Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
DizjayDeathPride said:
When Colin touched exit, the 'ground' under him swung down like a trap door and he fell endlessly. It didn't look like such since everything was white in all directions. The only way he could actually tell he was falling was his hair floating from inertia and his screams being written into words
Anna looked down the hole and sighed, jumping in after him. "This is just too much." She had an idea that hit her like a bag of bricks. She took the paint on her and drew a quick line on the white 'wall.' It wiggled then popped into existence. She grabbed it and cheered, yelling down to Colin, hoping he wasn't too far away to hear. "HEY COLIN!!! JUST DRAW SOMETHING! THAT WORKS BETTER!!!" She herself had no artistic skills so that wouldn't help her all too much
(Paint with what? We're in a white world aren't we? And what if Colin can't draw? Are they stuck there until he can? Or till they die?)

Colin couldn't hear what Anna was saying over the sounds of his own screams. Once he stopped screaming he looked around for anything to help him even though he knew that if he were to touch anything at the speed he was going at he would just turn to mush "At least it will be a quick death. I guess everyone made good on their threats" Colin said as he closed his eyes and waited for the inevitable, tears leaking out of his eyes and rolling down his face as he did.

Tazmodo said:
Jackson was in even more pain. "Can't you do that without eating me? It's rather painful."
The pink kitten hissed and swatted at his face, scratching him. A brown kitten had come through some brush to the commotion and looked at the pink. The two stared at each other and the brown ran, the pink chasing it

GingerBread said:
(Paint with what? We're in a white world aren't we? And what if Colin can't draw? Are they stuck there until he can? Or till they die?)
Colin couldn't hear what Anna was saying over the sounds of his own screams. Once he stopped screaming he looked around for anything to help him even though he knew that if he were to touch anything at the speed he was going at he would just turn to mush
"At least it will be a quick death. I guess everyone made good on their threats" Colin said as he closed his eyes and waited for the inevitable, tears leaking out of his eyes and rolling down his face as he did.
GingerBread said:
(The paint on his body from the exploding thought bubble! Besides its the Creativity Realm (yep gave it a name) get creative just make some paint jeez)

Colin just fell and fell in the endless white. Finally, a light blue line came twirling at him, hitting him in the shoulder. Taped to it was a little note that said, "Let's get out of here -XOXO Annalyse"

Anna was enjoying herself, drawing random things and watching them come to life. So many stick figure animals. She finally drew a giant stick bird (one of those V ones) and giggled as it wiggled into life. She hopped on it and used it to fly down to Colin, closing the distance between them. "Hold on hun, I'm coming"
DizjayDeathPride said:
(The paint on his body from the exploding thought bubble! Besides its the Creativity Realm (yep gave it a name) get creative just make some paint jeez)
Colin just fell and fell in the endless white. Finally, a light blue line came twirling at him, hitting him in the shoulder. Taped to it was a little note that said, "Let's get out of here -XOXO Annalyse"

Anna was enjoying herself, drawing random things and watching them come to life. So many stick figure animals. She finally drew a giant stick bird (one of those V ones) and giggled as it wiggled into life. She hopped on it and used it to fly down to Colin, closing the distance between them. "Hold on hun, I'm coming"
(I'm confused why Colin was sent into this realm in the first place. If they wanted him to help them, it's probably not the best idea to trap him in a realm XP)

Colin was broken out of his acceptance of dying when he was nudged in the arm. Upon reading the note Colin looked up before Annalyse caught him on a flying moustache
"Thanks. So Do you have a plan to get out of here? Cause you seem to be doing better than I am" Colin said as he looked at the flying moustache they were sitting on "I mean you even got a moustache to fly"

Syrax's scales gleamed a bright crimson as the rays of the desert sun beat against them and turned his hide into a coat of shimmering metal. Arwyn could tell that the wyvern was enjoying the warmth of such a climate just by the contented way he was swinging his tail in a languid arc as he lumbered over the scorched ground. After all the time they had spent in the dark of that tomb it was hard not to enjoy such a fine day, not to mention there was no looming danger they needed to face.

