Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
Tazmodo said:
Angel rolled her eyes. "I only need one of you." She turned to Sage. "Will you fight for the one you love?"
Before Sage could say anything Vance spoke "Tell me, why should i let my boyfriend help you. You just kidnapped us to ask us if we'll help you, now to me that seems suspicious" Vance stood up as he glared at the girl, ready to fight her if needed "And so far you've given us next to no details on what you want us to fight for, the details you have given us have been vague at best" Vance placed his hands by his sides as they curled into fists. Vance made sure his hands were near his dagger that was obscured by his cloak "So i suggest you give us both more information before i decide that this is a trick to kill us and take action against that by killing you"

@djinnamon @Tazmodo
DizjayDeathPride said:
Lucifer raised an eyebrow as his clothes disappeared. He turned to his son and just stared. "Really?" The explosion burned across his body but fizzled away. His soul felt... A smidgen charred but it didnt bother him. He wouldn't lie. Did sting a bit. And only served to piss him off more. "Really son? I fought God. I fell from Heaven. Was casted in Hell. And sealed in a cage in the heart of it. You really think any fire hurts me anymore?!"
( ! ) In a blur again, Lucifer rushed to Itami, flicking his forehead and sending in crashing. "Insolent child. I enjoyed those clothes. Make me more. Now."
( I'm so out of control right now. Going ham is fun. Gonna try to tire out Lucifer for Dragon's Roar. )

( ! ) Itami picks himself up using White. "I HATE YOU! Fuck you, no!" Itami's eyes burn as tears expose themselves. The hatred for his father burning within his soul starts to overheat. "I loved her so damn much and you knew it! Why couldn't you leave me alone?! You've already discarded me you bitter piece of shit for an archangel! Why the hell did you interfere in my life?!" Itami throws White into the air and runs towards Lucifer. He envelops himself in Twilight and passes underneath Lucifer, revealing White spinning directly behind him. The back of the staff with a blade at the tip pierces Lucifer and travels out the other side. Itami materializes and holds on to that side of the side, back to back with Lucifer. He pulls the scythe and since the blade is pointing upwards, it slices perfectly through the middle of Lucifers neck and jaw, splitting it in half. Once Itami pulls his scythe through his father he releases a Psionic Explosion upon his back to send him flying into the town past Malren. The explosion is condensed and directed at Lucifer. Itami jets after Lucifer's tumbling body and appears above him, slamming his fist into his forehead to cause an eruption of twilight. He backs away to put distance between them and watches the destroyed road to see if Lucifer would stand up. "Get up damn it!"

( @Lotusy )
GingerBread said:
Before Sage could say anything Vance spoke "Tell me, why should i let my boyfriend help you. You just kidnapped us to ask us if we'll help you, now to me that seems suspicious" Vance stood up as he glared at the girl, ready to fight her if needed "And so far you've given us next to no details on what you want us to fight for, the details you have given us have been vague at best" Vance placed his hands by his sides as they curled into fists. Vance made sure his hands were near his dagger that was obscured by his cloak "So i suggest you give us both more information before i decide that this is a trick to kill us and take action against that by killing you"

@djinnamon @Tazmodo
Angel stood up. "If you don't like it then fine." A torrent of water blasted him into the wall with enough force to brake his ribs. "I can kill you with my eyes closed. If you want details then fine. A great threat is coming to kill people and you or your boyfriend have been chosen to fight it before it kills everything but if you are to much of a chicken shit to do it then fine. Be gone." Water washed him away and he was shot out of the ocean like a cannon. She turned to Sage. "Do you want to or are you going leave as well? Don't worry you won't fight alone there will be three others to help you fight. I can't give to many details but trust me you will be given a weapon to use against that threat. Once the threat is gone the weapon dissipates. Are you going to or not." Her patience has run thin. @Lotusy
Sage was thinking about what Luna said , it had reconsidering whether he really cared for people as much as he thought he did. He was knocked out of his musings by Vance who was standing. " Its okay Vance... Vance! " he was cut off as he watched Vance get washed away before he turned to Angel and listened to her. He sighed " Ok I'll fight. " he said as he got up with a determined look on his face.

