Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
Vance felt slightly different internally but couldn't place what it was, he decided to brush it off as nothing."That this place fucking sucks" Vance muttered as he gently grabbed onto Sage's hand before looking up at him and smiling I'm someone's else's slave now, all to save you Vance thought before turning towards the portal and slowly approaching it, waiting for Sage to go through it before he did

@djinnamon @Light
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"Later. Once i'm sure we're both safe, we can talk about it" Vance replied, not able to break it to Sage that he was completely lying about reconsidering having a child. He walked through the portal, gently pulling Sage along with him. Vance emerged from the portal and found himself standing in front of a Stone Pillar that had Symbols on it "So what's this then?" Vance inquired when he saw Luna standing nearby.

@djinnamon @Light
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GingerBread said:
Vance felt slightly different internally but couldn't place what it was, he decided to brush it off as nothing."That this place fucking sucks" Vance muttered as he gently grabbed onto Sage's hand before looking up at him and smiling I'm someone's else's slave now, all to save you Vance thought before turning towards the portal and slowly approaching it, waiting for Sage to go through it before he did

@djinnamon @Light
djinnamon said:
Sage hugged Vance, feeling happy he was safe. " Thank goodness , now about that baby. " he said as he trailed off and grabbed Vance's hand as he walked to the portal.
@GingerBread @Light
They had 13 minutes left and once they walked through the portal, Luna sighed. "No that is not the lesson at all. If you focused on something's other than yourselves and your personal pleasures than maybe you would see that. The moment you're out of danger when someone else had to clean up after your shit you go right back to talking about kids because the world is so perfectly dandy isn't it. You act like you're a good person but you truthfully couldn't give a shit about how others feel. You're a flat out asshole who needs to realize you're about the weakest person amongst your ranks and if you don't stop running your goddamn mouth about killing others and being the best. One of them will lose their tempers and show you how wrong you are. You both think you're perfect and you're above everyone else." She looks at Sage. "You think your ideals and morals are pure and must be followed by everyone else and if they don't, they're a bad person and you must charm them into thinking the way you do. Everything in the world isn't so great and you need to grow the hell up. Your boyfriend basically just became my belonging to save your life and you're selfishly pressuring him about kids, something he doesn't want! The same situation after seeing Ashlyn's memories, you just move on and forget because that's all you have to do and suddenly shit isn't so bad isn't it? Well the problem is still there and just because others are dealing with portions of it while you continue to sleep away and flirt, it doesn't mean it won't come back to bite you in the ass, but you would like that wouldn't you? If anything I'd be extremely focused on what's going on around you and extremely thankful to those who actually do shit for you instead of pouting about it. You call me a prissy little bitch? Well that's right and it takes one to know one. I helped you, Ashlyn helped you, and Vance helped you and you're still giving us shit." Luna turns to Vance with a harsh glare. "Now you! I don't know where the hell you think you are but this is reality and you're apart of it. Stop bitching about the fact that you're caught up doing missions and such for that guild of yours. You're apart of it, so deal with it or leave! You have way to much arrogance with nothing to show for it, it's so shitty I can't even call it pride. You completely block away all others that try to help you in that guild and refuse to at least acknowledge them when they speak to you. Instead of being an asshole about the situation with Sage, just tell him seriously that you don't want kids instead of going on about how you can't handle or hate them. I'd advise for you to stop picking fights and telling people you'll kill them just because you're used to dealing with the semi supernatural but I swear to you these people have fought and are fighting bigger battles than you and they will pull the rug from underneath you. Being an asshole to everyone isn't the best idea either since I was going to let you two die because of the fact if you hadn't of accepted the contract. Before you say you were being an ass because I was being a 'bitch' how do you expect me to start off being nice to you in the first place if I know for a fact that you'd be a terrible person back regardless. When I've watched you you've been nothing but a dick to everyone you've met so you should expect the same. The next time I hear you insult the guild and say you want to kill your leader without an actual reason. I will find her myself and force her to kick you out." She looks at both of them. "Thats the lesson. I know I'm extremely flawed and I'm definitely not a good person at all but at least I don't have your problems." Luna looks at the stone behind her afterwards. "The stone helps keep the astral plane's spirits from being all pissed off so they won't cause problems in the mortal realm. I have to refresh the symbols. Once I do that the spirits start to go out of control and outrage, just make sure they don't get close to the area while I work on it. That's your job." The stone was in the middle of a large grass field. "You two have about 9 minutes, hopefully I can do this swiftly." Luna begins to work on the stone.
Sage stood there stunned before he growled. " You know shit about me and my morals. My morals may not be pure at times and know that well. I don't label everyone based on my morals but when I see extreme disregard for life and people to the point of them getting a knife to the throat even I'll get angry and label but I care for people. Why do you think I stay in that guild. " he muttered. He did care about people especially Vance. He began to think about Ashlyn " What was I supposed to do , try and save her. Guess what I wanted to but Vance convinced not to. I look back at it now and I feel bad but would have happened if I couldn't plus as Vance told me its in the past all that matters is that she is here now. And isn't a person's nature to be selfish at times and sometimes put there needs ahead of others but if Vance says he doesn't want to have kids so be it , fine I'll deal with it. I just got hope when he said he would reconsider. " he muttered at the beginning before he began getting louder as he talked. He glared straight at her with contempt visible in his narrowed eyes.

