Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters

"Oh..." Castiel shut up after that, until Amber opened his mouth again. He took a breath and just shrugged, not letting amber get to him. "I don't care man. You just stay out of my way and you won't have any problems; I doubt you could kick my arse anyway, but I'd like to see you try, then you can find out just how good my sight actually is. Does that sound alright, Buddy?" Castiel slowly lowered himself to the ground, sitting down and relaxing. "I wish we had some food, I didn't get any lunch because someone wanted to skip school" Castiel smirked up at Ruby, assuming she was in the same place she was before.

@LokiofSP @Light @The Imperial Flame @Embaga Elder @Lotusy @Inheritance @Tazmodo @CelticSol @djinnamon


Mary, having calmed down slightly after moving away from Suria, was appalled by everyone saying curse words so freely.
"You guys shouldn't be saying bad words; You should all stop doing that, It's bad and if you keep doing it, I'll have to tell on you" Mary then looked around for someone to tell about it, and finding no adult or authority figure. "When I can..."

@LokiofSP @Light @The Imperial Flame @Embaga Elder @Lotusy @Inheritance @Tazmodo @CelticSol @djinnamon
Amber rolled his eyes , thoroughly finished with the situation. He walked away to the opposite end of the room his hair lowing behind him as he walked at a brisk pace. He sat down quietly , pulling his hair out of the pony tail before braiding it in case he had to fight something and his hair got in the way.
LokiofSP said:
Suria watched as Mary began to run away and extended his arm as she left, "No, wait Mary don't leave! You're the only human interaction I can get without moving! I'm to lazy for this!" He watched her leave and he sighed, collapsing onto the floor beneath him. He lay there without any intention of moving, "I'm not moving, I'm done for. Guess I'll just die here or something..." He continued to lay there...he then got u- wait...no he was just shifting a bit...is he dead? Can somebody see if he's still breathing? Wait, no he is, he's literally just not moving. I think he was serious, he's just gonna lay there. Wow, what a piece of shit...
LokiofSP said:
Kristen put up her hands in a gesture of surrender, "Okay fine, I'll go inside, I get it...Jesus H Christ you get worked up for no reason sometimes, just bringing up valid points..." Kristen then began to step into the church briskly, casting glances at Austrianna as she walked away...

@Light (Waiting until I have more battery life to post Faolan...)
CelticSol said:
Leo frowns at Austrianna's harsh words, his lips pursing into a thin line as he follows his relatives to the castle. "That was harsh, Austrianna. She's nervous and scared; most of us are."
(@Inheritance , @GingerBread , @LokiofSP , @The Imperial Flame , @djinnamon , @Embaga Elder )

Eppie startles at the strange creature leaning on her shoulder, flinching away from it with a surprised scream. Reflex makes her call on her magic for protection, which sparks uselessly without the aide of an injection. Backing up to bring space between them, her back hits another creature, and looks up in time to be swallowed. Instead of, you know, the typical expectation of what it might possibly be like to be eaten - being chewed, crushed, and sent through organs - Eppie falls through the abyss of what appears to be a pocket dimension, and, despite momentum that should have made her a pancake, is soft placed onto the ground. Still, shock at the sudden stillness around her drives her to her hands and knees, vertigo hitting her hard. She knows she can, theoretically, teleport, but she's only done it once or twice because she doesn't want to waste the injection, and this is just making her nauseous. She tries to ground herself, squeezing her eyes shut. When she finally feels like she isn't going to be sick, she opens her eyes and lifts them to the looming castle. Then, white hot fury fills her. She stands quickly, stalking by the group, pushing past all the mindless, shadowy creatures as she slams her foot into the large, locked doors hard enough that they slam against the hinges with a resounding CLANG that echoes against the stone walls of the castle. When the doors don't give, she kicks again, then shouts loud enough for anyone on the other side to be able to clearly hear her, "Where the fuck are my fucking parents?!"
djinnamon said:
Amber rolled his eyes as he walked towards the castle as well. " First off dumbass its my foot so I can do whatever the hell I want with it , second you are facing the wrong fucking way so i'm going to assume something is wrong with your sight or you're plain retarded so I won't kick your ass because i'm nice like that K sweetheart? " He growled out the word sweetheart as he stormed ahead and right into the room of other people who were screaming and yelling. " The Fuck? "He muttered lowly.
@Light , @Inheritance , @GingerBread , @LokiofSP , @The Imperial Flame , @Embaga Elder
GingerBread said:
"Oh..." Castiel shut up after that, until Amber opened his mouth again. He took a breath and just shrugged, not letting amber get to him. "I don't care man. You just stay out of my way and you won't have any problems; I doubt you could kick my arse anyway, but I'd like to see you try, then you can find out just how good my sight actually is. Does that sound alright, Buddy?" Castiel slowly lowered himself to the ground, sitting down and relaxing. "I wish we had some food, I didn't get any lunch because someone wanted to skip school" Castiel smirked up at Ruby, assuming she was in the same place she was before.

@LokiofSP @Light @The Imperial Flame @Embaga Elder @Lotusy @Inheritance @Tazmodo @CelticSol @djinnamon


Mary, having calmed down slightly after moving away from Suria, was appalled by everyone saying curse words so freely.
"You guys shouldn't be saying bad words; You should all stop doing that, It's bad and if you keep doing it, I'll have to tell on you" Mary then looked around for someone to tell about it, and finding no adult or authority figure. "When I can..."

