Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
Inheritance said:
He put on a sick grin on the outside-however the inside of him was face-clawing. WHY did she have to be just like her fucking brother. Gods damn it. He would think she would be a little more...sane. "Well then you wouldn't mind helping me with a bit of revenge?" He snarled. @Light
"Revenge sounds fun!" Abyssum cheers and waves her arms in the air. "What kind of revenge are we planning?" Abyssum shouts inside of the dark void. It was anice infinite expansion of darkness. "We can trap him in here. I've trapped him in here and he couldn't get out before. My powers are scary, Rawr!"

GingerBread said:
"I think I prefered it when you didn't constantly change ages or whatever. But, I guess I'll deal with it" Vance shrugged as he sat back down in his chair, making another one out of darkness for Hekate if she wanted it. "I don't know, I just wanted to chat. Also, I'm sorry for being a arsehole to you earlier. I haven't really got an excuse for that. But anyway.... I did want to talk about the Wedding. I'm assuming you're coming. It's just kinda feels wierd; I've got no one from my family coming. I mean I don't know them, but it still feels kind of weird, you know?" He sighed lightly and shrugged again. "So.. Anything you'd like to talk about?"



"S-Sömmer. I-I think it would be better if you w-went downstairs" Colin smiled at her and without waiting for answer, walked into the room with Reyla and her husband. Colin walked up to the both of them and stood behind Reyla's husband. "Could you stop doing what y-you're doing? I-I don't want to have to m-make you stop. S-So do us both a-a favour and stop. Now."

"All is forgiven Vance, stop worrying yourself. The more you stress the skinnier you'll get." Hekate sits down in her chair and stares off into the distance. "I can take you to your parents if you'd like. You might not like it though and they might not either."

Sömmer nods her head slowly and backs away at the same pace. Once she hits the stairs she turns around and leaves at a normal pace.

Reyla closes her eyes and releases a sigh of relief, turning her head to the side. "Colin you don't need to do this. It's fine, I have it under control he's just a little...mad that's all." Reyla was trying to reassure herself as well. If Colin were to use his staff he could tell she was angry yet scared.

Reyla's husband turns around and lumbers over to Colin. "Who the hell are you? Oh don't tell me..." He looks between him and Reyla. "In my house while I'm not here? You dirty bitch, I'll fucking kill you!" Reyla's husband turns around and punches Reyla in the jaw, throwing her to the side. He turns yet again to attack Colin. "You sick motherfucker!"
Xeron shrugged thinking. "How did he get out then? Because he's out in the world now pissing people off. He tried to curse me make me fall in love with this Isabel..." He wondered if that curse was still going on. Who cares, he was stronger now... "Scary indeed, before we begin plotting, can we make an agreement then, or an alliance? It would be a shame if you killed me with your power, powerful as it is!" He figured flattery was the way to go with this one. @Light

Vance rolled his eyes at the comment of him about him being skinny. "I wasn't worrying about it....that much." He leaned forwards n his chair when Hekate mentioned that she could take him to his parents. "Yeah, sure. And what's the worst that could happen? I mean they might not be happy that I was a murderer for a long time, But they don't have have to know about that and they won't...... Unless they ever watched the news. God damn guild. Anyway, yeah. Let's go pay them a visit. It's something to do anyway" Vance stood up from his chair and smiled at Hekate.



"I-I don't think it's fine at-" Colin stopped talking when he heard Reyla's husband talking before punching Reyla in the jaw. When Reyla's husband started to lumber towards him, Colin said nothing and just had his staff appear and healed Reyla and took away any pain she might've had as he looked at Reyla's husband. As soon as he saw him trying to attack, Colin increased the strength in his own arm before catching Reyla's husband's fist in his hand.

"I-I tried to warn you; I told you to stop. Because a couple of days ago I-I would've let you walk all over me and wouldn't have lifted a finger to stop you. B-But not anymore"
Colin pushed Reyla's husband's arm back at him as he took a step backwards. Colin then had the strength in his arm go back to normal as he glared at Reyla's husband. "You need to treat your w-wife with more r-respect" Colin then used his staff to take control of Reyla's husbands control over his own body and had him stand up straight with his arms by his side. Colin then forced him to stay like that and let him only have control over his mouth so that the could talk.

Colin then had his staff disappear as he walked over to Reyla, offering her a hand to help her up.
"H-He can't move at all right now, all he can do is speak. I-I can undo it whenever you want me to." Colin gave Reyla a small smile. "I could've done a lot worse. And I-I could've made him into a small child if I wanted to. There's not a lot I can't do; I-I'm a lot more than just a normal doctor" As Colin calmed down, He started feeling kind of awkward about everything he just said and did. "B-But if you w-want I-I could fix what I did and then l-leave. I-If you don't like what I did; I-I did a lot of it because I was angry"

Inheritance said:
Xeron shrugged thinking. "How did he get out then? Because he's out in the world now pissing people off. He tried to curse me make me fall in love with this Isabel..." He wondered if that curse was still going on. Who cares, he was stronger now... "Scary indeed, before we begin plotting, can we make an agreement then, or an alliance? It would be a shame if you killed me with your power, powerful as it is!" He figured flattery was the way to go with this one. @Light
"That's because I let him out, he offered to make me waffles!" Abyssum cheers at the thought of waffles, it was her favourite breakfast item and Abyssum loved breakfast items. "Okay! An alliance sounds fun. I require you to make me breakfast items. Deal?!" Abyssum gets in his face, unable to contain her excitement.

