Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
Sage was in shock , what the heck. Was he mad because he was helping her , he could understand that since she was the cause of the injuries but she was also the one who have Vance the potion to save Vance. " Hey wait , are you mad at me. " he asked as he followed Vance feeling like a love sick puppy. He already knew the answer but it couldn't to try , right?

"Yes" Vance growled but he didn't turn around or stop walking "why shouldn't i be mad at you?" Vance questioned, though it sounded more like an interrogation I become someone's slave just to save his life, and then he goes and teams up with someone who almost killed me Vance thought annoyed. The thought that he should've just let Sage die in the spirit realm crept into his mind as he got angrier with each passing second

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Sage looked down and let out a growl as he kept walking behind Vance , his bangs casting a shadow over the upper half of his face , he was getting pissed now , he was never this pissed off before. That idiot knew he disliked Luna yet he made a deal with her but when Sage makes a deal with someone that idiot dislikes he is the bad guy. " Why , because I teamed up with someone you dislike to save you , huh? " he asked, he looked up slight as his bangs parted to reveal a narrowed , ice blue eye filled with anger.

" Guess what , you did the exact same so don't get mad at me when you the same thing. " he said.


(Basically Sage's eye)
Vance gritted his teeth in anger "And I told you not to do the same thing, it's not like i was in danger of death, but you were" Vance clenched his hands into a fists "But i'm pissed off because you saw her hurt me and break most of my ribs, but you still agreed to help her. When i made the deal with Luna, it was because it was the only way to save you and Luna wasn't the one attacking you"

Sage growled louder. " I'm not a child you can tell not to do things , I love the fact that you care about me enough to become a slave to save me but you can't expect me to not do the same for you. You were in danger of dying, if anything your situation was worse than mine. " he yelled at Vance with a glare , his head fully up , his eyes blazing with anger. " I was scared ok , I couldn't think straight when I said yes to the deal. Besides I'm helping the people in danger , frankly I'm upset with Angel but she gave me something to heal you. " he said

(Well it seems they have good reasons to be mad , Vance treats Sage like a child at times to the point of telling him not to sacrifice himself while he can , I can already see a Kirito and Asuna situation . While Sage does not think things through to the point where he couldn't see he was hurting Vance. )
"You know what Sage? If you don't like it then, Fuck off" Vance growled, still not even turning to look at him "Go fuck angel, you wanted kids, I'm sure she'd be glad to have one with you" Vance walked into his room and slammed the door before flopping onto his bed.

Sage gapped before he let out loud roar as large icicles appeared and spread out before slamming into the guild walls , floor and ceiling. " Fuck you. " he yelled at Vance before growling and going to his room , the area freezing over as he walked through the halls. He writhed open his door and went into before slamming the door shut with a mighty kick that made a noise so loud it resounded through the whole guild building.

He propped down on his bed and screamed into his pillow while kicking the bed like a child having a tantrum. Fuck him , Fuck him, Fuck him Sage chanted his head along with many other unspeakable profanities that his mother would have kicked his ass for if she was alive. Vance was a idiot ,how dare he say something like that. Sage growled as tears brimmed in his eyes. Vance was right about one thing , emotions were stupid at times.

Vance laid in his bed as he silently seethed. He heard Sage yell at him before slamming a door And he says he's not a child, yet he's having a temper tantrum Vance thought as he propped himself up on his bed so that he was in a sitting position. Looking at his hands Vance realized that he was shaking with anger I was better off before i met him, before i didn't have to deal with emotions, now i do He thought bitterly as he swung his legs off the edge of the bed, not really feeling like he could sleep at the moment.

Vance got up and walked out of the room and saw the floor, ceiling and walls impaled with icicles, Vance didn't stop to look around and walked out the front of the guild. He Stood outside the giant crystal that was the guild; The cold air nipping at his face, the wind gently blowing his cloak around "Oi, Ashlyn, Luna or the other one i don't know the name of, Give me something to kill, i don't really care if i rank up or not. I just need to kill something"

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Sage wiped his tears away and got up. He needed someone to talk to so he left his room. He walked outside and saw Vance before quickly away and walked over to the shore. He crouched at the waters edge with his back to Vance and his hair over his shoulder skimming the water slightly as he put his hand in causing small ripples. " Angel are you there. " he called as he kept his hand in the water.

He didn't the girl well and she was the source of his grief in a way but it had know one else to talk to plus it was a prefect opportunity to get info.

