Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
Hassan gives the nun a genuine smile. You'll be surprised what us youngsters are able to carry around now a days. He turns around walking away. I'll be back, and please refrain from telling the kids the bad news. Hassan waves goodbye as he walks away. He walks towards an alleyway and does a high pitch whistle. The whistle travels towards Vaku's ears. Vaku's body stiffened up and he takes off heading towards Hassan with Alyson and the thief still on his back. Alyson yelps as Vaku suddenly takes off. She grabs onto his fur to try and stay on. Arriving in the alleyway with Hassan, she questioned where the money was and why did he bring her here. She was about to speak, but stopped when she witnessed Hassan giving the girl a deadly glare. He steps towards the girl and pulls out one of his guns and grabs the girl. He lifts her up, putting the gun to her chin pulling the hammer back. What gives you the fucking right to steal from an orphanage?? Are you that cold hearted that you still from children. You could've stole from the rich, but no you stole from children, a child, stole from children. This world is really fuck up just like dad said. He spoke in and even tone not allowing his voice to change, even though he was pissed. Alyson watched in total shock. She couldn't believe what she what she was both hearing and seeing. A child stole from an orphanage, and Hassan pointing the gun at her at point blank range. Both actions were very wrong. She took a step forward, taking a deep breath in and out. She places her hand on Hassan's arm pulling it down lowing the gun from the girl's chin. Han, this isn't what we were sent here to do. We aren't like I parents. Not everything has to be resolved by killing. There's always another way. She spoke with confidence trying to convince her cousin. She didn't want him to go down this path. Yeah what the girl did was wrong, but killing her is also wrong. Hassan sighs and places the gun back in its holster. With his free hand he pats the girl down making sure she didn't steal from Alyson while she was with her. Aly, she stole three thousand dollars from the orphanage. I was thinking we split it 1500 each and give it to the orphanage. Then we turn this thief in. He keeps his eyes on the girl making sure she doesn't do anything she might regret. Alyson smiles. Sure I'm okay with both plans. She turns towards the girl, giving her the same smile. You should thankful that I'm saving your life. The cousins walk back towards the orphanage with Hassan still holding the girl. Hassan knocks on the door with his free hand. @Light
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Zalena gets off of his back slowly, staying silent while gripping on to his shirt from his back. She gazes to the side and rests her forehead on his back, closing her eyes briefly. "Thank you..." She stays here for a few moments until she realizes what she's doing, she just felt too comfortable since she was used to being physical with snuggling when in this mood. Her mother was always the one to do this when she needed it but right now there was only Castiel. She slowly lets him go and steps into the boat taking the seat in the middle. "Sorry about that, I usually get physical when I'm like this. I just needed a hug. I'll feel better in a bit though so you don't have to worry a single hair on your head." She tried to be excited about it but couldn't she looks bac at the boat with a bored expression. "We probably don't have much time until you lose your sight...forget me. Come on in." Zalena sets her hand on the edge of the boat and leans over, extending her hand for Castiel to take. By the looks of it she was about to trip on the wet wood, tip over the boat, and fall into the water. Zalena notices this and tries to correct herself, thats exactly when she ended up falling. ( @GingerBread )

Walen & Nun

Walen was trying her best to break free from his grasp, she couldn't get sent to jail for fucks sakes! Once they knock the nun opens the door with a shocked expression. "Why! Oh my...how did you?!" The nun seemed far too shocked for words, she didn't believe the boy at first but thought his gesture was sweet. Now that he's caught the theif, she couldn't believe the sight before her. This reminded her of the time she recieved a magic ring for helping an old man. The gratitude he felt must have been the same she may be feeling now. If by large luck he managed to give her the money she needed then this may be the time she passes off the ring as thanks. ( @Embaga Elder )

"Hey, I don't mind. If you need a hug, feel free. I'd rather you were feeling good, we are both leaders of the group after all" Castiel smiled at Zalena and stepped forwards to step into the boat, just as Zalena starts to fall. He quickly stepped forwards, leaning towards her and grabbing her by the waist and pulling her back to stop her from falling into the water. Though because of that, Castiel, ended up falling backwards onto the boat, bringing Zalena down on top of him. "You need to be a bit more careful. Is it just a coincidence that it happens around boats?" Castiel smiled at her, waiting for her to get up in her own time, not wanting to risk pushing her off and having her fall again.