GingerBread said:
Vance rolled his eyes at the comment of him about him being skinny. "I wasn't worrying about it....that much." He leaned forwards n his chair when Hekate mentioned that she could take him to his parents. "Yeah, sure. And what's the worst that could happen? I mean they might not be happy that I was a murderer for a long time, But they don't have have to know about that and they won't...... Unless they ever watched the news. God damn guild. Anyway, yeah. Let's go pay them a visit. It's something to do anyway" Vance stood up from his chair and smiled at Hekate.



"I-I don't think it's fine at-" Colin stopped talking when he heard Reyla's husband talking before punching Reyla in the jaw. When Reyla's husband started to lumber towards him, Colin said nothing and just had his staff appear and healed Reyla and took away any pain she might've had as he looked at Reyla's husband. As soon as he saw him trying to attack, Colin increased the strength in his own arm before catching Reyla's husband's fist in his hand.

"I-I tried to warn you; I told you to stop. Because a couple of days ago I-I would've let you walk all over me and wouldn't have lifted a finger to stop you. B-But not anymore"
Colin pushed Reyla's husband's arm back at him as he took a step backwards. Colin then had the strength in his arm go back to normal as he glared at Reyla's husband. "You need to treat your w-wife with more r-respect" Colin then used his staff to take control of Reyla's husbands control over his own body and had him stand up straight with his arms by his side. Colin then forced him to stay like that and let him only have control over his mouth so that the could talk.

Colin then had his staff disappear as he walked over to Reyla, offering her a hand to help her up.
"H-He can't move at all right now, all he can do is speak. I-I can undo it whenever you want me to." Colin gave Reyla a small smile. "I could've done a lot worse. And I-I could've made him into a small child if I wanted to. There's not a lot I can't do; I-I'm a lot more than just a normal doctor" As Colin calmed down, He started feeling kind of awkward about everything he just said and did. "B-But if you w-want I-I could fix what I did and then l-leave. I-If you don't like what I did; I-I did a lot of it because I was angry"

Hekate stares at Vance, remembering the smile on his face. She knew that possibly wouldn't be there for long. "Alright then..." She raises her hands and lunar light envelops them. Once the light fades they were standing in the luxurious Elysium. A very good place to be once you've passed away, only second to Heaven. They were standing before two very shocked people in their home. "Well....here we are."

Reyla's husband wanted to struggle but he couldn't even do that. The only action he could bring his body to do was cuss both Colin and Reyla out.

Reyla on the other hand didn't have much to say but she has a lot to express. She took Colin's hand and stood up, hugging him immediately to cry on his shoulder.
He could make some mean bacon, pretty scrumptious eggs, and he could certainly make waffles. "Aye, you have yourself a deal. When do we start?" He would need to gain her trust first...then he would break into her mind. He was done being the servant, but he'd do it for now-after all he knew how... @Light
Inheritance said:
He could make some mean bacon, pretty scrumptious eggs, and he could certainly make waffles. "Aye, you have yourself a deal. When do we start?" He would need to gain her trust first...then he would break into her mind. He was done being the servant, but he'd do it for now-after all he knew how... @Light
"I don't know, I thought you were in charge. I just want breakfast items!" Abyssum tilts her head and blinks, setting her arms behind her back. She didn't know why he was asking her to lead.

Vance looked around the home he was in, taking it all in. 'This place feels strange. Eh, it's probably nothing. I'm sure Hekate would tell me if there was something going on with this place' He then looked over at the people in front of him, who looked shocked to see him there. He slowly waved a hand and waved at the two people in front of him. "Hello" Vance stared at the the brown haired woman who looked to be in her late thirties, who he assumed was his mother, and the Black haired man who seemed to be in his early to mid forties, who he assumed was his father, as they just stared at him.

Before Vance could say anything else, his mother started talking.
"Is that really you Vancey? It's been so long since we last saw you. We missed you Vancey." She hugged Vance tightly and pinched his cheek before smiling at him and stepping back next to his father

Vance swallowed down the lump that was building up in this throat and cleared his throat.
"Well, I- I'm sorry for not ever talking to you. But I can't say I actually know who either of you are-"

"What do you mean?" His father interrupted. "We're your parents Vance. You are Vance right?"

"Yes. I'm Vance and you are my parents. But apart from that, I have no idea who either of you are.."

"What do you mean? How can you know we're your parents and not know who we are?"

"Well a couple of years ago, about six years ago now I think. I got amnesia, I forgot pretty much everything, including you guys. So I didn't even know you two even existed."

"Is that why you never called us or even spoke to us for seven years? We... We missed you so much Vancey" Vance's mother buried her head in her hands and started lightly sobbing.

Vance's father however kept a calmer demeanor
"So you've just forgot us son? Completely?"

"Yeah.. I'm sorry about that... But I did want to tell you Guys that I'm getting married" Vance smiled at the both of them, trying to steer the topic away from the fact that he'd forgotten about them; He was slightly regretting bringing it up now.

By this point, his mother had calmed down and taken her face out of her hands.
"Is this the woman you're getting married to?" She motioned over at Hekate.

@Light (This seems like a good point to end this post. I hate writing multiple characters Q^Q)


Colin didn't really know what to say to Reyla, so he just let her continue hugging him and crying on his shoulder; He assumed that because she was hugging him, that she was happy he did what he did. "S-So what do you want t-to do about.." Colin glanced over at Reyla's husband, ignoring his cussing. "..Him?"

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"Beautiful. Well my friend, how did you get him here the first time? And I wish to know two things. One, how far are you willing to go for revenge? And two, how far do you wish to go in terms of...his life. " He stepped back, getting ready for a fight if need be... "do you have a stove to cook?" He smirked, trying to get on her good side. @Light
GingerBread said:
Vance looked around the home he was in, taking it all in. 'This place feels strange. Eh, it's probably nothing. I'm sure Hekate would tell me if there was something going on with this place' He then looked over at the people in front of him, who looked shocked to see him there. He slowly waved a hand and waved at the two people in front of him. "Hello" Vance stared at the the brown haired woman who looked to be in her late thirties, who he assumed was his mother, and the Black haired man who seemed to be in his early to mid forties, who he assumed was his father, as they just stared at him.

