Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
djinnamon said:
Sage had run to see what Vance meant and saw Cassandra touching him. " You jerk. You're cheating on me! " Sage yelled before he went into god mode and flew above the two and came down with a rapier aiming for Cassandra's shoulder. Right as the rapier was going to hit its target Sage was pulled back by Neptune , Noire and Vert while Diana and Kotori flew in front of him and tried to calm him down. By the time Sage was slightly calmed down he was crying.
@GingerBread @DizjayDeathPride
GingerBread said:
"You know what Sage, If you don't like it you can Piss off." Vance then turned his attention to Noire "I had fucking amnesia, and I've only just met her today. Telling her that we're now breaking up would be a bit redundant, don't you think" Vance glared at Noire before turning his attention back to Sage "But you know what? She's better than you right now. I got amnesia six years ago, so I haven't seen her and she hasn't seen me for six years. That's more than long enough to declare me dead. But she still kept looking for me, would you do the same?" Vance asked as he glared at Sage "Oh and when I told her about you, she accepted it, she didn't freak out and get angry and attempt to attack you. No, She wanted to come and say hi to you. I wonder which one of you is the better person?"

@DizjayDeathPride @djinnamon
Cassie just remained silent through the whole back and forth bickering. She knew Vance wasn't the best with relationship lingo but... "Okay hold on. If sage has girlfriends why is he upset that you hav- had, one too?" She shook her head, falling over and just laying on the bed. "My head hurts. You broke my head Vance. Why can't we just bring the bar to us?" After the question was asked, the room expanded only on the inside with a loud groan. The nearest bar was uprooted and rebuilt in Vance's room. Excluding the people of course. They were left at the ground where the bar was.

Cassie shot up and looked around. "I... Whoa Im too drunk."
"They're not actually his girlfriend, though he does flirt with pretty much every man and then claims that it's the way he gets an advantage in a fight. But if I ever flirt or even get slightly close to someone he throws a hissy fit" Vance replied before deciding to address the bar that was now in his room "So I'm assuming you have powers, did you bring the bar to us? Is that a thing you can do?" Vance asked before he walked into the bar and grabbed as many drinks as he could carry before walking back into his room "I'm not going to question how it's fitting in my room, but why don't we talk about my past, specifically the night I got amnesia" Vance handed Cassandra a beer and poured himself a glass of scotch.

GingerBread said:
"They're not actually his girlfriend, though he does flirt with pretty much every man and then claims that it's the way he gets an advantage in a fight. But if I ever flirt or even get slightly close to someone he throws a hissy fit" Vance replied before deciding to address the bar that was now in his room "So I'm assuming you have powers, did you bring the bar to us? Is that a thing you can do?" Vance asked before he walked into the bar and grabbed as many drinks as he could carry before walking back into his room "I'm not going to question how it's fitting in my room, but why don't we talk about my past, specifically the night I got amnesia" Vance handed Cassandra a beer and poured himself a glass of scotch.

She shot up, scared he was upset. "NO! IT WASN'T ME! I... I just said it and it happened! See?! Why can't the bar leave?" Nothing happened. "I saaaaid.... Why can't the bar just LEAVE!" Still nothing. Morpheus had created the bar because Vance wanted it, not because she asked. She groaned and fell back. "Screw it. I don't know how it happened. But um... can I ask a personal question?"
DizjayDeathPride said:
She shot up, scared he was upset. "NO! IT WASN'T ME! I... I just said it and it happened! See?! Why can't the bar leave?" Nothing happened. "I saaaaid.... Why can't the bar just LEAVE!" Still nothing. Morpheus had created the bar because Vance wanted it, not because she asked. She groaned and fell back. "Screw it. I don't know how it happened. But um... can I ask a personal question?"
"Why are you trying to get rid of it? I have free drinks for at least two days this way" Vance replied, not really caring that he had a bar in his room "And what do you want to ask me? I'll answer it if I can, I mean you did just somehow get a bar to appear in my room, and it's not even my birthday, I think. I don't actually remember when it was" Vance took a swig of his scotch "But anyway, back to the question you wanted to ask me"

