Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
Lotusy said:
"Alpha level?" Malren gulped as the message finished. "Well, I'm not so sure about that..." He sighed and sat down outside for a while, as the chilling wind started cutting into town. "But I can't just go back to Kinziel either. She seems like she needs some space." He sighed before tapping the seal again and opening up communications. "Hello? This is Malren. I need a lift to Mount Olympus."
@Any teleporters
Malren was teleported to the mountain.
Light said:
Malren was teleported to the mountain.
Malren staggered forward as he was instantly teleported out of Russia. The warmth in Greece washed over him, and he quickly caught his balance before checking the mountain out. "Aw, geez. Now I've got to face another person who wants to kill me." He took a deep breath before stepping onto the mountain. "Hello? Killer-god-man? Sorry to intrude, but your daughter... well, she wants you down from there!"
Ryan walked back to the group, rubbing his chin. Puzzled. He stayed on the line in case Malren had a request but seemed to be void. Ryan took a moment and sat, thinking to himself. What could be so dangerous about what's on this mountain? I'm curious... He looked up to Decimus and Morpheus. The latter giving a lecture to the other on self control. Ironic no less. He decided to satisfy his curiousity. So he connected his mind to Malren and spoke. "Dear friend. I couldn't help but hear of your.... Situation. Would you like assistance?"

DizjayDeathPride said:
Ryan walked back to the group, rubbing his chin. Puzzled. He stayed on the line in case Malren had a request but seemed to be void. Ryan took a moment and sat, thinking to himself. What could be so dangerous about what's on this mountain? I'm curious... He looked up to Decimus and Morpheus. The latter giving a lecture to the other on self control. Ironic no less. He decided to satisfy his curiousity. So he connected his mind to Malren and spoke. "Dear friend. I couldn't help but hear of your.... Situation. Would you like assistance?"
( The line he had with her was private. )
Lotusy said:
Malren staggered forward as he was instantly teleported out of Russia. The warmth in Greece washed over him, and he quickly caught his balance before checking the mountain out. "Aw, geez. Now I've got to face another person who wants to kill me." He took a deep breath before stepping onto the mountain. "Hello? Killer-god-man? Sorry to intrude, but your daughter... well, she wants you down from there!"
Oh course he couldn't hear Malren since he was all the way up on the mountain. Though when he mentioned his daughter the depressed reapers decided not to attack him. It would be a long climb for any regular person.
Vance wrapped his arm around Sage "Do you want to go get me some painkillers?" Vance asked, not wanting to have to wear an ice hat all day along with the fact the ice hat was starting to get uncomfortable to wear .

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Angel was relaxing in a pond near where the guild was.

Gazelle was riding a cloud with a smile on her face. She loved to fly. She heard massive commotion and saw a group of 3 people. She didn't know who the we're so she floated down to the on in dark clothes. (Decimus) @DizjayDeathPride

Demarcus sitting in a tree relaxing.

Blaze was flying around by burstING flames out of his feet for fun. He started using hands as well doing flips and such.

(Anyone can respond to the three doing nothing)
DizjayDeathPride said:
Ryan walked back to the group, rubbing his chin. Puzzled. He stayed on the line in case Malren had a request but seemed to be void. Ryan took a moment and sat, thinking to himself. What could be so dangerous about what's on this mountain? I'm curious... He looked up to Decimus and Morpheus. The latter giving a lecture to the other on self control. Ironic no less. He decided to satisfy his curiousity. So he connected his mind to Malren and spoke. "Dear friend. I couldn't help but hear of your.... Situation. Would you like assistance?"
Light said:
Oh course he couldn't hear Malren since he was all the way up on the mountain. Though when he mentioned his daughter the depressed reapers decided not to attack him. It would be a long climb for any regular person.
Malren considered Ryan's offer before shaking his head, though the man on the other side couldn't see it. "Thank you for the offer, Ryan, but I'm fine. Maybe if I'm in mortal danger, but I've got something to prove!" He made a grim smile, before letting his body re-shape into a new form. "Anyways, let's test this puppy out!" His hands became eagle claws, and his head feathered into an eagle's, but his body became that of a lion. With his new griffin form, he bounder to the top of the mountain. The air started getting chiller higher-up, but the lion's pelt helped's rebuff that a little. When the winds became tok strong, he pulled himself up through sheer force, eventually ending up panting at the top of the mountain.
Sage nodded and went to get some painkillers after he got off the bed and got clothes. As he walked down the street he saw couples with their children. He always wanted a child or 3 but he never meet someone wanted to raise a kid with then Vance flashed in his head. He thought and thought about before deciding to ask Vance.