@LokiofSP @Light @The Imperial Flame @Embaga Elder @Lotusy @Inheritance @Tazmodo @CelticSol @djinnamon
( I've received permission to do this with the characters of @Tazmodo ) ( @Embaga Elder @Inheritance @The Imperial Flame )

Degenerates begin to pass by and end up crowd surfing Suria towards the castle. Once he gets inside, they continue moving into they hit a wall. As dumb as they are they continue to back up and bump into the same wall. Noticing something is in There way and when they back up they forget and make the same mistake. They continue to smash Suria on the wall. A white light flows from him and hits the door, causing another lock to fade away.

Amber stepping in as well causes a white light to flow out of him and hit the door. Marshall, RJ, Clark, and Grace stepping in as well caused a white light to hit the door and make other locks fade away as well.

Austrianna listens to what Leo has to say and sighs, watching them both enter the castle. A white light flows out of them both, hitting the door and causing locks to fade away. She steps inside as well and notices this happens to her as well. At this point there were only five locks left on the door. She would apologise to Kristen later, she was a bit harsh on her. She nods towards Leo, indicating she acknowledges what he has to say. Now that she sees that there are five locks left, she finds the pieces to the puzzle. Austrianna walks up the stairs to the door beside Eppie, nodding her head towards Hassan for his explanation. She turns around and clears her throat, assuming the position of calming everyone down. If she wanted to get out of here safety with her family she needed the collective group to be cooperative as well. They were all in here for what she assumed to be the same reason. With what Eppie and Kristen said, she can conclude that all of their parents are gone. Austrianna was used to calmly people down anyways due to the type of family she has.

She uses a tone of voice that will carry throughout the room for everyone to hear. "I know you all have many questions that may or may not be similar to one another. Starting with one that at least a few of you may be thinking about, my name is Austrianna. I have a few things to say that may or may not help not only you as an individual but us all as a group. From what we know we've been brought to this realm by those beings." Austrianna gestures to the degenerates bumping into the wall with Suria. "From more than one source, we could all assume that our parents are gone as well. Our phones aren't connecting with them properly as well." Austrianna raises her phone into the air, revealing failed messages to her father. She didn't know if anyone could see it from that far away but she continues on with the point she's trying to make. "When we all enter this castle a white light seems to take a lock off of the door behind me. There are currently five left. Based off of the patterns I can account for three out of these five locks. Those three are my siblings besides the one currently amongst you. The last two people, I have no knowledge as to whom it may be. By the way things are going they should be well on their way as I speak."

Austrianna gazes up at the locked doors behind her and then towards Eppie, giving her a small stares before turning back to the crowd. Through this she's decides on her next course of words. "You all may be confused, scared, or even angry at the situation. From what I can tell our parents disappearance, our orchestrated abduction, and our connection to a lock on each door this wasn't just a last minute idea. This plan took time to bring about. With full confidence I can say that my parents couldn't be abducted due to a plan came thought up with only a weeks time. I would hope you can say the same about your parents. Whatever is behind this door obviously holds the answers. I wouldn't be too excited to see it myself though. We don't know why we were taken nor do we know about the capabilities of our abductor or abductors. If they can simultaneously grab this many people from different places at once they may have vast power. Though I could be wrong. The best thing we can do at this moment is use our advantage in numbers and calm down. We can start by introducing ourselves to one another. Unless one of you have any other ideas."
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Castiel listened to what Austrianna had to say, finding pretty much no new information on the situation apart from the door that didn't seem like it was going to open anytime soon; He'd figured out where she was, because she'd been talking for a while.
"Are you trying convince us of something? I'm pretty sure we all have some sort of idea of what's going on, enough to not warrant a explanation from someone who knows about as much as we all do. Unless you're saying you know more than we do..." Castiel shrugged, not really interested in this whole thing; He was worried about what had happened to his parents and why they were here, but he wasn't concerned about everyone else's situation. "It was a good speech, I'm not trying to say it wasn't. But I do have one question, If these doors need certain people, like you imply they do, what happens if one of them dies before they get here? Would we be stuck? Should we not try to find some other way out? Or are we all just going to pray to the lord above that everything will go well?"

@LokiofSP @Light @The Imperial Flame @Embaga Elder @Lotusy @Inheritance @Tazmodo @CelticSol @djinnamon
GingerBread said:

Castiel listened to what Austrianna had to say, finding pretty much no new information on the situation apart from the door that didn't seem like it was going to open anytime soon; He'd figured out where she was, because she'd been talking for a while.
"Are you trying convince us of something? I'm pretty sure we all have some sort of idea of what's going on, enough to not warrant a explanation from someone who knows about as much as we all do. Unless you're saying you know more than we do..." Castiel shrugged, not really interested in this whole thing; He was worried about what had happened to his parents and why they were here, but he wasn't concerned about everyone else's situation. "It was a good speech, I'm not trying to say it wasn't. But I do have one question, If these doors need certain people, like you imply they do, what happens if one of them dies before they get here? Would we be stuck? Should we not try to find some other way out? Or are we all just going to pray to the lord above that everything will go well?"

@LokiofSP @Light @The Imperial Flame @Embaga Elder @Lotusy @Inheritance @Tazmodo @CelticSol @djinnamon
"Yes, actually I am trying to convince you all of something. I'm trying to convince you of becoming allies in this situation. I can confidently say I do know more than all of you and I intend to put this knowledge into safely getting us all out of here." Austrianna scrolls through her phone and opens up the messages shared with Kristen.