GingerBread said:
"Why are you trying to get rid of it? I have free drinks for at least two days this way" Vance replied, not really caring that he had a bar in his room "And what do you want to ask me? I'll answer it if I can, I mean you did just somehow get a bar to appear in my room, and it's not even my birthday, I think. I don't actually remember when it was" Vance took a swig of his scotch "But anyway, back to the question you wanted to ask me"

"March 14th" (totally guessing) "I wanted to know, if you seem to have so many complaints about Sage, why are you still with him?"
DizjayDeathPride said:
"March 14th" (totally guessing) "I wanted to know, if you seem to have so many complaints about Sage, why are you still with him?"
"I ask myself the same question a lot. But even if he is an idiot, I still care about him. Probably the same way I cared about you, I've risked my life for him multiple times. And he's actually great sometimes, lately though he's been an over confident arse hole who thinks the world owes him. Which could be because his mother died, But he hardly cried over her dying anyway. I mean I don't even know my parents, If I even knew them in the first place" Vance finished his scotch "I know I'm not the best person in the world morally, but he knew that before we got into a relationship so he can't use that as an excuse. And he seems to take everyone elses side before he takes mine, but expects me to always blindly take his side" Vance sighed and dragged his hands down his face " But despite all that, I still love him" Vance leaned backwards and started laying on his bed "Though maybe it is time to end our relationship, He's threatened it before but could never go through with it, I'm indifferent though. I've been on my own for six years, I can be on my own for the rest of my life if I needed or wanted to. So maybe I should end it. I don't know"

Vance sat back up and looked at Cassandra
"So my birthday is March 14th? Did you celebrate it every year without me?" Vance asked jokingly in a weak attempt to change the subject, not wanting to give Cassandra any false hope of getting back with him.

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It was one thing after another and before Kytha could do anything, a final blow hit her and she went into blackness. Not seconds later she stood facing another 'person'?? "What the hell What happened! Life was good until all of Detroit attacked me and brought me to a portal with a huge creature that we can't figure out how to defeat!" Kytha was so clearly pissed of when with each word her voice got louder and louder. "I would love a second chance. ONCE I CAN FIGURE OUT HOW TO KILL THAT DAMNED THINH!" She spat. She began pacing. "Think Ky... Think..."
Light said:
( @DizjayDeathPride )
Rats appear from thin air and start eating her body. The staff hops over and attempts to gently pat him on the back.

Cassandra was also added to the guild once she entered. Any girlfriend of Vance was welcome.

( @Tazmodo )

Alexandria swiftly nods her head. "Y-you can attack her now."

"Well I suggest we begin to watch others. It's what I usually do...." Christina extends her hand for Cole to take and approaches the tree he sits in. "Take my hand."

"Marco!" The voice of Grimm rings down the hall as he makes his way towards Scar. He was expecting Scar to say polo.

( @DizjayDeathPride )

Grimm appears before Evania. "Heeeellooo! Would you like to join Dragon's Roar?! I love you my daughter. Just saying!" Grimm envelops her in a hug.

( @Lotusy )

Itami was on his way back to the mountain. He couldn't wait to check up on his daughter and his future son-in-law.

Kinziel was wondering why the guild suddenly went dark. "Malren... I hope he's okay."

( ! ) Before she could escape the being chokes her reflection and stabs her reflection's left lung. The damage appears on Kytha but her reflection is just fine. The being was aiming for her heart next which she was suffocating while missing a lung.