" And you lecture me about caring for people , you were prepared to leave me and Vance to die without batting a eyelash. You think you know every thing we you really don't. I called you a prissy bitch cause that is how I saw you , you had a attitude from the second you set eyes on us and it gave me the impression of you being a prissy bitch , not giving one shit about us. Then you call me selfish when yourself are also selfish. I'm not saying you have to care about everyone but you are doing same thing I said I'm not doing. " he said as he stopped glaring and growling , his tense shoulders relaxing. Before grabbing Vance hand and looking up at him.

" Is it true you weren't planning to reconsider and that you became here belonging to save me . " he asked with a raised eyebrow feeling slightly hurt that he was lied to but got over quickly.

Light said:
( She's been watching you all with Grimm. That's how she knows this stuff. )
(That is creepy, I wonder if Sage put up a good argument )

@Light @GingerBread
GingerBread said:
(Bit creepy XP Has she been watching everything o_O)
"Right, so i appear to be the only one with common sense here" Vance muttered, silently willing himself to not stick the nearest sharp object in Luna's windpipe "So what do you expect us to do? I doubt we can just fend them off with nothing, especially seeing as we can't touch them or let them touch us" Vance pointed out but got ready to just move around aimlessly in front of the spirits anyway. Just wanting to get out of this place and go for a week long sleep.

@djinnamon @Light
djinnamon said:
Sage stood there stunned before he growled. " You know shit about me and my morals. My morals may not be pure at times and know that well. I don't label everyone based on my morals but when I see extreme disregard for life and people to the point of them getting a knife to the throat even I'll get angry and label but I care for people. Why do you think I stay in that guild. " he muttered. He did care about people especially Vance. He began to think about Ashlyn " What was I supposed to do , try and save her. Guess what I wanted to but Vance convinced not to. I look back at it now and I feel bad but would have happened if I couldn't plus as Vance told me its in the past all that matters is that she is here now. And isn't a person's nature to be selfish at times and sometimes put there needs ahead of others but if Vance says he doesn't want to have kids so be it , fine I'll deal with it. I just got hope when he said he would reconsider. " he muttered at the beginning before he began getting louder as he talked. He glared straight at her with contempt visible in his narrowed eyes.
" And you lecture me about caring for people , you were prepared to leave me and Vance to die without batting a eyelash. You think you know every thing we you really don't. I called you a prissy bitch cause that is how I saw you , you had a attitude from the second you set eyes on us and it gave me the impression of you being a prissy bitch , not giving one shit about us. Then you call me selfish when yourself are also selfish. I'm not saying you have to care about everyone but you are doing same thing I said I'm not doing. " he said as he stopped glaring and growling , his tense shoulders relaxing. Before grabbing Vance hand and looking up at him.

" Is it true you weren't planning to reconsider and that you became here belonging to save me . " he asked with a raised eyebrow feeling slightly hurt that he was lied to but got over quickly.