"Theoretically if one of them die before they get here, yes we would be stuck. When I texted my sister I was charged for dimensional texting. We all obviously know we've been brought to another dimension, that's no need form of knowledge. Please take note of the fact that the locks are on the outside of the door and the outside only. Also please take note of the fact that these...beings could only transport us into this dimension and not conveniently close to the castle doors. If you think about our numbers. It would take a lot for the person pulling the strings to not only control these beings and make them appear elsewhere. This person also had us go through dimensional travel when they can't even get out of a door using that method themselves. These beings seem to be lacking in other fronts." Austrianna tosses the tied back of flesh she bought at a degenerate and watches as it takes several minutes to finally react to it.

"We couldn't be placed nicely, the beings themselves are incompetent, I assume pulling us all here must be costly, and our captor-if they're behind here, can't get out from behind these doors using the same method we used to get here. From this I can make a guess and say our abductor has good capabilities but can't do more than what we've seen. They're more than likely drained and this proves my earlier point. This was planned over a long time, to save up this much power and use it all for this. Let's say one did die and we could use these beings to get back home, right? Then it would all depend on the leftover power of the one pulling the strings. This is all a theory that could be entirely wrong. Any other questions man who hasn't said his name?"
" Also why am I here then , my real father is dead and I don't have a mother. The circumstances of my birth are somewhat special. " He said loudly to Austrianna , his eyebrow raising.


"How do you know that there aren't locks on the inside? This could be one huge trap to get certain people here, since we are trapped here right now, and were kidnapped to get here. It just seems a bit strange that we have to get more people to come here, so that we can go further into this place. It just seems a bit suspect to me, and now so do you, since you seem to support it so readily" Castiel shrugged, trusting Austrianna a little bit less now because she knows a bit too much from just observing, or maybe it was because she could see, either way he distrusted her now, though less than he originally was going to when he realised he couldn't see everything, or in fact anything.

"But, Let's say we do get into there and it does turn out to be a trap, that only exists to help whatever is in there to get out, what then? But more importantly why are we here, why us specifically? Why is it only certain people who need to be here? And why do the locks only open for us? Isn't that a bit strange, that a door what we've never seen before, in a dimension that we've never seen before, only unlocks when we come near it?"
Castiel sat forwards, wanting to hear how she'd explain or even try to answer his questions. "I know we don't have much of a choice either way, but should we really be willingly dragging other people into this? Or hoping that they do get dragged into this situation? Especially since some of them are your siblings, like you said"

@LokiofSP @Light @The Imperial Flame @Embaga Elder @Lotusy @Inheritance @Tazmodo @CelticSol @djinnamon

Hailey lifted her head when she heard knew voice speak, but once she saw who many people she didn't know was around her she slammed back down and just listened. Almost everything she said, she already knew, but the shocking part was the idea of her parents being abducted. She didn't know how or why, and she didn't like the idea at all. As her head was down, tears started falling down her face. Mama, daddy, please be okay. Please. She said softly to herself.


Getting to the part about their parents being gone Hassan raised an eyebrow in question. How could this have happened? Who would've done this? And why? He sighs and places his hands on his head. He turned towards Castiel as he went on asking questions. Some of the questions Hassan probably had an answer to. If it's true that our parents are gone, then the "why" must have sometime to do with whatever our parents did in life. I'm guessing our parents lives were all connected somehow and now we're connected to it as well. He looks towards Austrianna then towards the lock doors. Damnit pops, what did you do now?

@LokiofSP @Light @The Imperial Flame @GingerBread @Lotusy @Inheritance @Tazmodo @CelticSol @djinnamon
Yin frowned and turned to the side. She clutched the Degenerate. "If what is in there tries to kill us, can't we fight back?" She looked at the Degenerate. "So far there has been no sign of hostility, and honestly this is better than my current life." She tried to think back, to see if her parents ever mentioned something weird. She only recalled her mother always talking about an Isabel. She never knew who she was but maybe now was the time to bring her up. She decided against it, something inside her telling her to wait.

@LokiofSP @Light @Embaga Elder @GingerBread @Lotusy @Inheritance @Tazmodo @CelticSol @djinnamon
Andrew Blight

He had just been following the mobs, not really caring about anyone, just looking around and seeing what he could do...he didn't care who these people were, he did care what was going on though, and why he was brought here. If only there weren't so many idiots around... this is an unknown castle, who the hell knows what's in here?! Don't kick doors and shit, that's asking for death! Not that he cared if any of these died, he only cared about himself, and he may need them to live...or at least be a distraction... @Light @The Imperial Flame @Embaga Elder @GingerBread @djinnamon @ anyoneelse
Light said:
"Yes, actually I am trying to convince you all of something. I'm trying to convince you of becoming allies in this situation. I can confidently say I do know more than all of you and I intend to put this knowledge into safely getting us all out of here." Austrianna scrolls through her phone and opens up the messages shared with Kristen.
"Theoretically if one of them die before they get here, yes we would be stuck. When I texted my sister I was charged for dimensional texting. We all obviously know we've been brought to another dimension, that's no need form of knowledge. Please take note of the fact that the locks are on the outside of the door and the outside only. Also please take note of the fact that these...beings could only transport us into this dimension and not conveniently close to the castle doors. If you think about our numbers. It would take a lot for the person pulling the strings to not only control these beings and make them appear elsewhere. This person also had us go through dimensional travel when they can't even get out of a door using that method themselves. These beings seem to be lacking in other fronts." Austrianna tosses the tied back of flesh she bought at a degenerate and watches as it takes several minutes to finally react to it.

