Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
Yin's eyes narrowed as she glared at them. "Why would I show it to the likes of you, You could kidnap me. You already are starving the poor." She said, looking to the starving people. "A deal was in order, I see you are rude to your esteemed guest." She walked over to the hungry crowd. "Would anyone of you House me? I would be happy to work, and I would most certainly try to work out the food problem." She pulled out her hair, and took her ear rings off. She leaned in closer so the merchants couldn't hear. "What is with them? Why don't you burn them at the stake?"


Hassan looked down at the girl looking at her with his dull emotionless eyes, while Alyson peeks over his shoulders looking at her. Alyson spots the authorities coming for her. Han, we have to help her. She's just a girl, who knows what they'll do to her. Hassan sighs. Great. Vaku get these two to safety. Vaku jumps out his jacket pocket and turning into his alpha form. Alyson grabs the girl placing her on Vaku, then climbs on behind her. Hassan grabs the money. I'll take this. Vaku leave. Vaku takes off running carrying Alyson and the girl. He takes them to an alleyway someplace far from the authorities.


Hassan looks at the bag of money, he grins and pulls out one of his revolver knives. He switches it to its knife form and cuts the bag open. He then tosses the bag in the air allowing the money to fall out the bag, causing a big crowd to gather around grabbing the money from the air. Hassan leaves the scene heading to the alleyway Vaku was at.


Alyson taps the girl on her shoulders. Umm hi. She said shyly. Im Alyson and this is Vaku. The guy with me was Hassan. She paused and took a deep breath and started touching her index fingers together. Call you tell me why you stole the money? She asked slowly and softly. @Light

Mary wondered back to where everyone was, only to find that most of them were gone. She frowned slightly as she looked around, frowning even more when she heard someone having a go at people for a real reason. Looking over at them, she realised that it was someone from the group. She ran over to Yin, a frown still on her face.
"You shouldn't be so mean to these people, it's not nice; You should be nice to everyone" Mary smiled up at Yin before remembering the photos of the man with the symbol being mean to the policemen. "I've got something to show you!" Mary said as she pulled her phone out of her pocket, showing the pictures to Yin.

@Light @The Imperial Flame


Zalena jumps off of Castiel a dusts off her ass, she looks towards Castiel and purses her lips. "Hmmmmm....okay. Since we're trading secrets I'm actually really smart and not very hyperactive, now we are even." Zalena says the last four words as i they had a song-like tune. "So I'm going to guess that you get your sight back through an injection since that's what brought this up." Zalena was no longer acting hyper and offered Castiel a hand to stand up, she casts him a small smile but turns her attention to the watery pathway that is the sewer. It was muddy and had an ankle deep flow of water sitting in the center of the path. Down the pathway there were three different tunnels. ( @GingerBread )


"Just leave the town through the west exit and out in the jungle you should be able to find it. If you doubt me...I pity you but if you don't then you'd miss out o the power both my items and the bird can grant. Is anyone up for the challenge?" Vrace kept looking around but everyone was much too afraid to step up. They feared what the bird could do so they simply stood there awkwardly. ( @Inheritance )

Walen & Officers

The officers didn't know what to do, they couldn't locate the theif whom stole from the orphanage. The poor kids at the orphanage were already struggling to get by finacially but now that their money was stolen the kids would have nothing. They wouldn't have enough money to buy clothes, pay the bills, buy food, or pay taxes. These pair of officers felt sick to their stomach...they didn't know how they could deliver the news to the orphanage that they ailed to bring their money back. That the kids would have nothing to look forward to and there was nothing anyone could do financially to save them. "Come on...we're going to have to give them the bad news." One officer sadly tells the other and turns away, walking back to the orphanage.

Walen decided that she would need to leech off of them for as long as possible at the moment so she couldn't tell them she stole from an orphanage. "I stole because I'm poor. I need the money to support my family since my father has long passed away and my mother is ill." Bullshit, it was all bullshit but it was all she had at the moment. ( @Embaga Elder )
Andrew Blight

"Sure. I'll humor you. Any information on this 'deadly bird' ?" Of course he wouldn't actually let his guard down for a second, but it was good to look like a skeptic. Lowers competition's view of you. They won't take you for a threat, then you show em what you can do. "Like it's 'powers' and such? I mean I am shaking right now you just can't tell because I am so calm." He'd let him figure that out. @Light
Light said:

