Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
GingerBread said:
"But i have caused many a death, therefore i resign myself to whatever fate awaits me when i breathe my last." Vance replied as he followed Luna, curious to why she wanted him to follow "That is how I've come to terms with it"
Luna didn't reply and continues towards the door. She opens it and steps outside to reveal countless spirits and had them split a pathway. "Were going to walk and talk until Ashlyn arrives. That's all... just simple things."
Light said:
Luna didn't reply and continues towards the door. She opens it and steps outside to reveal countless spirits and had them split a pathway. "Were going to walk and talk until Ashlyn arrives. That's all... just simple things."
"Talk about what?" Vance asked as he warily eyed the spirits "And are we walking to a specific place? or just walking with no end location in mind?"

GingerBread said:
"Talk about what?" Vance asked as he warily eyed the spirits "And are we walking to a specific place? or just walking with no end location in mind?"

"Walking with no end location in mind. First instruction, come up with a topic of conversation." Luna spins her umbrella over her head and pays no mind to the spirits.
Light said:
"Walking with no end location in mind. First instruction, come up with a topic of conversation." Luna spins her umbrella over her head and pays no mind to the spirits.
"So any topic then? I pick time travel paradoxes, unless you have a more interesting topic in mind" Vance wanted to see what her reaction to a pretty much random topic would be. Vance followed closely behind Luna, watching the spirits out of the corner of his eyes.

GingerBread said:
"So any topic then? I pick time travel paradoxes, unless you have a more interesting topic in mind" Vance wanted to see what her reaction to a pretty much random topic would be. Vance followed closely behind Luna, watching the spirits out of the corner of his eyes.

"Ugh..." Luna rolls her eyes and continues to move until they reach the forest. "Well then I assume that's the topic we'll be sticking with."
Light said:
"Ugh..." Luna rolls her eyes and continues to move until they reach the forest. "Well then I assume that's the topic we'll be sticking with."
"Really? Cause i know pretty much nothing about it, I was just trying to get you to pick a topic" Vance admitted as he glanced around the forest "I'm not that great at conversation, I'm better at killing, it's kinda what i've done for the last 9 -10ish years"

One's life story is not something that is easily said. Its twists and turns are what make up the very fabric of your being and is woven into the tales of everyone you have ever known.The creeping realization that everyone and everything that she had once defended has long withered away seemed to find its way into the dragonknight's heart and settled there. She had known full well that this would be one of the prices of being an eternal defender of the relic so why was she feeling so disappointed?

Not even when she and Syrax had gazed up in awe at the towering buildings and the strange dark paths slashing the ground between them did she feel this dreadful feeling in the pit of her stomach. I knew it when I saw that flying metal creature...and again when I saw all of those familiar eyes on those new faces... It was as if she had held it back with the false hope that ignorance would keep the helplessness at bay. The pain of being terribly alone even in the presence of your own people.

Arwyn looked at the ground but her gaze was elsewhere. "My life story?" she began while frowning slightly as she tried to come up with something that would appease the witch's curiosity yet not give too much details. She thought first to her bloodline, the Hartwoods, and her lordly father with his cold, unforgiving glare she had seen so often. Her surname had been the one thing that had given her name worth in the first place yet festered into something that would later be her greatest source of anger. Or was it the guilt she felt more? The dragonknight could even remember the blood and how disappointed she had been, the bite of shame worsening with a second failure. How she was worthless, save for a name and the promises that came with it.

How could she describe redemption, companionship of a new purpose for a wild heart? Could she describe betrayal and loss and the twisted road beyond. Of light and shadow and the way dragonflame danced to the sound of cracking bones and the dying screeches of man, woman and child?

She blinked at looked up at the witch when she realized that she had paused too longer than she had meant to. Her mouth twitched into an almost sad smile "I come from a land that is long gone now." she said. "I was once the daughter of Lord Richard Hartwood before becoming a sworn member of the Order of The New Dawn and eternal defender of the Dawn's Heart. Although I believe that matters little now." She motioned over to her scaled companion and introduced him as well. "And this brute over here is Syrax, my dragon counterpart who is also a member of the Order. That is all you need to know."

