Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
CelticSol said:
(@The Imperial Flame , @Lotusy )
By the time Leo snapped from his anxiety induced freeze, the strange creature had him in it's jaws, and horror smothered any noise he could've possibly made as he was swallowed whole and fell into an abyss. Fog wraps around him through the fall, and once it withdraws and allows him to see, he finds he is before a bridge leading to a castle. It's definitely not his castle though, and he seems to be accompanied by other people who appear to be around his age following the strange creatures.

Leo follows them, as he's not sure what else to do in this confusing situation, trying his hardest to keep questions from spilling off his tongue in an anxious rambling mess. After trying - and failing - to collect his thoughts to soothe the tight curl of anxiety in his stomach, he turns to the closest person to him - a dark skinned girl with white hair - and taps her shoulder, his expression tight with stress, "Do you have any idea what's going on?"

(@Embaga Elder)
Lotusy said:
Jason, suddenly startled by the ground disappearing beneath his legs, spit out his coffee into the degenerate's face before plummeting into the stomach dimension. Quickly, he turned off all his senses, then turned them on again, his concentration flickering between them in a panicked mode. The dark fog then enveloped Jason, making him feel helpless. In desperation, he tried to use all of his senses - even tasting the air - and suddenly, the fog cleared.
The sight that greeted Jason wasn't too easy to understand, though it seemed more confusing than intimidating. Black creatures with eerie smiles marched along the path up to a castle, making Jason realize the thing that pulled him in was one of them too. He was roused from his thoughts by the suddenly *plop* of his coffee falling perfectly into his mug.
"Well, at least something works right," he muttered to himself before turning to check out his other surroundings. Around him were four other people - three of which looked like high schoolers, and one who looked around his early teens. Those better not have been the ones dicking over my building. It didn't look like that, though, as some of them had preppy school uniforms on. Currently youngest one already seemed to be talking to a white-haired girl, and Jason tenatively approached the group, turning off all senses besides sight and hearing as he advanced. "Yo," he said awkwardly, raising his non-coffee-holding hand to follow his curt greeting. The man eventually took a place closer to them, but began to direct his sight towards the dark figures marching to the castle.

@CelticSol @The Imperial Flame @Embaga Elder
@The Imperial Flame[/URL] )

Austrianna had been coming back from the meat market with flesh wrapped in a bag. Meat sources that had regenerative factors often sell flesh to those who are in need. On her way back, using the alleyways as a shortcut to her siblings schools she had been swallowed by a degenerate. Austrianna had appeared on the rocky bridge with a completely unamused expression. She assumed a family member of hers was playing at some game...until she noticed Leo and a couple other strangers around her age. Austrianna begins her walk up the bridge and stops behind Leo. She shifts her eyes towards Jason and examines him, with a poker face. She would make sure to keep an eye on him. Austrianna turns her attention back to her young relative, Leo. Once he turns around and takes note of her, she would look up at the castle and then back down at Leo. She would be gesturing at her curiosity on the situation.

Once Alyson and Hassan grew close to the castle, the doors began to open up at a slow pace. Once they became fully ajar theyou could see a large, non extravagant, and dusty entry room. Up the large staircase on the other side of the room had another large set of doors that seemed to be locked.

LokiofSP said:
Suria snored slightly from the back of the classroom, his hat pulled over his eyes as he snored loudly. After a few moments of this, he eventually slowly awoke, looking around the classroom in a tired haze.�� He stretched himself out as he slowly rose, walking out of the room while giving some half assed excuse about going to the bathroom. The truth was he felt done with school for the day. He'd tried to go and be a good child like he'd been asked to, but his heart wasn't in it, it was boring. It was basically like staying at home except the desks were harder to fall asleep on and the teachers got annoyed at him when he tried to get a bit more beauty sleep. The only upside to going to school seemed to be that the lessons helped lull you to sleep a bit, but that was hardly enough to convince him to stay.

So he pulled out his phone, shot a text to his mom that he'd be coming home early today, and began to slowly walk through the halls to head back home...
GingerBread said:
Mary was finishing off her work when she heard the bell go for lunch, before actually going off to lunch, she finished her work off. After that she got up out of her seat, and began walking through the hallways. She didn't mind being a bit late to lunch as she brought her own and she had no friends to hang out with for reasons she couldn't figure out. While walking through the hallways, she spotted someone starting to walk out of school, or at she assumed they were and if they weren't then that's good! But if they were then she thought she should try to convince them not to.

She started walking as quickly as she could, not wanting to run in the hallways, as that would break the school rules. Luckily for Mary, the boy seemed to be walking slowly so she quickly caught up to him.
'I can't just accuse him of trying to leave, that would be bad. Maybe if I speak to him he won't leave if he was going to and I might make a new friend!' Mary moved forwards so that she was besides the boy and smiled up at him. "Hello! I'm Mary. What's your name?"

Once Suria tries to send a text message to his mother, it ended up being unable to connect since the number he's sending it to does not exist on the phone records any longer. He also received notice of him having to pay his phone bill next week, a grand total of $164.

LokiofSP said:
Faolan tapped his foot impatiently as he awaited class to end. He had finished his work already, and honestly he just wanted to go home so he could FINALLY get a straight answer as to why Juniper kept pretending to forget things about him. He'd finally decided this was the day he'd corner her and get an answer to why she continued to make the same joke even though it WASN'T funny.

He just didn't want to be forgotten, and he didn't want his sister to hate him. It felt like that though, like every other week she was mad at him for some reason, and he just wanted it to stop...he just wanted her to be happy.
The bell in the school Faolan, Juniper, and Zalena go to ends up ringing to symbolize the end of school. As soon as classes were over, Zalena races towards the room Faolan was in before anyone could leave. She had a stupidly large grin and her backpack on. "I have arrived! Leeetttsss gooo!" Zalena's bright red eyes shine with excitement as they make contact with Faolan's. Zalena was very loud and annoying but she meant no harm and enjoyed her time at school with her siblings. Seeing her in this kind of mood, being genuinely happy to see the face of the person you see everyday as if it's the first time meeting her was never rare. It's always been like this, which is a redeeming quality of hers. Which is why Juniper feels comfortable around this smile Zalena gives her since it's her usual smile, not a smile like that because it is actually meeting a new personality.