To escape the stifling heat of her armor, Arwyn had removed her helmet which was currently dangling from a strap of leather connected to the shield on her back. A dry rasp of a breeze rustled in the dirt and stirred her gold-brown hair, now tied up in a messy bun, but it felt as sweet as a mother's kiss in this wretched heat. The sun blazed high in the cloudless sky but strangely the dragon knight didn't feel the harsh burn of its direct gaze. 'It must be the Heart.' she realized.

She followed after Grimm and looked around at the geological wonder. "A golden city?" she asked as they passed by a wind-shaped pillar of rock. "I know of a fabled golden city in the jungles of South America but we are in the North America and far from any jungle."

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GingerBread said:
(I'm confused why Colin was sent into this realm in the first place. If they wanted him to help them, it's probably not the best idea to trap him in a realm XP)
Colin was broken out of his acceptance of dying when he was nudged in the arm. Upon reading the note Colin looked up before Annalyse caught him on a flying moustache
"Thanks. So Do you have a plan to get out of here? Cause you seem to be doing better than I am" Colin said as he looked at the flying moustache they were sitting on "I mean you even got a moustache to fly"

Anna shrugged "Nope. Just gonna keep flying until- wait..." She stood on her drawing and squinted out to a rapidly incoming black figure. Once she got close to the bird flapped and landed for them. The figure turned out to be a single door. Anna looked to Colin eagerly and hopped off the mustache, going to the door. She grabbed the knob and looked back to him, "Coming?"
DizjayDeathPride said:
The pink kitten hissed and swatted at his face, scratching him. A brown kitten had come through some brush to the commotion and looked at the pink. The two stared at each other and the brown ran, the pink chasing it
(The paint on his body from the exploding thought bubble! Besides its the Creativity Realm (yep gave it a name) get creative just make some paint jeez)

Colin just fell and fell in the endless white. Finally, a light blue line came twirling at him, hitting him in the shoulder. Taped to it was a little note that said, "Let's get out of here -XOXO Annalyse"

Anna was enjoying herself, drawing random things and watching them come to life. So many stick figure animals. She finally drew a giant stick bird (one of those V ones) and giggled as it wiggled into life. She hopped on it and used it to fly down to Colin, closing the distance between them. "Hold on hun, I'm coming"
The chocolate began to spread again. His body healed but was still chocolate. "What's happening?"
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DizjayDeathPride said:
Anna shrugged "Nope. Just gonna keep flying until- wait..." She stood on her drawing and squinted out to a rapidly incoming black figure. Once she got close to the bird flapped and landed for them. The figure turned out to be a single door. Anna looked to Colin eagerly and hopped off the mustache, going to the door. She grabbed the knob and looked back to him, "Coming?"
"I don't really have many other options do I? And I don't want to be alone" Colin briskly walked over to Annalyse and grabbed her hand, holding it to comfort himself and so he had some assurance that she wouldn't go anywhere without him.

Cole dodged the beam of light and a purple orb of void energy appears in his hand and he releases countless orbs in a rapid fire volley.


Tazmodo said:
The chocolate began to spread again. His body healed but was still chocolate. "What's happening?"
Morpheus appeared sitting next to Jackson. "Well from the looks of it.. you're under some sort of candy spell. Looks nasty. And from the vomit here and... here.. I'd say it really is nasty. Poor guy. I'm sorry I can't help. I think that's unfair, you know? But we can talk if you want" He smiled widely at Jackson, tilting his head

GingerBread said:

