Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
Light said:
"Open the gates of hell to prove a point? I take back what I said, I cannot help you. Especially if it means crossing those two. I am to improve relations other factions have with Lucifer and this plane. My son is a useless lost cause but Isabel and her potential children...having them side with Lucifer is a possibility I am willing to entertain. Besides, I cannot assist you in stirring up that magnitude of trouble. That will be no more than a potential nuisance to my master."
Apparently the disorder had stopped at Reyla and Sömmer. The kids didn't have any sign of it except for the potential chance of being a carrier.

Athena opens the door to the teleportation building and chooses a booth. She begins to type in the coordinates and turns to Reed halfway through, giving him an agitated glare. "Who said I was building an army?"
Reed shrugged his shoulders. "I just thought with you asking for a warrior there would be some reason behind it. Someone like you wouldn't just go out and do this kind of thing with out something in mind. Or do I still have a misjudging problem?"
Inheritance said:
(!) Zaydar didn't really even look at that, instead he removed a few rocks that blocked a stab to the back, and tried to drive his blade into it. If she was powerful, she could survive...for a few seconds, but if that blade stayed in there, she would probably be dead... @Light
Violet screams in pain as her body whithers away. Her staff begins to glow and floats over to Xeron, claiming him as its new master for killing it's previous one.

GingerBread said:
Vance closed his book and placed his book on his lap before rubbing his temples. 'This is my life now....This is my life now. I just wanted to get married and be happy for a while, a year or two at most. Nope, I just get people trying to annoy me.... Fuck it' Vance stood up, letting the book fall off his lap to the ground. "Is this really what you're doing. I get that you guys are useless as all hell and probably have nothing else to do. But just please go annoy someone else. I don't want to have to deal with any 'higher beings' fucking with me right now." Vance sat back down in his chair, not really sure why he stood up in the first place, since it probably made him look like an idiot. 'My life was easier before I'd ever heard of dragon's roar. It's not like I even chose to be apart of it in the first place' Vance sighed lightly as he slightly shook his head. 'At least some good came out of it though; I ended up meeting Luna'

There was silence for a few minutes. It seemed like whomever was talking was up to something else. "Get wrecked and get good, bitch!" Countless eggs rain on Vance and break on him.

GingerBread said:

Colin smiled at everyone at the table as he walked in, not saying anything yet since he was still feeling kind of awkward. He'd decided to sit near Wade, in case he needed any help with his food, but mostly because Wade was the only one he knew well out of everyone present.
"I-I'm from E-England." Colin smiled at Sömmer as he answered.

"What made you leave though? It must have been great for you there, right? If I could go there or somewhere else for travel that would be so amazing." Sömmer was doing way more talking than eating. She was extremely invested in Colin and his life choices.

Tazmodo said:
Reed shrugged his shoulders. "I just thought with you asking for a warrior there would be some reason behind it. Someone like you wouldn't just go out and do this kind of thing with out something in mind. Or do I still have a misjudging problem?"
"I didn't ask for a warrior, I asked for a member of my faction. Watch your tongue before you slander me even further!" Athena's glare almost made it seem like she'd cut his tongue off if he was incapable of silencing it himself. "The nerve."

Vance looked up into the 'sky' of the darkness realm as he felt an egg hit his head. As the eggs rained down onto his face and the rest of his body, Vance just sighed deeply, still looking upwards, not bothering to do anything about the eggs that were still raining down onto him.



"W-Well it wasn't e-exactly my choice to leave." Colin wasn't sure if he should mention the real reason since there were children at the table, and he didn't want to ruin Sömmer's mood, or somehow cause her to lapse into her other personality. "I-It was good there, yeah. M-Maybe it would've been better if I'd stayed..." Colin stared down at his plate of food as he remembered everything that had happened to him since he left England.