Juniper didn't have enough time to gather her things once the bell rang. She wasn't some super human like her sister who's already down the hall the moment the bell goes off. Since Juniper didn't want to be the last out of the class and bring herself into gaze of the teacher, she held her books and her back to her chest and walked out with the crowd. This gave her the opposite affect the of what she desired though. It caused her to receive groans of discontent whenever her elbows bumped into another student in the crowd. Juniper could do nothing but keep her head down and stare at the floor until she passed through the door frame.

Jumping to the right and leaning on the wall was the next thing she went about doing. While everyone else was getting what they needed done to go home, Juniper was still against the wall, waiting for Zalena to pick her up so she wouldn't feel as stared at. Zalena did take up a lot of attention, which made her invisible. That was something she liked.

She didn't look up but she still felt like someone was watching her so she didn't want to make the movement of putting her things away in her bag like she should have. She could only wait as nervous tension within her began to build. "Please hurry..." Juniper was beginning to feel emotional because of her position and definitely didn't want to cry, but it was something she was easily susceptible to and couldn't help. If she had just looked up for even a second, she would have seen an empty hallway, but her fear had gotten the best of her and made her avoid looking at the solution.

LokiofSP said:
Kristen slowly awoke from her bed and stretched her body out as she awoke. She'd decided to skip that day, opting to not have to punch some kid in the face for talking shit about her family. She slowly stood up, making her way out of her room and downstairs, taking them two at a time. She got to the kitchen table and poured herself a bowl of cereal and began to eat it. Something felt strangely...Off though, and she wasn't sure what. She just had a feeling in the pit of her stomach like something was wrong.
There seemed to be no one at the house, which was normal since Isabel wasn't exactly a stay at home mother from time to time for unexplainable reasons. Though she always left a note on all of their doors telling them when she left and when she'd be back. This time there was no note, the windows in her room weren't even opened and that's another thing Isabel never forgets to do. Though for now most things indicating the fact that Isabel hasn't passed through the house today are yet to be discovered. Though one thing that could be noticed now was her cell phone on the ground that wasn't on and wouldn't turn on even if the power button was pushed.

GingerBread said:
"I was running along with you, you hardly had to drag me anywhere. Don't try to pin it on me" Castiel stuck his tongue out at Ruby, or at least where he thought she was. "You have things to do, I'm going to go to bed and sleep. There's not really a lot I can do and if I can avoid training with dad right now, then I will"

When they appeared outside their house, Castiel turned towards where he thought Ruby was and shrugged when she asked him if he needed her to take him anywhere. "No, I don't need you to help me; I know this place like the back of my hand." Castiel smirked at Ruby before turning around slightly and walking away.. Towards the barn.

"Castiel you're going towards the barn." Ruby pinches the bridge of her nose and shakes her head. She skips over to Castiel and takes his hand in her own. "I'll just take you to your room so dad won't see you, okay? I don't know why you're hiding this. Mom, dad, and I wouldn't know what to do if anything happened to you. You stupid....idiot." Ruby mumbled the and I part and totally shrugged off the fact she said stupid idiot. She pulls him towards the oddly empty looking house and opens the door.
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Amber walks out of school gates at a brisk pace , bordering on running as he reaches the bus stop. Once he arrives at his destination he goes up to building , the words '1MillionDanceStudio' displayed above the double doors as he walks in. He as he makes his way to the boy's bathroom , he is greeted by multiple people who he greets warmly. Around ten minutes later Amber leaves the bathroom and walks into the practice room in a change of clothes consisting of a tank top , shorts and Nike shoes , his hair pulled into a high pony tail.
djinnamon said:
Amber walks out of school gates at a brisk pace , bordering on running as he reaches the bus stop. Once he arrives at his destination he goes up to building , the words '1MillionDanceStudio' displayed above the double doors as he walks in. He as he makes his way to the boy's bathroom , he is greeted by multiple people who he greets warmly. Around ten minutes later Amber leaves the bathroom and walks into the practice room in a change of clothes consisting of a tank top , shorts and Nike shoes , his hair pulled into a high pony tail.
In the corner of the practice room, a degenerate begins to form and slowly stretches so it can reach Amber. It opens and closes it's mouth repeatedly. It seemed like it wanted him to come closer.

"I, uh. I knew I was going towards the barn... I just wanted to get a bit more walking in? Gotta stay healthy.." Castiel awkwardly chuckled before clearing his throat and walking along with Ruby as she took him to his room. "I just think it'd be better if they didn't know.. Besides, it's not that bad, I'm dealing with it well." Castiel gave Ruby a cocky smile.. or at least towards the direction that he was being pulled from.

Music bounced off the walls of the practice room as Amber danced and sang along , his hair sticking to his face. A loud growl came from the boy as he keeps one move or another which annoys him greatly , his fists clutching as he glares at himself in the mirror. Al least until he noticed something stretching towards him with its mouth opening and closing. Amber instantly flipped out of the way of the creature, as it was about to bite him , in the direction of the door. Amber glared at the creature as he backed towards the door and gripped the door nob. " I really don't need this right now. " He muttered , contemplating using a energy beam to kill the creature and get on with his life.


(Amber using his acrobatic skills lol

Andrew Blight

He started down the hall, shoving anyone against a locker if they were unfortunate enough to stand in front of him for longer then a few seconds, when a...shadow? Something...caught his eye. He kept it in the corner of his eye, and struck up some bull shit conversation with some jock, and saw the thing kept staring at him the whole time. Alright. Let's fuckin do this then He stormed over to the figure, still quite hungry and quite frustrated with people in general, and stood next to the shadow, not staring directly at anything really, but leaned unconventionally against something to look as though he was just looking around, though he was sure to keep a sharp eye at this watcher. @Light
GingerBread said:
"I, uh. I knew I was going towards the barn... I just wanted to get a bit more walking in? Gotta stay healthy.." Castiel awkwardly chuckled before clearing his throat and walking along with Ruby as she took him to his room. "I just think it'd be better if they didn't know.. Besides, it's not that bad, I'm dealing with it well." Castiel gave Ruby a cocky smile.. or at least towards the direction that he was being pulled from.

"Hurhurhur I'm Castiel and I'm tough!" She mimics Castiel with a deeper voice. "Well it doesn't matter if you think you're dealing with it well, some people worry your safety know?" Ruby didn't mean to let that slip, so she stays silent. Ruby takes Castiel to his room and opens the door, guiding him inside afterwords. "Here, since you've got it I'm sure you can find your bed. I'm leaving." Ruby didn't actually leave afterwards, she leaned on the door frame to watch to make sure he didn't trip and hurt himself like the idiot he is.

djinnamon said:
Music bounced off the walls of the practice room as Amber danced and sang along , his hair sticking to his face. A loud growl came from the boy as he keeps one move or another which annoys him greatly , his fists clutching as he glares at himself in the mirror. Al least until he noticed something stretching towards him with its mouth opening and closing. Amber instantly flipped out of the way of the creature, as it was about to bite him , in the direction of the door. Amber glared at the creature as he backed towards the door and gripped the door nob. " I really don't need this right now. " He muttered , contemplating using a energy beam to kill the creature and get on with his life.

