Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters


Zalena was moving fish along, talking inbetween the poor villagers and Brundyn. She was introducing herself to them all and recieved their names as well. It seemed like she was having fun so far and was getting along with the villagers. She decided she could help the group transition easily into this town by using her social skills to make them accepted, help them get easy aid, and information. They were on their own in this adventure and the best thing they could do was become as favourable as possible. Apparently there was an obvious divide between the poor ideals and the rich truth. From the looks of it they have already sided with the poor but that was quite alright. The poor had numbers and much more to offer in her eyes than the rich. One thing that concerned her was how Brundyn had the oppurtunity to give away all this food for free. If he didn't know all too much useful information on the place and obviously wasn't rich. How was he getting by so seemingly easily? She felt like her friend Brundyn may have been hiding something but she wouldn't llet it show. Instead she continues to bounce around like the hyperactive mess she is. She waves at her sister, Austrianna whom was helping the fish effort as well. She didn't know what was on her mind be she was extremely silent and only nodded her head as a form of communication. Juniper wasn't helping at all...she stood at the back of the group with her head held low.


Ruby nods her head at her brothers request. She was happy he won since she didn't think Zalena was that good of a leader, she was unsure of what goes on in that girls mind. She lightly pats Castiel on the back and begins to guide him to the boat, she didn't see why they should be helping those people but if information was the goal then she'd go for it. "Come on." ( @GingerBread )


As Mary followed the officers into a building they snuck off to, she could see a man wearing extremely fancy purple clothes staring at them in disgust. He already knew they failed since they came empty handed. "I have those lowly merchants pay you just to turn up with nothing?!" As he talks his chest begins to expand due to his angry breathing. On is chest a shinning emblem in the shape of a star could be seen. This emblem obviously meant something and was extremely hard to miss, it may have pointed out some form of status. This man also had an escort or some type of guard behind him, standing at attention. "You failed to bring me that one man and you shall pay the price. Your jobs will be confiscated under charges of arrest based off of bribery. Your family will be facing the consequences of these charges too. Trust me...none ofthis will be traced back to me. There are no witnesses with no proof after all. Now get out of my sight, I'll leave you to be free for now until you're arrested. You couldn't escape if you tried anyways." With that, the shocked officers stood up and turned around, now facing the undeniable truth that their entire lives would be affected since they got greedy and wanted even more riches...without even consulting their families about it and because of those kids. Their footsteps could be heard as they grew closer to the door Mary was standing at. ( @GingerBread )

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Suria looked at the exchange between Zalena and the fisherman with not much interest, but the moment he was told they'd have to distribute raw uncooked fish to people who had no way to cook it. He sighed and walked to the pile of fish, picking up an armful of fish and carrying it with him. He eventually dumped the armful in front of the poorest looking family he could find before heading past Zalena and Brundyn, "Did my part, now if you excuse me, I'm off to go sleep. Wake me up when everyone else has done their bit..." He then headed to the nearest bench and shoved his hands in his pockets, closing his eyes in attempt to sleep.



Faolan quickly went over to the fish, not waiting for anyone to notice him before he took a few fish and began to head off and distribute them. He knew that if he waited someone would stop him from going off alone, and he knew he could go off on his own just fine. He checked his pocket to be sure that he had his phone just in case he go into trouble, then he headed off. He went around, handing out fish before heading back to Brundyn and getting more...


Kristen looked at the fish with distaste, coming forward to Zalena on one of her return trips with a look of disgust on her face, "So 'fearless' leader, could I get a free pass on the whole fish distributing thing? I'd like to use my nepotism card to excuse myself from this one, make someone else do my part, thanks..." She walked away before she got an answer, standing around as she awaited everyone to finish...

@Light (None of these are good, but I needed to post so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)

"Thanks. After this, if we find some place to stay, could I talk to you? I just want to talk about some stuff that I don't think these guys would want to hear.. you know?" Castiel smiled at Ruby as she guided him towards the boat, he tried his best to make it look like he was just matching Ruby's speed.

@Caped Baldy @GingerBread @Lotusy @Light @The Imperial Flame @djinnamon


Mary frowned as she heard what the man was saying, without really thinking too much about it, she ran into the room and stared at the man. "Why are you being so mean to them? They did the right thing by leaving and not hurting the man; None of them did anything wrong. You're just being mean." Mary frowned and scrunched up her face as she stared at the man, remembering everything she could about him. "I'm going to tell on you! Then you'll get into big trouble" Mary spun around on her heel and started to run off before getting an idea. She spun back around and pulled out her phone and took a couple of picture of the man, so that people would have more reason to believe her. She then started to run out of the building again, planning on heading back to the group, forgetting why she had come after the policemen in the first place. As Mary got into the town, she realised she didn't really know where she was, she started to slow down, looking around before heading to where she thought the sea and everyone else was.