Before Vance could say anything else, his mother started talking.
"Is that really you Vancey? It's been so long since we last saw you. We missed you Vancey." She hugged Vance tightly and pinched his cheek before smiling at him and stepping back next to his father

Vance swallowed down the lump that was building up in this throat and cleared his throat.
"Well, I- I'm sorry for not ever talking to you. But I can't say I actually know who either of you are-"

"What do you mean?" His father interrupted. "We're your parents Vance. You are Vance right?"

"Yes. I'm Vance and you are my parents. But apart from that, I have no idea who either of you are.."

"What do you mean? How can you know we're your parents and not know who we are?"

"Well a couple of years ago, about six years ago now I think. I got amnesia, I forgot pretty much everything, including you guys. So I didn't even know you two even existed."

"Is that why you never called us or even spoke to us for seven years? We... We missed you so much Vancey" Vance's mother buried her head in her hands and started lightly sobbing.

Vance's father however kept a calmer demeanor
"So you've just forgot us son? Completely?"

"Yeah.. I'm sorry about that... But I did want to tell you Guys that I'm getting married" Vance smiled at the both of them, trying to steer the topic away from the fact that he'd forgotten about them; He was slightly regretting bringing it up now.

By this point, his mother had calmed down and taken her face out of her hands.
"Is this the woman you're getting married to?" She motioned over at Hekate.

@Light (This seems like a good point to end this post. I hate writing multiple characters Q^Q)
Hekate raises her hands and waves them, shaking her head slowly while taking her adult form. "Ah no...he's marrying my daughter. My name is Hekate." She extends her hand for them to shake. "I'm sorry I haven't introduced myself earlier. That should have been done long ago. As Vance has said he's gotten amnesia so no...he does not remember either of you or his past life. I'm so sorry but that's why I wasn't sure if it would be good to bring you all together without warning but Vance requested it."

GingerBread said:
Colin didn't really know what to say to Reyla, so he just let her continue hugging him and crying on his shoulder; He assumed that because she was hugging him, that she was happy he did what he did. "S-So what do you want t-to do about.." Colin glanced over at Reyla's husband, ignoring his cussing. "..Him?"

"I...." From then on Reyla kept crying and attempting to speak. The word I keat occurring because she couldn't stop crying in the middle of her sentence. "I don't know...."

Inheritance said:
"Beautiful. Well my friend, how did you get him here the first time? And I wish to know two things. One, how far are you willing to go for revenge? And two, how far do you wish to go in terms of...his life. " He stepped back, getting ready for a fight if need be... "do you have a stove to cook?" He smirked, trying to get on her good side. @Light
"Oh I just imagined him being in here and poof! Big brother was stuck here." Abyssum took his next few questions very literal. "You have to travel for revenge? Then I'll travel decently far! I always have stoves for breakfast items. Are we making some now?!"

"It's nice to meet you Hekate, and it's not a problem. We were probably too busy talking for you to introduce yourself" Vance's father chuckled as he stepped forwards and shook Hekate's hand. " And It's not your fault he got amnesia, so don't worry about it."

Vance's father stepped back, Allowing Vance's mother to shake Hekate's hand, who then both stepped back and smiled warmly at her. Grateful for her bringing their son to visit them, even if he didn't remember them.
"It's nice to meet you Hekate." Vance's mother then turned to Vance and smiled at him as she lightly pinched his cheek. "So You wanted to come and see us Vancey? That's so sweet of you"

Before Vance could reply, his father butted in. "So if Hekate here brought you here, Son. Does that mean you're not.. like us?" Vance's father had a hint of worry in his voice as he spoke.

"What do you mean? If you're my parents I am like you, that just makes sense. I don't see how Hekate bringing me here would change that.."

"What your father means Vancey, is..." She paused for a second as she considered how to word what she was about to say. "Well we're not in the world of the living anymore, and we want to know, since you're here with us. Are you.. Like us and not alive anymore?"

A look of shock quickly passed over Vance's face as he was told that his parents, who he had only just met were dead; Any trace of a smile on his face was gone completely. 'That explains the weird feeling I had... I wish Hekate told me about this' Vance took a deep breath. "Uh, No. No, I'm still alive. I'm still very much alive. I'm not trying to rub it in, sorr-"

"It's alright son. We understand" Vance's father wrapped his arm around Vance's mother and smiled at him. "We're just happy to see you again"

"You're father's right Vancey. I thought I'd never see you again. I'm glad you're still alive, that's nice to hear, even if we aren't" Vance's mother leaned into Vance's father and smiled at Vance.

Vance lightly cleared his throat.
"Alright then. Well I don't think I have that long left here, since I'm not dead and I don't think they allow visits from the living." Vance forced himself to smile at his parents before looking over at Hekate and then back to his parents. "So I guess we'd best be going, Right Hekate? Though it was nice to finally meet you guys"

"You don't have to leave yet, right Vancey? You just got here, no one is making you go yet, right?"

"No one is making me leave yet, no. But It's best to go before I get ordered to and ruin my chances of getting into here, right" Vance forced himself to chuckle slightly. "And besides, I've still got my Wedding to plan; it won't plan itself will it?"

"It's alright son, we understand. No matter how much me and your mother want you to stay, you do have a life to get back to. And we'll have as much time to spend with you as we want, In the future at least and it's not too long to wait; We'll have a lot of time to catch up then, won't we son?"