(Amber using his acrobatic skills lol

Inheritance said:
Andrew Blight
He started down the hall, shoving anyone against a locker if they were unfortunate enough to stand in front of him for longer then a few seconds, when a...shadow? Something...caught his eye. He kept it in the corner of his eye, and struck up some bull shit conversation with some jock, and saw the thing kept staring at him the whole time. Alright. Let's fuckin do this then He stormed over to the figure, still quite hungry and quite frustrated with people in general, and stood next to the shadow, not staring directly at anything really, but leaned unconventionally against something to look as though he was just looking around, though he was sure to keep a sharp eye at this watcher. @Light
The degenerate combines with other rising degenerates and stretches even faster towards Amber. It grabs Amber in between its jaws and swallows him whole. The same situation occurs with Andrew. They both begin to fall down a dark abyss until a dark fog envelops them. This dog fog has them appear standing on their feet in front of a castle on a rocky bridge. Yin, Hassan, Alyson, Jason, Austrianna, and Leo could be seen ahead of them. Yin, Hassan, and Alyson were entering the castle. The main entrance room to the castle was large, nonextravagant, and dusty. There was a large set of stairs at the end of the room with another set of large doors that seemed to be locked.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/539dfd67c9492fa732c2e259663474cd.jpg.8bffa37ec3532d48b18123830234d15d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="143283" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/539dfd67c9492fa732c2e259663474cd.jpg.8bffa37ec3532d48b18123830234d15d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • 539dfd67c9492fa732c2e259663474cd.jpg
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Andrew Blight

He saw the thing leap to swallow him, so he did what he would normally do, and threw a solid right hook that should have been able to knock out a person if it landed, and of course was extremely shocked when it did nothing, and he braced for death... and opened his eyes to see...this...castle... He stretched, cracked his knuckles, and looked around, unimpressed. He noticed others around him, but said nothing. At the moment, he was here to see and be seen...and of course, to listen. @Light @The Imperial Flame @Embaga Elder @djinnamon
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Walking into the castle, the cousins expected the inside to look more how a castle should, but sadly it's looks more so abandoned then anything else. Wow talk about disappointing. Hassan said as he placed his hands in his pockets. Alyson spotted the door up the stairs. She nudges Hassan then points towards it. Good look Aly. Let's go check it out. They took the stairs heading towards the door. When they arrived Hassan tried pushing and pulling but to no avail the door remained closed. The shits locked. He looks towards Alyson. Should I? Knowing what he's thinking she only shrugs. Hassan faces the door. He drives his left foot into the ground, and kicks the door with his vaewolf strength near the lock of the door, driving his heel in and leaning into the kick. Alyson jumped as he did so. @CelticSol @Light @The Imperial Flame @Inheritance @djinnamon @Lotusy
Light said:
Austrianna had been coming back from the meat market with flesh wrapped in a bag. Meat sources that had regenerative factors often sell flesh to those who are in need. On her way back, using the alleyways as a shortcut to her siblings schools she had been swallowed by a degenerate. Austrianna had appeared on the rocky bridge with a completely unamused expression. She assumed a family member of hers was playing at some game...until she noticed Leo and a couple other strangers around her age. Austrianna begins her walk up the bridge and stops behind Leo. She shifts her eyes towards Jason and examines him, with a poker face. She would make sure to keep an eye on him. Austrianna turns her attention back to her young relative, Leo. Once he turns around and takes note of her, she would look up at the castle and then back down at Leo. She would be gesturing at her curiosity on the situation.
Once Alyson and Hassan grew close to the castle, the doors began to open up at a slow pace. Once they became fully ajar theyou could see a large, non extravagant, and dusty entry room. Up the large staircase on the other side of the room had another large set of doors that seemed to be locked.
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Yin shook her head, and began to think about her powers. Did they work here? Would carnage even help her? She snapped out of it when Hassan kicked the door. "Maybe it is locked for a reason, To keep something in?" She spoke up, not sure if the group realized she was there or not. She Would try to help them, but if all else fails she would take matters into her own hands.

@Light @Embaga Elder @Lotusy @Inheritance

Once again, he cared not for what they wanted to do. He just looked around at people wondering if they would make good allies, and how easy they'd burn. Strange first impression, the first thought he had of everyone he had ever met was how easily they'd burn. He still said nothing, just stalked up towards the door, snickering when the the two thought kicking it was the best idea. "Hey if kicking it doesn't work you should try announcing that you have the intention of breaking whoever lives in here. It should work out wonderfully for you!" He said this in a nice mocking voice, not sick mockery, but cool and quick. How stupid was this person? Kicking a door in? How could that go well?! That instantly would make anyone on the other side think you're hostile! This moron was essentially attacking some random opponent that he had no idea what they could do! Stupid. No tolerance for this. But what could he expect? @Light @The Imperial Flame @Embaga Elder
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"Well they have no reason to worry. Besides, if people are going to worry about it, that's just another reason not to let them know, right?" Castiel shrugged as Ruby took him up to his room. "Of course I can. See you later.." He smiled to the side of himself, where he assumed Ruby was before walking forwards into his room cautiously, slightly extending his arms out in front of him and to the side of him, trying to feel something that would help him find his way around.

Castiel was doing well so far, until he slightly knocked a table and heard something start to wobble on it. He
instinctively put his hands out to try to stop it falling off, but only succeeded in making matters worse. By trying to stop whatever was on the table, he only made matters worse; He completely knocked the lamp that was on the table onto the floor, where the bulb in it promptly smashed, leaving broken glass on the floor. Though, Castiel was standing close to the end of his bed, so he wasn't doing too badly.

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Clare was on her way back from the school but stopped by a shed on a friends back yard to take her sword. Due to her illness she isn't allowed to fight or do anything dangerous in fear of making things worse. Clare felt like hanging out with Skylar like they used to before they moved but when she was walking around the corner one of the degenerateshad grabbed her and swallow her. Clare hated this. But however when she arrived she saw the beautiful castle (I think that's what it is). She took a minute to admire it before looking around for a way out.