Before Anna opened the door she squeezed his hand and looked at him seriously. "Can I tell you something Colin? Will you promise not to be upset?"
Embaga Elder] [COLOR=#5900b3]Cole dodged the beam of light and a purple orb of void energy appears in his hand and he releases countless orbs in a rapid fire volley.[/COLOR][COLOR=#5900b3] [/COLOR][IMG]https://www.rpnation.com/proxy.php?image=http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/fairytailfanon/images/a/a5/Dante-Dim2.gif/revision/latest/thumbnail-down/width/340/height/340?cb=20140223174800&hash=8c9b3a92638f0206a0a8c6e5a4812306[/IMG][COLOR=#5900b3] [/COLOR] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/17217-dizjaydeathpride/ said:
The man looked to Cole and tilted his head. "Ahhh so this is how we have to be"

From Sylvester's view, his Light Speed made it seem like the orbs were coming at him slower than turtles. He walked over to Cole, swaying through the different beams effortlessly, going behind Cole and blasting him again with another beam

( ! ) From Cole's perspective, the man was moving so fast he was but a light blur that disappeared. Until of course he was behind him, blasting him
DizjayDeathPride said:
Before Anna opened the door she squeezed his hand and looked at him seriously. "Can I tell you something Colin? Will you promise not to be upset?"
Colin was unnerved by how serious Anna suddenly became "S-sure? What do you want to tell me?" Colin asked as he smiled at Annalyse, hoping it wasn't anything drastic that she wanted to tell him.

DizjayDeathPride said:
Morpheus appeared sitting next to Jackson. "Well from the looks of it.. you're under some sort of candy spell. Looks nasty. And from the vomit here and... here.. I'd say it really is nasty. Poor guy. I'm sorry I can't help. I think that's unfair, you know? But we can talk if you want" He smiled widely at Jackson, tilting his head
Before Anna opened the door she squeezed his hand and looked at him seriously. "Can I tell you something Colin? Will you promise not to be upset?"
Jackson gave a mental sigh. "Just please don't eat me it's painful beyond belief. How long do you think I'll be stuck like this. Wait. Did Alice and the kids make it safely. I can sense Crimson but the others aren't a part of the guild."
Before even getting a card, Ace said: "Seems like I have the lower card first." When the female shuffled the cards. Ace remembered every single card's order in the deck. She placed the card on the table, waiting for the female to take the next card. @Tazmodo
DizjayDeathPride said:
Ryan didn't say anything for a moment. He thought about the gravity of her question for a moment, fully thinking it over. After a moment of silent he inhaled deeply and shook his head. "I don't think I can go so far as to say that. You are by far one of my most important priorities. But if it came down to the thinnest of hairs between you and my team... My.. family? How could I ever just toss them aside?"
"I'm sorry...." Morgan backs away from Ryan and swiftly turns back to her books. "I've never had someone set me as their number one before other than Julius."

Lotusy said:
"You make of great bullet shield," Viktor replied coldly. Now that she was awake, the older Russian felt no need to tend to her wounds anymore. He turned to Boris and Alexei, who was rubbing his swelling nose. "Work of find to do. I seek help." With that, he scooped up the girl and walked into the hallways, seeking Colin. (I'll have him wait until the thing before is finished before Colin helps). Boris limped back to his workshop to check on the spider bot's progress, and Alexei just stood there awkwardly for a few seconds. "Guess I better get going, too," he muttered, picking up his broom and looking for another cart.

Half an hour later, the Rookie had found himself a new cart, and was busy pushing it along to bathroom. "Goddamn Viktor and his punches. What the hell did I do to deserve it?" He wondered aloud as he plunged his mop back into the cart. "Too much."
DizjayDeathPride said:
The snall grey kitten curled on her head, hissing at anyone who came near. It was healing the injuries fully, purring on her scalp. Its tail swung down behind her head rhythmically
The girl takes the kitten and cradles it in her arms. "Well.... Okay." She wanted to join the guild but failed to do a thing. She sets the kitten down and gently pets it. "Thank you but it's my time to leave now." She gives the kitten a a sad smile and leaves the guild in shame.

CelticSol said:
Jericho looks around in complete confusion as the Deity of Poison vanished without a trace, everything having moved so fast that he couldn't even tell what was going on anymore. He looks dumbly at Ashlyn, What... Exactly just happened? I'm so lost.

