Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
Sage eyes narrowed to slits . " What happened after. " He said as gestured to Vance's clothes or lack of. " I went to the beach. " He said as he glared with extreme rage.

DizjayDeathPride said:
Ryan thought it over while he finished up. Her room had so much more space now. In a twinkle of twilight, his desk appeared on the floor. He pushed it over to a nice corner and took a seat, facing Morgan. "I think it goes on because if it didn't, we wouldn't. We need life to go on for us to progress as mortals."
Morgan was about to protest about Ryan cleaning her room but she was shot by one of Grimm's love arrows. "......" Morgan stares into Ryan's eyes with an intense aura.

GingerBread said:
Colin purposively runs towards Both the alien Grimms and steps in the acid. As he acid eats through his shoes he get's sliced on the side and quickly transfers that damage to his staff and then hit's the alien grimm clone and transfers the damage to it, leaving just him and and the real alien Grimm left.
Colin clenched his teeth and hissed as the acid began eating away at his feet. Colin then found himself getting knocked backwards into the acid as he got a large gash, courtesy of Alien Grimm's scythe. Colin let out a scream of pain as the acid began eating away at his back. Colin then scrambled to his feet and transferred the damage to his staff before rushing towards the alien Grimm and leaping on top of it and transferring the damage to it while staying on top of it to avoid the acid.

( @LokiofSP @DizjayDeathPride )

Colin ranks up 4 more times and the lights in the guild return. His stolen friends appear before him once more as the acid and Alien Grimm fade away.

The staff stays with Colin, assuming he'd accept it now.

CelticSol said:
"Anyone who's anybody knows you were a lab rat, child," She purrs, amused at Ashlyn's ignorance, "Experimentation on mortals, halflings, or beasts used to be common practice in Deity Realm before you came along. And many of the Old Ones - including myself - were present during some of your battles with your alternate selves. Quite entertaining, if I do say so myself. You are quite proficient in battle for someone so young."
Ashlyn realized that things may become a problem. That was until the deity before her was suddenly shot by an arrow from cupid Grimm. "Fola! Jericho! You two need to get out of here!" Ashlyn turns to them and gestures to the portal she opened for them. That was until she was also shot.
Light said:
The clone of Alien Grimm rushes forward and attempts to grab Colin. "You will die!" The scythe in his grasp if flung towards Colin.
"Alright! Here we go!" Grimm teleports the two in front of the guild. "I want to show you this first as well! So what do you think?"

"It's a test that will define who you truly are. Choose one now!" Alien Grimm raises the teddy bears for Oden to choose from. He was curious as to see which one he'd choose. The left or the right.

Christina gives Cole an odd look and raises an eyebrow. "Oh no. Definitely not. That guild isn't for me, I don't live by its rules." Christina shrugs and pulls them out of the Phantom Realm, letting them appear before an amusement park. "It got boring for me so I choose something much more... interesting."

( @Tazmodo )

Alice begins to wake up the kids and carries them. "People are after us and we need to get to the castle as soon as possible which is on a different continent. We can't sit around all day." With that, she enters one of the bathrooms.

"Nope I don't leave at all.... I just eat squeezable applesauce packs. I have them transported to my room in bulk. I don't know it's just there, probably Sam. I don't shower then, hot water or I rot. I can't tell you that. Just don't leave the room and if you do don't stray too far away, basic instructions. Just jump up on things, this place is a mess there are plenty of things to run around and stand on." Morgan spins around in her chair and shrugs.

Grimm appears before Arwyn and pokes her shoulder. "Sooooo how was it? Are you interested in anything that's new? We can go shopping for it but I'm broke so you'd have to pay."

Ball Grimm rolls around the two. "If you're a guild member it would be extremely helpful if you could bring us to your guild! We're trying to find the murderer of chibi Grimm. Unless you were there at the time the guild theme song was first sung at the battle against Mecha Typhoeus."
An idea popped into Veyd's mind as he turned to look at ball Grimm "You know, we could go back in time to find a person that was there but that might not 'fun" said Veyd, with a small hmph. He looked back to the girl, a tone of seriousness "Do you know where it is?"

@The Otaku Diaries @Light
djinnamon said:
Sage eyes narrowed to slits . " What happened after. " He said as gestured to Vance's clothes or lack of. " I went to the beach. " He said as he glared with extreme rage.
(I totally forgot he wasn't wearing clothes xD )
"A strip club appeared in my Room, filled with ladies and then it filled with men. I've had a weird day" Vance shrugged, not really seeing the whole strip club thing as a big deal "But why were you looking so lovestruck? Do all of you get turned on by sand?"