Skylar saw her sister get eaten by the degenerate and decided to attack. She grabbed her scythe and slowly inched her way to the degenerate. It too her two minutes to get to it and she swung. It went two inches off the ground and didn't go near hitting it. At that moment she was swallowed and put by her sister as she started to walk. Skylar immediately ran to her and hugged her waist about to cry.

Clare looked down to Skylar and hugged her back reassurin her. "It'll be ok we just gotta get out of here. Skylar nodded and went back for the scythe slowly pulling it until Clare helped out. She didn't mind Clare touching it.
Lotusy said:
"Riiiight," Jason muttered in response to Hassan's answer. It wasn't as if the man didn't believe him, but the whole situation was so, well, weird. These were teenagers, some walking around like these events didn't faze them at all, along with some endless amount of slinking black shadowy figures still prowling around. Watching Alyson and Hassan head up to the castle, Jason decided to do the same - accidentally jostling a degenerate over the edge along the way and taking its spot as the rest shuffled towards the castle.

As the Jason watched the castle doors open for the two in front of him, he went on alert again, turning off his other senses to get a good view of the inside. From his point on the road climbing up to the castle, Jason could only see regular furniture, an entry hall, and stairs, though they all had a fuzzy gray quality to them which was likely dust. As Jason finally trotted up to the gates - with his coffee still in hand - he watched the boy named Hassan try and kick down the door. Are they disgruntled? He wondered, trying to focus his hearing to the two. Did they get locked out or something? He suddenly heard another plop from way behind him, then focused his vision to watch another teenager get thrown into wherever the hell they were. I'm not even sure what to think anymore. Shaking his head in exasperation, Jason followed the kids and degenerates inside.

@CelticSol @The Imperial Flame
Inheritance said:
Once again, he cared not for what they wanted to do. He just looked around at people wondering if they would make good allies, and how easy they'd burn. Strange first impression, the first thought he had of everyone he had ever met was how easily they'd burn. He still said nothing, just stalked up towards the door, snickering when the the two thought kicking it was the best idea. "Hey if kicking it doesn't work you should try announcing that you have the intention of breaking whoever lives in here. It should work out wonderfully for you!" He said this in a nice mocking voice, not sick mockery, but cool and quick. How stupid was this person? Kicking a door in? How could that go well?! That instantly would make anyone on the other side think you're hostile! This moron was essentially attacking some random opponent that he had no idea what they could do! Stupid. No tolerance for this. But what could he expect? @Light @The Imperial Flame @Embaga Elder
Tazmodo said:
Clare was on her way back from the school but stopped by a shed on a friends back yard to take her sword. Due to her illness she isn't allowed to fight or do anything dangerous in fear of making things worse. Clare felt like hanging out with Skylar like they used to before they moved but when she was walking around the corner one of the degenerateshad grabbed her and swallow her. Clare hated this. But however when she arrived she saw the beautiful castle (I think that's what it is). She took a minute to admire it before looking around for a way out.
Skylar saw her sister get eaten by the degenerate and decided to attack. She grabbed her scythe and slowly inched her way to the degenerate. It too her two minutes to get to it and she swung. It went two inches off the ground and didn't go near hitting it. At that moment she was swallowed and put by her sister as she started to walk. Skylar immediately ran to her and hugged her waist about to cry.

Clare looked down to Skylar and hugged her back reassurin her. "It'll be ok we just gotta get out of here. Skylar nodded and went back for the scythe slowly pulling it until Clare helped out. She didn't mind Clare touching it.
As Alyson, Hassan, Jason, Andrew, and Yin stood near the door inside the castle. A light flows off of them and floats inside of it. Several locks on the door fade away, as if the more of the people dragged here approach the door the closer it is to unlocking.

GingerBread said:

"Well they have no reason to worry. Besides, if people are going to worry about it, that's just another reason not to let them know, right?" Castiel shrugged as Ruby took him up to his room. "Of course I can. See you later.." He smiled to the side of himself, where he assumed Ruby was before walking forwards into his room cautiously, slightly extending his arms out in front of him and to the side of him, trying to feel something that would help him find his way around.

Castiel was doing well so far, until he slightly knocked a table and heard something start to wobble on it. He
instinctively put his hands out to try to stop it falling off, but only succeeded in making matters worse. By trying to stop whatever was on the table, he only made matters worse; He completely knocked the lamp that was on the table onto the floor, where the bulb in it promptly smashed, leaving broken glass on the floor. Though, Castiel was standing close to the end of his bed, so he wasn't doing too badly.

Ruby sighs and shakes her head, asking herself what her dear brother would do without his dearest sister. Ruby roams throughout the house to find a broom and a dust pan, realizing that neither of their parents are home and the house seemed strangely empty. Ruby swiftly grabs what she needs and races up to Castiel's room, taking an annoyed act. "I thought you said you could handle it. I go to my room for two seconds and I already hear you break something!" Ruby had to act this way because she couldn't let him know that she was watching over him. Ruby begins to sweep up the mess. "Also, both mom and dad are gone. Did you get any notice of this? I know I received zero texts to inform us of this." Ruby checks her phone just to make sure and takes note of their parents contact not being in her phone. "Their contacts are gone too.." Ruby immediately knew what had happened. Their parents were planning a prank and she was soooo ready to expose them before they could get her.
Light said:
As Alyson, Hassan, Jason, Andrew, and Yin stood near the door inside the castle. A light flows off of them and floats inside of it. Several locks on the door fade away, as if the more of the people dragged here approach the door the closer it is to unlocking.
Ruby sighs and shakes her head, asking herself what her dear brother would do without his dearest sister. Ruby roams throughout the house to find a broom and a dust pan, realizing that neither of their parents are home and the house seemed strangely empty. Ruby swiftly grabs what she needs and races up to Castiel's room, taking an annoyed act. "I thought you said you could handle it. I go to my room for two seconds and I already hear you break something!" Ruby had to act this way because she couldn't let him know that she was watching over him. Ruby begins to sweep up the mess. "Also, both mom and dad are gone. Did you get any notice of this? I know I received zero texts to inform us of this." Ruby checks her phone just to make sure and takes note of their parents contact not being in her phone. "Their contacts are gone too.." Ruby immediately knew what had happened. Their parents were planning a prank and she was soooo ready to expose them before they could get her.
Clare and Skylar started to head up the path to the castle. "Don't worry Skylar I'm sure there are people who can help us there." "Ok" she said as she help drag her beloved weapon.
Light said:
Austrianna had been coming back from the meat market with flesh wrapped in a bag. Meat sources that had regenerative factors often sell flesh to those who are in need. On her way back, using the alleyways as a shortcut to her siblings schools she had been swallowed by a degenerate. Austrianna had appeared on the rocky bridge with a completely unamused expression. She assumed a family member of hers was playing at some game...until she noticed Leo and a couple other strangers around her age. Austrianna begins her walk up the bridge and stops behind Leo. She shifts her eyes towards Jason and examines him, with a poker face. She would make sure to keep an eye on him. Austrianna turns her attention back to her young relative, Leo. Once he turns around and takes note of her, she would look up at the castle and then back down at Leo. She would be gesturing at her curiosity on the situation.
Once Alyson and Hassan grew close to the castle, the doors began to open up at a slow pace. Once they became fully ajar theyou could see a large, non extravagant, and dusty entry room. Up the large staircase on the other side of the room had another large set of doors that seemed to be locked.
Lotusy said:
"Riiiight," Jason muttered in response to Hassan's answer. It wasn't as if the man didn't believe him, but the whole situation was so, well, weird. These were teenagers, some walking around like these events didn't faze them at all, along with some endless amount of slinking black shadowy figures still prowling around. Watching Alyson and Hassan head up to the castle, Jason decided to do the same - accidentally jostling a degenerate over the edge along the way and taking its spot as the rest shuffled towards the castle.

