Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters

"Wait so you're being serious? Mom isn't answering and she's not on your phone anymore?" Castiel started to get worried as he doubted Ruby would take a prank this far. When Ruby said that she didn't feel too good, He frowned, his features becoming wrought with worry. "Look, I'm sure it'll be alright Ruby, they've probably just gone away for a bit and didn't think to tell us; We did come home early after all. Don't worry about it" Castiel smiled at his sister, but he also slowly reached behind himself, and felt around for his chest of draws. Once he'd found it, he opened the second one down and pulled out a sheathed dagger attached to a chain; Even though Castiel assured Ruby that it was probably all fine, he didn't exactly think that right now, and would rather be safe than sorry.



Mary gasped loudly when she heard Suria swear so casually, like it wasn't a bad thing to do that; She'd had always been 'taught' that swearing is really really bad to do. She was so focused on it that she didn't even noticed that she was getting swallowed up by the degenerate until it was too late.

Mary looked around in a panic as she arrived on the rocky bridge, her panic made worse when Suria said that she did this and she was kidnapping him. "I didn't kidnap you! That would be bad. I'm not bad, I promise! I don't know how we got here" Mary started panicking even more as she realised she had no idea where she was or even how to get back to school; She was terrified of getting into trouble and was close to crying. When Suria implied that she was using him for a Satanic ritual, the floodgates opened and Mary dropped down to her knees as she started crying. "I'm not doing anything like that! G-God wouldn't like that! I-I wouldn't do anything like thaaaat"

@LokiofSP (@Light @CelticSol @Embaga Elder @Lotusy @Inheritance @The Imperial Flame @djinnamon @Tazmodo I think you're all nearby)
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LokiofSP said:
Kristen looked over Austrianna's text quickly and nodded, taking a deep breath as she attempted to regain composure, "Come on Kristen, toughen up, don't panic. Tough girl face, you need to keep straight little solider..." After psyching herself up and getting ready to leave, she was suddenly swallowed and dropped in front of Austrianna. She looked left, then right, then to her sister multiple times before speaking once more, "Okay, I can explain. I was about to leave, but then I was swallowed like I was in some kind of vore porno...so what the fuck is this place?"

@Light @CelticSol
Austrianna was about to respond but she felt her phone vibrate. Both she and Kristen had been charged $180 for dimensional texting. Austrianna groans, feeling even more agitated. She decides that she'd try to contact her service provider later about the bill she and her siblings have, which would be a very costly amount. Austrianna shrugs at Kristen's question, she merely points towards the castle entrance to show the others entering it themselves. She was suggesting that they should do the same as risky as it may be.

LokiofSP said:
Faolan shook his head, "Not really, but I did hear that there might be baseball tryouts soon! Do you think mom and dad will let me do it this year? Or, maybe YOU should ask them, that way they can't blame me if they don't like the idea! Yeah...glad I thought of that idea..." He continued to drag Zalena on around the corner, going on about how she should ask for him and what to do if they should do when they turned the corner, "...Then, you hit mom with the, 'I'm sorry' eyes! She can never stay mad at those, and she'll let me join instantly after that! Once you have mom's approval, then you hit dad with th- wait, is that Juniper?"

He let go of Zalena's hand, running up to Juniper and tapping the shoulder that he just barley stood over, "Juniper, are you okay? Did someone hurt you? It's okay, no more tears now, you'll be fine, no more crying please!" Finally, he pulled her in tight and wrapped his arms around her in a hug, "Stop! No more crying allowed!"

Juniper hugged Faolan tightly, as if this was the hug she needed to save her life. Everytime she tries to talk she gets cut off by the possibility of hyperventilating. "E-e-e-every-every-e-every." Zalena gently hugs them both, making her physical presence slight. "Ssssshhh....take deep breaths first. Talk only when you're ready! We gotta turn that frown upside down."

Juniper comforts herself by crying into Faolan's shoulder. Her hands begin to grip the clothes on his back tightly. Her voice was meek as she said the next few words, "Everyone in the hall is mocking me." Juniper still hasn't looked up to notice the fact that they're the only ones here.

CelticSol said:
(@Daimao , @Light )
After waiting a bit for Zeta to reply, she shrugs and decides to go home until she has to pick up Zeta once he's done classes. She heads to her locker, entering the lock combination and popping open the locker. Piling every belonging within into her backpack, she zips it up and throws it over her shoulder, ignoring the various looks and whispers she gets from students and teachers alike as she goes through the hallways. She doesn't feel any nostalgia or melancholy when she thinks about it being her last time on the premises; she fucking hates this place and the people in it. Some people may write her off as just another angry, troubled delinquent with no respect, and that was why she acts out - and, to be fair, she doesn’t try to be anything else - but there was only so many times you could be called a mutt, or have people start barking at you, or hear some of the vile things people say about her parents and their marriage before you snap and slam a chair into someone's face. Like today.

Pulling the hood of her jacket up over her head as she steps out into the rain, she pulls her car keys out of the front pocket of her backpack and double clicks the 'unlock' button. The lights of a black SUV light up across the parking lot, and Eppie jogs across the parking lot to avoid the worst of the rain. She climbs into the car quickly, removing her hood and starting the ignition. Pulling out of the parking lot and into the roads, Eppie finds herself driving in a haze of thought as the city slowly becomes suburban areas as she drives. She'd rather be at home than school, for sure, but home didn't ring nice bells, especially with the phone call notifying her parents of her suspension she knows the principal has already made. Her dad never cared about that sort of things - often, he was more interested in how much damage she did and what happened during a fight. The issue was with her mother; Jacqueline Sapienti, notorious assassin, notorious crime boss with fingers in just about every illegal and illicit thing known to man, had an issue with her daughter being a delinquent.

