jackson didn't know what to do. "Morpheus please. I don't want to expose myself like this. Don't make me relive these things. It hurts enough as it is." A memory played in his mind. It was when he confessed to her. All she did was stair at him for a little while then turned and left him there. He remembered the crushing feeling of regret as if he had just ruined any chance he ever had of her. The memory ended and Jackson was silent. After a minute passed he finally spoke. "Morpheus please if you can't help me then just get out of my head. That was the most painful thing I've ever been through. So please just do something I only want to know if she is safe." He sounded defeated and didn't want to go on. The only thing keeping him from quiting is the fact that he doesn't know.
Morpheus stroked Jackson's helpless cheek gently, staring into his chocolate face. "Can I kill you Jackson? Save you from all of this pain and suffering you feel?" His voice was soft, remorseful. He truly wanted to help Jackson, by any means necessary
DizjayDeathPride said:
"My apologies. One, I don't hate the guild. I hate Ashlyn and her sisters. Two, I can help you become even stroke. Give you your apex power without the complicated fighting hassle. Three, I didn't drag you here. I gave you a file that would bring you here. It was opened upon your own free will. I provided the gun, you took the shot. Four, would you like me to give you a brief history of the people within the guild? And finally, there is not 'what it is we do.' We don't DO anything. This group has been created with the sole purpose of obtaining Ashlyn and her sisters. And to answer, I don't care when people die. Quite frankly, I could care less about any living being's life. Living or dying I will exist on. But I do have respect. And some people I respect. Them and their... life choices"
"I didn't open the file. Annalyse did, so I had no choice in the matter. And I don't care about how strong I am. I'm only a medic and there's only so much I can do with that and you even said yourself that you don't require a medic, But i'm sure the guild does. I don't really understand why you want me to join so badly. The way you went about it wasn't good either. If Annalyse was working for you, why couldn't she had been the one to talk to me about it? Since that's the only real reason you gave me for joining" Colin looked up and made eye contact with death for the first time since he's been here "I don't care about all of the stuff that's happening, I just want to help people. It's why I use my powers, I never have to use my powers since they hurt me more than they help me. But I do because I like helping people. I like seeing people smile. I like feeling like I've done something good. And you've just told me that the only reason your group was made was because you hate Ashlyn and her sisters, whoever they are. I can't join if your group was made purely because of hate. I've never hated anyone in my life and I don't intend to ever start hating people or helping people just because they hate people"

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DizjayDeathPride said:
Morpheus stroked Jackson's helpless cheek gently, staring into his chocolate face. "Can I kill you Jackson? Save you from all of this pain and suffering you feel?" His voice was soft, remorseful. He truly wanted to help Jackson, by any means necessary
Jackson grew mad. "I don't want to die! Sure things may be bad and I may want to give up but I can't. I still need Emily, Red and Blue to accept me and trust me. I need Alice to fall for me. I need to beet Crimson and prove to Alice that I'm worth her time. I don't care about the hardships I only care about her. None of this is worth anything if I can't be with her. The only reason I fight so hard is to be with her. So no. I refuse to die this way. I refuse to let Crimson be the favorite. Do not kill me. If you want to help me then give me the strength to protect the ones I love. If not then wait until my soul burns out because no matter how many times I die. A phoenix always emerges from the ashes burning with passion." He put all his emotions into his yelling.
Tazmodo said:
A masked man appeared in front of the girl. "Hey why the long face? Is something wrong?" He was sitting and posed her no harm.
Lotusy said:
Viktor looked at the kitten which had magically appeared on the girl's forehead with disdain as she left. "You make of shit motivation, cat. But heal nice." Something huge had been hurt in the girl, most likely her dignity or pride, as she fell too easily to his bullets. Viktor knew it was a bad idea, but he rolled his eyes, cupping his hands to his mouth. "Miss! Have wait! If strength not in you, I train to strength!"
"No! I'm too weak there's nothing you can really do. Thank you for the offer though, this guild... This lifestyle just isn't for me. No there's nothing wrong I'm just disappointed in myself." The girl begins to walk down the bridge path. "Thank you for your concern though." It was obvious she was lying. She wanted nothing more than to join Dragon's Roar. It was her dream ever since the stories of their exploits became public. Just like her organ that gave her powers that was defective due to her illness, she felt like a borderline failure. A regretful tear rolls down her cheek as she tries to hold in her inner frustration.

Embaga Elder] [COLOR=#b30000]Crimson followed along side Alice carrying Emily on his shoulders. [/COLOR][COLOR=#b30000][B]Who's Morgan?[/B][/COLOR][COLOR=#b30000] He asked Alice. [/COLOR][URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/10734-light/ said:
DizjayDeathPride said:
Ryan smiled and scratched his head nervously. "Well now you have two. Go... team" He closed his eyes and continued to scratch his head nervously to her
"This is Morgan!" Alice opens the door and all three of her kids race into the room, bombarding Morgan. "My uh... sister!" Alice grins but that grin rapidly falls when she notices Ryan in the room with her. "Uuuuhh..."

Morgan was ran over by the kids and falls to the ground. "Nice to see you all too. Alice this is Ryan, Ryan this is Alice. Ryan this is Emily, Red, and Blue. Emily, Red, and Blue this is Ryan. "

Alice is snapped back into reality and gestures to Crimson. "This is Crimson. Morgan we have an emergency and I need your assistance, Jackson was turned into chocolate by an attacker and we had to leave him behind. Can you find him and summon him?"

Morgan sighs and nods her head, this would take some time but she'd do it.

DizjayDeathPride said:
Evannia watched Cole and Sylvester's altercation through Sylvester's eyes. Behind her stood another girl, Elizabeth. "Got it. That's all I need. Yes I'm sure just distract him" She opened her palm and a nice black and purple orb floated. She clenched her hand and crushed it, swinging her arm to the side and cutting into this realm and Void Magic. She stuck her hand in and lifted the crack apart, smiling to Christina. "Hello again. I've missed you."

Elizabeth jumped through the crack, landing with Christina and Evannia let go, closing the rift she created.

