Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters

Suria looks down at the degenerates for just a moment before leaning back. He was fine with the situation at hand, he was getting inside without having to do any work. This was literally the best thing to happen to him all day, he had a semi comfortable surface and he was able to move without having to work. He would have stayed there all day if not for-


The fact that-


They started to-


Slam him into a damn wall!

He pushed himself off the creatures and brushed himself off, holding his head and wincing. He took a moment to make sure he wasn't concussed before moving forward and trying to figure out what was going on. He listened as some girl addressed everyone (Whose name he eventually figured out was Austrianna) said they should all get together and tell each others names, while some asshole (named Andrew) argued against it, while some other guy (Who Suria was now calling Anime protagonist #135) argued against it. Then there was some guy going on about corn fields...Suria got fed up and raised his hand, walking up to the face everybody. He honestly didn't care much, but not only had he been dragged into the situation (Painfully) but the noise was going to make it hard to sleep, "Okay, so um...hi my name is Suria, mom's name was Jayn and the sperm donor's name was Roman or whatever the fuck. Anyways, with that introduction sorted out, can we just raise our hands when speaking or some shit? Everything is to loud, and it's kinda pissing me off a bit..."

@Caped Baldy @Lotusy @The Imperial Flame @djinnamon


Kristen stood by the side awkwardly as she listened to what Austrianna had to say, of COURSE she figured it out, she always had to figure everything out somehow...Kristen let out a sigh as she stuffed her hands in her pockets, resisting the urge to fiddle with her hair and bite her nails, after all, she had appearances to keep up and all that crap. She then heard people begin to shout at her sister, followed by someone suggest they straight up off her, which instantly made her snap to attention. She turned to Jason with a twitching eye as she laughed slightly, "Wait, I'm sorry, did you just suggest we kill my sister?! I'm sorry, do you think before you fucking speak? Or are you intentionally being an asshole to seem that much cooler..." She then lowered her voice and went into a slouch as she mocked him slightly, "'Oh, look at me, I'm so bad ass because I have no problem killing somebody. Even though I'm just doing this to cover up the fact that I'm a dumb fucking hick corn farmer..."

She then turned around to face Eppie, "By the way, you can just bundle whatever the fuck crawled your ass and died at the door, because I'm not dealing with it. Please and thank you..." She then lastly turned to Austrianna, "And are you actually just going to let these fucks walk all over you? You would kick my ass if I said even a word of what they just said, but they get a free pass? Come on, speak up for yourself..." It was then that the burst of over confidence Kristen had gotten came down and she cleared her throat, attempting to hide her shame and keep up her act by closing her eyes and stepping back from the people she had been addressing, "*Ahem* anyways, you can continue now..."

@CelticSol @Light @Lotusy (Only these three because she was only addressing your characters...)


Faolan looked at Juniper and quickly attempted to back track, "It's really no big deal Juniper, nobody was here, so nobody can laugh at you, look at it that way! Anyways, we need to get home quick, I have to go to therapy toda-" He paused as all he saw for a moment was black, followed by standing in some odd place on some weird bridge. He looked between his siblings as he suddenly felt very afraid, "Um...Please tell me this was a surprise trip. One of you guys planned this right? Because if so, we should just head back now, b-because I-I have therapy and...Oh gosh mom and dad are gonna kill us if we're not home soon..."

Amber glared and stood up. " Ok , shut up now and actually let the intelligent adults speak kiddo. You acting like a child having a tantrum and trust me it ain't a cute look. " He said to Andrew. " Not everyone a pessimist such as yourself from what I have seen so far so shut the fuck and take several fucking seats. " He growled out , his hair start float slightly as he tried to prevent himself from transforming and attacking.

With a huff he plopped down on ground , tuning out everyone in the room as he slipped into his own little room though he keep looking around for signs of danger.

djinnamon said:
Amber glared and stood up. " Ok , shut up now and actually let the intelligent adults speak kiddo. You acting like a child having a tantrum and trust me it ain't a cute look. " He said to Andrew. " Not everyone a pessimist such as yourself from what I have seen so far so shut the fuck and take several fucking seats. " He growled out , his hair start float slightly as he tried to prevent himself from transforming and attacking.
With a huff he plopped down on ground , tuning out everyone in the room as he slipped into his own little room though he keep looking around for signs of danger.