"We couldn't be placed nicely, the beings themselves are incompetent, I assume pulling us all here must be costly, and our captor-if they're behind here, can't get out from behind these doors using the same method we used to get here. From this I can make a guess and say our abductor has good capabilities but can't do more than what we've seen. They're more than likely drained and this proves my earlier point. This was planned over a long time, to save up this much power and use it all for this. Let's say one did die and we could use these beings to get back home, right? Then it would all depend on the leftover power of the one pulling the strings. This is all a theory that could be entirely wrong. Any other questions man who hasn't said his name?"
(@Inheritance , @LokiofSP , @GingerBread , @Embaga Elder , @The Imperial Flame , @Daimao , @djinnamon )

Eppie grits her teeth, shoving her foot against the door again one final time in a fruitless expression of frustration. She doesn't look at anyone else; she simply glares at the lock, but notices runes engraved into the metal and scowls at them. "One of the people we're missing is my brother. If they've taken me, he's likely not far behind," She pushes off the door, stuffing her hands into her pockets as she turns to the group, "The locks are enchanted. Even if I had lock picks on me, I wouldn't be able to pick them. No one would. Our only choice right now is to sit on our hands and wait for my brother, your siblings, and hope they don't get killed along the way. Oh, and our last mystery person, of course. Because all we need right now is another variable."

Eppie turns her glare to Austrianna, "So, our fearless leader, who's appointed herself because she's obviously smarter than every other person in the room because she said so, what the fuck do we do now?"

Leo shifts uncomfortably in the crowd, saying nothing as he tries to keep his breathing steady.
"Excuse me..Sorry..Pardon me..Coming through..Sorry!"

The young girl quickly and exasperatedly mumbled swift apologies as she shuffled through the seemingly endless crowd of mysterious black shades that transported her to this strange realm.

Um..I do not wish to insult your sense of judgement, m'lord, but there are concerns from those within the legion that following these strange beings may be a precarious course of action, a-are you certain that we are not being led into a possible trap?"

From within the confines of her right ear, emerged an incorporeal imp, twice as insignificant as he was apprehensive, and yet seemed to still carry an air of haughty churlishness and refined wit despite his size as he took his usual place atop her right shoulder.

Well, that castle up ahead looks pretty important, and I haven't heard any other ideas on how to get home from here, so for now, I think this might be our best bet.",

The girl responds before letting out another wistful sigh as she gets closer to the castle door.

"If only I hadn't gotten lost on my way to school..Talk about a bad first day in town, huh Zeal?"

"Quite, though I have the strange apprehension that misdirection of this magnitude may have possibly been part of a larger sche-Wait.. Madame, I believe I may hear the voices of other mortals up ahead."

"I think I can hear them too! C'mon, they might know how to get out of here!"

The hopeful news seems to suddenly reinvigorate the youngster, as she picks up her pace and races up the path to the castle.
djinnamon said:
" Also why am I here then , my real father is dead and I don't have a mother. The circumstances of my birth are somewhat special. " He said loudly to Austrianna , his eyebrow raising.
GingerBread said:

"How do you know that there aren't locks on the inside? This could be one huge trap to get certain people here, since we are trapped here right now, and were kidnapped to get here. It just seems a bit strange that we have to get more people to come here, so that we can go further into this place. It just seems a bit suspect to me, and now so do you, since you seem to support it so readily" Castiel shrugged, trusting Austrianna a little bit less now because she knows a bit too much from just observing, or maybe it was because she could see, either way he distrusted her now, though less than he originally was going to when he realised he couldn't see everything, or in fact anything.

"But, Let's say we do get into there and it does turn out to be a trap, that only exists to help whatever is in there to get out, what then? But more importantly why are we here, why us specifically? Why is it only certain people who need to be here? And why do the locks only open for us? Isn't that a bit strange, that a door what we've never seen before, in a dimension that we've never seen before, only unlocks when we come near it?"
Castiel sat forwards, wanting to hear how she'd explain or even try to answer his questions. "I know we don't have much of a choice either way, but should we really be willingly dragging other people into this? Or hoping that they do get dragged into this situation? Especially since some of them are your siblings, like you said"

@LokiofSP @Light @The Imperial Flame @Embaga Elder @Lotusy @Inheritance @Tazmodo @CelticSol @djinnamon
Inheritance said:
Andrew Blight

He had just been following the mobs, not really caring about anyone, just looking around and seeing what he could do...he didn't care who these people were, he did care what was going on though, and why he was brought here. If only there weren't so many idiots around... this is an unknown castle, who the hell knows what's in here?! Don't kick doors and shit, that's asking for death! Not that he cared if any of these died, he only cared about himself, and he may need them to live...or at least be a distraction... @Light @The Imperial Flame @Embaga Elder @GingerBread @djinnamon @ anyoneelse
CelticSol said:
(@Inheritance , @LokiofSP , @GingerBread , @Embaga Elder , @The Imperial Flame , @Daimao , @djinnamon )
Eppie grits her teeth, shoving her foot against the door again one final time in a fruitless expression of frustration. She doesn't look at anyone else; she simply glares at the lock, but notices runes engraved into the metal and scowls at them. "One of the people we're missing is my brother. If they've taken me, he's likely not far behind," She pushes off the door, stuffing her hands into her pockets as she turns to the group, "The locks are enchanted. Even if I had lock picks on me, I wouldn't be able to pick them. No one would. Our only choice right now is to sit on our hands and wait for my brother, your siblings, and hope they don't get killed along the way. Oh, and our last mystery person, of course. Because all we need right now is another variable."

Eppie turns her glare to Austrianna, "So, our fearless leader, who's appointed herself because she's obviously smarter than every other person in the room because she said so, what the fuck do we do now?"

Leo shifts uncomfortably in the crowd, saying nothing as he tries to keep his breathing steady.
[QUOTE="Caped Baldy]"Excuse me..Sorry..Pardon me..Coming through..Sorry!"
The young girl quickly and exasperatedly mumbled swift apologies as she shuffled through the seemingly endless crowd of mysterious black shades that transported her to this strange realm.

