Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
DizjayDeathPride said:
"Be safe Gazelle. I'm sure I'll see see you somewhere sometime." He didn't actually look towards her. More so said the words while laying on the cloud. "Plus I quite enjoy this little gift. And I'm sure if you die it'll disappear, correct? So don't do that."
Gazelle laughed. "I've never met someone who wanted to kill me or even could. But by I'll see you soon." She vanished into thin air.
A pale blue orb moved it's stare from the trees and onto the floor; this small movement and the light frown that had recently made its home on his lips, caused him to look a tad bit somber.

Despite how the other displayed a positive front on his memory loss, Zalgo couldn't help prevent a fraction of guilt from entering his conscience.

'Is that so...? Then I can assume that this would be a repeat of last time for them.

Hrm, this strikes me as odd-- I do not
remember recollecting such important details this difficult.'

" To say the least, I suppose I am. "

GingerBread said:
So she doesn't want to help us? We're here with no powers or weapons, and she's just going to leave us to die? I'd be fine if it was just me, but not Sage, after this She's going to die Vance thought as he watched the heads compete to be the one to kill him This might be a good time to run, he seems to have been knocked off balance, staying here could end up a death sentence Vance made a split second decision and turned around before picking up Sage with one arm under his legs and another supporting his back in an instant. Vance began sprinting towards Luna, assuming it would be a bad idea to lose her in the fog

@Light @djinnamon
( @djinnamon )

Once they catch up Luna takes notice of their presence. It seemed like they were finally able to catch up. A small cabin comes into view in the distance with many spirits ahead, almost like a crowd. "Hmm... So this is the first one. Ladon... won't you be a dear and clear them out the way?" At this moment she puts a hand on her floating umbrella when a gust of wind pulls them all back. Ladon had one of its heads act like a vacuum to send Luna gliding into the air using the umbrella, landing on its head. "Oh we have two 'escorts' don't kill them." Luna rides high on Ladon's head as it starts to absorb souls into its mouth. Many of the souls fire back with ectoplasm, some of these blasts going towards Luna. She holds on to her umbrella once more it and pulls her halfway over to another head to dodge a blast. She closes the umbrella and holds it upside down to have the bottom hook on a scale of that head and drops down into a head below that. Once Luna does so, the black and red umbrella is opened to block an attack. Luna front flips without having to curl up her body completely and lands on her left foot, raising the right foot which was behind the left to make an attack miss it. "It seems like you're having trouble hitting me." She opens up the umbrella once more and flies up to the highest head, spinning in the air one before she lands. Luna closes the umbrella and points it at the horde of spirits. "Devour their souls, they choose to defy me." With a triumphant bellow, Ladon absorbs a multitude of souls. "You're quite useful, I might keep you. Finding your siblings may be worthwhile." Any leftover souls were running towards Sage and Vance.

"Then when these 'things' decide to do the same thing, how will you progress in life?" The girl starts to walk around. "Though I get you're some immortal who's already bored with life. Don't think of things like that too soon... sometimes wise decisions can turn into regrets in comparison to the simple things in life others have. Go find something in the outside world to do, start ranking up. Find some stupid purpose in life already."

Lotusy said:
(I never said it wasn't. I'm very well aware of how the Nemean lion died, I get it.)
Malren felt more and more pain shoot up his soul, this time through his mouth. The silent jerk-man had hit his mouth and was dragging him to the mountain, letting him taste dirt as his soul slowly burned. Well, this is the end, he thought. He closed his eyes, trying to ignore the pain of the fire.


Malren's eyes shot open. What was that?

No! Why the hell are you dying this way?

