Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
DaManofWar said:
Scar stared at her coldly. "Take me somewhere more private. If you wish to hear it, that is how I will tell you. No other person must be present if you want to hear." Scar didn't believe she would do it. Humans were far to stupid to competed with his intellect.
Cassie rolled her eyes and rolled over. "Fine dont tell me. Then please leave me. I've had a terrible day and I just want to sleep one good night of quiet before I lose my mind. How about next time? Cool" she sighed to herself and assumed he'd leave, falling asleep
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GingerBread said:
Vance merely closed his eyes "Do you know what would be great right now? A massive scoop of ice cream right in front of me" Vance smirked as he heard a giant avalanche of ice cream appear in front of him, blocking the medusa from looking at him. Vance's eyes shot open and used the shadows the rocks cast to fire beams of darkness at all the surrounding rock and at the medusa, destroying all of them. Once he did this he dragged Theodore and himself into his darkness realm and nullified Theo's powers.

@Tazmodo (Here's something interesting. Theo's power isn't darkness manipulation is it? he merely uses it through the medium of his actual power which is memory manipulation. So technically, all his powers would be gone. Correct?)

Colin smiled as he rested his head in Anna's lap and got comfortable. Colin looked up at Anna curiously "What's breaking bad?"
( ! )

The absolute light stop Vance's shadows from getting to him. Theo was done playing games. He manipulated the water in Vance's body to stop his movements if he moved the water would tear from his body killing him. The eternal fire hits his nose and spreads across his face. "Give up now or die."
DizjayDeathPride said:
Anna's eyes got wide and she looked down to him. "What?"
Colin looked up at Anna sheepishly "I asked what breaking bad was.... I've never watched it before" Colin clarified before looking guiltily towards the ground, thinking that he'd offended Anna in some way.

Cole was about to start walking until he was shot with a cupid arrow. The emotion of love filled his body. He glanced at Christina and grabbed her hand. On second thought, why not go to the tunnel of love? He asked with a cute smile.

Crimson suddenly felt the rush of love fill his body. He's rage meter shrunk from through the roof to relaxed. Crimson kept his same calm and relaxed face expression, because of his tranquil state. On the list of girls crimson had fell in love with, Alice name is number two.

@Light @Tazmodo
Tazmodo said:
( ! )
The absolute light stop Vance's shadows from getting to him. Theo was done playing games. He manipulated the water in Vance's body to stop his movements if he moved the water would tear from his body killing him. The eternal fire hits his nose and spreads across his face. "Give up now or die."
( ! ) before the eternal fire could reach his face Vance used the shadows that were inside his and Theo's body, where the absolute light couldn't reach, to pull himself and Theo into the darkness realm where he nullified Theodore's powers. Manipulating the shadow of a living thing tired Vance out slightly but not as much as before, so he could still use his basic powers, whereas theo could use none. "So Theo, you can't use your powers. So how about you give up. Or I can Kill you. Right here. Right now"

@Tazmodo (Changed it slightly, hope you don't mind :P )
( I'll reply to your post now since I don't want to hold you up. I can't find other posts I have to reply to at all since there's a cluster of ooc posts. )

Christina intertwines her fingers with his and nods her head, not even wanting to Easter the energy to speak. She had to reserve all of her focus and energy just for Cole. He did deserve it after all and she deserved all of him. She makes her way to the love tunnel with him and gets on the swan. "So...how are you so far today?" She begins to draw circles on the back of his hand with her thumb and connects her line of sight with his. Her red eyes are currently giving off a tender radiance.

( @Tazmodo )

Alice reserves a seat for them all in the all you can eat and sits on the very end of a booth with her kids.
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GingerBread said:
( ! ) before the eternal fire could reach his face Vance used the shadows that were inside his and Theo's body, where the absolute light couldn't reach, to pull himself and Theo into the darkness realm where he nullified Theodore's powers. Manipulating the shadow of a living thing tired Vance out slightly but not as much as before, so he could still use his basic powers, whereas theo could use none. "So Theo, you can't use your powers. So how about you give up. Or I can Kill you. Right here. Right now"

@Tazmodo (Changed it slightly, hope you don't mind :P )
Theodore sighs in the darkness realm. "You know it's quiet peaceful in here without the memories constantly buzzing. But it seems you couldn't fight me out there you had to bring me here." He laid down calmly enjoying the silence.