"Though not that soon, right Vancey? I wish you could stay longer though, it's just been so long; I understand you have you're own life to get back to, But It'd be nice if you could stay longer... But I'm sure you've got your soon to be wife to get back to and...Are there any grandchildren on the way?"

"Yeah..." Vance found himself unable to tell his parents that he probably wouldn't end up in the same afterlife as they were in, because of all the things he's done. "No I don't think there are any yet. It was nice seeing both of you" Vance stuck his hand out for his parents to shake.

Vance's mother looked at Vance and shook her head, her lips curving into a small smile as she stepped forwards and Hugged Vance tightly.
"There's no need to be so Formal Vancey"

As Vance's mother stepped back from the hug, his Father stepped forwards and hugged Vance, though not as tight as his mother did, and gave him a pat on the back. "It was good to see you again after all these years, Son"

As his father stepped back from the hug, Vance turned around to face Hekate. "Well, we'd best be going, Right Hekate? I'm sure you've also got stuff to get back to, and I have to go set up some final details for the wedding"



"I-It's alright. You don't have to decide yet anyway. I-It's not like he's going to go anywhere, and I-I'll stay until you're O-Okay" Colin smiled at Reyla and did his best to rub calming Circles on her back, like Anna had done to him once upon a time. "W-We can go and do something else for a while, i-if you don't want to deal with th-this now"

Xeron looked at her wide eyed. "Y-You imagine things and...it just...just happens?" Maybe trying to backstab this one wasn't a good idea. "And I'll start now, whenever you want." He almost face palmed at her travel statement though... " I mean do you want Grimm dead? Is that even possible?" He shuddered at a thought. "You can't imagine people dead and...they die right?" @Light
GingerBread said:

"It's nice to meet you Hekate, and it's not a problem. We were probably too busy talking for you to introduce yourself" Vance's father chuckled as he stepped forwards and shook Hekate's hand. " And It's not your fault he got amnesia, so don't worry about it."

Vance's father stepped back, Allowing Vance's mother to shake Hekate's hand, who then both stepped back and smiled warmly at her. Grateful for her bringing their son to visit them, even if he didn't remember them.
"It's nice to meet you Hekate." Vance's mother then turned to Vance and smiled at him as she lightly pinched his cheek. "So You wanted to come and see us Vancey? That's so sweet of you"

Before Vance could reply, his father butted in. "So if Hekate here brought you here, Son. Does that mean you're not.. like us?" Vance's father had a hint of worry in his voice as he spoke.

"What do you mean? If you're my parents I am like you, that just makes sense. I don't see how Hekate bringing me here would change that.."

"What your father means Vancey, is..." She paused for a second as she considered how to word what she was about to say. "Well we're not in the world of the living anymore, and we want to know, since you're here with us. Are you.. Like us and not alive anymore?"

A look of shock quickly passed over Vance's face as he was told that his parents, who he had only just met were dead; Any trace of a smile on his face was gone completely. 'That explains the weird feeling I had... I wish Hekate told me about this' Vance took a deep breath. "Uh, No. No, I'm still alive. I'm still very much alive. I'm not trying to rub it in, sorr-"

"It's alright son. We understand" Vance's father wrapped his arm around Vance's mother and smiled at him. "We're just happy to see you again"

"You're father's right Vancey. I thought I'd never see you again. I'm glad you're still alive, that's nice to hear, even if we aren't" Vance's mother leaned into Vance's father and smiled at Vance.

Vance lightly cleared his throat.
"Alright then. Well I don't think I have that long left here, since I'm not dead and I don't think they allow visits from the living." Vance forced himself to smile at his parents before looking over at Hekate and then back to his parents. "So I guess we'd best be going, Right Hekate? Though it was nice to finally meet you guys"

"You don't have to leave yet, right Vancey? You just got here, no one is making you go yet, right?"

"No one is making me leave yet, no. But It's best to go before I get ordered to and ruin my chances of getting into here, right" Vance forced himself to chuckle slightly. "And besides, I've still got my Wedding to plan; it won't plan itself will it?"

"It's alright son, we understand. No matter how much me and your mother want you to stay, you do have a life to get back to. And we'll have as much time to spend with you as we want, In the future at least and it's not too long to wait; We'll have a lot of time to catch up then, won't we son?"

"Though not that soon, right Vancey? I wish you could stay longer though, it's just been so long; I understand you have you're own life to get back to, But It'd be nice if you could stay longer... But I'm sure you've got your soon to be wife to get back to and...Are there any grandchildren on the way?"

"Yeah..." Vance found himself unable to tell his parents that he probably wouldn't end up in the same afterlife as they were in, because of all the things he's done. "No I don't think there are any yet. It was nice seeing both of you" Vance stuck his hand out for his parents to shake.

Vance's mother looked at Vance and shook her head, her lips curving into a small smile as she stepped forwards and Hugged Vance tightly.
"There's no need to be so Formal Vancey"

As Vance's mother stepped back from the hug, his Father stepped forwards and hugged Vance, though not as tight as his mother did, and gave him a pat on the back. "It was good to see you again after all these years, Son"

As his father stepped back from the hug, Vance turned around to face Hekate. "Well, we'd best be going, Right Hekate? I'm sure you've also got stuff to get back to, and I have to go set up some final details for the wedding"

Hekate raises her hands, allowing lunar light to wrap around them. "It was nice seeing you, this is goodbye for now. Don't worry, I will make sure there are plenty of grandchildren along the way." Both Vance and Hekate disappear and reappear in the lunar plane. "I apologize for not telling you sooner...I didn't know how to tell you upfront. Thats another reason why I wasn't sure if it was a good idea to meet them so abruptly."