"Hmmmmmm, okay!" Zelan begins to shift through his things, still sitting on his back. "Found it, I'm your nurse now so prepare yourself!" She injects it straight into his ass and pushes the deity mana into his system. "There! You're all powered up now. It's time to get this adventure going! I hope you don't mind where I did it though. It was the softest muscle available." ( @Caped Baldy )



There was a man gathering up a crowd in the distance since he was yelling about a sale. This sale selling wonderous trinkets and magic items for a small quest of his to be completed. He simply wanted the feather of the legendary continental bird, a rare and one of a kind bird. "It's the only bird of its kind and during this time of the year its said to come here to Morroco! I want you to find it and kill it if possible, its hide would be nice to have. If you can't kill it then at least one feather would be nice. The more you bring the bigger the reward! This bird is said to be elusive to even the best of hunters. Is anyone up for the challenge?" ( @Inheritance )


There was an extremely short girl with a hood on her head with heavy cloaks running through the busy street. She seemed to be cradling something in her arms but wasn't looking where she was going. She crashes into Hassan and Alyson and drops a sack full of stolen money. Not too far behind local authorities were chasing after her for stealing. Both Alyson and Hassan had a decision in this situation. They could either help this criminal get away or help the officers with the arrest. ( @Embaga Elder )
The air filled with the deep grumbling of an empty stomach at Ruby's words.

In all of the excitement, Ree forgot that she hasn't eaten all day.

"Y-Yeah..Food sounds really, really good right about now"

Ree bends down to pick up Porkchops, and then holds him up at arms length and licks her lips in mock hunger.

"Heehee! I could even eat you up, you adorable little thing!"

After placing the pig in a more comfortable position on top of her head, Ree turns to Ruby with a whimsical grin.

"So..What's it like living on a farm? I've lived in the sub-urbs all my life, so I've never really had the chance to go to one."

Castiel gladly took Zalena's hand to help him stand up. "Actually, yeah. It would make sense that the mana injection helped... I guess that means I need mana to be able to see.. great" He dusted himself off slightly and slowly looked up from the ground to Zalena's face, giving her a small smile. "I didn't really want a secret from you, but it's nice to know; I just wanted to tell you just in case" Castiel looked down, still kind of getting used to being able to see again. As such he ended up accidentally staring at Zalena's breasts, the realisation making him look away and towards the tunnels. "So that looks like fun to walk in, doesn't it? I doubt you'd want to walk in that; I could give you a piggyback so that your clothes don't get dirty" Castiel looked back over at Zalena, smiling jokingly at her. "But, Um, we've got three tunnels, which one should we take? You have the map right?"

Hassan & Alyson

Hassan peeks around the corner hidden and he happens to catch the officer speaking. From what he could tell me, The officer sounded more sad then mad. Either the officer was personally like this or this is something different than what he and his cousin assumed. Hassan followed the officers at a safe distance trying not to be seen nor heard.


Alyson face slowly turned said as she heard the story. She felt bad for the young girl being forced to turn to the life of thievery to support her family. She slowly reached out and rubs the girl head. I'm sorry to hear that but you don't have to turn to the life of crime. Find a better way to help them. She spoke with her head down looking at Vaku's fur, which helped her speak more confidently.

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"I can't really say since there are many stories on it's powers. Some say it manipulates sin, others say it manipulates rainbow light, and most say it manipulates beauty. That's all I have for you, now be on your way!" He points in the direction of the jungle where the bird has been spotted. ( @Caped Baldy )


Zalena looks at the mud before them and shrugs, she didn't mind but if he was offering she'd take it. "Sure, way to be a gentleman." Zalena jumps on his back without warning and clings onto him, holding himself up to refrain from falling. "The map says go left." She rests her head on his shoulder since she couldn't be bothered with holding it up herself, especially since she had to hold the map up in front of him. "So...Wanna play twenty one questions?" ( @GingerBread )

Castiel groaned slightly as Zalena jumped onto his back, not really expecting it, though he didn't really want to be rude, so he just went along with it and stepped into the muddy water, carrying Zalena on his back. "Make yourself comfortable... I thought you'd be heavier if I'm honest.. Not because you look fat or anything.. you just look well proportioned.." Castiel coughed and cleared his throat slightly as he started walking through the tunnels. "Sure, I guess I ask the first question?" He went quiet for a second as he tried to think of a question. "Um.. What's your favourite animal?"