@Tazmodo @GingerBread
djinnamon said:
Sage was thinking about what Luna said , it had reconsidering whether he really cared for people as much as he thought he did. He was knocked out of his musings by Vance who was standing. " Its okay Vance... Vance! " he was cut off as he watched Vance get washed away before he turned to Angel and listened to her. He sighed " Ok I'll fight. " he said as he got up with a determined look on his face.
@Tazmodo @GingerBread
Angel sighed. "Ok but that won't be for a while. Enjoy your time. Here." She gave him a water dropper. "It has three drops. Carefully drop them onto his bare chest and he will be healed. But it will be painful. Extremely painful." Sage was shot out after him the both landed safely in the pond by the guild.
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Vance found himself being blasted out of the ocean, his ribs feeling like they were broken, Vance used some shadows on a nearby island to place him outside the guild. Vance sat down, his breathing becoming heavy before he broke out into a coughing fit. Vance clutched his chest as pain rippled through his body before he started coughing up blood Fuck, guess a broken rib pierced my lung Vance thought as he looked at the blood on the floor. Vance started growing angrier and angrier Yeah they will be a massive fucking danger for you, you little bitch. I will get revenge

(I'mma go sleep)
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Sage nodded and busted out of the ocean. Once he was out he landed next to Vance he was instantly and his on his knees and pulling the man's shirt. He carefully dropped liquid from the water dropper onto Vance's bare chest three times , each of the drops seemingly glowing. He prayed to all the higher deities and the stars that Angel wasn't lying.

@Tazmodo @GingerBread
Light said:
( I'm so out of control right now. Going ham is fun. Gonna try to tire out Lucifer for Dragon's Roar. )
( ! ) Itami picks himself up using White. "I HATE YOU! Fuck you, no!" Itami's eyes burn as tears expose themselves. The hatred for his father burning within his soul starts to overheat. "I loved her so damn much and you knew it! Why couldn't you leave me alone?! You've already discarded me you bitter piece of shit for an archangel! Why the hell did you interfere in my life?!" Itami throws White into the air and runs towards Lucifer. He envelops himself in Twilight and passes underneath Lucifer, revealing White spinning directly behind him. The back of the staff with a blade at the tip pierces Lucifer and travels out the other side. Itami materializes and holds on to that side of the side, back to back with Lucifer. He pulls the scythe and since the blade is pointing upwards, it slices perfectly through the middle of Lucifers neck and jaw, splitting it in half. Once Itami pulls his scythe through his father he releases a Psionic Explosion upon his back to send him flying into the town past Malren. The explosion is condensed and directed at Lucifer. Itami jets after Lucifer's tumbling body and appears above him, slamming his fist into his forehead to cause an eruption of twilight. He backs away to put distance between them and watches the destroyed road to see if Lucifer would stand up. "Get up damn it!"

( @Lotusy )
Lucifer was slammed into the ground but his physical perfection kept him from being destroyed. He stood up slowly, his body healing from the injuries. The rings around his neck jingled as they clanked into each other against the force of gravity. Lucifer rubbed his chin, staring where Itami was. His gaze alone was enough to pierce into his soul.

