Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters

"Holy crap how many idiots are there?" He shoved the guy who bumped into him. Not hard, he'd probably send him across the hall if he did. "MOVE!" He growled as he did it. "Control your bitch girl." He was hungry, and these people were getting on his nerves. @Light @GingerBread

"Ruby, are you serious-" Castiel was stopped mid sentence when he was moved through the air into a wall. "Okay, First off, Ow. Second, when did you get so-" Castiel stopped as he heard Andrew's comment, assuming that he was the person he'd bumped into and that's why he was currently calling him a bitch and telling his sister to control him, at least that's the way around he assumed it was, because he wasn't a girl. "That guy seems like a major asshole. And as he so wonderfully demonstrated, I don't really have a choice, so I'll come with you. I hope my grades don't get any worse" Castiel sighed and stood up, now completely disoriented and unsure where anybody was.

@Light @Tazmodo @Inheritance
Andrew Blight

He thought for a minute, then considered what his father would say about skipping school. Well, nothing really, but he didn't want to interact with his family right now for any reason. "Hold up-where are you two going? And will there be adults involved?" He ignored the kid he had just shoved, as he was the follower here, quite obviously. @GingerBread @Light

Alyson and Hassan stopped at the of the creepy part of the school. Hassan turned towards Alyson with a grin. Shall we check it out? Alyson rapidly shook her head no, but Hassan pulled her in anyway, dropping her books, leaving them in the hallway.
GingerBread said:
"Ruby, are you serious-" Castiel was stopped mid sentence when he was moved through the air into a wall. "Okay, First off, Ow. Second, when did you get so-" Castiel stopped as he heard Andrew's comment, assuming that he was the person he'd bumped into and that's why he was currently calling him a bitch and telling his sister to control him, at least that's the way around he assumed it was, because he wasn't a girl. "That guy seems like a major asshole. And as he so wonderfully demonstrated, I don't really have a choice, so I'll come with you. I hope my grades don't get any worse" Castiel sighed and stood up, now completely disoriented and unsure where anybody was.

@Light @Tazmodo @Inheritance
Inheritance said:
Andrew Blight
He thought for a minute, then considered what his father would say about skipping school. Well, nothing really, but he didn't want to interact with his family right now for any reason. "Hold up-where are you two going? And will there be adults involved?" He ignored the kid he had just shoved, as he was the follower here, quite obviously. @GingerBread @Light
( @Tazmodo )

"We're going home so yeah. There will be parents involved." Ruby rolls her eyes and looks to the side, noticing something in a far dark corner. She looks back at Andrew and her stomach drops. She does a double check and notices a black gooey figure with large white eyes and a smile in the corner. It was looking directly at her, gaping it's mouth. "Uh....what's that?"

Embaga Elder] [B][COLOR=#b3b300]Alyson[/COLOR][/B][B][COLOR=#000000]/[/COLOR][/B][B][COLOR=#808080]Hassan[/COLOR][/B] Alyson and Hassan stopped at the of the creepy part of the school. Hassan turned towards Alyson with a grin. [COLOR=#808080]Shall we check it out? [/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]Alyson rapidly shook her head no said:


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Daimao said:
Zeta rocked back and forth in his chair as his teacher drones on and on. To his left he can hear some girls talking about the fight his sister was in, and he simply shifted his eyes towards them, his crimson glare making them shut up quickly. He didn't know why they were so surprised. Its not like it was anywhere near the first time she had gotten into a fight. He felt his phone buzz and already knew who it was as he took it out of his pocket. 'Banned from the property? Great,' he thought to himself.
i got suspended and banned from the property lol
Should've beat their ass more then. Go big or go home

Eppie grins when she gets her almost instant reply, and switches from the game she had barely started to text back.

ZZ Tops
i got suspended and banned from the property lol
Should've beat their ass more then. Go big or go home
last i checked, she was on her way to the hospital with two black eyes and a hell of a concussion, so ill say i went big lol. i think i got off easy because im so close to graduating and miss thompson doesn't want to deal with my shit for another year

Castiel listened in as Ruby invited the person who just threw him into a wall, to their house. He spun around, facing the opposite direction from where he heard Ruby's voice, assuming that's where Andrew was. "No. No. You're not coming with us, you can go off in the other direction to us instead. You don't get a say in this" Castiel then turned around and looked over to where he assumed Ruby was. "Come on Ruby, if we're going, we'd better go now so we don't get caught and forced to stay anyway"