Faolan barley paid attention to what was going on once everything with the fish had been figured out. He instead focused on the pig that the one girl with black hair had brought with her. He'd noticed it a few times since they'd left out, but he'd never really gotten the chance to think about it. He'd only seen pigs in pictures, and on top of that, he was pretty sure they weren't supposed to be pets. He watched as the pig was picked up by the other girl with the lighter hair. He rubbed his chin and narrowed his eyes, trying to figure out why exactly a pig would be brought on a trip like this one. He then snapped his fingers as he finally figured it out, running up to the two to confirm it...

He approached Ruby and waved, "Hi! I just wanted to say that your pig is really cool! So when are you gonna cook it? I've always heard pork tasted really good!" He bounced on his feet slightly as he eagerly awaited a response, his taste buds watering at what he thought pork must taste like in his imagination.

@Caped Baldy


Kristen holds her hands behind her back for a few moments, unsure of what exactly to do now that they had finished helping the fisherman. She looked at Juniper and Austrianna now that Zalena had left, "So...I'm going to just...ya'know...I'll uh...yeah, goodbye." She gave an awkward thumbs up and began to walk away, leaving the scene and heading off to find some sort of trouble...



Suria continued to sleep on his bench like a piece of shit.

Officers & Nun

The officers knock on the door and begin to deliver the news of being unable to return all three thousand stolen dollars. Especially when the orpanage had to pay by tomorrow or else it'll be torn down. The officers felt terrible about the situation, especially when the nun broke down crying. They wouldn't be able to handle the children's sorrow so they began to walk off, leaving the sobbing nun alone. She still had the door open and was leaning on the frame. ( @Caped Baldy @LokiofSP )



Juniper nods her head at Austrianna's request and follows after Kristen, she keeps her head low and holds her hand so she could stay close. "H-hey...where are we going?" She tries to keep her eyes on her feet so she could avoid the gazes she believed were on her. She didn't likee being in such a large crowd and felt like she was going to throw up. "Can we go somewhere with less people...please?" ( @LokiofSP )

Castiel was glad that Zalena didn't comment on what he said, or make fun of him for saying it; He knew if Ruby was here then she would've. "Fair enough. My powers then.. Um.. Well I have control over light and darkness and along with what I just did, I can shape it and stuff like that. Um.. I can also see really well, when I can see anyway. And last but not least, I can go into people's dreams and control them, so every one of my dreams are lucid" Castiel smiled as he looked slightly to the side, where Zalena was resting her head on his shoulder. "Umm... What sorts of things do you enjoy doing?"

Light said:

"I can't really say since there are many stories on it's powers. Some say it manipulates sin, others say it manipulates rainbow light, and most say it manipulates beauty. That's all I have for you, now be on your way!" He points in the direction of the jungle where the bird has been spotted. ( @Caped Baldy )


Zalena looks at the mud before them and shrugs, she didn't mind but if he was offering she'd take it. "Sure, way to be a gentleman." Zalena jumps on his back without warning and clings onto him, holding himself up to refrain from falling. "The map says go left." She rests her head on his shoulder since she couldn't be bothered with holding it up herself, especially since she had to hold the map up in front of him. "So...Wanna play twenty one questions?" ( @Caped Baldy


Kristen holds her hands behind her back for a few moments, unsure of what exactly to do now that they had finished helping the fisherman. She looked at Juniper and Austrianna now that Zalena had left,
"So...I'm going to just...ya'know...I'll uh...yeah, goodbye." She gave an awkward thumbs up and began to walk away, leaving the scene and heading off to find some sort of trouble...

@Caped Baldy
@LokiofSP )



Juniper nods her head at Austrianna's request and follows after Kristen, she keeps her head low and holds her hand so she could stay close. "H-hey...where are we going?" She tries to keep her eyes on her feet so she could avoid the gazes she believed were on her. She didn't likee being in such a large crowd and felt like she was going to throw up. "Can we go somewhere with less people...please?" ( @LokiofSP )
"What an odd guy.." Ree silently thought to herself.

"If he needs some food, I guess we'd all be going the same way...And this could be a good chance to meet some of the other people in our group"

Ree called out to the siblings before they had the chance to leave,

"Hey! I found a nice food stand that's nearby! You're welcome to come join us!"


Zeal emerged from Ree's ear, drowsy and exasperated from being under the baking Moroccan sun

"You're imperiousness, there are complaints from within the legion that subsistence reserves are running low, I would advise getting nourishment soon..As well as some shade to block this hea-EYAH!"