Light said:
Colin ranks up 4 more times and the lights in the guild return. His stolen friends appear before him once more as the acid and Alien Grimm fade away.
The staff stays with Colin, assuming he'd accept it now.
"I'll need to get a sheath for you or at least something to put you in when I'm not using you or need my hands free" Colin told the staff, still feeling slightly crazy about talking to it. Colin looked up and saw Anna was alive. Not even questioning it he propped the staff up against a wall quickly and ran over to her. Colin buried his head in the crook of her neck and began crying, happy she wasn't dead

@DizjayDeathPride @LokiofSP @Light
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GingerBread said:
"I'll need to get a sheath for you or at least something to put you in when I'm not using you or need my hands free" Colin told the staff, still feeling slightly crazy about talking to it. Colin looked up and saw Anna was alive. Not even questioning it he propped the staff up against a wall quickly and ran over to her. Colin buried his head in the crook of her neck and began crying.

@DizjayDeathPride @LokiofSP @Light
" I don't turned on my sand. I never knew you tucked whores or you had to pay to get sex remind me to start asking for money. " He said.
djinnamon said:
" I don't turned on my sand. I never knew you tucked whores or you had to pay to get sex remind me to start asking for money. " He said.
"Whoa, I didn't sleep with any of the strippers and I didn't pay for them either, they just appeared. Now what were you doing at the beach that got you so lovestruck?" Vance asked as he folded his arms and glared at Sage "are they actually your girlfriends now?"

GingerBread said:
(I totally forgot he wasn't wearing clothes xD )
"A strip club appeared in my Room, filled with ladies and then it filled with men. I've had a weird day" Vance shrugged, not really seeing the whole strip club thing as a big deal "But why were you looking so lovestruck? Do all of you get turned on by sand?"

"I'll need to get a sheath for you or at least something to put you in when I'm not using you or need my hands free" Colin told the staff, still feeling slightly crazy about talking to it. Colin looked up and saw Anna was alive. Not even questioning it he propped the staff up against a wall quickly and ran over to her. Colin buried his head in the crook of her neck and began crying, happy she wasn't dead

@DizjayDeathPride @LokiofSP @Light
Annalyse opened her arms and embrased the man, holding him tightly. "Shhhh there there. Don't worry. The alien didn't hurt me. I'm guessing you finally accepted the staff?"

Light said:
Morgan was about to protest about Ryan cleaning her room but she was shot by one of Grimm's love arrows. "......" Morgan stares into Ryan's eyes with an intense aura.
@LokiofSP @DizjayDeathPride )

Colin ranks up 4 more times and the lights in the guild return. His stolen friends appear before him once more as the acid and Alien Grimm fade away.

The staff stays with Colin, assuming he'd accept it now.

Ashlyn realized that things may become a problem. That was until the deity before her was suddenly shot by an arrow from cupid Grimm. "Fola! Jericho! You two need to get out of here!" Ashlyn turns to them and gestures to the portal she opened for them. That was until she was also shot.
Ryan looked over to her and tilted his head. "Yeah...? You okay dear? You seem kind of... Glowing. I'm a bit nervous. Did something just go wrong? I've been working on am antimagic disease actually hold on I might have something for you" He kicked back in his folly chair and started rummaging through the desk, looking at different tubes. When he found the one he popped back up and shuffled over to her. "Now I haven't actually tested it but I mean if you're dying, here"
Sage was tempted to slap Vance. " I'm not going to answer your last question, cause you should know the answer. " He said as he folded his arms. " If you didn't have sex with stripper then what were you doin- . " Sage stopped talking when he remembered Cassandra.

djinnamon said:
Sage was tempted to slap Vance. " I'm not going to answer your last question, cause you should know the answer. " He said as he folded his arms. " If you didn't have sex with stripper then what were you doin- . " Sage stopped talking when he remembered Cassandra.
"I was trying to sleep, but that's kinda difficult when there's a strip club in your room. It's even more difficult when your being attacked by a bunch of men with broken bottles. So I killed them and then I went to talk to Cassandra" Vance replied, purposely leaving out the part about what happened afterwards.

djinnamon said:
Sage was tempted to slap Vance. " I'm not going to answer your last question, cause you should know the answer. " He said as he folded his arms. " If you didn't have sex with stripper then what were you doin- . " Sage stopped talking when he remembered Cassandra.
Cassie had come around the corner, two plates in her hands. She stopped when she saw Sage in the doorway and assumed the worst. Fuck. Me. She walked up as innocently as she could, sliding past Vance and Sage, placing the plates on his nightstand.
Sage's hair covered his face. " You fucked Cassandra didn't you. " He said as more of a statement than a question. He caught sight of Cassandra and a ice wall appeared in front of the door to Vance's room appeared before she could get in. " You had sex with Vance didn't you? " He asked.