Elizabeth had three swirling tails coming from her lower back. "Hi Chrisitna"
"Oh hello...." Christina new to be extremely careful in front of the two. She didn't know what they could do or what they were planning to do exactly. She did have a trump card, set up all around the room.

Juju said:
Syrax was looking up at the stripes made by the countless layers of rock when Grimm pointed to him and declared him the leader of the treasure hunt. His golden eyes shifted to Arwyn as his voice echoed in her mind. 'He is not serious, is he?'
there was a ponderous pause

'He is isn't he... why me?' a soft growl rumbled deep in the beast's chest.

Arwyn bit her lip so that the wyvern wouldn't see her emerging smile. 'Dragons are supposed to love gold, remember? Come on, we told him we would help him.'

An angry puff of smoke escaped Syrax's jaws at this. 'He is definitely making this up. This is foolish. I will not do it.' He finished with a lash of his tail as if to end the conversation.

Arwyn turned away from the grumpy wyvern and looked at Grim. "Our leader says that he will guide us to these seven -uh- cities in just a moment!" As she said this she patted Syrax on his shoulder. This resulted in her having to dodge a clumsy bite from his jaws. Of course there was little danger of injury due to their shared thoughts and she avoided his fangs with ease.


(heheh Im off to bed now. see ya.

oh and I got to read Grimm's CS and it is awesome. Very suiting if I must say so myself.)
"Alright! I'll wait over here by these poisonous berries! You take the map and check things out." Grimm hands Arwyn the map and literally skips over to the poisonous berries.

CelticSol said:
Jericho raises his head at her request, but his own eyes widen at the look Ashlyn is suddenly giving him. His mouth goes dry at the things going through her mind, a flush turning his face bright red. Um... Uh... You... Uh? Doing alright?
"Clever," She mumurs, the lightest traces of admiration mingling in her tone. Running her fingertips along her tender cheek, she looks up at him, amber searching his face for something, "My name is Oshalia," She says carefully, her tone measured. Her hand drops from her face as she leans back in her chair, her head high and posture elegant. "My conditions are lax - even if there was no official challenge, you have defeated me, and it would be foolish to attack you. My one condition is that you do not touch me, force me to touch others, or allow others to touch me. Fulfill your end of that bargain, and you will meet no resistance from me."
Ashlyn nods her head and walks over to him instead of floating, clinging on to his arm after growing close enough. "I'm perfect now!~" She looks up into his eyes with anticipation and fake innocence. "So why don't we get out of here so I can show you how big my office building is. Unless you're fine with my expressing myself right here... then I don't mind too much."

Grimmavus nods his head and dusts off his armour, walking towards the door. "Remember the distance limit between us. I can uphold that part of the deal." He throws open the door to reveal a barren wasteland of a realm. "Is there anything you'd like before we go? This place is unforgiving after all." Both of his swords were strapped to his back with the addition of his shield. "If you'd like a weapon then I can craft you one before we leave. It may take a while since I'll be doing it by hand. I try not to use my powers all too much." At this moment Oshalia could notice that this entire cabin was hand made. "Using powers here scares the microscopic beings that live here."

Tazmodo said:
Jackson grew mad. "I don't want to die! Sure things may be bad and I may want to give up but I can't. I still need Emily, Red and Blue to accept me and trust me. I need Alice to fall for me. I need to beet Crimson and prove to Alice that I'm worth her time. I don't care about the hardships I only care about her. None of this is worth anything if I can't be with her. The only reason I fight so hard is to be with her. So no. I refuse to die this way. I refuse to let Crimson be the favorite. Do not kill me. If you want to help me then give me the strength to protect the ones I love. If not then wait until my soul burns out because no matter how many times I die. A phoenix always emerges from the ashes burning with passion." He put all his emotions into his yelling.
Grimm's voice rings throughout Jackson's mind after his speech. "I like that.... if only Alice heard this... She may have appreciated the gesture a lot. This speech could have been your ticket actually. At this moment she's relying on other sources to find you desperately. I can free you from this prison right now at the small price of two favours your owe me in the future that you cannot deny."
GingerBread said:
"I didn't open the file. Annalyse did, so I had no choice in the matter. And I don't care about how strong I am. I'm only a medic and there's only so much I can do with that and you even said yourself that you don't require a medic, But i'm sure the guild does. I don't really understand why you want me to join so badly. The way you went about it wasn't good either. If Annalyse was working for you, why couldn't she had been the one to talk to me about it? Since that's the only real reason you gave me for joining" Colin looked up and made eye contact with death for the first time since he's been here "I don't care about all of the stuff that's happening, I just want to help people. It's why I use my powers, I never have to use my powers since they hurt me more than they help me. But I do because I like helping people. I like seeing people smile. I like feeling like I've done something good. And you've just told me that the only reason your group was made was because you hate Ashlyn and her sisters, whoever they are. I can't join if your group was made purely because of hate. I've never hated anyone in my life and I don't intend to ever start hating people or helping people just because they hate people"

Death nodded along and leaned back on her desk. "Colin I understand where you're coming from. I do. Annalyse couldn't just ask you because that compromises the whole plan. But let me rephrase shall I? I don't hate Ashlyn so much as I hate their existence. Colin whether or not you agree with me, some people just need to not exist. They bring pain and suffering with them. Destruction, devastation. Evil follows them Colin. And I'm sorry you're stuck in the middle of it but that is the truth. Ashlyn, Christina, Alexandra, Alice and Morgan bring nothing but pain and suffering anywhere they go. Their sheer existence causes the worst of creations to follow them and bring out the worst in the world, Colin. Beyond the whole giant robotic army rebellion and Lucifer and the Sins and countless other things. I am not trying to force you to join me Colin. Not at all. I requested you join me so that when Dragon's Roar is inevitably destroyed since we all know the guild will die to help pointlessly protect Ashyln, at least Annalyse won't be torn between you and her objective. What you choose to do dear is completely up to you. I won't keep trying to convince you. All it will do is push you away. I've said my full intentions. I want the end of the terror those five bring behind them. Help or help them. The choice is yours. Leave through that door and you will appear back in your guild room. Without Anna. The capturing of the five has already started. She needs to play her role. I'm sorry"

