Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
DizjayDeathPride said:
Decimus nodded to himself. "Humor me. Where exactly did you blast my leader off to? Might as well find him too"

"No no. Dont mind me..." Morpheus over dramatically winced in pain with every step. "Ill be okay down here...."
Gazelle scratched her head. "I don't know I didn't do it that hard. Just like a flick of my wrist." She said scratching her head.

Blaze jumped off and the wolf jumped on Morpheus and engulfed him with healing flames. "Better?"
Tazmodo said:
Gazelle scratched her head. "I don't know I didn't do it that hard. Just like a flick of my wrist." She said scratching her head.
Blaze jumped off and the wolf jumped on Morpheus and engulfed him with healing flames. "Better?"
Decimus groaned and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Okay he couldn't have gone far. The overly dramatic bastard. Let's grab him. His power could help"

Morpheus let the cane fall and raised his arms as he was being healed. "I CAN FEEL THE POWER COURSING THROUGH MY VEINS!!!!!" He threw his arms down and stared into the sky, nothing happening. After a few moments the ground cracked. Morpheus smirked cockily. "Yeah that was all me. Scared yet?"

Meanwhile, Richard and Damian used their clearanc to look around the rubble while it were being cleaned up. Richard went his own way, letting Damian go his. "So... Do you think they were here?"

Damian looked around and noticed some darkened pebbles around larger rocks. He swuatred down and picked it up, letting it fall out of his hands. "Interesting...."


"I think so. This rock seems...."



The two nodded to themselves and walked off, going to find the three
DizjayDeathPride said:
Decimus groaned and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Okay he couldn't have gone far. The overly dramatic bastard. Let's grab him. His power could help"

Morpheus let the cane fall and raised his arms as he was being healed. "I CAN FEEL THE POWER COURSING THROUGH MY VEINS!!!!!" He threw his arms down and stared into the sky, nothing happening. After a few moments the ground cracked. Morpheus smirked cockily. "Yeah that was all me. Scared yet?"

Meanwhile, Richard and Damian used their clearanc to look around the rubble while it were being cleaned up. Richard went his own way, letting Damian go his. "So... Do you think they were here?"

Damian looked around and noticed some darkened pebbles around larger rocks. He swuatred down and picked it up, letting it fall out of his hands. "Interesting...."


"I think so. This rock seems...."



The two nodded to themselves and walked off, going to find the three
Gazelle sighed. "I hate guys like that. Never serious. They get annoying." She floated into the air and brought down another cloud. "Here be careful it's a lot more complicated then any car. You lean to go but only slightly if you lean more then an inch you will nose dive into the ground." She floated back up. "The rest you'll figure out." She looked for them.

Blaze laughed. "Ok come on before he notices."

Demarcus fell from the tree and popped out of the crack. "What is going on here?" He said to the two. The crack healed up.
GingerBread said:
Vance didn't really want to just walk around and hope he ran into Ashlyn "Hello? Ashlyn? You got anything we can do to rank up?" Vance called out not really expecting to get an answer, as he assumed he wasn't on the best terms with Ashlyn currently.

@Light @djinnamon (I'm going to go to sleep now )
djinnamon said:
Sage nodded and smiled at Vance. He actually wanted to fight some things so he was definitely ready to rank up. He grabbed Vance's hand as he began to walk and search for Ashlyn.
@Light @GingerBread
Ashlyn's secretary catches on to their message. "If you're looking for a mission, please exit the guild. You can do a favour for Grimm and escort Luna throughout the astral plane."
Home Realmcoming

It began at the tips of his footwear; icy tendrils prodded and poked at the hide of his shoes, attempting to penetrate it to nip at the flesh beneath. Unsuccessful, it gradually inched its way upwards and invaded the clothing of his lower-half, leaving a white trail in its wake. Hands and lips quivered and shook as if they were attempting to wake themselves up. With a quick intake of breath, an eye was opened, and what it first saw was only black.

He exhaled.

Just then, he managed to catch a glimpse of something gray coming from his lips before it dispersed.


Zalgo slowly moved his hands to his elbows, where his fingers began to rub at the joints. He repeated the action again; inhale and exhale; and glimpsed the same gray as before. After a few times he stopped, only to then glance around and inspect his surroundings.

He knew where he was, but why had he returned?