GingerBread said:
"I-It's alright. You don't have to decide yet anyway. I-It's not like he's going to go anywhere, and I-I'll stay until you're O-Okay" Colin smiled at Reyla and did his best to rub calming Circles on her back, like Anna had done to him once upon a time. "W-We can go and do something else for a while, i-if you don't want to deal with th-this now"

Sömmer was supposed to go down the stairs but she ended up turning back hallways through the act. She watched Colin use his power to save her sister and her heart felt....lighter than it usually would. She steps into the room, staring at Colin with awe. "Then you can cure us....you can cure us right?"

Inheritance said:
Xeron looked at her wide eyed. "Y-You imagine things and...it just...just happens?" Maybe trying to backstab this one wasn't a good idea. "And I'll start now, whenever you want." He almost face palmed at her travel statement though... " I mean do you want Grimm dead? Is that even possible?" He shuddered at a thought. "You can't imagine people dead and...they die right?" @Light
"I don't want big brother to die though. His wife would be really upset if I did." Abyssum frowns at the thought until he brings up imagining people dying. She begins to stare hard at Xeron. "Nope. I don't think it works that way. I just tried it."
Xeron looked wide eyed at her. "You just...you just- WHAT THE HELL IF THAT WORKED?!" He roared. He turned around, almost ready to beat her. "DO YOU UNDERSTAND THE MAGNITUDE OF YOUR POWER?! DON'T JUST TEST THAT SHIT ON ME!!" He turned around, panting until he calmed down. "That's going to cost waffles." He turned slowly. "You don't want him dead? Because his wife would be sad?" @Light

"No, no..it's fine. Don't worry. I hardly know them anyway, so it doesn't effect me that they're.. not alive anymore" Vance shrugged as he took a deep breath. "Anyway, Like I said. I need to finish setting up the final details of the wedding. So you can go back to.. Pranking people or whatever it is you normally do. So I'll see you.. whenever I see you next." Vance snapped his fingers and teleported himself to his darkness realm.

Vance sat down on his chair and exhaled heavily.
'I didn't even know them, it's not a big deal; I've seen people I don't know die in front of me, I've been the cause of some of them.. It's not a big deal' Vance thought, trying to convince himself that he didn't care. 'I don't care that they're dead; I hardly knew them anyway' Tears started to well up in Vance's eyes, which he quickly wiped away. "I don't care. It's not like it effects me; I don't really know them" Vance muttered to himself as more tears started to build up in his eyes. He only noticed them when one started rolling down his cheek, Which he then quickly wiped away with his sleeve.



Colin looked over at Sömmer as she stepped into the room and asked if he could cure them. "W-Well I don't really know i-if I can. I-I would say I might be able to, b-but I've never really dealt with anything like this. S-So I don't want to get your hopes up and say I definitely can. B-Because I'm not sure if I can actually cure you. B-But if I can then I will" Colin smiled at Sömmer, hoping that he could cure her and Reyla or at least do something about what they had.

Reed looked at Kelsey. "Hey long time no see. Now I need you and your brother and sense both it'll you are here I can explain. Adrianna needs closure and is planning a funeral so I told her I would find all of her remaining kin so here you are. I'm sure you have questions but you can ask for the details from Adrianna." He looked to the guy with her. "You can come to if you want you look like a friend of Kelsey." He teleported the three of them to Adrianna then turned to Athena. "Thank you Athena I'm am eternally grateful for all the things you have done for me. If you ever have a favor feel free to call." He teleported to where they were. @Light @MTchaos1134
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Light said:
"Hhhhmmmm" Isabel already knew the answer but she tapped her chin with a smile, as if she was still thinking on the question. "I don't know Hakeem. Whatever room you find the best is the one you'll go for. If that's your favourite color then you'll paint your own." Isabel kneels down and gives Hakeem a kiss on the forehead and a smile. "Go on now. I'll be right behind you, don't worry."
Sofia didn't know how to recover from the card game fail so she rolls her eyes. "I was close anyways." She sits down on the bed beside him and drops a binder she found in a drawer down on his stomach. She opens up the binder and begins to sort through it. "Your smokes are falling out and of course you'd like a show like that. That's the most you'll see in your life."
Hakeem gives Isabel a cheesy smile as she kissed her forehead. He turns around facing the hallway. To Hakeem land!! He announces then runs off towards his room. He stands in the center of the room looking around. As he stood there he placed the paint on the floor and Ai and Amon came out. So kid how do you want to do this room? He asked while floating in the air with his arms crossed. Hakeem only smirks in return and summons his wand. Open the paint cans guys. He told his protectors, who nods and opens the paint. Hakeem uses the wand to lift the paint out the cans and quickly paint the entire room, from wall to wall. He then runs back to the front and grabs some white paint. Hey mama! He said with excitement. He grabs the paint then runs back to his room. He opens it then uses the wand to paint this symbol.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/1787742-symbols_sr1_clan_kain_super.jpg.f1d0d8dbad280cdca47b4393a9ab6ddd.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="141935" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/1787742-symbols_sr1_clan_kain_super.jpg.f1d0d8dbad280cdca47b4393a9ab6ddd.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

in white on his left wall. Hakeem stands back with his arms crossed and a smirk on his face. So what do you guys think?? Ai and Among both were speakless. They had no idea how Hakeem knew how to paint that particular symbol. Ai walks up placing her hands on Hakeem's shoulders. Hakeem where have you seen that symbol from. I saw it in a dream once.


Cole grunts as the binder falls on his stomach. A grin grew on his face after hearing Sofia's joke. That's the most you'll see in your life. He said stupidly mocking her. It's good to see you have a funny side. Oh and don't get jealous but I have seen more than what that show has to offer. He said with a smirk.