(That is creepy, I wonder if Sage put up a good argument )

@Light @GingerBread
( Yes she has been watching everything bread. )

"Its easy to fend them off, just tell them to go away like I did with Ladon. Though it will take a lot more yelling since they're pretty angry now." Luna turns to Sage with an unamused look, at least Vance got over it. "I wasn't talking about saving her, I was talking about after the fact when you practically forgot, which is hard for me to comprehend since I am also a girl of abuse. Though most all of you did so I can't single you out. Though the fact that she's here now doesn't matter, that will always haunt her no matter how many smiles she puts up. Like I said, you assume everything is fine and dandy. I've explained to you that I was terrible to you to begin with and didn't care because I wanted to put you through a lesson to learn and because knowing you two, you'd be terrible in return regardless of my kind or bad attitude." She casts a glance at Vance. "I did say you weren't wrong about me being a prissy bitch didn't I? Then I said it takes one to know one. It seems like you weren't listening at all. You're right, you don't have to care about everyone but you don't have to care about your comrades and that's what you fail to do no matter how 'nice' you are. Though that argument is strange coming from the mouth of one who hates others dying and getting hurt now isn't it? You're not as good as you make yourself out to be as I said." Luna has a smirk of satisfaction on her face. "You basically complained about arguments I've already covered making yours invalid. So, any other suggestions and or complaints that I have to waste my time shooting down?" They had 8 minutes left. "Here they come." A horde of spirits from all sides flood towards them.
djinnamon said:
Sage stood there stunned before he growled. " You know shit about me and my morals. My morals may not be pure at times and know that well. I don't label everyone based on my morals but when I see extreme disregard for life and people to the point of them getting a knife to the throat even I'll get angry and label but I care for people. Why do you think I stay in that guild. " he muttered. He did care about people especially Vance. He began to think about Ashlyn " What was I supposed to do , try and save her. Guess what I wanted to but Vance convinced not to. I look back at it now and I feel bad but would have happened if I couldn't plus as Vance told me its in the past all that matters is that she is here now. And isn't a person's nature to be selfish at times and sometimes put there needs ahead of others but if Vance says he doesn't want to have kids so be it , fine I'll deal with it. I just got hope when he said he would reconsider. " he muttered at the beginning before he began getting louder as he talked. He glared straight at her with contempt visible in his narrowed eyes.
" And you lecture me about caring for people , you were prepared to leave me and Vance to die without batting a eyelash. You think you know every thing we you really don't. I called you a prissy bitch cause that is how I saw you , you had a attitude from the second you set eyes on us and it gave me the impression of you being a prissy bitch , not giving one shit about us. Then you call me selfish when yourself are also selfish. I'm not saying you have to care about everyone but you are doing same thing I said I'm not doing. " he said as he stopped glaring and growling , his tense shoulders relaxing. Before grabbing Vance hand and looking up at him.

" Is it true you weren't planning to reconsider and that you became here belonging to save me . " he asked with a raised eyebrow feeling slightly hurt that he was lied to but got over quickly.

(That is creepy, I wonder if Sage put up a good argument )

@Light @GingerBread
Light said:
( Yes she has been watching everything bread. )
"Its easy to fend them off, just tell them to go away like I did with Ladon. Though it will take a lot more yelling since they're pretty angry now." Luna turns to Sage with an unamused look, at least Vance got over it. "I wasn't talking about saving her, I was talking about after the fact when you practically forgot, which is hard for me to comprehend since I am also a girl of abuse. Though most all of you did so I can't single you out. Though the fact that she's here now doesn't matter, that will always haunt her no matter how many smiles she puts up. Like I said, you assume everything is fine and dandy. I've explained to you that I was terrible to you to begin with and didn't care because I wanted to put you through a lesson to learn and because knowing you two, you'd be terrible in return regardless of my kind or bad attitude." She casts a glance at Vance. "I did say you weren't wrong about me being a prissy bitch didn't I? Then I said it takes one to know one. It seems like you weren't listening at all. You're right, you don't have to care about everyone but you don't have to care about your comrades and that's what you fail to do no matter how 'nice' you are. Though that argument is strange coming from the mouth of one who hates others dying and getting hurt now isn't it? You're not as good as you make yourself out to be as I said." Luna has a smirk of satisfaction on her face. "You basically complained about arguments I've already covered making yours invalid. So, any other suggestions and or complaints that I have to waste my time shooting down?" They had 8 minutes left. "Here they come." A horde of spirits from all sides flood towards them.
"Yes, it's true Sage, Now if you want to punch me for lying you can after we get out of here. As for becoming her belonging, yes, i did that as well. I don't expect you to ever do the same for me" Vance gave Sage a small smile. Vance glanced at the spirits for a second before looking at Luna "So we just tell them to piss off?" Vance asked rhetorically before turning towards the Spirit horde "PISS OFF! GO AWAY! LEAVE!" Vance boomed, shouting as loud and as commandingly as he could

@djinnamon @Light
Inaro chuckles. I'm getting school by a child, that ain't a first. I guess I should check and see what this symbol is bothering me about. He gets up from the ground. Oh and I do have a purpose. I lead a clan. As he said that he focused on where the symbol was pulling him too and he teleports their. @Light
Angel rose out of the water and walks over to Sage and Vances body. "Seems like I have some new toys." The three disappeared to the bottom of the ocean.