@Light @Dreamtique

(sorry for taking so long, i have been busy. I will also be even more busy this weekend and the next 2 weeks as well... i've got me some exams that need to be studied for)
Lucifer appeared in the center of the guild, his power apparent to all within. He cleared his throat and spun around. "Oh graaaaaand daughter? Where aaaaaaaare you? Yoooooohooooooo!!! Anyoneeeeee?!"

(@djinnamon @Light )
Malren sighed and rubbed his hands together as Ryan left him to regroup with his allies. "Alright. I have a feeling I'll need his help later." Of course, he saw Itami coming down the mountain again, this time fighting another man. The man seemed to be much more on the same power level as Itami, and Malren was about to get a better view before both disappeared into thin air. Malren waited for a few minutes, expecting them to come down, but they never did. He decided that now, more than ever, it would probably be a good time to go to the mountain again.

Before he left for the mountain again, though, he stopped by a local shop, quickly buying some tea and getting it boiled by the store's clerk. With a nod, he grabbed a teapot and two cups, putting the cups in his bag. He transformed into a griffin and picked up the teapot in his mouth before making another ascension up the mountain. The wind howled past him, but the metal pot did a good job of keep the tea at a warm-ish level for the quick flight. As soon as Malren got to the top of the mountain, placing town the teapot and a teacup before turning into a lion and backing away. "Uh... hello? I come in peace this time, with tea!"

Sage was snap out of his musings by a power coming from the the quild. ' How can it be so powerful that it reached by domain.' Sage though as he ran out the castle then teleported to the guild. He went inside and his eye widen at Lucifer. " How are you here. " he asked

DizjayDeathPride said:
Lucifer appeared in the center of the guild, his power apparent to all within. He cleared his throat and spun around. "Oh graaaaaand daughter? Where aaaaaaaare you? Yoooooohooooooo!!! Anyoneeeeee?!"
(@djinnamon @Light )
(I feel like Sage and Vance splitting is slightly my fault)

Reed saw Ashlyn "h.." His memories were wiped. His seal was gone and his teleportation manipulation lost. His formed change back to how he was. He had uncontrollable laughter. He didn't move just laughed. @Light
(Don't think they actually broke up , it was more like they got mighty angry at each other)

Tazmodo said:
(I feel like Sage and Vance splitting is slightly my fault)
Reed saw Ashlyn "h.." His memories were wiped. His seal was gone and his teleportation manipulation lost. His formed change back to how he was. He had uncontrollable laughter. He didn't move just laughed. @Light
djinnamon said:
(Don't think they actually broke up , it was more like they got mighty angry at each other)
(Well they could end up breaking up depending on how things go....... I don't want that to happen though, this is like my second favorite ship )
djinnamon said:
Sage was snap out of his musings by a power coming from the the quild. ' How can it be so powerful that it reached by domain.' Sage though as he ran out the castle then teleported to the guild. He went inside and his eye widen at Lucifer. " How are you here. " he asked
Lucifer turned to Sage and tilted his head. "You're not who I called. Who are you?" The tone of his voice bordered irritation but still had a hint of curiosity. Luci slowly walked to Sage. Or more so, strutted
Sage backed up until his back hit a wall. He didn't like having such a powerful being strutting over to him. He looked for a means of escape hastily but found nothing.

DizjayDeathPride said:
Lucifer turned to Sage and tilted his head. "You're not who I called. Who are you?" The tone of his voice bordered irritation but still had a hint of curiosity. Luci slowly walked to Sage. Or more so, strutted
Snow was not the only 'cold' here.

Before the Deity and his
unsettling company had embarked on the journey to the harsh beauty in which was Mount. Everest, he had taken a good few moments on admiring the sight of the magnificent creature that had descended from the heavens, to have the other entity climb onto its back. Finally, he had managed to pry his attention from the creature and onto their headed destination.