( ! ) Lucifer extended his hand and his own scythe appeared. Without a second passing it was in Itami's chest and the two were above the clouds. Lucifer was in his true angelic form. In half the remaining time of the second Lucifer had Itami by the throat and the last fractions of the second they were on the ground again, Itami slammed down, holding him in the ground, ripping the scythe out of his body. Lucifer stared into his son's eyes, burning into his soul. "I can do it too, hmm?"
After a long while of thought Reed had come up with a solution. "Welp time for me to leave." He thought for a moment. "How do I?" He said scratching his head. He tried to connect to Ashlyn mentally. @Light
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DizjayDeathPride said:
Lucifer was slammed into the ground but his physical perfection kept him from being destroyed. He stood up slowly, his body healing from the injuries. The rings around his neck jingled as they clanked into each other against the force of gravity. Lucifer rubbed his chin, staring where Itami was. His gaze alone was enough to pierce into his soul.
( ! ) Lucifer extended his hand and his own scythe appeared. Without a second passing it was in Itami's chest and the two were above the clouds. Lucifer was in his true angelic form. In half the remaining time of the second Lucifer had Itami by the throat and the last fractions of the second they were on the ground again, Itami slammed down, holding him in the ground, ripping the scythe out of his body. Lucifer stared into his son's eyes, burning into his soul. "I can do it too, hmm?"
( ! ) Itami uses replacement magic to appear on one of the buildings and erupts in life flame to heal himself. Once he was done the life flame cuts off and Itami jumps off the building and throws his scythe. He has holy fire burst out of his feet and crashes through a building and out the other side to slam into Lucifer. His scythe makes it behind Lucifer and Itami appears there. The moment after he's back in front of Lucifer, then he's in the air at his left. Itami keeps moving around him at such high speeds while cutting into him. Itami uses replacement magic once he sets Lucifer aflame with holy fire to switch it with holy oil. After that he sets Lucifer aflame once again with holy and hell fire. Itami makes sure the oil got in the cut wounds his scythe made and puts distance between the two. He forms an orb of twilight around Lucifer and has the pressure build and explode. Only for it to stop and flow backwards, forcing all that destructive energy to bombard Lucifer.
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Tazmodo said:
After a long while of thought Reed had come up with a solution. "Welp time for me to leave." He thought for a moment. "How do I?" He said scratching his head. He tried to connect to Ashlyn mentally. @Light
Ashlyn didn't know why Reed was leaving but she couldn't stop the members from doing so. Sadly, she had a clone of her stay in the battle with Jackie and appears before Reed. "I'm sorry." Was all she could say as she removed the guilds inner symbol from him and wiped his memory of the guild, herself, her family, and other guild members and any related thing to it. Sending him off to a random hill in America to awaken. She patiently waits for him to awaken.
Light said:
( ! ) Itami uses replacement magic to appear on one of the buildings and erupts in life flame to heal himself. Once he was done the life flame cuts off and Itami jumps off the building and throws his scythe. He has holy fire burst out of his feet and crashes through a building and out the other side to slam into Lucifer. His scythe makes it behind Lucifer and Itami appears there. The moment after he's back in front of Lucifer, then he's in the air at his left. Itami keeps moving around him at such high speeds while cutting into him. Itami uses replacement magic once he sets Lucifer aflame with holy fire to switch it with holy oil. After that he sets Lucifer aflame once again with holy and hell fire. Itami makes sure the oil got in the cut wounds his scythe made and puts distance between the two. He forms an orb of twilight around Lucifer and has the pressure build and explode. Only for it to stop and flow backwards, forcing all that destructive energy to bombard Lucifer.
Lucifer roared in pain as he extinguished the holy and copied his son's power, replacing with a tree. The man stood there, half his face burned off.

( ! ) Quickly it healed but Lucifer charged at Itami so fast he ripped reality itself. Faster than light or darkness he flew forward,dragging Itami on the scythe, going completely through the mountain, destroying it, and continuing, dragging Itami's body through the ground so fast he couldnt even feel the pain yet when he was done he ripped the scythe out and was gone
Life story? Earl frowned immediately when he heard the word.

"Why would I? Why would I tell you?" Earl closed his eyes after the reply.

I wish someone could tell me instead......

Am I ever going to unravel it? Will I have to courage to do so? I don't know......I really don't know......

Somehow...it was inside me, no...inside this man, the "sealed" memory......

But I don't know if I will ever have the courage to do so......

Earl's mind started to drift......

Without turning around Inaro speaks. Yeah I saw it. I'm guessing that's what my guild members saw. I'm I right? He turns around looking at the girl. When I saw the memory you were about 7 years old, how old are you now? @Light
Unseeing and considered broken, the Deity's half-lidded eye finally made a movement, as subtle as it was; it twitched. A finger made its way up to the the brown orb, without his notice, and rubbed gently on the brown skin surrounding it. Zalgo hung onto the silence that occurred after they had given him the answer, thinking to himself.

Thinking about how they worded their response to his inquiry.

"Sloth" was a new term to him and curiosity had him wondering what exactly the meaning behind it was; however, "Sin" sounded strangely familiar, and he had knowledge of what it meant.

'Sin...an act of wrong that disobeys a specific type of law--was it divine...? I am quite certain it is.'

Yet how could Olivianna be a Sin? They were an existing entity, not an act. And do they bear another name in which was the term "Sloth"?

As more questions arose in his mind, it sparked up a small but burning flame of inquisitiveness. But the flame was kept hidden, and so were the questions.