Meanwhile, in Grimm's hut, the Poison Deity makes herself comfortable, crossing her legs and resting her intertwined fingers on her knees. "It's like a jinx to mention her at all, isn't it? Make reference to her, and Death while come knocking at your door. Or he brings you to his door..." She hums thoughtfully, bouncing one of her legs as her eyes crease in an almost invisible smile, "I did mention in the conversation - eavesdropping is very rude, let me remind you -that I didn't know where Sovereign or Layla were. I had only heard rumors they were involved again."
Ashlyn looks at Jericho with eyes of desire. "Jericho.... Can you come over here?"

Grimmavus checks his ears and heals them, assuming something bad happened to them to explain why he heard things other than the information he wanted. Grimmavus stands up and approaches the poison deity. His hand instantly striking her across the face, releasing a highly audible sound. Grimmavus stares at her with a blank expression as a bruise begins to form on her left cheek. "Alright, I've asked once and you clearly couldn't deliver. So it seems like you either have no home training like a new pet, you're trying to piss me off, or you lack in areas you should be plentiful in." Grimmavus picks her up gently and holds the cheek he struck. "I'll show you the correct path and bring you to your full potential though. From now on you can no longer be farther that a 5 foot radius of me. You can no longer do a thing without my permission. You are not allowed to breathe, use the bathroom, eat, blink, think, or move without me allowing you too. If you violate any of these rules you shall be greeted with a random surprise. It could be rabies or being turned into a vegetable that can only think regularly and do nothing more inside their own body. You answer to no one else but I and you shall no longer communicate with anyone but I... with permission of course." Grimmavus frowns and heals her cheek. "I'm sorry I struck you in such a way though, I was just extremely angry." When he was 'angry' he had nothing more than a blank expression. Now Grimmavus is staring at her with genuinely apologetic eyes. "The more you obey theses rules between us the stronger you become and the sooner you are released from my grasp." The deity of poison could feel the same urges mortals feel now. Famine, sickness, drowsiness, and the urge to use the bathroom. For now she was full, wide awake, and isn't have to go. This vigor would run out over time though like any other person. "You have free will to speak, move, breathe, think, and ask questions. I promise I won't strike you like that again. I'd like to know what your name is and what conditions you'd like in this new... companionship we have. It's only fair and respectful that I follow personal conditions you may have as well... that is if they seem worth following." He removes his hand from her cheek since she probably didn't want it there in the first place.

djinnamon said:
Diana and Sage and were extremely excited , Sage had just learned star magic so he decided to call out for grim. " Grim ! We want to show you something. " They both called like child wanted to show their father something they thought was cool.
Evil Grimm appears before them with a smile on his face. "Yes? What is it?"

Lotusy said:
As the two suddenly disappeared into the file, Ivan grumbled something about selfish Americans before stuffing the file into the side of his coat. With an irritated sigh, he headed back to the control room before picking up the microphone. "Privet, Hallo? Grimm, I have file that needs attention." With that, he hung up, summoning another few guardian spirits to tighten the security around the guild,
Grimm appears before him with an eager expression. "Yyyeesss... what is it? Show me! I'm curious."

Juju said:
Syrax's scales gleamed a bright crimson as the rays of the desert sun beat against them and turned his hide into a coat of shimmering metal. Arwyn could tell that the wyvern was enjoying the warmth of such a climate just by the contented way he was swinging his tail in a languid arc as he lumbered over the scorched ground. After all the time they had spent in the dark of that tomb it was hard not to enjoy such a fine day, not to mention there was no looming danger they needed to face.
To escape the stifling heat of her armor, Arwyn had removed her helmet which was currently dangling from a strap of leather connected to the shield on her back. A dry rasp of a breeze rustled in the dirt and stirred her gold-brown hair, now tied up in a messy bun, but it felt as sweet as a mother's kiss in this wretched heat. The sun blazed high in the cloudless sky but strangely the dragon knight didn't feel the harsh burn of its direct gaze. 'It must be the Heart.' she realized.