Light said:
Isabel wasn't worried since Red was an endless flame. Isabel looks at her children with an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry...if going to a wedding doesn't interest you then you don't have to go. It would be nice if you did though." Isabel turns to Maya and sighs. "If you want to go on your adventure alone then go ahead. Be home soon though." Isabel turns to Hakeem. "What would you like to do?"
Hakeem places his hands on his head thinking. He didn't want to go, but he'll do it to make his mama happy. Well for one I'll go to the wedding with you ma, but if you take me on a fun adventure. One for more exciting than Maya's. I've sat around looking enough. But before that let's go paint the house. He said with a big cheesy smile.

Light said:
Sofia opens the door to reveal a disorganized but clean room. "Don't make any comments about the mess!" Sofia turns around and glares at Cole, closing the door behind him for him. "We can watch a show or something until the time comes."
Cole wondered why the hell Sofia kept glaring at him, but he also assumed it's best for him not to ask. He looks over at the bed. May I?? He asked turning his head back towards Sofia. If yes he sits down, if she says no he makes a stool out of void energy. Do you watch the Game of Thrones??
Xeron opened his eyes in disbelief, holding the staff in his hands. He shook with delight...that his power finally brought him something. His power could take down his enemies...he had done this, to... strange that the mother was so much weaker then the daughter. Whatever, he would find out more. Her soul was gone. Well...imprisoned in his blade...doubtful to escape again. He roared with laughter, and slammed his blade on the ground...and felt...sad. Sad? Why would he feel regret...he was becoming the most powerful Pit-Lord who ever lived! Soon the Hells would be his! So why... why did he feel bad for the one he killed. Because she did nothing wrong. No... He shook his head. She had crossed him-that in itself was wrong. She was trying to help you. You killed her. NO! He scolded himself. She was a demon. She deserved it.
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Light said:
Violet screams in pain as her body whithers away. Her staff begins to glow and floats over to Xeron, claiming him as its new master for killing it's previous one.
There was silence for a few minutes. It seemed like whomever was talking was up to something else. "Get wrecked and get good, bitch!" Countless eggs rain on Vance and break on him.

"What made you leave though? It must have been great for you there, right? If I could go there or somewhere else for travel that would be so amazing." Sömmer was doing way more talking than eating. She was extremely invested in Colin and his life choices.

"I didn't ask for a warrior, I asked for a member of my faction. Watch your tongue before you slander me even further!" Athena's glare almost made it seem like she'd cut his tongue off if he was incapable of silencing it himself. "The nerve."
Reed was relieved that his future daughter wouldn't become a soldier. It was confusing to Reed though he had always thought Athena was some type of goddess with a connection to war like Ares. He didn't understand what the faction was for but at this point he didn't care. All he knew is there wasn't a war and his daughter would be somewhat safe. He didn't care about her threats the questions were worth it to him. "Fine no more questions I'll just follow your lead."
GingerBread said:
Vance looked up into the 'sky' of the darkness realm as he felt an egg hit his head. As the eggs rained down onto his face and the rest of his body, Vance just sighed deeply, still looking upwards, not bothering to do anything about the eggs that were still raining down onto him.



"W-Well it wasn't e-exactly my choice to leave." Colin wasn't sure if he should mention the real reason since there were children at the table, and he didn't want to ruin Sömmer's mood, or somehow cause her to lapse into her other personality. "I-It was good there, yeah. M-Maybe it would've been better if I'd stayed..." Colin stared down at his plate of food as he remembered everything that had happened to him since he left England.

Hekate appears in front of him, hiding her smile and acting surprised. "Vance! What happened to you?" She even puts her hand over her mouth for emphasis. "Did you do this to yourself?"

Sömmer tilts her head and purses her lips. "Why's that? Did things go wrong for you here? If so I'm willing to help." She smiles and leans across the table to him. "Is it just being homesick? Were you bullied?"

[QUOTE="Embaga Elder]Hakeem places his hands on his head thinking. He didn't want to go, but he'll do it to make his mama happy. Well for one I'll go to the wedding with you ma, but if you take me on a fun adventure. One for more exciting than Maya's. I've sat around looking enough. But before that let's go paint the house. He said with a big cheesy smile.
Cole wondered why the hell Sofia kept glaring at him, but he also assumed it's best for him not to ask. He looks over at the bed. May I?? He asked turning his head back towards Sofia. If yes he sits down, if she says no he makes a stool out of void energy. Do you watch the Game of Thrones??