Andrew Blight

He laughed for a while at that, this fool couldn't think of anything original. "I'm sorry could you think of nothing else? I'm certain I already used tantrum, and insulted your intelligence-which I am going to do again." He loved this, he was a great victim. "You curse a lot, is it because your daddy cursed a bunch? I didn't know GODS cursed! Or was it your mom?" He opened his arms. "Unlike you I'm not trying to look cute, you're trying to show me up at my own game, which is outsmarting idiots like and and insulting people. Swallow hard and back down, it will make you look much better." He was ready, if this fool wanted to fight, he would have a great time.

Castiel shook his head at Andrew's rebuttal "You're purposely insulting people to try and get a reaction, while also lying to our faces about whether or not you have parents, that or you don't even know what you're saying, because you can't keep track of your own story" Castiel sighed and sat up once again, not even close to losing his cool, just getting tired of the situation. "I already think before opening my mouth, that's common sense, but you seem intent on just insulting everyone to make up for the fact you have nothing meaningful to contribute to the conversation, but you feel you need to have your voice heard, don't you?"

Castiel took a deep breath and exhaled steadily when Amber started talking shit, but first he addressed Suria's problem. "No, you're just going to have to keep up, Because I doubt anyone will actually go along with that anyway" Castiel shrugged and turned his attention towards Amber, though he kept looking right ahead. "You're both acting like little children throwing a fit. You're a demanding asshole who thinks that everyone should bow down to you, and he's an asshole looking for fights because he's got nothing else to do. But listen closely; You're both nobodies, so can you both just stop acting like spoiled children and get along so we can get out of this situation? Or is that too difficult for the both of you" Castiel sighed and shook his head lightly, swearing he was started to get a headache. "And can we also stop swearing, it doesn't make you seem more likeable or make anyone want to help you more. And I swear, if either of you try to start a fight, I'll stop it." Castiel took a deep breath once again before laying back down. "Right, now everyone can calm down"

@Caped Baldy
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LokiofSP said:
Suria looks down at the degenerates for just a moment before leaning back. He was fine with the situation at hand, he was getting inside without having to do any work. This was literally the best thing to happen to him all day, he had a semi comfortable surface and he was able to move without having to work. He would have stayed there all day if not for-


The fact that-


They started to-


Slam him into a damn wall!

He pushed himself off the creatures and brushed himself off, holding his head and wincing. He took a moment to make sure he wasn't concussed before moving forward and trying to figure out what was going on. He listened as some girl addressed everyone (Whose name he eventually figured out was Austrianna) said they should all get together and tell each others names, while some asshole (named Andrew) argued against it, while some other guy (Who Suria was now calling Anime protagonist #135) argued against it. Then there was some guy going on about corn fields...Suria got fed up and raised his hand, walking up to the face everybody. He honestly didn't care much, but not only had he been dragged into the situation (Painfully) but the noise was going to make it hard to sleep, "Okay, so um...hi my name is Suria, mom's name was Jayn and the sperm donor's name was Roman or whatever the fuck. Anyways, with that introduction sorted out, can we just raise our hands when speaking or some shit? Everything is to loud, and it's kinda pissing me off a bit..."

@Caped Baldy @Caped Baldy )

Eppie looks at Kristen, feeling a small spark of anger. It lessens and fades, however, when Eppie realizes that the kid, abrasive phrasing aside, is partially right. It wasn't helping, everyone was stressed out, everyone was lashing out in their own respective ways and adding to it wasn't getting them any closer to getting to the bottom of what the fuck is going on. Being angry, abrasive and arguing wasn't going to help them through this any quick. Eppie sighs, running her hand through her hair. Following the instruction of Austrianna, she raises her hand, speaking loudly and clearly, "My name's Eppie. My parents are Jacqueline and Alpha Sapienti. When someone that looks vaguely like me walks in with a brooding expression and red eyes, that's gonna be my brother Zeta."

Leo shifts a little bit closer to the front of the group, his voice quiet and reserved as his wrings his hands together in front of him, "Uh, I'm Leonidas; please call me Leo. My parents are Layla and Grimm Van Fenrir... I don't really know why I'm here, since my dad wasn't recently kidnapped..."
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Amber at this point was blankly looking at everyone , tuning them out so he didn't hear them only hearing only bits and pieces. He rolled his eyes and started checking his nails. " And who was talking to you idiot and last time I checked I was attempting to defend you. " He said to Castiel before looking at Andrew. " I'm not trying also i'm not cute , I'm hot so don't comment. " He said before blocking them out again.