She followed after Grimm and looked around at the geological wonder. "A golden city?" she asked as they passed by a wind-shaped pillar of rock. "I know of a fabled golden city in the jungles of South America but we are in the North America and far from any jungle."

"That's because this golden city was only discovered a few seconds ago! We need to find the 7 in this canyon to find the X!" Grimm seemed excited for this and points at Syrax. "You'll be the leader of this adventure!"

The large castle doors to the Van Fen'rir castle open and literally suck all of them in. The castle doors close to reveal an extremely large interior entrance. "This is it... The family castle. Let's go find Morgan." Alice begins to walk with the kids throughout the seemingly endless castle.
Light said:
"I'm sorry...." Morgan backs away from Ryan and swiftly turns back to her books. "I've never had someone set me as their number one before other than Julius."
The girl takes the kitten and cradles it in her arms. "Well.... Okay." She wanted to join the guild but failed to do a thing. She sets the kitten down and gently pets it. "Thank you but it's my time to leave now." She gives the kitten a a sad smile and leaves the guild in shame.

Ashlyn looks at Jericho with eyes of desire. "Jericho.... Can you come over here?"

Grimmavus checks his ears and heals them, assuming something bad happened to them to explain why he heard things other than the information he wanted. Grimmavus stands up and approaches the poison deity. His hand instantly striking her across the face, releasing a highly audible sound. Grimmavus stares at her with a blank expression as a bruise begins to form on her left cheek. "Alright, I've asked once and you clearly couldn't deliver. So it seems like you either have no home training like a new pet, you're trying to piss me off, or you lack in areas you should be plentiful in." Grimmavus picks her up gently and holds the cheek he struck. "I'll show you the correct path and bring you to your full potential though. From now on you can no longer be farther that a 5 foot radius of me. You can no longer do a thing without my permission. You are not allowed to breathe, use the bathroom, eat, blink, think, or move without me allowing you too. If you violate any of these rules you shall be greeted with a random surprise. It could be rabies or being turned into a vegetable that can only think regularly and do nothing more inside their own body. You answer to no one else but I and you shall no longer communicate with anyone but I... with permission of course." Grimmavus frowns and heals her cheek. "I'm sorry I struck you in such a way though, I was just extremely angry." When he was 'angry' he had nothing more than a blank expression. Now Grimmavus is staring at her with genuinely apologetic eyes. "The more you obey theses rules between us the stronger you become and the sooner you are released from my grasp." The deity of poison could feel the same urges mortals feel now. Famine, sickness, drowsiness, and the urge to use the bathroom. For now she was full, wide awake, and isn't have to go. This vigor would run out over time though like any other person. "You have free will to speak, move, breathe, think, and ask questions. I promise I won't strike you like that again. I'd like to know what your name is and what conditions you'd like in this new... companionship we have. It's only fair and respectful that I follow personal conditions you may have as well... that is if they seem worth following." He removes his hand from her cheek since she probably didn't want it there in the first place.

Evil Grimm appears before them with a smile on his face. "Yes? What is it?"

Grimm appears before him with an eager expression. "Yyyeesss... what is it? Show me! I'm curious."

"That's because this golden city was only discovered a few seconds ago! We need to find the 7 in this canyon to find the X!" Grimm seemed excited for this and points at Syrax. "You'll be the leader of this adventure!"

The large castle doors to the Van Fen'rir castle open and literally suck all of them in. The castle doors close to reveal an extremely large interior entrance. "This is it... The family castle. Let's go find Morgan." Alice begins to walk with the kids throughout the seemingly endless castle.
A masked man appeared in front of the girl. "Hey why the long face? Is something wrong?" He was sitting and posed her no harm.
Light said:
The girl takes the kitten and cradles it in her arms. "Well.... Okay." She wanted to join the guild but failed to do a thing. She sets the kitten down and gently pets it. "Thank you but it's my time to leave now." She gives the kitten a a sad smile and leaves the guild in shame.