Um..I do not wish to insult your sense of judgement, m'lord, but there are concerns from those within the legion that following these strange beings may be a precarious course of action, a-are you certain that we are not being led into a possible trap?"

From within the confines of her right ear, emerged an incorporeal imp, twice as insignificant as he was apprehensive, and yet seemed to still carry an air of haughty churlishness and refined wit despite his size as he took his usual place atop her right shoulder.

Well, that castle up ahead looks pretty important, and I haven't heard any other ideas on how to get home from here, so for now, I think this might be our best bet.",

The girl responds before letting out another wistful sigh as she gets closer to the castle door.

"If only I hadn't gotten lost on my way to school..Talk about a bad first day in town, huh Zeal?"

"Quite, though I have the strange apprehension that misdirection of this magnitude may have possibly been part of a larger sche-Wait.. Madame, I believe I may hear the voices of other mortals up ahead."

"I think I can hear them too! C'mon, they might know how to get out of here!"

The hopeful news seems to suddenly reinvigorate the youngster, as she picks up her pace and races up the path to the castle.

Austrianna takes in all these questions and thoughts, thinking of a reply. To be honest this was all just theory and she didn't know the answer to some of these questions herself. "Unless..." Austrianna thinks about the background of both her mother and her father. As well as her elder siblings. "Do any of you mind giving me their family name or at least the name of their parent? A name that stands out. My mother's name is Isabel, it is fair trade if I'm asking you, I might as well give out mine. My father's name is Fola. Does that happen to ring a bell with any of you? I can answer the question if at least a few connections can be made." Austrianna takes note of Ree entering the castle and causing another lock to fade away, leaving them with four.

"The idea of having locks on the inside is absolutely stupid. If you're trying to shoot back at me just for the sake of doing it rather than trying to find more helpful answers for us all through debate, then stop. It would be pointless to bring us all here with the hope of unlocking these doors if there was another lock behind it that we couldn't reach. From what we know our abductor is smarter than the things they...manipulate." Austrianna gestures to the degenerates.

"If it does turn out to be a trap to let someone out, as I've been trying to say we should use our strength in numbers against possibly one exhausted adversary. This is exactly why I'm trying to make everyone conscious of the real situation we're in and band together. It's inevitable that they're going to end up here which is why I'm trying to make sure the outcome is safe and in all of our favour."

Austrianna turns her attention to Yin when she speaks, nodding her head. "Yes we can and yes that is true." Austrianna walks over to the bag she threw earlier for an example. She raises an eyebrow at Eppie. "Now we simply wait for your brother and my three siblings." Austrianna turns her attention to the others, especially Ree. "Welcome. My name is Austrianna, I know you may be confused but all shall be explained in due time. I would still like you all to introduce yourselves and your parents name if you can."
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"Bah" he scoffed quietly. No way in hell would he be telling who he was! He would say only what needed to be said. "HELLO KIDS" he loudly taunted, then switched to a calm tone. "I'm Andrew Blight. No idea who my parents are." He stared directly at the one who asked. Of course he was lying about the last part, but there's no need to give all secrets away. That's bad playing, and this was turning out to be an interesting game. @Light @The Imperial Flame @GingerBread @djinnamon @Embaga Elder
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"Why is it stupid? Give people hope and a reason to try and convince more people to join in, then spring the rest of the trap just before they realise they can't move on. But sure, just call that stupid, because that's a completely impossible situation, being kidnapped by some small beings and brought to a pocket dimension with other people that we all apparently have some sort of connection to, through our missing parents. That's possible" Castiel shook his head and let himself fall backwards, groaning slightly as his head hit the ground.

"But yet you'd rather we just sit here and exchange contact information, instead of doing anything useful. Sounds like we have a great plan for attack, since I'm sure you all put up so much of a fight to these beings to not end up here, right?"
Castiel shrugged, not sitting up as he spoke, finding it kind of pointless since he couldn't see anyway. "Anyway, you guys can continue on doing what your doing. I'm probably wrong anyway, because I doubt, Um.. Austrianna is wrong in with what she's saying.... Since her and her 'siblings' seem to be the largest group that knows each other" Casitel had stopped caring at this point, though that didn't mean he was going to give them his or Ruby's name, and would be disappointed if she were to. "But call me a cynic all you want, I'm not going to join in with the whole 'Giving your name and your parents name away' Thing. But the rest of you can have fun doing that, I won't stop you and I'll refrain from speaking any further"

@LokiofSP @Light @The Imperial Flame @Embaga Elder @Lotusy @Inheritance @Tazmodo @CelticSol @djinnamon
Yin freaked out a little bit when Austrianna said the name Isabel. "Umm, Well my parents are Jackson and Victoria. My mother spoke very highly of an Isabel, so They must have known each other." She smiled, slightly relived she picked up some of what her mother used to spout. She used to talk about how she helped saved the world. Yin's face went strange as she looked Austrianna in the eyes. Something in her shifted, she was compelled to approach Austrianna. She felt she was somehow connected to her. She stayed back though, her arms wrapped around the degenerate.

@LokiofSP@Light@Embaga Elder@GingerBread@Lotusy@Inheritance@Tazmodo@CelticSol@djinnamon
Jason was standing in the crowd of teenagers as he watched Austrianna take the stage, but tuned most of them out as he scanned the crowd for any details or clues they might yield. He watched Andrew express his disdain with a scoff before what he suspected was a loud announcement to the rest, judging by how wide his mouth opened. He saw the general frustration of the rest of the crowd, from kicks on the door to Eppie gritting her teeth or Amber scowling.