Tazmodo said:
Jackson grew mad. "I don't want to die! Sure things may be bad and I may want to give up but I can't. I still need Emily, Red and Blue to accept me and trust me. I need Alice to fall for me. I need to beet Crimson and prove to Alice that I'm worth her time. I don't care about the hardships I only care about her. None of this is worth anything if I can't be with her. The only reason I fight so hard is to be with her. So no. I refuse to die this way. I refuse to let Crimson be the favorite. Do not kill me. If you want to help me then give me the strength to protect the ones I love. If not then wait until my soul burns out because no matter how many times I die. A phoenix always emerges from the ashes burning with passion." He put all his emotions into his yelling.
Jackson's speech had attracted more Purple Morpheus'. Sheep, deer, antelope, kittens, etc. A hoard of purple animals all walked up and sat around chocolate Jackson as the one humanoid Purple Morpheus closed his eyes and nodded sadly. "Very well Jackson. We understand. We can feel your life-force fading. It's being turned into candy as well. Soon there will be nothing left but a candy shell. We will watch over your chocolate body until you pass on. Then preserve it so you do not rot, okay?" Morpheus smiled sadly and wrapped both of his arms around his knees, staring off into the distance. I remember when Blue Morpheus first fell in love too. It was nice. Quiet. Wholesome. I wonder if Jackson will ever be able to have his love like Blue did. He looked back down to Jackson and closed his eyes silently, looking away again. Only time will tell
Light said:
"No! I'm too weak there's nothing you can really do. Thank you for the offer though, this guild... This lifestyle just isn't for me. No there's nothing wrong I'm just disappointed in myself." The girl begins to walk down the bridge path. "Thank you for your concern though." It was obvious she was lying. She wanted nothing more than to join Dragon's Roar. It was her dream ever since the stories of their exploits became public. Just like her organ that gave her powers that was defective due to her illness, she felt like a borderline failure. A regretful tear rolls down her cheek as she tries to hold in her inner frustration.
"This is Morgan!" Alice opens the door and all three of her kids race into the room, bombarding Morgan. "My uh... sister!" Alice grins but that grin rapidly falls when she notices Ryan in the room with her. "Uuuuhh..."

Morgan was ran over by the kids and falls to the ground. "Nice to see you all too. Alice this is Ryan, Ryan this is Alice. Ryan this is Emily, Red, and Blue. Emily, Red, and Blue this is Ryan. "

Alice is snapped back into reality and gestures to Crimson. "This is Crimson. Morgan we have an emergency and I need your assistance, Jackson was turned into chocolate by an attacker and we had to leave him behind. Can you find him and summon him?"

Morgan sighs and nods her head, this would take some time but she'd do it.

"Oh hello...." Christina new to be extremely careful in front of the two. She didn't know what they could do or what they were planning to do exactly. She did have a trump card, set up all around the room.

"Alright! I'll wait over here by these poisonous berries! You take the map and check things out." Grimm hands Arwyn the map and literally skips over to the poisonous berries.

Ashlyn nods her head and walks over to him instead of floating, clinging on to his arm after growing close enough. "I'm perfect now!~" She looks up into his eyes with anticipation and fake innocence. "So why don't we get out of here so I can show you how big my office building is. Unless you're fine with my expressing myself right here... then I don't mind too much."

Grimmavus nods his head and dusts off his armour, walking towards the door. "Remember the distance limit between us. I can uphold that part of the deal." He throws open the door to reveal a barren wasteland of a realm. "Is there anything you'd like before we go? This place is unforgiving after all." Both of his swords were strapped to his back with the addition of his shield. "If you'd like a weapon then I can craft you one before we leave. It may take a while since I'll be doing it by hand. I try not to use my powers all too much." At this moment Oshalia could notice that this entire cabin was hand made. "Using powers here scares the microscopic beings that live here."

Grimm's voice rings throughout Jackson's mind after his speech. "I like that.... if only Alice heard this... She may have appreciated the gesture a lot. This speech could have been your ticket actually. At this moment she's relying on other sources to find you desperately. I can free you from this prison right now at the small price of two favours your owe me in the future that you cannot deny."
Ryan smiled to the group, waving. "Hello. I woke with Ashlyn. It's nice to meet another one of her sisters. I can't say I've necessarily heard a lot about you, Alice. But I would love to learn more if you ever have time. Anyone in Morgan's life is welcome in mine" He said so respectfully and noble like that it just made him appear even more geeky and nerdy. That and the nervous closed eyed smile

Elizabeth smiled and blew a kiss to Christina. "Let's hurry this up okay?"

( ! ) Her cheeks puffed and she spit out a jet stream of water that started to fill the room they were in

The grey kitten on the girl's head felt her heart broken complain. It didn't say anything but she could feel a burning mark on her body as the guild's symbol formed, binding to her
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Veyd stood by, watching things unfold. Apparently things were happening all icer in this realm, just like any other. There were many different forms of Grimm as well, which made him glance over at Music Grimm for a moment. "Wel isn't this something?" he said aloud at no one in particular.

@Light @The Otaku Diaries @Tazmodo
Light said:
"No! I'm too weak there's nothing you can really do. Thank you for the offer though, this guild... This lifestyle just isn't for me. No there's nothing wrong I'm just disappointed in myself." The girl begins to walk down the bridge path. "Thank you for your concern though." It was obvious she was lying. She wanted nothing more than to join Dragon's Roar. It was her dream ever since the stories of their exploits became public. Just like her organ that gave her powers that was defective due to her illness, she felt like a borderline failure. A regretful tear rolls down her cheek as she tries to hold in her inner frustration.
"This is Morgan!" Alice opens the door and all three of her kids race into the room, bombarding Morgan. "My uh... sister!" Alice grins but that grin rapidly falls when she notices Ryan in the room with her. "Uuuuhh..."

Morgan was ran over by the kids and falls to the ground. "Nice to see you all too. Alice this is Ryan, Ryan this is Alice. Ryan this is Emily, Red, and Blue. Emily, Red, and Blue this is Ryan. "

Alice is snapped back into reality and gestures to Crimson. "This is Crimson. Morgan we have an emergency and I need your assistance, Jackson was turned into chocolate by an attacker and we had to leave him behind. Can you find him and summon him?"