@GingerBread @djinnamon
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Richard and Damian got as far out as the city would let them before pointless empty land. They stared into the baron wasteland desert and exhaled. "Alright. Lets go." The two sped through the dirt, headed to Legion
GingerBread said:
"Yes, it's true Sage, Now if you want to punch me for lying you can after we get out of here. As for becoming her belonging, yes, i did that as well. I don't expect you to ever do the same for me" Vance gave Sage a small smile. Vance glanced at the spirits for a second before looking at Luna "So we just tell them to piss off?" Vance asked rhetorically before turning towards the Spirit horde "PISS OFF! GO AWAY! LEAVE!" Vance boomed, shouting as loud and as commandingly as he could
@djinnamon @Light
Some of the spirits fade away while others continue to move forward.

Inaro ends up in a bloodied forest on the Rocky mountains. There was blood everywhere as if it rained from the sky. There were human footprints going down the mountain.

Tazmodo said:
Angel rose out of the water and walks over to Sage and Vances body. "Seems like I have some new toys." The three disappeared to the bottom of the ocean.
@GingerBread @djinnamon
( @DizjayDeathPride @Austria These are the only open Dragon's Roar members I can remember at the moment. )

Their guild symbols went off, drawing them to Sage and Vance's bodies to help them.
Light said:
Some of the spirits fade away while others continue to move forward.
Inaro ends up in a bloodied forest on the Rocky mountains. There was blood everywhere as if it rained from the sky. There were human footprints going down the mountain.

( @DizjayDeathPride @Austria These are the only open Dragon's Roar members I can remember at the moment. )

Their guild symbols went off, drawing them to Sage and Vance's bodies to help them.
Angel took them into an underwater cave. She waited anxiously for them to wake up. She got some fished and grilled it so they could eat when they woke up. The cave was filled with light due to glow and producing no darkness.
Inaro looked around covering his nose as the massive scent of blood hits him hard. What the Fyck happened here? He looks down seeing the foot prints heading down the mountain. Well what do we have here. He begins floating as he followed the foot prints. @Light
Light said:
( @djinnamon )( ! ) "You're right.... but I've already lost some blessings that made me father." It was obvious since Itami was standing in front of a building that could be a shrine housing two graves. "My wife and my first child." Itami pulls out a picture of a woman with brown hair, deep blue eyes, cat ears, and a big smile. "That was my wife before she was killed, my daughter on the other hand." He pulls out a picture of a 7 year old girl, her age was pretty obvious. "Died at 10." The picture showed a 7 year old but she died at 10, so there must have been a reason why he wasn't able to take pictures of her ages 7-10. Wailing erupts all around the mountain, enough to make someone immediately want it to stop. The reapers were once again mourning their fallen queen and her child. Pain, despair, emptiness, hatred, confusion, and many other negative emotions were thick throughout the air on the mountain. Itami's scythe stops falling and begins to fly back up behind Malren. "I want you off and a way from this mountain dead or alive. I will not leave but she is welcome to visit." Itami appears where the scythe is using replacement magic and replaces the snow under Malren with corrosive acid. Itami swings the scythe to Malren's neck with decapitation in mind.
(Eh, sorry. I didn't mean to be standoffish, but it's just I needed to show that I know his weaknesses.)