As Jason finally tuned his hearing back in time for Castiel to announce his disdain for the plan, he watched the white-haired teen topple to the ground then shrug like a beached, sideways fish. What the hell is wrong with these kids? Are they all mental? Details like Amber mentioning his dad was a god, to all their parents disappearing were not lost on him either. So is this some sort of kidnapped god-kids freakshow? If I learned something from cases, it's that teens are usually the weirdest. Shaking his head, Jason ran to Castiel's side and tapped him on the shoulder. "You need a hand there, bud? You sorta fell down, if that wasn't obvious."

He then turned his attention to Austrianna. "Anyways, I'm Jason. Jason Miller. Son to literal corn farmers, and a long stretch away from Mr. Godsend over there," he said, gesturing to Amber. "But enough about me." He turned to the other teens in the crowd. "I'm not going to force you, but I'd go along with whatever she-" he pointed at Austrianna, "-says. I know you all probably don't want an adult bothering you around, hell, I'm barely even past the legal drinking age, but I think I'll have to pull seniority, unless someone here's one of those immortal teen vampire things. Just give it a try. On the odd chance it's a trap, it's not like we can do anything, anyways. We're already trapped, with no other way to escape, and it's not like we can stop more people from coming. You don't have to give up your name, just be like Flounder here, but at least lend your presence, since we've got nothing better to do. And if she's wrong, well..." He looked back out at the group. "God boy and whoever else is a superkid - which I suspect some of you are - can take it out on her. Sound peachy?"

@Light @CelticSol @GingerBread @Embaga Elder @Inheritance @LokiofSP @Tazmodo @djinnamon @The Imperial Flame
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Inheritance said:
"Bah" he scoffed quietly. No way in hell would he be telling who he was! He would say only what needed to be said. "HELLO KIDS" he loudly taunted, then switched to a calm tone. "I'm Andrew Blight. No idea who my parents are." He stared directly at the one who asked. Of course he was lying about the last part, but there's no need to give all secrets away. That's bad playing, and this was turning out to be an interesting game. @Light @The Imperial Flame @GingerBread @djinnamon @Embaga Elder
djinnamon said:
" My father is Sage Altair a God. " He said briskly as his face set into a scowl of great proportions. @Light
GingerBread said:
"Why is it stupid? Give people hope and a reason to try and convince more people to join in, then spring the rest of the trap just before they realise they can't move on. But sure, just call that stupid, because that's a completely impossible situation, being kidnapped by some small beings and brought to a pocket dimension with other people that we all apparently have some sort of connection to, through our missing parents. That's possible" Castiel shook his head and let himself fall backwards, groaning slightly as his head hit the ground.

"But yet you'd rather we just sit here and exchange contact information, instead of doing anything useful. Sounds like we have a great plan for attack, since I'm sure you all put up so much of a fight to these beings to not end up here, right?"
Castiel shrugged, not sitting up as he spoke, finding it kind of pointless since he couldn't see anyway. "Anyway, you guys can continue on doing what your doing. I'm probably wrong anyway, because I doubt, Um.. Austrianna is wrong in with what she's saying.... Since her and her 'siblings' seem to be the largest group that knows each other" Casitel had stopped caring at this point, though that didn't mean he was going to give them his or Ruby's name, and would be disappointed if she were to. "But call me a cynic all you want, I'm not going to join in with the whole 'Giving your name and your parents name away' Thing. But the rest of you can have fun doing that, I won't stop you and I'll refrain from speaking any further"

@LokiofSP @Light @The Imperial Flame @Embaga Elder @Lotusy @Inheritance @Tazmodo @CelticSol @djinnamon
@LokiofSP[/URL]@Light@Embaga Elder@GingerBread@Lotusy@Inheritance@Tazmodo@CelticSol@djinnamon
Lotusy said:
Jason was standing in the crowd of teenagers as he watched Austrianna take the stage, but tuned most of them out as he scanned the crowd for any details or clues they might yield. He watched Andrew express his disdain with a scoff before what he suspected was a loud announcement to the rest, judging by how wide his mouth opened. He saw the general frustration of the rest of the crowd, from kicks on the door to Eppie gritting her teeth or Amber scowling.
As Jason finally tuned his hearing back in time for Castiel to announce his disdain for the plan, he watched the white-haired teen topple to the ground then shrug like a beached, sideways fish. What the hell is wrong with these kids? Are they all mental? Details like Amber mentioning his dad was a god, to all their parents disappearing were not lost on him either. So is this some sort of kidnapped god-kids freakshow? If I learned something from cases, it's that teens are usually the weirdest. Shaking his head, Jason ran to Castiel's side and tapped him on the shoulder. "You need a hand there, bud? You sorta fell down, if that wasn't obvious."

He then turned his attention to Austrianna. "Anyways, I'm Jason. Jason Miller. Son to literal corn farmers, and a long stretch away from Mr. Godsend over there," he said, gesturing to Amber. "But enough about me." He turned to the other teens in the crowd. "I'm not going to force you, but I'd go along with whatever she-" he pointed at Austrianna, "-says. I know you all probably don't want an adult bothering you around, hell, I'm barely even past the legal drinking age, but I think I'll have to pull seniority, unless someone here's one of those immortal teen vampire things. Just give it a try. On the odd chance it's a trap, it's not like we can do anything, anyways. We're already trapped, with no other way to escape, and it's not like we can stop more people from coming. You don't have to give up your name, just be like Flounder here, but at least lend your presence, since we've got nothing better to do. And if she's wrong, well..." He looked back out at the group. "God boy and whoever else is a superkid - which I suspect some of you are - can take it out on her. Sound peachy?"