Morgan sighs and nods her head, this would take some time but she'd do it.

"Oh hello...." Christina new to be extremely careful in front of the two. She didn't know what they could do or what they were planning to do exactly. She did have a trump card, set up all around the room.

"Alright! I'll wait over here by these poisonous berries! You take the map and check things out." Grimm hands Arwyn the map and literally skips over to the poisonous berries.

Ashlyn nods her head and walks over to him instead of floating, clinging on to his arm after growing close enough. "I'm perfect now!~" She looks up into his eyes with anticipation and fake innocence. "So why don't we get out of here so I can show you how big my office building is. Unless you're fine with my expressing myself right here... then I don't mind too much."

Grimmavus nods his head and dusts off his armour, walking towards the door. "Remember the distance limit between us. I can uphold that part of the deal." He throws open the door to reveal a barren wasteland of a realm. "Is there anything you'd like before we go? This place is unforgiving after all." Both of his swords were strapped to his back with the addition of his shield. "If you'd like a weapon then I can craft you one before we leave. It may take a while since I'll be doing it by hand. I try not to use my powers all too much." At this moment Oshalia could notice that this entire cabin was hand made. "Using powers here scares the microscopic beings that live here."

Grimm's voice rings throughout Jackson's mind after his speech. "I like that.... if only Alice heard this... She may have appreciated the gesture a lot. This speech could have been your ticket actually. At this moment she's relying on other sources to find you desperately. I can free you from this prison right now at the small price of two favours your owe me in the future that you cannot deny."
The man followed her. "Little girl don't you know. With a little hope your power will grow. Your illness may be a nuisance but that's ok. It'll all eventually fade away. For each step you grow stronger. It shouldn't be much longer. I believe in you young one. And now I stop with the rhymes because I am down." He faded away and left a business card in her hand. It said "Call if you would like to unlock your potential at any means necessary."

DizjayDeathPride said:
Death nodded along and leaned back on her desk. "Colin I understand where you're coming from. I do. Annalyse couldn't just ask you because that compromises the whole plan. But let me rephrase shall I? I don't hate Ashlyn so much as I hate their existence. Colin whether or not you agree with me, some people just need to not exist. They bring pain and suffering with them. Destruction, devastation. Evil follows them Colin. And I'm sorry you're stuck in the middle of it but that is the truth. Ashlyn, Christina, Alexandra, Alice and Morgan bring nothing but pain and suffering anywhere they go. Their sheer existence causes the worst of creations to follow them and bring out the worst in the world, Colin. Beyond the whole giant robotic army rebellion and Lucifer and the Sins and countless other things. I am not trying to force you to join me Colin. Not at all. I requested you join me so that when Dragon's Roar is inevitably destroyed since we all know the guild will die to help pointlessly protect Ashyln, at least Annalyse won't be torn between you and her objective. What you choose to do dear is completely up to you. I won't keep trying to convince you. All it will do is push you away. I've said my full intentions. I want the end of the terror those five bring behind them. Help or help them. The choice is yours. Leave through that door and you will appear back in your guild room. Without Anna. The capturing of the five has already started. She needs to play her role. I'm sorry"
Jackson's speech had attracted more Purple Morpheus'. Sheep, deer, antelope, kittens, etc. A hoard of purple animals all walked up and sat around chocolate Jackson as the one humanoid Purple Morpheus closed his eyes and nodded sadly. "Very well Jackson. We understand. We can feel your life-force fading. It's being turned into candy as well. Soon there will be nothing left but a candy shell. We will watch over your chocolate body until you pass on. Then preserve it so you do not rot, okay?" Morpheus smiled sadly and wrapped both of his arms around his knees, staring off into the distance. I remember when Blue Morpheus first fell in love too. It was nice. Quiet. Wholesome. I wonder if Jackson will ever be able to have his love like Blue did. He looked back down to Jackson and closed his eyes silently, looking away again. Only time will tell
Jackson listened to the Grimm. "Just promise you'll do right by me so I can do right by someone else. I'll take the deal only if that's what Alice wants. Don't tell her about the favors I would owe you though I don't want that to effect her decision. I'm putting my life in her hands." He felt the several purple Morpheus' and it made him feel better. "Thank you guys." He happily knowing he had their support.
DizjayDeathPride said:
Death nodded along and leaned back on her desk. "Colin I understand where you're coming from. I do. Annalyse couldn't just ask you because that compromises the whole plan. But let me rephrase shall I? I don't hate Ashlyn so much as I hate their existence. Colin whether or not you agree with me, some people just need to not exist. They bring pain and suffering with them. Destruction, devastation. Evil follows them Colin. And I'm sorry you're stuck in the middle of it but that is the truth. Ashlyn, Christina, Alexandra, Alice and Morgan bring nothing but pain and suffering anywhere they go. Their sheer existence causes the worst of creations to follow them and bring out the worst in the world, Colin. Beyond the whole giant robotic army rebellion and Lucifer and the Sins and countless other things. I am not trying to force you to join me Colin. Not at all. I requested you join me so that when Dragon's Roar is inevitably destroyed since we all know the guild will die to help pointlessly protect Ashlyn, at least Annalyse won't be torn between you and her objective. What you choose to do dear is completely up to you. I won't keep trying to convince you. All it will do is push you away. I've said my full intentions. I want the end of the terror those five bring behind them. Help or help them. The choice is yours. Leave through that door and you will appear back in your guild room. Without Anna. The capturing of the five has already started. She needs to play her role. I'm sorry"
Colin looked between Annalyse and the door before looking back at Death "You said you couldn't care less about any living beings life and now you're saying you want to take ashlyn and her sisters out because they cause destruction and chaos? I don't think you're telling me the truth. But even if you are, I don't want to join you. It just seems wrong" Colin looked at Annalyse, trying his best not to cry in front of her again as she would probably come and comfort him and that might cause him to join just to be with her "I'm sorry Anna, but I'm going back to the guild. I intend to keep my promise though. If you're ever hurt you can come to me and I'll heal you, I'll heal you any time I'm able to even if you'll kill me afterwards. I don't care. I won't hold it against you. But I guess this is goodbye. Hopefully when we see each other we won't have to fight" Colin looked away from Annalyse and towards the ground as he walked towards the exit, doing his best to hold back tears.