Zalgo travelled by foot and the use of his teleportation ability, instead of the sky. He preferred observing the environment at a closer distance rather than at a bird's eye-view above.

During the process of their travel, he tried to steer clear of towering trees that would hide him from the flying rider's line of sight. Though luckily they never managed to lose him, and neither did he. The locations he passed by were places that he could
clearly remember, including the quick interactions he had with the locals or other travellers.

Zalgo did attempt to catch a few glimpses of the entities he had by chance to encounter, but they were no where to be seen--all was eerily quiet with Man, so Mother Nature's sounds were the only noises to be heard.

Unfortunately this time he could not stop to enjoy the scenery, although he had already done so
back then, since his mind was pressured on hurrying along by Olivianna.

At last, they had arrived.

A foot walked onto the thick sheet of snow and sank slightly, same went with the other foot, and the next few steps he took. The Deity had a little playful grin tugging at his lips, at the sight of the white. Even though he had already seen Mount. Everest from bottom to its top, Zalgo's breath continued to be taken away at its awe striking ice and rock build.

He stopped at its base upon arrival, where the lighting was dreary and the air was flecked with swirling snow.
djinnamon said:
Sage backed up until his back hit a wall. He didn't like having such a powerful being strutting over to him. He looked for a means of escape hastily but found nothing.
Lucifer leaned in Sage's face, the four rings jingling around his neck. Anyone who knew anything about the horsemen knew what they meant and their purpose. Luci squinted, the hostility in his voice heavy. "I asked you a question. Who. Are. You? You know what?" He leaned back and shrugged, his voice casual all of a sudden. "You must not know me. My name is Lucifer. The Lucifer. None of those fake demons. And I don't like being ignored." All of his hostility returned, almost daring Sage to test him. He was still on edge from the fight with his son
Sage shivered slightly when Lucifer leaned but took a calming breath. He finally calmed down as his eyes sharpen and a killer intent filled the room as the ground around Sage freezer over. " I'm Sage , Deity of the Stars and Sexual Pleasure. I know who you are , so excuse me if I'm surprised to see someone such as yourself in my guildhall. So what do you want. " he asked with a raised eyebrow

He wasn't scared anymore he could easily run to his realm and only other to kill him is to destroy the stars , but one can only do that my getting into his domain and the destroy the mother of stars. Which was extremely hard to say the least.

Juju said:
One's life story is not something that is easily said. Its twists and turns are what make up the very fabric of your being and is woven into the tales of everyone you have ever known.The creeping realization that everyone and everything that she had once defended has long withered away seemed to find its way into the dragonknight's heart and settled there. She had known full well that this would be one of the prices of being an eternal defender of the relic so why was she feeling so disappointed?
Not even when she and Syrax had gazed up in awe at the towering buildings and the strange dark paths slashing the ground between them did she feel this dreadful feeling in the pit of her stomach. I knew it when I saw that flying metal creature...and again when I saw all of those familiar eyes on those new faces... It was as if she had held it back with the false hope that ignorance would keep the helplessness at bay. The pain of being terribly alone even in the presence of your own people.

Arwyn looked at the ground but her gaze was elsewhere. "My life story?" she began while frowning slightly as she tried to come up with something that would appease the witch's curiosity yet not give too much details. She thought first to her bloodline, the Hartwoods, and her lordly father with his cold, unforgiving glare she had seen so often. Her surname had been the one thing that had given her name worth in the first place yet festered into something that would later be her greatest source of anger. Or was it the guilt she felt more? The dragonknight could even remember the blood and how disappointed she had been, the bite of shame worsening with a second failure. How she was worthless, save for a name and the promises that came with it.

How could she describe redemption, companionship of a new purpose for a wild heart? Could she describe betrayal and loss and the twisted road beyond. Of light and shadow and the way dragonflame danced to the sound of cracking bones and the dying screeches of man, woman and child?