Light said:
( I'll reply to your post now since I don't want to hold you up. I can't find other posts I have to reply to at all since there's a cluster of ooc posts. )
Christina intertwines her fingers with his and nods her head, not even wanting to Easter the energy to speak. She had to reserve all of her focus and energy just for Cole. He did deserve it after all and she deserved all of him. She makes her way to the love tunnel with him and gets on the swan. "So...how are you so far today?" She begins to draw circles on the back of his hand with her thumb and connects her line of sight with his. Her red eyes are currently giving off a tender radiance.

( @Tazmodo )

Alice reserves a seat for them all in the all you can eat and sits on the very end of a booth with her kids.
Jackson sat by the other end. He didn't want to sit to close to the kids because he didn't know if they liked him or not. He knew Red and Blue did from before but he didn't now. He looked at the kids. "So do you guys know what you want?"
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Tazmodo said:
Theodore sighs in the darkness realm. "You know it's quiet peaceful in here without the memories constantly buzzing. But it seems you couldn't fight me out there you had to bring me here." He laid down calmly enjoying the silence.
Vance walked over to Theodore and picked him up by the collar before slamming him into a newly formed wall of darkness "Now I'm not allowed to kill you technically, because you're part of the guild. But what I can do is Cut off all your limbs slowly and as painfully as possible. Now are you going to give up or do I have to do that? If you want to do me a favour. Don't give up, try to fight back, I'll be able to have more fun"

Sage sighed and stood up. " Someone help, Grimm , Ashlyn heck Luna. " He called out , even though he was doubting that anyone who cared about him would save him. His eyes lost their light and his face slowly became neutral as he fell into despair.

GingerBread said:
Vance walked over to Theodore and picked him up by the collar before slamming him into a newly formed wall of darkness "Now I'm not allowed to kill you technically, because you're part of the guild. But what I can do is Cut off all your limbs slowly and as painfully as possible. Now are you going to give up or do I have to do that? If you want to do me a favour. Don't give up, try to fight back, I'll be able to have more fun"
Theodore sighed. "You know your'e the one who picked the fight. You're also the one who likes to say your the strongest. But we all know that without your little realm here you're useless. So you know what no that you picked a fight with a kid and decided to take the kid to where he's defenseless but do you actually know why you're doing this. You're the bully type because you can't deal with your problems and decided to pick on the little guy. So go ahead do whatever you want because that's what your type does." He didn't care he just enjoyed his silence. "Also you're still naked."
Diana, Kotori and the goddesses were worried but the goddesses had to return to their nations for now. They left after saying goodbye while Kotori and Diana stayed in Sage's room waiting and hoping he was okay.
Tazmodo said:
Theodore sighed. "You know your'e the one who picked the fight. You're also the one who likes to say your the strongest. But we all know that without your little realm here you're useless. So you know what no that you picked a fight with a kid and decided to take the kid to where he's defenseless but do you actually know why you're doing this. You're the bully type because you can't deal with your problems and decided to pick on the little guy. So go ahead do whatever you want because that's what your type does." He didn't care he just enjoyed his silence. "Also you're still naked."
"I don't claim I'm the strongest, that title goes to Ashlyn, until I see someone who's stronger. But I'll tell you what I am. I'm the smartest here. I know when to shut my mouth, something you and a lot of other people here need to learn. I know when I can push it without endangering other peoples life as well as my own. I can figure out someone's weaknesses and use them against it faster than most people. I highly doubt any of you lot can. And that's probably the reason I haven't been kicked out of the guild after all the stuff I've done." Vance slammed Theodore against the wall which flipped back and became a sort of operating table. Thick tendrils grew around Theo's arms and legs restraining him to the table "And Don't think I'm doing this to make myself feel better, I have whiskey and other assorted alcohol if I can't deal with something. No. I'm doing this because you're a gobby little shit, who needs to be taught that you can't just say whatever you want without consequences" Vance had a bonesaw made of darkness appear in his hand "Now since you apparently want to keep talking shit and not give up. Are you left or right handed?"

