Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

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Light said:
Grimm was hanging upside down from thin air. "Alrighto!~ Luna it looks like your escorts are here! Time for me to go!" With that. Grimm disappears in a burst of confetti.
Luna looks at Sage and Vance, obvious displeasure in her eyes. "Is this all they sent? When you die just know I'll be using your bodies as soldiers." Chains burst from the ground and rip both Sage and Vance's souls out of their bodies, pulling them into the astral plane. Luna phases into the astral plane and stands before them. It was a depressing place, where spirits just... walked. "Welcome to the astral plane. Don't touch anything, don't let anything touch you, don't talk to the spirits here or you may be trapped, and you can't use powers here. Follow me." She begins to walk down a cracked path. Sage and Vance's bodies lay on the ground in front of the guild.
Vance followed behind Luna, gently pulling Sage along and keeping an eye on him to make sure he wouldn't do anything stupid or get hurt "So, remind me, Why do you need us to come along" Vance didn't really see any danger here and therefore didn't see a point

@djinnamon @Light (So is this place filled with all the dead?)
GingerBread said:
Vance followed behind Luna, gently pulling Sage along and keeping an eye on him to make sure he wouldn't do anything stupid or get hurt "So, remind me, Why do you need us to come along" Vance didn't really see any danger here and therefore didn't see a point

@djinnamon @Light (So is this place filled with all the dead?)
( Spirits. )

Luna shrugs, she didn't care enough to warn them of the danger. She didn't give a shit about their lives so why would she tell him? If anything they would be much more useful and better off being dead. She would make them fit for actual fighting once she resurrects them.
Sage followed Vance and Luna obediently . He didn't like the attitude that Luna had. " Listen here , i'm not going to be a soldier for you. I have better things to do than take others from a prissy birch. " Sage growled out , he was in a extremely bad mood because he couldn't use his powers , he still wanted a kid with Vance and he was hungry.

@Light @GingerBread
Lemme guess it's her evil demon relative. He chuckles then drinks his hot chocolate. He notices the energy and pressure coming off her that leads to the ground to crack. Hmm....if you want him dead so bad why don't you kill him yourself? He asked as he pointed towards the crack on the ground. @Light
djinnamon said:
Sage followed Vance and Luna obediently . He didn't like the attitude that Luna had. " Listen here , i'm not going to be a soldier for you. I have better things to do than take others from a prissy birch. " Sage growled out , he was in a extremely bad mood because he couldn't use his powers , he still wanted a kid with Vance and he was hungry.
@Light @GingerBread
djinnamon said:
Sage followed Vance and Luna obediently . He didn't like the attitude that Luna had. " Listen here , i'm not going to be a soldier for you. I have better things to do than take others from a prissy birch. " Sage growled out , he was in a extremely bad mood because he couldn't use his powers , he still wanted a kid with Vance and he was hungry.
@Light @GingerBread
"Calm down Sage, This is nothing more than a brisk walk And if she does anything to hurt you in any way, I'll kill her" Vance smiled at Sage, trying to cheer him up and put him in a better mood "But I think the only reason we're here is because this girl is lonely. Because there doesn't appear to be any danger at all. I think this is just a test to see how long we can put up with someone like her" Vance glared at the girl, assuming it was completely her fault that Sage was in a bad mood.

@djinnamon @Light
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djinnamon said:
Sage followed Vance and Luna obediently . He didn't like the attitude that Luna had. " Listen here , i'm not going to be a soldier for you. I have better things to do than take others from a prissy birch. " Sage growled out , he was in a extremely bad mood because he couldn't use his powers , he still wanted a kid with Vance and he was hungry.
@Light @GingerBread
GingerBread said:
"Calm down Sage, This is nothing more than a brisk walk And if she does anything to hurt you in any way, I'll kill her" Vance smiled at Sage, trying to cheer him up and put him in a better mood "But I think the only reason we're here is because this girl is lonely. Because there doesn't appear to be any danger at all. I think this is just a test to see how long we can put up with someone like her" Vance glared at the girl, assuming it was completely her fault that Sage was in a bad mood.

@djinnamon @Light
Luna merely spins the umbrella over her head and continues to walk forward. That's when spirits started to crowd them, growing closer and closer, staring at them with their pure black eyes. Luna had told them what to do and if they failed to do it, oh well. They didn't want to take orders from her anyways and she was satisfied with that because no matter what, in the end she would be the one they depend on and she is right. She walks into a forest and a large spiritual version of Ladon towers high above, seemingly looking at something, looking for prey. Ladon is a Greek Drakon, son of Echidna and Typhoeus. He had 100 heads and magical properties. Luna forgot to throw in the fact that the spirits could use powers, oh well.

