Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
GingerBread said:
(why? xD )
Vance teleported to the side slightly and had tendrils wrap around Cassandra's arms and legs, attaching her to the ground "I'm not giving up, and is this what you were like when we were going out? Cause I can't say I dislike how assertive you are"

( ! ) Vance asked for another rag and a bottle of Chloroform and made sure to properly soak the rag in it. Vance then asked for another pre-soaked rag as he made his way over to Cassandra. Vance did his best to kneel on both of Cassandra's arms as he stared down at her. "I'll make sure you wake up in a comfortable bed, and then we can go and kill someone together" Vance stuffed the pre-soaked rag into Cassandra's mouth before holding the one he soaked himself over her mouth and nose.

( ! ) Cassie struggled angrily, trying to yell through the gag. As she was losing consciousness, a thick twisted spike came from above and pierced through his back and into her stomach, pinning him to her. Weakly, she tried to reach up to grab his face but she could barely see in front of her.

Her eyelids weakly drooped down and she barely got the telepathic thought out "
how... Ro....man..tic... Cheating.. pervert"

Her body went limp as she passed out, their blood pooling and mixing on, in, and under them both
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DizjayDeathPride said:
( ! ) Cassie struggled angrily, trying to yell through the gag. As she was losing consciousness, a thick twisted spike came from above and pierced through his back and into her stomach, pinning him to her. Weakly, she tried to reach up to grab his face but she could barely see in front of her.
Her eyelids weakly drooped down and she barely got the telepathic thought out "how... Ro....man..tic... Cheating.. pervert"

Her body went limp as she passed out, their blood pooling and mixing on, in, and under them both
"So you opt to stab and pretty much kill us both? That's exactly what I would do, god we must have worked well together" Vance chucked weakly as he could feel himself starting to pass out from blood loss. Vance had them both leave the darkness realm and reappear in his now charred room "Oh yeah, you burnt this. Kinda wish it was back to normal, without the bar" Vance said as he grabbed the bottle of vodka that somehow survived and started to pour it on his wound. Vance hissed in pain as the alcohol came into contact with his wound "Really wish I could have some sort of supernatural healing, or that we would just both get healed" Vance thought aloud, asking the thing that had been helping him so far.

@DizjayDeathPride (So I've no idea of morpheus's limits, So i've left it open to you)
GingerBread said:
"So you opt to stab and pretty much kill us both? That's exactly what I would do, god we must have worked well together" Vance chucked weakly as he could feel himself starting to pass out from blood loss. Vance had them both leave the darkness realm and reappear in his now charred room "Oh yeah, you burnt this. Kinda wish it was back to normal, without the bar" Vance said as he grabbed the bottle of vodka that somehow survived and started to pour it on his wound. Vance hissed in pain as the alcohol came into contact with his wound "Really wish I could have some sort of supernatural healing, or that we would just both get healed" Vance thought aloud, asking the thing that had been helping him so far.
@DizjayDeathPride (So I've no idea of morpheus's limits, So i've left it open to you)
(Morpheus is Alpha with reality warping he has no limits anymore xD hell so long as you don't just blow the planet up really anything is fair game)

Cassie, now freed from the realm, immediately started healing quickly. The lower half of her shirt was torn and ripped from her last attack, exposing her stomach. Down her navel was faint scar that seemed aged but wouldn't heal.

She laid on his bed, unconscious. Her body's immune system was already working to detox the chemical inside her mind and lungs so at this point she was knocked out from exhaustion.

Her breathing was slow and rhythmic. Her chest barely rose as she breathed, a small smile on her face
DizjayDeathPride said:
(Morpheus is Alpha with reality warping he has no limits anymore xD hell so long as you don't just blow the planet up really anything is fair game)
Cassie, now freed from the realm, immediately started healing quickly. The lower half of her shirt was torn and ripped from her last attack, exposing her stomach. Down her navel was faint scar that seemed aged but wouldn't heal.

She laid on his bed, unconscious. Her body's immune system was already working to detox the chemical inside her mind and lungs so at this point she was knocked out from exhaustion.

