Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
GingerBread said:
"Who said I wanted to be with Cass?" Vance continued on even though Sage had already left "As good as she is, I can't see myself in a proper relationship with her. I don't feel comfortable with someone knowing more about me than I do, especially in a relationship. Though I like how assertive she is, that's sexy" Vance sighed, knowing Sage probably heard none of that. Vance spotted a note sitting on his desk "How eloquent, I think I will 'Come at you, bro'" Vance said before he teleported to theo. Vance was looking for any reason to beat the crap out of someone and Theodore had just given him one

"Hey runt, I think you got your age wrong, You're six right? Cause no 12 year old would look and dress that stupid" Vance taunted as he pulled out a dagger. Vance completely ignored Cassandra as she told him not to speak to her.

Colin felt his cheeks tinge red as Anna called him cute "So do you want to do something? I don't really want to do anything that... 'Intensive' for a while"
( ! )

Theodore turned around. "Dude your like fifty years old why you gotta make beef with the kid. But ok if you want to let out some rage." He formed a blade just like his. "Just let's spar for a bit I don't want to have a full on fight." He waited for his attack.
djinnamon said:
Sage sat up and rubbed his jaw before he began stand up. " Don't talk me right now. Teach him not to talk about other people's realationships , neither me nor Vance touched him and because of your wife my mother is dead. " He said before he teleported to the star realm. He walked through the castle and went to his room. He didn't want to be in that guild at the moment but he was worried Morpheus might attack so he opened a mirror that allowed him to see Vance and Morpheus.
Morpheus snickered and chuckled, trying his best not to laugh. He had, ironically, decided to do the same to Sage and entered his mind using their guild symbol. He looked around the room through Sage's eye, scanning and analyzing the star realm. Once he had that cataloged he looked to the mirror and changed it to follow blue lizard Morpheus.

Blue lizard Morpheus was running down the hall, another flag in its mouth. It stuck it on another random door, claiming it for LUU. Lizard Utopia, University.

The Morpheus is Vance's room left Sage's mind and burst out laughing. "You think I care what Luna does to other people as punishment? Shit Sonny did you not see I was on her foot the entire time, watching her? So arrogant aren't you. Always pay attention to your surroundings

Soul chails slammed into the ground and came out in the Star Realm with Sage, wringing there. He spoke again back out loud. "I would have done it too if I wanted." The chains went back and sucked into his body. He walked out of Vance's room and disappeared.

Tazmodo said:
( ! )
Theodore turned around. "Dude your like fifty years old why you gotta make beef with the kid. But ok if you want to let out some rage." He formed a blade just like his. "Just let's spar for a bit I don't want to have a full on fight." He waited for his attack.
"Cause little shits like you need to be taught a lesson in respect. And I'm far from fifty" Vance stretched his arms above his head and scanned the room quickly, taking in all the possible places and things he could use against Theodore "So what's you power then kid? Is it something useless, like Ice cream manipulation? Or is it something more childish like pacifier manipulation?"

@Tazmodo @DaManofWar @DizjayDeathPride
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(Hey, @DizjayDeathPride are you just gonna ignore Scar?)

Scar watched the attempt at fighting with disinterest. He frankly preferred talking to a being not human, but one wasn't available. So, he would talk with a woman. He had never met one before. At all. "Cassandra, what is your relationship with the rest of the guild?" He asked her.

@Tazmodo @GingerBread
GingerBread said:
"Cause little shits like you need to be taught a lesson in respect. And I'm far from fifty" Vance stretched his arms above his head and scanned the room quickly, taking in all the possible places and things he could use against Theodore "So what's you power then kid? Is it something useless, like Ice cream manipulation? Or is it something more childish like pacifier manipulation?"
@Tazmodo @DaManofWar @DizjayDeathPride
Theodore sighed. "How did you guess?" Ice cream cones fell into Vance's head. "Fifty year olds should learn not to be such big baby's."
Sage had expelled Morpheus from his realm before he could do anything and entered the man's mind. " Don't attempt to enter my realm again or else I'll trap you in here forever. " He warned before leaving the man's mind.

DizjayDeathPride said:
Morpheus snickered and chuckled, trying his best not to laugh. He had, ironically, decided to do the same to Sage and entered his mind using their guild symbol. He looked around the room through Sage's eye, scanning and analyzing the star realm. Once he had that cataloged he looked to the mirror and changed it to follow blue lizard Morpheus.
Blue lizard Morpheus was running down the hall, another flag in its mouth. It stuck it on another random door, claiming it for LUU. Lizard Utopia, University.

