Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters

Castiel smiled as two different people decided to support him, them doing that gave him more confidence that he could actually support the posision he was going to try to get. When Yin started to object to having a leader, Castiel turned towards her, tracking where she was by the sound of her voice. "You don't really have a choice here, without some sort of leadership this is going to descend into chaos and at that point it'd be better for us to just go it alone. You can choose not to follow the leaders we pick, but I'm sure everyone else would agree that we'd have to limit you access to whatever supplies we all have."

Castiel hoped he wasn't being too harsh, but he didn't want to seem like a pushover so he continued on, showing no sign of feeling bad about what he said.
"And yeah, you don't know any of us or what we can do, but would it really be better to just not have a leader? Is that really the best idea? If everyone decides and agrees on who's in charge, it would lead to less arguments in the future, so it's best to pick a leader now, while it's calm; Who knows what could happen" Castiel frowned at Yin suggestion for a name, he'd never heard it before, but it just felt off to him. "I don't think that's a good name; We're not really like dragons" Castiel shrugged and tried to think of a name. "I can't think of a name, anyone else got one; I don't think it'd be too important"

@Caped Baldy @The Imperial Flame @Lotusy @Light
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Zalena pipes up at Castiel's desperation for a name, waving her free hand for him to take notice of her. "We should name ourselves Genesis! Since we are changing the world and it does sound cool after all! What do you think?" She beams a smile directly at Castiel, she didn't know he couldnt see her though. "Oh! By the way you're my new friend now." ( @GingerBread )
" I'm fine with the name Genesis. " He said before putting in his earbuds and putting on music after finding a clear place in the room and started to dance , singing along to the music.


The singing started off soft before getting louder and louder until it was loud enough for everyone to hear but easily ignore. Eventually mid through the song he broke out into rap.

This is the love I imagined of

No matter where I look above the sky or the end of sea

It’s so beautiful

I can’t take my eyes off it

I hope I can spread it in my dream

Even I can’t fall asleep because my heart flutters

I hope it will be forever even if I close my eyes

Slowly , a smile made its way onto his face. His jerk around and sometimes got in his face but he ignore it. Singing and dancing were one of the rare times he didn't feel like he had to compete to be the best , where he did have to try he just had to do.

All Mine, your voice (high note also he slays the high note)

All Mine, your eyes as well

All Mine, even your arms

Oh oh oh oh oh All Mine

Once the song ended , Amber slowly started feeling empty again. The smile on his face disappeared and he became aware of the people in the room without a sigh he tried to leave the room.

@ anyone (only those who wants to play nice please)

"That's a-" Castiel paused for a second and frowned as he heard someone start to play music. "I get that people may like music, but playing it right now is a bit rude isn't it?" He muttered underneath his breath before lightly sighing and carrying on with what he was saying. "Anyway, I think that it's a good name. And, not to be rude, but I thought being friends was a two way thing; I hardly know you. I don't think we can call ourselves friends yet."

@Caped Baldy @GingerBread @Lotusy @Light @The Imperial Flame @djinnamon
"Why do you not rise, master?"

"Because I don't really want to be in charge of all of these guys."

"But you surely have far more experience as a leader than any other! You should stand!"

"Well...I dunno..It just seems like a lot of hassle.."

Ree silently fidgeted in her seat, unsure if she was making the right decision.

She then noticed her consort, nervously tapping his index claws together as he bashfully murmurs

"Very well then..could we possibly move to nominate the lovely Ms. Zalena in our stead?"

"Her? Well..I was actually thinking about nominating Castiel. Why do you want he-Oh."

Ree looked down to find that all of her legion were swooning and smittenly reaching out towards the energetic blue-haired girl as they uttered various sweet-nothings and other perverse comments in her direction.

"P-Please do not believe our behavior to be insubordination, your overlordship! I-It's just..how could we resist such a fine specimen of succubus❤?"


Ree turns a curious, questioning eye toward the girl in question, trying to discern any clue to


A faint cheer emanating from the brown-haired girl echos across the room, interrupting the debate between the candidates as well as Ree's speculation.

"Zalena! Zalena! We nominate Zalena!"

Ree freezes in place like a deer caught in the headlights, silently praying that no one had heard the vote "she" had cast.