As the Jason watched the castle doors open for the two in front of him, he went on alert again, turning off his other senses to get a good view of the inside. From his point on the road climbing up to the castle, Jason could only see regular furniture, an entry hall, and stairs, though they all had a fuzzy gray quality to them which was likely dust. As Jason finally trotted up to the gates - with his coffee still in hand - he watched the boy named Hassan try and kick down the door. Are they disgruntled? He wondered, trying to focus his hearing to the two. Did they get locked out or something? He suddenly heard another plop from way behind him, then focused his vision to watch another teenager get thrown into wherever the hell they were. I'm not even sure what to think anymore. Shaking his head in exasperation, Jason followed the kids and degenerates inside.

@CelticSol @The Imperial Flame
Leo blinks, looking at Hassan as if he had lost his mind. 'The castle seems like the best place to be?' Leo thinks to himself as he takes a look around. The strange, shadowy creatures don't seem interested in them at all as Leo plays follow-the-leader and allows himself to lead towards the looming castle and into a large but extravagant entrance that had dust covering almost every surface. He startles when one of the shadowy creatures bump into him and skitters off, but notice it had hardly acknowledged him or tried to attack him. Well, at least in no way that indicated they meant to do harm, but still... The creatures put him on edge. The fact he had been snatched from his room put him on edge. The fact that he had no idea where he was, why he was there, or who he was with put him on edge.

Except, suddenly, when he searches through the crowd for any hint of what might be going on, he sees someone he does know. His eyes snap back to the familiar face, expression openly surprised at the unexpected appearance of his relative, "Austrianna?" He asks, voice incredulous, "You, too?"

Faolan looked up at his sister and instantly perked up. He smiled picked up his bag and grabbed her hand as he began to try to drag her down the hall, "Come on Zalena! Move already, I want to get home already, if we wait to long you'll do something weird and make everyone think I'M weird because I'm your brother! Don't do this to me Zelena, think about how I feel! Think about my feelings, and my poor fragile macho persona that will be shattered the moment we stay here another second. Come oooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnn!"



Suria looks up from his phone for a moment to address the odd ginger in front of him. He raised a brow very slightly, but besides this his expression remained mostly neutral, "Um...I'm Suria, hello I guess...so are you just gonna stand there? Because I'm going to leave so you're just gonna be alone. Just thought I'd give you a quick notice about that." His attention was immediately brought back to his phone as it vibrated twice, once to tell him his message hadn't gone through, the second to tell him he had to pay his phone bill next week. He took a few moments to try to figure out what was going up, but unable to come up with a reasonable response quick enough, squinted his eyes, "What the hell? I thought mom wasn't getting a new phone for another few months?...Eh, probably nothing." He pocketed his phone and turned back to Mary, waiting for an answer...



Kristen got up from her chair and checked for the note on the door out of curiosity. Upon not seeing that she moved to check her parents room, still not seeing her there. She looked to see the windows unopened as an odd feeling began to creep up in the pit of her stomach. She continued to search the house for her mother and upon seeing nothing still, eventually stepped on her phone. She picked it up with interest and attempted to turn it on with no success.

She was sure these things could be explained, but just to ease her own mind, she called upstairs, "Hey dad? Did mom leave yet? There's no note or anything, it's really fucking weird...dad?" She stood there for a few more moments, waiting for a response. Upon getting none, she bounded up the stairs once more, checking each room, with each empty one she found the feeling in her stomach grew worse. She eventually came to the center of the house, as she laughed nervously and spoke, "Okay you old fucks, you got me. I skipped, okay? It's over! I skipped school, I'm bad, I admit it! You can come out now, take my phone or whatever! Come out and punish me...please answer, I'm really scared..."

After still getting no response, Kristen took out her phone and sent a quick panicked series of texts to Austrianna:

Stick up her ass
hey, do u know were mom and dad r?
i can't find 'em
im relly freaked out right now, please respond...

After Hassan attempted to kick the door down to only fail, she felt bad for him as the others mocked him or spoke down about his actions. She wanted to say something but she couldn't bring herself to do it. She figured that Hassan was most likely feeling grumpy and aggressive since he missed out on breakfast and now lunch. She placed a hand on Hassan shoulders and spoke softly. She's still very uncomfortable being around so many people she doesn't know, but at least she l knows that he'll hear her. It's okay Hassan, Just relaxed. You'll get some food soon. As she was talking to him she spotted something white coming out the group's body and into the locks of the door, unlocking the locks. She removed her hand and turned towards the locks seeing that there's more that needed to be unlocked. We need more people. She said under her breath.


After the failed attempt at kicking the door open, Hassan felt more agitated. In normal situations he would've been less aggressive and thought this situation through, sadly it's not that type of situation. Hassan's agitation grew as Andrew mocked him. Someone he completely didn't know mocking him didn't feel great. His balled his hands into a fist, but before he could do anything he felt Alyson's hand on his shoulder. He turned and looked at her as she told him to relax. He nodded and unballed his fist. He noticed how the group started glowing and something white floated out their bodies ND into the locks unlocking them. Well that's convenient, looks like we actually do have to go inside. His ears twitched as he heard Alyson speaking. More people huh? Looks like we gotta wait. Hassan turned and walked towards the stairs sitting at center. He leaned back placing his elbows on the stairs above him.