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Zalena didn't get up at all, she sighs and wraps her arms around Castiel, pulling him into a tight embrace since she was already laying on top of him. "Yeah...I could use that hug right now." The movement from their fall began to make the boat move and cause it to move with the water. She wasn't paying attention but she assumed that fate would take them to the gate they needed to be at, the water current should be going in that direction anyways. She rests her head on his chest since she much shorter than him. The top of her head excluding her horns only reached his shoulders. Zalena closes her eyes and begins to feel the comfort of a hug as she always would to make herself feel better. "Thank you..." ( @GingerBread )

LokiofSP said:
Kristen could only frown at the way her sister seemed to be when they found the mud beach, "Hey look, it's fine. It's not your fault that this city is a complete piece of shit...now look, we'll just go to a local restaurant, grab some food, and be back with the rest of the group before sundown. Sound good?" She raised a brow at her sister's question, slowly turning around and cringing at the sight of the dolphin looking creature, "That, is what we call a freak of nature, probably a result of whatever shit people are putting in this lake. Now what you do when you see these, my dear older sibling, is slowly back away, and pretend like you never saw anything. Like so..." She took Juniper by the hand, slowly backing away from the creature in attempts to get away before anything to bad could happen...

@Caped Baldy @Caped Baldy @LokiofSP )



The creature was actually extremely docile, it was the local lake dolphin. It resides in this lake but often bathes in the sun on the muddy beach. The reason why the creature came out of the water this time was because of the loud children splashing and playing inside of it, disturbing it's rest. The creature glances at them but pays them no mind only to curl up on the mud and try to take a nap. It was rolling around since it was very uncomfortable on the mud in this time of day. The childrens laughter seemed to get louder so the creature covered where it's ears should be with more mud. Local villagers walked no more than 2 feet around it without even glancing at it, as if this creature was a normal sight. ( @LokiofSP )


"Three thousand dollars were taken from the orphanage. Thank you for your concern but that's far too much for a young man such as yourself to be carrying around. Bless you for your concern." ( @Embaga Elder )
"Well, I guess you could try to eat them, but it would probably be pretty hard on account of them not existing."

As the group traveled further down, the air began to sing with the heavenly aroma of rich herbs and exotic spices coming from various stalls and street peddlers. Beautiful, vibrant fabrics and tapestries, decorated with the insignia of the continent's ruling god, fly like magnificent banners on the fronts of hole-in-the-wall stores. Despite the wondrous, majestic atmosphere, there was something...off in the air. The huddled masses of shoppers seemed to make every conscious effort to avoid the young tourists' gaze. Shopkeepers and store-owners with booming voices, advertise their trade, yet seem to suddenly fall silent as the young children pass and wait until they're far out of ear-shot to resume doing business.

It was unmistakable, the sense of being watched. The sense of fear from passersby. The scent of blood lurking somewhere within the water.

The combination of hunger and her focus on the glowing screen in front of her, prevented Ree from noticing the leery stares of the other pedestrians as the group walked through the crowd.

"You know what does exist though? Tajine! The national food of Morocco!"

Ree pointed to to a food stand, where a vendor gave out bowls full of soup from various, ceramic, earthenware slowcookers.
Hassan smiled at the nun who seemed almost speakless. Alyson stood behind Hassan allowing him to do the exchange and talking. I told I'll be back. He went into his jacket pocket and pulled out 3000 dollars a mixture of both Alyson's and Hassan's money. He hands it over towards the nun. Hey if it's not too much trouble can you call the same officers that were here before. It's time to turn this thief in. He glances over at the thief, The looks back at the nun @Light

Castiel felt slightly awkward that Zalena kept laying on top of him, but didn't want to push her off, since she seemed happy right now. He got comfortable and slowly wrapped his arms around her. "It's alright. Like I said if you ever need to talk, you can talk to me. Or if you just want a hug or something, I don't mind; I'd rather you were happy than unhappy" Castiel smiled at her, ignoring the fact that her horns were in her face. He just closed his eyes and relaxed, enjoying the calmness that was around them and the feeling of the boat slowly moving along with the water.