She blinked at looked up at the witch when she realized that she had paused too longer than she had meant to. Her mouth twitched into an almost sad smile "I come from a land that is long gone now." she said. "I was once the daughter of Lord Richard Hartwood before becoming a sworn member of the Order of The New Dawn and eternal defender of the Dawn's Heart. Although I believe that matters little now." She motioned over to her scaled companion and introduced him as well. "And this brute over here is Syrax, my dragon counterpart who is also a member of the Order. That is all you need to know."

@Light @Dreamtique

(sorry for taking so long, i have been busy. I will also be even more busy this weekend and the next 2 weeks as well... i've got me some exams that need to be studied for)
( @Dreamtique )

"Alrighty... seems legit. That's all I wanted to know." She had finished analyzing everything there was to know about the artifact and had it float back to Arwyn. "Interesting thing you have there. Keep it safe will ya? Alright I'm done torturing you two." The gauntlet finishes and floats over to Earl. "Don't put it on or use it. Just keep it with you." Sam opens the door for them to leave, ready to escort them out the castle but Morgan shakes her head. Instead she opens a portal to the first floor in the guild. "There, you can leave through there." The portal ends up below them and has both Earl and Arywn fall through it.

GingerBread said:
"Really? Cause i know pretty much nothing about it, I was just trying to get you to pick a topic" Vance admitted as he glanced around the forest "I'm not that great at conversation, I'm better at killing, it's kinda what i've done for the last 9 -10ish years"

djinnamon said:
Sage shivered slightly when Lucifer leaned but took a calming breath. He finally calmed down as his eyes sharpen and a killer intent filled the room as the ground around Sage freezer over. " I'm Sage , Deity of the Stars and Sexual Pleasure. I know who you are , so excuse me if I'm surprised to see someone such as yourself in my guildhall. So what do you want. " he asked with a raised eyebrow
He wasn't scared anymore he could easily run to his realm and only other to kill him is to destroy the stars , but one can only do that my getting into his domain and the destroy the mother of stars. Which was extremely hard to say the least.

DizjayDeathPride said:
Lucifer leaned in Sage's face, the four rings jingling around his neck. Anyone who knew anything about the horsemen knew what they meant and their purpose. Luci squinted, the hostility in his voice heavy. "I asked you a question. Who. Are. You? You know what?" He leaned back and shrugged, his voice casual all of a sudden. "You must not know me. My name is Lucifer. The Lucifer. None of those fake demons. And I don't like being ignored." All of his hostility returned, almost daring Sage to test him. He was still on edge from the fight with his son
"Honestly... you're so dreary... this will take work." Luna pulls them both out of the astral plane into the guild with Lucifer threatening Sage. "Oh! Well isn't this quite the sight." If Vance tries to move for Sage, Luna would stop him. They needed to watch for strategic value. They weren't going to interrupt their conversation at all.

Tazmodo said:
(I feel like Sage and Vance splitting is slightly my fault)
Reed saw Ashlyn "h.." His memories were wiped. His seal was gone and his teleportation manipulation lost. His formed change back to how he was. He had uncontrollable laughter. He didn't move just laughed. @Light
Ashlyn could only look at Reed with pity in her eyes. "Reed."

Austria said:
Snow was not the only 'cold' here.

Before the Deity and his
unsettling company had embarked on the journey to the harsh beauty in which was Mount. Everest, he had taken a good few moments on admiring the sight of the magnificent creature that had descended from the heavens, to have the other entity climb onto its back. Finally, he had managed to pry his attention from the creature and onto their headed destination.

Zalgo travelled by foot and the use of his teleportation ability, instead of the sky. He preferred observing the environment at a closer distance rather than at a bird's eye-view above.

During the process of their travel, he tried to steer clear of towering trees that would hide him from the flying rider's line of sight. Though luckily they never managed to lose him, and neither did he. The locations he passed by were places that he could
clearly remember, including the quick interactions he had with the locals or other travellers.

Zalgo did attempt to catch a few glimpses of the entities he had by chance to encounter, but they were no where to be seen--all was eerily quiet with Man, so Mother Nature's sounds were the only noises to be heard.