Zeal gasped in a mixture of shock and indignation at the pink-fleshed interloper sitting atop Ree's scalp. To Zeal, this was above his position on Ree's shoulder and represented that this swine was above his position as chief ambassador for the legion.

"What in the name of the dark father is this!? Now see here, you! I did not work my tail off for 5 earthen cycles as the overlord's second-in-command just to be replaced by some bulbous, fleshy upstart!"

Zeal continued rambling curses and threats toward the pig, oblivious that his words were lost on the pig's simple mind.


Zalena thinks about his powers since they did sound interesting after all, maybe this is why he wanted the injection. "I think your powers are cool but mine is way cooler." She says this jokingly and looks down at the map she kept her head straight since their cheeks were touching due to their closeness, Castiel did turn his head to face hers afterall. "I enjoy making friends, baking, adventures, and being happy. Keep walking down the hall, there's a ladder that will take you down to a very water filled place, there's a memo on here that says there should be a raft that takes us to the other side where there's a gate. "What's your full name?" ( @Caped Baldy @LokiofSP )

"My powers aren't that cool, they're useful, even though I don't use them that much" Castiel smiled slightly, but when he realised that his and Zalena's cheeks were touching, he quickly moved his head so that they weren't. "That's a bit of a weird question, but alright. My full name is, Castiel Crossway" Castiel kept walking forwards until he got to the ladder while thinking of a question. "What are your powers? and am I going down this ladder with you still on my back? I don't have a problem with it, but I'm not sure if you'd be comfortable with it"


Kristen looked besides her to find Juniper besides her, "Wait, how did you-oh...someone sent you didn't they?" She let out an exasperated sigh, "You know what? This is fine! Perfectly fine, we can go out and just walk around town, take in the sights, and just have a good time...outside of the public eye of course! Wouldn't want you to get scared or anything, so how about this? Why don't you go ahead and just point and choose a direction for us to go that isn't back where we started, and we can just have a good time. Sound good?" She pulled Juniper in closer with her left arm and gave her a one armed hug.


Faolan frowned up at Austrianna, "It's not my fault she has a pig as a pet! Kinda weird when you really think about it..." He mumbled off at the end, staying still while his sister accepted their offer to join them for dinner. He then squirmed under her arms and out of her grasp, going back up to Ruby, "I'm really sorry that I asked to eat your pig, but if it makes you feel better, I'm sure he would have been delicious." He then walked up to Ree, attempting to stay away from his sister's grasp for awhile, "So where is the food stand we're going to?"

@Caped Baldy
Andrew Blight

He gave the merchant a disgusted look, one pure judgment and shame. He left in the directions the merchant had told him, muttering something about damn queers taking over the world. Whatever... if that merchant could get him something he needed, power, then fine...he would tolerate him. For now. He hadn't exactly forgotten the rest of the group...but simply shoved them in the back of his thoughts. Not like any of them mattered to him. @Light


"Yeah they're pretty useful, I could see a couple ways it can be used. I think you should try using them more, even if I said they aren't I think theyre actually cool. I was joking...the ability to switch light and darkness...that sounds pretty awesome once you think about it on a bigger scale." Zalena holds on tightly to Castiel, pulling herself closer to his back. "Yeah I don't mind, I'm pretty secure. Those were two questions in a row so I get two. My power allows me to divide things by zero. I would give you a deeper explanation but you'd have to as for it." Zalena chuckles at her evil intent to make Castiel use up his questions. She presses her cheek on his once more, finding it safer to rest their heads together to make sure she wouldn't fall off. She didn't want to take any chances since who knows how long that fall would be. "How are you feeling about this adventure? Why are you being so nice to me?" Zalena had a quiet tone with the last question, her eyes didn't light up as much and her smile fell. She had the regular expression of a...regular sad girl. Zalena was extremely perceptive, she knew some didn't like her position as leader and were annoyed with her as well. They were still her friends but as hyperactive and impregnable as she may seem, she wanted to be genuinely liked and she had feelings too. She thought Castiel really didn't like her since that's how it came off during the voting period. Zalena decides that she has no right to complain, it's just how she is so she should expect negative backlash even if she's trying her best to make others happy. "Nevermind that last question, it was a silly little joke!" Zalena cracks a smile and even throws in a convincing giggle. ( @GingerBread )


