Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
DaManofWar said:
"Scar," he answered. "You know Grimm? Is he in charge of this guild?"
Theodore laughed. "Yeah everyone knows Grimm and no he's not the leader. But he is pretty awesome except when he tried to sell me. But the leader is Ashlyn hopefully she'll return soon."

djinnamon said:
( I'm tempted to a make a 12 year old girl who is more badass than Theodore just to pass him off )
(Go ahead he's either going to kill of be her best friend or maybe both)
GingerBread said:
Vance was really enjoying how assertive Cassandra was being If only Sage was more like this Vance thought as he did his best to move his head and break out of the kiss "Is kissing all you can do Cassie?" Vance asked as he smirked provocatively at her.
Cassie threw her head back, pulling up and throwing her shirt across the room. "Dear God I was wondering how long it would take you" She went back down to his lips, kissing him much more passionately

DizjayDeathPride said:
Cassie threw her head back, pulling up and throwing her shirt across the room. "Dear God I was wondering how long it would take you" She went back down to his lips, kissing him much more passionately
Vance shifted himself so he was up against her back "You were pretty good. Though I was better" Vance smirked before he wrapped his arms around her waist.

GingerBread said:
Vance shifted himself so he was up against her back "You were pretty good. Though I was better" Vance smirked before he wrapped his arms around her waist.

Cassie mocked him silently. "Yeah yeah sure okay. We'll let the neighborhood decide that one." She shook her head and smiled, poking his stomach.
DizjayDeathPride said:
Cassie mocked him silently. "Yeah yeah sure okay. We'll let the neighborhood decide that one." She shook her head and smiled, poking his stomach.
"But as much as I enjoyed this, do not tell Sage. At all." Vance rolled over so that he was laying on his back and staring up at the ceiling "So, what do you want to do now? Round two?"

@DizjayDeathPride @Light (How long do these arrows take to wear off? Or can we just say when?)
GingerBread said:
"But as much as I enjoyed this, do not tell Sage. At all." Vance rolled over so that he was laying on his back and staring up at the ceiling "So, what do you want to do now? Round two?"

@DizjayDeathPride @Light (How long do these arrows take to wear off? Or can we just say when?)
Cassie got up and sat on his stomach. "No... I have something else you can do for me though sweetie. Will you help me?"
DaManofWar said:
Scar sighed in relief. "That's good," he said to himself. "So, Theodore, mind explaining to me what it is you do here? And what exactly you have done?"
Theodore scratched his head. "Well I'm zeta rank and I do missions. But other then that not much really I protected the guild a lot earlier and it's been peaceful for a while. What about you?"
DizjayDeathPride said:
Cassie got up and sat on his stomach. "No... I have something else you can do for me though sweetie. Will you help me?"
"That all depends on what it is" Vance smiled at Cassandra as he squirmed underneath her "You won't be able to force me to do it" Vance's smile contorted into a smirk.

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GingerBread said:
"That all depends on what it is" Vance smiled at Cassandra as he squirmed underneath her "You won't be able to force me to do it" Vance's smile contorted into a smirk.

Cassie rolled her eyes and put her hands on his chest. "I doubt that. What I need is for you to get us some food. I'm famished. Someone here burned all the energy I had"
DizjayDeathPride said:
Cassie rolled her eyes and put her hands on his chest. "I doubt that. What I need is for you to get us some food. I'm famished. Someone here burned all the energy I had"
"Doubt what? That you couldn't force me? Cause you can't" Vance smirked cockily "Anyway you can go get some food yourself, I don't want to get up. But it's not like I can go anywhere right now, even if I wanted to" Vance gestured to Cassandra sitting on top of him.

CelticSol said:
The deity doesn't smile this time, in the sickeningly sweet way she had been before; a full blown, malevolent smirk crosses across her face, her eyes glintingly dangerously. "Everything? Very well," She crosses her arms with a tilt to her head, "To some in this realm, your grandmother is something of a legend, known to be very ambitious, very powerful, and merciless. As a little history lesson, the Deity Realm used to run under a parliamentary sort of ruler before you waltzed in and took control, and the heads of it were Death, Creation, and Chaos - the last being the mantle you now hold. A handful of eons ago, she entered the court after as a bride to Death, whom, at that time, was a man named Akoto. Akoto was not a kind man - he was cruel beyond measure, and had a notorious temper, which, I imagine, was likely taken out on her.
"Eventually, your grandmother had enough, and killed him. No, that isn't the right word..." She thinks for a moment, a whistful smile on her face, "She slaughtered him. Sealed away the godly power that made him invincible and shredded him to pieces. Legend says that she cut his tongue, castrated him, blinded him, and then stabbed him 87 times," She shrugs, as if that's not really that big of a deal, "Grimm - who had had a brief affair with her - was selected as the new Death. She was arrested, tried for her crimes, and was banished and exiled from the Deity Realm. Two of her companions, the Goddess of Purity and Healing, Usagi, along with the God of Madness, Sovereign, left shortly after her exile and never returned."