Suddenly, time slowed down around Malren as images flashed before his eyes. The Dragon's Roar guild, and the thrills he felt while fighting alongside them. The young boy, who he exchanged an truly deep moment with. And most of all, Kinziel. I can't let it end here! There's a baby headed into the world, anyways! Power surged through Malren. And I won't let an angry father with deadly force get in my way! Though despair from the reapers still burned fresh in him, his raw emotions were too much to hold back. Though sheer willpower he tore the scythe from his mouth (along with a few grisly chunks of his own mouth), and smashed it into it to the ground with his claws, extinguishing the fire. With a ghastly low growl, the druid summoned five of Kinziel's cannons, but instead of setting them to kill, he hesitated before stunning the man. This man... he's a father too. I can't hurt him. Memories of Kinziel telling him the news, the fatherly pride flushing through him... it was too recent to forget. The bolts fired, stunning the man with a force so strong that he wouldn't be able to so much as twitch for a full minute. Malren let go of the scythe before it could do any more damage, kicking it down the mountainside. "Listen..." he said softly, no trace of anger in his voice anymore. "I get it. You're angry. Just give me a chance to explain myself." He sighed. Fourty seconds left. Make it count. "Look, man. I don't know what's making you angry, and I can't pretend to, but if there's one thing I have in common with you, well, it's that I'm sure we're both fathers." Thirty seconds. "Listen, I can't pretend to understand whatever pain you've gone through. I can't ever understand why you're attacking me. But there's one thing that I'm starting to get. A child, man! I mean, you've got a daughter waiting for you, some smiling angel that you can't help but smile back to! That's a blessing! And I'm about to lose that blessing," he added, sadly. Fifteen seconds. Malren stared back at the man, with a non-aggressive fire burning in his eyes. "You've got to understand. Don't deny a man that right, to see their child, their little smiling angel. Please, don't deny me that right." A few tears fell from his left eyes, but he shook them off. Time's up. He leaped back, muscles tensed to dodge any incoming attack. Secretly though, he hoped that his words got through, and that this father of Ashlyn would understand.

(Oh my god, I poured my heart and soul into this post. I'm so emotionally drained, so goodnight for now, guys! All this father talk... Malren will be devastated once he learns that he's not actually a father.)
( Just said that to stop any hey how'd you do that argument before it started. It happens a lot so it's natural for me to put out reasons. Sorry. )

( ! ) "You're right.... but I've already lost some blessings that made me father." It was obvious since Itami was standing in front of a building that could be a shrine housing two graves. "My wife and my first child." Itami pulls out a picture of a woman with brown hair, deep blue eyes, cat ears, and a big smile. "That was my wife before she was killed, my daughter on the other hand." He pulls out a picture of a 7 year old girl, her age was pretty obvious. "Died at 10." The picture showed a 7 year old but she died at 10, so there must have been a reason why he wasn't able to take pictures of her ages 7-10. Wailing erupts all around the mountain, enough to make someone immediately want it to stop. The reapers were once again mourning their fallen queen and her child. Pain, despair, emptiness, hatred, confusion, and many other negative emotions were thick throughout the air on the mountain. Itami's scythe stops falling and begins to fly back up behind Malren. "I want you off and a way from this mountain dead or alive. I will not leave but she is welcome to visit." Itami appears where the scythe is using replacement magic and replaces the snow under Malren with corrosive acid. Itami swings the scythe to Malren's neck with decapitation in mind.

Austria said:
A pale blue orb moved it's stare from the trees and onto the floor; this small movement and the light frown that had recently made its home on his lips, caused him to look a tad bit somber.
Despite how the other displayed a positive front on his memory loss, Zalgo couldn't help prevent a fraction of guilt from entering his conscience.

'Is that so...? Then I can assume that this would be a repeat of last time for them.

Hrm, this strikes me as odd-- I do not
remember recollecting such important details this difficult.'

" To say the least, I suppose I am. "

"If you don't mind... I'd like to come with you. To help you with memory... but if I can't that's okay." Olivianna was too weak to smile but her attempt could be seen. She hadn't moved from that spot in days, meaning she hasn't eaten or drank water in a while.
His eye got rid of it's melancholic glint and in its place was a small twinkle. Returning its interest to Olivianna, the stare softened. He shifted on his spot--even though he was already comfortable--and his knees became slightly raised; this showed the sudden perk of his mood and body language.