Eppie can't even begin to count how many fights she and her mother had had in the past couple of years. About her fights, her thievery, and everything in between. They'd reach a point, now, where her mother had grown tired, simply giving up. Often, rather than an argument or a talk, she would just cast Eppie a disappointed look and ignore that it happened. But when it came to things like this, her mother was still a wild card - she might decide it's not worth the stress, or she might have gathered enough willpower to bring down the law. Still, the possibility of a confrontation makes Eppie circle the block once or twice rather than going directly home. She pulls into the driveway, but doesn't leave the car for a bit; instead, she watches their admittedly nice house as she garners the willpower to go inside and face the music. She feels it was a strange thing, their house - it was nice, and hints at wealth, but as far as she knew, they could afford much, much more. Not that she was complaining or anything - far from it - but she knew that many of her mother's criminal associates indulge much more than her mother ever does.


Sighing, she shuts off the car and harshly pulls the key out of ignition, running to the front door to avoid the rain. She locks the car, clicking the button until it honks to alert her of the alarm being activated. She fishes through the various keys attached to her keychain until she comes to the house key, unlocking the front door and entering. As she hangs up her rain drenched jacket and takes off her shoes, she calls out into the house, "I'm home!"

When no answer comes, Eppie pauses. Dropping her keys into the bowl kept on a table by the front door, she heads deeper into the house, peeking around for any sign of her parents. "Hello? Anybody home?" She calls again. Again, no reply. Weird... Eppie thinks, a frown making it's way on to her face, Mom and Dad were supposed to be home this week. She checks the calendar they keep on the fridge of work schedules just to be positive, and sure enough, there is a line indicating the whole week, with "Home this week! :) " labeled on top of the line. Maybe they went shopping? When she checks the garage, she finds both her parents' cars in their place, and she knows that they couldn't shadow travel or teleport because of the mana limits. Mom needed her injections for work. She wouldn't waste one if she didn't have to.

Something isn't adding up, and it is making Eppie uneasy.

She heads into upstairs to her parents' bedroom, opens the door, and finds the bed made. She checks their bathroom and finds it empty. She goes through the house, opening every door, checking every room, calling her parents all the while. Maybe mom got a last minute contract, and took dad with her, she thinks, Maybe something came up with her work and she had to sort it out, and took dad so he could give them murderous glares, she adds, trying to find reason for her parents' unusual absence. But each theory gets a hole put in it - she finds no notes in the usual spots her mother leaves them. Nothing are making sense.

Where are they?

She pulls her phone out of her pocket, typing in her mother's private cellphone number. She hits call and holds the phone to her ear. The phone doesn't even ring; it goes right to voicemail. Her mother's pre-recorded voice plays in her ear, "Hey, you've reached Jackie! Sorry I can't take your call right now, but I promise I'll get back to you when I can!"

Eppie feels dread build in her stomach. Her mother always answers the phone if Eppie or Zeta are calling. In her entire lifetime, Eppie can count on one hand how many times her mother hasn't answered the phone. Maybe something happened with her phone, Eppie tries to reason, feeling desperation creeping up on her. After biting her nail, trying to think straight, she types in her father's cellphone number, holding her phone to her ear. Again, it doesn't ring, and simply cuts to voicemail. Having not bothered with a message, a woman's automated voice plays in Eppie ear, "We're sorry; the number you have reached has been disconnected, or is no longer in service. Please check the number and try your call again. This is a recording."

Numbly, Eppie hangs up, looking at the screen of her phone, What the fuck is going on?

As a last resort, she calls her mother's alternate phone - an old phone Jackie uses simply because a) it has a very long lived battery, and b) is enchanted to work across realms. It's sole purpose is emergency calls - if there's an emergency and her mother, for one reason or another, doesn't answer her other phone, Eppie and/or Zeta is supposed to call this phone. Eppie has used it once, when she got lost in the city on her way home as a child, and Jackie had answered nearly immediately and gotten the situation sorted out in less than a minute once Eppie had told her what had happened. Zeta had called once, for some reason she couldn't remember, and it had been the same. She holds her phone up to her ear. Hoping - no, praying - for an answer.

"We're sorry; the number you have reached has been disconnected, or is no longer in service. Please check the number and try your call again. This is a recording."

It feels like ice was injected into her veins, flooding her body with cold, hard dread. The phone slips out of her hand and clatters to the floor, but Eppie barely notices; there's a moment where Eppie just stands there, still and frozen. Suddenly, horror at what she realizes has happened strikes through her - jolts her as if she had been shocked - and she launches into action; she charges through the house, searching in every crack or crevice for any sign of her parents. She doesn't find them, she doesn't find any sign of a struggle, finds no blood or weapons or bullets holes or anything, and by the time she ends up standing on the tile in the middle of the kitchen, panting. She can barely breathe and barely think and oh god, her parents could be dead right now, and suddenly, she wishes that her mother was having an argument with her. No, she longs for it. She wants one as bad as when she stole the Porsche. At least then she knew her mother and father were safe, even if she didn't appreciate that fact.