@Light @Tazmodo @Inheritance

Normally he'd be gone by now, but this little kid thought he'd dare command him. For a second he gave the kid a stare...black...cold...death...but then switched to a more amused look. "Aye your brother is right. I don't deserve the honor, however, if you would reconsider, I'm sorry for shoving you. Just hungry, things are getting on my nerves. " he held a hand to shake. Of course he'd remember this. He didn't like being ordered around. However he was willing to give this one another chance. @Light @GingerBread
(Gee willikers, this fuckin got away from me)

Leo packs up his things as he finishes his studies for the day. After he gives the assignment he completed earlier to his tutor - a tall, dark skinned woman with strange, silver eyes - who takes it with a nod, he places his books on his shelf. Waving a quick goodbye to his tutor, he makes his way through the maze of hallways within the Van Fenrir castle with practiced ease, going through hallway after hallway until he finally reaches the large, familiar oak doors of his mother's study. He knocks on the door to announce his arrival, before opening it a little and peeking his head in, "Mom? It's me."

Sad red eyes look up from the papers - mostly letters, but some reports - to him, brightening some as she tucks some of her long, silver hair behind her ear, and stands. "Leanbh," She murmurs, crossing the room to hug him tightly but quickly. When she withdraws, she runs her hands through his hair, pushing the long, unruly locks out of his face as she smiles, "How was your classes?"

"Fine," Leo says with a shrug, his eyes drawn away from his mother, to the papers scattered across the every spare surface on her desk. He returns his gaze back down to his mother as he decides whether or not to speak about it at all, but decides that he might as well, in case of good news, "Anything about dad?"

The same dull, lifeless look - a look that Leo has, to his dismay, become familiar with - returns to her eyes, and suddenly it looks like the weight of the world has dropped onto her shoulders; grief had weighed heavy over Layla since his father had disappeared, and it was almost as if the happiness and life had been robbed from her world. Leo being around her most of the time helped some, but there was only so much he could do to alleviate the depression his mother had fallen into - his father had been her support through everything; recovering from her kidnapping, Siobhan leaving, and anything else they had kept from the ears of him and Siobhan, and there wasn't a lot that Leo could do to help rebuild her support system without feeling as if they were accepting that his father was not going to come back.

His mother shake her head, sighing heavily. She looks over at the papers with tired eyes, dark bruises of exhaustion underneath, "Nothing of substance. Rumours..." She trails off, lost in some thought Leo doesn't know about. After a long moment of silence, she shakes her head, turning back to him, "Your grandmother says she might have something. She says I shouldn't put too much stock into it, but... It's something," She purses her lips into a thin line, "I'm going to pursue it. Miserae wouldn't contact me at all if she didn't think it would go somewhere."

"How long do you think you'll be gone?" Leo asks, a small silver of anxiety attempting to drill itself into his gut. He stuffs his hands into the front pockets of his pants to keep from fidgeting.

"There's no telling," She replies, "But I've been grasping at straws these last five years, and if there's even a bit of hope in this, I want to find it. I want to find him," Layla sighs, then puts her hand on his cheek, "I want you to stay in the castle while I'm gone. If you leave, I want you to take Simi with you. Whatever has happened to your father, it is big, or he would have returned by now. I don't want anything-"

Leo nods, "I'll be fine, mom. You need to do this."

Layla sighs, the sound relieved, "Thank you. I don't want to leave you alone, but I need to do this."

Leo, again, nods, but his emotions, evenly distributed between hope for good news and anxiety for being alone shifts into worry as he notices how dark the bags under his mother's eyes are, and how her cheeks are sharper and more gaunt than he's ever seen them. "When's the last time you slept, mom? Or ate anything?"

Layla shakes her head, "I don't have time to sleep or eat. I have to try and find him, wherever he may be or whomever he's with. He did the same for me, he deserves the same."

"Mom, you have to eat and sleep."

She frowns, gaining the tone she usually used when she was about to lay down the law, "Your father-"

Leo cut her off, "Would agree with me," He says lightly. She falls quiet, and he sighs, "Just take care of yourself while you're with Grandmother, alright? Dad would have a fit if he came home and saw you like this."

She laughs, and though it's only quiet, Leo is glad to hear it; it's been a while since he's heard her honestly laugh. She gets this strange, nostalgic smile, "He would, wouldn't he?" She's quiet for a breath, then pulls Leo into a tight hug. As he draws away, she brings his head down to kiss his forehead. "I will return as soon as I can."