"I'm sorry for your loss..." Malren bowed his head before the man began another frenzied strike, telling him to leave the mountain. Since the ground turned to acid below him, Malren lurched away, and Itami's decapitation strike missed its mark. He smashed his raw and reddened paws against the ground, covering the burning sensation with cool dirt. "God damn! You said I could leave? Why do you want to kill me?" His raised his foremost paw, and metal wrapped around it in the form of a gauntlet. "I'm not here to hurt you, why hurt me?" He brought the fist down, sweeping Itami off his feet and breaking one of his shins. "You can heal it off. You know, you god-types are so lucky. Any wound you take, you can heal it." He followed up with another attack, breaking his forearm. "You see, I don't get that!" He gestured up to his scarred chin and all the other various wounds Itami gave to him. "Think you're so high and mighty, that you can take any life because you're in a bad mood!" The paw came down again, breaking Itami's second shin. "Listen to me! No matter what pain you've gone through, that doesn't allow you to be an ass about it! At least you have a daughter that wants you! The woman I love, well, I'm sure she doesn't feel the same way about me! I'm a fucking slave, for god's sakes! I'm just a servant to her!" He coughed up blood, which began to mix with his tears pooling on the ground. A guttural growl escaped his lips, and he raised his paw for a final strike. He was about to bring the paw down again, but reconsidered. "I can't do it. We're even. Look, just leave your daughter a message, ok? I'm not willing to risk my life against you anymore." With that, he walked down and away from the mountain, as per Itami's earlier request.

Later, in town, Malren morphed back into human form, grabbing a nearby towel and using it to cover his beaten-up body and mouth. He pressed his seal, sending out a thought message on the open channel. "Hey, Ryan? Sorry to call on you so abruptly, but I think I need to use some of your healing. The mountain guy roughed me up a lot."


(Sorry, battle's done. I'm a bit tired of writing for it, anyways.)
Light said:
Some of the spirits fade away while others continue to move forward.
Vance smirked as he saw it had slightly worked Well i felt like a complete idiot, but at least it worked, I wish i knew this before Vance thought bitterly as he took a deep breath and prepared himself to just start shouting at them to Leave Until his vocal cords gave in "LEAVE! JUST TURN AROUND NOW! YOU'RE NOT WELCOME HERE ANYMORE! VACATE THIS PLACE! MAKE YOURSELF SCARCE! FLEE YOU FOOLS!" Vance boomed, his throat feeling like it was burning and was about to give in by the time he'd finished

@Light @djinnamon
Light said:
Some of the spirits fade away while others continue to move forward.
Inaro ends up in a bloodied forest on the Rocky mountains. There was blood everywhere as if it rained from the sky. There were human footprints going down the mountain.

( @DizjayDeathPride @Austria These are the only open Dragon's Roar members I can remember at the moment. )

Their guild symbols went off, drawing them to Sage and Vance's bodies to help them.
The distraction caused the 3 to be off, messing up and blasting back, creating another decent 5 foot wide hole in the ground. The three crashed and sighed. Dusting themselves off.

"Trial 26 also a fail also failed. Lovely." Ryan stopped a moment to focus on the symbol. "It appears Vance and Sage are in danger. Should we stop?"

Morpheus tilted his head. "Who's Vance?"

"The Mystery Man."

"Ahhhh. And Sage?"

"His boyfriend."

"I see I see..... Welp I don't care for either. Ill do what you two do."

Decimus shook his head. "I offered to help develop his power based on my experience with it. He decided he's just so excellent he can do it on his own. Let him prove it. And if not, this Sage will help him. I vote no"

Ryan shrugged. "Well I've already stopped him from killing himself. And got Sage to him while he was having that mental break down. If anything he owes me. I don't care either way."

Morpheus nodded sternly, in a pouty-thinky face. "Well Decimus is the only one who voted. Guess we do nothing. If they survive let's give them begals. If not, oh. Seem fair? Fantastic!"

Morpheus hopped up and turned back, his voice serious. "Again." And the group got back into formation, trying once more

Richard and Damian, not connected to the guild, had no idea about Sage and Vance. So they continued forward. They stopped once they saw a dirty cloud and heard a muffled boom. Richard sighed and ran his hand through his hair."Jeez Morpheus sure went far. Whatever they're doing must be very serious. Whatever we're facing with them Damian is going to be a major problem. We may have to seriously get involved. Sure you want that?"

Damian didn't say a word while staring at the dirt. A slight smirk broke his blank face. "They're updating Formations. Whatever this is? I want to be involved. This will be fun."

