Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
GingerBread said:
Vance found himself getting angrier and angrier as he watched from the shadows. "Lucy Loo you shouldn't be so hostile, things like this can come to bite you in the ass one day, and that day will be sooner than you think" Vance spoke from the Shadows as he constantly moved around, making it near impossible to pinpoint where he was

@DizjayDeathPride @Light @djinnamon
LokiofSP said:
Fola stopped dead in his tracks for a moment. He rubbed his eyes and felt energy run deep inside him, "Wait...Could it...No freaking way..." He ran, ran until he came up to the fight, but seeing no reason to get involved, he ducked down behind the first cover he could find. His heart pounded as a smile grew, knowing that he might have actually found it...

@Light @GingerBread @djinnamon
Lucifer held up a finger to Sage and Ashlyn and used his other hand to illuminate the whole area in Corrupted Absolute Light. Any darkness was not pushed away but decayed, eaten away. "I'm ready to kill you too. Come out of your hiding place. NOW!" The fallen archangel so easily could have just gone into the darkness himself but what would be the fun in that? His voice boomed through the entire building. He had become truly annoyed
DizjayDeathPride said:
Lucifer held up a finger to Sage and Ashlyn and used his other hand to illuminate the whole area in Corrupted Absolute Light. Any darkness was not pushed away but decayed, eaten away. "I'm ready to kill you too. Come out of your hiding place. NOW!" The fallen archangel so easily could have just gone into the darkness himself but what would be the fun in that? His voice boomed through the entire building. He had become truly annoyed
"Stop it! You have me, that's enough. We can leave now!" Ashlyn glares at Lucifer, the same looks Violet had, Itami's mother. "Stop messing with them and just calm down. Get rid of the attack."
DizjayDeathPride said:
Lucifer held up a finger to Sage and Ashlyn and used his other hand to illuminate the whole area in Corrupted Absolute Light. Any darkness was not pushed away but decayed, eaten away. "I'm ready to kill you too. Come out of your hiding place. NOW!" The fallen archangel so easily could have just gone into the darkness himself but what would be the fun in that? His voice boomed through the entire building. He had become truly annoyed
"What's the point in fighting now? You wouldn't win in a fair fight against me, and we both know you won't play fair for that reason" Vance replied as he stepped out of the shadows appearing behind Ashlyn "Give it a week and then I'll gladly kick your ass"

@Light @djinnamon @DizjayDeathPride
GingerBread said:
"What's the point in fighting now? You wouldn't win in a fair fight against me, and we both know you won't play fair for that reason" Vance replied as he stepped out of the shadows appearing behind Ashlyn "Give it a week and then I'll gladly kick your ass"

@Light @djinnamon @DizjayDeathPride
Luna shrugs her shoulders. It sucked to lose a contract but risking her life for him isn't worth it. "You could attack but talking shit is another story."

Ashlyn cringes at his words, he's only making things harder on everyone here. She would appreciate it if Vance just shut up.... forever.
GingerBread said:
"What's the point in fighting now? You wouldn't win in a fair fight against me, and we both know you won't play fair for that reason" Vance replied as he stepped out of the shadows appearing behind Ashlyn "Give it a week and then I'll gladly kick your ass"

@Light @djinnamon @DizjayDeathPride
Light said:
"Stop it! You have me, that's enough. We can leave now!" Ashlyn glares at Lucifer, the same looks Violet had, Itami's mother. "Stop messing with them and just calm down. Get rid of the attack."
With his speed he appeared behind Vance and kicked him into the ground, continuously barraging kicks, pushing him farther and farther into the earth with each rapid and powerful stomp, breaking a good portion of his ribs and pushing them into his lungs. "Say one more word and to my maker i will cast you into the cage MY SELF!" The rings around his neck glowed brightly, proving he was serious. With one final lunge he kicked off of Vance and landed gently on the flat ground, the light disappearing

He smiled widely at Ashlyn and shrugged. "Now we can go. You're the best. And goodnight! Ill be here all week!" He yelled out to all his glorious spectators and bowed, he and Ashlyn disappearing
Sage walked over to Vance and crouched next to him before pulling out his phone and calling Kotori. Once the call ended his looked back at Vance with angry. " Don't you dare fucking die , because of you are gonna get a major ass kicking once Kotori heals you. " he growled out , venom dripping front each word.