Embaga Elder] [B]Lemme guess it's her evil demon relative. [/B]He chuckles then drinks his hot chocolate. He notices the energy and pressure coming off her that leads to the ground to crack. [B]Hmm....if you want him dead so bad why don't you kill him yourself?[/B] He asked as he pointed towards the crack on the ground. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/10734-light/ said:
The young girl glares at Inaro, as if he were missing something and said something stupid. "You're an idiot. I hope you know that. If anything I'd get you to do it."
Light said:
Luna merely spins the umbrella over her head and continues to walk forward. That's when spirits started to crowd them, growing closer and closer, staring at them with their pure black eyes. Luna had told them what to do and if they failed to do it, oh well. They didn't want to take orders from her anyways and she was satisfied with that because no matter what, in the end she would be the one they depend on and she is right. She walks into a forest and a large spiritual version of Ladon towers high above, seemingly looking at something, looking for prey. Ladon is a Greek Drakon, son of Echidna and Typhoeus. He had 100 heads and magical properties. Luna forgot to throw in the fact that the spirits could use powers, oh well.
Vance glared at the spirits but said nothing, heeding Luna's warning in case she wasn't lying. Vance quickened his pace and pulled Sage along with him "Some information about why we're here would be nice, girl"

@djinnamon @Light
Sage followed along ignoring the spirits as he grumbled , still pissed. He knew he should the girls advice in case he was telling the truth. " Vance is right , info would be nice. " he said to Luna as he kept getting pulled along.

@GingerBread @Light
GingerBread said:
Vance glared at the spirits but said nothing, heeding Luna's warning in case she wasn't lying. Vance quickened his pace and pulled Sage along with him "Some information about why we're here would be nice, girl"

@djinnamon @Light
djinnamon said:
Sage followed along ignoring the spirits as he grumbled , still pissed. He knew he should the girls advice in case he was telling the truth. " Vance is right , info would be nice. " he said to Luna as he kept getting pulled along.
@GingerBread @Light
Luna had no time to explain, besides she wanted to test if they had basic skills to simply follow basic instructions without acting out. They were soldiers, they didn't truthfully need to know the details behind the mission, they just needed the skills to shoot a gun and follow orders. So far they couldn't do that last one very well without questioning every rock that passed. Luna scoffs and quietly laughs to herself. Behind her, one of Ladon's feet touch down, separating her from both Vance and Sage. At least 27 heads take notice of the two and Luna didn't stop walking at all. 27 of the heads roar and charge up blasts, making sure to aim in different places one after the other so they don't miss. The two had several seconds before the heads fire. Luna wasn't slowing down to babysit for shit, besides they had presented themselves as badasses so she expects them to find a way around to follow her again.
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Light said:
( ! ) Itami seemed extremely pissed off with the stunning. Suddenly Malren could feel pulses of pain bursting about his body from a force he couldn't see. Itami's reapers were using pain pulses on Malren. Itami erupts in life flame and gets over the stunning factor, breathing heavily for some reason. He disappears and Malren could see everything move at a blur and feel a gush of frosty air. Itami had grabbed him and ran up the mountain, jumping off the peak into the air. Next thing Malren could feel was harsh terrain at his back, since Itami descended all the down the mountain using him as a shield. Itami was gone once again.
Malren felt extreme pain as Itami used him as a sled. He pain was intense, and he felt his eyes glazing over with red as he finally hit the bottom of the mountain. His hide prevented most of the damage, and as Itami disappeared, he ran into the city and the crowds of people, who began panicking. He ran in front of a news crew, roaring at them before running off. Some of the police began to open fire on him, but nothing happened. "Come down!" he roared. "Talk it out!"

(It's probably going to make the news, so I guess that means anyone can see now.)
Light said:
Luna had no time to explain, besides she wanted to test if they had basic skills to simply follow basic instructions without acting out. They were soldiers, they didn't truthfully need to know the details behind the mission, they just needed the skills to shoot a gun and follow orders. So far they couldn't do that last one very well without questioning every rock that passed. Luna scoffs and quietly laughs to herself. Behind her, one of Ladon's feet touch down, separating her from both Vance and Sage. At least 27 heads take notice of the two and Luna didn't stop walking at all. 27 of the heads roar and charge up blasts, making sure to aim in different places one after the other so they don't miss. The two had several seconds before the heads fire. Luna wasn't slowing down to babysit for shit, besides they had presented themselves as badasses so she expects them to find a way around to follow her again.
Vance saw the heads charging up attacks in different places and quickly formed a plan of what to do. Vance stood in front of Sage, wanting to protect him in case his plan didn't work. Vance looked at all the heads and found the one he thought was going to hit where him and Sage were standing. Vance went to take out his dagger but found it wasn't there, he took a deep breath and glared at Ladon "Bring it, you multiple headed Lizard" Vance's glare didn't waver as he braced himself for the impact.