"Be careful, mom," He replies as he pulls away.

She smiles, "I will." With that, she enters a couple of numbers into a keypad on her desk. After less than two breaths, two servants appear before her - one, distinctly dressed in a house-cleaner's uniform, and the second, dressed in all black, with the leather muzzle of the Valhallian elite guards across his mouth. The first, he does not recognize, but the second he does; the realm-jumper, Alistair, his mother's bodyguard.

She speaks to Alistair, no longer soft and comforting, but cold and authoritative, with a tone that makes Leo reflexively straighten up, "I need to go to the Abyssal Realm. I need to see Miserae."

The guard nods, holding out his hand for her's. She takes it, but as Alistair opens a portal, she turns back to Leo, speaking softly, "Tha gaol agam ort."

Leo smiles, "Love you, too, mom. Chi mi a-rithist thu."

She returns his smile, just before she steps through the portal with Alistair and steps through. Once she's gone, Leo lets out a breath, the housekeeper already arranging the papers his mother had left behind. Leo dismisses himself from the room and heads to his bedroom. Once there, he flops down onto his bed, picking up a book and half heartedly ready.

Gaelic Translations

Tha gaol agam ort - I love you

Chi mi a-rithist thu - I'll see you soon.
GingerBread said:
Castiel listened in as Ruby invited the person who just threw him into a wall, to their house. He spun around, facing the opposite direction from where he heard Ruby's voice, assuming that's where Andrew was. "No. No. You're not coming with us, you can go off in the other direction to us instead. You don't get a say in this" Castiel then turned around and looked over to where he assumed Ruby was. "Come on Ruby, if we're going, we'd better go now so we don't get caught and forced to stay anyway"

@Light @Tazmodo @Inheritance
Inheritance said:
Normally he'd be gone by now, but this little kid thought he'd dare command him. For a second he gave the kid a stare...black...cold...death...but then switched to a more amused look. "Aye your brother is right. I don't deserve the honor, however, if you would reconsider, I'm sorry for shoving you. Just hungry, things are getting on my nerves. " he held a hand to shake. Of course he'd remember this. He didn't like being ordered around. However he was willing to give this one another chance. @Light @GingerBread
( @Tazmodo )

"Just hang out with Grace for a bit or check out that weird thing in the corner smiling at us." Ruby points at the degenerate in the corner, feeling nervous around it. "So yeah...Grace and other guy. We're going now." Ruby waves and grabs Castiel, racing down the hall to reach the transportation booths three blocks down to teleport home.
CelticSol said:
(Gee willikers, this fuckin got away from me)
Leo packs up his things as he finishes his studies for the day. After he gives the assignment he completed earlier to his tutor - a tall, dark skinned woman with strange, silver eyes - who takes it with a nod, he places his books on his shelf. Waving a quick goodbye to his tutor, he makes his way through the maze of hallways within the Van Fenrir castle with practiced ease, going through hallway after hallway until he finally reaches the large, familiar oak doors of his mother's study. He knocks on the door to announce his arrival, before opening it a little and peeking his head in, "Mom? It's me."

Sad red eyes look up from the papers - mostly letters, but some reports - to him, brightening some as she tucks some of her long, silver hair behind her ear, and stands. "Leanbh," She murmurs, crossing the room to hug him tightly but quickly. When she withdraws, she runs her hands through his hair, pushing the long, unruly locks out of his face as she smiles, "How was your classes?"

"Fine," Leo says with a shrug, his eyes drawn away from his mother, to the papers scattered across the every spare surface on her desk. He returns his gaze back down to his mother as he decides whether or not to speak about it at all, but decides that he might as well, in case of good news, "Anything about dad?"

The same dull, lifeless look - a look that Leo has, to his dismay, become familiar with - returns to her eyes, and suddenly it looks like the weight of the world has dropped onto her shoulders; grief had weighed heavy over Layla since his father had disappeared, and it was almost as if the happiness and life had been robbed from her world. Leo being around her most of the time helped some, but there was only so much he could do to alleviate the depression his mother had fallen into - his father had been her support through everything; recovering from her kidnapping, Siobhan leaving, and anything else they had kept from the ears of him and Siobhan, and there wasn't a lot that Leo could do to help rebuild her support system without feeling as if they were accepting that his father was not going to come back.