( Better figure out the weakness really fast. I keep telling you what it is. )
Malren just sat at the base of Mount Olympus, mulling over the recent events. He'd just brutally hurt christina's feelings, enough to where she suddenly stopped latching onto him. It's should be for the best, right? I mean, my heart's with Kinziel... At the same time, a different train of thought let Malren to the conclusion that he needed to make things up. "Plus, Itami would kill me," he muttered to himself. Where would he start, though? Christina's bodyguard pulled her into another dimension, and... Malren looked up to the sounds of footsteps. Shit. It's Itami. He looked up to the other man, doing his best to give him a nonchalant nod.
GingerBread said:
"I ask myself the same question a lot. But even if he is an idiot, I still care about him. Probably the same way I cared about you, I've risked my life for him multiple times. And he's actually great sometimes, lately though he's been an over confident arse hole who thinks the world owes him. Which could be because his mother died, But he hardly cried over her dying anyway. I mean I don't even know my parents, If I even knew them in the first place" Vance finished his scotch "I know I'm not the best person in the world morally, but he knew that before we got into a relationship so he can't use that as an excuse. And he seems to take everyone elses side before he takes mine, but expects me to always blindly take his side" Vance sighed and dragged his hands down his face " But despite all that, I still love him" Vance leaned backwards and started laying on his bed "Though maybe it is time to end our relationship, He's threatened it before but could never go through with it, I'm indifferent though. I've been on my own for six years, I can be on my own for the rest of my life if I needed or wanted to. So maybe I should end it. I don't know"

Vance sat back up and looked at Cassandra
"So my birthday is March 14th? Did you celebrate it every year without me?" Vance asked jokingly in a weak attempt to change the subject, not wanting to give Cassandra any false hope of getting back with him.

Cassie sighed and hugged Vance. "God you're an idiot." She gently kissed his head then smacked the spot she kissed. "One, yes. I did somewhat. No killing. Two, have you considered you don't love him like a boyfriend but instead like a friend? Or a brother? There are many forms of love you know."
DizjayDeathPride said:
Cassie sighed and hugged Vance. "God you're an idiot." She gently kissed his head then smacked the spot she kissed. "One, yes. I did somewhat. No killing. Two, have you considered you don't love him like a boyfriend but instead like a friend? Or a brother? There are many forms of love you know."
"I'm sure your advice would have a lot more meaning if you weren't my girlfriend who was searching for me for six years in the hopes we'd get back together" Vance smirked at Cassandra before taking another swig of scotch "But I'm sure I don't love him as a friend or brother. He's a great kisser and he's not too bad in bed either. And If I loved him any other way, It would start to get weird"

@DizjayDeathPride (I really want to spar Cassandra, but I'm scared of losing my rank :P )
GingerBread said:
"I'm sure your advice would have a lot more meaning if you weren't my girlfriend who was searching for me for six years in the hopes we'd get back together" Vance smirked at Cassandra before taking another swig of scotch "But I'm sure I don't love him as a friend or brother. He's a great kisser and he's not too bad in bed either. And If I loved him any other way, It would start to get weird"

@DizjayDeathPride (I really want to spar Cassandra, but I'm scared of losing my rank :P )
(Nah stop do it what's the worst that could happen?)

Cassie sighed and shook her head. "So long as you're sure, pervert." She shoved him and twirled around, lifting her hair, and landing in the bar, pulling the bottles down. She laid on the counter and drank straight from the vodka bottle

The little blue lizard fizzled out of the realm of reality and into the Plane of the Universes, sitting on the orb of their universe. The little lizard hopped of the universe and crawled through the primordial fabrics of reality holding these universes together. His left eye was glowing a bright blue, energy misting out the corner. After scanning the fabrics his eye returned to normal and he crawled onto a different universal orb, fazing away
Light said:
View attachment 227514
Alien Grimm hisses at Anna. "I am of the Nyook Nyook species."

"Ahhh so you got a face change from most likely getting your ads kicked. You are a little sissy after all." Alice walks along the room, inspecting her surroundings. "I like it though. It's not bad for your first plastic surgery."

"A reaper? You don't know what that is? Well it's an extremely powerful being that goes around reaps souls and torture those whom break laws. Well at least in this realm they do that. You can't see them or sense them at all unless they want you to. They have many powers... many dangerous powers. Don't fight one... They have a death touch. Basically with a touch they can kill you. They work under Grimm... and we're in the dungeon of his family castle. One of his reapers love to collect and classify things."
"Ha ha that's funny. Anyways I like it too but I do miss the black hair." He said somewhat sarcastic. "Anyways what's been up I haven't been able to talk to you much lately."