Isabel thinks of a fun adventure she could take the kids too. She had to have some sort of a good idea to keep them entertained. "I think I have something in mind." She slowly taps her chin with her finger and smiles. Puppy barks and transports them home. "Now first things first. We need to use all this paint I bought." Isabel points to all the containers of paint. All having their own unique color. "Then after that I'm going to take you to an adventure. It'll be about a special shrine."

"Yes you may." Sofia rolls her eyes at Cole trying to be a gentleman. She begins to sort through her stuff, looking for something. "Game of Thrones? Is that the next card came that's called um...yugepo? It was yugepo right?"

Inheritance said:
Xeron opened his eyes in disbelief, holding the staff in his hands. He shook with delight...that his power finally brought him something. His power could take down his enemies...he had done this, to... strange that the mother was so much weaker then the daughter. Whatever, he would find out more. Her soul was gone. Well...imprisoned in his blade...doubtful to escape again. He roared with laughter, and slammed his blade on the ground...and felt...sad. Sad? Why would he feel regret...he was becoming the most powerful Pit-Lord who ever lived! Soon the Hells would be his! So why... why did he feel bad for the one he killed. Because she did nothing wrong. No... He shook his head. She had crossed him-that in itself was wrong. She was trying to help you. You killed her. NO! He scolded himself. She was a demon. She deserved it.
Xeron was suddenly pulled into an endless void of darkness. Abyssum appears before him with a paper sailor hat on and a hotpocket in her hand. "Hello captain! I've come to make a deal with you! YYYYYYOOOOUUU ARREEE TTTHHHEEE LUCKY WINNER! Welcome to the Deal is Real! Today we have our guest Xeron!" She holds a microphone in front of her while a camera appears before her. "We also have our host Abyssum!" The camera points to herself afterwards. "Now Xeron! All you have to do is guess a number starting from infinity to infinity and based off of your answer we'll randomly select a deal! Reeeaadddddyyy, go!"

Tazmodo said:
Reed was relieved that his future daughter wouldn't become a soldier. It was confusing to Reed though he had always thought Athena was some type of goddess with a connection to war like Ares. He didn't understand what the faction was for but at this point he didn't care. All he knew is there wasn't a war and his daughter would be somewhat safe. He didn't care about her threats the questions were worth it to him. "Fine no more questions I'll just follow your lead."
Athena steps into the booth and waits for Reed to step in as well. "Hurry, it won't wait long before it starts." The coordinates were set to put them directly beside Gary, wherever he may be.
Xeron growled to himself something about not having time for this shit. He shifted into his human form. "666" he hissed. No need to deny anything, instead of screwing around for a while might as well just see what this...person wanted. @Light

Vance looked down at Hekate as she started speaking. "I'm not going to bother answering either of those questions." He sighed and shook his head lightly, causing an egg to fall down the side his head. "But. I've decided that I'm not going to marry Luna, or even talk to her again. I love her, but I'm not dealing with stuff like this." Vance raised his arms to motion to the eggs and ended up having them slide down him more, though he made no effort to get the eggs off of him.



When Sömmer continued talking to him, Colin looked up at her, not wanting to be rude. "N-No, it's fine. Th-Thanks for the offer though" Colin gave her a small smile before taking a couple of bites out of his food. "I-I don't think I'm homesick, I-I haven't really thought about it in a while a-anyway"

Light said:
Hekate appears in front of him, hiding her smile and acting surprised. "Vance! What happened to you?" She even puts her hand over her mouth for emphasis. "Did you do this to yourself?"
Sömmer tilts her head and purses her lips. "Why's that? Did things go wrong for you here? If so I'm willing to help." She smiles and leans across the table to him. "Is it just being homesick? Were you bullied?"