Once he got the painkillers he returned to Vance's room into guild and gave him the painkillers as he sat on the bed. " Um Vance, what do you think about kids. " he asked with his back to Vance to conceal his blushing face

"Eh, they're okay, But i couldn't eat a whole one" Vance replied jokingly as he swallowed a couple of painkillers, wanting to get rid of the pounding pain in his head as soon as possible.

"Sorry" Vance put his hands up in mock defence "I don't like children, they're annoying pests" Vance said nonchalantly as he shrugged "Why did you ask?"

Sage visibly deflated and squirmed at the question. " Well I............ want to have a kid with you. " he said the last part extremely low that Vance could only barely hear him as he got up and began walking out the room to sulk.

Lotusy said:
Malren considered Ryan's offer before shaking his head, though the man on the other side couldn't see it. "Thank you for the offer, Ryan, but I'm fine. Maybe if I'm in mortal danger, but I've got something to prove!" He made a grim smile, before letting his body re-shape into a new form. "Anyways, let's test this puppy out!" His hands became eagle claws, and his head feathered into an eagle's, but his body became that of a lion. With his new griffin form, he bounder to the top of the mountain. The air started getting chiller higher-up, but the lion's pelt helped's rebuff that a little. When the winds became tok strong, he pulled himself up through sheer force, eventually ending up panting at the top of the mountain.
( ! ) Malren could feel thick sorrow with the mixture of betrayal and anger. A man stepped out of a shrine with a calm posture but a saddened face. Yet another dry battle he must fight. "My daughter sent you? Was it Ashlyn?" He assumes it was Ashlyn but the voice whom spoke to Malden definitely wasn't hers. "It doesn't matter anyways, you must die." He throws his scythe up into the frosty air, both of them losing sight of it. The next second Malren lost sight of him as well.
Vance frowned as he noticed Sage look slightly sader. Vance got up and walked after Sage and placed a hand on his shoulder "Sage? What's wrong?" Vance tried to think what could've made him upset. But couldn't work out why as he hadn't heard the last part of Sage's sentence.

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"Hold up... ah, nevermind." Malren knew this man meant business, so instead, he leaped down, catching air for a swift glide at the base of the mountain. After that was done, he transformed into his Nemean lion form. Though he felt anger and pride surge through him, he fought them down, bowing down instead. The lion's skin was impenetrable, so it gave him some time to bargain with this new father figure. "No, seriously, hold up!" he shouted. "I come in peace! I'm a kneeling lion, man! What more do you want to see?"

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Lotusy said:
"Hold up... ah, nevermind." Malren knew this man meant business, so instead, he leaped down, catching air for a swift glide at the base of the mountain. After that was done, he transformed into his Nemean lion form. Though he felt anger and pride surge through him, he fought them down, bowing down instead. The lion's skin was impenetrable, so it gave him some time to bargain with this new father figure. "No, seriously, hold up!" he shouted. "I come in peace! I'm a kneeling lion, man!"
The scythe flies down the mountain and Itami runs down there as well, both making it there on time and Itami catches White. He slams the staff of White into Malren to knock him back, he may be impenetrable but you can beat the shit out of him.
Tazmodo said:
Angel was relaxing in a pond near where the guild was.
Gazelle was riding a cloud with a smile on her face. She loved to fly. She heard massive commotion and saw a group of 3 people. She didn't know who the we're so she floated down to the on in dark clothes. (Decimus) @DizjayDeathPride

Demarcus sitting in a tree relaxing.

Blaze was flying around by burstING flames out of his feet for fun. He started using hands as well doing flips and such.

(Anyone can respond to the three doing nothing)
Decimus, relaxing and cooling off after the training, groaned a bit then sat up. "Yes?"
Vance looked at Sage, not sure what to say as he could see Sage was upset and Vance didn't want to make him feel any worse by saying he didn't want to have kids with him, but also didn't want to get his hopes up and lie to him. After a couple of seconds of silence Vance finally spoke "Sage, You're a male and so am I. And I'm pretty sure no male has ever been able to have a baby" Vance gave Sage a Sad look, but was secretly happy that this would mean that Sage wouldn't be able to have a child either way.

DizjayDeathPride said:
Decimus, relaxing and cooling off after the training, groaned a bit then sat up. "Yes?"
Gazelle floated down in front of him. "Whatcha dooin." She says with a smile.
Malren let out a huff as the man hit him, throwing him a meter to the right. "Geez! Just listen to me! Why do you even want to kill me?" As he stood, facing the man, the tourists around Mt. Olympus started to gather and watch. "I'm not even trying to attack back!"

Vance sighed and place his hand under Sage's chin and gently tilted His head up to face him "Look if i wanted a child, which i don't. I would prefer it to be my own, not just someone else's, otherwise it would just be another annoying thing in my life that i would want nothing to do with"


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