Daimao said:
Grinning, Alpha grabs a pancake, starting to eat with his hands. He still wasn't used to eating with utensils, and he liked eating this way better. Quickly finishing the pancake and swallowing it, Alpha nods his head. "Very good," he says simply.
Typhon looked at Jasmine, then to Alexandria. Then back to Jasmine. He looked a little confused as he cleared his throat. "Ah, excuse me. It appears that I am supposed to defeat you in battle to attain a higher rank in the guild," he said to Jasmine, not exactly sure what he was talking about.

@Light @Tazmodo
The sloth yawned and looked at him. She let's out a little sloth sound and slowly makes her way to scratch him.
DizjayDeathPride said:
Cassie sighed and shook her head. "So long as you're sure, pervert." She shoved him and twirled around, lifting her hair, and landing in the bar, pulling the bottles down. She laid on the counter and drank straight from the vodka bottle
Vance shook his head and walked over to Cassandra "How am I a pervert?" Vance asked as he pulled the vodka bottle away from her "Anyway you shouldn't be getting drunk right now, especially from my new bar" Vance smirked at Cassandra before taking on a more serious expression "We should Spar, I want to see how good you were in combat. I don't expect you too be that good, considering how we used to kill people"

GingerBread said:
Vance shook his head and walked over to Cassandra "How am I a pervert?" Vance asked as he pulled the vodka bottle away from her "Anyway you shouldn't be getting drunk right now, especially from my new bar" Vance smirked at Cassandra before taking on a more serious expression "We should Spar, I want to see how good you were in combat. I don't expect you too be that good, considering how we used to kill people"
Cassie groaned and rolled off, standing up. "Alright pervert. If I win, you give me the bottle. If you win..." She trailed off, letting him make his own bets
"If I win you can tell me why you're calling me a pervert, along with the satisfaction of winning" Vance smirked as he place the bottle down on the bar counter "But I'm at a disadvantage here aren't I? You probably know how I used to fight and I doubt I've changed that much. But I know next to nothing about you. Actually did you ever tell me your name? I might've forgotten it if you did. Blame the alcohol for that though"

(!) (Lethal damage, to myself xD )

Giving the little ball (Grimm) a nod he looked into one of the mirrors, well at least what he hoped was a mirror, and put his hand out. A ball of dark lightning and void energy (Void Ball) appeared and he thrusted it at his chest. As the void ball pierced his chest he let out a grunt and took his own scythe, stabbing his own body until there were holes in his own form. "Heh. . .Looks like the jokes on you. . . .I'm still alive" said Veyd, giving a humph as he gave one last and finally stab to his upper heart area, well where his heart would be if he had one.

@Light (Take away my miserable and poor excuse of a reflection)
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GingerBread said:
"If I win you can tell me why you're calling me a pervert, along with the satisfaction of winning" Vance smirked as he place the bottle down on the bar counter "But I'm at a disadvantage here aren't I? You probably know how I used to fight and I doubt I've changed that much. But I know next to nothing about you. Actually did you ever tell me your name? I might've forgotten it if you did. Blame the alcohol for that though"
She sighed and shook her head. "Sounds like a load of excuses. CASSANDRA thinks you're just scared of getting whipped by a girl" she winked and poked out her hip. "I control the elements. Does that ease your curiosity?"
DizjayDeathPride said:
She sighed and shook her head. "Sounds like a load of excuses. CASSANDRA thinks you're just scared of getting whipped by a girl" she winked and poked out her hip. "I control the elements. Does that ease your curiosity?"
"It does slightly Cass, But I never said I wouldn't beat you. You know me, Probably better than I do. I don't go down easily" Vance reached into a shadow and pull forth a dagger "So, where do you want to do this? Cause I can beat you anywhere"

GingerBread said:
"It does slightly Cass, But I never said I wouldn't beat you. You know me, Probably better than I do. I don't go down easily" Vance reached into a shadow and pull forth a dagger "So, where do you want to do this? Cause I can beat you anywhere"
( ! ) Cassie slowly smirked and pointed under Vance. Below him a yellow and red circle formed, getting hotter and hotter, starting to melt his shoes.