Isabel thinks of a fun adventure she could take the kids too. She had to have some sort of a good idea to keep them entertained. "I think I have something in mind." She slowly taps her chin with her finger and smiles. Puppy barks and transports them home. "Now first things first. We need to use all this paint I bought." Isabel points to all the containers of paint. All having their own unique color. "Then after that I'm going to take you to an adventure. It'll be about a special shrine."

"Yes you may." Sofia rolls her eyes at Cole trying to be a gentleman. She begins to sort through her stuff, looking for something. "Game of Thrones? Is that the next card came that's called um...yugepo? It was yugepo right?"

Xeron was suddenly pulled into an endless void of darkness. Abyssum appears before him with a paper sailor hat on and a hotpocket in her hand. "Hello captain! I've come to make a deal with you! YYYYYYOOOOUUU ARREEE TTTHHHEEE LUCKY WINNER! Welcome to the Deal is Real! Today we have our guest Xeron!" She holds a microphone in front of her while a camera appears before her. "We also have our host Abyssum!" The camera points to herself afterwards. "Now Xeron! All you have to do is guess a number starting from infinity to infinity and based off of your answer we'll randomly select a deal! Reeeaadddddyyy, go!"

Athena steps into the booth and waits for Reed to step in as well. "Hurry, it won't wait long before it starts." The coordinates were set to put them directly beside Gary, wherever he may be.
Reed didn't like that he had to use a booth to teleport but he didn't question it. He stepped in and waited. "How do we know the wherever Gary is isn't like the edge of a cliff and we scare him off? I don't want to risk anything."
Inheritance said:
Xeron growled to himself something about not having time for this shit. He shifted into his human form. "666" he hissed. No need to deny anything, instead of screwing around for a while might as well just see what this...person wanted. @Light
"You've chosen the deal that allows you to delete an added persona within you in trade for waffles! Will you take the deal?" Abyssum gets in his face with a huge smile.

GingerBread said:
Vance looked down at Hekate as she started speaking. "I'm not going to bother answering either of those questions." He sighed and shook his head lightly, causing an egg to fall down the side his head. "But. I've decided that I'm not going to marry Luna, or even talk to her again. I love her, but I'm not dealing with stuff like this." Vance raised his arms to motion to the eggs and ended up having them slide down him more, though he made no effort to get the eggs off of him.



When Sömmer continued talking to him, Colin looked up at her, not wanting to be rude. "N-No, it's fine. Th-Thanks for the offer though" Colin gave her a small smile before taking a couple of bites out of his food. "I-I don't think I'm homesick, I-I haven't really thought about it in a while a-anyway"

Hekate rushes over to Vance and cleans off the remaining eggs. "Wait a minute there!" Luna would be furious at Hekate and her friends for playing pranks on Vance. "I apologize, it was just a prank. It won't happen again so please reconsider!"

Sömmer nods her head and begins to eat once more. She only takes a few bites before she claims that she's full. She sits back and looks up at the ceiling. To her she saw stars and the moon, though to Reyla it was obvious she was hallucinating. It seemed like a regular thing since Reyla didn't seem too concerned.

Tazmodo said:
Reed didn't like that he had to use a booth to teleport but he didn't question it. He stepped in and waited. "How do we know the wherever Gary is isn't like the edge of a cliff and we scare him off? I don't want to risk anything."
Athena shrugs her shoulders at all of his questions. "Don't ask me, I didn't invent this." At that moment both Reed and Athena end up beside Gary in a forest. Gary jumps back, falling down on his ass in the process. "Woah! Dude, who are you?!"

Vance sighed in relief. "Thank god it was you doing it; If it wasn't that could've gone badly." He shook his head and leaned back in his chair, looking up at the 'sky' and chuckling lightly before looking back down at Hekate. "Seriously, you really think I'd break up with Luna because someone started playing pranks on me? I'm not going to just break up with her because of anything like this; It didn't even have anything to do with her anyway. It wouldn't exactly be fair would it?"



Colin looked over at Sömmer as she started staring at the ceiling, though because no one else mentioned anything about it, he decided against saying anything either; He started eating his food, though he watched Sömmer out of the corner of his eye, just in case she ended up needing medical attention quickly.