Her breathing was slow and rhythmic. Her chest barely rose as she breathed, a small smile on her face
(So vance is alright then, sweet. Also what if I just blow half the planet up, or the moon? xP)

Vance found himself healed and his room return to it's uncharred state and was now also uninhabited by a wild bar "What the hell did I do to deserve a guardian angel?" Vance muttered to himself as he got up and walked over to Cassandra. Vance noticed Cassandra was healing as he picked her up "Great, you get to heal by yourself, I don't. I'm a god damn human amongst gods, and I'm still better than half of them" Vance complained as he carried her over to his bed. Vance gently laid her down on his bed as he sat on the side of it next to her. Vance noticed she had a scar going down her navel, He traced the scar gingerly with his finger "This looks old, wonder how you got this" Vance thought aloud, not expecting Cassandra to reply.

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GingerBread said:
(So vance is alright then, sweet. Also what if I just blow half the planet up, or the moon? xP)
Vance found himself healed and his room return to it's uncharred state and was now also uninhabited by a wild bar "What the hell did I do to deserve a guardian angel?" Vance muttered to himself as he got up and walked over to Cassandra. Vance noticed Cassandra was healing as he picked her up "Great, you get to heal by yourself, I don't. I'm a god damn human amongst gods, and I'm still better than half of them" Vance complained as he carried her over to his bed. Vance gently laid her down on his bed as he sat on the side of it next to her. Vance noticed she had a scar going down her navel, He traced the scar gingerly with his finger "This looks old, wonder how you got this" Vance thought aloud, not expecting Cassandra to reply.

(But the moon is an egg......)

(Since Vance tried to kill his gal I'm left with no choices)

A little blue lizard was walking on Cassandra's forehead, sticking its tongue out randomly to taste the air. The little animal was no more than 2 inches long, three if you count the tail. It crawled down her face and chest, going to Vance
GingerBread said:
"What's the point of fighting if I've got nothing to fight for?" Colin lifted his head just in time to see the alien Grimm drop down in front of him. Colin grabbed onto the staff, still refusing to heal himself and used it to prop himself up into a standing position. Colin just stared at the Alien Grimm "why did you kill her? why are you doing any of this?" Colin took a deep breath "I'll give you a chance to leave peacefully, but if you attack me, I will be forced to defend myself....Even if I don't really want to"

The clone of Alien Grimm rushes forward and attempts to grab Colin. "You will die!" The scythe in his grasp if flung towards Colin.

DaManofWar said:
Scar stared at the snail. "Yes, very cool," he answered, smiling. He was underwhelmed. "Hey, how could I get out of here? I kinda want to get home."
"Alright! Here we go!" Grimm teleports the two in front of the guild. "I want to show you this first as well! So what do you think?"

LokiofSP said:
Oden taps his chin before picking the teddy bear on the left, "So what's this supposed to do? Why am I picking a bear?"

"It's a test that will define who you truly are. Choose one now!" Alien Grimm raises the teddy bears for Oden to choose from. He was curious as to see which one he'd choose. The left or the right.

( @Tazmodo )

Alice begins to wake up the kids and carries them. "People are after us and we need to get to the castle as soon as possible which is on a different continent. We can't sit around all day." With that, she enters one of the bathrooms.

DizjayDeathPride said:
"Yes. I did." He smiled and dodged back, grabbing the pencil between his index and middle fingers. "You really don't leave do you? How do you eat? Where does your food come from? What happens if the hot water goes out?" He walked over to her, asking questions. On the last one he plopped down next to her, putting the pencil gently behind her ear. "What's so dangerous about this place? What if I have to run from our experiment-gone-wild?"
"Nope I don't leave at all.... I just eat squeezable applesauce packs. I have them transported to my room in bulk. I don't know it's just there, probably Sam. I don't shower then, hot water or I rot. I can't tell you that. Just don't leave the room and if you do don't stray too far away, basic instructions. Just jump up on things, this place is a mess there are plenty of things to run around and stand on." Morgan spins around in her chair and shrugs.

Juju said:
The thin, slinking sound of steel and stone bounced off of the rocks and wind-buffeted bark of the surrounding trees as Arwyn calmly sharpened her sword. To her left was the worn history book she had been studying, closed and cast aside for now, and to her right the smoldering embers of a fire crackled against the chilly mountain air.
It had taken quite a long time to get through all of the material but nonetheless Arwyn was thankful that Grimm had provided her with a recap of all of the history she had missed during her slumber under the mountains of the Himalayas. She realized now that this simple gift of knowledge might make the difference later on. Just thinking back to those men she had encountered at the wreckage of the United Nation’s building with their strange objects (which she now knows to be guns) made her even more appreciative that she had been educated.

