Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
GingerBread said:
Colin noticed out of the corner of his eye, that the staff was still there. Colin attempted to stand up, his legs shaking, not being able to support his body weight after having chunks bitten out of it. "Why are you still here? Did you not get the message? I'm not going to use you, I don't ever deserve to heal myself" Colin's legs buckled underneath him and caused him to fall to the floor. Colin continued on regardless "It's my fault that she's dead, If I had stayed close to her and kept my promise she would still be alive. If she didn't stay to protect me she would still be okay. I should've been the one to die, not her. Why can't you understand that and leave me alone. I don't want to heal myself. I don't want to hurt anyone else, intentionally or not" Colin's head hung limp towards the ground as tears rolled down his face "All I've ever wanted to do is help people, but I can't. No matter what I try to do people either hate me or I end up never seeing them again. I try my best, but it's never good enough. I'm not even that useful, I'm sure there are people who can heal people without almost killing themselves. I'm sure there's people who can fight as well as heal people. But I can't do that, I have to hurt myself to heal people. Maybe everything would be better off If I just died, I create more problems than I end up solving anyway..."
As soon as Vance felt himself being pushed he pulled himself into his darkness realm and waited a couple of seconds until the shards had moved so he would get hit.

( ! ) Once Vance exited his darkness realm he made large spikes of darkness jutt up from every shadow in the room, in an attempt to draw Cassandra out. If Cassandra did become visible again Vance would drag her into his darkness realm.

(Sorry my school is having this weird no signal crap like the whole day)

Cassie looked around, still with the air. All these weird spikes don't look safe. He has darkness now I see... Interesting. A small fire broke out in Vance's room, spreading to the bar and growing massively from the alcohol. If he wouldn't come out she'd force him out. She materialized standing in the center of the massive flames that got larger and spread through his whole room
DizjayDeathPride said:
(Sorry my school is having this weird no signal crap like the whole day)
Cassie looked around, still with the air. All these weird spikes don't look safe. He has darkness now I see... Interesting. A small fire broke out in Vance's room, spreading to the bar and growing massively from the alcohol. If he wouldn't come out she'd force him out. She materialized standing in the center of the massive flames that got larger and spread through his whole room
"I tell you not to break anything in my room and what do you do? You set it on fire, of course you do" Vance let out a heavy sigh "You know it'd be fantastic if these flames were extinguished" As soon as Vance said this a strong gust of wind flew through his room, extinguishing all the fire. "Thank you" Vance looked around his room and saw Cassandra standing where the fire seemed to start from. Vance immediately pulled Cassandra into his darkness realm and went invisible while also muffling himself.

Light said:
"Alright well.. how do we approach her and ask questions without it being weird? She seems like those girls who turn people away."
Grimm nods his head and smiles, snapping his fingers to turn her into a reaper. "Welcome to your new life." Grimm starts to explain her new responsibilities and powers. "First task. Go to the mortal realm and reap the soul of a dead Bakeneko's soul. Sarah... a previous Dragon's Roar member died and her spirit is drifting around aimlessly. Bring her to me."

( @Sh3w0lfSp1r1t )

"Yes I can forgive you!" Grimm opens the cell door and cheers. "Well be the best of friends now! Want me to show you something cool?"

( @Embaga Elder )

Alice exits the bathroom after some time and with her hair curled and let down. She was wearing a long sleeve black leather jacket with white jeans and black knee high, high heel boots. "Wake up Crimson please. The kids are very... picky. I've got it though."

Morgan just stares at Ryan with a shocked expression. "Did you just read all of my romance novels? Also aren't you supposed to guard me? You know I won't leave the room without a reason. Besides... some parts of the Van Fen'rir castle shouldn't be explored." Morgan throws a pencil playfully at Ryan.
"Yes. I did." He smiled and dodged back, grabbing the pencil between his index and middle fingers. "You really don't leave do you? How do you eat? Where does your food come from? What happens if the hot water goes out?" He walked over to her, asking questions. On the last one he plopped down next to her, putting the pencil gently behind her ear. "What's so dangerous about this place? What if I have to run from our experiment-gone-wild?"

GingerBread said:

Cassie gasped and crossed her arms pouting. "Pervert cheater. FINE!"