Juniper nods her head in agreement to Kristen's idea, finding comfort in that instead of sticking with the crowd. She begins to move through the streets with her sister until she finds a lake, instead of sand it could only offer mud. "Oh...I'm so sorry I chose a bad place. I should have taken you someplace different, this is a mess. Please forgive me, I-I just...messed up...again." Juniper could feel her eyes begin to sting a bit from building tears. She turns away from Kristen and tilts her head up while opening her eyes and blinking to prevent herself from crying. She was just stressed out from all of this and her repeated failures. She stops herself from crying and takes a deep breath, finding the courage to face Kristen again. "I'm fine...sorry about that." Juuniper's eyes grow wide at the sight behind Kristen. "What's that?" She points towards the creature exiting the water. ( @LokiofSP )

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/7809b0b0-6d62-4f09-a653-b7a9eb2e5626.png.85b85fb3200da0c06c7c7261ddfe7dc7.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="145978" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/7809b0b0-6d62-4f09-a653-b7a9eb2e5626.png.85b85fb3200da0c06c7c7261ddfe7dc7.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Andrew ( Scenery description

@Inheritance )

As Andrew continued to travel through the jungle the temperature started to rise but the sound of a large bird could be heard in the distance.



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Light said:


Zalena thinks about his powers since they did sound interesting after all, maybe this is why he wanted the injection. "I think your powers are cool but mine is way cooler." She says this jokingly and looks down at the map she kept her head straight since their cheeks were touching due to their closeness, Castiel did turn his head to face hers afterall. "I enjoy making friends, baking, adventures, and being happy. Keep walking down the hall, there's a ladder that will take you down to a very water filled place, there's a memo on here that says there should be a raft that takes us to the other side where there's a gate. "What's your full name?" ( @Caped Baldy @Caped Baldy
"Don't sweat it! I'm sure he didn't even hear you!"

Ree gave a stealthy wink toward the imp that was now supporting himself on Ree's neck, wheezing from exhaustion wrought by the vigorous and fruitless tongue-lashing he had delivered to his pudgy, pink nemesis.


"So according to my GPS, the food stall should be south-west from here,over on the next street."

Ree then adds with a flat, disappointed tone,

"Also there's some Mousachus™ nearby on Catchacreep Advance™...Like I don't have enough of those already..."


"I've used my powers more than enough, I would tell you more, but you'll have to as. Just so I know you want to hear it" Castiel smirked at Zalena, throwing her own thing back at her, completely meaning it as a joke. "That wasn't two.. I guess technically.." He sighed lightly, not bothering to protest it. "Your power seems really cool though" Castiel smiled briefly at Zalena. When she rested her cheek against his again, he didn't bother trying to get away from it "Honestly? I'm scared of this whole adventure, right now, not so much; Everything seems alright, but there's just a slight bit of fear that keeps creeping back into my mind" Castiel slightly shrugged, not enough to move Zalena around. "And since you asked the second question, I'm going to answer it. No takesies backsies"

Castiel smirked and stepped forwards, climbing onto the ladder and starting to make his way down it.
"But why wouldn't I be nice to you? You seem alright and you've given me no reason to dislike you. Sure, you're a little hyper, but it's better than being stuck up and arrogant like Andrew and that other guy, Amber, I think his name was. Anyway, I'd rather spend time with you, even if you're really hyper, than spend time with them. And you seem like a good leader, look how far you've gotten us" Castiel smiled at her, trying to focus on something other than looking down, since he didn't want to put himself off even slightly since he had Zalena relying on him. "Anyway, my turn to ask a question now and since you asked two, So will I. So... Why did you ask me why I was being nice to you? And I would like to know more about your power, if that's not too much to ask"


Kristen could only frown at the way her sister seemed to be when they found the mud beach, "Hey look, it's fine. It's not your fault that this city is a complete piece of shit...now look, we'll just go to a local restaurant, grab some food, and be back with the rest of the group before sundown. Sound good?" She raised a brow at her sister's question, slowly turning around and cringing at the sight of the dolphin looking creature, "That, is what we call a freak of nature, probably a result of whatever shit people are putting in this lake. Now what you do when you see these, my dear older sibling, is slowly back away, and pretend like you never saw anything. Like so..." She took Juniper by the hand, slowly backing away from the creature in attempts to get away before anything to bad could happen...