“It is amazing how much humans have accomplished since our time” she said wistfully as she leaned against Syrax’s side, holding her sword’s edge up to catch the dying light of the fire. “You can fly to one end of the earth and back again in a matter of days. And its round. You can sail all around it and end up where you started.”

The wyvern’s eyes were closed and his toothy maw lay still as he rested his head in the grass, the blades hissing softly with each of his exhales. There was no hint that he had heard her yet his voice entered her thoughts telepathically, as was his custom. “But you can take comfort in the fact that human nature remains unchanged...” He rumbled. “Your race keeps finding more and more ways to kill each other for foolish reasons.”

Arwyn lowered her sword and sighed. “Indeed.”
Grimm appears before Arwyn and pokes her shoulder. "Sooooo how was it? Are you interested in anything that's new? We can go shopping for it but I'm broke so you'd have to pay."

@The Otaku Diaries[/URL] @Light
Ball Grimm rolls around the two. "If you're a guild member it would be extremely helpful if you could bring us to your guild! We're trying to find the murderer of chibi Grimm. Unless you were there at the time the guild theme song was first sung at the battle against Mecha Typhoeus."
Light said:
The clone of Alien Grimm rushes forward and attempts to grab Colin. "You will die!" The scythe in his grasp if flung towards Colin.
Colin let the scythe hit him and as soon as it did he transferred all of his injuries to the Alien Grimm, leaving it with large chunks taken out all over it's body as well as the gash the Scythe created "I'm Sorry"


DizjayDeathPride said:
(But the moon is an egg......)
(Since Vance tried to kill his gal I'm left with no choices)

A little blue lizard was walking on Cassandra's forehead, sticking its tongue out randomly to taste the air. The little animal was no more than 2 inches long, three if you count the tail. It crawled down her face and chest, going to Vance
(That episode killed me, It was so bad, so bad D: And what does the lizard do?)

Vance watched as a lizard started crawling toward him
"You know what, It wouldn't surprise me if you were some sort of all powerful Lizard that wants to kill me, so I'm going to go. Cassandra look's fine anyway" Vance walked to the opposite side of the room and created a bed made of darkness and laid down on it, Vance found that it was uncomfortable but wasn't about to push Cassandra off of his bed.

GingerBread said:
Colin let the scythe hit him and as soon as it did he transferred all of his injuries to the Alien Grimm, leaving it with large chunks taken out all over it's body as well as the gash the Scythe created "I'm Sorry"

It seemed like Colin was surrounded by Alien Grimm clones. The staff begins to communicate with Colin once more. "Keep switching your physical condition with me after you get injured to stay at a peak form and then transfer my injured condition to them at the same time. We can do this." Each Alien Grimm attacks one by one.
Light said:
The clone of Alien Grimm rushes forward and attempts to grab Colin. "You will die!" The scythe in his grasp if flung towards Colin.
"Alright! Here we go!" Grimm teleports the two in front of the guild. "I want to show you this first as well! So what do you think?"

"It's a test that will define who you truly are. Choose one now!" Alien Grimm raises the teddy bears for Oden to choose from. He was curious as to see which one he'd choose. The left or the right.

Christina gives Cole an odd look and raises an eyebrow. "Oh no. Definitely not. That guild isn't for me, I don't live by its rules." Christina shrugs and pulls them out of the Phantom Realm, letting them appear before an amusement park. "It got boring for me so I choose something much more... interesting."

( @Tazmodo )

Alice begins to wake up the kids and carries them. "People are after us and we need to get to the castle as soon as possible which is on a different continent. We can't sit around all day." With that, she enters one of the bathrooms.

"Nope I don't leave at all.... I just eat squeezable applesauce packs. I have them transported to my room in bulk. I don't know it's just there, probably Sam. I don't shower then, hot water or I rot. I can't tell you that. Just don't leave the room and if you do don't stray too far away, basic instructions. Just jump up on things, this place is a mess there are plenty of things to run around and stand on." Morgan spins around in her chair and shrugs.

Grimm appears before Arwyn and pokes her shoulder. "Sooooo how was it? Are you interested in anything that's new? We can go shopping for it but I'm broke so you'd have to pay."