She flicked her hand up and a pillar of Darkness pushed her high into the "sky" of the realm rapidly. As it climbed, she sank into the shadows and hid within the darkness. She closed her eyes and tried to use her hearing to find him; To no avail. After that failed she shrugged and left the darkneas and ran deeper in the realm, using her speed to rapidly leave the area and disappear from sight
DizjayDeathPride said:
Cassie gasped and crossed her arms pouting. "Pervert cheater. FINE!"
She flicked her hand up and a pillar of Darkness pushed her high into the "sky" of the realm rapidly. As it climbed, she sank into the shadows and hid within the darkness. She closed her eyes and tried to use her hearing to find him; To no avail. After that failed she shrugged and left the darkneas and ran deeper in the realm, using her speed to rapidly leave the area and disappear from sight
Vance smirked as Cassandra ran away; He kept teleporting behind her so he could keep up with her "So, Is this you giving up? Cause All you have to do is admit you lost" Vance kept teleporting to each of Cassandra's sides as well as behind her to make sure she couldn't pinpoint where exactly he was at any given time.
GingerBread said:
Vance smirked as Cassandra ran away; He kept teleporting behind her so he could keep up with her "So, Is this you giving up? Cause All you have to do is admit you lost" Vance kept teleporting to each of Cassandra's sides as well as behind her to make sure she couldn't pinpoint where exactly he was at any given time.
Cassie kept running, her eyes closed. One.. two... Three... Interesting Vancey... She kept running for a few moments, calculating his teleportations. He could only go to three spots so narrowing down the chances wasn't too bad.

( ! ) Once he teleported from one side and the pattern suggested back, mid teleportation she spun on her heel quickly, a thick spike of ice protruding from her palm. She stabbed forward quickly, seeing if her calculations were correct. And to be safe, as she jabbed forward, the mass under her froze over, giant spikes of ice shooting up from all angles around her high up
DizjayDeathPride said:
Cassie kept running, her eyes closed. One.. two... Three... Interesting Vancey... She kept running for a few moments, calculating his teleportations. He could only go to three spots so narrowing down the chances wasn't too bad.
( ! ) Once he teleported from one side and the pattern suggested back, mid teleportation she spun on her heel quickly, a thick spike of ice protruding from her palm. She stabbed forward quickly, seeing if her calculations were correct. And to be safe, as she jabbed forward, the mass under her froze over, giant spikes of ice shooting up from all angles around her high up
(I'm assuming the spikes of ice are everywhere apart from where she's stabbing, cause otherwise that would be kinda redundant :P )

Vance barely had time to react but managed to move so the ice spike hit his shoulder instead of his chest "I guess there's a reason you were my partner" Vance said as he grabbed Cassandra's wrist with one hand and with the other shot beams of solidified darkness at all the ice surrounding her, causing it to smash into pieces. Vance then went to nullify Cassandra's powers.

( ! ) Vance held tight to Cassandra's wrist while he shot beams of darkness at her ankles while simultaneously creating a sharp spike of darkness to form behind her aiming directly for her lower back. Vance also had tendrils start to wrap around her free arm and around her legs apart from her ankles as the beams were targeting them.

@DizjayDeathPride (I'm assuming if I nullify her powers she'll only be able to use darkness, right? )
The thin, slinking sound of steel and stone bounced off of the rocks and wind-buffeted bark of the surrounding trees as Arwyn calmly sharpened her sword. To her left was the worn history book she had been studying, closed and cast aside for now, and to her right the smoldering embers of a fire crackled against the chilly mountain air.

It had taken quite a long time to get through all of the material but nonetheless Arwyn was thankful that Grimm had provided her with a recap of all of the history she had missed during her slumber under the mountains of the Himalayas. She realized now that this simple gift of knowledge might make the difference later on. Just thinking back to those men she had encountered at the wreckage of the United Nation’s building with their strange objects (which she now knows to be guns) made her even more appreciative that she had been educated.

“It is amazing how much humans have accomplished since our time” she said wistfully as she leaned against Syrax’s side, holding her sword’s edge up to catch the dying light of the fire. “You can fly to one end of the earth and back again in a matter of days. And its round. You can sail all around it and end up where you started.”

The wyvern’s eyes were closed and his toothy maw lay still as he rested his head in the grass, the blades hissing softly with each of his exhales. There was no hint that he had heard her yet his voice entered her thoughts telepathically, as was his custom. “But you can take comfort in the fact that human nature remains unchanged...” He rumbled. “Your race keeps finding more and more ways to kill each other for foolish reasons.”