His right hand slipped away from an elbow and pressed itself against the side of his head, as if to answer that question. Tilting his head, the Deity remembered a snippet of a memory. The pain that wracked his mind a certain period of time ago had ebbed away to nothing, and that he was glad for. Though he must've gone unconscious to have gotten rid of it.

Zalgo looked down at his feet and took note of a few splotches of white clinging to the leather; there was also some on his pant legs.

'The cold...It seems that I have brought it to the Void.'

Where he must've been before was a location bearing a harsh snowy environment, that he could assume.

Yet what was he doing there?

From the corner of his only seeing eye, a soft glow was radiating from the palm that his head was resting against.

Curiosity tugged at his lips and in doing so caused it to form a small crooked smile on his face, as he allowed his hand to hover in front of him with the palm facing towards his direction.

At first the Deity was a bit uncertain on why his visage was contorting itself into a positive state, but once a pale blue orb laid its full attention on the bright shine that was the insignia engraved atop his bandages, memories re-manifested and a single term came rolling onto the tip of his tongue.

" Dragon's Roar...? " Zalgo's voice seemed to fill the empty space with a sense of...specialness?

Whatever it was or could've been, it echoed through the space and his mentality; however... the 'sense' was quickly swallowed whole by the sheer nothingness of the Void, yet fortunately remained within his mind.

With one eye blinking at the symbol, he tilted his head.

" Mount. Everest; the forest that I do not even know the name of yet; and finally...where I must have had my last moments in the Mortal Realm--even that one I do not know its name but if I can recall--its...area's likeliness is...similar to Mount. Everest's... "

A single white brow furrowed.

" These places are somehow connected to this radiating insignia, if they are not then...no, they are. There's a hidden certainty on that--yet even so, I feel like I'm missing a few more pieces... "

Zalgo sighed, lowering his hand to where the other was before clasping them together.

" The pain has vanished from my head, so I suppose my current state of health is quite stable enough on making another visit to the Mortal Realm, "

He no longer felt nervous--which was rather odd. Usually whenever he had to make a short trip to the Mortal Realm, he would try and delay it somehow by either over-thinking or having the foreboding sensation overwhelm his being, so that he couldn't even over-think straight?.

" Yes...I believe I can accomplish that. Perhaps the missing pieces will return to me once I arrive there. "

Before closing his sight to the black, he took one last glance at the hand with the glowing symbol. A tingling feeling danced around his neck but he dared not make a move to touch it. With his little crooked smile, he closed his eye...

And opened it to the view of a lively green wood.

Zalgo's hands that were tightly interlocked loosened at the sounds of chirping. He breathed in slowly and exhaled the same way, before looking down at his lower half. In a mixture of delight and slight disgust, his footwear and pants no longer was dotted with white but were stained with water.

'Serene and peaceful, just as how I remembered, although...the pieces remain scattered--how inconvenient.'

Though maybe, these pieces were just figments of his imagination; as if he hadn't forgotten anything but actually remembered all there was back then? ...Zalgo wouldn't know it himself.
Tazmodo said:
Gazelle sighed. "I hate guys like that. Never serious. They get annoying." She floated into the air and brought down another cloud. "Here be careful it's a lot more complicated then any car. You lean to go but only slightly if you lean more then an inch you will nose dive into the ground." She floated back up. "The rest you'll figure out." She looked for them.
Blaze laughed. "Ok come on before he notices."

Demarcus fell from the tree and popped out of the crack. "What is going on here?" He said to the two. The crack healed up.
Decimus shrugged and got on the cloud, moderately talking to himself "It's not that bad. Easy to get used to. Keeps situations from getting too serious themselves." He got the jist of the cloud and continued forward, scanning for the man

"Oh... Another visitor. Helloooo earthly friend. What brings you to my little crack?"
DizjayDeathPride said:
Decimus shrugged and got on the cloud, moderately talking to himself "It's not that bad. Easy to get used to. Keeps situations from getting too serious themselves." He got the jist of the cloud and continued forward, scanning for the man

"Oh... Another visitor. Helloooo earthly friend. What brings you to my little crack?"
Gazelle smiled that he learned so fast. "You're a pretty quick learner you know that." She continued to look.

Demarcus sighed. "Blaze stop playing around with strangers you know how you are." He went back through the ground and to his tree.