The Morpheus is Vance's room left Sage's mind and burst out laughing. "You think I care what Luna does to other people as punishment? Shit Sonny did you not see I was on her foot the entire time, watching her? So arrogant aren't you. Always pay attention to your surroundings

Soul chails slammed into the ground and came out in the Star Realm with Sage, wringing there. He spoke again back out loud. "I would have done it too if I wanted." The chains went back and sucked into his body. He walked out of Vance's room and disappeared.

"You're not fifty, you're not even close to being fifty. You're 48 years off" Vance replied in the most condescending tone he could "Now are you going to attack me? Or are you too scared? I would say go cry to your mommy. But that bitch is dead, isn't she?" Vance started laughing quietly at first but it evolved to a full blown laugh that echoed around the room. Even if it was completely fake.

@Tazmodo @DizjayDeathPride @DaManofWar
GingerBread said:
"You're not fifty, you're not even close to being fifty. You're 48 years off" Vance replied in the most condescending tone he could "Now are you going to attack me? Or are you too scared? I would say go cry to your mommy. But that bitch is dead, isn't she?" Vance started laughing quietly at first but it evolved to a full blown laugh that echoed around the room. Even if it was completely fake.

@Tazmodo @DizjayDeathPride @DaManofWar
"I was talking about you numb nuts and I am." More ice cream cones fell onto his head. "See." He wasn't fazed about that he learn not to let the minds of 3 year olds bother him.
GingerBread said:
"Who said I wanted to be with Cass?" Vance continued on even though Sage had already left "As good as she is, I can't see myself in a proper relationship with her. I don't feel comfortable with someone knowing more about me than I do, especially in a relationship. Though I like how assertive she is, that's sexy" Vance sighed, knowing Sage probably heard none of that. Vance spotted a note sitting on his desk "How eloquent, I think I will 'Come at you, bro'" Vance said before he teleported to theo. Vance was looking for any reason to beat the crap out of someone and Theodore had just given him one

"Hey runt, I think you got your age wrong, You're six right? Cause no 12 year old would look and dress that stupid" Vance taunted as he pulled out a dagger. Vance completely ignored Cassandra as she told him not to speak to her.

Colin felt his cheeks tinge red as Anna called him cute "So do you want to do something? I don't really want to do anything that... 'Intensive' for a while"
She let him go and flipped her hair over her shoulder. "No... No I think I've had enough excitement for today. Let's just go watch tv" She linked her arm with his and walked away, following her instincts to where a room would be

GingerBread said:

Morpheus had appeared back with Vance, looking to Theo. "For this fight, I'll do both. But after this little match, we are done. Until you make that girl happy again" Morpheus shook his head, tsking. "I can't believe you'd be so heartless like that. You aught to be ashamed at yoself. ASHAMED!" He turned into a kitten, done speaking. It hopped away somewhere safe and warm and curled up, doing anything Vance needed in the ice cream or pacifier world"


DaManofWar said:
(Hey, @DizjayDeathPride are you just gonna ignore Scar?)
Scar watched the attempt at fighting with disinterest. He frankly preferred talking to a being not human, but one wasn't available. So, he would talk with a woman. He had never met one before. At all. "Cassandra, what is your relationship with the rest of the guild?" He asked her.

@Tazmodo @GingerBread

(I'm sorry it's just her character. She was focused solely on the first person to speak, demanind an answer she was just oblivious to anyone not attacking her)

Cassie turned back and looked at him. "I have no relationship to the guild at all. I joined and I feel like staying. Thats all. Why?"


djinnamon said:
Sage had expelled Morpheus from his realm before he could do anything and entered the man's mind. " Don't attempt to enter my realm again or else I'll trap you in here forever. " He warned before leaving the man's mind.

(Fine time to be a proper Alpha)

(!) The kitten left a clone and entered Sage's mind. Literally. He flung his arm and Sage was completely brain dead

(!) Until Morpheus materialized before Sage, his Angelic Arm grabbing Sage's organ of energy, completely nullifying him and fixing his brain, his Kinetic Enery holding Sage completely still. The existence of the Star Realm was sucked into Morpheus's Angelic arm until nothing remained but him and Sage, all in a matter of seconds.