@GingerBread @Light @Inheritance
Andrew Blight

He shrugged at the two idiots, their arguments contradicted themselves. "Actually I need to be heard less then you, or you would have shut up a long time ago, because you can't see logic. But it's ok, I have no intent of not working with you people, as YOU jump to assume." He grinned. "Don't assume, it makes an ass out of u and me." He then turned to this Amber fellow. "Ah yes, you are so hot it makes all the ladies want you. That's why you're alone right?" @GingerBread @Light @djinnamon

"I just want to relax, but some people are making that difficult because they want to prove something. I've no idea what, but I don't care either. I just want some quiet right now, so I can hear myself think; I don't think I ever mentioned you not going to work with us, did I? I was just telling you to quiet down, so I don't have to listen to you arguing with whoever." Castiel sighed heavily, really wanting to end this 'argument' with Andrew, if you could even call it that since he was just going back on one point, trying, and failing to make himself seem smarter than everyone else. "But, sure. You can go do your own ideas. But I don't think you have any since you're still here" He shrugged and then turned his attention towards Amber. "No one, but I'm sure no one here wants to hear you two having a hissy fit. And last time I checked, I didn't ask someone to defend me, did I? Besides, you could spend your time better, like getting that massive ego of yours under control. Actually, both of you could"

@LokiofSP @Light @The Imperial Flame @Embaga Elder @Lotusy @Inheritance @Tazmodo @CelticSol @djinnamon
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At Ruby's approach, Zeal quickly darts back into the recess of Ree's ear and into her mind

"We shall remain vigilant, m'lord. Worry not, we will take leave of this place soon!"


Ree was intently staring down at the path to the castle, waiting for the last remaining people to arrive until the sound of someone addressing her snapped her back to reality. She subtly takes half a step back and flashes an uneasy but friendly grin

"Oh, hey..Uh don't worry, I was trying to not pay attention to all of the fighting, so it doesn't bother me too much"

Ree dusts off a nearby, chair and takes a seat.

"So is he always like that? He looks like he might need a hand or something."

Ree idly scratches the back of her head..She was never really good at small talk but she needed to think of something to talk about.

"Soo..Why do you think we got dragged out here? I was thinking it might be aliens."
" Last time I checked I'm gay oh and don't think I'm attracted to you cause I can tell the kind of perverted joke that is about to come out that annoying mouth of yours. Oh and I don't have people with me because I don't want anyone , a majority of those people care about looks. " He said to Andrew before turning to Castiel . " My ego is actually confidence. " He said. " But I'll listen to you this time and stop fighting , I legit feel like I'm intelligence level is dropping from talking to him. " He said refering to Andrew. Slowly he got up and walked away again , fiddling with his hair as he went to a different corner to be alone.

@Light @GingerBread @Inheritance
Andrew Blight

He laughed as the I'm uncultured walked off. Let him think what he wanted, he was obviously too stupid to shoot back. He would remember this, because he knew who he was smarter then. He silenced himself. Let the others think they had won. They hadn't but it would help their small minds if they thought they did. But he would remember the name Amber-not because he was oppressing or any worthy opponent, but he had no tolerance for a fool such as that, who would dare question his intelligence when he made the dumbest remarks he had ever heard. @Light @djinnamon
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LokiofSP said:
Faolan looked at Juniper and quickly attempted to back track, "It's really no big deal Juniper, nobody was here, so nobody can laugh at you, look at it that way! Anyways, we need to get home quick, I have to go to therapy toda-" He paused as all he saw for a moment was black, followed by standing in some odd place on some weird bridge. He looked between his siblings as he suddenly felt very afraid, "Um...Please tell me this was a surprise trip. One of you guys planned this right? Because if so, we should just head back now, b-because I-I have therapy and...Oh gosh mom and dad are gonna kill us if we're not home soon..."

@Caped Baldy @Caped Baldy
CelticSol said:
(@Caped Baldy )
Eppie looks at Kristen, feeling a small spark of anger. It lessens and fades, however, when Eppie realizes that the kid, abrasive phrasing aside, is partially right. It wasn't helping, everyone was stressed out, everyone was lashing out in their own respective ways and adding to it wasn't getting them any closer to getting to the bottom of what the fuck is going on. Being angry, abrasive and arguing wasn't going to help them through this any quick. Eppie sighs, running her hand through her hair. Following the instruction of Austrianna, she raises her hand, speaking loudly and clearly, "My name's Eppie. My parents are Jacqueline and Alpha Sapienti. When someone that looks vaguely like me walks in with a brooding expression and red eyes, that's gonna be my brother Zeta."