Blaze sighed. "Buzz kill anyways let's go don't mind my brother."
Austria said:
Home RealmcomingIt began at the tips of his footwear; icy tendrils prodded and poked at the hide of his shoes, attempting to penetrate it to nip at the flesh beneath. Unsuccessful, it gradually inched its way upwards and invaded the clothing of his lower-half, leaving a white trail in its wake. Hands and lips quivered and shook as if they were attempting to wake themselves up. With a quick intake of breath, an eye was opened, and what it first saw was only black.

He exhaled.

Just then, he managed to catch a glimpse of something gray coming from his lips before it dispersed.


Zalgo slowly moved his hands to his elbows, where his fingers began to rub at the joints. He repeated the action again; inhale and exhale; and glimpsed the same gray as before. After a few times he stopped, only to then glance around and inspect his surroundings.

He knew where he was, but why had he returned?

His right hand slipped away from an elbow and pressed itself against the side of his head, as if to answer that question. Tilting his head, the Deity remembered a snippet of a memory. The pain that wracked his mind a certain period of time ago had ebbed away to nothing, and that he was glad for. Though he must've gone unconscious to have gotten rid of it.

Zalgo looked down at his feet and took note of a few splotches of white clinging to the leather; there was also some on his pant legs.

'The cold...It seems that I have brought it to the Void.'

Where he must've been before was a location bearing a harsh snowy environment, that he could assume.

Yet what was he doing there?

From the corner of his only seeing eye, a soft glow was radiating from the palm that his head was resting against.

Curiosity tugged at his lips and in doing so caused it to form a small crooked smile on his face, as he allowed his hand to hover in front of him with the palm facing towards his direction.

At first the Deity was a bit uncertain on why his visage was contorting itself into a positive state, but once a pale blue orb laid its full attention on the bright shine that was the insignia engraved atop his bandages, memories re-manifested and a single term came rolling onto the tip of his tongue.

" Dragon's Roar...? " Zalgo's voice seemed to fill the empty space with a sense of...specialness?

Whatever it was or could've been, it echoed through the space and his mentality; however... the 'sense' was quickly swallowed whole by the sheer nothingness of the Void, yet fortunately remained within his mind.

With one eye blinking at the symbol, he tilted his head.

" Mount. Everest; the forest that I do not even know the name of yet; and finally...where I must have had my last moments in the Mortal Realm--even that one I do not know its name but if I can recall--its...area's likeliness is...similar to Mount. Everest's... "

A single white brow furrowed.

" These places are somehow connected to this radiating insignia, if they are not then...no, they are. There's a hidden certainty on that--yet even so, I feel like I'm missing a few more pieces... "

Zalgo sighed, lowering his hand to where the other was before clasping them together.

" The pain has vanished from my head, so I suppose my current state of health is quite stable enough on making another visit to the Mortal Realm, "

He no longer felt nervous--which was rather odd. Usually whenever he had to make a short trip to the Mortal Realm, he would try and delay it somehow by either over-thinking or having the foreboding sensation overwhelm his being, so that he couldn't even over-think straight?.

" Yes...I believe I can accomplish that. Perhaps the missing pieces will return to me once I arrive there. "

Before closing his sight to the black, he took one last glance at the hand with the glowing symbol. A tingling feeling danced around his neck but he dared not make a move to touch it. With his little crooked smile, he closed his eye...

And opened it to the view of a lively green wood.

Zalgo's hands that were tightly interlocked loosened at the sounds of chirping. He breathed in slowly and exhaled the same way, before looking down at his lower half. In a mixture of delight and slight disgust, his footwear and pants no longer was dotted with white but were stained with water.

'Serene and peaceful, just as how I remembered, although...the pieces remain scattered--how inconvenient.'

Though maybe, these pieces were just figments of his imagination; as if he hadn't forgotten anything but actually remembered all there was back then? ...Zalgo wouldn't know it himself.
Sloth was laying down on the ground beside him, fast asleep.
His inspection on his now slightly soggy footwear, and the rhythmic chirping of the creatures loitering around each limb of a tree, distracted him from the soft sound of a single voice.

It was hiding beneath the layers of different noises created by Mother Nature; fortunately, the Deity's ears managed to hear that one difference.

Zalgo moved his gaze from the leather to the source of the airy sound. Upon seeing a sleeping entity near his vicinity--almost next to his position--he had took one step to the side to increase the distance between him and them. His brow quirked at the petite figure, laying on the forest's floor without a single care in the world, snoozing.