Ball Grimm rolls around the two. "If you're a guild member it would be extremely helpful if you could bring us to your guild! We're trying to find the murderer of chibi Grimm. Unless you were there at the time the guild theme song was first sung at the battle against Mecha Typhoeus."
Jackson got up. "It'll be a lot faster if we just fly from here on out. What do you say Emily?"
Light said:
It seemed like Colin was surrounded by Alien Grimm clones. The staff begins to communicate with Colin once more. "Keep switching your physical condition with me after you get injured to stay at a peak form and then transfer my injured condition to them at the same time. We can do this." Each Alien Grimm attacks one by one.
"Why are you so eager to take my damage? Are you one of those" Colin spun his hand around in a circle while he tried to think of the word "Masochists?" Colin asked as he grabbed ahold of the staff. Colin ended up getting stabbed deep in his left and right side and received a large gash in the middle of his chest. Colin transferred the damage to the staff.

Colin ran towards one of the Alien Grimms and used the staff to push himself off of the ground and over the top of the Alien Grimm. Colin reached out his hand and touched the Alien Grimm on the head and transfered all the damaged to him.

@Light (I'm going to go sleep now night)
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Tazmodo said:
Jackson got up. "It'll be a lot faster if we just fly from here on out. What do you say Emily?"
Emily couldn't hear him since she was carried off to the bathroom to take a bath.

GingerBread said:
"Why are you so eager to take my damage? Are you one of those" Colin spun his hand around in a circle while he tried to think of the word "Masochists?" Colin asked as he grabbed ahold of the staff. Colin ended up getting stabbed deep in his left and right side and received a large gash in the middle of his chest. Colin transferred the damage to the staff.
Colin ran towards one of the Alien Grimms and used the staff to push himself off of the ground and over the top of the Alien Grimm. Colin reached out his hand and touched the Alien Grimm on the head and transfered all the damaged to him.

@Light (I'm going to go sleep now night)
"Hmmm....I've never thought about that. I just know I like to assist you. On your left." The staff points out a scythe coming Colin's way. "There are about 4 of those aliens around us. I've checked."
Cole chuckles as Christina denied to join. Hehe okay. The fight got a little boring so he was glad Christina took them some place else it was an amusement park. Yeah time to have some fun. He said with a smile.

Crimson combed guys hair as Alice went to the bathroom. I can transport us from here to where the castle is. If we need too. @Light
Arwyn slid her sword back into its sheath when Grimm appeared as a sign of politeness. "Always teleporting around, aren't you?" she said to the strange male. She was almost taken by surprise when he thrust his finger at her shoulder but it soon passed; Arwyn had come to expect the unexpected with this one. He reminded her a lot of those fools that some lords kept around for their amusement.

As for his question, the dragonknight paused and tilted her head. Meanwhile she conversed telepathically with the resting wyvern behind her 'what do you think Syrax? What would you like to do or see?'

The wyvern shifted his head and a column of smoke drifted from his mouth. 'I should like some sleep and perhaps hunt for elephants later.' he said.

'You want to just nap while there is a whole new world out there?!' she asked

'it can wait.'

"well then." Arwyn said to Grimm. "I wouldn't mind having one of those music-makers. Well, music players.. with the songs and those ear-puffs so only you can hear it. How do they fit all those songs into it, its amazing what technology can do." she said while digging through her bag. Dawn's Heart dangled from the chain about her neck and glittered softly as the woman dug through her bag. She had become so accustomed to its faint chiming that the back of her mind would seem oddly quiet without it's soft orchestra. "I have a couple of coins but they are ancient and not usable. Well unless I can sell these coins to a museum or a collector." she said as she held out a handful of copper and silver coins flecked with some gold ones.

Light said:
The clone of Alien Grimm rushes forward and attempts to grab Colin. "You will die!" The scythe in his grasp if flung towards Colin.
"Alright! Here we go!" Grimm teleports the two in front of the guild. "I want to show you this first as well! So what do you think?"

"It's a test that will define who you truly are. Choose one now!" Alien Grimm raises the teddy bears for Oden to choose from. He was curious as to see which one he'd choose. The left or the right.

Christina gives Cole an odd look and raises an eyebrow. "Oh no. Definitely not. That guild isn't for me, I don't live by its rules." Christina shrugs and pulls them out of the Phantom Realm, letting them appear before an amusement park. "It got boring for me so I choose something much more... interesting."

( @Tazmodo )

Alice begins to wake up the kids and carries them. "People are after us and we need to get to the castle as soon as possible which is on a different continent. We can't sit around all day." With that, she enters one of the bathrooms.