@GingerBread @DizjayDeathPride
djinnamon said:
Sage's hair covered his face. " You fucked Cassandra didn't you. " He said as more of a statement than a question. He caught sight of Cassandra and a ice wall appeared in front of the door to Vance's room appeared before she could get in. " You had sex with Vance didn't you? " He asked.
@GingerBread @DizjayDeathPride
Cassie looked between the wall and Sage. "Not recently. You'd get all pissy if we did. Probably try to kill me or something. Why? Worried about your hold on him? I figured you'd have more trust than that"
djinnamon said:
Sage's hair covered his face. " You fucked Cassandra didn't you. " He said as more of a statement than a question. He caught sight of Cassandra and a ice wall appeared in front of the door to Vance's room appeared before she could get in. " You had sex with Vance didn't you? " He asked.
@GingerBread @DizjayDeathPride
"Do you really trust me that little Sage? Is that how much our relationship means to you that you don't even trust me when I say I haven't slept with anyone?" Vance looked furious and walked closer to Sage and got in his face "You really think I'm lying to you? Are you that fucking jealous that My old girlfriend, who I didn't even know about. Has come back into my life? Are you that worried that because me and her get along well that I'm going to leave you?" Vance paused for a moment "Well if you trust me that little maybe I should leave you and start going back out with her. At least she trusts me!"

@djinnamon @DizjayDeathPride
" I care about out relationship but it seems you don't. " He said feeling angrier. The second Vance got in his face Sage glared angrily at him and slapped him. " Give one good fucking reason I should believe that you didn't. First off you both are naked , she is going into your room and she is supposedly better than me so I have real good reason not to believe you and don't get in my face I have no problem reminding you that I will kick your ass if I need too. " He growled. He turned to the girl in anger. " Please shut up, I already know he is pretty close to breaking up with me , I'm angry about the fact he actually cheated on me. Most people don't get this anger when they know they are telling the truth especially Vance plus he has been dodging something. " He said , he could tell Vance was hiding something.

@GingerBread @DizjayDeathPride
djinnamon said:
" I care about out relationship but it seems you don't. " He said feeling angrier. The second Vance got in his face Sage glared angrily at him and slapped him. " Give one good fucking reason I should believe that you didn't. First off you both are naked , she is going into your room and she is supposedly better than me so I have real good reason not to believe you and don't get in my face I have no problem reminding you that I will kick your ass if I need too. " He growled. He turned to the girl in anger. " Please shut up, I already know he is pretty close to breaking up with me , I'm angry about the fact he actually cheated on me. Most people don't get this anger when they know they are telling the truth especially Vance plus he has been dodging something. " He said , he could tell Vance was hiding something.
@GingerBread @DizjayDeathPride
(side comment she's dressed xD )

( ! ) A tendril of burning darkness wrapped around Sage's neck, holding him the air and burning into his flesh. "Would you like to apologize for touching Vance or die?"
djinnamon said:
" I care about out relationship but it seems you don't. " He said feeling angrier. The second Vance got in his face Sage glared angrily at him and slapped him. " Give one good fucking reason I should believe that you didn't. First off you both are naked , she is going into your room and she is supposedly better than me so I have real good reason not to believe you and don't get in my face I have no problem reminding you that I will kick your ass if I need too. " He growled. He turned to the girl in anger. " Please shut up, I already know he is pretty close to breaking up with me , I'm angry about the fact he actually cheated on me. Most people don't get this anger when they know they are telling the truth especially Vance plus he has been dodging something. " He said , he could tell Vance was hiding something.
@GingerBread @DizjayDeathPride
"Oh so I'm not allowed to be angry when my boyfriend accuses me of lying. The reason I'm nude is because I was assaulted by rampant strip club workers that appeared in my room, which I managed to kill but not before they ripped off all my clothes" Vance took a deep breath before continuing "Oh and what about all those people you flirted with and what was your excuse then? Oh yeah, it was your way of getting an advantage in a fight. I fucking believed you then, but you don't believe me" Vance saw Sage get lifted up by a burning tendril "Cassandra Put him down. Now. I can deal with my soon to be former boyfriend myself thank you"

@djinnamon @DizjayDeathPride
Sage teleported out of the tendril as a portal appeared in front of Cassandra and Sage appeared behind Cassandra and kicked her into portal that lead to the star realm where powers were nullified. He went in after her. " Stay here until I'm done with Vance cause I'm done with you. " He warned before leaving the star realm and closing the portal.