@Tazmodo @Embaga Elder @CelticSol @LokiofSP @Daimao @Inheritance @GingerBread @Lotusy @Light @The Imperial Flame @djinnamon


Zalena still had her hand out for Yin to shake, even if it may have been tired from being up for so long. "Wow! That's so nice of you to sing for us! That was a really nice song, I think you should sing for us again soon! I have an even better idea! You can totally teach me how to sing since I'd love to learn! My name is Zalena, you have an amazing voice and I think we should be friends!" Zalena hears both Ree and Castiel's comments, causing the gears in her mind to spin. "Then I volunter to become one of the leaders since someone voted for me already. Then we can be super friends if we both win together!" She giggles at her suggestion to Castiel, turning to Ree. "Thank you! I will try my best to live up to your super expectations! My name is Zalena, whats your name and we're friends right?" Zalena couldn't help but feel giddy at the thought of meeting so many new people in one sitting. ( @Caped Baldy @GingerBread @djinnamon @The Imperial Flame )
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Amber instantly stopped moving before slowly turning to Zalena. " Thank you , I guess I can. " He said , though his voice was quiet but loud enough for the girl to barely hear. Intelligence , beauty , acrobatics even dancing , things he was always praised for and things that people complemented to just get on his good side but no had ever complemented his singing voice. Normally a complement about his singing voice would make a slightly surprised but the fact the girl was completely sincere shocked him to the core. After a few moments , the shock subsided and he sat down.

" I guess Zalena is a good choice , we need someone who is friendly considering the fact there are those of us who are hostile and quick to anger. She seems like the kinda person who can ' brighten the mood' as they say' " Amber said.

@Caped Baldy @GingerBread @Light @The Imperial Flame

Castiel couldn't really say he was happy that someone else was trying to become a leader of the group. He didn't mind someone else trying, but he didn't really want to spend time deciding that, when they could all be out saving their parents.
"Alright, I think you seem a bit too hyperactive to be a leader. I could be wrong though" Castiel shrugged and stuck his hands into his pockets. "Anyway, I don't really have a vote. So when you guys decided, give me a shout or something. Then we can get going; I don't know if this is something we don't have a lot of time to do, So I'd rather we hurried up this leader thing, and get on with saving our parents." Castiel shrugged, giving them a small smiled before turning around and sitting back down at the wall he was sitting at before.

@Caped Baldy
@GingerBread @Lotusy @Light @The Imperial Flame @djinnamon


Zalena's seriously couldn't help but smile like an idiot, Amber voted for her and he said he'd teach her. This made the already sad day super fantastic. "I'll try my best to live up to your expectations! We can start the singing practice whenever you want to, okay? This is really exciting to think about!" Zalena nearly squeals at the thought of Amber teaching her how to sing. They could do awesome duets with one another when she becomes good enough. They could also sing everyone to sleep on the harsh nights as well. "This is so cool!" Zalena mumbles to herself, knowing that her dimples were showing from the smile she failed to contain. "Oh! I'm just get really excited sometimes! I can be super calm sometimes, like a ninja! We'll do just that then!" She waves towards Castiel with her free hand. ( @djinnamon @GingerBread )


Ruby felt like she was too silent for far too long, her brother was throwing herself out there and she should have at least helped him. This was biased but it was the best she could do and the most sensible option in her eyes. "I vote for my brother, Castiel." Ruby steps back after speaking out, stroking Porkchops in her arms. ( @GingerBread )
Light said:


Zalena still had her hand out for Yin to shake, even if it may have been tired from being up for so long. "Wow! That's so nice of you to sing for us! That was a really nice song, I think you should sing for us again soon! I have an even better idea! You can totally teach me how to sing since I'd love to learn! My name is Zalena, you have an amazing voice and I think we should be friends!" Zalena hears both Ree and Castiel's comments, causing the gears in her mind to spin. "Then I volunter to become one of the leaders since someone voted for me already. Then we can be super friends if we both win together!" She giggles at her suggestion to Castiel, turning to Ree. "Thank you! I will try my best to live up to your super expectations! My name is Zalena, whats your name and we're friends right?" Zalena couldn't help but feel giddy at the thought of meeting so many new people in one sitting. ( @Caped Baldy @GingerBread @djinnamon @The Imperial Flame )
Ree took a subtle step back away from her soon-to-be leader. She wasn't used to people being this forward with her. Chances are no one is used to people being this forward.

She clumsily mumbled out "R-R-Ree."

While Zalena was distracted with Amber, Ree leans over to Ruby

"Hey, sorry i didn't vote for Castiel, It's just that-well..It's complicated"

Zeta silently watched as the others voted for a leader for their band of misfits. He simply stuffed his hands in his pockets and shrugged wordlessly. He didn't give a shit who their leader was. He watched the others quietly, his usual expression of boredom in his face.