"Denied" He growled. He knew not who this was, and he certainly didn't want to make any kind of deal with this person. "I want no deals. Thank you, but I am complete happy with my current situation. He didn't want to upset this person until he knew more. So he really didn't want to screw with her. "Is that it or may I be on way miss?" @Light
Light said:
"You've chosen the deal that allows you to delete an added persona within you in trade for waffles! Will you take the deal?" Abyssum gets in his face with a huge smile.
Hekate rushes over to Vance and cleans off the remaining eggs. "Wait a minute there!" Luna would be furious at Hekate and her friends for playing pranks on Vance. "I apologize, it was just a prank. It won't happen again so please reconsider!"

Sömmer nods her head and begins to eat once more. She only takes a few bites before she claims that she's full. She sits back and looks up at the ceiling. To her she saw stars and the moon, though to Reyla it was obvious she was hallucinating. It seemed like a regular thing since Reyla didn't seem too concerned.

Athena shrugs her shoulders at all of his questions. "Don't ask me, I didn't invent this." At that moment both Reed and Athena end up beside Gary in a forest. Gary jumps back, falling down on his ass in the process. "Woah! Dude, who are you?!"
Reed looked at him. "Hi I'm Reed. I'm Adrianna's...." He paused for a moment nit knowing what really to call it yet. "Friend I'm her friend. Anyways I'm here to collect you and the other one for the funeral. Adrianna needs closure and to stop crying. So will you come with us?"
GingerBread said:

Vance sighed in relief. "Thank god it was you doing it; If it wasn't that could've gone badly." He shook his head and leaned back in his chair, looking up at the 'sky' and chuckling lightly before looking back down at Hekate. "Seriously, you really think I'd break up with Luna because someone started playing pranks on me? I'm not going to just break up with her because of anything like this; It didn't even have anything to do with her anyway. It wouldn't exactly be fair would it?"



Colin looked over at Sömmer as she started staring at the ceiling, though because no one else mentioned anything about it, he decided against saying anything either; He started eating his food, though he watched Sömmer out of the corner of his eye, just in case she ended up needing medical attention quickly.

Hekate takes the form of a child and pouts. She stands beside Vance and folds her arms over her chest. "You pulled a prank on me...a better one. Meanie...I'm supposed yo be the prank lord."

There was a loud slamming of the front door and Reyla seemed to tense up and flinch uncomfortably. "I'm home." A deep and possibly non sober voice pushes throughout the house.

"Hi honey...." Reyla didn't seem as happy as she should, paying less attention to her food she comforts her eldest child who seemed scared by patting his head. "We're having dinner with two guests."

"Alright...I'm going to bed." He didn't even seem to care. "Come up later Reyla, it's been a while." He chuckles and footsteps on a staircase could be heard.

Reyla clenches her fists and her jaw, thanking whatever higher being there is that her children couldn't pick up on that meaning. She looked irritated and tired. "I'll be right back. Colin can you show the kids some magic tricks? It's okay of they make a lot of noise...please." Reyla stands up and storms off, her footsteps being heard afterwards.

Inheritance said:
"Denied" He growled. He knew not who this was, and he certainly didn't want to make any kind of deal with this person. "I want no deals. Thank you, but I am complete happy with my current situation. He didn't want to upset this person until he knew more. So he really didn't want to screw with her. "Is that it or may I be on way miss?" @Light
"Oh....okay." Abyssum frowns, that was her second failure today. She wasn't good at making deals after all. "I'll send you back. I'm sorry for wasting your time mister. My big brother Death always makes deals. I want to kick him in his stupid face sometimes. He's a mean dumby." Abyssum extends her hand and begins to transport Xeron back.