"Anywhere? Really? Well then here works."
Vance smirked at Cassandra "It's a good thing I wear steel plated boots isn't it? Still I'd rather not have molten metal on my feet" Vance said as he casually walked out of the circle "If you destroy any of my room I won't be happy Cassie. My bed is already on it's last legs so be careful around that"

( ! ) Vance slipped into the shadows and teleported behind Cassandra. He raised his dagger and charged forwards, aiming the dagger for her lower back.

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GingerBread said:
Vance smirked at Cassandra "It's a good thing I wear steel plated boots isn't it? Still I'd rather not have molten metal on my feet" Vance said as he casually walked out of the circle "If you destroy any of my room I won't be happy Cassie. My bed is already on it's last legs so be careful around that"
( ! ) Vance slipped into the shadows and teleported behind Cassandra. He raised his dagger and charged forwards, aiming the dagger for her lower back.

Once he moved the circle shot a pillar of magma up into the air, solidifying in its magma essence. "5 seconds."

( ! ) When Vance disappeared she turned and looked around, coating herself in electricity. "So you can turn invisible now? I feel like that's cheating" She had no idea she had ended up turning to face him, her stomach where his blade was coming
DizjayDeathPride said:
Once he moved the circle shot a pillar of magma up into the air, solidifying in its magma essence. "5 seconds."
( ! ) When Vance disappeared she turned and looked around, coating herself in electricity. "So you can turn invisible now? I feel like that's cheating" She had no idea she had ended up turning to face him, her stomach where his blade was coming
Vance noticed he was about to stab her in the stomach and quickly moved the dagger out of the way, causing him to lurch forwards and Knock both him and Cassandra to the ground, His face ending up on her upper torso and consequently in her breasts as he became visible again. Vance's whole body started slightly twitching as he started to get electrocuted

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GingerBread said:
Vance noticed he was about to stab her in the stomach and quickly moved the dagger out of the way, causing him to lurch forwards and Knock both him and Cassandra to the ground, His face ending up on her upper torso as he became visible again
Cassie sighed and pushed Vance off. "See my point? Pervert!"
DizjayDeathPride said:
Cassie sighed and pushed Vance off. "See my point? Pervert!"
"Would you rather have a hole in your stomach? Cause that's what would've happened" Vance stood back up and created another dagger from the shadows "Do you still want to fight? Cause I'm pretty sure this will just end up with me either hiding and waiting until you think I've given up or with me adding another set of broken ribs to the list. Don't think that this is me giving up, cause you should know I can wait for weeks undetected, for the right time to strike. Not to mention I'm in the mood to kill someone" Vance spun the dagger around in his fingers as he waited for an answer. He made sure one of his feet were in the shadows in case Cassandra did decide to attack him and continue fighting.
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GingerBread said:
"Would you rather have a hole in your stomach? Cause that's what would've happened" Vance stood back up and created another dagger from the shadows "Do you still want to fight? Cause I'm pretty sure this will just end up with me either hiding and waiting until you think I've given up or with me adding another set of broken ribs to the list. Don't think that this is me giving up, cause you should know I can wait for weeks undetected, for the right time to strike. Not to mention I'm in the mood to kill someone" Vance spun the dagger around in his fingers as he waited for an answer. He made sure one of his feet were in the shadows in case Cassandra did decide to attack him and continue fighting.
Cassie stared at him, slowly squinting. "Fine pervert."

( ! ) The air kicked up, sparking and charging. It swirled around and cut Vance, leaving small cuts like paper cuts around various parts of his body

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