Morpheus' left eye was a glowing faint blue and his right was normal. A light was glowing on his chest. "Y
ou are going to learn. Two things. No, three. One) you are going to learn how to control yourself. 2) you are going to learn how to shut, the fuck, up. And three) You will learn to respect the power of a Lord. Or I. Wll. Kill. You.

(!) He squeezed the organ, cursing it to if he broke any of the three, or tampered with it, his power would be destroyed.

Morpheus let him go and Good, his arms extended. "Have a death wish?"

Tazmodo said:
Morpheus had appeared back with Vance, looking to Theo. "For this fight, I'll do both. But after this little match, we are done. Until you make that girl happy again" Morpheus shook his head, taking. "I can't believe you'd be so heartless like that. You ought to be ashamed at yourself. ASHAMED!" He turned into a kitten, done speaking. It hopped away somewhere safe and warm and curled up, doing anything Vance needed in the ice cream or pacifier world"
"Right okay then, you're scared to fight me then? Cause I've seen people taken out with spoons. So I'd imagine Ice cream is a more effective weapon than a spoon. So do you just want to admit I've won? Cause I'm pretty sure a baby could do more damage to me" Vance replied as he leaned up against a wall and folded his arms "Just let me know when you actually want to fight, or more accurately, when you can fight" Vance looked at the blue kitten after it's outburst "Make what girl happy? I'm confused by what you mean talking kitten"

@DizjayDeathPride @DaManofWar @Tazmodo (Theodore is really only a 12 year old in body isn't he? he's more a 18- 21 year old in mind :P )

DizjayDeathPride said:
She let him go and flipped her hair over her shoulder. "No... No I think I've had enough excitement for today. Let's just go watch tv" She linked her arm with his and walked away, following her instincts to where a room would be
"What are we going to watch?" Colin didn't really care what they watched, he was just trying to make conversation as they walked to wherever they were going. Colin was content with just being with Anna.
( A alpha can't do nothing in a place where their opponent is all powerful. Do you really want your characters to die )

Sage expelled from the realm before he could anything again. " This is your last chance before I kill you. Don't enter my domain again. " He warned in Morpheus's mind before cutting it off.

DizjayDeathPride said:
She let him go and flipped her hair over her shoulder. "No... No I think I've had enough excitement for today. Let's just go watch tv" She linked her arm with his and walked away, following her instincts to where a room would be

Morpheus had appeared back with Vance, looking to Theo. "For this fight, I'll do both. But after this little match, we are done. Until you make that girl happy again" Morpheus shook his head, tsking. "I can't believe you'd be so heartless like that. You aught to be ashamed at yoself. ASHAMED!" He turned into a kitten, done speaking. It hopped away somewhere safe and warm and curled up, doing anything Vance needed in the ice cream or pacifier world"


(I'm sorry it's just her character. She was focused solely on the first person to speak, demanind an answer she was just oblivious to anyone not attacking her)

Cassie turned back and looked at him. "I have no relationship to the guild at all. I joined and I feel like staying. Thats all. Why?"


(Fine time to be a proper Alpha)

(!) The kitten left a clone and entered Sage's mind. Literally. He flung his arm and Sage was completely brain dead

(!) Until Morpheus materialized before Sage, his Angelic Arm grabbing Sage's organ of energy, completely nullifying him and fixing his brain, his Kinetic Enery holding Sage completely still. The existence of the Star Realm was sucked into Morpheus's Angelic arm until nothing remained but him and Sage, all in a matter of seconds.

Morpheus' left eye was a glowing faint blue and his right was normal. A light was glowing on his chest. "Y
ou are going to learn. Two things. No, three. One) you are going to learn how to control yourself. 2) you are going to learn how to shut, the fuck, up. And three) You will learn to respect the power of a Lord. Or I. Wll. Kill. You.

(!) He squeezed the organ, cursing it to if he broke any of the three, or tampered with it, his power would be destroyed.

Morpheus let him go and Good, his arms extended. "Have a death wish?"
"Just curious," he answered her. "I'm Scar. As the new person here, I feel obliged to meet all of the guild. It seems like a good idea." Scar then gestured to himself. "Also, are you curious about me?"