She hums quietly, thinking more, "Everything after that gets hazy - word of mouth changed story after story of her exploits in the mortal realm. Some people claim she was romantically involved with Sovereign, others say it was Usagi, some say she was with both. After she took in your father, the story gets clearer, since she had become somewhat of a public figure by then. She adopted a young demon, raised him as a son while honing him into a perfect weapon, and he in turned had children with a demigod woman, and had you. You were kidnapped, during this time she married Grimm, had a daughter of her own, then abruptly disappeared. No one knows exactly where she is, but some people, such as myself, have heard rumours she has rejoined Sovereign. Both have vanished, and if Sovereign is indeed involved in her disappearance, then they are likely up to no good."

She looks at Ashlyn with a raised brow, "Does that about cover everything? Or do you have more questions?"
( @LokiofSP )

"Wait...how did you know I was kidnapped?" Ashlyn opens a portal behind her so Jericho and Fola could escape to the guild. She was getting defensive because lately people have been hunting her down.

DizjayDeathPride said:
Ryan tilted his head but continued to organize and label everything meticulously. "What do you mean? Why does life go on from negativity, the whole meaning of life, or do you mean beyond our lifespan?"
"I didn't ask for all of that... just answer the question with the answer you feel is right."

DizjayDeathPride said:
Morpheus looked around and shrugged. He poofed into a pile of blue and white M&Ms
Morpheus was released with a congratulations sticker on his forehead.

GingerBread said:
"I don't want to have to hurt you, but I will if I have to. So please for both our sakes, just leave and don't come back" Colin pleaded as he took a couple of steps back, trying to avoid the acid.
Both Alien Grimm rush forward, their scythe ready.

( @GingerBread @DizjayDeathPride @djinnamon )

Cupid Grimm notices he went a bit too far and decides he arrows will only have the cliche love affect instead of the sexual one.


Occ: I got work today from 3-11
( @Tazmodo )

Alice, Jackson, and Crimson were shot with the love arrows. It made then fall heavily in love with the last person they spoke to. Alice had spoken to both Crimson and Jackson while Crimson and Jackson only spoke to her. "Lets go get food. She can handle a boat." Alice swiftly turns around and leads the way. Her heart was racing and she didn't know what to do...She couldn't choose between Jackson or Crimson. Crimson was so damn attractive in her eyes and he was especially sweet to her when he swore with his life. She feels like there could be so much more between them if they could talk more. Her kids seemed to like him and Zedd as well... for once...Her emotions and life style could be one and the same. Jackson on the other hand had told her before that he loved her and she couldn't deny it at the moment, she felt the same way and she loved corny confessions. He was her best friend for who knows how long and she values him almost as much as she values her kids. His new look was hard to look away from as well. Out of the two she was closer to Jackson and they have so much history and connection. "What am I going to do?" Alice lightly whispers to herself.

( @GingerBread It should fade off in a day. )
Light said:
( @LokiofSP )
"Wait...how did you know I was kidnapped?" Ashlyn opens a portal behind her so Jericho and Fola could escape to the guild. She was getting defensive because lately people have been hunting her down.

"I didn't ask for all of that... just answer the question with the answer you feel is right."

Morpheus was released with a congratulations sticker on his forehead.

Both Alien Grimm rush forward, their scythe ready.

( @GingerBread @DizjayDeathPride @djinnamon )

Cupid Grimm notices he went a bit too far and decides he arrows will only have the cliche love affect instead of the sexual one.

Christina looks at the ride then at Cole, then the ride. "Fine...let's go." At this moment they were both shot by Cupid Grimm's love arrows.

( @Tazmodo )

Alice, Jackson, and Crimson were shot with the love arrows. It made then fall heavily in love with the last person they spoke to. Alice had spoken to both Crimson and Jackson while Crimson and Jackson only spoke to her. "Lets go get food. She can handle a boat." Alice swiftly turns around and leads the way. Her heart was racing and she didn't know what to do...She couldn't choose between Jackson or Crimson. Crimson was so damn attractive in her eyes and he was especially sweet to her when he swore with his life. She feels like there could be so much more between them if they could talk more. Her kids seemed to like him and Zedd as well... for once...Her emotions and life style could be one and the same. Jackson on the other hand had told her before that he loved her and she couldn't deny it at the moment, she felt the same way and she loved corny confessions. He was her best friend for who knows how long and she values him almost as much as she values her kids. His new look was hard to look away from as well. Out of the two she was closer to Jackson and they have so much history and connection. "What am I going to do?" Alice lightly whispers to herself.