His mother shake her head, sighing heavily. She looks over at the papers with tired eyes, dark bruises of exhaustion underneath, "Nothing of substance. Rumours..." She trails off, lost in some thought Leo doesn't know about. After a long moment of silence, she shakes her head, turning back to him, "Your grandmother says she might have something. She says I shouldn't put too much stock into it, but... It's something," She purses her lips into a thin line, "I'm going to pursue it. Miserae wouldn't contact me at all if she didn't think it would go somewhere."

"How long do you think you'll be gone?" Leo asks, a small silver of anxiety attempting to drill itself into his gut. He stuffs his hands into the front pockets of his pants to keep from fidgeting.

"There's no telling," She replies, "But I've been grasping at straws these last five years, and if there's even a bit of hope in this, I want to find it. I want to find him," Layla sighs, then puts her hand on his cheek, "I want you to stay in the castle while I'm gone. If you leave, I want you to take Simi with you. Whatever has happened to your father, it is big, or he would have returned by now. I don't want anything-"

Leo nods, "I'll be fine, mom. You need to do this."

Layla sighs, the sound relieved, "Thank you. I don't want to leave you alone, but I need to do this."

Leo, again, nods, but his emotions, evenly distributed between hope for good news and anxiety for being alone shifts into worry as he notices how dark the bags under his mother's eyes are, and how her cheeks are sharper and more gaunt than he's ever seen them. "When's the last time you slept, mom? Or ate anything?"

Layla shakes her head, "I don't have time to sleep or eat. I have to try and find him, wherever he may be or whomever he's with. He did the same for me, he deserves the same."

"Mom, you have to eat and sleep."

She frowns, gaining the tone she usually used when she was about to lay down the law, "Your father-"

Leo cut her off, "Would agree with me," He says lightly. She falls quiet, and he sighs, "Just take care of yourself while you're with Grandmother, alright? Dad would have a fit if he came home and saw you like this."

She laughs, and though it's only quiet, Leo is glad to hear it; it's been a while since he's heard her honestly laugh. She gets this strange, nostalgic smile, "He would, wouldn't he?" She's quiet for a breath, then pulls Leo into a tight hug. As he draws away, she brings his head down to kiss his forehead. "I will return as soon as I can."

"Be careful, mom," He replies as he pulls away.

She smiles, "I will." With that, she enters a couple of numbers into a keypad on her desk. After less than two breaths, two servants appear before her - one, distinctly dressed in a house-cleaner's uniform, and the second, dressed in all black, with the leather muzzle of the Valhallian elite guards across his mouth. The first, he does not recognize, but the second he does; the realm-jumper, Alistair, his mother's bodyguard.

She speaks to Alistair, no longer soft and comforting, but cold and authoritative, with a tone that makes Leo reflexively straighten up, "I need to go to the Abyssal Realm. I need to see Miserae."

The guard nods, holding out his hand for her's. She takes it, but as Alistair opens a portal, she turns back to Leo, speaking softly, "Tha gaol agam ort."

Leo smiles, "Love you, too, mom. Chi mi a-rithist thu."

She returns his smile, just before she steps through the portal with Alistair and steps through. Once she's gone, Leo lets out a breath, the housekeeper already arranging the papers his mother had left behind. Leo dismisses himself from the room and heads to his bedroom. Once there, he flops down onto his bed, picking up a book and half heartedly ready.

Gaelic Translations

Tha gaol agam ort - I love you

Chi mi a-rithist thu - I'll see you soon.
A gurgling sound occurs in the far dark corner of his room. Degenerates were beginning to grow out of the corner with a smile and unintelligent eyes. It began to open and close its mouth, unable to speak. It wanted Leo to come close.

Castiel was just staring blankly at Andrew, not realising he had his hand out for him to shake. "Alright, I'll forgive you for-" Before He could finish his sentence he found himself being dragged away by Ruby. "Whoa, slow down a bit" Castiel shook his head as he started to match Ruby's pace, Hoping he wasn't about to bump into anything or anyone. "When I said we should hurry up, I didn't mean we had to move quickly; I meant we had to start going soon"

@Light @Tazmodo @Inheritance
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It all happened too fast. Once they turned the corner, some black thing lunged at the cousins eating them whole, forcing them to fall down a dark abyss that was it's stomach. Hassan grabbed onto Alyson as she constantly yelled. This us your fault Hassan!! If I die, I swear I'll kill you!! Hassan only chuckled. When the fog envelope them they held each other close so they won't be separated. They fog forced them to appear on a trail leading to a castle. They pushed each other away and looked around spotting numbers of the same type of being that lunged at them. The cousins looks at each other with questionable facial expressions. I have no idea where we are, but whatever is in that castle could lead us back home. I saw we go. Alyson on the other hand didn't want to, but she was too shy to say no, so she just nodded. The cousins walked towards the castle walking side by side. @Light
Yin Jumped down from the tree, and began striding back to her home, taking back alleys and streets. She needed to think about her future and to do that she needed solitude.