@Caped Baldy @Light
Light said:

Officers & Nun

The officers knock on the door and begin to deliver the news of being unable to return all three thousand stolen dollars. Especially when the orpanage had to pay by tomorrow or else it'll be torn down. The officers felt terrible about the situation, especially when the nun broke down crying. They wouldn't be able to handle the children's sorrow so they began to walk off, leaving the sobbing nun alone. She still had the door open and was leaning on the frame. ( @Caped Baldy @LokiofSP )



Juniper nods her head at Austrianna's request and follows after Kristen, she keeps her head low and holds her hand so she could stay close. "H-hey...where are we going?" She tries to keep her eyes on her feet so she could avoid the gazes she believed were on her. She didn't likee being in such a large crowd and felt like she was going to throw up. "Can we go somewhere with less people...please?" ( @LokiofSP )
Hassan grits his teeth and clenches his fist. What ever it was he was starting to feel guilty, as if he just made a huge fuck up. He walks over towards the nun crying. Excuse me miss, I couldn't help but over hearing. I'm sorry that you were robbed. How much was it? I could probably help. He said genuinely.


Zalena diverts her eyes away from Castiel and buries his face into his shoulder. Her lips weren't touching his own so she could still talk. "Oh...really huh? Well I guess I really was silly, I wont goof like that again." She didn't have the same energy she usually would behind the words since she was slowly warming back up into that mindset. Her hands begin to tightly grip Castiel even though she was completely secure. "You don't have to feel scared. I mean...you have your sister, that one girl who stood up for you during the election, my sister, the rest of the group, and I. If you're still scared let me know; I'll try harder to make you all smile, okay?" Zalena shifts her head, causing one of the horns on her head to lightly tap Castiel in the head. "I asked because you seemed disatisfied with me being voted for when you called me hyperactive during the voting time. This is also because everyone is kind of...annoyed with me I guess? Here I go...talking about my hurt feelings just because I want everyone to like me and be my friend. I'm supposed to be the constant emotional support everyone turns to...not the other way around. Sorry...I don't feel like playing anymore, just continue down the ladder and there should be a raft, I'll be quiet now." Zalena didn't show her vulnerable side much to others so she didn't like to continue on with it. She's only shown her mother, Maya, and rarely Austrianna that it doesn't matter how dependable and invincible you may seem everyone needed a shoulder to lean on. ( @Caped Baldy @LokiofSP )


The creature was actually extremely docile, it was the local lake dolphin. It resides in this lake but often bathes in the sun on the muddy beach. The reason why the creature came out of the water this time was because of the loud children splashing and playing inside of it, disturbing it's rest. The creature glances at them but pays them no mind only to curl up on the mud and try to take a nap. It was rolling around since it was very uncomfortable on the mud in this time of day. The childrens laughter seemed to get louder so the creature covered where it's ears should be with more mud. Local villagers walked no more than 2 feet around it without even glancing at it, as if this creature was a normal sight. ( @LokiofSP )


"Three thousand dollars were taken from the orphanage. Thank you for your concern but that's far too much for a young man such as yourself to be carrying around. Bless you for your concern." ( @Embaga Elder )

Castiel felt Zalena move her head and looked around just in time to see her bury her face into his shoulder. "Yeah, you were just a little bit silly" Castiel looked over at her and smiled the best he could, wanting to cheer her up. When he felt her grip him even tighter, he didn't say anything about it and just allowed her to, assuming she was trying to get more secure. "It's not that big of a deal, I'm fine with feeling scared. At least I'll be more cautious about things if I feel that way, so there's a bright side at least" Castiel kept a smile on his face as Zalena tapped him on the head with his horn inadvertently. "I just didn't think you were suitable to be a leader, it was nothing against you. But you seemed too hyper and I didn't think you would enjoy being a leader, or be a good one. But I'm glad to say I was wrong about one of those points at least. Because, you're a great leader"

Castiel smiled at her as he stepped off of the ladder and started walking towards the raft.
"I'm not annoyed with you, well I am slightly, though that's more my fault than yours. Because, I couldn't see, I thought you were getting into trouble based on what I was being told." Castiel shrugged slightly, hardly moving Zalena when he did. When he got to the raft, he stopped right in front of it. "It's fine, you don't have to play the game anymore. I'm fine with ending it here, it was fun though. If you want to though, you can talk to me about it all, I don't mind listening. When my sight goes again, that's all I'll be able to do anyway" Castiel chuckled lightly at his own joke. As he stopped chuckling, he started smiling at Zalena. "We're at the raft, if you want to get in now. Sit wherever you want, you can have the first pick."


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