" My mind does not mind at all--to tell you the truth, I find your suggestion...wonderful. "

The corner of his lip that was curved downwards became curved upwards, as he offered them in return a crooked, little smile of his own.

" Perhaps, if you accompany me, your query will seek out its answer-- "

Zalgo's voice died down for a moment, before coming back with a change of tone. Suppose it was his turn to ask a question.

" ...Yet before we do depart together, may I ask if you can sate my curiosity on a certain inquiry? "

Austria said:
His eye got rid of it's melancholic glint and in its place was a small twinkle. Returning its interest to Olivianna, the stare softened. He shifted on his spot--even though he was already comfortable--and his knees became slightly raised; this showed the sudden perk of his mood and body language.
" My mind does not mind at all--to tell you the truth, I find your suggestion...wonderful. "

The corner of his lip that was curved downwards became curved upwards, as he offered them in return a crooked, little smile of his own.

" Perhaps, if you accompany me, your query will seek out its answer-- "

Zalgo's voice died down for a moment, before coming back with a change of tone. Suppose it was his turn to ask a question.

" ...Yet before we do depart together, may I ask if you can sate my curiosity on a certain inquiry? "

Olivianna smiled, knowing she could go. She was prepared to ask the pegasus to carry her since she couldn't walk anymore. Her smile slightly dropped into a confused flat line. "Yes I can answer your question."

djinnamon said:
Sage glared at the spirits running toward him but knew he couldn't touch them. " Ok , lets see if my acrobatics still work. " he asked himself
@Light @GingerBread
( ! ) The spirits begin to fire blasts of ectoplasm at Sage. Just one little touch, even if it's a miniature drop, is all they needed to trap Sage in here and possess his body.
Light said:
Once they catch up Luna takes notice of their presence. It seemed like they were finally able to catch up. A small cabin comes into view in the distance with many spirits ahead, almost like a crowd. "Hmm... So this is the first one. Ladon... won't you be a dear and clear them out the way?" At this moment she puts a hand on her floating umbrella when a gust of wind pulls them all back. Ladon had one of its heads act like a vacuum to send Luna gliding into the air using the umbrella, landing on its head. "Oh we have two 'escorts' don't kill them." Luna rides high on Ladon's head as it starts to absorb souls into its mouth. Many of the souls fire back with ectoplasm, some of these blasts going towards Luna. She holds on to her umbrella once more it and pulls her halfway over to another head to dodge a blast. She closes the umbrella and holds it upside down to have the bottom hook on a scale of that head and drops down into a head below that. Once Luna does so, the black and red umbrella is opened to block an attack. Luna front flips without having to curl up her body completely and lands on her left foot, raising the right foot which was behind the left to make an attack miss it. "It seems like you're having trouble hitting me." She opens up the umbrella once more and flies up to the highest head, spinning in the air one before she lands. Luna closes the umbrella and points it at the horde of spirits. "Devour their souls, they choose to defy me." With a triumphant bellow, Ladon absorbs a multitude of souls. "You're quite useful, I might keep you. Finding your siblings may be worthwhile." Any leftover souls were running towards Sage and Vance.
djinnamon said:
Sage glared at the spirits running toward him but knew he couldn't touch them. " Ok , lets see if my acrobatics still work. " he asked himself
@Light @GingerBread
"So how the hell are we meant to do anything? we can't get hit and we can't hit them, I guess we keep dodging" Vance thought out loud as he took a deep breath and kept an eye out for any attacks heading towards him "You better not get hurt Sage, if we survive this, i might reconsider the whole children thing" Vance said, trying to add encouragement for Sage to stay alive.

@djinnamon @Light
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GingerBread said:
"So how the hell are we meant to do anything? we can't get hit and we can't hit them, I guess we keep dodging" Vance thought out loud as he took a deep breath and kept an eye out for any attacks heading towards him "You better not get hurt Sage, if we survive this, i might reconsider the whole children thing" Vance said, trying to add encouragement for Sage to stay alive.