( @GingerBread It should fade off in a day. )
Ryan thought it over while he finished up. Her room had so much more space now. In a twinkle of twilight, his desk appeared on the floor. He pushed it over to a nice corner and took a seat, facing Morgan. "I think it goes on because if it didn't, we wouldn't. We need life to go on for us to progress as mortals."
Light said:
Both Alien Grimm rush forward, their scythe ready.
Colin purposively runs towards Both the alien Grimms and steps in the acid. As he acid eats through his shoes he get's sliced on the side and quickly transfers that damage to his staff and then hit's the alien grimm clone and transfers the damage to it, leaving just him and and the real alien Grimm left.

Colin clenched his teeth and hissed as the acid began eating away at his feet. Colin then found himself getting knocked backwards into the acid as he got a large gash, courtesy of Alien Grimm's scythe. Colin let out a scream of pain as the acid began eating away at his back. Colin then scrambled to his feet and transferred the damage to his staff before rushing towards the alien Grimm and leaping on top of it and transferring the damage to it while staying on top of it to avoid the acid.

Sage and girls snap out of it a back away from the men. " Hold on guys, lets get married before we do this. " Sage said and everyone nodded in agreement.
Light said:
( @LokiofSP )
"Wait...how did you know I was kidnapped?" Ashlyn opens a portal behind her so Jericho and Fola could escape to the guild. She was getting defensive because lately people have been hunting her down.

"I didn't ask for all of that... just answer the question with the answer you feel is right."

Morpheus was released with a congratulations sticker on his forehead.

Both Alien Grimm rush forward, their scythe ready.

( @GingerBread @DizjayDeathPride @djinnamon )

Cupid Grimm notices he went a bit too far and decides he arrows will only have the cliche love affect instead of the sexual one.

Christina looks at the ride then at Cole, then the ride. "Fine...let's go." At this moment they were both shot by Cupid Grimm's love arrows.

( @Tazmodo )

Alice, Jackson, and Crimson were shot with the love arrows. It made then fall heavily in love with the last person they spoke to. Alice had spoken to both Crimson and Jackson while Crimson and Jackson only spoke to her. "Lets go get food. She can handle a boat." Alice swiftly turns around and leads the way. Her heart was racing and she didn't know what to do...She couldn't choose between Jackson or Crimson. Crimson was so damn attractive in her eyes and he was especially sweet to her when he swore with his life. She feels like there could be so much more between them if they could talk more. Her kids seemed to like him and Zedd as well... for once...Her emotions and life style could be one and the same. Jackson on the other hand had told her before that he loved her and she couldn't deny it at the moment, she felt the same way and she loved corny confessions. He was her best friend for who knows how long and she values him almost as much as she values her kids. His new look was hard to look away from as well. Out of the two she was closer to Jackson and they have so much history and connection. "What am I going to do?" Alice lightly whispers to herself.

( @GingerBread It should fade off in a day. )
Jackson continues to walk and doesn't feel a difference. He always thought of Alice and how he loved her. There were days were he would spend just thinking about her deep red eyes and beautiful hair. He loved how she was always up for a fight and had such a huge fiery temper even if it was pointed at him sometimes. But he loved her soft sweet side even more. When she kind and caring especially to kids. There wasn't a single day when she wasn't on his mind. He loved her with all his heart and always will. She is the one person in the world he cares about. He tried his best to get along with her kids and befriend them for her and hope one day they would consider him a friend as well. Everything he did he did for her especially the training. He didn't care until he met her.
GingerBread said:
"Doubt what? That you couldn't force me? Cause you can't" Vance smirked cockily "Anyway you can go get some food yourself, I don't want to get up. But it's not like I can go anywhere right now, even if I wanted to" Vance gestured to Cassandra sitting on top of him.

Cassie groaned and reached her hand down Vance's body, tracing and toying with him. "Pleeeeeeeeeease? Please?"
DizjayDeathPride said:
Cassie groaned and reached her hand down Vance's body, tracing and toying with him. "Pleeeeeeeeeease? Please?"
"Nope, I can't anyway, you're still on top of me" Vance pointed out "But I mean a bar and a strip club appeared in my room, why can't a 5 star restaurant appear here, along with all the chefs" Vance let out a long drawn out sigh "It would be so much easier. Besides, I'm comfortable right now"


djinnamon said:
( Vance actually had sex with her , Sage is going to kill them both when Grimm removes his spell. ) @GingerBread
(Didn't Sage just do the same thing? On a public beach?)
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GingerBread said:
"Nope, I can't anyway, you're still on top of me" Vance pointed out "But I mean a bar and a strip club appeared in my room, why can't a 5 star restaurant appear here, along with all the chefs" Vance let out a long drawn out sigh "It would be so much easier. Besides, I'm comfortable right now"