"Nope I don't leave at all.... I just eat squeezable applesauce packs. I have them transported to my room in bulk. I don't know it's just there, probably Sam. I don't shower then, hot water or I rot. I can't tell you that. Just don't leave the room and if you do don't stray too far away, basic instructions. Just jump up on things, this place is a mess there are plenty of things to run around and stand on." Morgan spins around in her chair and shrugs.

Grimm appears before Arwyn and pokes her shoulder. "Sooooo how was it? Are you interested in anything that's new? We can go shopping for it but I'm broke so you'd have to pay."

Ball Grimm rolls around the two. "If you're a guild member it would be extremely helpful if you could bring us to your guild! We're trying to find the murderer of chibi Grimm. Unless you were there at the time the guild theme song was first sung at the battle against Mecha Typhoeus."
Ryan watched her spin around and enjoy herself with sad eyes and a weak smile. "Doesn't it get lonely being in here all the time?"

GingerBread said:


(That episode killed me, It was so bad, so bad D: And what does the lizard do?)

Vance watched as a lizard started crawling toward him "You know what, It wouldn't surprise me if you were some sort of all powerful Lizard that wants to kill me, so I'm going to go. Cassandra look's fine anyway" Vance walked to the opposite side of the room and created a bed made of darkness and laid down on it, Vance found that it was uncomfortable but wasn't about to push Cassandra off of his bed.


(I wasnt actually surprised in the slightest like there's no creativity. Hell it looks like an egg and silly it's another Morpheus)

The little lizard tilted its head to Vance then raised its little lizard hand, poking a tiny flag into Cassie and claiming her for LUU, Lizard Utopia University. He bound the tiny flag to her body and circled around it. If Vance came closer he could hear tiny lizard cheers.

It quickly curried off her and off the bed, going under the door and running away
Light said:
"Hmmm....I've never thought about that. I just know I like to assist you. On your left." The staff points out a scythe coming Colin's way. "There are about 4 of those aliens around us. I've checked."
"And that's why you were hitting me over the head earlier is it? Because you want to help. In any case, thank you for your help. I'm talking to an inanimate object and fighting aliens. I've gone crazy" Colin ran closer towards the scythe, forcing it to pierce through his stomach. Colin let out a scream of pain that died down to a whimper as he transferred the damage to the staff before pushing the staff against the ground and launching himself over one of the alien Grimm's and transferring the damage to them.


DizjayDeathPride said:
(I wasn't actually surprised in the slightest like there's no creativity. Hell it looks like an egg and silly it's another Morpheus)
The little lizard tilted its head to Vance then raised its little lizard hand, poking a tiny flag into Cassie and claiming her for LUU, Lizard Utopia University. He bound the tiny flag to her body and circled around it. If Vance came closer he could hear tiny lizard cheers.

It quickly scurried off her and off the bed, going under the door and running away
(That wasn't my problem with the episode, the doctor just felt so Out of character :/ )

Vance rolled onto his side in an attempt to find a comfortable way to sleep. He saw a lizard plant a flag on Cassandra's stomach "Really? You're just planting a flag in her?" Vance got up and walked over to Cassandra "You know lizard, you're not allowed to claim ownership over woman anymore, it's not the eighteen hundreds" Vance said as he grabbed the flag and attempted to pull it out of Cassandra's body.

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GingerBread said:
"And that's why you were hitting me over the head earlier is it? Because you want to help. In any case, thank you for your help. I'm talking to an inanimate object and fighting aliens. I've gone crazy" Colin ran closer towards the scythe, forcing it to pierce through his stomach. Colin let out a scream of pain that died down to a whimper as he transferred the damage to the staff before pushing the staff against the ground and launching himself over one of the alien Grimm's and transferring the damage to them.

(That wasn't my problem with the episode, the doctor just felt so Out of character :/ )

Vance rolled onto his side in an attempt to find a comfortable way to sleep. He saw a lizard plant a flag on Cassandra's stomach "Really? You're just planting a flag in her?" Vance got up and walked over to Cassandra "You know lizard, you're not allowed to claim ownership over woman anymore, it's not the eighteen hundreds" Vance said as he grabbed the flag and attempted to pull it out of Cassandra's body.