@Light @CelticSol @GingerBread @Embaga Elder @Inheritance @LokiofSP @Tazmodo @djinnamon @The Imperial Flame
Based off of what Hassan, Amber, and Yin had said as well as Jason and Leo being here. Austrianna could make one theory but then again it had a hole in it. She couldn't piece this one together. It just didn't make sense. The reason why they specifically are here could be because of a potential link their parents have. Like Isabel being related to Leo's parents since they are relatives and Yin saying her mother knew her own. Jason on the other hand seemed to be the oldest outside of the obvious age group and admitted to his parents having no possible connections outside of the farm. She could be wrong about this entirely but right when it seemed to come together the explanation all falls apart. Austrianna closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. "Alright...we'll go with your plan." She gestures to Jason and falls silent.
Andrew Blight

"Wow look at all these powerful souls!" He teased with fake enthusiasm, "I mean you all have such great parents I've never heard of! I feel left out of our team bonding exercise! I mean this kid over here" He flicked a hand at Amber "is a fucking demigod! Is nobody else absolutely wow'd? I mean this guy must be the bees knees, being so powerful!" He strode closer to the center, where all could hear him. "I don't see how our parents help us bond, in fact wouldn't telling our parents, who may have feuds with each other, be a great way to start unneeded fighting?" His glare was burning into Austrianna's eyes. "I mean that was a GREAT plan, like bravo, you really used your nogin on that one." Sarcasm, mocking, biting. "But why don't we let someone who can actually think make a plan here, because telling who our parents are can only cause fighting. Tell me, I'm having a hard time seeing from your point of view, I can't stick my head that far up my ass," He took a step towards her, "What did YOU think was going to happen by us all telling who our parents were? How would that help at all? All it would do is essentially create factions. What if I didn't like this Isabel because my parents didn't? Killing you would be a great way to get her back." He was close now, arm's reach. "Do us all a favor and think next time before you so brilliantly spit out plans from the space between your ears." He stormed back to the wall where he was leaning on, waiting. Fools, all of them. @Light @The Imperial Flame @djinnamon @Embaga Elder @GingerBread @Lotusy
Ree took the brief moment of reprieve to double over and catch her breath before straightening out her dark-grey school uniform, which from a distance could cause the unobservant to mistake her one of the listless degenerates marching below.

"T-Thank you..I am kind of confused about, well..everything that's going on. Y'see I-I'm new in town and I was supposed to have my first day at school but I-I didn'tknowthedirections so I endedup getting lostand thenIpanickedgotevenmorelostandthenItriedtousemyphone'sGPSandwhenIlookedupIwasherewithyouguysandIhavenoideahowtogetoutandI'mreallynervousaboutdyingandbeinglateonmyfirstdayandwhenIgetnervousIstartramblingand-"

She interrupts her nervous breakdown to refill her lungs again, which gives her a brief moment to regain her composure and recollect her thoughts.

S-Sorry, I'm okay..But uhh..My name is-"

"Wait madame! I have reason to believe that we could be in the presence of the culprit of our abduction! Be wary of speaking information that could be used against you!"

At her companion's warning, Ree to slightly deflate, dispirited by the possibility that she was not yet out of the woods.

"U-Uhm..My name is Ree, Ree Wicker. I-I don't know what my parents have to do with this, I mean..My dad is a writer and my mom is a cosmetician"

She then chuckles slightly to herself "I guess if we were dealing with someone who got a bad makeover than maybe they'd be involved"

She forces the best smile she could make in her

predicament and cheerfully adds
"Nice to meet you guys, I guess!"

@LokiofSP @Light @GingerBread @Inheritance @Lotusy @djinnamon @The Imperial Flame @Embaga Elder


As the others make their introductions, she puts a slight amount of space between her and the group in order to secretly commune with her trusted adviser

"So..You think the guy who put us here might be one of them?"

"It's a possibility..Or they could possibly be spying on you and the other fleshbags from the rafters..I would advise keeping yourself at arms-length until we are able to discern their true intentions.I would be especially wary of the Angsty One..He smells sweetly with the perfume of sin. And the Fabulous One reeks of celestial heritage,which disgusts us. For now it seems that all we can do is wait for the brethren of the Bossy One to come, so that we may proceed"

"So that's it? We just wait here and hope everything works out?"

"I'm afraid so..But fear not, M'lord! Whatever may come, we, the legion shall always be by your side"

She gives a small, affable chuckle and a reassured nod, before taking a glance over at the lively group of strangers and then at the oppressive locked door that seemed to be the only thing barring her from going back home

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"I didn't fall over, I'm laying down, Trying to relax and make the best of a bad situation. And I'm not a turtle, so If I fell over I'd be able to get back up" Castiel shook his head, rubbing it against the ground. "His plan wasn't any different from yours, apart from pinning all the blame on you if it goes wrong." Castiel then started to listen to Andrew's rant and sat up when it started to come to a close, sighing lightly. "Who said our parents ever hated each other? Why do you assume they do and how would you know anyway, did they just tell you exact details of every minor scrap they had?" Castiel paused for a moment as he gently lowered himself to the ground, not wanting to make Jason have another heart attack, Because he'd layed down a bit too fast. "Or, are you just trying to start a fight with people, because you're an asshole? Personally, I think it's the latter. Or maybe it's both, who knows" Castiel shrugged, feeling the ground rub against his shoulders as he did.