At Zalena's mentioning of distributing fish for information, Zeta raised an eyebrow. Quietly, he walked over to the boat and grabbed a small fish. Looking it over for a moment, he took a bite out of it with his sharp teeth. Chewing, he shrugged. As he swallowed his bite of fish. He grabbed four more by their tails and handed them to a young, malnourished child that was nearby.

(@Caped Baldy @Tazmodo @Daimao @Embaga Elder @djinnamon @Inheritance @The Imperial Flame @Light )
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Light said:
"Why are you referring to us in third person? That's a tiny bit weird. Anyway, I'm fine to just wait this out until something happens; I doubt we can stop Zalena at this point anyway, so lets just wait it out and see-" Castiel stopped as Zalena skipped over to them and informed them that if they helped the Fisherman, he'd help them in return and give them information. "Of course, because that's not a huge coincidence that we just happened to appear near some guy that has information that we'll need" Castiel shook his head, realizing he was complaining about something that was a good thing for them. "Anyway, yeah. We should help, like Zelana said. At least then we'll have some idea of what to do" Castiel cleared his throat and motioned for them to walk forwards ahead of him, hoping he wouldn't end up falling in the water or something.


Mary frowned at the Policeman's answer, not liking how they were trying to stop someone from being nice. As the Police officer tried to run off, Mary ran after him, wanting to tell him what he was doing was wrong and why it was wrong, before then reporting him to another police officer; Mary wanted to stay and help give the fish away, but felt explaining to the policeman why what he did was wrong was more important so that he wouldn't do it again. "Mr Policeman! I want to talk to you" Mary said as she ran after him, not thinking about the fact that she might get lost if she went too far.



Zalena was moving fish along, talking inbetween the poor villagers and Brundyn. She was introducing herself to them all and recieved their names as well. It seemed like she was having fun so far and was getting along with the villagers. She decided she could help the group transition easily into this town by using her social skills to make them accepted, help them get easy aid, and information. They were on their own in this adventure and the best thing they could do was become as favourable as possible. Apparently there was an obvious divide between the poor ideals and the rich truth. From the looks of it they have already sided with the poor but that was quite alright. The poor had numbers and much more to offer in her eyes than the rich. One thing that concerned her was how Brundyn had the oppurtunity to give away all this food for free. If he didn't know all too much useful information on the place and obviously wasn't rich. How was he getting by so seemingly easily? She felt like her friend Brundyn may have been hiding something but she wouldn't llet it show. Instead she continues to bounce around like the hyperactive mess she is. She waves at her sister, Austrianna whom was helping the fish effort as well. She didn't know what was on her mind be she was extremely silent and only nodded her head as a form of communication. Juniper wasn't helping at all...she stood at the back of the group with her head held low.


Ruby nods her head at her brothers request. She was happy he won since she didn't think Zalena was that good of a leader, she was unsure of what goes on in that girls mind. She lightly pats Castiel on the back and begins to guide him to the boat, she didn't see why they should be helping those people but if information was the goal then she'd go for it. "Come on." ( @GingerBread )


As Mary followed the officers into a building they snuck off to, she could see a man wearing extremely fancy purple clothes staring at them in disgust. He already knew they failed since they came empty handed. "I have those lowly merchants pay you just to turn up with nothing?!" As he talks his chest begins to expand due to his angry breathing. On is chest a shinning emblem in the shape of a star could be seen. This emblem obviously meant something and was extremely hard to miss, it may have pointed out some form of status. This man also had an escort or some type of guard behind him, standing at attention. "You failed to bring me that one man and you shall pay the price. Your jobs will be confiscated under charges of arrest based off of bribery. Your family will be facing the consequences of these charges too. Trust me...none ofthis will be traced back to me. There are no witnesses with no proof after all. Now get out of my sight, I'll leave you to be free for now until you're arrested. You couldn't escape if you tried anyways." With that, the shocked officers stood up and turned around, now facing the undeniable truth that their entire lives would be affected since they got greedy and wanted even more riches...without even consulting their families about it and because of those kids. Their footsteps could be heard as they grew closer to the door Mary was standing at. ( @GingerBread )
Ree followed Castiel and Ruby onto Brundyn's boat and tugged lightly on Castiel's sleeve with a slight apprehension,

"Uh..hey, I'm really sorry for not voting for you, and I know this is gonna sound weird since I voted for her, but next time Zalena goes off on her own like that, could you try to stop her? I nearly had a heart attack when I saw her run up to those guards!"