@Inheritance @Lotusy @Light @CelticSol @The Imperial Flame

"I meant to break that... I was going to use the mess to figure out where I was? Not that I'd need to anyway.." Castiel sighed and shook his head, wishing that he could make up a half decent lie. When Ruby asked if their parents had told him that they were going somewhere, he rolled his eyes. "Well I wouldn't know; I don't take my phone with me anymore" Castiel gained a confused look when Ruby said their contacts were gone from her phone. "Wait what? They're gone and you don't have them in your phone anymore- Wait. Are you trying to prank me?" Castiel sighed and shook his head and began walking. "Mom! You aroun-" He abruptly stopped as he crashed into a wall.



When Mary's suspicions were confirmed that Suria was trying to leave the school, she gasped loudly. "You can't leave; That's against the rules! That's bad and you shouldn't be bad. It's bad!" Mary desperately tried to think of ways to stop Suria from leaving the school and breaking the rules. "If you leave... I'll.. I'll... I'll tell on you! Then you'll get in trouble. So you shouldn't leave or you'll get in trouble and that's bad; You don't want to get in trouble, do you?" Mary hoped that she'd said enough to convince Suria that he shouldn't ditch school.


It was enjoyable to just let others know how foolish they were, but even more satisfying to see them get angry about it. He smirked, but before he could speak he saw the lights, and the door. He noted that, but it seemed nothing else was happening, so he didn't think much about it. He, was still quite grumpy, and decided to egg on this one who was a good victim to his insults. "Oh my I'm so sorry! Did you get offended? I'm sorry that was my bad, please don't come kick my ass, I saw what you did to the door! Pretty tough of you really, I'd be real scared if you decided to come clean my clock!" This was sick mockery, he said it with a grin and evil eyes. He noted the girl calming him down. "Don't interrupt that shoulder rub, I'm sure you're sore from really beating the hell out of that door! Maybe bicep a bit sore?" Still with a sick grin. He was ready for a fight if he really needed, he was good at this. One of the only good things, due to his lack of usable power. @Light @Embaga Elder
Tazmodo said:
Clare and Skylar started to head up the path to the castle. "Don't worry Skylar I'm sure there are people who can help us there." "Ok" she said as she help drag her beloved weapon.
CelticSol said:
Leo blinks, looking at Hassan as if he had lost his mind. 'The castle seems like the best place to be?' Leo thinks to himself as he takes a look around. The strange, shadowy creatures don't seem interested in them at all as Leo plays follow-the-leader and allows himself to lead towards the looming castle and into a large but extravagant entrance that had dust covering almost every surface. He startles when one of the shadowy creatures bump into him and skitters off, but notice it had hardly acknowledged him or tried to attack him. Well, at least in no way that indicated they meant to do harm, but still... The creatures put him on edge. The fact he had been snatched from his room put him on edge. The fact that he had no idea where he was, why he was there, or who he was with put him on edge.
Except, suddenly, when he searches through the crowd for any hint of what might be going on, he sees someone he does know. His eyes snap back to the familiar face, expression openly surprised at the unexpected appearance of his relative, "Austrianna?" He asks, voice incredulous, "You, too?"
GingerBread said:
When Mary's suspicions were confirmed that Suria was trying to leave the school, she gasped loudly. "You can't leave; That's against the rules! That's bad and you shouldn't be bad. It's bad!" Mary desperately tried to think of ways to stop Suria from leaving the school and breaking the rules. "If you leave... I'll.. I'll... I'll tell on you! Then you'll get in trouble. So you shouldn't leave or you'll get in trouble and that's bad; You don't want to get in trouble, do you?" Mary hoped that she'd said enough to convince Suria that he shouldn't ditch school.

LokiofSP said:
Suria looks up from his phone for a moment to address the odd ginger in front of him. He raised a brow very slightly, but besides this his expression remained mostly neutral, "Um...I'm Suria, hello I guess...so are you just gonna stand there? Because I'm going to leave so you're just gonna be alone. Just thought I'd give you a quick notice about that." His attention was immediately brought back to his phone as it vibrated twice, once to tell him his message hadn't gone through, the second to tell him he had to pay his phone bill next week. He took a few moments to try to figure out what was going up, but unable to come up with a reasonable response quick enough, squinted his eyes, "What the hell? I thought mom wasn't getting a new phone for another few months?...Eh, probably nothing." He pocketed his phone and turned back to Mary, waiting for an answer...



Kristen got up from her chair and checked for the note on the door out of curiosity. Upon not seeing that she moved to check her parents room, still not seeing her there. She looked to see the windows unopened as an odd feeling began to creep up in the pit of her stomach. She continued to search the house for her mother and upon seeing nothing still, eventually stepped on her phone. She picked it up with interest and attempted to turn it on with no success.

She was sure these things could be explained, but just to ease her own mind, she called upstairs, "Hey dad? Did mom leave yet? There's no note or anything, it's really fucking weird...dad?" She stood there for a few more moments, waiting for a response. Upon getting none, she bounded up the stairs once more, checking each room, with each empty one she found the feeling in her stomach grew worse. She eventually came to the center of the house, as she laughed nervously and spoke, "Okay you old fucks, you got me. I skipped, okay? It's over! I skipped school, I'm bad, I admit it! You can come out now, take my phone or whatever! Come out and punish me...please answer, I'm really scared..."

After still getting no response, Kristen took out her phone and sent a quick panicked series of texts to Austrianna:

Stick up her ass
hey, do u know were mom and dad r?
i can't find 'em
im relly freaked out right now, please respond...
Inheritance said:
It was enjoyable to just let others know how foolish they were, but even more satisfying to see them get angry about it. He smirked, but before he could speak he saw the lights, and the door. He noted that, but it seemed nothing else was happening, so he didn't think much about it. He, was still quite grumpy, and decided to egg on this one who was a good victim to his insults. "Oh my I'm so sorry! Did you get offended? I'm sorry that was my bad, please don't come kick my ass, I saw what you did to the door! Pretty tough of you really, I'd be real scared if you decided to come clean my clock!" This was sick mockery, he said it with a grin and evil eyes. He noted the girl calming him down. "Don't interrupt that shoulder rub, I'm sure you're sore from really beating the hell out of that door! Maybe bicep a bit sore?" Still with a sick grin. He was ready for a fight if he really needed, he was good at this. One of the only good things, due to his lack of usable power. @Light @Embaga Elder
Clare and Skylar entering the castle caused light to flow out of them and hit the door within the castle. Two more locks fade off of the door due to their entrance.