'...? How peculiar.'

His legs bent on their own and he found himself kneeling down on the fresh grass, with his neck slowly leaning forward and his head at a little tilt so he could observe them.

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Austria said:
His inspection on his now slightly soggy footwear, and the rhythmic chirping of the creatures loitering around each limb of a tree, distracted him from the soft sound of a single voice.
It was hiding beneath the layers of different noises created by Mother Nature; fortunately, the Deity's ears managed to hear that one difference.

Zalgo moved his gaze from the leather to the source of the airy sound. Upon seeing a sleeping entity near his vicinity--almost next to his position--he had took one step to the side to increase the distance between him and them. His brow quirked at the petite figure, laying on the forest's floor without a single care in the world, snoozing.

'...? How peculiar.'

His legs bent on their own and he found himself kneeling down on the fresh grass, with his neck slowly leaning forward and his head at a little tilt so he could observe them.

Olivianna didn't even roll over in her sleep, showing how stuck she was. Her features remained frozen in time and quite... peaceful. The rise and fall of her chest continued with no interruption.


His kneeling had been replaced with a cross-legged position, his arms by his sides and palms flat on the ground. The only thing that remained the same was his head and neck, still at a tilt and straining forward. Why didn't the Deity choose to move closer?

Well, he never gave it a thought.

'They seem to be in a deep slumber. Yet why in a wood, and not in the comfort of their own home?'

Zalgo blinked with one eye.

'Well...that does not seem to matter-- their expression boasts such content.'

A yawn forced his crooked smile to disappear, as his mouth opened to let it escape. Once it was gone, a resting hand moved up to his mouth to cover it while it closed.

'...I should take my leave.
The mountains, was it not?'

Austria said:

His kneeling had been replaced with a cross-legged position, his arms by his sides and palms flat on the ground. The only thing that remained the same was his head and neck, still at a tilt and straining forward. Why didn't the Deity choose to move closer?

Well, he never gave it a thought.

'They seem to be in a deep slumber. Yet why in a wood, and not in the comfort of their own home?'

Zalgo blinked with one eye.

'Well...that does not seem to matter-- their expression boasts such content.'

A yawn forced his crooked smile to disappear, as his mouth opened to let it escape. Once it was gone, a resting hand moved up to his mouth to cover it while it closed.

'...I should take my leave.
The mountains, was it not?'

Sloth begins to wake up once he's leaving. "Oh it's you! Where are you going?"
A hand that was about to lower itself back to the forest floor froze at his collar, as the sleepy entity in front of him began to stir. Zalgo's posture straightened suddenly, so he was no longer leaning forward.

He watched their face with interest, noticing the once still features slowly twitch.

Eventually the being's eyes fluttered open and his brows were raised in silent alarm. They turned to face him and the words that were said took him by surprise. The hand that was at his collar had its index finger point at himself.

" "You?" It...--the way you spoke sounded like you had already come to know me. Have we ever crossed each other before...? "

The Deity suddenly shook his head, realising that he had forgotten to answer them first.

" Ah, yes. To answer your query, I am planning to travel to the mountains that is far from this wood. "

Earl was actually agreed with the heavily armored women but he didn't bother to show her any approval. He narrowed his eyes and tried to inspect the gauntlet, trying hard to come up with a good hypothesis on what would it do on him while making a close and detail inspection, as he lost his hope to further his interrogation with the lady who was still busily playing a video game. Occasionally distracted by the objects seemingly "flying" around the room, he tried his best to remain focus on inspecting the gauntlet while uncontrollably started to circling the gauntlet. Thoughts of diverse types started to flood his mind while he pondered on the possible risks he may be taking, he was not that worried though, after all if this lady had any "funny" thoughts on her mind, he will be most likely to sense it. @Light @Juju
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Tazmodo said:
Gazelle smiled that he learned so fast. "You're a pretty quick learner you know that." She continued to look.
Demarcus sighed. "Blaze stop playing around with strangers you know how you are." He went back through the ground and to his tree.

Blaze sighed. "Buzz kill anyways let's go don't mind my brother."
Decimus nodded to himself. "Thank you." He was having no luck. He assumed Morpheus wouldn't have gone for but with his childish nature, anything is possible. Decimus groaned and stopped. "I'm over it. If he's not dead he'll find us. Its impossible to tell where he's gone off to."