  • 1787742-symbols_sr1_clan_kain_super.jpg
    26.8 KB · Views: 27
Inheritance said:
Xeron looked wide eyed at her. "You just...you just- WHAT THE HELL IF THAT WORKED?!" He roared. He turned around, almost ready to beat her. "DO YOU UNDERSTAND THE MAGNITUDE OF YOUR POWER?! DON'T JUST TEST THAT SHIT ON ME!!" He turned around, panting until he calmed down. "That's going to cost waffles." He turned slowly. "You don't want him dead? Because his wife would be sad?" @Light
"I'm sorry...." Abyssum frowns and looks at the ground. She was pouting like a child who got scolded because it was almost similarly so. Abyssum lightly slides her foot on the ground and glances back up at Xeron. "Yeah...his wife is nice."

GingerBread said:
Colin looked over at Sömmer as she stepped into the room and asked if he could cure them. "W-Well I don't really know i-if I can. I-I would say I might be able to, b-but I've never really dealt with anything like this. S-So I don't want to get your hopes up and say I definitely can. B-Because I'm not sure if I can actually cure you. B-But if I can then I will" Colin smiled at Sömmer, hoping that he could cure her and Reyla or at least do something about what they had.

"I'll try my best to help you! If there's anything you need to find a cure...I-I'll do it!" Sömmer takes Colin's hand in both of hers, gripping it tightly as she stared up at him with hope in her eyes.

Reyla manages to let go of Colin and turns to her husband. "I can't decide on my own...what should I do with him?"

Tazmodo said:
Reed looked at Kelsey. "Hey long time no see. Now I need you and your brother and sense both it'll you are here I can explain. Adrianna needs closure and is planning a funeral so I told her I would find all of her remaining kin so here you are. I'm sure you have questions but you can ask for the details from Adrianna." He looked to the guy with her. "You can come to if you want you look like a friend of Kelsey." He teleported the three of them to Adrianna then turned to Athena. "Thank you Athena I'm am eternally grateful for all the things you have done for me. If you ever have a favor feel free to call." He teleported to where they were. @Light @MTchaos1134
Athena figured she may have been a bit too harsh on the mortal and thinks on how she can make it up to him as she disappears.

Adrianna immediately hugs both Gary and Kelsey. Kelsey was in a state of anger due to her earlier encounter and the situation they're in whIle Gary is in a state of disbelief. "They're dead?" Gary looses strength in his legs and begins to fall down. Adrianna and Kelsey had to hold him up. "Yes...they're all dead. Including grandma."

[QUOTE="Embaga Elder]
Hakeem gives Isabel a cheesy smile as she kissed her forehead. He turns around facing the hallway. To Hakeem land!! He announces then runs off towards his room. He stands in the center of the room looking around. As he stood there he placed the paint on the floor and Ai and Amon came out. So kid how do you want to do this room? He asked while floating in the air with his arms crossed. Hakeem only smirks in return and summons his wand. Open the paint cans guys. He told his protectors, who nods and opens the paint. Hakeem uses the wand to lift the paint out the cans and quickly paint the entire room, from wall to wall. He then runs back to the front and grabs some white paint. Hey mama! He said with excitement. He grabs the paint then runs back to his room. He opens it then uses the wand to paint this symbol.

View attachment 313927

in white on his left wall. Hakeem stands back with his arms crossed and a smirk on his face. So what do you guys think?? Ai and Among both were speakless. They had no idea how Hakeem knew how to paint that particular symbol. Ai walks up placing her hands on Hakeem's shoulders. Hakeem where have you seen that symbol from. I saw it in a dream once.

( #DecimusConspiracyConfirmed )

Emily walks into Hakeem's room, having Puppy carry all her paint for her. She frowns because she wanted her room painted now and she was envious of his being painted first. "Paint Emily's room!"

[QUOTE="Embaga Elder]
Cole grunts as the binder falls on his stomach. A grin grew on his face after hearing Sofia's joke. That's the most you'll see in your life. He said stupidly mocking her. It's good to see you have a funny side. Oh and don't get jealous but I have seen more than what that show has to offer. He said with a smirk.

"Don't you mock me!" Sofia's jaw drops when Cole mentions her having a funny side. "Hey! That's mean!" She lightly slaps his arm and rolls her eyes at his next comment. "You're honestly so dumb for that. You look so stupid right now." Sofia didn't mean it, her face shows this.
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Vance took a deep breath as he tried to get control over his emotions.
"I shouldn't care, I didn't even know them. I shouldn't care that they're... D-.. Dead" He cleared his throat and stood up and started to pace around the darkness realm, trying to walk everything off. "I-I mean it's fine. I don't mind that they're D-... Dead. It doesn't bother me that Hekate is a god so she's pretty much safe from death, That's completely fair that her daughter probably won't ever have to deal with her dying. That's fine...It doesn't bother me at all!" Vance swung his fist at a wall of darkness he had appear, causing pain to shoot through his arm. "Shit!" Vance dropped to his knees, but made no effort to get up; He didn't bother to try to wipe away the tears that were building up in his eyes and rolling down his cheeks. "I'm fine...I-I'm fine..."

@Light (Cause Hekate got mentioned)


"I-I don't really think it's something y-you can help with. A-Apart from letting me t-try and cure you; I-I don't think there's a lot you can do" Colin smiled down at Sömmer before looking over at Reyla. "I-I would say try and talk it out, b-but I don't think that will work with him. S-So I'm not sure what you c-can do. Maybe I could turn him into a child, so y-you can teach him some manners" Colin joked, chuckling afterwards.