(Didn't Sage just do the same thing? On a public beach?)
Cassie sighed and rolled off of him, getting up and grabbing her clothes. "Fine. Ill do it myself" She swayed her hips and stepped out of the room, going to find the kitchen

(Feel free totally go to Sage now ^~^ )
DizjayDeathPride said:
Cassie sighed and rolled off of him, getting up and grabbing her clothes. "Fine. Ill do it myself" She swayed her hips and stepped out of the room, going to find the kitchen
(Feel free totally go to Sage now ^~^ )
"I was comfortable like that, why you'd have to go and move" Vance complained as he sat up "Can you get me something as well" Vance shouted as Cassandra walked away "God I'm bored. I haven't properly gone to kill someone in weeks" Vance thought aloud as he stretched his arms above his head.

@DizjayDeathPride (Why Would Vance go to Sage? Last thing he was told is that Sage was going to break up with him :P )
( Noire said she was going to suggest Sage break up with him , he wasn't told that he will. )

Sage and girls had agreed to meet the boys at a church in a few hours while they got clothes. Sage and girls went back to the guild and passed by Cassandra looking lovestruck.

Light said:
( @LokiofSP )
"Wait...how did you know I was kidnapped?" Ashlyn opens a portal behind her so Jericho and Fola could escape to the guild. She was getting defensive because lately people have been hunting her down.

"I didn't ask for all of that... just answer the question with the answer you feel is right."

Morpheus was released with a congratulations sticker on his forehead.

Both Alien Grimm rush forward, their scythe ready.

( @GingerBread @DizjayDeathPride @djinnamon )

Cupid Grimm notices he went a bit too far and decides he arrows will only have the cliche love affect instead of the sexual one.

Christina looks at the ride then at Cole, then the ride. "Fine...let's go." At this moment they were both shot by Cupid Grimm's love arrows.

( @Tazmodo )

Alice, Jackson, and Crimson were shot with the love arrows. It made then fall heavily in love with the last person they spoke to. Alice had spoken to both Crimson and Jackson while Crimson and Jackson only spoke to her. "Lets go get food. She can handle a boat." Alice swiftly turns around and leads the way. Her heart was racing and she didn't know what to do...She couldn't choose between Jackson or Crimson. Crimson was so damn attractive in her eyes and he was especially sweet to her when he swore with his life. She feels like there could be so much more between them if they could talk more. Her kids seemed to like him and Zedd as well... for once...Her emotions and life style could be one and the same. Jackson on the other hand had told her before that he loved her and she couldn't deny it at the moment, she felt the same way and she loved corny confessions. He was her best friend for who knows how long and she values him almost as much as she values her kids. His new look was hard to look away from as well. Out of the two she was closer to Jackson and they have so much history and connection. "What am I going to do?" Alice lightly whispers to herself.

( @GingerBread It should fade off in a day. )
"Anyone who's anybody knows you were a lab rat, child," She purrs, amused at Ashlyn's ignorance, "Experimentation on mortals, halflings, or beasts used to be common practice in Deity Realm before you came along. And many of the Old Ones - including myself - were present during some of your battles with your alternate selves. Quite entertaining, if I do say so myself. You are quite proficient in battle for someone so young."
Vance was sitting on his bed drumming his fingers on his knees, getting increasingly bored. Vance stood up and decided to go annoy Cassandra some more. As Vance walked out of his room he noticed Sage and his girlfriends "Hey Sage, What have you been up to?" Vance asked, acting as nonchalant as he could. Trying to not let Sage know what he just did with Cassandra as he knew Sage might get a but angry and would probably attempt to beat the shit out of him.

Sage looked at him and glared. " What are you hiding from me. " He asked , he had a feeling Vance did something and the way the man was acting only made feel more suspicious. " We just had a fight so its either you got over quickly which I highly doubt considering your personality or your hiding something and pretending everything is ok.

djinnamon said:
Sage looked at him and glared. " What are you hiding from me. " He asked , he had a feeling Vance did something and the way the man was acting only made feel more suspicious. " We just had a fight so its either you got over quickly which I highly doubt considering your personality or your hiding something and pretending everything is ok.
"I'm not hiding anything, but you must be if you're so quick to accuse me. And you didn't answer my question. What have you been up to today Sage? Cause you looked lovestruck a second ago and so did all your friends" Vance replied as he glared back at Sage "And why wouldn't I get over it quickly? I mean I came close to dying earlier while I was sparing with Cassandra and then... never mind what happened after. It's not important"


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