@Tazmodo @GingerBread
GingerBread said:
Vance laid in his bed as he silently seethed. He heard Sage yell at him before slamming a door And he says he's not a child, yet he's having a temper tantrum Vance thought as he propped himself up on his bed so that he was in a sitting position. Looking at his hands Vance realized that he was shaking with anger I was better off before i met him, before i didn't have to deal with emotions, now i do He thought bitterly as he swung his legs off the edge of the bed, not really feeling like he could sleep at the moment.
Vance got up and walked out of the room and saw the floor, ceiling and walls impaled with icicles, Vance didn't stop to look around and walked out the front of the guild. He Stood outside the giant crystal that was the guild; The cold air nipping at his face, the wind gently blowing his cloak around "Oi, Ashlyn, Luna or the other one i don't know the name of, Give me something to kill, i don't really care if i rank up or not. I just need to kill something"

Vance appears inside the Astral plane again inside a house on a chair. Luna was sitting in a chair opposite to his with a table in between them. There was a table and tea cups, the smell Tension Tamer fumes into the air. "This time I took your body with you. Your physical here now... so what did you need?" Luna puts her cup to her lips and takes a drink. It seemed like this was what she was doing since they left. "Ashlyn will make contact with you soon so my time with you is brief... it seems like my previous question is irrelevant. So instead tell me why you chose to interact with either Ashlyn or I both people you hate instead of finding someone to kill on your own. Are you in need of conversation or attention?"
djinnamon said:
( I feel like Luna will use this to her advantage and take Vance away from Sage causing him to go to someone , probably Angel or another man for comfort)
@GingerBread @Light @Tazmodo
( Luna is disinterested in Vance in terms of relationships. She does see him as a useful task handler though. )
(I was thinking more along the lines of turning Vance against Sage )

Light said:
( Luna is disinterested in Vance in terms of relationships. She does see him as a useful task handler though. )
Light said:
Vance appears inside the Astral plane again inside a house on a chair. Luna was sitting in a chair opposite to his with a table in between them. There was a table and tea cups, the smell Tension Tamer fumes into the air. "This time I took your body with you. Your physical here now... so what did you need?" Luna puts her cup to her lips and takes a drink. It seemed like this was what she was doing since they left. "Ashlyn will make contact with you soon so my time with you is brief... it seems like my previous question is irrelevant. So instead tell me why you chose to interact with either Ashlyn or I both people you hate instead of finding someone to kill on your own. Are you in need of conversation or attention?"
"I don't want attention, i'm used to having none anyways. The reason i ask the people i hate for someone to kill is because i like having a target, i don't just go out and kill random people, I'm an assassin not a serial killer" Vance replied, shrugging his shoulders "What makes you think i'd want attention or conversation anyways?"

djinnamon said:
(I was thinking more along the lines of turning Vance against Sage )
( Oh that? Psh, probably but she'd aim for the entire guild. She already has 6 of the members on her side. )

GingerBread said:
"I don't want attention, i'm used to having none anyways. The reason i ask the people i hate for someone to kill is because i like having a target, i don't just go out and kill random people, I'm an assassin not a serial killer" Vance replied, shrugging his shoulders "What makes you think i'd want attention or conversation anyways?"

"Serial killer? Assassin? In the eyes of law and morals there's no difference between the two. The only reason why people separate the two is for one to feel like they're not so bad and or crazy." Luna rolls her eyes and pushes a cup of hot tea towards Vance. "Here... drink this... it calms tension within. It's quite good at its job. If you have no need for attention and association then what's the point of classifying people into categories of hatred and love." When she said hatred small magic figures appear on her left in the form of herself and Ashlyn. On her right Sage appeared when she said love. "If you didn't care about all of that then everyone would be the same to you and you would have no need for such things." Luna takes a deep drink from her tea and smiles at Vance. "That's besides the point though. Are you feeling alright? You look shittier than usual and I feel like I could help if you would just open up."
Light said:
"Serial killer? Assassin? In the eyes of law and morals there's no difference between the two. The only reason why people separate the two is for one to feel like they're not so bad and or crazy." Luna rolls her eyes and pushes a cup of hot tea towards Vance. "Here... drink this... it calms tension within. It's quite good at its job. If you have no need for attention and association then what's the point of classifying people into categories of hatred and love." When she said hatred small magic figures appear on her left in the form of herself and Ashlyn. On her right Sage appeared when she said love. "If you didn't care about all of that then everyone would be the same to you and you would have no need for such things." Luna takes a deep drink from her tea and smiles at Vance. "That's besides the point though. Are you feeling alright? You look shittier than usual and I feel like I could help if you would just open up."
"I've never wanted to fall in love with him and i don't hate anyone, that would mean i care about them even slightly, which i don't" Vance replied as he looked at the 3 figures on Luna's arms "The day i open up and talk about my problems is the day i die" Vance picked up the cup and took a sip of the hot tea before placing it back on the table "And i'm fine, But why do you suddenly care? You were fine to let me die earlier but now you care about my mental health, I find that a bit odd"