Kristen looked at the dolphin and shrugged, "Well, it looks like shit. But guess that if it doesn't bite it's fine..." She looked back at Juniper questioningly, "Well, since we're here, do you want to go swimming or something? I didn't pack my bathing suit, but we could run back and get them if you really wanted. Unless you really do want to leave...which I completely understand by the way! Not like I'm blaming you if you want to leave..." She added the last part quickly, as if she was afraid Juniper would have taken her words the wrong way if she hadn't...

@Caped Baldy

Austrianna & Ruby

Austrianna could see the shopkeepers already avoiding eye contact with them and could see why. She wondered just how much influence the monarchs had over the hearts of the people. She decides to ignore them since they weren't going to make a move anyways. She notices Faolan having trouble ordering and gives him a small smile to let him know everything was okay. She would give him a hug but she feels like he'd be embarrassed. Austrianna approaches the person behind the counter and begins to reserve a spot table for them, she'd order his food once they were settled. ( @Caped Baldy Is this alright with you or did I go too far with your plans? I'll edit if I did ) ( @LokiofSP )

Nun & Officers

The nun nods her head and rushes into the orphanage to make a call to the authorities, she was so happy she could barely hold the phone correctly. In a few minutes time they manage to arrive at the scene with handcuffs and cameras. The local news team arrive at well to not only take a picture of the two teenagers who saved the orphanage but also brought in a criminal. "Can we get your picture?" The officers began to take Walen away as the photographer approached them. ( @Embaga Elder )


Zalena felt warmer in the cold sewer with is arms wrapped around her. Castiel could feel her smooth black hair that she suprisngly did brush today for school. Castiel could feel Zalena's heartbeat slow down to a calm rate. "Thank you...I'll be better soon. Just...everything that has been said between us here stays as a secret, promise?" Zalena moves her hand up to Castiel's chest and raises her pinkie up. "Castiel." She whispers to him to catch his attention. "Pinkie swear it." The blue tips of her hair and the blue strips on her horns gave off a gentle light. They didn't give much light for her face to be seen completely in the dark but it did give it a faint glow. Her eyes had a certian shade to them as her smile slowly returned with the dim blue lights. Her bright red eyes where slowly beginning to have that excited spark they had before in them. ( @GingerBread )


"No that's fine! We can go swimming I would like that, it's a nice way to escape the heat." Juniper gives Kristen a small smile and looks at the large dolphin. "So...are we getting the swimsuits now?" ( @LokiofSP )

Castiel rolled his eyes slightly as Zalena asked him to pinky swear that he wasn't going to tell anyone, though he still kept smiling as he brought his hand up to Zalena's, outstretching his pinky and wrapping it around hers before shaking them slightly. "I promise that I won't tell anyone what we've told each other... So what happens if I break the pinky promise?" Castiel asked, obviously joking about breaking it as he took his pinky away and went back to hugging Zalena, since he had gotten comfortable like that already and the posision he had to put his arm in to do a pinky promise wasn't exactly comfortable for him. "I'm glad to see you're happy again though; Being sad doesn't suit you"