@djinnamon @Light
Luna glances at them, wondering if she should take the time to tell them how to make the spirits go away. That's when she notices the cabin being cleared and uses her umbrella to float down, losing all concern she had for them. She looks at one of Ladon's heads as she falls and whispers, "Go away." With that, Ladon begins to back away, shrinking into the larger parts off the forest.
With a tilt of his head, he took note of the disappearance of their smile. However, his own managed to stay for a while longer.

" What is your purpose? "

Even though he asked for her consent on answering his mysterious query beforehand, it could still seem out of the blue. As soon as the inquiry was carried out aloud, the upturned corner of a lip flattened itself down to form a neutral expression.

Tazmodo said:
Gazelle laughed. "I've never met someone who wanted to kill me or even could. But by I'll see you soon." She vanished into thin air.
Morpheus patted Blaze's shoulder and laughed "We'll see you around. Gotta get back to work. Toodles." He hopped in the air and turned into a blue kitten, landing on Decimus' stomach. The kitten meowed and pointed its paw, causing Decimus to oblige and move the cloud back to where they were
DizjayDeathPride said:
Morpheus patted Blaze's shoulder and laughed "We'll see you around. Gotta get back to work. Toodles." He hopped in the air and turned into a blue kitten, landing on Decimus' stomach. The kitten meowed and pointed its paw, causing Decimus to oblige and move the cloud back to where they were
Blaze laughed and in a eruption of flames disappeared.

Angel was still floating in the pond by the guild.

Demarcus was in his tree.
Austria said:
With a tilt of his head, he took note of the disappearance of their smile. However, his own managed to stay for a while longer.
" What is your purpose? "

Even though he asked for her consent on answering his mysterious query beforehand, it could still seem out of the blue. As soon as the inquiry was carried out aloud, the upturned corner of a lip flattened itself down to form a neutral expression.

"I am Sloth, one of the seven deadly sins." She hopes he wouldn't think of her differently but that would be unlikely... hopefully.

djinnamon said:
What Vance said filled Sage with strength and he began to dodge and weave like a expert.
@Light @GingerBread
( ! ) Some spirits stay back and begin to fire even more extoplasm while some rush forward. Spirits from the forest begin to flood from behind and on the sides.
Light said:
( Then find a way out if you don't want him to die. I just showed you how to get rid of them. )
(What is our goal right now? is it just to stay alive? or are we going to be fighting something?)
Light said:
Luna glances at them, wondering if she should take the time to tell them how to make the spirits go away. That's when she notices the cabin being cleared and uses her umbrella to float down, losing all concern she had for them. She looks at one of Ladon's heads as she falls and whispers, "Go away." With that, Ladon begins to back away, shrinking into the larger parts off the forest.
Vance glared as he saw the girl just walk away "Oi! girl! If you don't get your ugly ass back here and help Sage, I swear to every single god, I will unleash all of hell's fury upon you. You can leave me to die if you really want, I don't care. But you will Help Sage" Vance shouted, his voice filled with a newfound anger, though his eyes weren't as angry as his voice, they were more pleading, scared of Sage getting hurt.

@Light @djinnamon
GingerBread said:
(What is our goal right now? is it just to stay alive? or are we going to be fighting something?)
( Stay alive for now until Luna feels like telling you what's next. )