" ...In my perspective, you seemed to have re-introduced yourself. Though, if it is the only answer you offer to my inquiry, then it will do, "

Zalgo's crooked smile made its comeback on his lips, until a new sensation caused it to quiver. He had been observing them--and it could be that she was doing something similar-- but suddenly his gaze upon them seemed...off. As if the twitch of his unseeing eye changed something, or added a new feeling to the mixture in which was his mood.

The Deity blinked, only with the eye that held his sight, and exhaled through his nose.

" If...there is nothing left to discuss--I believe we should begin our journey. "

His crossed legs stretched themselves out before bending to have him back on his feet; they also had assistance from his bandaged hands, since they pushed off from the ground. He then just noticed that the stains made by the melting snow on his leather shoes and pants had dried, relieving him of their dampness. Though he never felt the wetness since he was distracted...

'Olivianna Annesworth--or "Sloth"-- did not strike me with such a...intense sensation until now. It's almost overwhelming me.'

Zalgo thought as he turned around so his back would face the other.

The feeling that just recently had appeared caused the skin of neck to crawl, and a droplet of sweat to trail down the side of his face. If it could be put into words: troubling, ominous, foreboding, dread...

A feeling of 'wrong' in general.

'Perhaps it will gradually ebb away...'

DizjayDeathPride said:
Lucifer roared in pain as he extinguished the holy and copied his son's power, replacing with a tree. The man stood there, half his face burned off.
( ! ) Quickly it healed but Lucifer charged at Itami so fast he ripped reality itself. Faster than light or darkness he flew forward,dragging Itami on the scythe, going completely through the mountain, destroying it, and continuing, dragging Itami's body through the ground so fast he couldnt even feel the pain yet when he was done he ripped the scythe out and was gone
Itami lays down in the rubble, trying to get up but fails to the first time. "Shit." He regenerates and finally stands. Aether starts to flow out of his body and he distances himself from the mountain towards the forest away from the city to get more space.

Dreamtique said:
Life story? Earl frowned immediately when he heard the word.
"Why would I? Why would I tell you?" Earl closed his eyes after the reply.

I wish someone could tell me instead......

Am I ever going to unravel it? Will I have to courage to do so? I don't know......I really don't know......

Somehow...it was inside me, no...inside this man, the "sealed" memory......

But I don't know if I will ever have the courage to do so......

Earl's mind started to drift......

( @Juju )

The girl shrugs her shoulders and turns around. "Explain or don't explain. Whatever... it's your choice. When do you want the gauntlet?" That's when a snake made up of witch mana flows out of the sleeve of her sweater and could around the chair to stare at both Arwyn and Earl.

"No they saw Ashlyn. I'm 10." Her voice comes out in a growl.

Austria said:
Unseeing and considered broken, the Deity's half-lidded eye finally made a movement, as subtle as it was; it twitched. A finger made its way up to the the brown orb, without his notice, and rubbed gently on the brown skin surrounding it. Zalgo hung onto the silence that occurred after they had given him the answer, thinking to himself.
Thinking about how they worded their response to his inquiry.

"Sloth" was a new term to him and curiosity had him wondering what exactly the meaning behind it was; however, "Sin" sounded strangely familiar, and he had knowledge of what it meant.

'Sin...an act of wrong that disobeys a specific type of law--was it divine...? I am quite certain it is.'

Yet how could Olivianna be a Sin? They were an existing entity, not an act. And do they bear another name in which was the term "Sloth"?

As more questions arose in his mind, it sparked up a small but burning flame of inquisitiveness. But the flame was kept hidden, and so were the questions.

" ...In my perspective, you seemed to have re-introduced yourself. Though, if it is the only answer you offer to my inquiry, then it will do, "

Zalgo's crooked smile made its comeback on his lips, until a new sensation caused it to quiver. He had been observing them--and it could be that she was doing something similar-- but suddenly his gaze upon them seemed...off. As if the twitch of his unseeing eye changed something, or added a new feeling to the mixture in which was his mood.

The Deity blinked, only with the eye that held his sight, and exhaled through his nose.

" If...there is nothing left to discuss--I believe we should begin our journey. "

His crossed legs stretched themselves out before bending to have him back on his feet; they also had assistance from his bandaged hands, since they pushed off from the ground. He then just noticed that the stains made by the melting snow on his leather shoes and pants had dried, relieving him of their dampness. Though he never felt the wetness since he was distracted...

