Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

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GingerBread said:
Castiel listened as the whole thing went down and Ruby got sent out to the principal's office. "God damn it" He let his head drop down and slam against the desk, which ended up shocking him as he didn't see it coming. "This really sucks" Castiel was relying on Ruby to help him around, as much as he hated relying on someone, he didn't really have much of a choice at the moment, unless he wanted to never get anywhere and get detentions. "I really hate this" He muttered to himself as he went back to staring blankly at the piece of paper he hoped was still in front of him, not wanting anyone to know he could no longer see.

The teacher was still angry about Ruby's earlier comment and he was about to pick on Castiel to relieve anger. Though before he was about to, the bell for an hour long lunch rang.

Tazmodo said:
Grace didn't see here so she pulled out her phone and sent her a text. "Hey where did you go?" She decided not to stick around and went for the entrance. She knew that if she wasn't there she just left the school. Grace already finished her work so she left too.
Hey where did you go?
I'm going to the royal cafe ;p

Ruby sighs and puts her phone away, crossing the busy street to enter her favourite cafe. She had some money on her but if Grace was coming then she'd totally shake some cash off of her.
Light said:
The teacher was still angry about Ruby's earlier comment and he was about to pick on Castiel to relieve anger. Though before he was about to, the bell for an hour long lunch rang.
Hey where did you go?
I'm going to the royal cafe ;p

Ruby sighs and puts her phone away, crossing the busy street to enter her favourite cafe. She had some money on her but if Grace was coming then she'd totally shake some cash off of her.
Hey where did you go?
I'm going to the royal cafe ;p
Ok on my way

Grace crossed the road narrowly dodging a car and walked into the cafe. "Hey Ruby I'm glad you didn't get in trouble. Sorry about the whole note thing."
Tazmodo said:
Hey where did you go?
I'm going to the royal cafe ;p
Ok on my way

Grace crossed the road narrowly dodging a car and walked into the cafe. "Hey Ruby I'm glad you didn't get in trouble. Sorry about the whole note thing."
"Nah it's fine, it was kind of true anyways." Ruby sets her hands over her head and sits down in a chair. "By the way...I wonder how my brother is doing."

Castiel sighed as the bell rang, half in relief and half in annoyance. He started to wait until he couldn't hear that many people walking out of the room anymore, wanting to avoid the initial rush out of the classroom. While he waited he stared intently at the piece of paper he hoped was still in front of him, pretending to be engrossed in it, either that or he looked like he was admiring the top of the table. 'I must look like a loser, being the last one out of the classroom. Whatever, it's better than being knocked to the ground, I guess' Castiel shook his head and stood up, slowly making his way to the door, half by memory and half by feeling his way there through the stuff he bumped into. 'I hope I'm going the right way; At least if I do walk into a wall opposite to the door, no one else will be around to see it' He assumed he was going the right way, since he could hear the noise all the other students were making, but then again, he had no real idea of knowing.

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Light said:
"Nah it's fine, it was kind of true anyways." Ruby sets her hands over her head and sits down in a chair. "By the way...I wonder how my brother is doing."
Grace sat down with her. "I don't know he seemed a little lost after you left but he should be ok. Anyways what should we get?" She said looking at the menu. "It's your turn to pay anyways sense I did last time."
GingerBread said:
Castiel sighed as the bell rang, half in relief and half in annoyance. He started to wait until he couldn't hear that many people walking out of the room anymore, wanting to avoid the initial rush out of the classroom. While he waited he stared intently at the piece of paper he hoped was still in front of him, pretending to be engrossed in it, either that or he looked like he was admiring the top of the table. 'I must look like a loser, being the last one out of the classroom. Whatever, it's better than being knocked to the ground, I guess' Castiel shook his head and stood up, slowly making his way to the door, half by memory and half by feeling his way there through the stuff he bumped into. 'I hope I'm going the right way; At least if I do walk into a wall opposite to the door, no one else will be around to see it' He assumed he was going the right way, since he could hear the noise all the other students were making, but then again, he had no real idea of knowing.