She almost starts tearing her hair out, trying to catch her breath and even out her erratic and panicked breathing. What was she supposed to do? What were she and Zeta supposed to do? Zeta...

... Doesn't know.

She almost trips from how fast she sprints back up the stairs to retrieve her phone. She thinks about calling him, but him likely being in the middle of class stops her. There's thankfully no cracks on the screen that inhibit her ability to text him, but the screen being clear from fractures doesn't help with the fact that her hands are shaking so badly she can barely type.

ZZ Tops
i got suspended and banned from the property lol
Should've beat their ass more then. Go big or go home
last i checked, she was on her way to the hospital with two black eyes and a hell of a concussion, so ill say i went big lol. i think i got off easy because im so close to graduating and miss thompson doesn't want to deal with my shit for another year
z i cant find mom and dad
theyre vgone theyre not anytwhere in rhe house and theyre not answring their phones not even the emergency one and im freaking the fuck out
idk if somethng happepn ed to them or if theyre hurt and im losing my shit
plz answer me

Behind Eppie came a degenerate. It rests it's head on her shoulder, dumbly looking at her phone screen while opening and closing it's mouth. "Gaaaaaaahhhhh!~" Is all it said in a dumb and slow manner while drooling. At this time another degenerate rises and swallows Eppie, sending her to the stomach dimension in front of the castle.

GingerBread said:

"Wait so you're being serious? Mom isn't answering and she's not on your phone anymore?" Castiel started to get worried as he doubted Ruby would take a prank this far. When Ruby said that she didn't feel too good, He frowned, his features becoming wrought with worry. "Look, I'm sure it'll be alright Ruby, they've probably just gone away for a bit and didn't think to tell us; We did come home early after all. Don't worry about it" Castiel smiled at his sister, but he also slowly reached behind himself, and felt around for his chest of draws. Once he'd found it, he opened the second one down and pulled out a sheathed dagger attached to a chain; Even though Castiel assured Ruby that it was probably all fine, he didn't exactly think that right now, and would rather be safe than sorry.

"Yeah you say this b-". Before she could continue a degenerate takes her entire upper body into its mouth. It raises it's head and begins to slowly eat her like baby birds would. Ruby's legs flail around until she's completely swallowed up. The same occurs for Castiel and they appear side by side on the rocky bridge before the castle.

Castiel was confused why Ruby stopped talking suddenly when he was swallowed up by the Degenerate. Castiel felt like he was falling down a long tunnel, though he wasn't sure what was happening since he couldn't see anything at all. Buu even though he could've been falling to his death, his only thought was about Ruby and if she was okay or not. He hoped that he had just been taken and that's why Ruby had got cut off.

When Castiel arrived on the rocky bridge, he breathed a sigh of relief that he wasn't dead before starting to stumbling around, trying to work out where he was somehow.
"Ruby?!" Castiel called out, hoping it was just a prank she was playing on him with others, but with everything that was happening, he doubted that. As he stumbled around, He started getting dangerously close to falling off of the edge.

@Light ( @CelticSol @Embaga Elder @Lotusy @Inheritance @The Imperial Flame @djinnamon @Tazmodo I'm pretty sure you're all in that place as well)
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Amber gasped as the degenerate attacked him and caught him. He groaned lowly as he stood up and looked around. " What the hell. " He muttered to himself before suddenly two people appear behind him. Hearing them he spun around , eyes narrowing. " I know you two from class." He said as he walked up slowly.

@GingerBread @Light
Inheritance said:
It was enjoyable to just let others know how foolish they were, but even more satisfying to see them get angry about it. He smirked, but before he could speak he saw the lights, and the door. He noted that, but it seemed nothing else was happening, so he didn't think much about it. He, was still quite grumpy, and decided to egg on this one who was a good victim to his insults. "Oh my I'm so sorry! Did you get offended? I'm sorry that was my bad, please don't come kick my ass, I saw what you did to the door! Pretty tough of you really, I'd be real scared if you decided to come clean my clock!" This was sick mockery, he said it with a grin and evil eyes. He noted the girl calming him down. "Don't interrupt that shoulder rub, I'm sure you're sore from really beating the hell out of that door! Maybe bicep a bit sore?" Still with a sick grin. He was ready for a fight if he really needed, he was good at this. One of the only good things, due to his lack of usable power. @Light @Embaga Elder

It didn't take long for the dude who was mocking him before to continue his mocking but in a more angering state. The teen knew that he was getting under his skin, and he obviously enjoyed messing with people as if he's asking for a fight. Hassan was easily angered and agitated in the current state he's in. He wanted to rock the teen so bad, but it wouldn't help him at all. It's not like he's harboring food.