(Ahhhh yeah true nvm)

(Side comment I think the staff itself can transfer the damage. Like if you poke them with it I think that might work too. Not sure, ask light. But it seems a bit more.... Efficient)

Cassie groaned in her sleep as the flag tugged on her belly button. It popped off with a little suction sound and she shot up, looking around quickly. Her eyes met Vance and she squinted. "What did you do to me, pervert?"
DizjayDeathPride said:
(Ahhhh yeah true nvm)
(Side comment I think the staff itself can transfer the damage. Like if you poke them with it I think that might work too. Not sure, ask light. But it seems a bit more.... Efficient)

Cassie groaned in her sleep as the flag tugged on her belly button. It popped off with a little suction sound and she shot up, looking around quickly. Her eyes met Vance and she squinted. "What did you do to me, pervert?"
(I don't think the staff can until I upgrade it, cause Colin's power works on his touch only. It can't go through things. But I might be wrong)

"I did nothing. Someone tried to claim you for themselves" Vance held up the miniature flag before chucking it behind him "So anyway, Since I won. You have to tell me why you keep calling me a pervert" Vance found himself looking at Cassandra's scar "Or you can tell me how you got this scar, since you've got some sort of supernatural healing, it must've taken a lot to give you that scar"

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GingerBread said:
(I don't think the staff can until I upgrade it, cause Colin's power works on his touch only. It can't go through things. But I might be wrong)
"I did nothing. Someone tried to claim you for themselves" Vance held up the miniature flag before chucking it behind him "So anyway, Since I won. You have to tell me why you keep calling me a pervert" Vance found himself looking at Cassandra's scar "Or you can tell me how you got this scar, since you've got some sort of supernatural healing, it must've taken a lot to give you that scar"

Cassie looked him down and back up. So he can heal himself too. Fuck. Should have anticipated that. She thought over his request and looked left and right. Tell him why he's a pervert. Tell him how he tried to kill me. Tell him why he's suuuuch a pervert. Tell him about an old operation. Poooooossibly ruin his relationship if sage is listening obsessively. Poooooossibly ruin her new built friendship with Vance. Cassie looked down and shrugged.

"You put your face on my boobs AND bit my butt. Per. Vert. I see your amnesia didn't make you forget your naughty side. Peeeeervert." She got up and poked his stomach, pushing him back and getting up, poking his nose. "Pervert."

She looked around at his room and noticed it was back to normal.
Interesting... She spun around, swirling her arms. "I think he wants a strip club" just like the bar, Vance's room expanding with a creak, the nearest strip club to the guild. Poles, drinks, everything but the people. Stripping on the poles and walking around were clones of the attendants from the club. (Cause ya know, everything has to have a weakness and what's a strip club with no girls) Cassie smirked at Vance and crossed her arms, shaking her head. Well isn't that even more interesting... "Oh.. wow Vance. You've gotten some dirty desires while I was gone?"
DizjayDeathPride said:
Cassie looked him down and back up. So he can heal himself too. Fuck. Should have anticipated that. She thought over his request and looked left and right. Tell him why he's a pervert. Tell him how he tried to kill me. Tell him why he's suuuuch a pervert. Tell him about an old operation. Poooooossibly ruin his relationship if sage is listening obsessively. Poooooossibly ruin her new built friendship with Vance. Cassie looked down and shrugged.
"You put your face on my boobs AND bit my butt. Per. Vert. I see your amnesia didn't make you forget your naughty side. Peeeeervert." She got up and poked his stomach, pushing him back and getting up, poking his nose. "Pervert."

She looked around at his room and noticed it was back to normal.
Interesting... She spun around, swirling her arms. "I think he wants a strip club" just like the bar, Vance's room expanding with a creak, the nearest strip club to the guild. Poles, drinks, everything but the people. Stripping on the poles and walking around were clones of the attendants from the club. (Cause ya know, everything has to have a weakness and what's a strip club with no girls) Cassie smirked at Vance and crossed her arms, shaking her head. Well isn't that even more interesting... "Oh.. wow Vance. You've gotten some dirty desires while I was gone?"
Vance pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed "Okay, I'm going to ignore the elephant in the room right now. So, why is there a strip club in my room? Who did this? Who thought I'd be even slightly interested in this? I'm currently going out with a man. And even then I could give less of a toss about looks, yeah it's nice if people are easy on the eyes but I care more about someone's personality" Vance sat down on his bed and dragged his hands down his face "Right now to address the elephant in the room" Vance looked up at Cassandra "Both those incidences were your fault, so if anything you would be the pervert. Now i want a proper answer, or you're only going to be able to count to eight on your fingers"