Morpheus stopped and looked to where the new comer had disappeared, whispering to himself. No fucking way. "Quick question. Your sister wouldn't by chance be unnecessarily powerful in the ways of air now would she?"
Austria said:
A hand that was about to lower itself back to the forest floor froze at his collar, as the sleepy entity in front of him began to stir. Zalgo's posture straightened suddenly, so he was no longer leaning forward.
He watched their face with interest, noticing the once still features slowly twitch.

Eventually the being's eyes fluttered open and his brows were raised in silent alarm. They turned to face him and the words that were said took him by surprise. The hand that was at his collar had its index finger point at himself.

" "You?" It...--the way you spoke sounded like you had already come to know me. Have we ever crossed each other before...? "

The Deity suddenly shook his head, realising that he had forgotten to answer them first.

" Ah, yes. To answer your query, I am planning to travel to the mountains that is far from this wood. "

Sloth attempts to nod her head but fails. "Yes... you've appeared here randomly before and couldn't take a nap with me." Sloth didn't have anything to say about the mountain situation since hiking isn't her thing.

Dreamtique said:
Earl was actually agreed with the heavily armored women but he didn't bother to show her any approval. He narrowed his eyes and tried to inspect the gauntlet, trying hard to come up with a good hypothesis on what would it do on him while making a close and detail inspection, as he lost his hope to further his interrogation with the lady who was still busily playing a video game. Occasionally distracted by the objects seemingly "flying" around the room, he tried his best to remain focus on inspecting the gauntlet while uncontrollably started to circling the gauntlet. Thoughts of diverse types started to flood his mind while he pondered on the possible risks he may be taking, he was not that worried though, after all if this lady had any "funny" thoughts on her mind, he will be most likely to sense it. @Light @Juju
"Youre soooo uptight! Do you want it now because I can give you the unfinished gauntlet." She begins to laugh to herself, slightly fumbling with the controller as she does so. "Okay okay. Just tell me your life stories to pass the time." Morgan could have finished the gauntlet now but why not take the opportunity while it was there?
Inaro stops surprisingly he didn't stumble meaning he's no longer drunk. Wow you're always appearing out of nowhere, and yeah I do have a new friend. He sits down against a tree. So what you been up to? He ask the girl. @Light
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After closing his hand and have it resting on his lap, Zalgo made a slow motion with his head--just as how the entity had but successfully; bobbed it down and back up.

'She is correct. I have stumbled into this wood before, yet that is all I can recall...'

" I see. My sincere apologies, but, I do not remember making any contact with you, "

The Deity paused, thinking how formal his tone was sounding to the other.

" Oh. And also including for not...taking a nap with you as well--if we actually had previously encountered each other. "

This sentence came out soft like a whisper.

Austria said:
After closing his hand and have it resting on his lap, Zalgo made a slow motion with his head--just as how the entity had but successfully; bobbed it down and back up.
'She is correct. I have stumbled into this wood before, yet that is all I can recall...'

" I see. My sincere apologies, but, I do not remember making any contact with you, "

The Deity paused, thinking how formal his tone was sounding to the other.

" Oh. And also including for not...taking a nap with you as well--if we actually had previously encountered each other. "

This sentence came out soft like a whisper.

"Oh... that's alright. I forget things sometimes as well. Is it okay to ask why you're going to the mountains?" Olivianna slowly blinks with her blue eyes. "I'm Olivianna Annesworth by the way."
Light said:
Ashlyn's secretary catches on to their message. "If you're looking for a mission, please exit the guild. You can do a favour for Grimm and escort Luna throughout the astral plane."
Vance started walking out of the guild, gently pull sage along with him "Who the hell are Grimm and Luna" Vance asked Sage as they walked out oft the double doors of the guild and stood in front of the giant crystal.

@djinnamon @Light
Tension in his body lessened as a reaction to his on-going conversation with the entity. His shoulders were lowered slightly so they were in a more comfortable position, and the hand that was on the forest floor was moved to his lap, next to its other.

Zalgo thought for a few moments, contemplating about the new query they had asked him and a name. The new name interested his mind more than the question, so his given response was only of silence until thoughts about it was shoved aside.

'Olivianna Annesworth. Quite a mouthful, albeit nice on the tongue, if I decide to say the name aloud.'