Hassan took a deep breath in and exhaled. He stood up and looked at the teen with an icy glare. For at least a couple of seconds he was silent, then he decided to speak. Fine someone else to annoy. He spoke in and even tone, not allowing his voice to rise or fall. He turned from the teen and walked towards the castles main gates placing his hands in his pockets. He stood in between the doors looking down the rocky path. Besides the degenerates. Hassan spotted other teens on the bridge. Finally more people. He said with a small grin. The faster people showed up the faster he gets to eat. He turned back to the group at the stairs. More teens have arrived!! He yells out to them. He walks back up the stairs and stops next to Andrew. He cuts his eyes over towards him. That means more people for you to mess with. He continues his walk up the stairs to Alyson and waited.
Inheritance said:
It was enjoyable to just let others know how foolish they were, but even more satisfying to see them get angry about it. He smirked, but before he could speak he saw the lights, and the door. He noted that, but it seemed nothing else was happening, so he didn't think much about it. He, was still quite grumpy, and decided to egg on this one who was a good victim to his insults. "Oh my I'm so sorry! Did you get offended? I'm sorry that was my bad, please don't come kick my ass, I saw what you did to the door! Pretty tough of you really, I'd be real scared if you decided to come clean my clock!" This was sick mockery, he said it with a grin and evil eyes. He noted the girl calming him down. "Don't interrupt that shoulder rub, I'm sure you're sore from really beating the hell out of that door! Maybe bicep a bit sore?" Still with a sick grin. He was ready for a fight if he really needed, he was good at this. One of the only good things, due to his lack of usable power. @Light @Embaga Elder
Yin frowned, her eyes visibly angry. "Do not agitate each other, last thing we need is a fight." She glared at Andrew, who instigated it. She new this kid probably was all bark and no bite. She smiled as more people arrived, trying her best to look friendly. She glanced around at the degenerates, and picked one up. She held it to her chest, slightly comforted by its carefree attitude. "So far a select few people have arrived, what do we all have in common?" She asked unaware of the ties their parents held. Her mother never talked about the past, she seemed pained by it. Like she never experienced the glory days, she always seemed sad.

@Light @Inheritance @Embaga Elder @Lotusy @Anyone else in the castle
Andrew Blight

This was great, however he wasn't intent on starting anything, he wouldn't be swinging first. He ignored the more people coming, as there was no point of talking to them. He was still looking for more jock types that he could manipulate, but as it stood there was really no reason to freak out or anything....I mean stranger things had happened when he visited good ol' grandma....she was always a bit...well...

He had yet to reply to the girl who would dare scold him, so he decided to be short and to the point about it. "Sorry Mom I just wanted to try to be cool like the cool kids! I gotta say kicking that door's ass was so metal!" He said that loud enough so hopefully the one beating the door would have heard it. He leaned on whatever was near (that wasn't a person) and just glanced around. To see and be seen. And to listen. @The Imperial Flame @Embaga Elder @Light @ Anyone else who happens to be here that can hear
Yin smirked. "Yeah, If you were my child you wouldn't be an idiotic prick." She glanced at Hassan, her eyes telling him not to retaliate. She knew exactly how to deal with people like him. You electrocute them, and put their body in a wood chipper; She caught herself, she was starting to think like Carnage. She just hoped she wouldn't kill to many people. She sighed shaking her head. Her dirty blonde hair fell in ringlets around her face, and her hourglass body stood straight. She wouldn't let this jerk push everyone around.

@Light @Inheritance @Embaga Elder @Lotusy @Anyone else in the castle
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Suria raised a brow at Mary's crying for a moment, "I mean, crying isn't going to change anything. I thought god hated liars as well or something like that, I'm not sure he'd appreciate you lying about not doing Satanic rituals...then again, he probably hates you for doing those rituals in the first place, so you're a double sinner. Guess you're going to super hell or something..." Suria let those words hang in the air for a few moments, letting it sink in with Mary, "I'm kidding of course, we both know that there's no such thing as super hell, so you can't go there, unless God hates you so much he'd make you a separate hell for you to live in..."

"Kidding again, I'm sure you won't go to hell or whatever the fuck you call it. Besides, you seem to much like the, 'dumb Christian girl who doesn't question what she's told and is gonna take it up the ass to use some kind of loophole' kinda girl to go to hell..."

@GingerBread (I swear to god, non of the views expressed by my characters are shared by me...)


Kristen looked at the castle and turned back to Austrianna with a sideways face, "I dunno, I'd rather we not go into the giant creepy castle with a bunch of strangers, because this is giving me the whole, 'cult' kinda vibe. Also, we still don't know where our FUCKING PARENTS OR SIBLINGS ARE, just in case you forgot. But then again, guess my opinion doesn't matter, you're supposed to be the 'silent but bad ass' older sister, so I'll just wait while you choose what could possibly be the fate of our lives, no pressure..." Kristen then began to examine her nails, looking at her sister out of the corner of her eye as she awaited a response...



Faolan pries himself away from his sister for just a moment to look at her confusedly, "But Juniper, we're alone here. Everybody else already left...it's okay, really. At least I think it is..." He turned around to look at Zalena, "You don't think anybody might be hiding in the lockers or anything do you? Wait...there's not enough space in the lockers for that, never mind!" He turned around to Juniper once more, "We'll be fine! It's no problem, I promise..."

GingerBread said:
Castiel was confused why Ruby stopped talking suddenly when he was swallowed up by the Degenerate. Castiel felt like he was falling down a long tunnel, though he wasn't sure what was happening since he couldn't see anything at all. Buu even though he could've been falling to his death, his only thought was about Ruby and if she was okay or not. He hoped that he had just been taken and that's why Ruby had got cut off.

When Castiel arrived on the rocky bridge, he breathed a sigh of relief that he wasn't dead before starting to stumbling around, trying to work out where he was somehow.
"Ruby?!" Castiel called out, hoping it was just a prank she was playing on him with others, but with everything that was happening, he doubted that. As he stumbled around, He started getting dangerously close to falling off of the edge.