Arwyn lowered her sword and sighed. “Indeed.”
GingerBread said:
(I'm assuming the spikes of ice are everywhere apart from where she's stabbing, cause otherwise that would be kinda redundant :P )
Vance barely had time to react but managed to move so the ice spike hit his shoulder instead of his chest "I guess there's a reason you were my partner" Vance said as he grabbed Cassandra's wrist with one hand and with the other shot beams of solidified darkness at all the ice surrounding her, causing it to smash into pieces. Vance then went to nullify Cassandra's powers.

( ! ) Vance held tight to Cassandra's wrist while he shot beams of darkness at her ankles while simultaneously creating a sharp spike of darkness to form behind her aiming directly for her lower back. Vance also had tendrils start to wrap around her free arm and around her legs apart from her ankles as the beams were targeting them.

@DizjayDeathPride (I'm assuming if I nullify her powers she'll only be able to use darkness, right? )
(You are right that would be redundant... But effective! (> :) ))

( ! ) Cassie yelped and panicked, her body becoming an overly electrified battery. If he kept holding her she'd just fry his heart and brain functions out. If he let go she'd zap forward and fly through the realm. In her world, seemed like a win win since she was sure he wouldn't be that stubborn to risk death to win.... Right? In her thoughts she really considered the fact he might not let go.

Only a few seconds had past while she thought this and she really hoped those few seconds were enough to make him let go

(Yes sir. Which would be so inconvenient for everyone!)
DizjayDeathPride said:
(You are right that would be redundant... But effective! (> :) ))
( ! ) Cassie yelped and panicked, her body becoming an overly electrified battery. If he kept holding her she'd just fry his heart and brain functions out. If he let go she'd zap forward and fly through the realm. In her world, seemed like a win win since she was sure he wouldn't be that stubborn to risk death to win.... Right? In her thoughts she really considered the fact he might not let go.

Only a few seconds had past while she thought this and she really hoped those few seconds were enough to make him let go

(Yes sir. Which would be so inconvenient for everyone!)
Vance felt himself start to be electrocuted but didn't let go of Cassandra's wrist "Best. Way. to. Stop. Being. electrocuted?" Vance asked through gritted teeth as he nullified Cassandra's powers, stopping the electric current "Turn it off" Vance smirked as the remnants of electricity ran through his body I've been asking for things and then getting them. I wonder.... Vance stared Cassandra directly in the eyes "You know what would be useful right now?" Vance paused for a moment "A gun" And just like that a desert eagle pistol appeared in his free hand.

( ! ) Vance placed the barrel of the gun right up against Cassandra's chest, right where her heart would be. Vance's finger rested causally on the trigger as he stared at Cassandra, making sure to be able to see her whole body so he could watch for any movements.
"Now, you can either Give up and admit your loss, or I can pull the trigger. Oh and before you think of trying to do anything, I've got enhanced perception, I'll notice you doing it and before your brain can even tell you you're doing it. I'll pull the trigger and shoot you directly in the heart. So what's it going to be?"

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GingerBread said:
Vance felt himself start to be electrocuted but didn't let go of Cassandra's wrist "Best. Way. to. Stop. Being. electrocuted?" Vance asked through gritted teeth as he nullified Cassandra's powers, stopping the electric current "Turn it off" Vance smirked as the remnants of electricity ran through his body I've been asking for things and then getting them. I wonder.... Vance stared Cassandra directly in the eyes "You know what would be useful right now?" Vance paused for a moment "A gun" And just like that a desert eagle pistol appeared in his free hand.
( ! ) Vance placed the barrel of the gun right up against Cassandra's chest, right where her heart would be. Vance's finger rested causally on the trigger as he stared at Cassandra, making sure to be able to see her whole body so he could watch for any movements.
"Now, you can either Give up and admit your loss, or I can pull the trigger. Oh and before you think of trying to do anything, I've got enhanced perception, I'll notice you doing it and before your brain can even tell you you're doing it. I'll pull the trigger and shoot you directly in the heart. So what's it going to be?"

(I missed the nullification part that was my bad I can just edit you didn't have to go with it. Buuuut I'll null from here forward!)

Cassie raised an eyebrow and looked left and right. "You wouldn't shoot me. Know why?" The darkness inside the gun took it apart, letting it fall in pieces. She smiled as she turned intangible with the darkness, sinking into the realm. She puffed her cheeks and tapped her temple, thinking. He didn't leave her with many options at this point. Any more than one really. And even that was borderline pointless if she couldn't escape. Then it hit her.