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@The Otaku Diaries[/URL] @Light
"Wait! Just look back in time to find the killer! We must find out who did it at all costs!" If Veyd looked into the past he would see that another clone of Grimm was the one whom brutally killed Chibi Grimm.

GingerBread said:
(I totally forgot he wasn't wearing clothes xD )
"A strip club appeared in my Room, filled with ladies and then it filled with men. I've had a weird day" Vance shrugged, not really seeing the whole strip club thing as a big deal "But why were you looking so lovestruck? Do all of you get turned on by sand?"

"I'll need to get a sheath for you or at least something to put you in when I'm not using you or need my hands free" Colin told the staff, still feeling slightly crazy about talking to it. Colin looked up and saw Anna was alive. Not even questioning it he propped the staff up against a wall quickly and ran over to her. Colin buried his head in the crook of her neck and began crying, happy she wasn't dead

@DizjayDeathPride @LokiofSP @Light
( The staff and it's personality is now up to you to control. )

DizjayDeathPride said:
Ryan looked over to her and tilted his head. "Yeah...? You okay dear? You seem kind of... Glowing. I'm a bit nervous. Did something just go wrong? I've been working on am antimagic disease actually hold on I might have something for you" He kicked back in his folly chair and started rummaging through the desk, looking at different tubes. When he found the one he popped back up and shuffled over to her. "Now I haven't actually tested it but I mean if you're dying, here"
Julius was working on expelling the affects of the love arrow from Morgan's body. Though it would take him a while and he knew it. Morgan continues to stare at Ryan. She wanted to give him a well deserved kiss but she wouldn't get up to do it.

DizjayDeathPride said:
Meeeeeeanwhile! Morpheus had served his time and gained a new.... Perspective on life. He pranced merrily on a land with deer like species.

View attachment 229059

It was the most fertile time of the year it seemed.the grass had grown to it's ripest. Fruits were falling from the sky. The land had finally reached it's bountiful peak and blessed them with a harvest for months to come.

A new generation of the species had just been created. The nearby cluster all gathered around this new set of babies, making their species' sound of joy.

Morpheus was chewing away at some grass happily.
Until some stranger fell from the sky.

Morpheus and the other deer people ran away, hiding from this strange intruder. After awhile, Morpheus sent a clone to speak with this strange being. With a crown of course

It spoke to the man and Morpheus stood there, jaw dropped.
No... Fucking.... Way..." "All hail Pest Eye Lance! All hail Pest Eye Lance. All hail!"

The crowed cheered and Morpheus watched as the Horseman left. "You have got... To be fucking kidding me..."
The horsemen sped away, apparently talking to someone who wasn't there. Disappearing afterwards.

Tazmodo said:
Jackson sat by the other end. He didn't want to sit to close to the kids because he didn't know if they liked him or not. He knew Red and Blue did from before but he didn't now. He looked at the kids. "So do you guys know what you want?"
"Emily wants strawberries!" Alice smiles at this and gently strokes the right side of her head near the rear. It's Emily's favourite spot on her head to be pat.

"Alright Emily... I'll get you just that. Though you need to eat something else other than that as well, remember that. Red, you'll eat anything. Blue, I know you specifically only want hydrogen and oxygen."

djinnamon said:
Sage sighed and stood up. " Someone help, Grimm , Ashlyn heck Luna. " He called out , even though he was doubting that anyone who cared about him would save him. His eyes lost their light and his face slowly became neutral as he fell into despair.
Grimm's voice rings through Sage's mind. "I shall save you and return your friend... if you agree to my conditions of a deal. You will owe me two favours that you cannot deny when I ask for them in trade for your life and your friend. Do you accept?"