@Light ( @CelticSol @Embaga Elder @Lotusy @Inheritance @The Imperial Flame @djinnamon @Tazmodo I'm pretty sure you're all in that place as well)
djinnamon said:
Amber gasped as the degenerate attacked him and caught him. He groaned lowly as he stood up and looked around. " What the hell. " He muttered to himself before suddenly two people appear behind him. Hearing them he spun around , eyes narrowing. " I know you two from class." He said as he walked up slowly.
@GingerBread @Light
"Wait!" Ruby actually dives into the air so she could slam into Castiel's left side. She pushes him on the floor away from the edge. "By the gods..." Ruby releases a sigh of relief. "We're on a rocky bridge with no railing. There's this..this castle in the distance." Ruby was still laying on top of Castiel. She hears the statement Amber comes out with and gazes at him, "Yeah...I saw you on the roof today. Do you know why and how we got here? If not...I think that castle might know."

@Light[/URL] @Inheritance @Embaga Elder @Lotusy @Anyone else in the castle
Inheritance said:
Andrew Blight
This was great, however he wasn't intent on starting anything, he wouldn't be swinging first. He ignored the more people coming, as there was no point of talking to them. He was still looking for more jock types that he could manipulate, but as it stood there was really no reason to freak out or anything....I mean stranger things had happened when he visited good ol' grandma....she was always a bit...well...

He had yet to reply to the girl who would dare scold him, so he decided to be short and to the point about it. "Sorry Mom I just wanted to try to be cool like the cool kids! I gotta say kicking that door's ass was so metal!" He said that loud enough so hopefully the one beating the door would have heard it. He leaned on whatever was near (that wasn't a person) and just glanced around. To see and be seen. And to listen. @The Imperial Flame @Embaga Elder @Light @ Anyone else who happens to be here that can hear
When Yin picks up a degenerate, it continues to open and close its mouth. It didn't register the fact that it had been picked up and was feeling the sensation of another for a few minutes. It finally reacts and turns it's head to face Yin. "GGGGGGAAAAAAAAaaahhhh.....ggggggaaaAAAAAAHHHH." It says this in a very sluggish and dumb fashion. It smiles with its sharp teeth afterwards.

LokiofSP said:
Kristen looked at the castle and turned back to Austrianna with a sideways face, "I dunno, I'd rather we not go into the giant creepy castle with a bunch of strangers, because this is giving me the whole, 'cult' kinda vibe. Also, we still don't know where our FUCKING PARENTS OR SIBLINGS ARE, just in case you forgot. But then again, guess my opinion doesn't matter, you're supposed to be the 'silent but bad ass' older sister, so I'll just wait while you choose what could possibly be the fate of our lives, no pressure..." Kristen then began to examine her nails, looking at her sister out of the corner of her eye as she awaited a response...

( @CelticSol )

Austrianna finally felt like she should speak up, just to make the message she was trying to get across clear. "We don't know where we are or how to get back home. Every other path seems like a dead end other than the castle. Others here are just as confused as you and our relative Leo here is as well. You want to go find our siblings and our parents? Get some courage and face the music, we have high numbers to use to our advantage. Unless you'd like to sit here on this bridge for what could be forever. Unless you have any better ideas I suggest you start walking inside, now."

LokiofSP said:
Faolan pries himself away from his sister for just a moment to look at her confusedly, "But Juniper, we're alone here. Everybody else already left...it's okay, really. At least I think it is..." He turned around to look at Zalena, "You don't think anybody might be hiding in the lockers or anything do you? Wait...there's not enough space in the lockers for that, never mind!" He turned around to Juniper once more, "We'll be fine! It's no problem, I promise..."

"Really?" Juniper looks up, examining the empty hallway with her own eyes. "Oh...oh.." At this point Juniper felt even worse. She had been crying over nothing and bothered her siblings over it too. If only she could be like her other siblings...or mom. Then she wouldn't be as much of a burden. Juniper's thoughts were drifting negatively, causing a cold feeling to burst through her chest and spread throughout her body. Her eyes felt heavy and dull, her facial expression felt empty. Before she could express any further emotion, a degenerate had risen behind the group and swallowed all three.
Andrew Blight

"Damn girl, we were just joking around, you had to take it to the next level!" He wasn't offended at all, her calling him idiotic? Laughable, she was just a stupid blonde it seemed. He debated whether or not to shoot back, and because of the circumstances, decided that now would be a fine time to embarrass this little one-as nothing else seemed to be happening...yet...

"Are you sure you'd be able to parent me that well? I mean IF I was your kid you'd have the time to focus on JUST me? Even with the nine other monsters that you're going to have?" His eyes were still mocking, and he hoped she was smart enough to at least get the blonde joke he was making. "And I mean how will you have time for us kids when you are busy with your four ex-husbands?" He snickered this time, and stood to his full height. "Or just lovers? Tell me how many people are you going to fuck before you have kids like me?" This time he glared at her mockingly, daring her to do something. @The Imperial Flame
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Yin's eyes narrowed, She really didn't like him. She could feel the rage inside her build. She was distracted by the degenerate. She smiled at it's strange sign of affection. "Well aren't you just a cutie." She said as she stroked it's head. She then turned her attention back to Andrew. "I wouldn't want you as a kid, honestly I don't know who would. Look at you, using someones looks as an insult. Aren't you a clever one. If you were my kid I would sell you." She smiled at him her eyes saying something very different than her smile. Her eyes seemed to say one more word and you will be considered a female after I am done with you. She was all about saving nature but violence is super fun to her. "I am sure your parents considered it, no matter who they are. But oh well it is too late now, none would buy such an ugly child." She smirked, turning her attention back to the degenerate. She stroked its head, cradling like a baby.