GingerBread said:
"Right okay then, you're scared to fight me then? Cause I've seen people taken out with spoons. So I'd imagine Ice cream is a more effective weapon than a spoon. So do you just want to admit I've won? Cause I'm pretty sure a baby could do more damage to me" Vance replied as he leaned up against a wall and folded his arms "Just let me know when you actually want to fight, or more accurately, when you can fight" Vance looked at the blue kitten after it's outburst "Make what girl happy? I'm confused by what you mean talking kitten"
@DizjayDeathPride @DaManofWar @Tazmodo (Theodore is really only a 12 year old in body isn't he? he's more a 18- 21 year old in mind :P )

"What are we going to watch?" Colin didn't really care what they watched, he was just trying to make conversation as they walked to wherever they were going. Colin was content with just being with Anna.
(Yeah he's been through some shit so he's not as young mentally)

"Look dude your the one wanting to cut my tongue out and then kill my mom. Like what the hell then you wanna come here and pull the whole you attack me first thing. Of your not here to do business then leave me alone. I'm here helping out my new friend Scar."

DaManofWar said:
"Just curious," he answered her. "I'm Scar. As the new person here, I feel obliged to meet all of the guild. It seems like a good idea." Scar then gestured to himself. "Also, are you curious about me?"
(Just a note, I am but she's just not the right character xD )

"To be frankly honest, no. I'm not. From the look of you, you have absolutely nothing to offer me. But I feel like you want me to be, so fine, I'll humor you. Oh please sir tell me all about you"

djinnamon said:
( Its his domain , Morpheus is rendered powerless the second he tried anything.
(Morpheus scanned the realm the first time, learning how to use and manipulate it. You stopped him from doing nothing the first time, and he didn't. Try again)
Tazmodo said:
(Yeah he's been through some shit so he's not as young mentally)
"Look dude your the one wanting to cut my tongue out and then kill my mom. Like what the hell then you wanna come here and pull the whole you attack me first thing. Of your not here to do business then leave me alone. I'm here helping out my new friend Scar."

"I doubt you could make friends, unless you literally made them yourself. Did you make a sort of frankenstein monster?" Vance laughed slightly before taking on a serious tone "But if you want me to cut out your tongue. I can. You'd probably make a lot more friends. And you wouldn't have to make them yourself"

djinnamon said:
( How does one scan a realm to learn how to manipulate it, was that one his character sheet? If so point me to it )
( Here and go to Master-Level. Be sure to read everything. Or I'll but it short. He controls ALL of reality. If it exists, he controls it. My last limit is he has to scan new things first to know how to use them)

GingerBread said:
"I doubt you could make friends, unless you literally made them yourself. Did you make a sort of frankenstein monster?" Vance laughed slightly before taking on a serious tone "But if you want me to cut out your tongue. I can. You'd probably make a lot more friends. And you wouldn't have to make them yourself"
Anna shrugged and found and empty room, one with a tv just as she wanted. She didn't know it was actually her guild room.

She sat down on the ccouch and sighed, pulling Colin's head down to her lap sideways to the tv and stroked his hair. "We're going to watch.... Oooo breaking bad is on"
GingerBread said:
"I doubt you could make friends, unless you literally made them yourself. Did you make a sort of frankenstein monster?" Vance laughed slightly before taking on a serious tone "But if you want me to cut out your tongue. I can. You'd probably make a lot more friends. And you wouldn't have to make them yourself"
( ! )

Theodore laughed. "Man you are all bark and no bite. My man Scar over there ain't no monster. But if the big boy on campus wants a fight with a 12 year old who am I to stop him." He used absolute light to eradicate all shadows and darkness in the area. The earth clamped around his limbs and held him in place while eternal fire spread onto the rock closing in on him. They were an inch from touching his nose. He summoned the Medusa and it tried to look him in the eye while more earth turned his head to look into her eyes. "Say mercy and I'll let you go and walk away."
DaManofWar said:
"Ha," Scar said. "Humans are gullible. To be honest, I wanted to see you reaction. So, I got it. I have been living off the streets for years. Until Grimm brought me here."
She nodded lazily. "Oh yeah that's fantastic cool. Can you tell me more?" She moved around him and ploppped on her bed. "No seriously come on man pleeease"
Scar stared at her coldly. "Take me somewhere more private. If you wish to hear it, that is how I will tell you. No other person must be present if you want to hear." Scar didn't believe she would do it. Humans were far to stupid to competed with his intellect.