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Hassan turns towards the photographer with Alyson hiding behind him. He covers his face with his jacket. Sorry no photos. Alyson, Vaku, and he walks into the orphanage locking the door behind him. The cousins rest their backs on the door. Good call with the no photos thing. We don't need to bring too much attention to ourselves. Yeah whatever, we both know that I don't do pictures. They both laughed softly then looked around the orphanage. Where did that nun go, and we're are the kids? I don't know, but why do you ask? Well because I'm hungry, and I want to mess with the brats. Alyson giggles. Of course you are. The cousins sits down on the floor still with their backs against the door. Hassan's guilty conscience was clear and Alyson is becoming more confident even if it's little by little. Vaku changes to his whelp form cuddling up with Alyson. @Light
LokiofSP said:
Kristen looked at the dolphin and shrugged, "Well, it looks like shit. But guess that if it doesn't bite it's fine..." She looked back at Juniper questioningly, "Well, since we're here, do you want to go swimming or something? I didn't pack my bathing suit, but we could run back and get them if you really wanted. Unless you really do want to leave...which I completely understand by the way! Not like I'm blaming you if you want to leave..." She added the last part quickly, as if she was afraid Juniper would have taken her words the wrong way if she hadn't...

@Caped Baldy
Light said:

Austrianna & Ruby

Austrianna could see the shopkeepers already avoiding eye contact with them and could see why. She wondered just how much influence the monarchs had over the hearts of the people. She decides to ignore them since they weren't going to make a move anyways. She notices Faolan having trouble ordering and gives him a small smile to let him know everything was okay. She would give him a hug but she feels like he'd be embarrassed. Austrianna approaches the person behind the counter and begins to reserve a spot table for them, she'd order his food once they were settled. ( @Caped Baldy Is this alright with you or did I go too far with your plans? I'll edit if I did ) ( @LokiofSP )

Nun & Officers

The nun nods her head and rushes into the orphanage to make a call to the authorities, she was so happy she could barely hold the phone correctly. In a few minutes time they manage to arrive at the scene with handcuffs and cameras. The local news team arrive at well to not only take a picture of the two teenagers who saved the orphanage but also brought in a criminal. "Can we get your picture?" The officers began to take Walen away as the photographer approached them. ( @Embaga Elder )


Zalena felt warmer in the cold sewer with is arms wrapped around her. Castiel could feel her smooth black hair that she suprisngly did brush today for school. Castiel could feel Zalena's heartbeat slow down to a calm rate. "Thank you...I'll be better soon. Just...everything that has been said between us here stays as a secret, promise?" Zalena moves her hand up to Castiel's chest and raises her pinkie up. "Castiel." She whispers to him to catch his attention. "Pinkie swear it." The blue tips of her hair and the blue strips on her horns gave off a gentle light. They didn't give much light for her face to be seen completely in the dark but it did give it a faint glow. Her eyes had a certian shade to them as her smile slowly returned with the dim blue lights. Her bright red eyes where slowly beginning to have that excited spark they had before in them. ( @GingerBread )


"No that's fine! We can go swimming I would like that, it's a nice way to escape the heat." Juniper gives Kristen a small smile and looks at the large dolphin. "So...are we getting the swimsuits now?" ( @LokiofSP )
Ree sits in the seat adjacent to Austrianna and begins tearing into her soup as if it were the first morsel of food she'd ever had in her life. Between mouthfuls, she attempted to start up a conversation.

"Sho..*ulp* What do you think of Morocco so far?"

( @Light @LokiofSP )


The boat reaches the other side and washes up on the makeshift shore, sitting right before the gate that would take them to the organization's base of operations. Zalena smiles and lets Castiel go, standing up in the boat so she could turn around and face the gate. She sets her hands on her hips and releases a loud laugh. "Look! Thanks to my brilliant magic I have guided the ship of steel to the treasure island! If you break the promise I'll have to divide your pinkie by zero." She jumps out of the boat and rushes to the gated door. She attempts to open it but notices that it's locked which makes her knock rapidly. "Hello! My name is Zalena, take me to your leader!" She then puts up the alien peace sign. ( @Caped Baldy @LokiofSP )