@Light @Inheritance @Embaga Elder @Lotusy @Anyone else in the castle
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He roared with laughter, taking a step back. It was not mocking or hateful laughter, and had a rather joyous sound to it. However, there was something false about it...not sarcastic, just...false... "Well said girl well said. Alright you got me, would you rather I apologize to your friend there?" He would let her have this one, she was brave enough to shoot back so he'd give her a chance. However he wouldn't forget her half-assed insults. He wouldn't hold any grudges...yet. "Yea I'll give you that, my parents certainly don't want me! I've never been one for looks either." A bit of sorrow flashed across his face, but was replaced by a look of humor. "I'll leave you alone I guess, you win this one" he said this, but didn't leave. @The Imperial Flame

Castiel let out a small yelp as Ruby threw herself into him and knocked them both to the ground. He was about to push her off of him, since she hadn't gotten off yet, but decided against that when she said they were on a rocky bridge with no sort of railing, fearing that he'd accidently end up pushing her off the edge. "Ruby, I appreciate what you did. But could you get off of me, so that we can both get up; I think I've just figured out why you weren't able to run for long" Castiel joked, trying to lighten the mood a bit. He then smirked up at Ruby, finding it easier to know where she was, since she was on top of him.

Castiel kept looking up while he addressed Amber, not waning to give away the fact he was blind.
"Wait you know us? I don't know you; I've never even seen you before... Did you have something to do with this?" Castiel hoped that Amber didn't have anything to do with it, but if he found that Amber did and that he'd kidnapped his sister and him then He wouldn't be happy and Amber wouldn't have a good time.

@Light @djinnamon


Mary only began to feel worse as Suria kept saying she was lying and that she was doing satanic stuff, but she had managed to get some control over her crying and was beginning to stop. When he said that she'd be going to super hell, Mary started crying again, scared of disappointing God, scared of going to hell and Scared because she had no idea where she was. When Suria said that he was kidding, Mary looked up at him hoping he was joking, since that would've been better, though still bad.

Though he dashed her hopes when he said that God would create a separate hell for her to go to, which only made her feel worse.
"Stop being mean" Mary frowned as Suria said he was kidding again and started swearing and calling her Dumb that said that she'd take it up the arse. "You're being mean! I'm going to tell on you" Mary wiped her arm across her face, a small strand of snot clinging to it as she did.

Mary then stood up and started running away, towards the other people in the area. As Mary began running, she tripped slightly but managed to recover. When she got over to the largest group of people by the castle.
"S-Suria's being mean to me! He said I-I was sinning and... and was going to go to H-Hell and.. and.. and he Said bad words and said bad things that no one should say!"

@LokiofSP @Light @The Imperial Flame @Embaga Elder @Lotusy @Inheritance @Tazmodo @CelticSol (I dunno who's by the castle, so I just tagged everyone :P )
" No , I was about to ask the same of you. " He said , looking at the boy closely with appraising eyes before folding his arms across his chest while tapping his left foot. " Hurry up and stand, we are going to look for a way out of here. " He said sternly , his jaw clenched as he tapped his foot faster.

@Light @GingerBread
@Light[/URL] @Inheritance @Embaga Elder @Lotusy @Anyone else in the castle
Inheritance said:
He roared with laughter, taking a step back. It was not mocking or hateful laughter, and had a rather joyous sound to it. However, there was something false about it...not sarcastic, just...false... "Well said girl well said. Alright you got me, would you rather I apologize to your friend there?" He would let her have this one, she was brave enough to shoot back so he'd give her a chance. However he wouldn't forget her half-assed insults. He wouldn't hold any grudges...yet. "Yea I'll give you that, my parents certainly don't want me! I've never been one for looks either." A bit of sorrow flashed across his face, but was replaced by a look of humor. "I'll leave you alone I guess, you win this one" he said this, but didn't leave. @The Imperial Flame
GingerBread said:
Mary only began to feel worse as Suria kept saying she was lying and that she was doing satanic stuff, but she had managed to get some control over her crying and was beginning to stop. When he said that she'd be going to super hell, Mary started crying again, scared of disappointing God, scared of going to hell and Scared because she had no idea where she was. When Suria said that he was kidding, Mary looked up at him hoping he was joking, since that would've been better, though still bad.

Though he dashed her hopes when he said that God would create a separate hell for her to go to, which only made her feel worse.
"Stop being mean" Mary frowned as Suria said he was kidding again and started swearing and calling her Dumb that said that she'd take it up the arse. "You're being mean! I'm going to tell on you" Mary wiped her arm across her face, a small strand of snot clinging to it as she did.

Mary then stood up and started running away, towards the other people in the area. As Mary began running, she tripped slightly but managed to recover. When she got over to the largest group of people by the castle.
"S-Suria's being mean to me! He said I-I was sinning and... and was going to go to H-Hell and.. and.. and he Said bad words and said bad things that no one should say!"