@djinnamon @Light
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He laughs. I'll be alright with killing the guy. So what might be the reason for me being stupid? I just wanna know. Because apparently I might be missing something. Which is okay since I've been here, and some of my guild members have been elsewhere. @Light
DizjayDeathPride said:
Decimus nodded to himself. "Thank you." He was having no luck. He assumed Morpheus wouldn't have gone for but with his childish nature, anything is possible. Decimus groaned and stopped. "I'm over it. If he's not dead he'll find us. Its impossible to tell where he's gone off to."

Morpheus stopped and looked to where the new comer had disappeared, whispering to himself. No fucking way. "Quick question. Your sister wouldn't by chance be unnecessarily powerful in the ways of air now would she?"
Gazelle sighed. "Yeah I give up too." She turned back around. "You can keep that cloud by the way. You're nice so I'll let you keep it." She spun around. "Anyways what should we do?"

Blaze scratched his head. "Yeah her name is Gazelle I also have one with water powers. He name is angel. Why do you ask?"
Tazmodo said:
Gazelle sighed. "Yeah I give up too." She turned back around. "You can keep that cloud by the way. You're nice so I'll let you keep it." She spun around. "Anyways what should we do?"
Blaze scratched his head. "Yeah her name is Gazelle I also have one with water powers. He name is angel. Why do you ask?"
Decimus turned back, headed to their training field. "Wait for them to come back"

Morpheus turned completely white, clothing and all. Like a sheet of paper. Then, went back to normal. "Well... So I've met her.... Interesting.. let's go back!" Without warning he snapped and had them both appear n front of Decimus, making him crash into the pair. "Now now. How did I know you were with her hmm? Hey you Mr Flame. Decimus here has a crush on your sister. You should probably do something." A mini clone of Morpheus in red appeared on Blaze's shoulder, speaking in a high voice "Yeah! Beat him up! Burn him to ash!" Another appeared on his other shoulder in all white, same high voice "No don't. Be peaceful. There's no need to resort to violence"
Lotusy said:
Malren felt extreme pain as Itami used him as a sled. He pain was intense, and he felt his eyes glazing over with red as he finally hit the bottom of the mountain. His hide prevented most of the damage, and as Itami disappeared, he ran into the city and the crowds of people, who began panicking. He ran in front of a news crew, roaring at them before running off. Some of the police began to open fire on him, but nothing happened. "Come down!" he roared. "Talk it out!"
(It's probably going to make the news, so I guess that means anyone can see now.)
( ! ) When Malren opens his mouth, he can feel a sharp pain erupt in his mouth. The blade of Itami's scythe stabbed through his lower jaw and into the ground, nailing Malren down. Death flame ignites on the scythe as it begins to drag Malren back towards the mountain, leaving a gash in the ground as it stays lodged in it as it moves. This was serious killing intent and it was nothing like the sins blood lust. Itami wasn't going to use replacement magic to get any closer to Malren. He wants Malren to take the long and painful way up as his soul burns to ash.

( Yes that is possible because the lion is not impenetrable when it comes to the inside of its mouth. )

GingerBread said:
Vance saw the heads charging up attacks in different places and quickly formed a plan of what to do. Vance stood in front of Sage, wanting to protect him in case his plan didn't work. Vance looked at all the heads and found the one he thought was going to hit where him and Sage were standing. Vance went to take out his dagger but found it wasn't there, he took a deep breath and glared at Ladon "Bring it, you multiple headed Lizard" Vance's glare didn't waver as he braced himself for the impact.
@djinnamon @Light
djinnamon said:
Sage's eye widen. He didn't know what to do , he was helpless. His acrobatics won't work in this situation.
@Light @GingerBread
Most of the other heads slam into the ones charging up a beam, fighting over prey. Luna was slowly disappearing in the fog, they could see this since Ladon's foot was raised due to being knocked off balance.