Fisherman Brundyn

Brundyn noticed Eppie and Leo standing there alone, he didn't see why they couldn't join the others at all. "Stop standing there awkwardly! You're young so you should enjoy yourself! Go on now, a couple kids said that they're going to eat over there!" He points towards the place Ree, Ruby, Faolan, and Austrianna are eating. "You can't do anything on an empty stomach now can you?" ( @CelticSol )
Light said:
The boat reaches the other side and washes up on the makeshift shore, sitting right before the gate that would take them to the organization's base of operations. Zalena smiles and lets Castiel go, standing up in the boat so she could turn around and face the gate. She sets her hands on her hips and releases a loud laugh. "Look! Thanks to my brilliant magic I have guided the ship of steel to the treasure island! If you break the promise I'll have to divide your pinkie by zero." She jumps out of the boat and rushes to the gated door. She attempts to open it but notices that it's locked which makes her knock rapidly. "Hello! My name is Zalena, take me to your leader!" She then puts up the alien peace sign. ( @GingerBread @CelticSol )
A panel slides out from a slot cut into the door, and two dark eyes squint into the darkness. When they focus on Zalena and Castiel, a gruff voice speaks, "Speak the passcode."

(@GingerBread )

They looked at the nun, both giving her a genuine smile as she approached. Offering them a ring that brings knowledge Hassan gladly takes the gift. Thank you ma'am. That's very generous of you. Hassan places the ring in his pocket. He and Alyson followed the nun, with Vaku walking beside them. @Light

Castiel slowly sat up as Zalena got off of him and walked out of the boat. He rolled onto his side slightly and pushed himself up so that he was standing up. "I don't really use my pinky that much..." He smiled at Zalena as he stepped off of the boat and followed behind her. He waited silently as Zalena knocked at the door, until someone opened a panel and asked for a passcode. "I don't think we got a passcode..? She might've got one. But, all I remember is getting told to come here by a fisherman... Brundyn. We were given a map by him.. Actually" Castiel looked around at Zalena. "Is there a passcode on that map.. or any word that could be one..?"

@Light @CelticSol

Faolàn dug into his food with zest, tearing into the bread quickly and swallowing even quicker. Eventually he stopped eating and looked to Ree and Ruby, "So...where do you guys come from? Like, where were you born and stuff? If we're gonna travel together, we might as well get to know each other a little bit, right?" He looked between the two with intrigue.

@Caped Baldy


Kristen shrugged, "I mean, if you want to. We could go now, or we could instead find somewhere else where Satan's Sea World isn't. I mean, it looks fine, but Jesus Christ I'm not sure I could swim with that thing sitting right next to me."

Light said:


The boat reaches the other side and washes up on the makeshift shore, sitting right before the gate that would take them to the organization's base of operations. Zalena smiles and lets Castiel go, standing up in the boat so she could turn around and face the gate. She sets her hands on her hips and releases a loud laugh. "Look! Thanks to my brilliant magic I have guided the ship of steel to the treasure island! If you break the promise I'll have to divide your pinkie by zero." She jumps out of the boat and rushes to the gated door. She attempts to open it but notices that it's locked which makes her knock rapidly. "Hello! My name is Zalena, take me to your leader!" She then puts up the alien peace sign. ( @Caped Baldy @Caped Baldy


Kristen shrugged,
"I mean, if you want to. We could go now, or we could instead find somewhere else where Satan's Sea World isn't. I mean, it looks fine, but Jesus Christ I'm not sure I could swim with that thing sitting right next to me."


After downing her meal, Ree lets out a content sigh and then turns to Faolan.

"Me? Oh, nowhere special, I just grew up in the suburbs outside of Starting Town. Ruby was just telling me about how she lived on a farm."

"So what about you guys?"


Zalena starts to tilt the map just to see if there were any hidden messages. Once she saw nothing out of the ordinary she begins to check for any Destonian on the off chance there would be any words from her home land. Zalena forgot to make the mental switch between Destonian and English. She shakes her head, "Ve il lurenz jua fresk ut deshmash!" Zalena bounces up and down lightly with a large smile. "Oopsies! Silly me, forgot this worlds language. Does that make me an alien? Huh....well I'll find out later! My friend Brundyn sent us here like my friend Castiel says and he even gave us this cool map!" ( @Caped Baldy @LokiofSP )[/size]
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Castiel gave Zalena a strange look when she started speaking a different language, one that he was sure he'd never even heard before. He shook his head lightly and brushed it off as just not recognizing the language; He never really payed that much attention in class anyway, since he only ever tried for a passing grade. 'She said she forgot this worlds language.. Whatever, I can always just ask her about it later; It's not that important anyway' Castiel looked back towards the door and the open panel, waiting for a response from the person behind the door, hoping that they'd let him and Zalena in.