Light said:
Emily walks into Hakeem's room, having Puppy carry all her paint for her. She frowns because she wanted her room painted now and she was envious of his being painted first. "Paint Emily's room!"
Hakeem turns to Emily as Lunic peeps his head out Hakeem's shirt. Lunic gives Puppy a squicky bark. Uhh Okay. Which room is yours Emily. AI and Amon goes back inside their gems and Hakeem walks towards Emily.

Light said:
Don't you mock me!" Sofia's jaw drops when Cole mentions her having a funny side. "Hey! That's mean!" She lightly slaps his arm and rolls her eyes at his next comment. "You're honestly so dumb for that. You look so stupid right now." Sofia didn't mean it, her face shows this.

Wha. How is that mean? Cole chuckles and shakes his head. You're weird Sofia. But on another note I look stupid because of this binder on me. What's in it anyway?
Light said:
"I'm sorry...." Abyssum frowns and looks at the ground. She was pouting like a child who got scolded because it was almost similarly so. Abyssum lightly slides her foot on the ground and glances back up at Xeron. "Yeah...his wife is nice."
"I'll try my best to help you! If there's anything you need to find a cure...I-I'll do it!" Sömmer takes Colin's hand in both of hers, gripping it tightly as she stared up at him with hope in her eyes.

Reyla manages to let go of Colin and turns to her husband. "I can't decide on my own...what should I do with him?"

Athena figured she may have been a bit too harsh on the mortal and thinks on how she can make it up to him as she disappears.

Adrianna immediately hugs both Gary and Kelsey. Kelsey was in a state of anger due to her earlier encounter and the situation they're in whIle Gary is in a state of disbelief. "They're dead?" Gary looses strength in his legs and begins to fall down. Adrianna and Kelsey had to hold him up. "Yes...they're all dead. Including grandma."

( #DecimusConspiracyConfirmed )

Emily walks into Hakeem's room, having Puppy carry all her paint for her. She frowns because she wanted her room painted now and she was envious of his being painted first. "Paint Emily's room!"

"Don't you mock me!" Sofia's jaw drops when Cole mentions her having a funny side. "Hey! That's mean!" She lightly slaps his arm and rolls her eyes at his next comment. "You're honestly so dumb for that. You look so stupid right now." Sofia didn't mean it, her face shows this.
Reed was sitting in a chair just watching silently. He didn't know what to do and needed to tell them that he was apart of Dragon's Roar. Even though Kelsey and Adrianna know that he had to trade two souls of their siblings to bring them back Gary didn't know. If he told them his chances with Adrianna were gone but if he didn't and she found out they would be more then gone.
GingerBread said:

Vance took a deep breath as he tried to get control over his emotions.
"I shouldn't care, I didn't even know them. I shouldn't care that they're... D-.. Dead" He cleared his throat and stood up and started to pace around the darkness realm, trying to walk everything off. "I-I mean it's fine. I don't mind that they're D-... Dead. It doesn't bother me that Hekate is a god so she's pretty much safe from death, That's completely fair that her daughter probably won't ever have to deal with her dying. That's fine...It doesn't bother me at all!" Vance swung his fist at a wall of darkness he had appear, causing pain to shoot through his arm. "Shit!" Vance dropped to his knees, but made no effort to get up; He didn't bother to try to wipe away the tears that were building up in his eyes and rolling down his cheeks. "I'm fine...I-I'm fine..."

@Light (Cause Hekate got mentioned)
Hekate appears and kneels beside Vance, wrapping her arm around his shoulder to hold him close. "It's okay to cry Vance, they were your parents." She rests her head on his and slowly rubs his shoulder. "I'm here for you, as your mother in law. Just let it all out, even the mightiest of gods cry."

GingerBread said:
"I-I don't really think it's something y-you can help with. A-Apart from letting me t-try and cure you; I-I don't think there's a lot you can do" Colin smiled down at Sömmer before looking over at Reyla. "I-I would say try and talk it out, b-but I don't think that will work with him. S-So I'm not sure what you c-can do. Maybe I could turn him into a child, so y-you can teach him some manners" Colin joked, chuckling afterwards.

"Oh...well that's okay." Sömmer gives Colin a small smile and slowly let's go of his hand. She begins to back away and poke Reyla's frozen husband.

"Actually..." Reyla glares at her husband with a smile, nodding her head as well. "That sounds like a great idea...can you do just that Colin?"

[QUOTE="Embaga Elder]Hakeem turns to Emily as Lunic peeps his head out Hakeem's shirt. Lunic gives Puppy a squicky bark. Uhh Okay. Which room is yours Emily. AI and Amon goes back inside their gems and Hakeem walks towards Emily.

( I juse realized that this family had three dogs/wolves )

Puppy barks back loudly, turning around to guide them to Emily's room since she wasn't too sure herself. Isabel had told Puppy previously where to go. Puppy takes them down the hall and into the room on the left. The room was more like a beautiful cave with crystals and gems scattered everywhere. The rock and or walls were black so the crystals and gems provided a beautiful glowing light. "Emily doesn't know what to paint." That's because there wasn't much to paint.

[QUOTE="Embaga Elder]
Wha. How is that mean? Cole chuckles and shakes his head. You're weird Sofia. But on another note I look stupid because of this binder on me. What's in it anyway?

"I'm weird? Hell no I'm not." Sofia turns to the binder and shuffles through it. "Just pictures, you'd look stupid without it on you." Sofia pushes his forehead down so his head would go into the bed. "Don't look at me, your dumb might be contagious through stupid eyesight."