( ! ) She came out of the darkness in the empty space behind Vance, her foot connected with her past ice spike (assuming he didn't remove it, and if so, just kick where the wound was that'll hurt), kicking it deeper and pushing him to the ground, flipping off and disappearing in the darkness, falling down on his back
DizjayDeathPride said:
(I missed the nullification part that was my bad I can just edit you didn't have to go with it. Buuuut I'll null from here forward!)
Cassie raised an eyebrow and looked left and right. "You wouldn't shoot me. Know why?" The darkness inside the gun took it apart, letting it fall in pieces. She smiled as she turned intangible with the darkness, sinking into the realm. She puffed her cheeks and tapped her temple, thinking. He didn't leave her with many options at this point. Any more than one really. And even that was borderline pointless if she couldn't escape. Then it hit her.

( ! ) She came out of the darkness in the empty space behind Vance, her foot connected with her past ice spike (assuming he didn't remove it, and if so, just kick where the wound was that'll hurt), kicking it deeper and pushing him to the ground, flipping off and disappearing in the darkness, falling down on his back
Vance gritted his teeth as the ice spike was pushed deeper into his shoulder. Vance attempted to come up with a plan The guild symbol connects us all, right? and we can speak through it. The brain can only handle a limited amount of voices before it zones out so it doesn't overload Vance thought as he used tendrils of darkness to lift himself back up. Vance used his guild Symbol to connect to Cassandra and create a mental link with her "Hey, Listen" Vance kept repeating over and over again while he used the guild symbol to help locate where Cassandra was so he could teleport to her.

( ! ) Vance grabbed ahold of Cassandra by her collar "I could do with another gun" Vance said as another desert eagle appeared in his hand. Wasting no time vance shot two bullets towards Cassandra's feet. Vance then aimed the gun at Cassandra's knee cap and fired.

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GingerBread said:
Vance gritted his teeth as the ice spike was pushed deeper into his shoulder. Vance attempted to come up with a plan The guild symbol connects us all, right? and we can speak through it. The brain can only handle a limited amount of voices before it zones out so it doesn't overload Vance thought as he used tendrils of darkness to lift himself back up. Vance used his guild Symbol to connect to Cassandra and create a mental link with her "Hey, Listen" Vance kept repeating over and over again while he used the guild symbol to help locate where Cassandra was so he could teleport to her.
( ! ) Vance grabbed ahold of Cassandra by her collar "I could do with another gun" Vance said as another desert eagle appeared in his hand. Wasting no time vance shot two bullets towards Cassandra's feet. Vance then aimed the gun at Cassandra's knee cap and fired.

"WE CAN USE TELEPATHY?! THIS IS SO CHE-" Is all she got out when he grabbed her. Cassie bit her lip to keep from screaming when the bullet pierced through her knee, her teeth ripping through her lip. Blood filled her mouth as she fell down, clutching her knee

( ! ) She used that to get her revenge and had a spike of darkness shoot up under his foot, under the part lined up with his leg. It went fully through up his shin and curved out of his knee cap like a hook.
Vance hissed in pain as the darkness hook ripped through most of his leg and came out of his knee cap "You know, that was probably the worst thing, you could've done" Vance said as he destroyed the darkness hook and consequently fell to the floor as the darkness hook had ripped most of his tendons "I swear, if I have to get a prosthetic. I won't be happy" Vance hissed, trying to make a joke out of it to ignore the pain.

( ! ) Vance dragged himself slightly closer to Cassandra and pushed the barrel of the gun up against her stomach
"You'd best give up after this, or we'll both end up dying" Vance said before gently squeezing the trigger and firing the gun.

GingerBread said:
Vance hissed in pain as the darkness hook ripped through most of his leg and came out of his knee cap "You know, that was probably the worst thing, you could've done" Vance said as he destroyed the darkness hook and consequently fell to the floor as the darkness hook had ripped most of his tendons "I swear, if I have to get a prosthetic. I won't be happy" Vance hissed, trying to make a joke out of it to ignore the pain.
( ! ) Vance dragged himself slightly closer to Cassandra and pushed the barrel of the gun up against her stomach
"You'd best give up after this, or we'll both end up dying" Vance said before gently squeezing the trigger and firing the gun.