Ree then leaned in close and motioned toward Zeta

"And uh, I don't want to seem rude, but do either of you remember that guy when we first showed up at the castle?"

( @Light @GingerBread @Daimao )
Zeta saw Ree motion him over so he joined her and Castiel. Taking another bite of his raw fish, Zeta listened to her question. Guy? Which guy? There was multiple people there and Zeta wasn't really paying attention. Zeta replied to Ree's question with a shrug. He didn't know which guy she was talking about.


"Sure, I was planning on having a word with her about this anyway. I know this time everything went well, but I think we just got lucky" Castiel shrugged and smiled over in the direction he felt Ree tugging at his sleeve. "I'm not really sure, I've only known everyone for a hour or two, you know?"

Fisherman Brundyn & Zalena

Now that he's witnessed them all hand out every piece of fish he had he knew he could trust them with the infromation. "Oi! Zalena, come gather up your other leader friend!" He smiles and waves at her, gesturing for her to bring Castiel with her. Zalena nods her head and skips over to Castiel, linking arms with him to drag him over to Brundyn. "Aye, Aye!" She does a mock salute once she reaches him and lets Castiel go. "Castiel this is my friend Brundyn. Brundyn this is my friend and fellow leader Castiel!"

"Good, good!" Brundyn nods his head appreciatively, accepting them as a helpful group after all. "You've done well helping both the poor and myself out today so I'll tell you something." Brundyn grows close to them as if he had something to hide, which he did. He pulls out a double sided map and hands it to Zalena. "This is a map of the town but on the other side theres a map of the towns sewers. In the sewers theres an organization against the rich and the monarchs that holds their base of operations there. I can tell based off of you helping me you must be against them as well. Otherwise you would have stuck up for the rich. Tell them Brundyn sent you and they'll accept you and give you a place to stay while you're here. They're gonna like you. You just got here and the people already accept you. I have the feeling you kids are going to make big changes. That's all I have for you! Just give me a hollar if you ever need any help. I'll be over here!" With that Brundyn gets back on his boat to fix his net.

Zalena turns to Castiel with a huge smile, barely holding in her excitement. "Wow! We have this awesome information already?! We just got here and BAM we made friends! Aren't you super happy?! I am!" By the tone of her voice she was almost ready to squeal. She had to shift her head up to look Castiel in the eyes since he was taller than her. The top of her head only reached his shoulders. ( You have now recieved alliance from this character )

@GingerBread )


The boy that Zeta fed smiles at him as he recieves the fish. He didn't speak much but his smile and the nods of his head hopefuly was thanks enough. He would never forget Zeta's face and if the time ever came around he would repay him for this favour. The boy runs off to join his mother and glances back at Zeta one last time before dispersing with the crowd. ( You have now recieved a pending side quest and or favour from this character )

@Daimao )

Mary ( Nameless NPC response @GingerBread )

A local with a basket full of fish approaches Mary with a warm smile rather tha sad eyes, she had found a new hope in this town and would believe firmly in it. She notices Mary looks nothing like an actual local and approaches her. "Excuse me, are you a friend of Zalena? You look lost, the docks are that way if you are." She points behind her in a straight path through down the street.


Castiel was shocked as he was dragged away by Zalena, but quickly regained his composure when he was sure that he wasn't about to be dragged into the water or something. He looked towards Brundyn as he started talking to them."Alright, thanks man. We appreciate it, it's nice of you guys" Castiel smiled briefly at the man before turning over to look at Zalena, he attempted to look towards the ground, which only made him look at Zalena since she was shorter than he was. "Um, Zalena? I think you need to be more careful; You just sort of rushed off into this situation and yeah, it was a good thing that you did, But you could've gotten hurt or something. So could you be more careful in the future, I'd rather not see anyone here get hurt if I can avoid it.... Anyway... you've got the map, so do you want to tell everyone else about it and go there now?"