@Caped Baldy @djinnamon @The Imperial Flame @Whoever I missed
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"Well thats enough time for voting, it looks like your leaders are Castiel and Zalena, it's about time you've all left to change the world and save your parents. I wont have enough energy to constantly communicate with you all after this last trip. Once I gain enough energy I can at least visit. Spend your money wisely and don't waste your injections, no killing either!" A degenerate flows out of the ground, swallowing the entire group and has them appear on the docks in Morocco. There was a man being arrested with a boat full of fish by two officers while a group of poorly dressed villagers began to disperse at the sight. They had empty baskets and looked like they were suffering from famine. Merchants dressed in rich clothes could be seen in the background, smiling at the sight of the man facing arrest.

( @Caped Baldy @Tazmodo @Daimao @Embaga Elder @djinnamon @Inheritance @The Imperial Flame )
Light said:
"Well thats enough time for voting, it looks like your leaders are Castiel and Zalena, it's about time you've all left to change the world and save your parents. I wont have enough energy to constantly communicate with you all after this last trip. Once I gain enough energy I can at least visit. Spend your money wisely and don't waste your injections, no killing either!" A degenerate flows out of the ground, swallowing the entire group and has them appear on the docks in Morocco. There was a man being arrested with a boat full of fish by two officers while a group of poorly dressed villagers began to disperse at the sight. They had empty baskets and looked like they were suffering from famine. Merchants dressed in rich clothes could be seen in the background, smiling at the sight of the man facing arrest.
(EDIT: fucking forgot Leo llfduksvheqrhf im so tired)

Eppie squints as the darkness - along with her retinas - is destroyed by the Moroccan sun. Holding her hand over her eyes to shield herself from the worst of the suddenly very bright light, she spots the arrest happening before them, the smirking merchants, and the dispersing townspeople, and frowns, "Charming way to start things..."

Leo watches the arrest of the man with sad, worried eyes, especially paired with the longing looks some of the almost emancipated townspeople send towards the bounty of fish the deck of his ship. His hands clench into fists at his side, wanting to... He's not sure what he even wants to do, but something about the situation feels wrong, corrupted and vile, and he wishes someone would do something.

(@Caped Baldy , @djinnamon , @Lotusy , @LokiofSP , i think i remembered all of you fucks this time)
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Light said:


"Well thats enough time for voting, it looks like your leaders are Castiel and Zalena, it's about time you've all left to change the world and save your parents. I wont have enough energy to constantly communicate with you all after this last trip. Once I gain enough energy I can at least visit. Spend your money wisely and don't waste your injections, no killing either!" A degenerate flows out of the ground, swallowing the entire group and has them appear on the docks in Morocco. There was a man being arrested with a boat full of fish by two officers while a group of poorly dressed villagers began to disperse at the sight. They had empty baskets and looked like they were suffering from famine. Merchants dressed in rich clothes could be seen in the background, smiling at the sight of the man facing arrest.

( @Caped Baldy @Tazmodo @Daimao @Embaga Elder @djinnamon @Inheritance @The Imperial Flame )
Zeta watched the goings on silently, slightly shifting uncomfortably in the Moroccan heat. His eyes rested on the merchants in the background, his gaze narrowing and his jaw clenching slightly.

(@Caped Baldy @Tazmodo @Daimao @Embaga Elder @djinnamon @Inheritance @The Imperial Flame )
Andrew Blight

He had no reaction to any of this, once again he had very little intention of actually being loyal to the leader, he may follow directions but he certainly would not be steadfast. He would be silent and listen for now. No reason to actually do or say anything. He scooted closer to Yin though, as he wanted to moniter her...she was the only one here he could see as a potential ally... for the moment. @Light @The Imperial Flame


"Hmmmm, I feel like some fishy is going on right now." Zalena obviously took advantage of the fish situation, examining the scene with her hand stroking her invisible beard. On the inside she was able to piece the obvious puzzle together just like some others have as well. "I'm going to help him!" Zalena cheers and skips off tapping the shoulder of an officer. "Hey there! I don't think you should be bullying him! If you don't stop I don't think I can call you my friend and you wouldn't want a denied friend request now would you?" Zalena continued to bug that officer and divert his attention away from the man with the boat, allowing him to struggle a lot easier now that it was one against one. Though it did look like he still needed some help.
Amber looked at the scene with no apparent emotion well at least until Zalena started talking to the officer and he facepalmed. " Oh good grief , why did I vote for this girl. " He muttered to himself before walking up to Zalena and the officer , sending the man a fake but convincingly charming smile. " Could please let the fisher man go Officer? " He asked sweetly , tilting his head to the side.