Tazmodo said:
Reed looked at him. "Hi I'm Reed. I'm Adrianna's...." He paused for a moment nit knowing what really to call it yet. "Friend I'm her friend. Anyways I'm here to collect you and the other one for the funeral. Adrianna needs closure and to stop crying. So will you come with us?"
Gary didn't know what to think about the situation but if this guy knew who Adrianna was then this could be good. "You know where my sister is? Do you know where the rest of my family went? I couldn't find them so I thought they left me behind in this realm. Thank the heavens they didn't!"
Light said:
Hekate takes the form of a child and pouts. She stands beside Vance and folds her arms over her chest. "You pulled a prank on me...a better one. Meanie...I'm supposed yo be the prank lord."
There was a loud slamming of the front door and Reyla seemed to tense up and flinch uncomfortably. "I'm home." A deep and possibly non sober voice pushes throughout the house.

"Hi honey...." Reyla didn't seem as happy as she should, paying less attention to her food she comforts her eldest child who seemed scared by patting his head. "We're having dinner with two guests."

"Alright...I'm going to bed." He didn't even seem to care. "Come up later Reyla, it's been a while." He chuckles and footsteps on a staircase could be heard.

Reyla clenches her fists and her jaw, thanking whatever higher being there is that her children couldn't pick up on that meaning. She looked irritated and tired. "I'll be right back. Colin can you show the kids some magic tricks? It's okay of they make a lot of noise...please." Reyla stands up and storms off, her footsteps being heard afterwards.

"Oh....okay." Abyssum frowns, that was her second failure today. She wasn't good at making deals after all. "I'll send you back. I'm sorry for wasting your time mister. My big brother Death always makes deals. I want to kick him in his stupid face sometimes. He's a mean dumby." Abyssum extends her hand and begins to transport Xeron back.

Gary didn't know what to think about the situation but if this guy knew who Adrianna was then this could be good. "You know where my sister is? Do you know where the rest of my family went? I couldn't find them so I thought they left me behind in this realm. Thank the heavens they didn't!"
Reed nodded. "I'll explain more when we all get there but next we need to find the other one. Oh also this is Athe a dont ask to many questions and dont questions her power. I dobut i cold escape by myself bUT with worrYing about you too we're dead so please behave." He turned to Athena. "Athena can you please take us to the next sibling?"

"It wasn't exactly a prank. More just me trying to figure out if it was you playing a prank on me. I'm glad it worked though" Vance shrugged and stood up, looking down at Hekate. "Just, ah. Just don't tell Luna that I even threatened to do what I said. I don't want to upset her or make her angry" He exhaled, unsure of what to do now. "So you up for that chat I mentioned earlier?"



Colin picked up on the meaning of the man's words and was slightly shocked by them, especially since the man also seemed drunk; He assumed the man was Reyla's husband. 'Everyone seemed to tense up when he arrived.... Is Reyla in an abusive relationship? Should I try to do something about it? But they hardly know me, what if I'm wrong? But what if I'm right? I might be able to do something..... But what could I do anyway..?' Colin shook his head, feeling concerned for Reyla; He had no idea what sort of Magic trick to do, since he had done pretty much all he could think of before. Colin just sat in silence, staring down at his plate of food. He wanted to do something to help or even do what Reyla asked him to do, But he couldn't. So he just sat staring at his plate of food.

Xeron heard the big brother part, and figured he could use that. "Hold hold hold my dear. You said DEATH is your big brother?" This could be good... seems as though the universe was giving him favors. @Light
Tazmodo said:
Reed nodded. "I'll explain more when we all get there but next we need to find the other one. Oh also this is Athe a dont ask to many questions and dont questions her power. I dobut i cold escape by myself bUT with worrYing about you too we're dead so please behave." He turned to Athena. "Athena can you please take us to the next sibling?"
( @MTchaos1134 )

Athena looks at Reed through the corner of her eye, wondering why he's oblivious to the fact that this man doesn't know his family is dead. No matter...it wasn't her situation to handle, she was just the transportation. If Reed didn't tell him there may be a reason behind it. Athena raises her hands, allowing silver light to dance around them. In a few seconds time, this silver light transports them to a beach with Kelsey and Raz.

GingerBread said:
"It wasn't exactly a prank. More just me trying to figure out if it was you playing a prank on me. I'm glad it worked though" Vance shrugged and stood up, looking down at Hekate. "Just, ah. Just don't tell Luna that I even threatened to do what I said. I don't want to upset her or make her angry" He exhaled, unsure of what to do now. "So you up for that chat I mentioned earlier?"