A degenerate rises from the corner near Suria and Mary, rising behind Suria. It opens its mouth widely and gobbles them both up. They both appear on the rocky bridge only moments later, side by side.

Austrianna nods her head and begins to look Leo over for any injury. Once she confirms his safety, she decides that it may be a good idea to walk towards the castle. She was about to suggest it but her phone rang. The message she sees nearly makes her break facial composure.

hey, do u know were mom and dad r?
i can't find 'em
im relly freaked out right now, please respond...
No, I don't. I'm currently with our relative Leo, I don't understand why but I've been taken away to some...castle. Stay vigilant. Find your siblings.

As she says this, a degenerate had stretched over to Kristen and swallowed her, having her appear directly in front of Austrianna. Austrianna's eye twitches at the sight. She literally just sent the text to stay vigilant too.

LokiofSP said:
Faolan looked up at his sister and instantly perked up. He smiled picked up his bag and grabbed her hand as he began to try to drag her down the hall,
"Come on Zalena! Move already, I want to get home already, if we wait to long you'll do something weird and make everyone think I'M weird because I'm your brother! Don't do this to me Zelena, think about how I feel! Think about my feelings, and my poor fragile macho persona that will be shattered the moment we stay here another second. Come oooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnn!"


"Okay!~ Let's go find Juniper!" Zalena smiles and begins to run with Faolán, intertwining her fingers with his. "So did you do anything fun today?" Zalena begins to slow down, looking into Faolan's eyes with undying curiosity. They only had one more corner to turn before reaching Juniper's class.

Juniper on the other hand was already crying, closing her eyes so she could pretend nobody was around her as she held her head down. There truthfully was no one around but she still thought people were staring at her, mocking her for crying for no reason at all. She still held the books to her chest with her back against the wall.

GingerBread said:
"I meant to break that... I was going to use the mess to figure out where I was? Not that I'd need to anyway.." Castiel sighed and shook his head, wishing that he could make up a half decent lie. When Ruby asked if their parents had told him that they were going somewhere, he rolled his eyes. "Well I wouldn't know; I don't take my phone with me anymore" Castiel gained a confused look when Ruby said their contacts were gone from her phone. "Wait what? They're gone and you don't have them in your phone anymore- Wait. Are you trying to prank me?" Castiel sighed and shook his head and began walking. "Mom! You aroun-" He abruptly stopped as he crashed into a wall.


"No I'm not trying to prank y-" Ruby finishes sweeping but puts everything down. She releases an exasperated sigh as Castiel runs into a wall. She walks over and puts her hand on his forehead. Her hand was pretty cold so she hoped that would slightly help. "Mom isn't answering...I don't feel so good right now." To be honest, Ruby was feeling very anxious and very scared to be in her own house. Little did she know a degenerate was rising behind them.

Suria shrugged, "I mean, you can do whatever you want, I could care less personally. You could run off and be a snitch, but as my mom used to say, 'snitches get stitches'...not from me of course, that would require effort I'm not willing to give. But one day, karma will come back around and all that shit..."

Suria then blinked for a moment, only to open his eyes to be on a rocky bridge with multiple people around him and a castle ahead of him. He turns to Mary with an odd look on his face, "Did you do this? I mean, I get you didn't want me to leave school, but was this really necessary? That's kinda messed up man, kidnapping a dude like that for no reason. Here was me thinking you were actually a decent person..." He set down on the ground cross legged and rested his head on his palms, slowly closing his eyes, "Wake me up when you're done using me for whatever satanic ritual or whatever you're using me for..."



Kristen looked over Austrianna's text quickly and nodded, taking a deep breath as she attempted to regain composure, "Come on Kristen, toughen up, don't panic. Tough girl face, you need to keep straight little solider..." After psyching herself up and getting ready to leave, she was suddenly swallowed and dropped in front of Austrianna. She looked left, then right, then to her sister multiple times before speaking once more, "Okay, I can explain. I was about to leave, but then I was swallowed like I was in some kind of vore porno...so what the fuck is this place?"

@Light @CelticSol


Faolan shook his head, "Not really, but I did hear that there might be baseball tryouts soon! Do you think mom and dad will let me do it this year? Or, maybe YOU should ask them, that way they can't blame me if they don't like the idea! Yeah...glad I thought of that idea..." He continued to drag Zalena on around the corner, going on about how she should ask for him and what to do if they should do when they turned the corner, "...Then, you hit mom with the, 'I'm sorry' eyes! She can never stay mad at those, and she'll let me join instantly after that! Once you have mom's approval, then you hit dad with th- wait, is that Juniper?"

He let go of Zalena's hand, running up to Juniper and tapping the shoulder that he just barley stood over, "Juniper, are you okay? Did someone hurt you? It's okay, no more tears now, you'll be fine, no more crying please!" Finally, he pulled her in tight and wrapped his arms around her in a hug, "Stop! No more crying allowed!"

(@Daimao , @Light )

After waiting a bit for Zeta to reply, she shrugs and decides to go home until she has to pick up Zeta once he's done classes. She heads to her locker, entering the lock combination and popping open the locker. Piling every belonging within into her backpack, she zips it up and throws it over her shoulder, ignoring the various looks and whispers she gets from students and teachers alike as she goes through the hallways. She doesn't feel any nostalgia or melancholy when she thinks about it being her last time on the premises; she fucking hates this place and the people in it. Some people may write her off as just another angry, troubled delinquent with no respect, and that was why she acts out - and, to be fair, she doesn’t try to be anything else - but there was only so many times you could be called a mutt, or have people start barking at you, or hear some of the vile things people say about her parents and their marriage before you snap and slam a chair into someone's face. Like today.