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DizjayDeathPride said:
"Just in case this is a trap and we die I want to be honest with you... You know the lady in black who wanted you to join us? Well...." She looked down, afraid to look in his eyes. "I work with her. I just wanted you to know that. In case anything went bad." She immediately perked up and smiled, closing her eyes "Alright let's go!"
She opened the door and it revealed the office they were in before. Same as before. With the girl in black sitting at her desk. She looked up to the two and smiled. "Well... I see you read the file. I take that as you wish to join us, Colin?"

Morpheus shrugged, holding his knees to his chest and poking Jackson with his foot "I don't actually know... Who's Alice? And you have kids? And... who's Crimson?"

Sylvester's eyes got wide as he crossed his chest, bracing himself. As he was blasted back in a shell of Light that cracked and chipped away while he was in the air. He twirled his sword, pointing it to Cole and about to strike when he heard his leader's voice in his head. "You sure? .... Alright then"

( ! ) He slashed down at Cole from his hovering position, sending a slash of Light down to Cole, followed closely by another. Then another, thousands back to back


Evannia watched Cole and Sylvester's altercation through Sylvester's eyes. Behind her stood another girl, Elizabeth. "Got it. That's all I need. Yes I'm sure just distract him" She opened her palm and a nice black and purple orb floated. She clenched her hand and crushed it, swinging her arm to the side and cutting into this realm and Void Magic. She stuck her hand in and lifted the crack apart, smiling to Christina. "Hello again. I've missed you."

Elizabeth jumped through the crack, landing with Christina and Evannia let go, closing the rift she created.

Elizabeth had three swirling tails coming from her lower back. "Hi Chrisitna"


Decimus was hunched over, panting. His eyes were their vibrant Underworld purple. Above him, the giant Hands of Hades. He looked to his father, breathing heavily. His father stood facing him in his full Transcendent Demon form.

"I didn't say stop Decimus" He spoke out. His voice was so warped, so demonic. So powerful.

Decimus huffed and closed his eyes. Purple misty power spilled out of him, falling to the ground and extending out. He swung his arms down and screamed to the sky, purple light shooting from his eyes. The Chest of Hades ripped from his body and expanded out to be equal with the Hands. A faint purple steam burning away everything it touched. The 'flesh' of the ribs dripped down, freezing everything.

Decimus continued to roar as the ribs were coated with muscle, then skin. Just like the hands. He fell to his knees as a Spine connected the back of the Chest, growing up to a Skull that quickly too gained muscle then skin. The Head of Hades

Armor grew around the purple misty body and its eyes flashed, smirking to Dekimarus. It grew higher, a full Body starting to form. Decimus floated in the center of its Chest, barely huffing and conscious inside of his full Form of Hades


The purple demonic power was over 300 meters high, 100 yards wide, and 50 meters thick. Decimus extended his hand to forward and clenched as if he had grabbed his father. The actual Form of Hades moved at blinding speeds to account for real world distance

Dekimarus kicked off the ground, landing on the Arm and running up it, ignoring the freezing burning sensation from even being near the Form, let alone touching it. You're almost there son. Keep it up He charged the Chest and stabbed into it with his Demonic Arm. It burned away by the mist but he kept pushing through until nothing was left of his Demonic arm but its normal humanoid form. He pointed to Decimus and shot a beam through his heart, kicking off the Body as it was reflexively attacking to protect Decimus
Light said:
"No! I'm too weak there's nothing you can really do. Thank you for the offer though, this guild... This lifestyle just isn't for me. No there's nothing wrong I'm just disappointed in myself." The girl begins to walk down the bridge path. "Thank you for your concern though." It was obvious she was lying. She wanted nothing more than to join Dragon's Roar. It was her dream ever since the stories of their exploits became public. Just like her organ that gave her powers that was defective due to her illness, she felt like a borderline failure. A regretful tear rolls down her cheek as she tries to hold in her inner frustration.
"This is Morgan!" Alice opens the door and all three of her kids race into the room, bombarding Morgan. "My uh... sister!" Alice grins but that grin rapidly falls when she notices Ryan in the room with her. "Uuuuhh..."

Morgan was ran over by the kids and falls to the ground. "Nice to see you all too. Alice this is Ryan, Ryan this is Alice. Ryan this is Emily, Red, and Blue. Emily, Red, and Blue this is Ryan. "

Alice is snapped back into reality and gestures to Crimson. "This is Crimson. Morgan we have an emergency and I need your assistance, Jackson was turned into chocolate by an attacker and we had to leave him behind. Can you find him and summon him?"

Morgan sighs and nods her head, this would take some time but she'd do it.

"Oh hello...." Christina new to be extremely careful in front of the two. She didn't know what they could do or what they were planning to do exactly. She did have a trump card, set up all around the room.

"Alright! I'll wait over here by these poisonous berries! You take the map and check things out." Grimm hands Arwyn the map and literally skips over to the poisonous berries.

Ashlyn nods her head and walks over to him instead of floating, clinging on to his arm after growing close enough. "I'm perfect now!~" She looks up into his eyes with anticipation and fake innocence. "So why don't we get out of here so I can show you how big my office building is. Unless you're fine with my expressing myself right here... then I don't mind too much."

Grimmavus nods his head and dusts off his armour, walking towards the door. "Remember the distance limit between us. I can uphold that part of the deal." He throws open the door to reveal a barren wasteland of a realm. "Is there anything you'd like before we go? This place is unforgiving after all." Both of his swords were strapped to his back with the addition of his shield. "If you'd like a weapon then I can craft you one before we leave. It may take a while since I'll be doing it by hand. I try not to use my powers all too much." At this moment Oshalia could notice that this entire cabin was hand made. "Using powers here scares the microscopic beings that live here."