Colin picked up on the meaning of the man's words and was slightly shocked by them, especially since the man also seemed drunk; He assumed the man was Reyla's husband. 'Everyone seemed to tense up when he arrived.... Is Reyla in an abusive relationship? Should I try to do something about it? But they hardly know me, what if I'm wrong? But what if I'm right? I might be able to do something..... But what could I do anyway..?' Colin shook his head, feeling concerned for Reyla; He had no idea what sort of Magic trick to do, since he had done pretty much all he could think of before. Colin just sat in silence, staring down at his plate of food. He wanted to do something to help or even do what Reyla asked him to do, But he couldn't. So he just sat staring at his plate of food.

Hekate nods her head swiftly, playing the child role. "Yup! I made several chatrooms on Skype! Unless you want to chat on a different site...."

Yelling and movement could be heard upstairs. Wade and the other children began to show signs of fear when this occurs. Sömmer was beginning to stand out of her chair to follow after Reyla.

Inheritance said:
Xeron heard the big brother part, and figured he could use that. "Hold hold hold my dear. You said DEATH is your big brother?" This could be good... seems as though the universe was giving him favors. @Light
"Mhm" Abyssum nods her head with a frown, he was being a big meanie to her so she didn't like her big brother right now. "He's not being nice to me."
"Indeed. We are talking about Grimm yes? You are related to him?" He remembered how blatant refusal to work with him. "He wronged me as well. But tell me, are you near his power level? Not for myself, but perhaps revenge can be... arranged?" He grinned sickly. Perhaps she could be an ally then. @Light

"I meant chat, as in, not on a website- I'm sorry, could you stop being a child. It's really off putting"
Vance sighed and rubbed his temples. "I just want to have a chat with you. You are my mother in law after all and you're obviously not busy if you have time to play pranks on me"



Colin kept looking down at his plate.
'I can't really do anything here. It's not my house...' He then looked up at every one sitting at the table, seeing the fear on their faces. 'I don't care if It's not my house. I'm doing something, the worst thing that can happen is that I get kicked out. At least then Wade won't be scared anymore' Colin abruptly stood up and started walking upstairs and towards Reyla's room, wanting to sort of the situation.

Light said:
Isabel thinks of a fun adventure she could take the kids too. She had to have some sort of a good idea to keep them entertained. "I think I have something in mind." She slowly taps her chin with her finger and smiles. Puppy barks and transports them home. "Now first things first. We need to use all this paint I bought." Isabel points to all the containers of paint. All having their own unique color. "Then after that I'm going to take you to an adventure. It'll be about a special shrine."
"Yes you may." Sofia rolls her eyes at Cole trying to be a gentleman. She begins to sort through her stuff, looking for something. "Game of Thrones? Is that the next card came that's called um...yugepo? It was yugepo right?"

Hakeem looks at all the different colors of paint, figuring out which color he wants to use. He spots a teal like color and instantly claimed it as his favorite color. He never painted a house before so he then turns towards Isabel. So which room shall we do first??


Cole sat on the bed as he watched Sofia search her room, which reminded him of Inaro's room back home. When Sofia questioned the game of throne asking if it's like Yugiyo or in her words yugepo. He palmed his forehead shaking his head. I'm going to pretend like you didn't just destroy the name. He lays on his back with his legs hanging over the edge. It's called Yugiyo, and it's no where near the same as Game Of Thrones. He sits up looking at Sofia, he didn't even realise the pack of smokes falling out his pocket. Game of Thrones is filled with betrayal, dragons, knights, battles, and nudity. Very good show.
Inheritance said:
"Indeed. We are talking about Grimm yes? You are related to him?" He remembered how blatant refusal to work with him. "He wronged me as well. But tell me, are you near his power level? Not for myself, but perhaps revenge can be... arranged?" He grinned sickly. Perhaps she could be an ally then. @Light
"Yup! He's my biological big brother! I'm very scary, so I'm very powerful! Rawr." Abyssum puts on a scary face as dark smiley face emoji's float forth from her body.