Tazmodo said:
Reed was sitting in a chair just watching silently. He didn't know what to do and needed to tell them that he was apart of Dragon's Roar. Even though Kelsey and Adrianna know that he had to trade two souls of their siblings to bring them back Gary didn't know. If he told them his chances with Adrianna were gone but if he didn't and she found out they would be more then gone.
Adrianna turns up to Reed with teary eyes, mouthing the words thank you with a large smile. It's sad as to what happened to her family but at least she had Kelsey and Gary.
Light said:
Hekate appears and kneels beside Vance, wrapping her arm around his shoulder to hold him close. "It's okay to cry Vance, they were your parents." She rests her head on his and slowly rubs his shoulder. "I'm here for you, as your mother in law. Just let it all out, even the mightiest of gods cry."
"Oh...well that's okay." Sömmer gives Colin a small smile and slowly let's go of his hand. She begins to back away and poke Reyla's frozen husband.

"Actually..." Reyla glares at her husband with a smile, nodding her head as well. "That sounds like a great idea...can you do just that Colin?"

( I juse realized that this family had three dogs/wolves )

Puppy barks back loudly, turning around to guide them to Emily's room since she wasn't too sure herself. Isabel had told Puppy previously where to go. Puppy takes them down the hall and into the room on the left. The room was more like a beautiful cave with crystals and gems scattered everywhere. The rock and or walls were black so the crystals and gems provided a beautiful glowing light. "Emily doesn't know what to paint." That's because there wasn't much to paint.

"I'm weird? Hell no I'm not." Sofia turns to the binder and shuffles through it. "Just pictures, you'd look stupid without it on you." Sofia pushes his forehead down so his head would go into the bed. "Don't look at me, your dumb might be contagious through stupid eyesight."

Adrianna turns up to Reed with teary eyes, mouthing the words thank you with a large smile. It's sad as to what happened to her family but at least she had Kelsey and Gary.
Reed smiled and let her have her moment in peace. He would need to think of a way to properly thank Athena for her help. He stood up and went to the kitchen to make something. "Adrianna do you want anything?"

Vance didn't try to get Hekate to go away or stop holding him. "It's just not fair... I-I haven't ever met them in all the time I-I can remember. And when I do they're D-.. They're Dead.. It's not fair" Vance leaned into Hekate as tears streamed down his face. "When I finally meet my parents, for the first time in my life, it turns out they're dead....Why?!" Vance's breathing became unsteady and slightly shallow as he cried. "I need to stop; I-I don't want Luna to s-see me like this; I-I look like a complete wimp; What sort of person cries over p-people they've never met before being De-.. Dead?" Vance tried to take deep breaths to try and calm himself down, but ended up continuing breathing unsteadily and shallow.



Colin smiled at Sömmer before turning towards Reyla, with a slightly confused look on his face. "I-I just meant that as a joke. But alright I-I guess. I-It could also be a good idea" Colin had his staff reappear in his hand before pointing it towards Reyla's husband and starting to make him younger; The age Colin planned on making Reyla's husband was seven years old. Once he had done that then he would then give him back control of his body.

Tazmodo said:
Reed smiled and let her have her moment in peace. He would need to think of a way to properly thank Athena for her help. He stood up and went to the kitchen to make something. "Adrianna do you want anything?"
"Water would be nice...yes water. Can you get us three glasses. Actually I'll help you." Adrianna let's go of Gary and Kelsey, following after Reed. She sets her hand on his arm, gently holding on to him. "Hey...thank you so much."

GingerBread said:
Vance didn't try to get Hekate to go away or stop holding him. "It's just not fair... I-I haven't ever met them in all the time I-I can remember. And when I do they're D-.. They're Dead.. It's not fair" Vance leaned into Hekate as tears streamed down his face. "When I finally meet my parents, for the first time in my life, it turns out they're dead....Why?!" Vance's breathing became unsteady and slightly shallow as he cried. "I need to stop; I-I don't want Luna to s-see me like this; I-I look like a complete wimp; What sort of person cries over p-people they've never met before being De-.. Dead?" Vance tried to take deep breaths to try and calm himself down, but ended up continuing breathing unsteadily and shallow.

Hekate continues to hold Vance, frowning at his sorrow. "No...do not be ashamed of your tears. Luna would see you as a man, not as a wimp. She would do even more to comfort you Vance, more than I ever could. They're your parents, even if you don't know this that means you do have emotions within you."

GingerBread said:
Colin smiled at Sömmer before turning towards Reyla, with a slightly confused look on his face. "I-I just meant that as a joke. But alright I-I guess. I-It could also be a good idea" Colin had his staff reappear in his hand before pointing it towards Reyla's husband and starting to make him younger; The age Colin planned on making Reyla's husband was seven years old. Once he had done that then he would then give him back control of his body.

Reyla's husband was still stuck standing still. Reyla approaches him with a smug smile, looking back up at Colin. "Colin do you mind finding me a nun? I think he needs good education."
Light said:
"Water would be nice...yes water. Can you get us three glasses. Actually I'll help you." Adrianna let's go of Gary and Kelsey, following after Reed. She sets her hand on his arm, gently holding on to him. "Hey...thank you so much."
Hekate continues to hold Vance, frowning at his sorrow. "No...do not be ashamed of your tears. Luna would see you as a man, not as a wimp. She would do even more to comfort you Vance, more than I ever could. They're your parents, even if you don't know this that means you do have emotions within you."

Reyla's husband was still stuck standing still. Reyla approaches him with a smug smile, looking back up at Colin. "Colin do you mind finding me a nun? I think he needs good education."
Reed poured water into 3 cups when she gets there. "Oh your welcome I just didn't want you to be sad anymore. I mean it's the last thing I ever want to see and I will do everything in my power to keep you happy. I just care about you even if you those feelings aren't shared." He remembered all the times she rejected how he felt so he did his best to dodge it. Then with the kiss in the castle he could see the confusion in her eyes. All he knew is they had a kiss and she might not share the feelings.

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