@LokiofSP @Light @The Imperial Flame @Embaga Elder @Lotusy @Inheritance @Tazmodo @CelticSol (I dunno who's by the castle, so I just tagged everyone :P )
( @Embaga Elder @Tazmodo @Lotusy @CelticSol )

The degenerate seemed to be unable to pick up on their conversation. It just continued to toss and turn slowly in Yin's arms. Though as Mary entered the room a light flew from her body and hit the door, causing another lock to fade away.

GingerBread said:
Castiel let out a small yelp as Ruby threw herself into him and knocked them both to the ground. He was about to push her off of him, since she hadn't gotten off yet, but decided against that when she said they were on a rocky bridge with no sort of railing, fearing that he'd accidently end up pushing her off the edge. "Ruby, I appreciate what you did. But could you get off of me, so that we can both get up; I think I've just figured out why you weren't able to run for long" Castiel joked, trying to lighten the mood a bit. He then smirked up at Ruby, finding it easier to know where she was, since she was on top of him.

Castiel kept looking up while he addressed Amber, not waning to give away the fact he was blind.
"Wait you know us? I don't know you; I've never even seen you before... Did you have something to do with this?" Castiel hoped that Amber didn't have anything to do with it, but if he found that Amber did and that he'd kidnapped his sister and him then He wouldn't be happy and Amber wouldn't have a good time.

@Light @djinnamon
djinnamon said:
" No , I was about to ask the same of you. " He said , looking at the boy closely with appraising eyes before folding his arms across his chest while tapping his left foot. " Hurry up and stand, we are going to look for a way out of here. " He said sternly , his jaw clenched as he tapped his foot faster.
@Light @GingerBread
Ruby stands up and grabs Castiel's hand, pulling him up and making sure he has stable ground. She turns her attention to Amber afterwards, "Well boss, the only way to go is that castle up there. From what I see."

"Look, Buddy. Stop tapping your foot impatiently and stop trying to order me around; I'm not going to help you get out of here, even if I could, I no longer want to. Why would I want to help some entitled jerk?" The whole time Castiel was talking, He was facing the wrong way, not looking at Amber. "First impressions are everything, and you made an awful one" Castiel turned to look at Ruby, knowing where she was since she was holding his hand. "C'mon sis, lets go."

@Light @djinnamon
GingerBread said:

"Look, Buddy. Stop tapping your foot impatiently and stop trying to order me around; I'm not going to help you get out of here, even if I could, I no longer want to. Why would I want to help some entitled jerk?" The whole time Castiel was talking, He was facing the wrong way, not looking at Amber. "First impressions are everything, and you made an awful one" Castiel turned to look at Ruby, knowing where she was since she was holding his hand. "C'mon sis, lets go."

@Light @djinnamon
( @Embaga Elder @Tazmodo @Inheritance @The Imperial Flame @Lotusy @djinnamon )

"Yeah because it's totally okay to say that to him and then order me around, whatever." Ruby begins to lead him towards the castle at a swift pace before Amber gets really angry. To be honest she didn't know what he was capable of and having a blind brother along with you while trash talking is practically begging to get your ass kicked. Once they enter a light flows from their body and makes two locks fade away.
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"Sorry; I meant it more in the way of, we should go so we don't have to be near that entitled asshole anymore. But I guess it didn't come out that way" Castiel stayed silent as they walked towards the castle, not really sure what else to say. When the arrived at the castle, He looked around, wearing a confused expression. Castiel leaned slightly closer to Ruby and whispered, hoping he wasn't too close or too far away. "Hey Ruby, why have we stopped?"

@Light @djinnamon @Embaga Elder @Tazmodo @Inheritance @The Imperial Flame @Lotusy
GingerBread said:

"Sorry; I meant it more in the way of, we should go so we don't have to be near that entitled asshole anymore. But I guess it didn't come out that way" Castiel stayed silent as they walked towards the castle, not really sure what else to say. When the arrived at the castle, He looked around, wearing a confused expression. Castiel leaned slightly closer to Ruby and whispered, hoping he wasn't too close or too far away. "Hey Ruby, why have we stopped?"

@Light @djinnamon @Embaga Elder @Tazmodo @Inheritance @The Imperial Flame @Lotusy
Ruby leans over and begins to whisper towards Castiel. "Well we stopped because we're in a room filled with other teenagers probably in the same situation we're in..."

Suria watched as Mary began to run away and extended his arm as she left, "No, wait Mary don't leave! You're the only human interaction I can get without moving! I'm to lazy for this!" He watched her leave and he sighed, collapsing onto the floor beneath him. He lay there without any intention of moving, "I'm not moving, I'm done for. Guess I'll just die here or something..." He continued to lay there...he then got u- wait...no he was just shifting a bit...is he dead? Can somebody see if he's still breathing? Wait, no he is, he's literally just not moving. I think he was serious, he's just gonna lay there. Wow, what a piece of shit...



Kristen put up her hands in a gesture of surrender, "Okay fine, I'll go inside, I get it...Jesus H Christ you get worked up for no reason sometimes, just bringing up valid points..." Kristen then began to step into the church briskly, casting glances at Austrianna as she walked away...