The teacher was still mad and was still in the class room. His job came before his pride though so noticing Castiel have a hard time....walking. the teacher decides on speaking up. "Castiel. There's something obviously wrong. Let's go to the nurses quarters."
Tazmodo said:
Grace sat down with her. "I don't know he seemed a little lost after you left but he should be ok. Anyways what should we get?" She said looking at the menu. "It's your turn to pay anyways sense I did last time."
Ruby face palms and shakes her head, she completely forgot that her brother was having trouble with sight. "About that...looks like we'll have to go back and find him. Are you alright with that?"
Light said:
Ruby face palms and shakes her head, she completely forgot that her brother was having trouble with sight. "About that...looks like we'll have to go back and find him. Are you alright with that?"
Grace sighed. "Dang and we had such a nice date but ok let's go." Grace was always more casual around Ruby. She stood up and started walking back. "I really hope you aren't still in trouble."

Castiel spun around when he heard the teacher's voice, ending up facing a wall. "No, I'm-" He went to lean on a desk or wall, thinking there was one to his right, there wasn't and he ended up falling to the ground and hitting his head. He groaned and rubbed the back of his head. "-Fine. Don't worry... I'm just... Part turtle..?" Castiel hoped his excuse to why he was going slow would work... by some miracle.

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Amber was up and out that door in seconds , his hair flowing behind him as speed walked to the cafeteria to get food. He stood in line tapping his foot impatiencely , arms folding across his chest as he looked around waiting for his turn. Once he got a simple piece of pizza and a bottle of water he exited the cafeteria and went to the roof , eating his food as he over looked the city and school yard with a neutral expression.
Tazmodo said:
Grace sighed. "Dang and we had such a nice date but ok let's go." Grace was always more casual around Ruby. She stood up and started walking back. "I really hope you aren't still in trouble."
djinnamon said:
Amber was up and out that door in seconds , his hair flowing behind him as speed walked to the cafeteria to get food. He stood in line tapping his foot impatiencely , arms folding across his chest as he looked around waiting for his turn. Once he got a simple piece of pizza and a bottle of water he exited the cafeteria and went to the roof , eating his food as he over looked the city and school yard with a neutral expression.
"Knowing this school? Psh! Yeah I probably am." Ruby rolls her eyes and crosses the street without a care in the world. As she approached the school she noticed Amber up on the school roof. To her, since she didn't know him he was just another young deity attending school in the deity realm. "I think he'd still be in the same class." Ruby turns around and sets her hand on her hip. "Grace, can you go in there and check? You know I can't just walk in there with pig teacher."

GingerBread said:

Castiel spun around when he heard the teacher's voice, ending up facing a wall. "No, I'm-" He went to lean on a desk or wall, thinking there was one to his right, there wasn't and he ended up falling to the ground and hitting his head. He groaned and rubbed the back of his head. "-Fine. Don't worry... I'm just... Part turtle..?" Castiel hoped his excuse to why he was going slow would work... by some miracle.

"Haha, very good lie. If you're not willing to I'm going to call your parents. Now make your choice Castiel." The teacher folds his arms over his chest and frowns.
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"Well.. You see" Castiel started to stand up, looking towards where he thought he heard the teacher's voice last. "There's no reason to call my parents.. Because..." He scratched the back of his head as he tried to think of another excuse. "You would be openly discriminating against me..?" He continued on with his lie, deciding it was too late to stop now; He really didn't want his parents to know he was blind now. "Because I'm only half turtle. Why would you call me a liar for telling you that? So, you should just show me to the door, and help me leave and forget about this... That sounds like the best course of action..?" Castiel himself sounded unsure in what he was saying, he was hoping Ruby would come in and help him out.

Light said:
"Knowing this school? Psh! Yeah I probably am." Ruby rolls her eyes and crosses the street without a care in the world. As she approached the school she noticed Amber up on the school roof. To her, since she didn't know him he was just another young deity attending school in the deity realm. "I think he'd still be in the same class." Ruby turns around and sets her hand on her hip. "Grace, can you go in there and check? You know I can't just walk in there with pig teacher."
"Haha, very good lie. If you're not willing to I'm going to call your parents. Now make your choice Castiel." The teacher folds his arms over his chest and frowns.
"Sure." She walked through the halls and got to the room. "Hey Castiel let's go your going to miss lunch and after I'll take you to the nurse." She waved to the teacher and wait for Castiel. @GingerBread
GingerBread said:

"Well.. You see" Castiel started to stand up, looking towards where he thought he heard the teacher's voice last. "There's no reason to call my parents.. Because..." He scratched the back of his head as he tried to think of another excuse. "You would be openly discriminating against me..?" He continued on with his lie, deciding it was too late to stop now; He really didn't want his parents to know he was blind now. "Because I'm only half turtle. Why would you call me a liar for telling you that? So, you should just show me to the door, and help me leave and forget about this... That sounds like the best course of action..?" Castiel himself sounded unsure in what he was saying, he was hoping Ruby would come in and help him out.