'Olivianna Annesworth--or "Sloth"-- did not strike me with such a...intense sensation until now. It's almost overwhelming me.'

Zalgo thought as he turned around so his back would face the other.

The feeling that just recently had appeared caused the skin of neck to crawl, and a droplet of sweat to trail down the side of his face. If it could be put into words: troubling, ominous, foreboding, dread...

A feeling of 'wrong' in general.

'Perhaps it will gradually ebb away...'

Olivianna was picked up by her pegasus and lays on its back. "Alright... lead the way."
Light said:
The girl shrugs her shoulders and turns around. "Explain or don't explain. Whatever... it's your choice. When do you want the gauntlet?" That's when a snake made up of witch mana flows out of the sleeve of her sweater and could around the chair to stare at both Arwyn and Earl.
Earl was pulled back to reality by the lady's reply.

" Ironic. So now you are asking me when do I want the gauntlet? You could have gave it to me much more earlier." Earl adjusts his mask while giving the lady a sarcastic smile. @Light
Light said:
Itami lays down in the rubble, trying to get up but fails to the first time. "Shit." He regenerates and finally stands. Aether starts to flow out of his body and he distances himself from the mountain towards the forest away from the city to get more space.
( @Juju )

The girl shrugs her shoulders and turns around. "Explain or don't explain. Whatever... it's your choice. When do you want the gauntlet?" That's when a snake made up of witch mana flows out of the sleeve of her sweater and could around the chair to stare at both Arwyn and Earl.

"No they saw Ashlyn. I'm 10." Her voice comes out in a growl.

Olivianna was picked up by her pegasus and lays on its back. "Alright... lead the way."
Lucifer started to follow but ultimately chose to stop. He reverted back to a human form and looked to where his son went. "I don't have time for you right now. But I think I made my point." Luci turned around and smiled, extending his arms, walking away. "Hello world. Daddy's home"

Morpheus jumped and cheered as they finally got the base 4 formations down. 5 needed a bit of touching up but all in all it was solid. During a break, Decimus has gone and retrieved his pet from the guild. Its smokey exterior blowing in the wind. After another short break, Morpheus got up and walked to the center. "Time to work on Formation 6. Ryan, there. Decimus. There."
djinnamon said:
Sage nodded and busted out of the ocean. Once he was out he landed next to Vance he was instantly and his on his knees and pulling the man's shirt. He carefully dropped liquid from the water dropper onto Vance's bare chest three times , each of the drops seemingly glowing. He prayed to all the higher deities and the stars that Angel wasn't lying.
@Tazmodo @GingerBread
Vance eye watched as Sage dripped some sort of slightly glowing liquid onto him. Before he could react he felt passive amounts of pain ripple through his body as each one of his ribs snap back into place, the two ribs that impaled his lung ripped out of it. Vance started once again coughing up blood before the liquid also healed his lung. Vance took long shaky breaths as the pain subsided before looking at Sage "Where the hell did you get something like that? Did that little bitch give it to you?"

Sage smiled brightly and hugged Vance. " Thank goodness you are ok. " he said before he gave Vance a kiss. He was scared for a second that it might not work.

Vance pushed Sage slightly away before he could kiss him "You didn't answer my question, so I'll give you a new one. Did you agree to help that little bitch?"

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Dreamtique said:
Earl was pulled back to reality by the lady's reply.
" Ironic. So now you are asking me when do I want the gauntlet? You could have gave it to me much more earlier." Earl adjusts his mask while giving the lady a sarcastic smile. @Light
"Okay then, be that way. We can wait until our dragon knight here gives us her life story." She continues to play Dragon Age.

DizjayDeathPride said:
Lucifer started to follow but ultimately chose to stop. He reverted back to a human form and looked to where his son went. "I don't have time for you right now. But I think I made my point." Luci turned around and smiled, extending his arms, walking away. "Hello world. Daddy's home"
Itami noticed Lucifer wasn't following him and decided that this was an emergency. Itami disappears.
Sage was a little stunned but nodded. " Yes I did , to answer your earlier question yes she did. Can I kiss you now " he asked with a raised eyebrow as he tried to get Vance to sit up.

So you're fine helping the person who just tried to kill me Vance thought furiously as he narrowed his eyes at Sage "No" Vance stood up and began walking into the guild "I'm going to go sleep until i'm needed"


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