"Forget it... you'll learn some other time. Making checking up on world events wouldn't be so bad though."
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Light said:
Most of the other heads slam into the ones charging up a beam, fighting over prey. Luna was slowly disappearing in the fog, they could see this since Ladon's foot was raised due to being knocked off balance.
So she doesn't want to help us? We're here with no powers or weapons, and she's just going to leave us to die? I'd be fine if it was just me, but not Sage, after this She's going to die Vance thought as he watched the heads compete to be the one to kill him This might be a good time to run, he seems to have been knocked off balance, staying here could end up a death sentence Vance made a split second decision and turned around before picking up Sage with one arm under his legs and another supporting his back in an instant. Vance began sprinting towards Luna, assuming it would be a bad idea to lose her in the fog

@Light @djinnamon
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DizjayDeathPride said:
Decimus turned back, headed to their training field. "Wait for them to come back"

Morpheus turned completely white, clothing and all. Like a sheet of paper. Then, went back to normal. "Well... So I've met her.... Interesting.. let's go back!" Without warning he snapped and had them both appear n front of Decimus, making him crash into the pair. "Now now. How did I know you were with her hmm? Hey you Mr Flame. Decimus here has a crush on your sister. You should probably do something." A mini clone of Morpheus in red appeared on Blaze's shoulder, speaking in a high voice "Yeah! Beat him up! Burn him to ash!" Another appeared on his other shoulder in all white, same high voice "No don't. Be peaceful. There's no need to resort to violence"
Gazelle blushed and didn't say a word.

Blaze laughed. "Yeah most people do you should meet angel she'd like you."
Inaro drinks all of his hot chocolate then places it on the ground. I would buuuut that's not how I function. Things usually come to me, I don't go looking for it. @Light
Tazmodo said:
Gazelle blushed and didn't say a word.
Blaze laughed. "Yeah most people do you should meet angel she'd like you."
The little red clone stomped down but it felt like no more than a flick. It screamed and disappeared in a tiny flame. The white one nodded and poofed in smoke. The original Morpheus turned to gazelle. "Interesting.... Very interesting.."

Before Decimus could defend himself Ryan appeared between the two in a flash of light. "Figured out the problem with Formation 2 and why it keeps failing. Or so I believe. Oh. You've made friends. Just great. Male, avoid Decimus. He's boring. Female, don't speak to Morpheus all he does is try to fuck. I'm going to calculate more bye" He waved back to them and walked back the training, lost in thought.

Meanwhile, Richard and Damian sat at a In N Out, each eating a burger. "Okay... So if you were Morpheus, where would you go after that?" He swallowed the chewed food and grabbed a fry

Damian too ate a finger full of fries and shook his head. "Chasing the people responsible? See if they're a challenge?"

"What if he's as lost as us? As he should be. Its been a few days so I don't think he's in the city anymore"

"You're right." The two sat in silence a moment before the thought hit them both. "What if they went to train and wait for the culprit to return?"

"Brilliant right? It'd be safe to assume they're still on earth. Training in either the light or dark realm only hinders either Decimus or Ryan respectively."

Before the question was asked Damian answered. "Desert. Morpheus loves cacti. Something about the thorns or whatever."

Richard nodded, finishing up his food. "Desert it is. That shouldn't be too far. We'll go to the nearest vastly empty desert after this."
DizjayDeathPride said:
The little red clone stomped down but it felt like no more than a flick. It screamed and disappeared in a tiny flame. The white one nodded and poofed in smoke. The original Morpheus turned to gazelle. "Interesting.... Very interesting.."

Before Decimus could defend himself Ryan appeared between the two in a flash of light. "Figured out the problem with Formation 2 and why it keeps failing. Or so I believe. Oh. You've made friends. Just great. Male, avoid Decimus. He's boring. Female, don't speak to Morpheus all he does is try to fuck. I'm going to calculate more bye" He waved back to them and walked back the training, lost in thought.

Meanwhile, Richard and Damian sat at a In N Out, each eating a burger. "Okay... So if you were Morpheus, where would you go after that?" He swallowed the chewed food and grabbed a fry

Damian too ate a finger full of fries and shook his head. "Chasing the people responsible? See if they're a challenge?"

"What if he's as lost as us? As he should be. Its been a few days so I don't think he's in the city anymore"

"You're right." The two sat in silence a moment before the thought hit them both. "What if they went to train and wait for the culprit to return?"

"Brilliant right? It'd be safe to assume they're still on earth. Training in either the light or dark realm only hinders either Decimus or Ryan respectively."

Before the question was asked Damian answered. "Desert. Morpheus loves cacti. Something about the thorns or whatever."

Richard nodded, finishing up his food. "Desert it is. That shouldn't be too far. We'll go to the nearest vastly empty desert after this."
Gazelle looked at the guy curiously. "I guess he finished for a brief moment."