Tazmodo said:
"Sure." She walked through the halls and got to the room. "Hey Castiel let's go your going to miss lunch and after I'll take you to the nurse." She waved to the teacher and wait for Castiel. @GingerBread
The teacher scowls and looks at Grace. She was a good student so this would be okay. Next time he'd keep an eye on Castiel and his sister. "Alright...make sure he stays with the nurse. You may leave."

"Alright. I'll be going then" Castiel turned around to walk out the classroom, but ended up walking into a wall. Groaning a bit, he felt around until he felt a gap in the wall, which was the doorway. He then sidestepped and started walking out, once he was sure he was away from the classroom, he turned to the side randomly, hoping it was the side the girl was on. "Thanks. You can go now though, there's no need for me to go to the nurse; I'm perfectly fine"

@Light @Tazmodo
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Alyson and Hassan sat in their history class listening to a long and boring lecture giving to them by their teacher. Alyson sat dead center of the class room, trying to keeping up with the lecture,and wrote notes. Hassan on the other hand sat in the far back corner of the room, with his feet propped up in an empty chair next to him with a toothpick in his mouth. He showed little interest on the lecture. On his desk, Hassan was drawing on a sheet of paper. The drawing was a perfect pencil drawing of Whelp Vaku. By the time he finished the lecture was over and the teacher asked for the notes they were suppose to be writing to be passed up. Alyson passed up here paper, then turned towards Hassan. He seemed to be completely calm even though he didn't write anything. He shows her his drawing and she smiles and gives him the thumbs up. She then thought about the notes he should've been writing and mouthed Did you write some nopes? Hassan grinned then shook his head no. Alyson just shook her head and turned back forward. Instead of passing up notes, he passed up his drawing with his name on it. The student in the front of his row snickered at his drawing, laughing at the fact that he's turning in a drawing as his work. The student placed the drawing somewhere in the stack of papers that he had. The bell rung signaling lunch time. Hassan and Alyson quickly got up and left the classroom walking to the cafeteria.

Hassan carried Alyson's books for her, since he didn't have any books for his own. Hassan I honestly don't see how you don't pay attention in history class what so ever and you still have a better grade than me. What is it like a 93, 95?? Hassan chuckles. It's a 94 actually and I don't know myself. It's probably because I bribe the teacher to give me good grades. He said it in such an even tone that Alyson couldn't even tell if he was lying or not. Well whatever it is it's not fair. Hassan had cut her off completely. You know as well as I do that life isn't fair. Alyson knew actually what he meant by that and decided it was best for her not to continue on with the conversation.

"Interesting" He of course wasn't referring to the Calculus bull shit that he really didn't care about, but more of the fact that the girl in front of him hadn't noticed when he cut off a nice section of her hair with his scissors. The other class douchebags all laughed and high fived him, and he played along and gave them what they wanted. Hell they're too stupid to understand they are looking at their future master. He liked the dumb ones, the ones he could manipulate, when they thought they were the ones in charge when really he was controlling it all. They also worked very hard, and didn't ask questions. They were stupid, powerful, easily bent to his will. That's what he liked.

He was interrupted from his little daydream when the teacher called on him to come up and solve some problem. The girl in front of him gave him some comment, and he pretended to be insulted and laughed along, said nothing back to her. She'd find out his revenge in a bit. He stood up and strolled to the front of the class, eyeing the problem. Easy. But boring. He grumbled. Oh this stuff was easy to get, very easy, in fact he purposely got bad grades so he wouldn't have to do extra work. The only time he actually worked on school was when they were learning about history, usually torture and medieval times, World War II, Stalin's little rampage, Hiroshima, all that fun stuff. He also loved Chemistry and Physics, and even Health, and they provided great knowledge on he could use to...well...