( Don't piss off Sage this much unless you want to die)

@GingerBread @DizjayDeathPride
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Sage glared at Vance before the girls who had decided to stay quick made their presence known. " Sage let her out. " Neptune said to him and the girls nodded. Sage took deep breaths and expelled Cassandra from the star realm as she appeared from the roof and fell next to Vance. " Ok fine , I'm breaking up with you Vance. I'm done with this shit. " He said before he teleported him and the girls to his room. Sage closed his eyes as a tear rolled down his cheek.

@GingerBread @DizjayDeathPride
djinnamon said:
Sage glared at Vance before the girls who had decided to stay quick made their presence known. " Sage let her out. " Neptune said to him and the girls nodded. Sage took deep breaths and expelled Cassandra from the star realm as she appeared from the roof and fell next to Vance. " Ok fine , I'm breaking up with you Vance. I'm done with this shit. " He said before he teleported him and the girls to his room. Sage closed his eyes as a tear rolled down his cheek.
@GingerBread @DizjayDeathPride
( ! ) Using the guild symbol, she appeared behind Sage and kicked him into a spike of darkness that went through his stomach and split, wrapping around his libs. Her body was charged with lightning, ready to completely fry his brain if he so touched her. "Ill try that again. Apologize. Or. Die"
Vance saw Cassandra disappear and decided to teleport to her only to see what she was close to killing Sage. Vance pinched the bridge of his nose "Cassandra stop. If you want to kill Sage, you'll have to kill me first. And the same goes for you Sage, If you want to kill Cass, You'll have to kill me first" Vance stood in between the both of them "Now can you both stop acting like children. And do you know what I was hiding from you Sage? I got drunk and accidently touched Cassandra's tits. That was fucking it. I thought you might get jealous that I never touched your tits or something. But have fun finding someone else"

@djinnamon @DizjayDeathPride
Sage teleported behind her while a portal appeared in front of Cassandra again and he shoot a large block of ice at her back that sent flying into the portal which Sage followed her through and the portal closed. Inside the Star Realm Sage instantly healed as chains grabbed Cassandra and held her up as her powers were nullified and the shadow inside him disappeared. " I let you go before , you could have had Vance but no you decided to sigh your death wish. Any last words? " (!) He asked as a sword appeared in his hand and he got ready to cut off her head.

@GingerBread @duzjaydeathpride
djinnamon said:
Sage teleported behind her while a portal appeared in front of Cassandra again and he shoot a large block of ice at her back that sent flying into the portal which Sage followed her through and the portal closed. Inside the Star Realm Sage instantly healed as chains grabbed Cassandra and held her up as her powers were nullified and the shadow inside him disappeared. " I let you go before , you could have had Vance but no you decided to sigh your death wish. Any last words? " (!) He asked as a sword appeared in his hand and he got ready to cut off her head.
@GingerBread @duzjaydeathpride

She teleported behind him, side kicking him and disappeared again. "Fine. I won't kill him yet. SINCE I ACTUALLY RESPECT YOU!"
Sage growled and dodged the kick because of his ability to see into the future before folding his arms. " Get the fuck out of my room right now. " He said , he was ready to kill both right now. The girls Noire pulled the shadow out of Sage while Diana glared at Vance. " Take your girlfriend and leave now. I won't hesitate to kill you people , you made my best friend cry and I have had it." She said

@GingerBread @DizjayDeathPride
djinnamon said:
Sage growled and dodged the kick because of his ability to see into the future before folding his arms. " Get the fuck out of my room right now. " He said , he was ready to kill both right now. The girls Noire pulled the shadow out of Sage while Diana glared at Vance. " Take your girlfriend and leave now. I won't hesitate to kill you people , you made my best friend cry and I have had it." She said
@GingerBread @DizjayDeathPride
"Okay" She snapped and the ground under her burst in black Eternal Fire, quickly burning away everything. 'Ill put it out IF I feel like it" she walked out of his room and down the hall, leaving them to burn
djinnamon said:
Sage growled and dodged the kick because of his ability to see into the future before folding his arms. " Get the fuck out of my room right now. " He said , he was ready to kill both right now. The girls Noire pulled the shadow out of Sage while Diana glared at Vance. " Take your girlfriend and leave now. I won't hesitate to kill you people , you made my best friend cry and I have had it." She said
@GingerBread @DizjayDeathPride
Diana was suddenly banished to a plane of nonexistence. She wasn't a guild member so Grimm could punish her for threatening one. Sage on the other hand was weakened and had a clone of Grimm holding a scythe to his throat in front of him. "If you ever look into the future and abuse that again. I will send you to the realm of torture for eternity. It's one thing to look into the future but to use knowledge from it and alter the past is another thing. It's a violation of the laws and I will not tolerate it. On the regular occasion one of my reapers would either torture you or kill you. You have been warned, I will not be lenient next time." With that, Grimm disappears and leaves Diana in the plane of nonexistence.

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