Mary stopped and looked up when the local started talking to her. "Yeah! I'm one of her friends" She smiled up at the local, her smiled getting even bigger when the local gave her directions to the docks. "Thank you so much! I feel bad for not giving you anything in return" Mary bobbed side from side as she tried to think of something she could do to repay the local "I know!" Mary reached into her backpack and pulled out $100 of the cash that Valente gave to her before handing it to the Local. "Here you go!" She smiled at her again before running off towards the docks.



Zalena tilts her head to the side at Castiel's words directed towards her. That was right...she forgot to explain why she just jumped out there since it seemed like she did it upon impulse. "Oh I only did it because looking at the situation you could tell the merchants had a hand in whatever was going on! They had this glint in their eyes with the addition of a group of poor people. They all had baskets and were obviously hungry. So lets piece this together okay? Free food, the poor, and unsatisfied merchants. Thats bad for business and for them bad for business is unnacceptable. I don't think you can be arrested for feeding the poor lawfully so I'd guess it was under the table, meaning we could totally help the poor people within the law silly!" Zalena realized she was being a bit too serious and adds in the word silly to make up for it. "By the way they left like chickens instead of sticking to the arrest means it definently wasn't for the sake of upholding local law! Besides, making friends with the poor is better since they're much more helpful and resourceful in their own way then the rich!" She pokes Castiel's nose gently with the rolled up map, lightly chuckling at her own action. "This map is proof, okay? I'll be more careful next time though since I worried you, I wouldn't want to do that again." Her smile becomes small as she continues to look up into his eyes by holding her head up since he was looking down at her. The smile she had on her face becomes smaller and calm while she slowly and gently slides the map she had on his nose off. She stops tilting her head and holds it in the regular position, thinking on his next question. Once she had an answer her brief moment of standing still longer than 5 seconds and staring at him calmly ends. She reverts back to her hyperactive side rather than her calm and intellectual aspect. "Of course we're going to tell everyone! We have to continue this adventure after all and this is a big lead." Zalena backs up since they were very close and grabs Castiel by his shirt, skipping to the rest of the group while waving the map around. "Heeeeeeeeyyyyy! Guess what we have! Seriously, guess!"

( @Caped Baldy
@Inheritance @djinnamon @Embaga Elder )
Amber took some fish and began giving them to children and sometimes blessing them with a usually rare smile. When Zalena called he gave the children a small smile before walking over to the girl , his face setting into a characteristic small frown. " Zalena we aren't guess..... you know what whatever. You have map" He stated bluntly.


"No I get that it may've looked that way, and it was a good thing that you helped. But it could've been set up, just to catch us out or something. Even if you were most likely going to be right, there's always a small chance you could be wrong, so just, um, don't charge into situations so freely. At least, um, tell people first if you do" Castel gave her a small brief smile; He understood he could've been wrong about all of it and didn't want to look an idiot since he'd probably get something similar to that, if he was able to see. When Zalena poked his nose with the rolled up map, he didn't really know how to respond to that, even non verbally, so he just kept a neutral expression on his face.

"Thanks, I'm glad this all went okay though" He thought about lettering Zalena about leader stuff, but decided not to because he couldn't be bothered and he didn't want to patronise her, by assuming she didn't know the stuff. Castiel was shocked when Zalena grabbed him by his shirt and started dragging him towards the rest of the group, until he started walking at her pace, so that she was now only leading him to the rest of the group. Castiel smiled slightly at Zalena's making everyone guess what they got from the fisherman. "Why make them guess?" He was about to just tell everyone himself, but he didn't want to ruin Zalena's fun and besides, he wasn't the one who was given the map.

@Caped Baldy
@GingerBread @Lotusy @Light @The Imperial Flame @djinnamon

During their time after their arrival, Hassan and Alyson stood in the back of the group simply because Alyson was in one of her moods again. She sat on the ground with her knees to her chest, burying her head in it. Hassan explained to her what was happening. Honestly he would've kept walking leaking the guy with the cops, but helping actually worked out for the best. While helping the poor, Hassan slipped them five dollars each. He made sure not one of his "team members" saw him.

As Zalena's happy go lucky self came back to the group pulling Castiel along with her. She apparently had something tonight tell them, but she wanted them to guess. Hassan just sighs. Please just tell us Z. No one wants to guess. He said with his dull eyes and even tone.