DizjayDeathPride said:
She let him go and flipped her hair over her shoulder. "No... No I think I've had enough excitement for today. Let's just go watch tv" She linked her arm with his and walked away, following her instincts to where a room would be

Morpheus had appeared back with Vance, looking to Theo. "For this fight, I'll do both. But after this little match, we are done. Until you make that girl happy again" Morpheus shook his head, tsking. "I can't believe you'd be so heartless like that. You aught to be ashamed at yoself. ASHAMED!" He turned into a kitten, done speaking. It hopped away somewhere safe and warm and curled up, doing anything Vance needed in the ice cream or pacifier world"


(I'm sorry it's just her character. She was focused solely on the first person to speak, demanind an answer she was just oblivious to anyone not attacking her)

Cassie turned back and looked at him. "I have no relationship to the guild at all. I joined and I feel like staying. Thats all. Why?"


(Fine time to be a proper Alpha)

(!) The kitten left a clone and entered Sage's mind. Literally. He flung his arm and Sage was completely brain dead

(!) Until Morpheus materialized before Sage, his Angelic Arm grabbing Sage's organ of energy, completely nullifying him and fixing his brain, his Kinetic Enery holding Sage completely still. The existence of the Star Realm was sucked into Morpheus's Angelic arm until nothing remained but him and Sage, all in a matter of seconds.

Morpheus' left eye was a glowing faint blue and his right was normal. A light was glowing on his chest. "Y
ou are going to learn. Two things. No, three. One) you are going to learn how to control yourself. 2) you are going to learn how to shut, the fuck, up. And three) You will learn to respect the power of a Lord. Or I. Wll. Kill. You.

(!) He squeezed the organ, cursing it to if he broke any of the three, or tampered with it, his power would be destroyed.

Morpheus let him go and Good, his arms extended. "Have a death wish?"
Sage glared at him. " What ate you planning to do with me? " He asked in monotone
Tazmodo said:
( ! )
Theodore laughed. "Man you are all bark and no bite. My man Scar over there ain't no monster. But if the big boy on campus wants a fight with a 12 year old who am I to stop him." He used absolute light to eradicate all shadows and darkness in the area. The earth clamped around his limbs and held him in place while eternal fire spread onto the rock closing in on him. They were an inch from touching his nose. He summoned the Medusa and it tried to look him in the eye while more earth turned his head to look into her eyes. "Say mercy and I'll let you go and walk away."
Vance merely closed his eyes "Do you know what would be great right now? A massive scoop of ice cream right in front of me" Vance smirked as he heard a giant avalanche of ice cream appear in front of him, blocking the medusa from looking at him. Vance's eyes shot open and used the shadows the rocks cast to fire beams of darkness at all the surrounding rock and at the medusa, destroying all of them. Once he did this he dragged Theodore and himself into his darkness realm and nullified Theo's powers.

@Tazmodo (Here's something interesting. Theo's power isn't darkness manipulation is it? he merely uses it through the medium of his actual power which is memory manipulation. So technically, all his powers would be gone. Correct?)

DizjayDeathPride said:
Anna shrugged and found and empty room, one with a tv just as she wanted. She didn't know it was actually her guild room.
She sat down on the ccouch and sighed, pulling Colin's head down to her lap sideways to the tv and stroked his hair. "We're going to watch.... Oooo breaking bad is on"
Colin smiled as he rested his head in Anna's lap and got comfortable. Colin looked up at Anna curiously "What's breaking bad?"
djinnamon said:
Sage glared at him. " What ate you planning to do with me? " He asked in monotone
Morpheus looked at him and shrugged. "I made my point. Think I'm kidding, go ahead defy that curse. I. Dare. You" He bowed and disappeared, leaving the plane in nothing

GingerBread said:

@Tazmodo (Here's something interesting. Theo's power isn't darkness manipulation is it? he merely uses it through the medium of his actual power which is memory manipulation. So technically, all his powers would be gone. Correct?)

Colin smiled as he rested his head in Anna's lap and got comfortable. Colin looked up at Anna curiously
"What's breaking bad?"

(Yep xD )

Anna's eyes got wide and she looked down to him. "What?"
Sage sighed before he closed his eyes and began to glow , he owned this area and as such he could what he wanted with it. As stated before this was his domain. A perfect replica of the old realm appeared but he had to make a new father of the stars statue. He sat on the ground and began to meditate.

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