GingerBread said:

"I meant chat, as in, not on a website- I'm sorry, could you stop being a child. It's really off putting"
Vance sighed and rubbed his temples. "I just want to have a chat with you. You are my mother in law after all and you're obviously not busy if you have time to play pranks on me"



Colin kept looking down at his plate.
'I can't really do anything here. It's not my house...' He then looked up at every one sitting at the table, seeing the fear on their faces. 'I don't care if It's not my house. I'm doing something, the worst thing that can happen is that I get kicked out. At least then Wade won't be scared anymore' Colin abruptly stood up and started walking upstairs and towards Reyla's room, wanting to sort of the situation.

"Aaaawww really?" Hekate takes the form of a 16 year old, raising her hands up. "How about now? This can't be too bad, right?" Hekate begins to examine her own body. "Next time I'll just turn into a goat but what is it that you'd like to talk about?"

Sömmer met Colin along the way, turning around on the staircase. "So you're saying something too? He's unstable when drunk so careful." Sömmer begins to mumble ill words towards this man. She makes her way to the room and opens the door, only to reveal the scene of them arguing. Reyla was pinned against the wall with angry tears in her eyes and a glare while her husband was in her face with even more fury. He was getting closer because he was close to hitting her. He kept getting in her face to get her to shut up until there was a wall in the way of him pushing her back even further.

[QUOTE="Embaga Elder]
Hakeem looks at all the different colors of paint, figuring out which color he wants to use. He spots a teal like color and instantly claimed it as his favorite color. He never painted a house before so he then turns towards Isabel. So which room shall we do first??


Cole sat on the bed as he watched Sofia search her room, which reminded him of Inaro's room back home. When Sofia questioned the game of throne asking if it's like Yugiyo or in her words yugepo. He palmed his forehead shaking his head. I'm going to pretend like you didn't just destroy the name. He lays on his back with his legs hanging over the edge. It's called Yugiyo, and it's no where near the same as Game Of Thrones. He sits up looking at Sofia, he didn't even realise the pack of smokes falling out his pocket. Game of Thrones is filled with betrayal, dragons, knights, battles, and nudity. Very good show.

"Hhhhmmmm" Isabel already knew the answer but she tapped her chin with a smile, as if she was still thinking on the question. "I don't know Hakeem. Whatever room you find the best is the one you'll go for. If that's your favourite color then you'll paint your own." Isabel kneels down and gives Hakeem a kiss on the forehead and a smile. "Go on now. I'll be right behind you, don't worry."

Sofia didn't know how to recover from the card game fail so she rolls her eyes. "I was close anyways." She sits down on the bed beside him and drops a binder she found in a drawer down on his stomach. She opens up the binder and begins to sort through it. "Your smokes are falling out and of course you'd like a show like that. That's the most you'll see in your life."
He put on a sick grin on the outside-however the inside of him was face-clawing. WHY did she have to be just like her fucking brother. Gods damn it. He would think she would be a little more...sane. "Well then you wouldn't mind helping me with a bit of revenge?" He snarled. @Light

"I think I prefered it when you didn't constantly change ages or whatever. But, I guess I'll deal with it" Vance shrugged as he sat back down in his chair, making another one out of darkness for Hekate if she wanted it. "I don't know, I just wanted to chat. Also, I'm sorry for being a arsehole to you earlier. I haven't really got an excuse for that. But anyway.... I did want to talk about the Wedding. I'm assuming you're coming. It's just kinda feels wierd; I've got no one from my family coming. I mean I don't know them, but it still feels kind of weird, you know?" He sighed lightly and shrugged again. "So.. Anything you'd like to talk about?"



"S-Sömmer. I-I think it would be better if you w-went downstairs" Colin smiled at her and without waiting for answer, walked into the room with Reyla and her husband. Colin walked up to the both of them and stood behind Reyla's husband. "Could you stop doing what y-you're doing? I-I don't want to have to m-make you stop. S-So do us both a-a favour and stop. Now."


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