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GingerBread said:
Vance pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed "Okay, I'm going to ignore the elephant in the room right now. So, why is there a strip club in my room? Who did this? Who thought I'd be even slightly interested in this? I'm currently going out with a man. And even then I could give less of a toss about looks, yeah it's nice if people are easy on the eyes but I care more about someone's personality" Vance sat down on his bed and dragged his hands down his face "Right now to address the elephant in the room" Vance looked up at Cassandra "Both those incidences were your fault, so if anything you would be the pervert. Now i wan a proper answer, or you're only going to be able to count to eight on your fingers"

The strippers all morphed to men, each given a different personality.

Cassie looked around and shrugged. "Welp... Thats... Weird..." She stuck her tongue out at him and scrunched her nose. "Well I guess it was the alcohol bringing to surface some hidden desire. If you don't remember what you did to me earlier you feind, oh well. I do"

She walked out, looking forward. She looked back to him as she opened the door and quickly turned away, leaving the room

One of the caterer workers was watching their whole altercation, holding his tray to his chest, crying. Many others came around to console him, all looking to Vance and shaking their heads.

One of the men hopped on the bar and started throwing bottles at Vance, yelling obscenities at him. Another threw a tray at him, telling him to calm down. The one on the bar jumped down and ran at the other man.

The whole group of men starting breaking into an all out fight, trying to either restrain or support the original man. Some of the men charged at Vance with broken bottles in their hands
DizjayDeathPride said:
The strippers all morphed to men, each given a different personality.
Cassie looked around and shrugged. "Welp... Thats... Weird..." She stuck her tongue out at him and scrunched her nose. "Well I guess it was the alcohol bringing to surface some hidden desire. If you don't remember what you did to me earlier you feind, oh well. I do"

She walked out, looking forward. She looked back to him as she opened the door and quickly turned away, leaving the room

One of the caterer workers was watching their whole altercation, holding his tray to his chest, crying. Many others came around to console him, all looking to Vance and shaking their heads.

One of the men hopped on the bar and started throwing bottles at Vance, yelling obscenities at him. Another threw a tray at him, telling him to calm down. The one on the bar jumped down and ran at the other man.

The whole group of men starting breaking into an all out fight, trying to either restrain or support the original man. Some of the men charged at Vance with broken bottles in their hands
Vance sighed as a bottle hit him directly on the forehead. The bottle broke, leaving shards of glass lodged in his forehead "God I hate all of this, why can't I just have one normal day in this guild, everytime I do something, Something weird happens" Vance shook his head as he dragged all the men into the darkness realm, where he quickly restrained and killed them. "If I find out that Cass was doing this, I'm going to kill her" Vance left his darkness realm and teleported to Cassandra "So you didn't give me a proper answer of why you're calling me a pervert. And you erected a strip club in my room, with angry men that wanted to kill me. So you can tell me how you got that scar instead"

GingerBread said:
Vance sighed as a bottle hit him directly on the forehead. The bottle broke, leaving shards of glass lodged in his forehead "God I hate all of this, why can't I just have one normal day in this guild, everytime I do something, Something weird happens" Vance shook his head as he dragged all the men into the darkness realm, where he quickly restrained and killed them. "If I find out that Cass was doing this, I'm going to kill her" Vance left his darkness realm and teleported to Cassandra "So you didn't give me a proper answer of why you're calling me a pervert. And you erected a strip club in my room, with angry men that wanted to kill me. So you can tell me how you got that scar instead"
Cassie walking into him and just stayed there and shrugged. "I did. You just didn't like the answer. Yoooou put your face in my chesh and bit my butt. You. Perv." She pushed off gently and tapped his cheek, walking around him and walking backwards down the hall. "There's no other reason I would call you a pervert." She traced her finger across her scar and smiled. "You're welcome to wonder about my little booboo all you'd like. Goodbyyye Vancey. Don't spend too much of your time with me I'll think you might actually want to get back with me."

She turned around and wiggled her fingers back to him, continuing her stroll, turning the corner
DaManofWar said:
Scar's eyes widened. "What is this place?" He asked. Now, he was slightly agitated. He didn't like where this was going.
"This is the guild of Dragon's Roar! An organization that works towards keeping peace throughout the realms. I'd like for you to join it!"