Grimm's voice rings throughout Jackson's mind after his speech. "I like that.... if only Alice heard this... She may have appreciated the gesture a lot. This speech could have been your ticket actually. At this moment she's relying on other sources to find you desperately. I can free you from this prison right now at the small price of two favours your owe me in the future that you cannot deny."
DizjayDeathPride said:
Ryan smiled to the group, waving. "Hello. I woke with Ashlyn. It's nice to meet another one of her sisters. I can't say I've necessarily heard a lot about you, Alice. But I would love to learn more if you ever have time. Anyone in Morgan's life is welcome in mine" He said so respectfully and noble like that it just made him appear even more geeky and nerdy. That and the nervous closed eyed smile
Elizabeth smiled and blew a kiss to Christina. "Let's hurry this up okay?"

( ! ) Her cheeks puffed and she spit out a jet stream of water that started to fill the room they were in

The grey kitten on the girl's head felt her heart broken complain. It didn't say anything but she could feel a burning mark on her body as the guild's symbol formed, binding to her
A silver energy field appears around Void protecting him from the blast. He knew exactly where going on.

Inaro appears inside the energy field as the attack hits the shield. He was drinking his beer as usual. What's Cole. Looks like you're in a predicament. He said with a grin.

Cole was about to create a spell to counter the attack until a shield appeared around him and Inaro appeared. I have this very much under control. Go back on your break.

Inaro chuckles. Naw I'm good. But um allow me to take over for you. Go and protect the girl. During his away time Inaro was visiting his master and watching over the guild in heaven.

Cole chuckles and a purple portal opens up inside the shield. You got it bro. He sticks his fist out and the both fist bump. Cole steps inside the portal leading towards his place in the Void. He looks at the girl fighting Cristina as his feet is in the water. I'm guessing I'm late. He thought Sorry lady, I plan on keeping my promise to Cristina. A small purple portal opens in the center of the room, draining the water.

Inaro fist bump Cole and he leaves. He summons his sword, and points it towards the guy. Come on speedster let's go a few rounds. He drinks his beer.


Crimson nodded as he was introduced. Morgan and Ryan seems like cool people to him. As he stood there a new question popped up in his head. So what's the new plan? He asked as a whiskey bottle appeared in his head. @Light @DizjayDeathPride
GingerBread said:
Colin looked between Annalyse and the door before looking back at Death "You said you couldn't care less about any living beings life and now you're saying you want to take ashlyn and her sisters out because they cause destruction and chaos? I don't think you're telling me the truth. But even if you are, I don't want to join you. It just seems wrong" Colin looked at Annalyse, trying his best not to cry in front of her again as she would probably come and comfort him and that might cause him to join just to be with her "I'm sorry Anna, but I'm going back to the guild. I intend to keep my promise though. If you're ever hurt you can come to me and I'll heal you, I'll heal you any time I'm able to even if you'll kill me afterwards. I don't care. I won't hold it against you. But I guess this is goodbye. Hopefully when we see each other we won't have to fight" Colin looked away from Annalyse and towards the ground as he walked towards the exit, doing his best to hold back tears.

Death sighed as Anna's lip quivered and she charged after Colin, slamming into him and wrapping her arms around him, holding him closely and falling to the ground. "Please don't leave me.." She whispered out, too trying not to cry

Death groaned to herself, knowing she was going to regret this decision later. "I don't care for their lives. I never said I didn't care when they die. Like it or not, I am the domain of both death AND life. Though Id rather not keep the latter title. That means that every single time someone dies, I feel it. I feel their pain. I am there when their life starts. I am there when they grow up. I am there during their first steps. I am there when they first cry and when they first laugh. I am connect to the life of every single living being. And when so many of them die at once, so many innocent people are killed because of these girls?" Death flicked her finger and the door swung open. She pushed her hand out and pushed Anna and Colin through, shutting the door. "I will do whatever it takes to uphold my laws. With, or without."

Anna, happy to be back home, refused to let go of Colin. Her whole body was clenched and wrapped around his, refusing to let go. But not tight enough to restrict his breathing
( ! ) The Light appeared, clashing his blade against Inaro's and blasting off a concussive explosion of light, flashing away and falling from above, shooting a beam at him


Elizabeth turned to Cole and tilted her head, closing her mouth and stopping the water since it was pointless. "Well..."

( ! ) One of her three tails sucked back in then multiplied, becoming 8. With her drastically increased speed and strength, she kicked into Christina's chest, bouncing off and sucking a tail in, going to 7. Wings ripped from her back and she flew to Cole in an instant, kicking him too in a matter of seconds


Ryan tapped his chin and looked to the side. "Well... I've been working on an anti-magic disease. I would love to try that out on him. He'd be my first subject. But then that risks him dying and I'm sure someone will give a huge fit about that one... But still seems like its worth a shot?"
DizjayDeathPride said:
The grey kitten on the girl's head felt her heart broken complain. It didn't say anything but she could feel a burning mark on her body as the guild's symbol formed, binding to her
Tazmodo said:
The man followed her. "Little girl don't you know. With a little hope your power will grow. Your illness may be a nuisance but that's ok. It'll all eventually fade away. For each step you grow stronger. It shouldn't be much longer. I believe in you young one. And now I stop with the rhymes because I am down." He faded away and left a business card in her hand. It said "Call if you would like to unlock your potential at any means necessary."
"No! I don't belong in this guild I don't want anything to do with it anymore. Thank you for the gesture though." She removes the kitten from her head and sets it down I. The bridge. "Don't you have an owner?" The girl made sure to remember the card... She would definitely use it soon.

"You know you have to die now that you've found out right?" He points his scythe at Veyd. It wasn't the real Grimm's scythe but this scythe still had the same affect. It could kill anything in or out of existence.