@Light @CelticSol
GingerBread said:
Castiel gave Zalena a strange look when she started speaking a different language, one that he was sure he'd never even heard before. He shook his head lightly and brushed it off as just not recognizing the language; He never really payed that much attention in class anyway, since he only ever tried for a passing grade. 'She said she forgot this worlds language.. Whatever, I can always just ask her about it later; It's not that important anyway' Castiel looked back towards the door and the open panel, waiting for a response from the person behind the door, hoping that they'd let him and Zalena in.
Light said:
Zalena starts to tilt the map just to see if there were any hidden messages. Once she saw nothing out of the ordinary she begins to check for any Destonian on the off chance there would be any words from her home land. Zalena forgot to make the mental switch between Destonian and English. She shakes her head, "Ve il lurenz jua fresk ut deshmash!" Zalena bounces up and down lightly with a large smile. "Oopsies! Silly me, forgot this worlds language. Does that make me an alien? Huh....well I'll find out later! My friend Brundyn sent us here like my friend Castiel says and he even gave us this cool map!" ( @GingerBread @CelticSol "But the poor ate fish for lunch" )
The eyes squint at them suspiciously, hearing the name but not understanding any of the rest of what was said. The panel snaps closed, and Zalena and Castiel can hear through the door that the man is shouting in Arabic, saying a name that is muffled by the door between them. After a few, long moment, a young man, obviously not the man they had spoken to earlier, opens the door a bit. He slides halfway through the door, blocking the small opening with his body as he looks left, right, and behind the pair. His pale blue eyes go to the pair, speaking lowly, "Keep your voices down. Were you followed?"

Light said:
Brundyn noticed Eppie and Leo standing there alone, he didn't see why they couldn't join the others at all. "Stop standing there awkwardly! You're young so you should enjoy yourself! Go on now, a couple kids said that they're going to eat over there!" He points towards the place Ree, Ruby, Faolan, and Austrianna are eating. "You can't do anything on an empty stomach now can you?" ( @CelticSol )
(@Daimao )

Eppie eyes rise from her phone, kept in service by her mother's worldwide phone plan, to the fisherman. Eppie shrugs, stuffing her phone into her back pocket. Despite the heat, she keeps her jacket on - she'd rather sweat than sunburn - as she turns to Zeta, "You going to come with?"

Leo, on the other hand, simply makes his way to the restaurant/cafe/whatever it was, peering around until he spots his relatives. He approaches the table, looking at all the faces there a bit nervously, "Uh, may I join you guys?"
Light said:


Zalena starts to tilt the map just to see if there were any hidden messages. Once she saw nothing out of the ordinary she begins to check for any Destonian on the off chance there would be any words from her home land. Zalena forgot to make the mental switch between Destonian and English. She shakes her head, "Ve il lurenz jua fresk ut deshmash!" Zalena bounces up and down lightly with a large smile. "Oopsies! Silly me, forgot this worlds language. Does that make an alien? Huh....well I'll find out later! My friend Brundyn sent us here like my friend Castiel says and he even gave us this cool map!" ( @Caped Baldy @LokiofSP )[/size]
CelticSol said:
The eyes squint at them suspiciously, hearing the name but not understanding any of the rest of what was said. The panel snaps closed, and Zalena and Castiel can hear through the door that the man is shouting in Arabic, saying a name that is muffled by the door between them. After a few, long moment, a young man, obviously not the man they had spoken to earlier, opens the door a bit. He slides halfway through the door, blocking the small opening with his body as he looks left, right, and behind the pair. His pale blue eyes go to the pair, speaking lowly, "Keep your voices down. Were you followed?"
(@Daimao )

Eppie eyes rise from her phone, kept in service by her mother's worldwide phone plan, to the fisherman. Eppie shrugs, stuffing her phone into her back pocket. Despite the heat, she keeps her jacket on - she'd rather sweat than sunburn - as she turns to Zeta, "You going to come with?"