Cassie closed her eyes and a cuff of darkness wrapped around his injured leg, turning to a pillar and lifting him high into the realm. She covered her head and curled in case he shot her while he was being raised up. Please dont hate me please dont hate me please dont hate me She chanted, getting up and stumbling. "Either one of us dies or you give up Vancey!" Her supernatural healing was trying to do its work and heal her but with most her powers nullified... She wasnt bleeding out anymore but the bullet was still lodged in her knee. She was in pain but she knew not as much as he must be.

( ! ) While the pilllar shot him up, it wrapped around him like a full body straint jacket, pulling the gun away. The darkness squeezed on his body trying to crush him, especially the leg to distract him, while still growing higher and higher
DizjayDeathPride said:
Cassie closed her eyes and a cuff of darkness wrapped around his injured leg, turning to a pillar and lifting him high into the realm. She covered her head and curled in case he shot her while he was being raised up. Please dont hate me please dont hate me please dont hate me She chanted, getting up and stumbling. "Either one of us dies or you give up Vancey!" Her supernatural healing was trying to do its work and heal her but with most her powers nullified... She wasnt bleeding out anymore but the bullet was still lodged in her knee. She was in pain but she knew not as much as he must be.
( ! ) While the pillar shot him up, it wrapped around him like a full body straint jacket, pulling the gun away. The darkness squeezed on his body trying to crush him, especially the leg to distract him, while still growing higher and higher
Vance let out another hiss of pain as he glared at Cassandra as his gun was taken out of his grasp. He used the same trick she had used to destroy it, so she couldn't use it against him. "I thought you said you knew me? I don't give up" Vance replied as muttered to himself about getting a dagger, which promptly appeared in his hand. Once it appeared in his hand Vance teleported behind Cassandra.

( ! ) Vance tightly wrapped his arm around Cassandra's neck in an attempt to keep himself standing while also attempting to choke her out. Vance used his other hand to bring the dagger up to just below her neck where he slowly started pushing it in at a angle so it would eventually pierce through her windpipe
"Do you really want your Ex-boyfriend, who you've been searching for, for six years to die? You're okay with that?"

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GingerBread said:
Vance let out another hiss of pain as he glared at Cassandra as his gun was taken out of his grasp. He used the same trick she had used to destroy it, so she couldn't use it against him. "I thought you said you knew me? I don't give up" Vance replied as muttered to himself about getting a dagger, which promptly appeared in his hand. Once it appeared in his hand Vance teleported behind Cassandra.
( ! ) Vance tightly wrapped his arm around Cassandra's neck in an attempt to keep himself standing while also attempting to choke her out. Vance used his other hand to bring the dagger up to just below her neck where he slowly started pushing it in at a angle so it would eventually pierce through her windpipe
"Do you really want your Ex-boyfriend, who you've been searching for, for six years to die? You're okay with that?"

She smiled and nuzzled her head against his face. "Of course not. If only you knew how happy I am to be in your arms again. But I wont give up any sooner than you will. But if your need to kill me is stronger than your will to fight, fine." She closed her eyes and stopped nuzzling, trying to stand strong for him but her knee was slowly giving out, shaking. "Kill me or surrender. Im curious to see what you'll do"
DizjayDeathPride said:
She smiled and nuzzled her head against his face. "Of course not. If only you knew how happy I am to be in your arms again. But I wont give up any sooner than you will. But if your need to kill me is stronger than your will to fight, fine." She closed her eyes and stopped nuzzling, trying to stand strong for him but her knee was slowly giving out, shaking. "Kill me or surrender. Im curious to see what you'll do"
"Well If I kill you, Sage might be less angry at me. and you know, I have no emotional ties to you, due to the whole amnesia thing. And for all I know you could be another stalker of mine, that wants to kill me. Oh and I don't surrender if I have the upper hand" Vance smiled as he started slowly pushing the dagger deeper before stopping and pulling it out and letting it drop to the floor.

( ! )
"You know what I could use right now? A rag soaked in chloroform" Vance smirked as a chloroformed rag appeared in his empty hand "You'll have to let me know if this smells like chloroform to you" Vance pushed the rag up against Cassandra's nose and mouth forcing her to breath it in.

@DizjayDeathPride (I'm aware how creepy this is out of context xP )
"No no no, I meant the other person that looks exactly like you" said Veyd, rather sarcastically. His scythe towered over her, as did himself, as he extended his arm down to her and howed her ball Grimm "My friend has something to ask of you"

@Light @The Otaku Diaries
GingerBread said:
"Well If I kill you, Sage might be less angry at me. and you know, I have no emotional ties to you, due to the whole amnesia thing. And for all I know you could be another stalker of mine, that wants to kill me. Oh and I don't surrender if I have the upper hand" Vance smiled as he started slowly pushing the dagger deeper before stopping and pulling it out and letting it drop to the floor.
( ! )
"You know what I could use right now? A rag soaked in chloroform" Vance smirked as a chloroformed rag appeared in his empty hand "You'll have to let me know if this smells like chloroform to you" Vance pushed the rag up against Cassandra's nose and mouth forcing her to breath it in.