Leo shifts a little bit closer to the front of the group, his voice quiet and reserved as his wrings his hands together in front of him, "Uh, I'm Leonidas; please call me Leo. My parents are Layla and Grimm Van Fenrir... I don't really know why I'm here, since my dad wasn't recently kidnapped..."
@Embaga Elder[/URL] @The Imperial Flame @Lotusy @Tazmodo )

Austrianna sat down as they all argued away. She smiles at Kristen, who seemed to care about her in her own way rather than the usual hate she gets from her. Her smile did say thank you. Austrianna's attention was instantly taken away by Eppie's mention of Jackie. "Jackie? My mother has brought that name up at least once before."

Zalena's eyes grew wide at the hint of adventure. She grabs both Faolan and Juniper, dragging them all the way to the castle to join the party. Once she enters the castle she cheers loudly for everyone to hear. "WE'RE HERE FOR THE ADVENTURE! Oh, hi big sis!" Zalena waves at Austrianna, which only makes her heart feel at ease due to the safety of her siblings. Three lights hit the door at this moment. Now that they were all here another white light flows out of them all and hits the largest lock on the door. The last lock was to fade away when at least all but one of the required people arrived near the door. The large double doors open to reveal a large room with thrones for each person if they choose to sit. These thrones were set in a semicircle around a plan wooden chair. Instead of sitting in it, Valentae was sweeping the dust off of the floor with a broom. "Oh! You're all finally here! What's up, erm....fam? I have a lot to tell you and I know you must have a lot of questions."

Ruby was about to answer her questions but with the door opening and all, she could only lean into Ree's ear to whisper. "I think she has the answers to our question but....did she just say fam?"

Castiel was glad that they'd all finally stopped and was about to lay back down, when he heard the Doors open and someone start talking to them. "Fam? Whatever. Why did you kidnap us? What was the point of his door and the locks? And can We leave now, I honestly couldn't care less about this whole thing, No offence, I'm sure you put a lot of effort into all of this" Castiel started to stand up, knowing he was facing the doors, since he hadn't changed direction since laid down and when he came in, him and Ruby were looking at the doors. "But I really can't deal with any of this right now. So if you could just send me and my sister back to where we were, that'd be nice. Thanks"

@LokiofSP @Light @The Imperial Flame @Embaga Elder @Lotusy @Inheritance @Tazmodo @CelticSol @djinnamon
Andrew Blight

He said nothing, he wanted to see where this went. I mean hey, more interesting then most other things he was doing, so he just sat quietly and watched the whole exchange. He didn't mind anyone leaving, but it would be fun to at least get answers. Still, he hoped nothing would betray who his father and mother were. That could be problematic...for others. @Caped Baldy @The Imperial Flame @CelticSol
Amber couldn't stop the cringe that appeared on his face as the woman said the word 'Fam'. " Please who ever you are , never say fame while addressing me please. " He said , sighing lightly as he walked into the room and examined it. " There are enough seats for everyone ,so can you explain why we are here and why did the lock need certain people. " He said , walking over Valentae while cocking his head. Truthfully he didn't know why he wasn't on guard anymore , but the woman seemed to not be a threaten and he was strangely drawn to her.

Ree nodded in agreement and stood up to follow after her into the room.

Though it may have just been her imagination, As Ruby was whispering, it sounded as if there was a tiny, bloodcurdling screech emanating from somewhere within Ree's head.


"psst, Zeal? You okay?"

Zeal popped out of Ree's head, covering his ear canals and angrily shouting at the top of his small lungs,



Ree could only sigh and shrug her head, she'll make sure to give him a nice treat when they get back.

For now, she had to focus on making sure that they were able to get home first.