Pulling the hood of her jacket up over her head as she steps out into the rain, she pulls her car keys out of the front pocket of her backpack and double clicks the 'unlock' button. The lights of a black SUV light up across the parking lot, and Eppie jogs across the parking lot to avoid the worst of the rain. She climbs into the car quickly, removing her hood and starting the ignition. Pulling out of the parking lot and into the roads, Eppie finds herself driving in a haze of thought as the city slowly becomes suburban areas as she drives. She'd rather be at home than school, for sure, but home didn't ring nice bells, especially with the phone call notifying her parents of her suspension she knows the principal has already made. Her dad never cared about that sort of things - often, he was more interested in how much damage she did and what happened during a fight. The issue was with her mother; Jacqueline Sapienti, notorious assassin, notorious crime boss with fingers in just about every illegal and illicit thing known to man, had an issue with her daughter being a delinquent.

Eppie can't even begin to count how many fights she and her mother had had in the past couple of years. About her fights, her thievery, and everything in between. They'd reach a point, now, where her mother had grown tired, simply giving up. Often, rather than an argument or a talk, she would just cast Eppie a disappointed look and ignore that it happened. But when it came to things like this, her mother was still a wild card - she might decide it's not worth the stress, or she might have gathered enough willpower to bring down the law. Still, the possibility of a confrontation makes Eppie circle the block once or twice rather than going directly home. She pulls into the driveway, but doesn't leave the car for a bit; instead, she watches their admittedly nice house as she garners the willpower to go inside and face the music. She feels it was a strange thing, their house - it was nice, and hints at wealth, but as far as she knew, they could afford much, much more. Not that she was complaining or anything - far from it - but she knew that many of her mother's criminal associates indulge much more than her mother ever does.


Sighing, she shuts off the car and harshly pulls the key out of ignition, running to the front door to avoid the rain. She locks the car, clicking the button until it honks to alert her of the alarm being activated. She fishes through the various keys attached to her keychain until she comes to the house key, unlocking the front door and entering. As she hangs up her rain drenched jacket and takes off her shoes, she calls out into the house, "I'm home!"

When no answer comes, Eppie pauses. Dropping her keys into the bowl kept on a table by the front door, she heads deeper into the house, peeking around for any sign of her parents. "Hello? Anybody home?" She calls again. Again, no reply. Weird... Eppie thinks, a frown making it's way on to her face, Mom and Dad were supposed to be home this week. She checks the calendar they keep on the fridge of work schedules just to be positive, and sure enough, there is a line indicating the whole week, with "Home this week! :) " labeled on top of the line. Maybe they went shopping? When she checks the garage, she finds both her parents' cars in their place, and she knows that they couldn't shadow travel or teleport because of the mana limits. Mom needed her injections for work. She wouldn't waste one if she didn't have to.

Something isn't adding up, and it is making Eppie uneasy.

She heads into upstairs to her parents' bedroom, opens the door, and finds the bed made. She checks their bathroom and finds it empty. She goes through the house, opening every door, checking every room, calling her parents all the while. Maybe mom got a last minute contract, and took dad with her, she thinks, Maybe something came up with her work and she had to sort it out, and took dad so he could give them murderous glares, she adds, trying to find reason for her parents' unusual absence. But each theory gets a hole put in it - she finds no notes in the usual spots her mother leaves them. Nothing is making sense.

Where are they?

She pulls her phone out of her pocket, typing in her mother's private cellphone number. She hits call and holds the phone to her ear. The phone doesn't even ring; it goes right to voicemail. Her mother's pre-recorded voice plays in her ear, "Hey, you've reached Jackie! Sorry I can't take your call right now, but I promise I'll get back to you when I can!"

Eppie feels dread build in her stomach. Her mother always answers the phone if Eppie or Zeta are calling. In her entire lifetime, Eppie can count on one hand how many times her mother hasn't answered the phone. Maybe something happened with her phone, Eppie tries to reason, feeling desperation creeping up on her. After biting her nail, trying to think straight, she types in her father's cellphone number, holding her phone to her ear. Again, it doesn't ring, and simply cuts to voicemail. Having not bothered with a message, a woman's automated voice plays in Eppie ear, "We're sorry; the number you have reached has been disconnected, or is no longer in service. Please check the number and try your call again. This is a recording."

Numbly, Eppie hangs up, looking at the screen of her phone, What the fuck is going on?

As a last resort, she calls her mother's alternate phone - an old phone Jackie uses simply because a) it has a very long lived battery, and b) is enchanted to work across realms. It's sole purpose is emergency calls - if there's an emergency and her mother, for one reason or another, doesn't answer her other phone, Eppie and/or Zeta is supposed to call this phone. Eppie has used it once, when she got lost in the city on her way home as a child, and Jackie had answered nearly immediately and gotten the situation sorted out in less than a minute once Eppie had told her what had happened. Zeta had called once, for some reason she couldn't remember, and it had been the same. She holds her phone up to her ear. Hoping - no, praying - for an answer.

"We're sorry; the number you have reached has been disconnected, or is no longer in service. Please check the number and try your call again. This is a recording."

It feels like ice was injected into her veins, flooding her body with cold, hard dread. The phone slips out of her hand and clatters to the floor, but Eppie barely notices; there's a moment where Eppie just stands there, still and frozen. Suddenly, horror at what she realizes has happened strikes through her - jolts her as if she had been shocked - and she launches into action; she charges through the house, searching in every crack or crevice for any sign of her parents. She doesn't find them, she doesn't find any sign of a struggle, finds no blood or weapons or bullets holes or anything, and by the time she ends up standing on the tile in the middle of the kitchen, panting. She can barely breathe and barely think and oh god, her parents could be dead right now, and suddenly, she wishes that her mother was having an argument with her. No, she longs for it. She wants one as bad as when she stole the Porsche. At least then she knew her mother and father were safe, even if she didn't appreciate that fact.

She almost starts tearing her hair out, trying to catch her breath and even out her erratic and panicked breathing. What was she supposed to do? What were she and Zeta supposed to do? Zeta...

... Doesn't know.

She almost trips from how fast she sprints back up the stairs to retrieve her phone. She thinks about calling him, but him likely being in the middle of class stops her. There's thankfully no cracks on the screen that inhibit her ability to text him, but the screen being clear from fractures doesn't help with the fact that her hands are shaking so badly she can barely type.

ZZ Tops
i got suspended and banned from the property lol
Should've beat their ass more then. Go big or go home
last i checked, she was on her way to the hospital with two black eyes and a hell of a concussion, so ill say i went big lol. i think i got off easy because im so close to graduating and miss thompson doesn't want to deal with my shit for another year
z i cant find mom and dad
theyre vgone theyre not anytwhere in rhe house and theyre not answring their phones not even the emergency one and im freaking the fuck out
idk if somethng happepn ed to them or if theyre hurt and im losing my shit
plz answer me
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