Richard sighed and scratched his head. "I just don't understand you 4. But whatever man. Let's go." And he kicked, taking off, headed to Morpheus, Damian quickly gaining speed on him. He chuckled at the man and spud up, using his lighting to increase his speed
Lotusy said:
(Eh, sorry. I didn't mean to be standoffish, but it's just I needed to show that I know his weaknesses.)
"I'm sorry for your loss..." Malren bowed his head before the man began another frenzied strike, telling him to leave the mountain. Since the ground turned to acid below him, Malren lurched away, and Itami's decapitation strike missed its mark. He smashed his raw and reddened paws against the ground, covering the burning sensation with cool dirt. "God damn! You said I could leave? Why do you want to kill me?" His raised his foremost paw, and metal wrapped around it in the form of a gauntlet. "I'm not here to hurt you, why hurt me?" He brought the fist down, sweeping Itami off his feet and breaking one of his shins. "You can heal it off. You know, you god-types are so lucky. Any wound you take, you can heal it." He followed up with another attack, breaking his forearm. "You see, I don't get that!" He gestured up to his scarred chin and all the other various wounds Itami gave to him. "Think you're so high and mighty, that you can take any life because you're in a bad mood!" The paw came down again, breaking Itami's second shin. "Listen to me! No matter what pain you've gone through, that doesn't allow you to be an ass about it! At least you have a daughter that wants you! The woman I love, well, I'm sure she doesn't feel the same way about me! I'm a fucking slave, for god's sakes! I'm just a servant to her!" He coughed up blood, which began to mix with his tears pooling on the ground. A guttural growl escaped his lips, and he raised his paw for a final strike. He was about to bring the paw down again, but reconsidered. "I can't do it. We're even. Look, just leave your daughter a message, ok? I'm not willing to risk my life against you anymore." With that, he walked down and away from the mountain, as per Itami's earlier request.

Later, in town, Malren morphed back into human form, grabbing a nearby towel and using it to cover his beaten-up body and mouth. He pressed his seal, sending out a thought message on the open channel. "Hey, Ryan? Sorry to call on you so abruptly, but I think I need to use some of your healing. The mountain guy roughed me up a lot."


(Sorry, battle's done. I'm a bit tired of writing for it, anyways.)
Ryan quickly got another message right before his turn to strike. He turned and spoke outload. "Ahhh my friend Malren. Ill be there in a jiffy." Ryan let the light go and disappeared, appearing with Malren.

He raised his eyebrows and squatted down. "You sure got wrecked. Did you at least win?"
Embaga Elder]Inaro looked around covering his nose as the massive scent of blood hits him hard. [B]What the Fyck happened here? [/B]He looks down seeing the foot prints heading down the mountain. [B]Well what do we have here.[/B] He begins floating as he followed the foot prints. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/10734-light/ said:
There was a tall man standing underneath a cloud of blood, staring straight at Inaro with his hands glowing.

Lotusy said:
(Eh, sorry. I didn't mean to be standoffish, but it's just I needed to show that I know his weaknesses.)
"I'm sorry for your loss..." Malren bowed his head before the man began another frenzied strike, telling him to leave the mountain. Since the ground turned to acid below him, Malren lurched away, and Itami's decapitation strike missed its mark. He smashed his raw and reddened paws against the ground, covering the burning sensation with cool dirt. "God damn! You said I could leave? Why do you want to kill me?" His raised his foremost paw, and metal wrapped around it in the form of a gauntlet. "I'm not here to hurt you, why hurt me?" He brought the fist down, sweeping Itami off his feet and breaking one of his shins. "You can heal it off. You know, you god-types are so lucky. Any wound you take, you can heal it." He followed up with another attack, breaking his forearm. "You see, I don't get that!" He gestured up to his scarred chin and all the other various wounds Itami gave to him. "Think you're so high and mighty, that you can take any life because you're in a bad mood!" The paw came down again, breaking Itami's second shin. "Listen to me! No matter what pain you've gone through, that doesn't allow you to be an ass about it! At least you have a daughter that wants you! The woman I love, well, I'm sure she doesn't feel the same way about me! I'm a fucking slave, for god's sakes! I'm just a servant to her!" He coughed up blood, which began to mix with his tears pooling on the ground. A guttural growl escaped his lips, and he raised his paw for a final strike. He was about to bring the paw down again, but reconsidered. "I can't do it. We're even. Look, just leave your daughter a message, ok? I'm not willing to risk my life against you anymore." With that, he walked down and away from the mountain, as per Itami's earlier request.

Later, in town, Malren morphed back into human form, grabbing a nearby towel and using it to cover his beaten-up body and mouth. He pressed his seal, sending out a thought message on the open channel. "Hey, Ryan? Sorry to call on you so abruptly, but I think I need to use some of your healing. The mountain guy roughed me up a lot."