Unfortunate as he was thinking about all this, he absent-mindedly did the problem. The teacher stared at him in disbelief, and he groaned and smacked his head against the board. He muttered something about copying someone's test, and was casually sent up to the principal's office. Good. He thought, I can use this time to go fuck around. He flipped the teacher the bird, then danced away before she could say anything else.

@Light @ Anyone who wants to interact idc
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GingerBread said:
"Alright. I'll be going then" Castiel turned around to walk out the classroom, but ended up walking into a wall. Groaning a bit, he felt around until he felt a gap in the wall, which was the doorway. He then sidestepped and started walking out, once he was sure he was away from the classroom, he turned to the side randomly, hoping it was the side the girl was on. "Thanks. You can go now though, there's no need for me to go to the nurse; I'm perfectly fine"

@Light @Tazmodo
"I know I had no intention of taking you there. I'm Ruby's friend she asked me to get you sense she's in trouble." He guided to Ruby. "He looks fine he only hit a wall." She said to Ruby @Light
GingerBread said:
"Alright. I'll be going then" Castiel turned around to walk out the classroom, but ended up walking into a wall. Groaning a bit, he felt around until he felt a gap in the wall, which was the doorway. He then sidestepped and started walking out, once he was sure he was away from the classroom, he turned to the side randomly, hoping it was the side the girl was on. "Thanks. You can go now though, there's no need for me to go to the nurse; I'm perfectly fine"

@Light @Tazmodo
Inheritance said:
"Interesting" He of course wasn't referring to the Calculus bull shit that he really didn't care about, but more of the fact that the girl in front of him hadn't noticed when he cut off a nice section of her hair with his scissors. The other class douchebags all laughed and high fived him, and he played along and gave them what they wanted. Hell they're too stupid to understand they are looking at their future master. He liked the dumb ones, the ones he could manipulate, when they thought they were the ones in charge when really he was controlling it all. They also worked very hard, and didn't ask questions. They were stupid, powerful, easily bent to his will. That's what he liked.

He was interrupted from his little daydream when the teacher called on him to come up and solve some problem. The girl in front of him gave him some comment, and he pretended to be insulted and laughed along, said nothing back to her. She'd find out his revenge in a bit. He stood up and strolled to the front of the class, eyeing the problem. Easy. But boring. He grumbled. Oh this stuff was easy to get, very easy, in fact he purposely got bad grades so he wouldn't have to do extra work. The only time he actually worked on school was when they were learning about history, usually torture and medieval times, World War II, Stalin's little rampage, Hiroshima, all that fun stuff. He also loved Chemistry and Physics, and even Health, and they provided great knowledge on he could use to...well...

Unfortunate as he was thinking about all this, he absent-mindedly did the problem. The teacher stared at him in disbelief, and he groaned and smacked his head against the board. He muttered something about copying someone's test, and was casually sent up to the principal's office. Good. He thought, I can use this time to go fuck around. He flipped the teacher the bird, then danced away before she could say anything else.

@Light @ Anyone who wants to interact idc
( @Tazmodo )

Once they left the classroom Ruby was now able to join them. "Great! We have an hour until lunch is over so here's the plan. We're going to go to the caferia, eat, and then head to my house for the last half hour. Any objections?" The second bell for lunch rung again to remind any leftover classes that lunch had started in this school within the deity realm. Andrew's class was released for an hour long lunch at this momentnso Andrew didn't have to go to the principals office. Ruby was walking and ended up slamming directly into him.

[QUOTE="Embaga Elder]
Alyson and Hassan sat in their history class listening to a long and boring lecture giving to them by their teacher. Alyson sat dead center of the class room, trying to keeping up with the lecture,and wrote notes. Hassan on the other hand sat in the far back corner of the room, with his feet propped up in an empty chair next to him with a toothpick in his mouth. He showed little interest on the lecture. On his desk, Hassan was drawing on a sheet of paper. The drawing was a perfect pencil drawing of Whelp Vaku. By the time he finished the lecture was over and the teacher asked for the notes they were suppose to be writing to be passed up. Alyson passed up here paper, then turned towards Hassan. He seemed to be completely calm even though he didn't write anything. He shows her his drawing and she smiles and gives him the thumbs up. She then thought about the notes he should've been writing and mouthed Did you write some nopes? Hassan grinned then shook his head no. Alyson just shook her head and turned back forward. Instead of passing up notes, he passed up his drawing with his name on it. The student in the front of his row snickered at his drawing, laughing at the fact that he's turning in a drawing as his work. The student placed the drawing somewhere in the stack of papers that he had. The bell rung signaling lunch time. Hassan and Alyson quickly got up and left the classroom walking to the cafeteria.