DizjayDeathPride said:
With his speed he appeared behind Vance and kicked him into the ground, continuously barraging kicks, pushing him farther and farther into the earth with each rapid and powerful stomp, breaking a good portion of his ribs and pushing them into his lungs. "Say one more word and to my maker i will cast you into the cage MY SELF!" The rings around his neck glowed brightly, proving he was serious. With one final lunge he kicked off of Vance and landed gently on the flat ground, the light disappearing

He smiled widely at Ashlyn and shrugged. "Now we can go. You're the best. And goodnight! Ill be here all week!" He yelled out to all his glorious spectators and bowed, he and Ashlyn disappearing
Vance ignored Sage as he shakily stood up; He started coughing up a rather large amount of blood "Why is it always the ribs, do you people have some sort of fetish for ribs?" Vance asked to no one in particular as he slowly started limping to his room "I'm going to go to sleep, if i die, cremate me and sprinkle my ashes in a random graveyard. If i don't die then yay" Vance turned around and looked at Sage "Also, I'm still mad at you"

@Light @djinnamon @LokiofSP (You're here right?)
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Sage glared more . " If you think I care right now , you sir are dumb. " he said following Vance before turning back and looking at the others. " I'll be back soon , we have to find out a plan to save Ashlyn. " he yelled to them as he kept walking with Vance.

@GingerBread @Light @LokiofSP @
"That wasn't an invitation to follow me, go back to your best friend, whatever her name was. Go procreate with her, I'm sure she'd love it" Vance replied as he limped into his room before closing the door and sitting in front of it so Sage couldn't open it without further hurting him.

Fola finally took another breath and ran to catch up with Sage and Vance, "Wait! Look, I didn't travel to a different fucking country just to watch two of my only chances at finding this DAMN PLACE slip away! That being said!" Fola dusted himself off and gave a lazy bow, "My name's Folan and I'm looking for a guild called...Wyvern's Shout or something, I don't fucking know..."

@GingerBread @djinnamon
Sage teleported inside and looked down at Vance. " I do not like her like that . I like you , I want kids with you , I want spend rest of my life with you , not her. So please " he said sitting next to Vance.

"I've realized something..... you don't know what 'go away and leave me alone' means, do you?" Vance stood up, his uppder body shouting at him for doing that when he should be resting, But Vance just pulled open the door wide enough for him to locate a shadow to teleport out with. "But if you want to keep making me move and force me to die faster, that's your choice"

Sage tried to stop him but he was already gone. " Damn it. " he muttered as tears welled up in his eyes. He crawled into the bed and sobbed into a pillow. He eventually got up and left the room and saw Forman. He wiped away his tears quickly and plastered a fake smile on his face. " Um hello , what is your name. " he asked with a raised eyebrow

Folan glared at Sage and reached into his coat, he puled out his flask and took a long drink, his eyes never leaving the man in front of him. He emptied the flask and put it back,he took his time with his words and put emphasis on every part, "FO-LAN. I just said it. Pay attention." He began to unzip his jacket as he looked around, "Anyways, like I asked, I'm looking for a guild out here? You know where it is?"

DizjayDeathPride said:
With his speed he appeared behind Vance and kicked him into the ground, continuously barraging kicks, pushing him farther and farther into the earth with each rapid and powerful stomp, breaking a good portion of his ribs and pushing them into his lungs. "Say one more word and to my maker i will cast you into the cage MY SELF!" The rings around his neck glowed brightly, proving he was serious. With one final lunge he kicked off of Vance and landed gently on the flat ground, the light disappearing

He smiled widely at Ashlyn and shrugged. "Now we can go. You're the best. And goodnight! Ill be here all week!" He yelled out to all his glorious spectators and bowed, he and Ashlyn disappearing
Ashlyn looks around at the public cafe they're at sitting down at a table. "Hello grandfather... how have you been?"
Once Vance was sure Sage had stopped following him he sat down, leaning up against a wall before coughing up more blood Lungs are overrated anyways, I only need one Vance thought, trying to convince himself that he would be fine. Maybe i shouldn't just ignore everything Sage says, I'm being a bit of an asshole.... He deserves it though, teaming up with someone who attempted to seriously harm me because i asked a simple question. Vance thought, knowing that it was a weak defence for why he'd been a dick to Sage.
Sage raised a eyebrow. " First off keep your clothes on second what is the name of the guild. " he asked , his smile disappearing as he folded his arms. He was really worried about Vance and he rather not get talked to a like a child.