Evil Grimm appears before them with a smile on his face. "Yes? What is it?"
Viktor looked at the kitten which had magically appeared on the girl's forehead with disdain as she left. "You make of shit motivation, cat. But heal nice." Something huge had been hurt in the girl, most likely her dignity or pride, as she fell too easily to his bullets. Viktor knew it was a bad idea, but he rolled his eyes, cupping his hands to his mouth. "Miss! Have wait! If strength not in you, I train to strength!"

Ivan handed over the file. "Do not make open, sir. It sucked Colin and Anna in. If you do, you may be suck too."
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The Otaku Diaries]"When you shuffled the cards of course. And I thought the card you're holding is supposed to be bigger than mine." Ace then shugged at how they were tied up. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/17275-tazmodo/ said:
A smile appears on her face. "You are clearly more then meets the eye aren't you? What's you name?" Spade changed the card when she drew it testing to see if she would notice.
" We want to show a new spell. " Sage said before he and Diana joined hands and began to chant.

Survey the Heavens, Open the Heavens...

All the stars, far and wide...

Show me thy appearance...

With such shine.

Oh Tetrabiblos...

I am the ruler of the stars...

Aspect become complete...

Open thy malevolent gate.

Oh 88 Stars of the heaven...


Urano Metria!

They healed the last part in unison as 88 constellation as spheres appeared around as they were engulfed by golden before he levelled their hands at a tree and large a beamed of pure golden light obliterated everything in its path including a large hill into nothingness. The golden magic circles that were in thief eyes faded as they turned to Grimm with twin smiles. " How was that Grimm? " Diana asked.

As the guy moved at the speed of Light Cole was very calm. He trained and fought along side of a speedster. This wasn't new to him. He predicted where the guy will stop and released a omni-directional burst of void energy. A spell called Void Expansion.


Tazmodo said:
A smile appears on her face. "You are clearly more then meets the eye aren't you? What's you name?" Spade changed the card when she drew it testing to see if she would notice.
"It's Ace. And yours?" Ace asked the female.
GingerBread said:
Colin was unnerved by how serious Anna suddenly became "S-sure? What do you want to tell me?" Colin asked as he smiled at Annalyse, hoping it wasn't anything drastic that she wanted to tell him.

"Just in case this is a trap and we die I want to be honest with you... You know the lady in black who wanted you to join us? Well...." She looked down, afraid to look in his eyes. "I work with her. I just wanted you to know that. In case anything went bad." She immediately perked up and smiled, closing her eyes "Alright let's go!"

She opened the door and it revealed the office they were in before. Same as before. With the girl in black sitting at her desk. She looked up to the two and smiled. "Well... I see you read the file. I take that as you wish to join us, Colin?"

Tazmodo said:
Jackson gave a mental sigh. "Just please don't eat me it's painful beyond belief. How long do you think I'll be stuck like this. Wait. Did Alice and the kids make it safely. I can sense Crimson but the others aren't a part of the guild."
Morpheus shrugged, holding his knees to his chest and poking Jackson with his foot "I don't actually know... Who's Alice? And you have kids? And... who's Crimson?"

Embaga Elder] [COLOR=#5900b3]As the guy moved at the speed of Light Cole was very calm. He trained and fought along side of a speedster. This wasn't new to him. He predicted where the guy will stop and released a omni-directional burst of void energy. A spell called Void Expansion.[/COLOR][COLOR=#5900b3] [/COLOR][IMG]https://www.rpnation.com/proxy.php?image=http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/fairytailfanon/images/c/ce/Dante-Dim12.gif/revision/latest/thumbnail-down/width/340/height/340?cb=20140224174825&hash=1dd8b0999f10916ccae8de6878a70ef0[/IMG][COLOR=#5900b3] [/COLOR] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/17217-dizjaydeathpride/ said:
Sylvester's eyes got wide as he crossed his chest, bracing himself. As he was blasted back in a shell of Light that cracked and chipped away while he was in the air. He twirled his sword, pointing it to Cole and about to strike when he heard his leader's voice in his head. "You sure? .... Alright then"