Castiel had just found another reason to hate degenerates and teleportation in general; He had no idea where he was, but he could smell fish, which made his hesitant to move right. He started to hear some people moving forwards and talking to people, normally he would've followed, but he assumed he was near water and he wasn't sure if anyone in the group was the sort of person that would jump into the the water or something like that, so he just stayed where he was, looking over in the direction where he'd heard people talking.

@Caped Baldy @GingerBread @Lotusy @Light @The Imperial Flame @djinnamon


Mary frowned when she saw the police officers arresting someone with a boatload of fish. She wanted to help the man, but she knew that the police were there to help everyone, so she didn't want to stop them from doing that. Following the lead of Zalena, Mary started walked over to a different officer than the one Amber was trying to seduce, tapping him lightly on the shoulders. "E-Excuse me, mr police man; What did this man do wrong?"

@Caped Baldy @GingerBread @Lotusy @Light @The Imperial Flame @djinnamon
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Yin looked around and spotted the Merchants, she stood straight up and put on a face of disgust. Her dirty blonde hair was in an updo, and she wore her mothers crystal earrings and necklace. "Ugh, This place smells of fish." She strode to the merchants and gave them a condescending look. "Filthy merchants." She pulled out a mirror and began looking at herself. She was trying to get the merchants to give her information. "Where is my escort? Why is everything fishy here?" She stomped and let out a frustrated cry.

@Caped Baldy @GingerBread @Lotusy @Light
After watching her leader single-handedly blow any semblance of cover the group had, Ree turned an angry glare to the horde beneath her, and spitefully murmured, "You guys sure know how to pick 'em, don't you?"

Zeal recoiled from the venom in Ree's voice and with fearful submissiveness stammered, "ehehehe...W-W-Well, perhaps upon further reflection, o-our judgement on the matter may have been just a tad bit *gulp* clouded. W-We hope that you can forgive us for such a g-grievous mistake."

Ree can only sigh and roll her eyes, which brought Castiel's lack of action to her attention.

Castiel was nominated as our other leader, maybe he'll know what to do!, Ree thought as she headed down the dock to Castiel's position and called out,

"Hey Castiel! Aren't you going to do something? "


Castiel was listening intently to what everyone was saying, so that he'd have some idea of what was going on. So far he'd learnt that there were police officers and in Zalena's words, they were bullying someone, which he assumed was the fisherman that he'd heard amber say something about. Then he'd heard Yin acting like a spoiled little girl, which he wasn't surprised about, since most people in the group seemed to think they were the most important thing in the world. Though he wasn't sure how if it had anything to do with the situation, so he ignored it.

Castiel's head snapped over to where he'd heard Ree calling out for him, he of course did this purely out of instinct.
"I wasn't planning on it." Castiel slightly shrugged, hoping he wasn't coming off as too harsh. "I don't really know what's going on with the officers and that man and honestly I'd rather we didn't get involved in the first place; It's not our problem to deal with, if we help everyone we come across then we'll probably never end up finding our parents. But we've already got involved, so I'm just going to wait until it's over... Unless I need to get involved, but I don't think I do at the moment"

@Caped Baldy
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GingerBread said:
Castiel was listening intently to what everyone was saying, so that he'd have some idea of what was going on. So far he'd learnt that there were police officers and in Zalena's words, they were bullying someone, which he assumed was the fisherman that he'd heard amber say something about. Then he'd heard Yin acting like a spoiled little girl, which he wasn't surprised about, since most people in the group seemed to think they were the most important thing in the world. Though he wasn't sure how if it had anything to do with the situation, so he ignored it.

Castiel's head snapped over to where he'd heard Ree calling out for him, he of course did this purely out of instinct.
"I wasn't planning on it." Castiel slightly shrugged, hoping he wasn't coming off as too harsh. "I don't really know what's going on with the officers and that man and honestly I'd rather we didn't get involved in the first place; It's not our problem to deal with, if we help everyone we come across then we'll probably never end up finding our parents. But we've already got involved, so I'm just going to wait until it's over... Unless I need to get involved, but I don't think I do at the moment"

@Caped Baldy
Grace noticed something odd about the leader but decided not to act on it. "Castiel we should probably do something about the massive group of well fed well clothed and clearly healthy teenagers who appeared from no where and are clearly foreign. Maybe we could go somewhere not so public while a small groups tries to find out what's the purpose of being here. And since we have to leaders that's one for the main group and one for the recon group. But that's just my suggestion ultimatelyit's up to you.