GingerBread said:

Castiel was glad that they'd all finally stopped and was about to lay back down, when he heard the Doors open and someone start talking to them. "Fam? Whatever. Why did you kidnap us? What was the point of his door and the locks? And can We leave now, I honestly couldn't care less about this whole thing, No offence, I'm sure you put a lot of effort into all of this" Castiel started to stand up, knowing he was facing the doors, since he hadn't changed direction since laid down and when he came in, him and Ruby were looking at the doors. "But I really can't deal with any of this right now. So if you could just send me and my sister back to where we were, that'd be nice. Thanks"

@Caped Baldy
@The Imperial Flame @CelticSol

djinnamon said:
Amber couldn't stop the cringe that appeared on his face as the woman said the word 'Fam'. " Please who ever you are , never say fame while addressing me please. " He said , sighing lightly as he walked into the room and examined it. " There are enough seats for everyone ,so can you explain why we are here and why did the lock need certain people. " He said , walking over Valentae while cocking his head. Truthfully he didn't know why he wasn't on guard anymore , but the woman seemed to not be a threaten and he was strangely drawn to her.


"I apologise, please calm down as I try to explain. I would hate to take this conversation to the DMs if it gets out of hand...bro." She seemed extremely unsure of her choice of words at the end. "I had the degenerates kidnap you all due to a prophecy I was bestowed with. As farfetched as this sounds. You could say that you all are 'The Chosen Ones'. Your parents were in fact kidnapped but that had nothing to do with me. The ones who kidnapped your parents are the Monarchs and their
corrupt system of power. The locks on the door was just a system I set up to make sure you've all gathered as one before I made the explanation. The fate of your parents currently is not a good one. I don't know exactly what's planned...actually I don't know too much at all sadly. Though from what I do know, your parents are in danger and only you can save them!" Valente didn't know how absolutely absurd and corny this sounded. Since she was older she thought the message she was getting across was apart of their daily word choice and they'd instantly be on board. "Ah! I forgot my name! I'm Valente and you're currently in the stomach dimension of the degenerates." She gestures to the one being held by Yin. Valente continues to sweep the floors.

Ruby scoffs at Valente's words, finding this to be ridiculous. "Are you joking? My mother and father in danger? This is all set up, come on now. Right?" Ruby's voice was strained, it was obvious that she felt the opposite of her words.
" I'm an orphan , my father is dead and I got no mother so why the hell should I help. " He asked , his eyebrow raising as he resisted to the urge to scoff. " Anyway what is this prophecy ? " He asked as he looked at Valentae.

Andrew Blight

He found it amusing now these people were denying their heritage. No matter, however it did...well it was strange. HIS parents captured? Didn't seem like that was really possible, considering his grandmother...but who knows, he had no clue if this person was even telling the truth. He stayed quiet for a bit longer, then spoke up. "Alright, so our parents are endangered. What if I don't know who my parents are?" He still wasn't ready to give much information to this person just yet, whoever it may be. However, if there was a grain of truth to this, it was certainly worth exploring. "You say only we can save them? How so, must here are hardly better then mortals." @Light

"Seriously? What are you going to tell us next? The government is actually reptiles? Now I can handle a decent prank, but this one is just god awful. If our parents had actually been kidnapped, why would you kidnap us to tell us? And why bother with the whole weird door lock thing? That makes no sense, what if someone had been killed or had gotten kidnapped themselves? What then? Would we be stuck here until we died?" Castiel sighed as he pinched the bridge of his nose, lightly shaking his head.

"Now, I want to go home and be done with this prank, it's not funny, it's not clever; It's awful and mean. Telling people their parents have been kidnapped, after you've just kidnapped them? And I'm meant to believe that my mom and dad were just taken so easily? Really?" Castiel looked around, even though he couldn't see, he wasn't sure where Ruby was and just in case this did turn out to be true, even though it's highly unlikely that it would be, he wanted to be able to comfort her; He hoped that she'd notice he looked a little bit lost and come over to him. "And, I forgot your name actually. Anyway, you don't have to help, because it's not true. Even if by some chance it is, I'd rather you didn't help, you'd probably just slow me down and annoy me at the same time"