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GingerBread said:
Castiel was just staring blankly at Andrew, not realising he had his hand out for him to shake. "Alright, I'll forgive you for-" Before He could finish his sentence he found himself being dragged away by Ruby. "Whoa, slow down a bit" Castiel shook his head as he started to match Ruby's pace, Hoping he wasn't about to bump into anything or anyone. "When I said we should hurry up, I didn't mean we had to move quickly; I meant we had to start going soon"

@Light @Tazmodo @Inheritance
"Why go that slow when we can get home faster?" Ruby starts taking the appropriate types of breaths since she's running. Once they made it down to the transportation booth building Ruby let's go of Castiel's hand and leans on him, catching her breath.

As they were making their way to the castle, the degenerates either bumped into them by accident or ended up willing trailing off the edge of the bridge and sliding on the side towards the bottom. They seemed...slow...very slow mentally. Once they were bumped into it took a full five minutes for them to react to this and register the feeling. Yin, walking through an alleyway ended up encountering a degenerate seemingly waiting for her which brought her to the same place Alyson and Hassan are on the bridge. They were all close to the castle and even if this was an abduction the aura of the castle wasn't bad.
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Jason really hated those darn gangster teenagers. That sounded really old in his head, and even more depressing considering he was in his early 20s, but he had a good reason, anyways. After all, he could hear them, or rather, hear the shaking of their spray paint cans outside the agency's building. Jason's eyes snapped open, and the sound faded away. Irritated, he grabbed his coat and a rolled-up newspaper, storming past the cluttered mess of papers holding unsolved cases and unpaid bills accumulated after his mentor's departure.

"Scram!" He yelled as he burst through the front doors, though the culprits were nowhere to be seen. The man whirled around to check the side of the building, to find... nothing again. Well, nothing but the words "Dick-tective Agency" scrawled across the brick wall in spray paint. F*cking hell, he mused, turning off his other senses and hearing giggling and running from two blocks away. It's not worth it, he thought to himself, before grabbing the door handle and finding he'd locked himself out. Actually, I'm kind of tempted now.

Thirty minutes later, Jason sat at an outdoor table of a trashy street café, waiting for the locksmith he called to tell him when he was finished. Seething, and on the verge of breaking his cup in anger, Jason tried to calm his nerves by turning off his hearing and tasting the coffee instead. It tasted like charred dog shit, but at least it was something to focus on.

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Lotusy said:
Jason really hated those darn gangster teenagers. That sounded really old in his head, and even more depressing considering he was in his early 20s, but he had a good reason, anyways. After all, he could hear them, or rather, hear the shaking of their spray paint cans outside the agency's building. Jason's eyes snapped open, and the sound faded away. Irritated, he grabbed his coat and a rolled-up newspaper, storming past the cluttered mess of papers holding unsolved cases and unpaid bills accumulated after his mentor's departure.
"Scram!" He yelled as he burst through the front doors, though the culprits were nowhere to be seen. The man whirled around to check the side of the building, to find... nothing again. Well, nothing but the words "Dick-tective Agency" scrawled across the brick wall in spray paint. F*cking hell, he mused, turning off his other senses and hearing giggling and running from two blocks away. It's not worth it, he thought to himself, before grabbing the door handle and finding he'd locked himself out. Actually, I'm kind of tempted now.

Thirty minutes later, Jason sat at an outdoor table of a trashy street café, waiting for the locksmith he called to tell him when he was finished. Seething, and on the verge of breaking his cup in anger, Jason tried to calm his nerves by turning off his hearing and tasting the coffee instead. It tasted like charred dog shit, but at least it was something to focus on.

Slowly but surely Jason was being sucked underneath the table. A degenerate had grown from underneath with the cover of the table legs small corners. It had grown here by mistake and swallowed Jason whole. Jason began his own plummet down into the stomach dimension of the degenerate, only to he enveloped in dark fog. Once the darkness fog clears he ends up standing on a rocky bridge facing a large castle. A trail of degenerates were inching their way up to the castle with the addition of Alyson, Yin, and Hassan already making their way there.