Skylar followed Zalena and Mary. "Maybe we shouldn't question him sense it's not our place to question local authorities."@Light

Zalena & Fisherman Brundyn

The officers take notice of the large group of kids behind Amber, Mary, and Zalena. They personally didn't want to look bad in front of kids and had already recieved their payment from the merchants. The officcer being bothered by Amber and Zalena scratches the back of his head, obviously uncomfortable with the horde of kids watching him abuse another person. He may possibly have kids of his own so the thought of them seeing him doing this may have shook him. "I've already gotten paid and I don't have time for this. I'll back off but next time you stay out of the authorities way." He casts a light glare their way and walks off. The second officer didn't know what this fisherman was doing wrong to be honest. He was just following orders under a hefty bribe from the rich merchants. This man was giving away free fish to the poor and that did badly for business, something the merchants didn't like. "Well...uh...he was feeding the poor for free?" He seemed uncertian of his own answer at this point. This was a bad situation since he was working under the table due to a bribe, this would mean trouble for him if they were able to piece that together. "You know what, my partner and I have something else to do. We'll be back with serious charges against his...offense later." He uses his partner leaving as an excuse and flees the area.

Zalena skips up to the fisherman once the officers leave with a big smile. "Hi! My name is Zalena, I see you're giving fishies to the poor. First off we should be friends and second off you should let my friends and I help you! The people seem to be coming back anyways. All I ask is for some awesome background info, you know all the cool adventure stuff about this place you might know!" She extends her hand for the fisherman to take.

The fisherman raises his hand slowly and shakes it, he was grateful but this girl was seriously energetic. "Thank you for saving me. My name is Brundyn, I'm a local fisherman. Helping me distribute the fish would be quite nice actually, thank you. I don't have that much to offer in information but if you're newcomers the information I have may save your life in these streets!" He lets out a deep chuckle, meaning it as a joke and nothing more. "YOu get your friends over there and we'll start okay? It would be nice to get this done before they come back in case their threat was more than a bluff." Brundyn actually knew a lot about this town and it's organizations. He just didn't trust them with the information yet since the rest of her group didn't seem keen on helping him at all. He'd have to see how cooperative they are on helping the people before he uttered a word.

Zalena skips back to the rest of the group with a big smile, waving her hand to catch everyone's attention. "Hey! I'd like to tell you all that the fisherman's name is Brundyn and he's now my friend! If we help him distribute all the fish he'll give us some information about the place we're in! Sooooooo lets goooooo!" Zalena skips off towards the boat, already grabbing some fish and approaches the gathering group of poor people with baskets.

The merchants would give Yin a tongue lashing for being such a pompous child but business was business. "Your escort? Ma'am there would be no escort based off of the town." Which reminded them that she could be faking since escorts are unheard of unless you're one of the 'blessed' in this town. The blessed were well known and always had their emblem upon them at all times. "May we see your emblem?"

( @Caped Baldy @Embaga Elder @djinnamon @Inheritance )

"Why are you referring to us in third person? That's a tiny bit weird. Anyway, I'm fine to just wait this out until something happens; I doubt we can stop Zalena at this point anyway, so lets just wait it out and see-" Castiel stopped as Zalena skipped over to them and informed them that if they helped the Fisherman, he'd help them in return and give them information. "Of course, because that's not a huge coincidence that we just happened to appear near some guy that has information that we'll need" Castiel shook his head, realizing he was complaining about something that was a good thing for them. "Anyway, yeah. We should help, like Zelana said. At least then we'll have some idea of what to do" Castiel cleared his throat and motioned for them to walk forwards ahead of him, hoping he wouldn't end up falling in the water or something.

@Caped Baldy @GingerBread @Lotusy @Light @The Imperial Flame @djinnamon


Mary frowned at the Policeman's answer, not liking how they were trying to stop someone from being nice. As the Police officer tried to run off, Mary ran after him, wanting to tell him what he was doing was wrong and why it was wrong, before then reporting him to another police officer; Mary wanted to stay and help give the fish away, but felt explaining to the policeman why what he did was wrong was more important so that he wouldn't do it again. "Mr Policeman! I want to talk to you" Mary said as she ran after him, not thinking about the fact that she might get lost if she went too far.

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