GingerBread said:
"I don't claim I'm the strongest, that title goes to Ashlyn, until I see someone who's stronger. But I'll tell you what I am. I'm the smartest here. I know when to shut my mouth, something you and a lot of other people here need to learn. I know when I can push it without endangering other peoples life as well as my own. I can figure out someone's weaknesses and use them against it faster than most people. I highly doubt any of you lot can. And that's probably the reason I haven't been kicked out of the guild after all the stuff I've done." Vance slammed Theodore against the wall which flipped back and became a sort of operating table. Thick tendrils grew around Theo's arms and legs restraining him to the table "And Don't think I'm doing this to make myself feel better, I have whiskey and other assorted alcohol if I can't deal with something. No. I'm doing this because you're a gobby little shit, who needs to be taught that you can't just say whatever you want without consequences" Vance had a bonesaw made of darkness appear in his hand "Now since you apparently want to keep talking shit and not give up. Are you left or right handed?"
Grimm was watching to see how far this would go.
Sage sighed and nodded. " Ok , I accept. " He said

Light said:
"Wait! Just look back in time to find the killer! We must find out who did it at all costs!" If Veyd looked into the past he would see that another clone of Grimm was the one whom brutally killed Chibi Grimm.
( The staff and it's personality is now up to you to control. )

Julius was working on expelling the affects of the love arrow from Morgan's body. Though it would take him a while and he knew it. Morgan continues to stare at Ryan. She wanted to give him a well deserved kiss but she wouldn't get up to do it.

The horsemen sped away, apparently talking to someone who wasn't there. Disappearing afterwards.

"Emily wants strawberries!" Alice smiles at this and gently strokes the right side of her head near the rear. It's Emily's favourite spot on her head to be pat.

"Alright Emily... I'll get you just that. Though you need to eat something else other than that as well, remember that. Red, you'll eat anything. Blue, I know you specifically only want hydrogen and oxygen."

Grimm's voice rings through Sage's mind. "I shall save you and return your friend... if you agree to my conditions of a deal. You will owe me two favours that you cannot deny when I ask for them in trade for your life and your friend. Do you accept?"

Grimm was watching to see how far this would go.
djinnamon said:
Sage sighed and nodded. " Ok , I accept. " He said
( @DizjayDeathPride )

Sage is transported to a safe forest, free of the attack of Morpheus completely and Diana appears beside him. Evil Grimm would make sure Morpheus wouldn't attack him after this....for now. "The fool basically sold his soul to me... I wonder who's next. I might go for our dear friend Malren." Evil Grimm was inside a dark realm, staring a a chess board with all the Dragon's Roar members set up as personalized pieces. The piece that is Sage is now completely black. "Let the games begin."
Sage instantly hugged Diana and began to cry , Vance was right Luna was right everyone was right. He was powerless , he could do anything against Morpheus or Mars. Diana hugged him back as the boy cried in her shoulder , she rubbed back comfortingly as he sobbed. " Diana.......I want to become stronger. I want to prove to everyone that I can fight and protect myself. " Sage said as he looked up at Diana with determination. " Ok , i'll help you. I want to become more powerful as well. " She said as they pulled away and sat across from each other.

" First off I want to learn about reality warping and counter measures. " Sage said but Diana shook her head. " We shouldn't learn high level powers that fast yet. " Diana said as she stood and got into fighting stance. " Let's work on hand to hand combat first and move up from there. " Diana said and Sage nodded before standing and getting into battle position after backing away a few feet. With a silent go they ran at each other..
Veyd nodded and put both his hands on his scythe, peering through time itself as if it were from a screen. When he saw it he was surprised at least to see it was...Grimm? Snapping back to present day he looked down ag ball Grimm, and the girl "It was Grimm...Anything you know about that? Missy?" asked Veyd, particularly looking over at Ace before turning back to bsll Grimm.