"Because..." Castiel actually had no reason why they shouldn't try to get home faster; He just didn't want to be forced into a sprint from the beginning. He just stayed quiet the rest of the way, the only noise he was making was the sound of his breathing and even then it was quiet.

When they stopped, Castiel tried to figure out why. Not wanting to sit there with a confused look on his face, staring blanking ahead, He started looking around. When Ruby started leaning on him, he assumed they were taking a rest break or something.
"Do you really need a break already sis?" Castiel chuckled lightly, though he was kind of out of breath as well, although to a lesser degree to his sister. "I thought you'd be able to manage running a short distance" Castiel stuck his tongue out, though because he'd looked around before, he'd ended up slightly disorienting himself, so he wasn't sure if he was looking and sticking his tongue out towards Ruby or not.

Light said:
A gurgling sound occurs in the far dark corner of his room. Degenerates were beginning to grow out of the corner with a smile and unintelligent eyes. It began to open and close its mouth, unable to speak. It wanted Leo to come close.
Leo, hearing the gurgling, slowly puts his book down into his lap. His eyes zero in on... Something, moving and shifting in the dark. As his eyesight focuses enough to differentiate it from the darkness, he saw it was a shadowy creature, with wide, purely white eyes, and a mouth of sharp teeth. At the point where he could see it plainly, he saw that it was not one, but multiple. His breath caught in his throat, his eyes widening. He said nothing, did not move from his place - he simply stayed where he was.
GingerBread said:
"Because..." Castiel actually had no reason why they shouldn't try to get home faster; He just didn't want to be forced into a sprint from the beginning. He just stayed quiet the rest of the way, the only noise he was making was the sound of his breathing and even then it was quiet.

When they stopped, Castiel tried to figure out why. Not wanting to sit there with a confused look on his face, staring blanking ahead, He started looking around. When Ruby started leaning on him, he assumed they were taking a rest break or something.
"Do you really need a break already sis?" Castiel chuckled lightly, though he was kind of out of breath as well, although to a lesser degree to his sister. "I thought you'd be able to manage running a short distance" Castiel stuck his tongue out, though because he'd looked around before, he'd ended up slightly disorienting himself, so he wasn't sure if he was looking and sticking his tongue out towards Ruby or not.

"Well I was dragging your weight along so I had to run harder, stupid." Ruby frowns at her athletic ability that wasn't as good as Castiel's. "Let's go. We have things to do, like seeing Porkchops." She guides him inside the building and moves toward an empty booth. She types in the coordinates and watches as the light envelops them, taking them to the front of their house in a few minutes. "We're here, do you need me to take you anywhere?"

CelticSol said:
Leo, hearing the gurgling, slowly puts his book down into his lap. His eyes zero in on... Something, moving and shifting in the dark. As his eyesight focuses enough to differentiate it from the darkness, he saw it was a shadowy creature, with wide, purely white eyes, and a mouth of sharp teeth. At the point where he could see it plainly, he saw that it was not one, but multiple. His breath caught in his throat, his eyes widening. He said nothing, did not move from his place - he simply stayed where he was.
The degenerates began to group together so they could stretch and grab Leo in their mouth. Once the frozen Leo was in their jaws they swallowed him whole, sending him falling down towards a dark abyss. Dark fog begins to wrap around Leo halfway through the fall and fades off of him when he's standing on a rocky bridge before a castle. Beside Leo stood Jason with the addition of Hassan, Yin, and Alyson following the trail of degenegates leading towards the castle.
Light said:
The degenerates began to group together so they could stretch and grab Leo in their mouth. Once the frozen Leo was in their jaws they swallowed him whole, sending him falling down towards a dark abyss. Dark fog begins to wrap around Leo halfway through the fall and fades off of him when he's standing on a rocky bridge before a castle. Beside Leo stood Jason with the addition of Hassan, Yin, and Alyson following the trail of degenegates leading towards the castle.
(@The Imperial Flame , @Lotusy )

By the time Leo snapped from his anxiety induced freeze, the strange creature had him in it's jaws, and horror smothered any noise he could've possibly made as he was swallowed whole and fell into an abyss. Fog wraps around him through the fall, and once it withdraws and allows him to see, he finds he is before a bridge leading to a castle. It's definitely not his castle though, and he seems to be accompanied by other people who appear to be around his age following the strange creatures.