He sighed quietly as he tasted a drop of disappointment in his mouth. This disappointment was directed at himself. They were so certain on knowing him, but he has not a single shred of memory of them.

'Leave it be, even she has had her share of forgetfulness.'

Finally, Zalgo spoke up.

" There is no fault on being curious about certain things--though I must...apologise to you once more. That query will not be answered, and your curiosity will, unfortunately, remain unsatisfied, "

A corner of his lips curved downwards, forming a little crooked frown. He may not know Olivianna, but he knew the saddening sensation of not receiving an adequate answer. However, it truly isn't necessary for them to know his intentions on journeying to the mountains; memory-gathering, it could be described as--and that would be completely irrelevant to the entity.

The Deity looked to the right of the entity, gaze now focused on the oak sentinels standing alert and silent as creatures scampered up and around them.

" I hope that my statement sits well with you. And as for introduction, I just come as...myself. "

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Light said:
The girls blue eyes seemed like the sky and the ocean were condensed into two orbs and they weren't afraid to flaunt such a color tone. "Welll I've been watching things is all." Her dark brown hair that almost seemed red seemed naturally flat. "Your fellow guild members have seen something they shouldn't have."
Inaro raises an eyebrow. And what might that be?? He asked as he summoned a cups of hot chocolate @Light
GingerBread said:
Vance started walking out of the guild, gently pull sage along with him "Who the hell are Grimm and Luna" Vance asked Sage as they walked out oft the double doors of the guild and stood in front of the giant crystal.
@djinnamon @Light
( @djinnamon )

Grimm was hanging upside down from thin air. "Alrighto!~ Luna it looks like your escorts are here! Time for me to go!" With that. Grimm disappears in a burst of confetti.

Luna looks at Sage and Vance, obvious displeasure in her eyes. "Is this all they sent? When you die just know I'll be using your bodies as soldiers." Chains burst from the ground and rip both Sage and Vance's souls out of their bodies, pulling them into the astral plane. Luna phases into the astral plane and stands before them. It was a depressing place, where spirits just... walked. "Welcome to the astral plane. Don't touch anything, don't let anything touch you, don't talk to the spirits here or you may be trapped, and you can't use powers here. Follow me." She begins to walk down a cracked path. Sage and Vance's bodies lay on the ground in front of the guild.

Austria said:
Tension in his body lessened as a reaction to his on-going conversation with the entity. His shoulders were lowered slightly so they were in a more comfortable position, and the hand that was on the forest floor was moved to his lap, next to its other.
Zalgo thought for a few moments, contemplating about the new query they had asked him and a name. The new name interested his mind more than the question, so his given response was only of silence until thoughts about it was shoved aside.

'Olivianna Annesworth. Quite a mouthful, albeit nice on the tongue, if I decide to say the name aloud.'

He sighed quietly as he tasted a drop of disappointment in his mouth. This disappointment was directed at himself. They were so certain on knowing him, but he has not a single shred of memory of them.

'Leave it be, even she has had her share of forgetfulness.'

Finally, Zalgo spoke up.

" There is no fault on being curious about certain things--though I must...apologise to you once more. That query will not be answered, and your curiosity will, unfortunately, remain unsatisfied, "

A corner of his lips curved downwards, forming a little crooked frown. He may not know Olivianna, but he knew the saddening sensation of not receiving an adequate answer. However, it truly isn't necessary for them to know his intentions on journeying to the mountains; memory-gathering, it could be described as--and that would be completely irrelevant to the entity.

The Deity looked to the right of the entity, gaze now focused on the oak sentinels standing alert and silent as creatures scampered up and around them.

" I hope that my statement sits well with you. And as for introduction, I just come as...myself. "

"Thats alright.... I know you come as yourself. That's what you said last time." Olivianna got comfortable on the grass, just to prevent bed sores. "Are you having really bad trouble with memory?"

Embaga Elder]Inaro raises an eyebrow. [B]And what might that be?? [/B]He asked as he summoned a cups of hot chocolate [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/10734-light/ said:
"Something about Ashlyn's past that they really shouldn't have seen. I don't like it... in fact I hate it... especially that Vance man... I want him dead..." Her hair starts to flow and the ground below her starts to crack. It seemed like she had powers neither of them came to know or acknowledge. "I'd kill him myself."

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