( @Caped Baldy
@Inheritance @djinnamon @Light )

She looks back at Castiel with a mischevous grin, "That's because guessing is fun!" She stops dragging them once theyre in front of the group and opens the map since Amber guessed correctly. "It's a map just like Amber said. This side shows us the complete town and what it has to offer while the other side is this super duper secret sewage base! There's this resistance there that's against the rich and the monarchs down there and they'd help us if we pay them a visit. We can even stay there for the night so this is totally great! Hm....but moving in such a big crowd makes it hard to sneak off to cool places. How about we send two or three people over to do all the awesome negotiations while the rest of us get used to the town! Meeting new people is always fun." ( @Caped Baldy @djinnamon @Daimao @The Imperial Flame )

Castiel lightly shook his head at Zalena's insistence to play the guessing game, but just smiled and accepted it since she ended up telling everyone anyway.
"It is pretty good, I'm glad we did help these guys. It was a good call on your part Zalena" He though over for a moment about who he thought should go to do the negotiating. "I think me and Zalena should go to talk to them, since they know her and I'm the other leader anyway. Ruby, do you want to come along as well? You're good at talking to people. Or do you want to go exploring?" Castiel asked, mostly asking because he was worried for her safety; He gave a reason for it, so that he wouldn't seem like it was favouritism or anything like that.

@Caped Baldy
@GingerBread @Lotusy @Light @The Imperial Flame @djinnamon
Zalena & Ruby

Zalena rolls the map up once more and sets her hands behind her back, holding her wrist with her free hand. She shifts her weight onto her left leg and tilts her head to the side as well. Zalena purses her lips and shifts her eyes between Castiel and Ruby, waiting for their exchange. She was okay with going but she had to see if they were ready to go themselves.

Ruby thinks about the proposal but doesn't exactly want to be stuck with Zalena for that long. She'd rather hang out with Ree and Grace then do that. "I'll go exploring instead, thanks anyways. You should take an injection just in case anything happens in those sewers, one should be enough I'd say."

"Alright, I'll take one when we get there, Have fun and don't get into trouble"
Castiel smiled at Ruby before turning to his side and looking at Zalena."Right, shall we go?" He motioned for her to lead the way, before realising that he wouldn't be able to follow her since he couldn't see. "You can lead the way if you'd like, since you have the map and all" Castiel smiled at her, thinking that it might be a good idea to tell at least Zalena about the fact that he can't see, like ruby suggested.

@Caped Baldy @GingerBread @Light @The Imperial Flame @djinnamon

Zalena knew Castiel wouldn't be able to keep up with her when she started running. She reaches out and grabs his hand, dragging him off towards the town. "This is going to be so great, prepare yourself for an awesome adventure Castiel!" She had glanced at the map once and had a vague idea on where she was going and how she was to access the sewers. She enters an alleyway inbetween a bar and a barber shop and finds the specific sewer entrance. She lifts it off with haste and pushes Castiel inside. He ends up falling five feet onto a well placed matress since this was a known entrance for this organizations members. Zalena lands directly of him, cheering while she fell. As she sits on his back she looks around the extremely dark sewae area. "Hm...it's pretty dark here. Do you have a flashlight or something?" ( @GingerBread )
Light said:
Zalena & Ruby

Zalena rolls the map up once more and sets her hands behind her back, holding her wrist with her free hand. She shifts her weight onto her left leg and tilts her head to the side as well. Zalena purses her lips and shifts her eyes between Castiel and Ruby, waiting for their exchange. She was okay with going but she had to see if they were ready to go themselves.

Ruby thinks about the proposal but doesn't exactly want to be stuck with Zalena for that long. She'd rather hang out with Ree and Grace then do that. "I'll go exploring instead, thanks anyways. You should take an injection just in case anything happens in those sewers, one should be enough I'd say."
Ree snagged a picture of the map before Zalena and Castiel sprinted off towards the sewer.

She then made her way over to Ruby, map in hand.

"Exploring sounds like it could be fun! Where do you want to go first?"

Castiel half expected Zalena to start dragging him along with her, but he was no more prepared than he would be if he didn't suspect it. When they stopped Castiel looked over to where he thought Zalena was. "Zalena you don't have to go so-" Before he could finish his sentence, he found himself falling down, at first he assumed it was a degenerate until he hit a mattress. "Could've given me some warn- Ow" Castiel groaned as Zalena landed on top of him, though he didn't push her off.

Castiel was about to tell Zalena that it probably wasn't that dark, but decided against it, since he had no real clue.
"I think I should take an injection now then, if we need light" Castiel sighed as he tried to reach into his bag and grab one of the mana injections he knew Ruby put in there, but found he couldn't really reach without pushing Zalena off, which he didn't really want to do without at least knowing his surrounding first. "Hey Zalena, could you go into my bag and grab a injection from in there, then could you just inject me with it, if it's not too much trouble" Castiel smiled the best he could and reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone.