Embaga Elder] [COLOR=#5900b3]Cole chuckles as Christina denied to join. [/COLOR][COLOR=#5900b3][B]Hehe okay. [/B][/COLOR][COLOR=#5900b3]The fight got a little boring so he was glad Christina took them some place else it was an amusement park. [/COLOR][COLOR=#5900b3][B]Yeah time to have some fun. [/B][/COLOR][COLOR=#5900b3]He said with a smile. [/COLOR][COLOR=#5900b3] [/COLOR] [COLOR=#b30000]Crimson combed guys hair as Alice went to the bathroom. [/COLOR][COLOR=#b30000][B]I can transport us from here to where the castle is. If we need too. [/B][/COLOR][URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/10734-light/ said:
Christina nods her head and ventures inside, turning towards all of the options. "So what type of ride are you interested in? Our first one is your choice. Try not to choose anything too crazy."

( @Tazmodo )

Alice steps out with the kids in freshly changed clothes. "I heard you two from in there but the kids didn't. To answer your question Jackson no, Emily doesn't like having her feet away from the ground for too long. Can't teleport since nausea may get to her and super speed is definitely a no. We can go by human methods though." Alice picks up her stuff and heads for the door. "We're going to eat at the all you can eat here first though."

Juju said:
Arwyn slid her sword back into its sheath when Grimm appeared as a sign of politeness. "Always teleporting around, aren't you?" she said to the strange male. She was almost taken by surprise when he thrust his finger at her shoulder but it soon passed; Arwyn had come to expect the unexpected with this one. He reminded her a lot of those fools that some lords kept around for their amusement.
As for his question, the dragonknight paused and tilted her head. Meanwhile she conversed telepathically with the resting wyvern behind her 'what do you think Syrax? What would you like to do or see?'

The wyvern shifted his head and a column of smoke drifted from his mouth. 'I should like some sleep and perhaps hunt for elephants later.' he said.

'You want to just nap while there is a whole new world out there?!' she asked

'it can wait.'

"well then." Arwyn said to Grimm. "I wouldn't mind having one of those music-makers. Well, music players.. with the songs and those ear-puffs so only you can hear it. How do they fit all those songs into it, its amazing what technology can do." she said while digging through her bag. Dawn's Heart dangled from the chain about her neck and glittered softly as the woman dug through her bag. She had become so accustomed to its faint chiming that the back of her mind would seem oddly quiet without it's soft orchestra. "I have a couple of coins but they are ancient and not usable. Well unless I can sell these coins to a museum or a collector." she said as she held out a handful of copper and silver coins flecked with some gold ones.

"Those coins are worth extremely high amounts of money at this moment. I'd keep them to yourself though. I can supply what you need though! Take my hand and we shall go to amazing places!" Grimm stares at the Dawn's Heart and blinks shortly afterwards. "People try to steal that all the time. So I'll do you this one favour." Grimm raises an eyebrow and the relic amid now binded to Arwyn's soul. "Now it can't 've stolen since you can make it appear in your hands once more by willing it to. Also now that it's bonded its you it will only work for you. So even if you forgot to call it back, it wouldn't even matter since it wouldn't work at all without you."

DizjayDeathPride said:
Ryan watched her spin around and enjoy herself with sad eyes and a weak smile. "Doesn't it get lonely being in here all the time?"
"Lonely? No it doesn't. Sam comes in here from time to time and I always have Julius. You come in here as well. So no I don't, not that it matters anyways. I like it here. I'd rather be alone for eternity anyways if I had to choose between that and living amongst large crowds." Morgan rises from her chair and uses a spell to make Ryan smile. "Stop with that, you'll make my room gloomy." She ventures over to a pill in a vial.

GingerBread said:
"And that's why you were hitting me over the head earlier is it? Because you want to help. In any case, thank you for your help. I'm talking to an inanimate object and fighting aliens. I've gone crazy" Colin ran closer towards the scythe, forcing it to pierce through his stomach. Colin let out a scream of pain that died down to a whimper as he transferred the damage to the staff before pushing the staff against the ground and launching himself over one of the alien Grimm's and transferring the damage to them.
"You can use me to transfer damage now that you've gotten the hang of it! Just hit them with the staff and use your power while doing so. You can manipulate my biomass any way you like to get the desired outcome. All three of them are attacking now!" Colin ranks up 5 times while the staff was talking to him.

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