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GingerBread said:
"I've never wanted to fall in love with him and i don't hate anyone, that would mean i care about them even slightly, which i don't" Vance replied as he looked at the 3 figures on Luna's arms "The day i open up and talk about my problems is the day i die" Vance picked up the cup and took a sip of the hot tea before placing it back on the table "And i'm fine, But why do you suddenly care? You were fine to let me die earlier but now you care about my mental health, I find that a bit odd"
"I was willing to let you die for the sake of you learning your lesson in the aftermath. Now that it's over with and you're one of my contracts I'm obligated to at least care a little bit, aren't I? Mental health is important and it dictates the decisions you make in life. So I'd kindly appreciate it if you stop being stubborn and just talk, besides you're in the land of the dead anyways." Luna's red eyes gleam as a smirk develops, it didn't seem like a good one either. "Unless you want me to go back to being uncaring and let the spirits in the house."
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Light said:
"I was willing to let you die for the sake of you learning your lesson in the aftermath. Now that it's over with and you're one of my contracts I'm obligated to at least care a little bit, aren't I? Mental health is important and it dictates the decisions you make in life. So I'd kindly appreciate it if you stop being stubborn and just talk, besides you're in the land of the dead anyways." Luna's red eyes gleam as a smirk develops, it didn't seem like a good one either. "Unless you want me to go back to being uncaring and let the spirits in the house."
"I don't let my emotions dictate what decisions i make" Vance took another sip of the tea "There's nothing to talk about concerning my mental health, And if you want to let the spirits in you go ahead, but i'm pretty sure I'm more useful to you alive than i am dead, but I'm not bothered either way. I came to terms with my death years ago, I don't have a problem dying"

Sage bit his lips , a warm tear flowing down his cheek and into the cool ocean water. He wiped his cheeks quickly. ' I have turned into such a cry baby.' he thought looking up at the sky and saw a flash of light that resembled a star. " Mother I miss you. " he muttered before a portal appeared and he walked into it. He arrived in his domain , The Realm Of Stars. This is where the stars were made.


He walked down the multi coloured path to a large castle , the stars sparkled above him and reflected off the crystals surrounding his realm. He walked into the castle and through the halls until he came to a large room. He walked and a large statue could be seen. It was off a tall , muscular man with his arms wrapped around a woman while staring at the baby in the woman's arms. The woman herself looked like female more mature version of Sage , she had a slender womanly figure and a kind face with long hair that went to her calf.

Sage walk closer and looked up at the statue. " Momma I really wish you were here , I need advice. " he said hoping she was listening. His mother, like him, was the deity of stars and sexual pleasure while his father was a normal human. When his mother died of mysterious means her powers were transferred to him and he became his mother's successor.
So it's been three years since what happened happened. How did you feel afterwards? He layed down on the ground. So what did you mean when you said they saw Ashlyn?? Did something similar happen to her? He asked as he was laying down. @Light
GingerBread said:
"I don't let my emotions dictate what decisions i make" Vance took another sip of the tea "There's nothing to talk about concerning my mental health, And if you want to let the spirits in you go ahead, but i'm pretty sure I'm more useful to you alive than i am dead, but I'm not bothered either way. I came to terms with my death years ago, I don't have a problem dying"
"Oh?" Luna raises an eyebrow, faking an impressed expression and relaxes due to the tea. "Death isn't as great as it seems you know. You can't truthfully come to terms with something you haven't truthfully experienced. Though that's not my business... follow me." Luna stands up and walks for the door.

Embaga Elder] [B]So it's been three years since what happened happened. How did you feel afterwards? [/B]He layed down on the ground. [B] So what did you mean when you said they saw Ashlyn?? Did something similar happen to her? [/B]He asked as he was laying down. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/10734-light/ said:
"That is not something for you to know and you shouldn't have seen it at all." She slowly walks up to him with anger in her eyes. "What exactly did you see?"
Light said:
"Oh?" Luna raises an eyebrow, faking an impressed expression and relaxes due to the tea. "Death isn't as great as it seems you know. You can't truthfully come to terms with something you haven't truthfully experienced. Though that's not my business... follow me." Luna stands up and walks for the door.
"But i have caused many a death, therefore i resign myself to whatever fate awaits me when i breathe my last, it doesn't matter if i've not experienced it" Vance replied as he followed Luna, curious to why she wanted him to follow "That is how I've come to terms with it"

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