Andrew Blight

Of course he never cared for helping these people, all he cared about was getting more power, in whatever way that came. He slipped away from the group to stroll around town. He was just looking for...antiques...something to catch his eye. Once again, to see and be seen. And Listen. @Light

Hassan also took a quick picture and walked towards Alyson, and lightly tapped her with his foot. Hey Alyson, why don't we have a look around and ditch the group. That way you'll feel a little better I guess. Oh and if you want you can bring your friend with you. Hassan looked over at Mary as Alyson lifted her head also glancing. I don't know. I don't think I'm ready yet. Plus it seems like she already has a walking buddy. Well I guess it's just going to be me and you like always. He sticks his hand out helping Alyson up. They cousins started their walk leaving the group and heading into town. In a good hour or so we should meet back here! He said aloud so everyone could hear him, not actually caring if they listened to him or not.

( @Caped Baldy
@Inheritance @djinnamon @Light )

"Hmmmmmm, okay!" Zelan begins to shift through his things, still sitting on his back. "Found it, I'm your nurse now so prepare yourself!" She injects it straight into his ass and pushes the deity mana into his system. "There! You're all powered up now. It's time to get this adventure going! I hope you don't mind where I did it though. It was the softest muscle available." ( @Caped Baldy )



There was a man gathering up a crowd in the distance since he was yelling about a sale. This sale selling wonderous trinkets and magic items for a small quest of his to be completed. He simply wanted the feather of the legendary continental bird, a rare and one of a kind bird. "It's the only bird of its kind and during this time of the year its said to come here to Morroco! I want you to find it and kill it if possible, its hide would be nice to have. If you can't kill it then at least one feather would be nice. The more you bring the bigger the reward! This bird is said to be elusive to even the best of hunters. Is anyone up for the challenge?" ( @Inheritance )


There was an extremely short girl with a hood on her head with heavy cloaks running through the busy street. She seemed to be cradling something in her arms but wasn't looking where she was going. She crashes into Hassan and Alyson and drops a sack full of stolen money. Not too far behind local authorities were chasing after her for stealing. Both Alyson and Hassan had a decision in this situation. They could either help this criminal get away or help the officers with the arrest. ( @Embaga Elder )

Castiel gritted his teeth and hissed as he felt the Zalena stab him in the ass with the injection. "Thanks" He quickly got over the initial shock of the pain and brought his phone up to his face out of habit before turning it on. When he did turn it on he was greeted with a picture of him, Ruby and porkchops. "I forgot that was my back-..." Castiel paused for a moment, mostly out of shock. He tilted his phone so that the light from it was shining on his hand, which he noticed that he could see.

As the realisation hit him, that he could in fact see once again, Castiel started smiling happily.
"Yes, this is the best day ever!" He quickly remembered what he was doing and switched the light level that his phone had, with the light level of the sewer, allowing him and Zalena to see. Once he'd done that he tucked his phone back into his pocket, since he couldn't use it because the screen was dark.

He twisted himself around slightly to look at Zalena, a huge grin still on his face. Though when he looked at Zalena he was slightly surprised at what she was wearing.
"Oh, Um... You're.." Castiel wasn't really sure what he was going to say, because he realised that if he carried on and pointed out that she wasn't wearing much, he'd probably get asked why he didn't notice until now. "You're still on top of me" Castiel smiled awkwardly up at Zalena, unsure of what really to say now; She was quite good looking in his eyes, though he was slightly confused that he didn't really feel any romantic attraction to her, though he put that down to recovering from the shock of being able to see again. "Could you get off of me please? I-I mean you're not heavy or anything, you don't even look heavy. But I don't want to hurt you or anything" Castiel thought that he should probably tell her that he was blind, just in case it happened again. "So I don't really know how to say this... But, Um.... I'm blind... I mean I was blind.."

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Andrew Blight

Of course he was certainly interested, and slowly walked closer to this crowd. He didn't want to seem to interested, and seemingly uninterested, asked this man where one would even find such a bird. He was laughing while he said it, trying to pull off the illusion. "Nobody is actually going to find it, nobody knows where to even look! Do you have any idea where it might be? Climate or such? Because we all know it's bull shit. In fact it's probably a ploy to get us to buy shit from you to go find this bird. @Light

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