Tazmodo said:
The man followed her. "Little girl don't you know. With a little hope your power will grow. Your illness may be a nuisance but that's ok. It'll all eventually fade away. For each step you grow stronger. It shouldn't be much longer. I believe in you young one. And now I stop with the rhymes because I am down." He faded away and left a business card in her hand. It said "Call if you would like to unlock your potential at any means necessary."
Jackson listened to the Grimm. "Just promise you'll do right by me so I can do right by someone else. I'll take the deal only if that's what Alice wants. Don't tell her about the favors I would owe you though I don't want that to effect her decision. I'm putting my life in her hands." He felt the several purple Morpheus' and it made him feel better. "Thank you guys." He happily knowing he had their support.
After a moment Jackson was freed and restored to full vigor. "Yes I promise. Thank you for accepting the deal."

Evil Grimm has a content smile, staring at his chess board full of guild members. The Sage and Jackson piece were both black.

DizjayDeathPride said:
Ryan tapped his chin and looked to the side. "Well... I've been working on an anti-magic disease. I would love to try that out on him. He'd be my first subject. But then that risks him dying and I'm sure someone will give a huge fit about that one... But still seems like its worth a shot?"
Morgan was too busy concentrating to respond and Alice finally noticed she left the door open. "No!" She runs to the door and shuts it, knowing that it's already possibly to late. "I don't think the reapers got in."

DizjayDeathPride said:
Elizabeth turned to Cole and tilted her head, closing her mouth and stopping the water since it was pointless. "Well..."

( ! ) One of her three tails sucked back in then multiplied, becoming 8. With her drastically increased speed and strength, she kicked into Christina's chest, bouncing off and sucking a tail in, going to 7. Wings ripped from her back and she flew to Cole in an instant, kicking him too in a matter of seconds
[QUOTE="Embaga Elder]
A silver energy field appears around Void protecting him from the blast. He knew exactly where going on.
Inaro appears inside the energy field as the attack hits the shield. He was drinking his beer as usual. What's Cole. Looks like you're in a predicament. He said with a grin.

Cole was about to create a spell to counter the attack until a shield appeared around him and Inaro appeared. I have this very much under control. Go back on your break.

Inaro chuckles. Naw I'm good. But um allow me to take over for you. Go and protect the girl. During his away time Inaro was visiting his master and watching over the guild in heaven.

Cole chuckles and a purple portal opens up inside the shield. You got it bro. He sticks his fist out and the both fist bump. Cole steps inside the portal leading towards his place in the Void. He looks at the girl fighting Cristina as his feet is in the water. I'm guessing I'm late. He thought Sorry lady, I plan on keeping my promise to Cristina. A small purple portal opens in the center of the room, draining the water.

Inaro fist bump Cole and he leaves. He summons his sword, and points it towards the guy. Come on speedster let's go a few rounds. He drinks his beer.


( ! ) Christina gets knocked back into the wall behind her and grips her chest. "Alright. This is a warning, leave or die." She had an apparition materialize around her with specific instructions of defending her as well as carrying out her plan. Christina's hands were ready.
Light said:
"No! I don't belong in this guild I don't want anything to do with it anymore. Thank you for the gesture though." She removes the kitten from her head and sets it down I. The bridge. "Don't you have an owner?" The girl made sure to remember the card... She would definitely use it soon.
"You know you have to die now that you've found out right?" He points his scythe at Veyd. It wasn't the real Grimm's scythe but this scythe still had the same affect. It could kill anything in or out of existence.

After a moment Jackson was freed and restored to full vigor. "Yes I promise. Thank you for accepting the deal."

Evil Grimm has a content smile, staring at his chess board full of guild members. The Sage and Jackson piece were both black.

Morgan was too busy concentrating to respond and Alice finally noticed she left the door open. "No!" She runs to the door and shuts it, knowing that it's already possibly to late. "I don't think the reapers got in."

( ! ) Christina gets knocked back into the wall behind her and grips her chest. "Alright. This is a warning, leave or die." She had an apparition materialize around her with specific instructions of defending her as well as carrying out her plan. Christina's hands were ready.
Jackson takes a deep breathe and walks out of the the cooler he turns to the purple Morpheus. "Thank you all of you. I really appreciate this and wish you the best if luck." He walked out and took his bird form and flew to the castle. (I changed the appearance of the bird he still has the symbol though) @DizjayDeathPride<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/Screenshot_2016-01-31-22-50-28-1.png.c94222dde4dd98c00d6630becb9fef1d.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="103152" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/Screenshot_2016-01-31-22-50-28-1.png.c94222dde4dd98c00d6630becb9fef1d.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • Screenshot_2016-01-31-22-50-28-1.png
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Light said:
"No! I don't belong in this guild I don't want anything to do with it anymore. Thank you for the gesture though." She removes the kitten from her head and sets it down I. The bridge. "Don't you have an owner?" The girl made sure to remember the card... She would definitely use it soon.
"You know you have to die now that you've found out right?" He points his scythe at Veyd. It wasn't the real Grimm's scythe but this scythe still had the same affect. It could kill anything in or out of existence.

After a moment Jackson was freed and restored to full vigor. "Yes I promise. Thank you for accepting the deal."

Evil Grimm has a content smile, staring at his chess board full of guild members. The Sage and Jackson piece were both black.

Morgan was too busy concentrating to respond and Alice finally noticed she left the door open. "No!" She runs to the door and shuts it, knowing that it's already possibly to late. "I don't think the reapers got in."

( ! ) Christina gets knocked back into the wall behind her and grips her chest. "Alright. This is a warning, leave or die." She had an apparition materialize around her with specific instructions of defending her as well as carrying out her plan. Christina's hands were ready.
The kitten looked up to her and meowed in such a way that it sounded almost like "you". It hopped and landed on the fabric of her chest, its claws climbing up as it pounced off her shoulder to her head, curling back up

Ryan froze a moment, remembering his last encounter with reapers. Who knows what would happen this time. His shoulders hunched and he sighed. "My life.."

(Ill wait for Embaga on that one)

Tazmodo said:
Jackson takes a deep breathe and walks out of the the cooler he turns to the purple Morpheus. "Thank you all of you. I really appreciate this and wish you the best if luck." He walked out and took his bird form and flew to the castle. (I changed the appearance of the bird he still has the symbol though) @DizjayDeathPride
The Purple Morpheus nodded but didn't look at him as he flew away. He clutched his knees closer to his chest and he just stared out into the distance. He gives his life to a stranger in order to protect the woman he loves. We do similar and yet it means nothing. It always means nothing. Morpheus rested his chin on his knees and sighed. He didn't actually look sad but inside his emotions were a world of pain. The purple animals turned to normal colors of their respective forms and disappeared, going to blend in with herds of their respective animal in hopes of distracting themselves from this crippling sadness.