@LokiofSP @Light @The Imperial Flame @Embaga Elder @Lotusy @Inheritance @Tazmodo @CelticSol @djinnamon
Inheritance said:
Andrew Blight
"Wow look at all these powerful souls!" He teased with fake enthusiasm, "I mean you all have such great parents I've never heard of! I feel left out of our team bonding exercise! I mean this kid over here" He flicked a hand at Amber "is a fucking demigod! Is nobody else absolutely wow'd? I mean this guy must be the bees knees, being so powerful!" He strode closer to the center, where all could hear him. "I don't see how our parents help us bond, in fact wouldn't telling our parents, who may have feuds with each other, be a great way to start unneeded fighting?" His glare was burning into Austrianna's eyes. "I mean that was a GREAT plan, like bravo, you really used your nogin on that one." Sarcasm, mocking, biting. "But why don't we let someone who can actually think make a plan here, because telling who our parents are can only cause fighting. Tell me, I'm having a hard time seeing from your point of view, I can't stick my head that far up my ass," He took a step towards her, "What did YOU think was going to happen by us all telling who our parents were? How would that help at all? All it would do is essentially create factions. What if I didn't like this Isabel because my parents didn't? Killing you would be a great way to get her back." He was close now, arm's reach. "Do us all a favor and think next time before you so brilliantly spit out plans from the space between your ears." He stormed back to the wall where he was leaning on, waiting. Fools, all of them. @Light @The Imperial Flame @djinnamon @Embaga Elder @GingerBread @Lotusy
@LokiofSP[/URL] @Light @GingerBread @Inheritance @Lotusy @djinnamon @The Imperial Flame @Embaga Elder


As the others make their introductions, she puts a slight amount of space between her and the group in order to secretly commune with her trusted adviser

"So..You think the guy who put us here might be one of them?"

"It's a possibility..Or they could possibly be spying on you and the other fleshbags from the rafters..I would advise keeping yourself at arms-length until we are able to discern their true intentions.I would be especially wary of the Angsty One..He smells sweetly with the perfume of sin. And the Fabulous One reeks of celestial heritage,which disgusts us. For now it seems that all we can do is wait for the brethren of the Bossy One to come, so that we may proceed"

"So that's it? We just wait here and hope everything works out?"

"I'm afraid so..But fear not, M'lord! Whatever may come, we, the legion shall always be by your side"

She gives a small, affable chuckle and a reassured nod, before taking a glance over at the lively group of strangers and then at the oppressive locked door that seemed to be the only thing barring her from going back home

GingerBread said:
"I didn't fall over, I'm laying down, Trying to relax and make the best of a bad situation. And I'm not a turtle, so If I fell over I'd be able to get back up" Castiel shook his head, rubbing it against the ground. "His plan wasn't any different from yours, apart from pinning all the blame on you if it goes wrong." Castiel then started to listen to Andrew's rant and sat up when it started to come to a close, sighing lightly. "Who said our parents ever hated each other? Why do you assume they do and how would you know anyway, did they just tell you exact details of every minor scrap they had?" Castiel paused for a moment as he gently lowered himself to the ground, not wanting to make Jason have another heart attack, Because he'd layed down a bit too fast. "Or, are you just trying to start a fight with people, because you're an asshole? Personally, I think it's the latter. Or maybe it's both, who knows" Castiel shrugged, feeling the ground rub against his shoulders as he did.

@LokiofSP @Light @The Imperial Flame @Embaga Elder @Lotusy @Inheritance @Tazmodo @CelticSol @djinnamon
Austrianna thinks about what all the things she's heard Andrew's say with the addition of what Castiel just said. "Actually, now that I think about it. Didn't you say you didn't have any parents earlier? Very strange if you to say the opposite of that statement now isn't it, Andrew Blight?"

Ruby wasn't too far away from Ree while this debate was carrying on. "Uh...hey. my name is Ruby, sorry about that guy." She points to Castiel. "That's my brother."
" And me being a deity is some how a problem? " He asked his eyes twitching with annoyance. Slowly he turned his angry gaze to Andrew. " You , don't use my powers to voice your annoyance. " He said harshly. " Anyway fine i'll help until I get the first chance to leave this entire situation." He said , sitting in the corner and closing his eyes.

@LokiofSP @Light @The Imperial Flame @Embaga Elder @Lotusy @Inheritance @Tazmodo @CelticSol @GingerBread
Andrew Blight

He heard the remark, and scoffed. How stupid could he be. "Don't be stupid, I said there's nothing good that can come from it. What good could possibly come from it, that couldn't also bring bad? I didn't assume, I just said that's the most probable solution. You, like the other, need to think before opening your mouth. It will do you no good to argue with people when you have no idea what an intelligent argument is." He laughed at the foolishness of this dumbass. "Think for a few moments, I am showing that telling who our parents are WON'T help anything, it can only aggravate a situation. AND who cares about our parents?! They don't mean anything regarding us." What a moron. @GingerBread

Turning to the 'deity' he smirked, "Oh don't get so angry, I said nothing wrong about you. No need to throw a tantrum-think with your head and not your pride for a second it will get you farther." He ended with a sly grin, daring him to do something. @djinnamon

He finally turned back to the girl, and laughed. "Hypothetical my dear, if I knew my parents they may just say something of the matter." He still didn't move near her, but kept an eye on everything. "I see you haven't denied your stupidity of the moment, so at least you are smart enough for that-perhaps you

aren't a complete fool." He meant that, if she was smart enough to recognize her mistakes she was smart enough to learn. He did hope that she wouldn't pursue the topic of parents though, not that anyone could prove anything...he didn't think. Then again, the windows of the soul are curious things. @Light

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