Hassan carried Alyson's books for her, since he didn't have any books for his own. Hassan I honestly don't see how you don't pay attention in history class what so ever and you still have a better grade than me. What is it like a 93, 95?? Hassan chuckles. It's a 94 actually and I don't know myself. It's probably because I bribe the teacher to give me good grades. He said it in such an even tone that Alyson couldn't even tell if he was lying or not. Well whatever it is it's not fair. Hassan had cut her off completely. You know as well as I do that life isn't fair. Alyson knew actually what he meant by that and decided it was best for her not to continue on with the conversation.

Around the corner where most kids don't travel towards since its a creepy area in the school, odd gurgling sounds and cries could be heard.

"Ruby, you know we can't go home during Lunch. We have to stay in school" Castiel tried to give Ruby a judging look, but ending up staring at a wall as he walked along with her. "You can't just leave school because you're bored. Come on, You need to at least put some effort into learning. You can't just ditch school all the time" Castiel shook his head and sighed. When Ruby bumped into someone he continued walking, until he could only hear his own footsteps. He looked around, though that was mostly out of habit. "Did you guys just ditch me?"

@Light @Tazmodo @Inheritance
GingerBread said:
"Ruby, you know we can't go home during Lunch. We have to stay in school" Castiel tried to give Ruby a judging look, but ending up staring at a wall as he walked along with her. "You can't just leave school because you're bored. Come on, You need to at least put some effort into learning. You can't just ditch school all the time" Castiel shook his head and sighed. When Ruby bumped into someone he continued walking, until he could only hear his own footsteps. He looked around, though that was mostly out of habit. "Did you guys just ditch me?"

@Light @Tazmodo @Inheritance
( @Tazmodo @Inheritance )

Ruby stands up while dusting her self off, she also couldn't forget the added groan. "No, someone just bumped into me. You're not my mom so I'll do what I want. It's not that big of a deal anyways." Ruby turns her head to Andrew. "Watch where you're going next time okay?"
Andrew Blight

He didn't react much to being hit, nor did he shove back. In fact, he simply caught her, then gently moved her out of the way. He heard her comment, and smirked. "Yea alright, I'm sorry I didn't see you. Be more noticeable next time, okay?" With that he tried to shoulder past her and off into the hall, and heard his comment. "Actually you can leave if you're bored. I'm doing it now." @Light @GingerBread

Castiel turned towards where he heard Ruby's voice coming from and started walking towards it. "Look Ruby, I can't force you to stay. But I'm staying here, so-" He stopped as he bumped into Andrew, Thinking it was Ruby, he Continued what he was saying. "So if you want to leave, you can, I won't though"

@Light @Tazmodo @Inheritance
Inheritance said:
Andrew Blight
He didn't react much to being hit, nor did he shove back. In fact, he simply caught her, then gently moved her out of the way. He heard her comment, and smirked. "Yea alright, I'm sorry I didn't see you. Be more noticeable next time, okay?" With that he tried to shoulder past her and off into the hall, and heard his comment. "Actually you can leave if you're bored. I'm doing it now." @Light @GingerBread
GingerBread said:

Castiel turned towards where he heard Ruby's voice coming from and started walking towards it. "Look Ruby, I can't force you to stay. But I'm staying here, so-" He stopped as he bumped into Andrew, Thinking it was Ruby, he Continued what he was saying. "So if you want to leave, you can, I won't though"

@Light @Tazmodo @Inheritance
"Yeah Castiel its either you come with us to the teleporting booths three blocks down to go back home or you find your own way. I'm not staying anymore today. Make your choice." Ruby folds her arms across her chest.

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