Blaze sighed. "He looks like the boring type."
Tazmodo said:
Gazelle looked at the guy curiously. "I guess he finished for a brief moment."
Blaze sighed. "He looks like the boring type."
Morpheus nodded quickly. "Oooooh yeah. Very. Don't mind him. Not very social." He leaned over to Blaze and whispered, "probably needs to get laid, am I right?"

Decimus rolled his eyes again and laid back on the cloud. "Sorry to be a party pooper but, do you two have any other plans? We need to go back to training soon."
DizjayDeathPride said:
Morpheus nodded quickly. "Oooooh yeah. Very. Don't mind him. Not very social." He leaned over to Blaze and whispered, "probably needs to get laid, am I right?"

Decimus rolled his eyes again and laid back on the cloud. "Sorry to be a party pooper but, do you two have any other plans? We need to go back to training soon."
Gazelle sighed. "Well I should be going soon anyways I need to find Angel. Blaze you stay out of trouble."

Blaze laughed at Morpheus's comment. "Probably. "
Light said:
( ! ) When Malren opens his mouth, he can feel a sharp pain erupt in his mouth. The blade of Itami's scythe stabbed through his lower jaw and into the ground, nailing Malren down. Death flame ignites on the scythe as it begins to drag Malren back towards the mountain, leaving a gash in the ground as it stays lodged in it as it moves. This was serious killing intent and it was nothing like the sins blood lust. Itami wasn't going to use replacement magic to get any closer to Malren. He wants Malren to take the long and painful way up as his soul burns to ash.
( Yes that is possible because the lion is not impenetrable when it comes to the inside of its mouth. )
(I never said it wasn't. I'm very well aware of how the Nemean lion died, I get it.)

Malren felt more and more pain shoot up his soul, this time through his mouth. The silent jerk-man had hit his mouth and was dragging him to the mountain, letting him taste dirt as his soul slowly burned. Well, this is the end, he thought. He closed his eyes, trying to ignore the pain of the fire.


Malren's eyes shot open. What was that?

No! Why the hell are you dying this way?

Suddenly, time slowed down around Malren as images flashed before his eyes. The Dragon's Roar guild, and the thrills he felt while fighting alongside them. The young boy, who he exchanged an truly deep moment with. And most of all, Kinziel. I can't let it end here! There's a baby headed into the world, anyways! Power surged through Malren. And I won't let an angry father with deadly force get in my way! Though despair from the reapers still burned fresh in him, his raw emotions were too much to hold back. Though sheer willpower he tore the scythe from his mouth (along with a few grisly chunks of his own mouth), and smashed it into it to the ground with his claws, extinguishing the fire. With a ghastly low growl, the druid summoned five of Kinziel's cannons, but instead of setting them to kill, he hesitated before stunning the man. This man... he's a father too. I can't hurt him. Memories of Kinziel telling him the news, the fatherly pride flushing through him... it was too recent to forget. The bolts fired, stunning the man with a force so strong that he wouldn't be able to so much as twitch for a full minute. Malren let go of the scythe before it could do any more damage, kicking it down the mountainside. "Listen..." he said softly, no trace of anger in his voice anymore. "I get it. You're angry. Just give me a chance to explain myself." He sighed. Fourty seconds left. Make it count. "Look, man. I don't know what's making you angry, and I can't pretend to, but if there's one thing I have in common with you, well, it's that I'm sure we're both fathers." Thirty seconds. "Listen, I can't pretend to understand whatever pain you've gone through. I can't ever understand why you're attacking me. But there's one thing that I'm starting to get. A child, man! I mean, you've got a daughter waiting for you, some smiling angel that you can't help but smile back to! That's a blessing! And I'm about to lose that blessing," he added, sadly. Fifteen seconds. Malren stared back at the man, with a non-aggressive fire burning in his eyes. "You've got to understand. Don't deny a man that right, to see their child, their little smiling angel. Please, don't deny me that right." A few tears fell from his left eyes, but he shook them off. Time's up. He leaped back, muscles tensed to dodge any incoming attack. Secretly though, he hoped that his words got through, and that this father of Ashlyn would understand.

(Oh my god, I poured my heart and soul into this post. I'm so emotionally drained, so goodnight for now, guys! All this father talk... Malren will be devastated once he learns that he's not actually a father.)
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Tazmodo said:
Gazelle sighed. "Well I should be going soon anyways I need to find Angel. Blaze you stay out of trouble."
Blaze laughed at Morpheus's comment. "Probably. "
"Be safe Gazelle. I'm sure I'll see see you somewhere sometime." He didn't actually look towards her. More so said the words while laying on the cloud. "Plus I quite enjoy this little gift. And I'm sure if you die it'll disappear, correct? So don't do that."

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