@Light (Waiting until I have more battery life to post Faolan...)
Light said:
Austrianna finally felt like she should speak up, just to make the message she was trying to get across clear. "We don't know where we are or how to get back home. Every other path seems like a dead end other than the castle. Others here are just as confused as you and our relative Leo here is as well. You want to go find our siblings and our parents? Get some courage and face the music, we have high numbers to use to our advantage. Unless you'd like to sit here on this bridge for what could be forever. Unless you have any better ideas I suggest you start walking inside, now."
LokiofSP said:
Kristen put up her hands in a gesture of surrender, "Okay fine, I'll go inside, I get it...Jesus H Christ you get worked up for no reason sometimes, just bringing up valid points..." Kristen then began to step into the church briskly, casting glances at Austrianna as she walked away...
Leo frowns at Austrianna's harsh words, his lips pursing into a thin line as he follows his relatives to the castle. "That was harsh, Austrianna. She's nervous and scared; most of us are."

Light said:
Behind Eppie came a degenerate. It rests it's head on her shoulder, dumbly looking at her phone screen while opening and closing it's mouth. "Gaaaaaaahhhhh!~" Is all it said in a dumb and slow manner while drooling. At this time another degenerate rises and swallows Eppie, sending her to the stomach dimension in front of the castle.
(@Inheritance , @GingerBread , @LokiofSP , @The Imperial Flame , @djinnamon , @Embaga Elder )

Eppie startles at the strange creature leaning on her shoulder, flinching away from it with a surprised scream. Reflex makes her call on her magic for protection, which sparks uselessly without the aide of an injection. Backing up to bring space between them, her back hits another creature, and looks up in time to be swallowed. Instead of, you know, the typical expectation of what it might possibly be like to be eaten - being chewed, crushed, and sent through organs - Eppie falls through the abyss of what appears to be a pocket dimension, and, despite momentum that should have made her a pancake, is soft placed onto the ground. Still, shock at the sudden stillness around her drives her to her hands and knees, vertigo hitting her hard. She knows she can, theoretically, teleport, but she's only done it once or twice because she doesn't want to waste the injection, and this is just making her nauseous. She tries to ground herself, squeezing her eyes shut. When she finally feels like she isn't going to be sick, she opens her eyes and lifts them to the looming castle. Then, white hot fury fills her. She stands quickly, stalking by the group, pushing past all the mindless, shadowy creatures as she slams her foot into the large, locked doors hard enough that they slam against the hinges with a resounding CLANG that echoes against the stone walls of the castle. When the doors don't give, she kicks again, then shouts loud enough for anyone on the other side to be able to clearly hear her, "Where the fuck are my fucking parents?!"
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Ever since the first teen arrived with her and her cousin Alyson has been uncomfortable, but at a relaxed state. Though as more teens arrived her condition worsened , luckily she was beside Hassan the whole time. But when he left her near the door to sit on the stairs she let out a squeal and quickly sat down on the doors left side if you're facing the door. She brings her knees to her chest, and buries her head in her knees. Festus please help me. She whispered to herself. Sadly she already faced that he won't be coming. Since their arrival she hasnt felt Festus anywhere nearby. How long does she have to be here, and how long will it be until Hassan realizes he left his overly shy cousin alone with strangers.

The Cousins

As Hassan walked back up the stairs to get back to Alyson, he raised an eyebrow wondering where the hell she went. Listening carefully he hears her whispers and where it originated from. He turned his head looking down at Alyson. Man you really have to do better. He walks over towards her and squats down in front of her. He taps her head. He brat, I'm back. Brat?? I'm older than you by a month. And I'm not the one sitting on the floor hiding from everyone else. You knew what would happen when you leave me alone with strangers and you did it anyway. Alyson spoke with her head still buried in her knees. Hassan sighs and sits on Alyson's right side. He places his hand on her back patting it. I'm sorry Aly. I would promise it won't happen again, but we both know that it would happen again. He chuckled soon after. Alyson sighs, and lifts get head up looking over towards Hassan. Please be quiet now. She placed her head back into her knees waiting for something to occur.


Okay I will.
He leans back against the wall with his feet propped up and his forearms resting on his knees. He watched as a new girl stormed through the castle and kicked the doors just like he did. He grinned a bit and looks towards Andrew. Looks like I'm not the only one who enjoys kicking in door. He turns his head towards Eppie, raised and eyebrow questioning her statement, and attitude. Looks like he wasn't the only grumpy one. Uhh ma'am, he stands up still staying near Alyson. Kicking it won't work. I've already tried. The only to get through that door is to... He paused since he didn't have a good way to explain it. Basically you just wait until this things he points to a degenerate bring everyone that needs to be here, here. I don't know why but whenever someone steps into the castle and closes in the on these doors, something white comes out of them and into the locks, unlocking them. Its happened to all of us. He said the last part while spreading out his arms gesturing to everyone.

@Inheritance @GingerBread @LokiofSP @The Imperial Flame @djinnamon @Light @CelticSol
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Amber rolled his eyes as he walked towards the castle as well. " First off dumbass its my foot so I can do whatever the hell I want with it , second you are facing the wrong fucking way so i'm going to assume something is wrong with your sight or you're plain retarded so I won't kick your ass because i'm nice like that K sweetheart? " He growled out the word sweetheart as he stormed ahead and right into the room of other people who were screaming and yelling. " The Fuck? "He muttered lowly.

@Light , @Inheritance , @GingerBread , @LokiofSP , @The Imperial Flame , @Embaga Elder
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