@Light @The Otaku Diaries
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Scar left Cassandra alone. She was human. And that, of course, meant many things. For starters, humans dominated this guild. How vexing. Surrounded by the worst creatures imaginable. As he walked around the guild hall, he pondered how best to deal with the humans.
Diana and Sage sat down panting , trying to regain their breath. They were training for a good few hours and they were note pretty tired. " That was fun. " Sage said as he regained his breath and wiped away the sweaty from his brow. Diana nodded and stood up , Sage doing the same soon after. " Ok lets learn some magic now. Your are the deity of stars right? " She asked and Sage nodded. " Ok , I'll teach you start magic , what can you teach me. " She asked and Sage looked thoughtful. " I can teach you ice manipulation. " He said before briefly wondering why he never knew star magic. " I'll teach first. " Diana said and the two began their magic training.
Cole gets inside the swan and smiles as he looks into her eyes. He was feeling good, since we was with his love of his life. I'm feeling great only because I've been with you the most of my day. He said as he places his hand on her cheek rubbing it with his thumb.

Crimson sat next to the kids unlike Jackson. For someone with very bad anger issues, kids weren't a problem to him. Zedd shrunk somemore to the size of a hamster and sat on Crimson's lap. He smiles towards Emily as she asked for strawberries. Hey Emily, would you like to get some chicken Alfredo with me and Zedd? That was always our favorite growing up. He stated with a smile. @Light @Tazmodo
GingerBread said:
Colin looked up at Anna sheepishly "I asked what breaking bad was.... I've never watched it before" Colin clarified before looking guiltily towards the ground, thinking that he'd offended Anna in some way.

"I.... Wow.. I can't believe you've never heard of it.. that's so shocking. You must be a sheltered individual. Well... Breaking bad is a show about a father with cancer who creates some extremely pure crystal Meth and sells it to pay for his treatments that somehow gets out of control and he become a drug lord"

Light said:
"Wait! Just look back in time to find the killer! We must find out who did it at all costs!" If Veyd looked into the past he would see that another clone of Grimm was the one whom brutally killed Chibi Grimm.
( The staff and it's personality is now up to you to control. )

Julius was working on expelling the affects of the love arrow from Morgan's body. Though it would take him a while and he knew it. Morgan continues to stare at Ryan. She wanted to give him a well deserved kiss but she wouldn't get up to do it.

The horsemen sped away, apparently talking to someone who wasn't there. Disappearing afterwards.

"Emily wants strawberries!" Alice smiles at this and gently strokes the right side of her head near the rear. It's Emily's favourite spot on her head to be pat.

"Alright Emily... I'll get you just that. Though you need to eat something else other than that as well, remember that. Red, you'll eat anything. Blue, I know you specifically only want hydrogen and oxygen."

Grimm's voice rings through Sage's mind. "I shall save you and return your friend... if you agree to my conditions of a deal. You will owe me two favours that you cannot deny when I ask for them in trade for your life and your friend. Do you accept?"

Grimm was watching to see how far this would go.
Ryan walked closer, worry evident on his face. "Are.... You okay Morgan?" He walked to her and gently poked her shoulder. "Are.. you dead?"
GingerBread said:
"I don't claim I'm the strongest, that title goes to Ashlyn, until I see someone who's stronger. But I'll tell you what I am. I'm the smartest here. I know when to shut my mouth, something you and a lot of other people here need to learn. I know when I can push it without endangering other peoples life as well as my own. I can figure out someone's weaknesses and use them against it faster than most people. I highly doubt any of you lot can. And that's probably the reason I haven't been kicked out of the guild after all the stuff I've done." Vance slammed Theodore against the wall which flipped back and became a sort of operating table. Thick tendrils grew around Theo's arms and legs restraining him to the table "And Don't think I'm doing this to make myself feel better, I have whiskey and other assorted alcohol if I can't deal with something. No. I'm doing this because you're a gobby little shit, who needs to be taught that you can't just say whatever you want without consequences" Vance had a bonesaw made of darkness appear in his hand "Now since you apparently want to keep talking shit and not give up. Are you left or right handed?"
Theodore sighed. "Don't you understand? You're the one who attacked me. You're the inevitable who decides how far you're willing to go. And knowing weaknesses doesn't make you smart. Hell if you can't send someone to the darkness realm your practically useless. Now tell me this. You attacked me and now want me to give up. But I'm just the retaliator. All of this depends on how far you want to take it."