( ! ) He slashed down at Cole from his hovering position, sending a slash of Light down to Cole, followed closely by another. Then another, thousands back to back


Evannia watched Cole and Sylvester's altercation through Sylvester's eyes. Behind her stood another girl, Elizabeth. "Got it. That's all I need. Yes I'm sure just distract him" She opened her palm and a nice black and purple orb floated. She clenched her hand and crushed it, swinging her arm to the side and cutting into this realm and Void Magic. She stuck her hand in and lifted the crack apart, smiling to Christina. "Hello again. I've missed you."

Elizabeth jumped through the crack, landing with Christina and Evannia let go, closing the rift she created.

Elizabeth had three swirling tails coming from her lower back. "Hi Chrisitna"


Decimus was hunched over, panting. His eyes were their vibrant Underworld purple. Above him, the giant Hands of Hades. He looked to his father, breathing heavily. His father stood facing him in his full Transcendent Demon form.

"I didn't say stop Decimus" He spoke out. His voice was so warped, so demonic. So powerful.

Decimus huffed and closed his eyes. Purple misty power spilled out of him, falling to the ground and extending out. He swung his arms down and screamed to the sky, purple light shooting from his eyes. The Chest of Hades ripped from his body and expanded out to be equal with the Hands. A faint purple steam burning away everything it touched. The 'flesh' of the ribs dripped down, freezing everything.

Decimus continued to roar as the ribs were coated with muscle, then skin. Just like the hands. He fell to his knees as a Spine connected the back of the Chest, growing up to a Skull that quickly too gained muscle then skin. The Head of Hades

Armor grew around the purple misty body and its eyes flashed, smirking to Dekimarus. It grew higher, a full Body starting to form. Decimus floated in the center of its Chest, barely huffing and conscious inside of his full Form of Hades


The purple demonic power was over 300 meters high, 100 yards wide, and 50 meters thick. Decimus extended his hand to forward and clenched as if he had grabbed his father. The actual Form of Hades moved at blinding speeds to account for real world distance

Dekimarus kicked off the ground, landing on the Arm and running up it, ignoring the freezing burning sensation from even being near the Form, let alone touching it. You're almost there son. Keep it up He charged the Chest and stabbed into it with his Demonic Arm. It burned away by the mist but he kept pushing through until nothing was left of his Demonic arm but its normal humanoid form. He pointed to Decimus and shot a beam through his heart, kicking off the Body as it was reflexively attacking to protect Decimus
Syrax was looking up at the stripes made by the countless layers of rock when Grimm pointed to him and declared him the leader of the treasure hunt. His golden eyes shifted to Arwyn as his voice echoed in her mind. 'He is not serious, is he?'

there was a ponderous pause

'He is isn't he... why me?' a soft growl rumbled deep in the beast's chest.

Arwyn bit her lip so that the wyvern wouldn't see her emerging smile. 'Dragons are supposed to love gold, remember? Come on, we told him we would help him.'

An angry puff of smoke escaped Syrax's jaws at this. 'He is definitely making this up. This is foolish. I will not do it.' He finished with a lash of his tail as if to end the conversation.

Arwyn turned away from the grumpy wyvern and looked at Grim. "Our leader says that he will guide us to these seven -uh- cities in just a moment!" As she said this she patted Syrax on his shoulder. This resulted in her having to dodge a clumsy bite from his jaws. Of course there was little danger of injury due to their shared thoughts and she avoided his fangs with ease.


(heheh Im off to bed now. see ya.

oh and I got to read Grimm's CS and it is awesome. Very suiting if I must say so myself.)
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