Leo follows them, as he's not sure what else to do in this confusing situation, trying his hardest to keep questions from spilling off his tongue in an anxious rambling mess. After trying - and failing - to collect his thoughts to soothe the tight curl of anxiety in his stomach, he turns to the closest person to him - a dark skinned girl with white hair - and taps her shoulder, his expression tight with stress, "Do you have any idea what's going on?"

(@Embaga Elder)
Light said:
Slowly but surely Jason was being sucked underneath the table. A degenerate had grown from underneath with the cover of the table legs small corners. It had grown here by mistake and swallowed Jason whole. Jason began his own plummet down into the stomach dimension of the degenerate, only to he enveloped in dark fog. Once the darkness fog clears he ends up standing on a rocky bridge facing a large castle. A trail of degenerates were inching their way up to the castle with the addition of Alyson, Yin, and Hassan already making their way there.
Jason, suddenly startled by the ground disappearing beneath his legs, spit out his coffee into the degenerate's face before plummeting into the stomach dimension. Quickly, he turned off all his senses, then turned them on again, his concentration flickering between them in a panicked mode. The dark fog then enveloped Jason, making him feel helpless. In desperation, he tried to use all of his senses - even tasting the air - and suddenly, the fog cleared.

The sight that greeted Jason wasn't too easy to understand, though it seemed more confusing than intimidating. Black creatures with eerie smiles marched along the path up to a castle, making Jason realize the thing that pulled him in was one of them too. He was roused from his thoughts by the suddenly *plop* of his coffee falling perfectly into his mug.
"Well, at least something works right," he muttered to himself before turning to check out his other surroundings. Around him were four other people - three of which looked like high schoolers, and one who looked around his early teens. Those better not have been the ones dicking over my building. It didn't look like that, though, as some of them had preppy school uniforms on. Currently youngest one already seemed to be talking to a white-haired girl, and Jason tenatively approached the group, turning off all senses besides sight and hearing as he advanced. "Yo," he said awkwardly, raising his non-coffee-holding hand to follow his curt greeting. The man eventually took a place closer to them, but began to direct his sight towards the dark figures marching to the castle.

@CelticSol @The Imperial Flame @Embaga Elder
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Suria snored slightly from the back of the classroom, his hat pulled over his eyes as he snored loudly. After a few moments of this, he eventually slowly awoke, looking around the classroom in a tired haze.�� He stretched himself out as he slowly rose, walking out of the room while giving some half assed excuse about going to the bathroom. The truth was he felt done with school for the day. He'd tried to go and be a good child like he'd been asked to, but his heart wasn't in it, it was boring. It was basically like staying at home except the desks were harder to fall asleep on and the teachers got annoyed at him when he tried to get a bit more beauty sleep. The only upside to going to school seemed to be that the lessons helped lull you to sleep a bit, but that was hardly enough to convince him to stay.

So he pulled out his phone, shot a text to his mom that he'd be coming home early today, and began to slowly walk through the halls to head back home...


Faolan tapped his foot impatiently as he awaited class to end. He had finished his work already, and honestly he just wanted to go home so he could FINALLY get a straight answer as to why Juniper kept pretending to forget things about him. He'd finally decided this was the day he'd corner her and get an answer to why she continued to make the same joke even though it WASN'T funny.

He just didn't want to be forgotten, and he didn't want his sister to hate him. It felt like that though, like every other week she was mad at him for some reason, and he just wanted it to stop...he just wanted her to be happy.


Kristen slowly awoke from her bed and stretched her body out as she awoke. She'd decided to skip that day, opting to not have to punch some kid in the face for talking shit about her family. She slowly stood up, making her way out of her room and downstairs, taking them two at a time. She got to the kitchen table and poured herself a bowl of cereal and began to eat it. Something felt strangely...Off though, and she wasn't sure what. She just had a feeling in the pit of her stomach like something was wrong.

"I was running along with you, you hardly had to drag me anywhere. Don't try to pin it on me" Castiel stuck his tongue out at Ruby, or at least where he thought she was. "You have things to do, I'm going to go to bed and sleep. There's not really a lot I can do and if I can avoid training with dad right now, then I will"

When they appeared outside their house, Castiel turned towards where he thought Ruby was and shrugged when she asked him if he needed her to take him anywhere. "No, I don't need you to help me; I know this place like the back of my hand." Castiel smirked at Ruby before turning around slightly and walking away.. Towards the barn.