@Caped Baldy
Light said:
"I apologise, please calm down as I try to explain. I would hate to take this conversation to the DMs if it gets out of hand...bro." She seemed extremely unsure of her choice of words at the end. "I had the degenerates kidnap you all due to a prophecy I was bestowed with. As farfetched as this sounds. You could say that you all are 'The Chosen Ones'. Your parents were in fact kidnapped but that had nothing to do with me. The ones who kidnapped your parents are the Monarchs and their corrupt system of power. The locks on the door was just a system I set up to make sure you've all gathered as one before I made the explanation. The fate of your parents currently is not a good one. I don't know exactly what's planned...actually I don't know too much at all sadly. Though from what I do know, your parents are in danger and only you can save them!" Valente didn't know how absolutely absurd and corny this sounded. Since she was older she thought the message she was getting across was apart of their daily word choice and they'd instantly be on board. "Ah! I forgot my name! I'm Valente and you're currently in the stomach dimension of the degenerates." She gestures to the one being held by Yin. Valente continues to sweep the floors.
Ruby scoffs at Valente's words, finding this to be ridiculous. "Are you joking? My mother and father in danger? This is all set up, come on now. Right?" Ruby's voice was strained, it was obvious that she felt the opposite of her words.
Ree seemed to only be left in a state of catatonic shock. Memories came flooding back to her of strange, prophetic nightmares that have haunted her sleep. Strange eerie chants and psalms she's overheard being spoken by her horde all seemed to make sense now. Everything was beginning to line up, which only meant one thing..

"G-G-Guys...I think she's telling the truth..Don't ask me how I know, but..I think we need to hear her out"

@Light @GingerBread @Inheritance @djinnamon
Light said:
"I apologise, please calm down as I try to explain. I would hate to take this conversation to the DMs if it gets out of hand...bro." She seemed extremely unsure of her choice of words at the end. "I had the degenerates kidnap you all due to a prophecy I was bestowed with. As farfetched as this sounds. You could say that you all are 'The Chosen Ones'. Your parents were in fact kidnapped but that had nothing to do with me. The ones who kidnapped your parents are the Monarchs and their corrupt system of power. The locks on the door was just a system I set up to make sure you've all gathered as one before I made the explanation. The fate of your parents currently is not a good one. I don't know exactly what's planned...actually I don't know too much at all sadly. Though from what I do know, your parents are in danger and only you can save them!" Valente didn't know how absolutely absurd and corny this sounded. Since she was older she thought the message she was getting across was apart of their daily word choice and they'd instantly be on board. "Ah! I forgot my name! I'm Valente and you're currently in the stomach dimension of the degenerates." She gestures to the one being held by Yin. Valente continues to sweep the floors.
Eppie gives Valente a long, very flat look, then sits in one of the empty chairs, "Somebody give me a gun so I can shoot myself in the fucking face."

Leo wrings his hands together nervously as he enters the room, approaching Valente with apprehension. "Do you think the Monarchs are the ones who took my father?" He lets the question hang in the air for a second before he realizes this woman might not know who his parent is. "Oh! Um... My father is Grimm Van Fenrir? God of Death?" He flushes, suddenly feeling as if he were being boastful. He decides to just stop speaking any further to keep from feeling even more stupid, but he looks down at Valente with hopeful eyes.

When the doors open Hassan walked over towards Alyson, crouching down in front of her. Come on Aly the doors finally open, we can go home now. Alyson lifts her head up smiling with happiness, enjoying the fact she'll get to leave this horde of people she doesn't know. Well hopefully we can. Alyson's faced went from smiling to straight at those words. You shouldn't get my hopes up. Well let's go see if we can or not. Hassan stood up, then helped Alyson off the ground. They walked in, when Alyson hiding behind Hassan, gripping his shirt. Hassan scanned the room. The way the thrones were setup around the wooden chair made it seem like a trail usually happens in this room. Hey Aly peek over my shoulder and check out these thrones. What does it make you think of? Alyson did exactly that slowly looking over his shoulders examining the thrones and how they were setup. I'm guessing by the way that wooden chair is in the center of the semicircle. It makes me think of a trail room. The judges sits on the thrones and who ever is on trail will sit in that wooden chair. Alyson hid back behind Hassan as he nodded his head listening to Alyson agreeing with what he thought. Just exactly what I was thinking.

The cousins listened to Valente as she spoke about everyone's parents being abducted. This was the second time someone spoke of it, and both Hassan and Alyson had a hard time believing it. Alyson and Hassan made their way to an empty throne and sat in their own. Hassan leaned forward listening, while Alyson propped her feet up in her throne chair wrapped her arms around her knees.

@Caped Baldy
Yin almost died when she heard Leo mention Grimm. "Wait, so Grimm is real? My mom used to tell me all these hilarious stories about him." She smiled lightly, Then she looked at the Degenerate. "You shall be named squishy, and you will be my squishy." She smiled at Valente. "Knowing my mother that is very possible. She hated the monarchs, and the government." She sat down stroking squishy's head. She sat on the edge of the chair, ready to take action if anyone did anything sketchy.

@Caped Baldy @Inheritance @CelticSol

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