Unfortunately this time he could not stop to enjoy the scenery, although he had already done so
back then, since his mind was pressured on hurrying along by Olivianna.

At last, they had arrived.

A foot walked onto the thick sheet of snow and sank slightly, same went with the other foot, and the next few steps he took. The Deity had a little playful grin tugging at his lips, at the sight of the white. Even though he had already seen Mount. Everest from bottom to its top, Zalgo's breath continued to be taken away at its awe striking ice and rock build.

He stopped at its base upon arrival, where the lighting was dreary and the air was flecked with swirling snow.
"Are you going to climb it or teleport upwards?" Olivianna threw in her comment and went back to silence.
Lotusy said:
Malren sighed and rubbed his hands together as Ryan left him to regroup with his allies. "Alright. I have a feeling I'll need his help later." Of course, he saw Itami coming down the mountain again, this time fighting another man. The man seemed to be much more on the same power level as Itami, and Malren was about to get a better view before both disappeared into thin air. Malren waited for a few minutes, expecting them to come down, but they never did. He decided that now, more than ever, it would probably be a good time to go to the mountain again.
Before he left for the mountain again, though, he stopped by a local shop, quickly buying some tea and getting it boiled by the store's clerk. With a nod, he grabbed a teapot and two cups, putting the cups in his bag. He transformed into a griffin and picked up the teapot in his mouth before making another ascension up the mountain. The wind howled past him, but the metal pot did a good job of keep the tea at a warm-ish level for the quick flight. As soon as Malren got to the top of the mountain, placing town the teapot and a teacup before turning into a lion and backing away. "Uh... hello? I come in peace this time, with tea!"

"Go away!" A blast of hellflame bursts from the shrine at Malren. "I don't care if you come in peace! Stay away from this mountain!" Holy fire blasts out next, summoning both angels and demons. They all stare Malren down.
djinnamon said:
Sage shivered slightly when Lucifer leaned but took a calming breath. He finally calmed down as his eyes sharpen and a killer intent filled the room as the ground around Sage freezer over. " I'm Sage , Deity of the Stars and Sexual Pleasure. I know who you are , so excuse me if I'm surprised to see someone such as yourself in my guildhall. So what do you want. " he asked with a raised eyebrow
He wasn't scared anymore he could easily run to his realm and only other to kill him is to destroy the stars , but one can only do that my getting into his domain and the destroy the mother of stars. Which was extremely hard to say the least.

(Extremely hard to the 2nd (3rd if you count Death) strongest being in existence? I love you though)

Lucifer looked down at the ground and back up to Sage. He blinked and the room changed rapidly. Moments passed before it was completely ice. The walls, floor, ceiling, all was solid black ice. Lucifer raised an eyebrow, his expression completely conveying what he meant. But he chose to say it anyways. "Do we really want to play this game? Really? "Deity?"" Lucifer did the whole air quotes and everything. "You're nothing more than a little boy. I took on God, you think some ice and dick is going to shake me, kid? Oh my apologies I forgot the stars" The sarcasm was bluntly evident as he did jazz hands and widened his eyes. Luci laughed to himself and the room went back to normal. "No seriously where's me grand daughter I've got torment to cause!"
Light said:
"Honestly... you're so dreary... this will take work." Luna pulls them both out of the astral plane into the guild with Lucifer threatening Sage. "Oh! Well isn't this quite the sight." If Vance tries to move for Sage, Luna would stop him. They needed to watch for strategic value. They weren't going to interrupt their conversation at all.
Vance eye's widened before narrowing when he saw someone threatening Sage If he so much as lays a finger on Sage, he's dead Vance thought, not wanting to rush to help Sage as he was still mad at him

@Light @djinnamon @DizjayDeathPride
(Fuck me light xD let me add)

Lucifer had completely ignored Luna and Vance at first but decided to turn to them now. "You. Boy and girl. Where is my grand daughter?"


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