Mary was finishing off her work when she heard the bell go for lunch, before actually going off to lunch, she finished her work off. After that she got up out of her seat, and began walking through the hallways. She didn't mind being a bit late to lunch as she brought her own and she had no friends to hang out with for reasons she couldn't figure out. While walking through the hallways, she spotted someone starting to walk out of school, or at she assumed they were and if they weren't then that's good! But if they were then she thought she should try to convince them not to.

She started walking as quickly as she could, not wanting to run in the hallways, as that would break the school rules. Luckily for Mary, the boy seemed to be walking slowly so she quickly caught up to him.
'I can't just accuse him of trying to leave, that would be bad. Maybe if I speak to him he won't leave if he was going to and I might make a new friend!' Mary moved forwards so that she was besides the boy and smiled up at him. "Hello! I'm Mary. What's your name?"

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Light said:
"Why go that slow when we can get home faster?" Ruby starts taking the appropriate types of breaths since she's running. Once they made it down to the transportation booth building Ruby let's go of Castiel's hand and leans on him, catching her breath.
As they were making their way to the castle, the degenerates either bumped into them by accident or ended up willing trailing off the edge of the bridge and sliding on the side towards the bottom. They seemed...slow...very slow mentally. Once they were bumped into it took a full five minutes for them to react to this and register the feeling. Yin, walking through an alleyway ended up encountering a degenerate seemingly waiting for her which brought her to the same place Alyson and Hassan are on the bridge. They were all close to the castle and even if this was an abduction the aura of the castle wasn't bad.
CelticSol said:
(@The Imperial Flame , @Lotusy )
By the time Leo snapped from his anxiety induced freeze, the strange creature had him in it's jaws, and horror smothered any noise he could've possibly made as he was swallowed whole and fell into an abyss. Fog wraps around him through the fall, and once it withdraws and allows him to see, he finds he is before a bridge leading to a castle. It's definitely not his castle though, and he seems to be accompanied by other people who appear to be around his age following the strange creatures.

Leo follows them, as he's not sure what else to do in this confusing situation, trying his hardest to keep questions from spilling off his tongue in an anxious rambling mess. After trying - and failing - to collect his thoughts to soothe the tight curl of anxiety in his stomach, he turns to the closest person to him - a dark skinned girl with white hair - and taps her shoulder, his expression tight with stress, "Do you have any idea what's going on?"

(@Embaga Elder)
Lotusy said:
Jason, suddenly startled by the ground disappearing beneath his legs, spit out his coffee into the degenerate's face before plummeting into the stomach dimension. Quickly, he turned off all his senses, then turned them on again, his concentration flickering between them in a panicked mode. The dark fog then enveloped Jason, making him feel helpless. In desperation, he tried to use all of his senses - even tasting the air - and suddenly, the fog cleared.
The sight that greeted Jason wasn't too easy to understand, though it seemed more confusing than intimidating. Black creatures with eerie smiles marched along the path up to a castle, making Jason realize the thing that pulled him in was one of them too. He was roused from his thoughts by the suddenly *plop* of his coffee falling perfectly into his mug.
"Well, at least something works right," he muttered to himself before turning to check out his other surroundings. Around him were four other people - three of which looked like high schoolers, and one who looked around his early teens. Those better not have been the ones dicking over my building. It didn't look like that, though, as some of them had preppy school uniforms on. Currently youngest one already seemed to be talking to a white-haired girl, and Jason tenatively approached the group, turning off all senses besides sight and hearing as he advanced. "Yo," he said awkwardly, raising his non-coffee-holding hand to follow his curt greeting. The man eventually took a place closer to them, but began to direct his sight towards the dark figures marching to the castle.

@CelticSol @The Imperial Flame @Embaga Elder

Alyson held on to Hassan as tight as she possibly can. The degenerates didn't seem harmful but she didn't want to risk it. The cousins didn't realize the newcomers appearing near them since they were ahead of them. Though once Leo tapped Alyson on her shoulder she squealed quickly ran in front of Hassan, holding onto his shirt and crouched down a bit, hiding from Leo. Hassan chuckled at Alyson. It's alright, I'll talk for you. Though they both know he won't do much talking. He turns towards Leo and Jason looking at them with an expressionless face. Hey, I'm Hassan, she's Alyson. We don't know what's going, but the castle seems like the best place to be. He turns back towards the castle and continues walking with Alyson walking in front of him.

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