Light said:
"Wait! Just look back in time to find the killer! We must find out who did it at all costs!" If Veyd looked into the past he would see that another clone of Grimm was the one whom brutally killed Chibi Grimm.
( The staff and it's personality is now up to you to control. )

Julius was working on expelling the affects of the love arrow from Morgan's body. Though it would take him a while and he knew it. Morgan continues to stare at Ryan. She wanted to give him a well deserved kiss but she wouldn't get up to do it.

The horsemen sped away, apparently talking to someone who wasn't there. Disappearing afterwards.

"Emily wants strawberries!" Alice smiles at this and gently strokes the right side of her head near the rear. It's Emily's favourite spot on her head to be pat.

"Alright Emily... I'll get you just that. Though you need to eat something else other than that as well, remember that. Red, you'll eat anything. Blue, I know you specifically only want hydrogen and oxygen."

Grimm's voice rings through Sage's mind. "I shall save you and return your friend... if you agree to my conditions of a deal. You will owe me two favours that you cannot deny when I ask for them in trade for your life and your friend. Do you accept?"

Grimm was watching to see how far this would go.
Jackson laughed and stood up. "Well I know Emily won't take food I give her and I don't know how to gather oxen and hydrogen. Unless she eats water. But Red over here is the easy one." He looked at Alice. "You wanna go get some food?
Tazmodo said:
Theodore sighed. "Don't you understand? You're the one who attacked me. You're the inevitable who decides how far you're willing to go. And knowing weaknesses doesn't make you smart. Hell if you can't send someone to the darkness realm your practically useless. Now tell me this. You attacked me and now want me to give up. But I'm just the retaliator. All of this depends on how far you want to take it."
Light said:
Grimm was watching to see how far this would go.
"You can keep thinking that runt. But are you telling me you're not useless right now without your powers. Because even if I didn't have any powers, I could still kill you." Vance raised the bonesaw up slightly "Now seeing as you haven't given me an answer" Vance pushed the bonesaw onto Theodore's right arm, in the crook of the elbow "You can lose both. Unless you have something to tell me"

( ! ) Vance started doing long exaggerated strokes along Theodore's arm. Each time the teeth were going deeper into Theo's arm.

@Tazmodo (So, Theo is gonna lose an arm then? :P )

DizjayDeathPride said:
"I.... Wow.. I can't believe you've never heard of it.. that's so shocking. You must be a sheltered individual. Well... Breaking bad is a show about a father with cancer who creates some extremely pure crystal Meth and sells it to pay for his treatments that somehow gets out of control and he become a drug lord"
"Oh, That sounds interesting. I never really watched tv. I could never afford it anyway" Colin smiled at Anna before turning his head so he could watch the TV.

GingerBread said:
"You can keep thinking that runt. But are you telling me you're not useless right now without your powers. Because even if I didn't have any powers, I could still kill you." Vance raised the bonesaw up slightly "Now seeing as you haven't given me an answer" Vance pushed the bonesaw onto Theodore's right arm, in the crook of the elbow "You can lose both. Unless you have something to tell me"
( ! ) Vance started doing long exaggerated strokes along Theodore's arm. Each time the teeth were going deeper into Theo's arm.

@Tazmodo (So, Theo is gonna lose an arm then? :P )

"Oh, That sounds interesting. I never really watched tv. I could never afford it anyway" Colin smiled at Anna before turning his head so he could watch the TV.

Theodore sighed. "Alright fine I give up. You put me somewhere where I can't do shit." He was still completely calm.

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