Morpheus stood up slowly and looked to the sky, disappearing as well
Tazmodo said:
Clair looked up at him. "I see nothing wrong with you." She flicked her ears. "Don't you see. I don't care about your scars and stitches." She reached out and touched his chest. She slowly ran her finger her finger over the stitches.
"Oh? So what do you care about?" Scar asked her. He relaxed as he felt her finger on his stitches.
Inaro's vector ability came into effect and absorbed the concussive light and releases it back out toward Sylvester. That goes the same for the beam of light coming from him above, it his absorbed and fired right back at him as he falls.

(!) Inaro teleports above Sylvester with metallic wings on his back. He uses his telekinetic aura generating 10 invisible arm limbs to grab him, holding him tightly. His TK aura lifts him and moves him out of the way of his own place. His aura positions him a few feet in front of Inaro right side up. 8 hands holds Sylvester in place while the other one phases through his body heading for his heart and the other his strangling him. (!)
I'm going to end this quickly. He said coldly.


Cole slammed a void orb into the leg she kicked with then inhales deeply and roared releasing a destructive force similar to Inaro.

Crimson raised an eyebrow when she mentioned reapers. Please inform me. What are these reapers you're talking about? He asked as he drunk whiskey from a sports bottle. @Light @DizjayDeathPride
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Light said:
"No! I'm too weak there's nothing you can really do. Thank you for the offer though, this guild... This lifestyle just isn't for me. No there's nothing wrong I'm just disappointed in myself." The girl begins to walk down the bridge path. "Thank you for your concern though." It was obvious she was lying. She wanted nothing more than to join Dragon's Roar. It was her dream ever since the stories of their exploits became public. Just like her organ that gave her powers that was defective due to her illness, she felt like a borderline failure. A regretful tear rolls down her cheek as she tries to hold in her inner frustration.
Viktor groaned inwardly, not quite used to conforting people. He'd lost that skill long before. Instead, he walked over to he girl, placing a firm hand on her shoulder. "Look, girl. No person find no use." He strained to think of something inspiring to say. "Hear now. Have friend, he useless piece of shit. All he do paint, paint, clean toilet. He not have strong." The Russian pasued for a bit, after saying probably the longest thing I've ever typed for him. "But he help Dragon's Roar in own way. Now he have strong, but not strong, da?" Viktor knew if Alexei ever heard him say he was strong, the rookie would be bouncing off the walls with happiness. "And you be strong too. Train now, da?"
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Sylvester struggled and thrashed against the arms. transforming himself into Aether, blasting outward with pure destructive power, destroying out of the arms and flashing away in a jet of light. He appeared glowing back on the ground a few rides away, breathing heavily. "You almost killed me... fine" ( ! ) He pointed a beam of pure destruction, flashing around, sending more blasts at him randomly.


( ! ) Elizabeth covered herself in her wings, being blasted back from the roar and using it to to rapidly dive to Christina. She extended her wings and pushed back quickly, sending a barrage of blades down to Christina. All of her tails sucked in but one and she blew a gust of wind to pushed the blades even faster. While with Cole, sand came from the floor, going to wrap around him and engulf him. She turned her magnetism on, attacking both Cole and Christina to her, pulling them into her attacks

DaManofWar said:
"Oh? So what do you care about?" Scar asked her. He relaxed as he felt her finger on his stitches.
Clair look into his eyes. "You." She scooted a little closer to him. "What about you?"
Tazmodo said:
Clair look into his eyes. "You." She scooted a little closer to him. "What about you?"
Scar was rather stunned by her answer.He swallowed hard, before telling her what he had started to care for. "You, I guess," he answered he, looking right back into her eyes.
Inaro manipulated the destructive energy that was released. He held out his hands and they all were drawn to them. The destructive energy gathered in both his hands until the attack ended.

(!) When the attack ended he brings his hands closer together putting the two orbs of destructive energy together. He converts the destructive energy to atomic energy. He brings his hands closer together condensing the blast.
Like I said I plan on ending this quick. The orb condensed to the size of a marble. He sticks his hands out with the marble sized atomic energy and he teleports right in front of Sylvester causing his hands inside to be Sylvester's body. He releases the orb leaving it inside of his body, and pulls his hands out leaving a hole in Sylvester's chest from where his hands were. Inaro's hands were covered in blood. (!)

A purple portal opens and a big demonic arm stretches out blocking the sword from Christina. Christina and Cole ran into the back if the arm stopping them from the attraction. Cole used his Void Guardian spell and creates a full structured guardian.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/blue-eyes-demon-horns-1.jpg.7f41a3b6ef2bdb45c2d62b4ee0d93d07.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="103192" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/blue-eyes-demon-horns-1.jpg.7f41a3b6ef2bdb45c2d62b4ee0d93d07.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> The Void Guardian instantly behind the girl and brings his sword down strong and fast. @DizjayDeathPride @Light



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@DizjayDeathPride[/URL] @Light
Sylvester gasped for air, stumbling back and disappearing in light.

He appeared in front of Death, falling to the ground. The light was healing him but nonetheless the pain was surreal. He crashed there and spazzed violently, bleeding on her floor while the wound closed

A pink kitten sat a top the Ferris wheel, flicking its tail back and forth. It meowed quietly, just sitting and staring at Inaro

The girl gasped and her tails multiplied to eight. She let the guardian cut her and took an ink form, splashing ink and oils on it.

( ! ) She clicked her teeth together, growing a ninth tail, and sparked the ink and guardian setting him ablaze in black eternal flames.


( ! ) Her tails all flicked to a point and shot her off like a bullet, a ball of sprialinh wind in her hand. She slammed it into Christina's chest and blasted her back in a rapidly twisting motion, burning her and ripping her shirt and skin
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