Leo, on the other hand, simply makes his way to the restaurant/cafe/whatever it was, peering around until he spots his relatives. He approaches the table, looking at all the faces there a bit nervously, "Uh, may I join you guys?"
The only reaction Ree could give to Austrianna's explanation was a blank, confused stare.

"That uh..That sounds nice?"

Austrianna's second question caused Ree to faintly tense up, seemed that the subject was a bit for her to talk about.

"Uh, my powers? Well the thing is..I'm not quite sure what they really are."

Ree takes an upward glance to the pig sleeping on top of her head. But far more pleasing to her was Zeal's meek, weary body, curled up on the sow's back.

"...But let's just say..I have friends in high places."


Glad to have something to change the subject of her powers before Austrianna could do any further probing, Ree eagerly waves to Leo.

"Sure! More the merrier, right?"

@Light @LokiofSP @CelticSol

Castiel stayed quiet as the person behind the panel closed it without giving them any sort of response apart from squinting at them. "So that's another rude person we've run into. Let's hope the rest of them aren't" Castiel muttered to himself as the man behind the door started shouting in a different language. When a another man slid halfway out of the door, looking like he was trying to stop them from entering. "I don't think we were followed. I don't remember seeing anyone and I probably would've noticed if someone was, I have great eyesight" Castiel gave the young man a friendly smile. "So.. are we allowed to come in now? Or is there something else we have to do?"

@Light @CelticSol
CelticSol said:
The eyes squint at them suspiciously, hearing the name but not understanding any of the rest of what was said. The panel snaps closed, and Zalena and Castiel can hear through the door that the man is shouting in Arabic, saying a name that is muffled by the door between them. After a few, long moment, a young man, obviously not the man they had spoken to earlier, opens the door a bit. He slides halfway through the door, blocking the small opening with his body as he looks left, right, and behind the pair. His pale blue eyes go to the pair, speaking lowly, "Keep your voices down. Were you followed?"
(@Daimao )

Eppie eyes rise from her phone, kept in service by her mother's worldwide phone plan, to the fisherman. Eppie shrugs, stuffing her phone into her back pocket. Despite the heat, she keeps her jacket on - she'd rather sweat than sunburn - as she turns to Zeta, "You going to come with?"

Leo, on the other hand, simply makes his way to the restaurant/cafe/whatever it was, peering around until he spots his relatives. He approaches the table, looking at all the faces there a bit nervously, "Uh, may I join you guys?"
Zeta looks at Epsilon as she asked her question and shrugs in response. However, despite that nonchalant answer, he quietly walks towards where the others are.

@Whoever is over there
Skylar had wandered off trying her best to make progress with her scythe slowing her down. She pulled as much as she could and inching her way around. "If Clare were here she could help carry it." She said with slight fear in her voice. She had somehow lost Clare and knew no one else. Even if she saw a group member she has terrible social skills and would just be scared to talk. She looked around and was completely lost. She sniffles and held back tears trying to find her sister.

Clare was search in the exact opposite direction as she was walking through the streets looking for Skylar. She called out her name through the streets and didn't care about what the people said or how they gave her dirty looks. She had her hand on her sword hilt just in case though.

RJ was flying a drone a drone with a camera set up to play through a screen in his mask over his eyes. He flew it around the town after noticing Clare lost Skylar. He sat looking while to other people he look like some homeless kid staring blankly.

Grace was looking for someone in the group to talk to she needed to make more friends and get to know more people and their potential battle compatibility. She found herself near a few cafés but forgot her money in her bag with RJ. She looked down at her growling stomach and tried to forget about food.

Clark was bored as all hell sitting with RJ. He saw other members and thought fuck it and walked up to them. "Hey imma chill with you guys since I've got nothing else to do. Is that cool with you?" @Daimao @CelticSol

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