GingerBread said:
Vance glared as he saw the girl just walk away "Oi! girl! If you don't get your ugly ass back here and help Sage, I swear to every single god, I will unleash all of hell's fury upon you. You can leave me to die if you really want, I don't care. But you will Help Sage" Vance shouted, his voice filled with a newfound anger, though his eyes weren't as angry as his voice, they were more pleading, scared of Sage getting hurt.
@Light @djinnamon
Suddenly in his mind Luna's voice sparks to life, ringing throughout the realm. "Well if you're that desperate, make a contract with me. Do this and I will save you both. I forgot to mention that visitors like you two can only survive in here for 30 minutes. Any longer and your soul is permanently trapped. 15 minutes have already passed. Make a swift decision, we still have an objective to complete."
Light said:
Suddenly in his mind Luna's voice sparks to life, ringing throughout the realm. "Well if you're that desperate, make a contract with me. Do this and I will save you both. I forgot to mention that visitors like you two can only survive in here for 30 minutes. Any longer and your soul is permanently trapped. 15 minutes have already passed. Make a swift decision, we still have an objective to complete."
"I'm assuming only i have to make the contract with you" Vance glanced over to Sage, becoming more determined to save him in anyway "What are the terms of the contract?" Vance asked, finding the fact that he would go this far to save Sage humorous.

Sage took a calming breath and began dodging and weaving around spirits and eaotplasm , occasionally jumping over them until he was next to Vance and leaned against him barely. " That was scary. " he said before he glared at Luna and muttered a curse.

@Light @GingerBread
GingerBread said:
"I'm assuming only i have to make the contract with you" Vance glanced over to Sage, becoming more determined to save him in anyway "What are the terms of the contract?" Vance asked, finding the fact that he would go this far to save Sage humorous.
djinnamon said:
Sage took a calming breath and began dodging and weaving around spirits and eaotplasm , occasionally jumping over them until he was next to Vance and leaned against him barely. " That was scary. " he said before he glared at Luna and muttered a curse.
@Light @GingerBread
( No you're not god modding. Luna isn't there though. )

( ! ) They were completely surrounded and all the spirits had to do to kill them is move forward. "Basically you're my bitch. I say jump, you better be in the sky before you ask how high. You're about to die, make a decision."
Light said:
( No you're not god modding. Luna isn't there though. )
( ! ) They were completely surrounded and all the spirits had to do to kill them is move forward. "Basically you're my bitch. I say jump, you better be in the sky before you ask how high. You're about to die, make a decision."
Vance looked at all the spirits surrounding him, thinking he'd rather die than have to do that. Vance closes his eyes to await the incoming death before he feels Sage gently lean against him. Vances eyes opened and he wrapped an arm around Sages waist as he swallowed his pride "Fine, I accept your contract" Vance replied, each word feeling wrong to speak aloud.

@djinnamon @Light
Sage looked up at Vance when he heard him talk before he glared at the spirits with anger but if you looked closely you could also see fear flickering in his eyes. He pressed himself against Vance tighter, he was tired and he wasn't sure if he could dodge anymore and he didn't know if Vance knew how. He growled lowly , how dare that girl leave them but he needed her help. " Luna , help us please. " he yelled , swallowing his pride and hoping Luna was near, loudly as the spirits got closer.

@Light @GingerBread
GingerBread said:
Vance looked at all the spirits surrounding him, thinking he'd rather die than have to do that. Vance closes his eyes to await the incoming death before he feels Sage gently lean against him. Vances eyes opened and he wrapped an arm around Sages waist as he swallowed his pride "Fine, I accept your contract" Vance replied, each word feeling wrong to speak aloud.
@djinnamon @Light
djinnamon said:
Sage looked up at Vance when he heard him talk before he glared at the spirits with anger but if you looked closely you could also see fear flickering in his eyes. He pressed himself against Vance tighter, he was tired and he wasn't sure if he could dodge anymore and he didn't know if Vance knew how. He growled lowly , how dare that girl leave them but he needed her help. " Luna , help us please. " he yelled , swallowing his pride and hoping Luna was near, loudly as the spirits got closer.
@Light @GingerBread
Vance could feel slightly different inside and countless soul chains wrap around spirits and drag them away. Allowing Vance and Sage to move towards the cabin. "What is the lesson you have learned so far?" Her voice rings throughout the realm once more. The door to the cabin opens to reveal a portal that would take them to a different section of the astral plane. Where Luna was, in front of a stone pillar with symbols on them.

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