GingerBread said:
Once Vance was sure Sage had stopped following him he sat down, leaning up against a wall before coughing up more blood Lungs are overrated anyways, I only need one Vance thought, trying to convince himself that he would be fine. Maybe i shouldn't just ignore everything Sage says, I'm being a bit of an asshole.... He deserves it though, teaming up with someone who attempted to seriously harm me because i asked a simple question. Vance thought, knowing that it was a weak defence for why he'd been a dick to Sage.
Luna appears beside Vance and begins to release a healing aura to fix his body. "So next time would you like to follow my advise and not attack?" Luna approaches him and begins to fix his hair with her spare hand, the other holds the umbrella. "Why would you try to fight a being that stood up to God? It's cute that you did in a morbid way but extremely stupid." Luna backs away after slightly insulting Vance and spins her umbrella. Waiting for him to respond expecting the usual bravado.
"Tsk...I am out of here." Earl is not interested in watching peoples fight for no reason, and definitely doesn't want to involve in it.

Earl keeps the gauntlet carefully in a small waist bag for storage under his long cape.

He don't know where to go yet, but the first thought came into his mind is definitely to leave the hall. He walks out of the hall without a second thought. @Light
Folan ignored the first comment and continued to unbutton layers until he was down to his typical attire. He held the mass of clothes in his hands as he thought, "Um...Hold up, give me a minute to think....It's called...Drake Call...Yeah, something to that effect, can't remember it right now, it's on the tip of my tongue..."

Light said:
Luna appears beside Vance and begins to release a healing aura to fix his body. "So next time would you like to follow my advise and not attack?" Luna approaches him and begins to fix his hair with her spare hand, the other holds the umbrella. "Why would you try to fight a being that stood up to God? It's cute that you did in a morbid way but extremely stupid." Luna backs away after slightly insulting Vance and spins her umbrella. Waiting for him to respond expecting the usual bravado.
"He hurt Sage, and I don't care if it cost me my life, we've been over this, I care not about dying, I haven't for years so why start now?" Vance responded, shrugging as he looked up at Luna "I thought i was going to die. Let's be honest here, who would actually mourn my death apart from Sage, even then it would be better for him in the long run wouldn't it?" Vance admitted as he gave another shrug of his shoulders

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Dreamtique said:
"Tsk...I am out of here." Earl is not interested in watching peoples fight for no reason, and definitely doesn't want to involve in it.
Earl keeps the gauntlet carefully in a small waist bag for storage under his long cape.

He don't know where to go yet, but the first thought came into his mind is definitely to leave the hall. He walks out of the hall without a second thought. @Light
Earl could feel a draining sensation from the gauntlet. It didn't feel dangerous though. In case Earl wanted a mission there was something going on in a town in Iceland.

GingerBread said:
"He hurt Sage, and I don't care if it cost me my life, we've been over this, I care not about dying, I haven't for years so why start now?" Vance responded, shrugging as he looked up at Luna "I thought i was going to die. Let's be honest here, who would actually mourn my death apart from Sage, even then it would be better for him in the long run wouldn't it?" Vance admitted as he gave another shrug of his shoulders
"Aaww well isn't that sweet. If only you could feel the same about me." Luna puts up a romantically amused face. She lets go of her umbrella and it floats above her head. She raises both hands to hold Vance's face gently. "I would mourn your death, which is why I'm trying to see value in your own life and guide you to victory. You are my precious contract after all. How would that look if I didn't care about you? Since you're stuck with me until the contract ends." Luna removes her hands from his face and holds her umbrella. The girl walks around the room to investigate things with her eyes. "Are you feeling better? I haven't healed anyone in a while."

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