(Sorry, battle's done. I'm a bit tired of writing for it, anyways.)
Itami erupts in life flame and heals, standing up he stares at where Malren went. "If they wanted to see me so badly they could have visited... Besides they're far too old for me now. I intend to guard this mountain to make up for the failure of protecting these two... that is why I'm here." Itami was speaking to himself as a small shred of the old him wondered what it would be like to visit the old world again. He shakes his head, Malren's words were just getting to his head. Itami walks back to the shrine to rest since he was incredibly tired, laying down probably wouldn't be a good idea since he might get a godly muscle cramp so he decides to stretch.

Malren ranks up to Mu.

GingerBread said:
Vance smirked as he saw it had slightly worked Well i felt like a complete idiot, but at least it worked, I wish i knew this before Vance thought bitterly as he took a deep breath and prepared himself to just start shouting at them to Leave Until his vocal cords gave in "LEAVE! JUST TURN AROUND NOW! YOU'RE NOT WELCOME HERE ANYMORE! VACATE THIS PLACE! MAKE YOURSELF SCARCE! FLEE YOU FOOLS!" Vance boomed, his throat feeling like it was burning and was about to give in by the time he'd finished

@Light @djinnamon
All the spirits running towards them fade away with 5 minutes left. "Almost done...." Luna hums while she works on the stone. "That was quite moving."
DizjayDeathPride said:
Ryan quickly got another message right before his turn to strike. He turned and spoke outload. "Ahhh my friend Malren. Ill be there in a jiffy." Ryan let the light go and disappeared, appearing with Malren.
He raised his eyebrows and squatted down. "You sure got wrecked. Did you at least win?"
Light said:
There was a tall man standing underneath a cloud of blood, staring straight at Inaro with his hands glowing.
Itami erupts in life flame and heals, standing up he stares at where Malren went. "If they wanted to see me so badly they could have visited... Besides they're far too old for me now. I intend to guard this mountain to make up for the failure of protecting these two... that is why I'm here." Itami was speaking to himself as a small shred of the old him wondered what it would be like to visit the old world again. He shakes his head, Malren's words were just getting to his head. Itami walks back to the shrine to rest since he was incredibly tired, laying down probably wouldn't be a good idea since he might get a godly muscle cramp so he decides to stretch.

Malren ranks up to Mu.

All the spirits running towards them fade away with 5 minutes left. "Almost done...." Luna hums while she works on the stone. "That was quite moving."
"Nope, sorry. The man's like a god, though, that's for sure. What's worse, as soon as I get on the mountain, he tried to kill me, and won't even explain why." Malren leaned back with a sigh, wiping any dirt off of his mouth with his acid-burned hands. "Look at this. Acid, death flame, despair minions, and a scythe that comes to his beck and call? The man's definitely out of my fighting league." As he talked, though, he clenched his hand into a fist. "But I'm not giving up. He's had a terrible past, and I can't just let a man like that suffer up on that mountain! Maybe after I get some rest..."
Light said:
All the spirits running towards them fade away with 5 minutes left. "Almost done...." Luna hums while she works on the stone. "That was quite moving."
"So how come you can use your magic and we can't? I'm assuming it's because you're in someway linked to this dimension" Vance said, the words burning his throat as he spoke them but he continued "But if you were, why would they be attacking you?"

@Light @djinnamon
Lotusy said:
"Nope, sorry. The man's like a god, though, that's for sure. What's worse, as soon as I get on the mountain, he tried to kill me, and won't even explain why." Malren leaned back with a sigh, wiping any dirt off of his mouth with his acid-burned hands. "Look at this. Acid, death flame, despair minions, and a scythe that comes to his beck and call? The man's definitely out of my fighting league." As he talked, though, he clenched his hand into a fist. "But I'm not giving up. He's had a terrible past, and I can't just let a man like that suffer up on that mountain! Maybe after I get some rest..."
Ryan nodded along, listening intently, analyzing. "Interesting... Very. You'll tell me about this secret mission later, right?" He extended his hand to him. Once he connected light would illuminate over him, healing his injuries
DizjayDeathPride said:
Ryan nodded along, listening intently, analyzing. "Interesting... Very. You'll tell me about this secret mission later, right?" He extended his hand to him. Once he connected light would illuminate over him, healing his injuries
Before he could earth enclosed around Malren. He was taken to the core but was in a protective sphere. Demarcus was there looking at him.

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