@DizjayDeathPride (I'm aware how creepy this is out of context xP )

Cassie quickly inhaled and held her breath when the rag came, completely forgetting she didn't have any air powers. Her lungs burned and begged for air but she refused. ( ( ! ) Just as her head started to point and it got too much darkness wrapped around hi arm and yanked it away from her. She fell forward and flung around, swinging her arm to Vance. The darkness twisted and pulled his arm back and she got up quickly, trying to hobble away and gain some distance.

She was getting light headed from the amount of chloro that did get into her nasal track but she shook her head and tried to force it away.
DizjayDeathPride said:
Cassie quickly inhaled and held her breath when the rag came, completely forgetting she didn't have any air powers. Her lungs burned and begged for air but she refused. ( ( ! ) Just as her head started to point and it got too much darkness wrapped around hi arm and yanked it away from her. She fell forward and flung around, swinging her arm to Vance. The darkness twisted and pulled his arm back and she got up quickly, trying to hobble away and gain some distance.

She was getting light headed from the amount of chloro that did get into her nasal track but she shook her head and tried to force it away.
(Would you rather she died? Oh god that sounds so much worse D: )

As soon as Vance had lost his grip on Cassandra he fell to the floor, due to not having a working leg anymore "You said you wanted to see what I'd do, and then you run away. It's like you wanted me to kill you. I mean I can't kill you, You're the only tie to my past. Not that I care about it in the slightest, but I don't like people knowing more about me than I do" Vance created a walking stick made of darkness to prop himself up "Now are you going to give up? Or do I have to knock you unconscious?" Vance asked as he teleported next to her.

( ! ) Vance dropped his walking stick and once again wrapped his arm around Cassandra's neck before attempting to bring the chloroformed rag around her nose and mouth again
"I'm not going to admit defeat and I'm not going to kill you. And I doubt you want to kill me either. So you can admit defeat or get knocked out and suffer the possibility of getting brain damage"

GingerBread said:
(Would you rather she died? Oh god that sounds so much worse D: )
As soon as Vance had lost his grip on Cassandra he fell to the floor, due to not having a working leg anymore "You said you wanted to see what I'd do, and then you run away. It's like you wanted me to kill you. I mean I can't kill you, You're the only tie to my past. Not that I care about it in the slightest, but I don't like people knowing more about me than I do" Vance created a walking stick made of darkness to prop himself up "Now are you going to give up? Or do I have to knock you unconscious?" Vance asked as he teleported next to her.

( ! ) Vance dropped his walking stick and once again wrapped his arm around Cassandra's neck before attempting to bring the chloroformed rag around her nose and mouth again
"I'm not going to admit defeat and I'm not going to kill you. And I doubt you want to kill me either. So you can admit defeat or get knocked out and suffer the possibility of getting brain damage"

Cassie let out a battle cry and kicked back, falling in top of Vance. She quickly stood and slammed her heel on his leg, sitting and pinning his arms with her knees, putting her butt on his face. "GIVE UP NOW!"
DizjayDeathPride said:
Cassie let out a battle cry and kicked back, falling in top of Vance. She quickly stood and slammed her heel on his leg, sitting and pinning his arms with her knees, putting her butt on his face. "GIVE UP NOW!"

xD )

Vance let out a muffled scream into Cassandra's butt as she slammed her heel into his already damaged leg. Vance teleported to the side slightly and had tendrils wrap around Cassandra's arms and legs, attaching her to the ground
"I'm not giving up, and is this what you were like when we were going out? Cause I can't say I dislike how assertive you are"

( ! ) Vance asked for another rag and a bottle of Chloroform and made sure to properly soak the rag in it. Vance then asked for another pre-soaked rag as he made his way over to Cassandra. Vance did his best to kneel on both of Cassandra's arms as he stared down at her. "I'll make sure you wake up in a comfortable bed, and then we can go and kill someone together" Vance stuffed the pre-soaked rag into Cassandra's mouth before holding the one he soaked himself over her mouth and nose.

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